Photos on the topic my small homeland. My small homeland is White Shores (the history of the village in photographs from the family album). Important organizational points

other presentations on the topic "My small homeland"

"Motherland in Literature" - Ashes of fathers, paternal graves, father's house - cradle, youth. Oh, my homeland, oh sweetness of former years! The theme of the Motherland; vocabulary bearing the motives of childhood, family. The birthplace of a man, the resting place of the fathers. Poetry of Yakut writers. Nouns denoting details of a rural landscape. Russian poetry of the 19th century.

"Russia is our motherland" - Coat of arms flag anthem. Russian family. Our loyalty to the Motherland gives us strength. People in the Caucasus like to make jewelry. One is a fisherman from birth, the other is a reindeer herder. Partridge beats with its wing, A ferry floats along the river. White color - birch. A man without a homeland is an alien side - a stepmother. Elk horned by the river. The state symbols of the country are:

"Motherland" - Proverbs. General lesson on the section "Motherland" "The image of the Motherland in poetry and history." Kuzma Minin Dmitry Pozharsky. “Our Fatherland, our Motherland, Mother Russia. Historical events. Lesson topic. Alexander Nevskiy. Mikhail Kutuzov. Motherland. Or the steppe, red from poppies, Virgin gold ... Dmitry Donskoy. K.Ushinsky.

"My homeland Kazakhstan" - "Russian lace". Boundless gardens give us apples, pears, grapes, apricots, apricots. My street. Kazakhstan. What is rich? The members of the sentence are the main secondary subject predicate object definition circumstance. Fish. Motherland. Oil. My friends. We are not of the same blood. My city. Our land is rich in gold, iron, coal, oil and gas.

"My Motherland Russia" - Russia is my Motherland! Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. Competition of drawings "Native expanses". Where children live Best of all in the world! Day three. Know and respect the state symbols of Russia! Jury. A trip to the local history museum in Krasnoznamensk. I dream of living in a country where the sun shines on everyone. Lake Baikal.

"Our Motherland Russia" - -And what unites us all? - United Motherland. Your own language and attire. Motherland is the fatherland, the country in which a person was born. And others, probably, will remember their own cheerful yard. One likes the taiga, One wears a Circassian coat, Others like the expanse of the steppe. Every state has an anthem. Flag of Russia. Following spiritual traditions, a person learns to distinguish good from bad.

This photo report is about the lesson-excursion "My small homeland". I and my student Chekalenkova Anastasia (a 4th grade student of the Distance Education Center for Disabled Children) and I decided to spend Knowledge Day in her small homeland. Together with her parents, we visited the sights of her hometown of Novocherkassk. The day passed with great benefit for both of us.



Photo report of the lesson-excursion

in the city of Novocherkassk: "My small Motherland".

On September 1, Anastasia Chekalenkova and her family and I spent in her small homeland - in her native and beloved city of Novocherkassk (after my student showed me places, corners dear to her heart, I myself, who lives in the city of Novoshakhtinsk, fell in love with Novocherkassk) .

So, our tour of the capital of the Don Cossacks began from the very border of the city.

Novocherkassk, the great city,

We deserve to be proud of you

Cossack freemen capital,

Cossack freemen capital,

All cities of Russia brother,

Novocherkassk is a great city!

(the words of the Anthem of Novocherkassk were written for the 200th anniversary of the city)

And then we went to the famous royal arches, there are two of them in Novocherkassk at once, both were built in the early 19th century, for the arrival of Emperor Alexander the First. Nastya told me that they had recently been restored and decorated with special lighting, so they look great, especially at night. I told Nastya that it is considered a good omen if the newlyweds pass under the arch - their life will be truly royal. Here is my son, for example, having married a girl from Novocherkass, he did just that.

Nastya said that each time she learns something new and interesting about her city. For example, the Ascension Cathedral on the central square of the city began to be built in the year of the foundation of the city in 1805. At present, the domes are covered with pure gold in order to return the cathedral to its original appearance, and it turns out that this work is performed together with other industrial

climbers cousin Nastya.

When we were driving in the car, from the window we saw monuments to the founder of the city of Novocherkassk - Ataman Count Platov, the son of the Don land - Yermak, the city planner of Novocherkassk, Franz de Volan.

And we also admired the old buildings (the theater of Vera Komissarzhevskaya, the Museum of the Don Cossacks, the institute), modern buildings of shops, hotels, etc.

Nastya herself lives in a new beautiful 10-storey building. Near her entrance, under her windows, we saw a magnificent flower garden! What were our admiration and surprise to learn that this beauty was made by the kind hands of Anastasia's parents .. Isn't this true love for our small homeland !!!

Nastya's mother said that her great-grandmother Elena Stefanovna Karpova lived at the beginning of the 20th century on Karl-Marx (the former Palace Square) next to the Ataman Palace. The husband of Elena Stefanovna during the Great Patriotic War during the occupation of Novocherkassk worked underground, was a communist, but was captured and shot by the Gestapo. “How dear Nastya is to her city!” I thought.

In this family, we were shown the "shrine and pride of the family" - this is "Lena Karpova's War Diary", Nastya's grandmother Elena Vasilyevna (Nastya's mother is also called that) went through the Second World War from its beginning to the very end, she was a medical worker. On May 19, 2010, the author of this diary passed away. Her name still continues to receive words of gratitude from those people to whom the diary was sent via the Internet.

The tour has ended. It was so wonderful, informative for us the day of the first school day, which I and my 4th grade student Anastasia Chekalenkova spent in her small homeland - in the city of Novocherkassk! It is good that this academic year there will be the subject “Don Studies”, during the lessons of which we will study the history of the Don region in much more detail.

Project "My small homeland" Grade 1 — the first of a series of forthcoming. All of them enjoy "special" love from their parents. Such tasks are aimed at the development of joint activities of parents and the child. Aha!! In fact, this is a personal headache for mom. With a shudder, you wait for the next project, but it still falls like snow on your head. You will not have time to exhale after the cherished “project delivered”, as the next one is already looming on the horizon.

The theme of the project is “My small Motherland”, what to write? Well, I think essays in grade 1 are not required, just a few words about your city or about the places depicted in the photographs.

"My small homeland" Grade 1, the world around us, examples of work

Each photo or cycle of photos must be signed. It is important to express your attitude to places and events in the photo. Pictures increase, click on the photo and you can read the text.

  1. We wrote about Belarus, although our son was born in St. Petersburg, we decided to write about the small Belarusian town of Nesvizh and our village. Our roots come from there, we spend a lot of time in Belarus, and we love our small homeland very much.
  2. And our classmate (photo 2) took the topic "My small homeland - St. Petersburg", told about her area and the memorable places she visited.

  3. And another new first-grader of 2015 wrote about St. Petersburg, visited museums and architectural monuments


I received a letter from Tatyana Podoskina, who, mistakenly believing that I was the administrator of the site of the village, asked for assistance in posting a photo. Not being able to help her on that site, I suggested that she publish her material on the site of the Palace of Culture. Many thanks to Tatyana, she did not refuse my request. After reviewing the content, I have no doubt that what she wrote will be of interest to everyone who is interested in the history of the village. Tatyana herself determined the form of presentation of the material, as captions for photographs from a home album. I place it with gratitude to the author and her family members with the hope of continuing.

My small homeland - White Shores

Photo 1. My mother's family moved from Kashira to the village of Belyye Bereg in 1937 after the arrest of my great-grandfather Ignat Dmitrievich Zverev. My grandfather Vladimir Ignatievich Zverev, an electrical engineer by education, began working at the Bryansk State District Power Plant, and my grandmother Praskovya Semyonovna Zvereva was a housewife. The family lived on Lenin Street, house 5, apt. 16. This picture was taken on this street in 1937. On it is my mother, Albina Vladimirovna Zvereva (she is 5 years old) with her mother Praskovya Semyonovna (in the picture - on the right) and a neighbor from the 3rd floor Evgenia Komarovskaya. Between the houses on Lenin Street on the right side (if you look towards the Palace of Culture) there were small squares with sculptures similar to the one shown in the picture.

Photo 2. Mom went to the BRES kindergarten, which was located on Proletarskaya Street. The picture taken in November 1938 shows a children's matinee in honor of the 21st anniversary of the October Revolution. My mother is in the front row on the right.

Photo 3. In 1939, my mother went to first grade. In the picture on August 30, 1939 - my mother's class and teacher. The picture was taken on the territory of the current park named after M.I. Todadze; Proletarskaya Street passes behind a wooden fence; behind the monument to Lenin you can see the building of the kindergarten, which little Alya went to.

Photo 4. November 7, 1939 (XXIIanniversary of the revolution). A rally in front of the building of the House of Culture of the Bryansk State District Power Plant.

Photo 5. In the picture of 1939, Alya Zvereva is next to the sculpture, the location of which, unfortunately, has not yet been established on the territory of the village.

Photo 6. My grandfather Vladimir Ignatievich Zverev was a very enthusiastic person. He has always been interested in technology. One of the first in the country, in 1939, he assembled a TV set with his own hands. My mother recalls that her mother, Praskovya Semyonovna, used to say to her husband, who was sitting over the assembly of the TV in the evenings: “Take a break from work, go out for a walk in the fresh air, like others.” But Vladimir Ignatievich stubbornly pursued his goal, and his TV started working, although the screen was no larger than a matchbox! The Zverev family and their neighbors could watch some broadcasts from Moscow.

Photo 7-9. May Day holiday demonstration in 1940 on Lenin Street.

Photo 10. Behind the Palace of Culture building there was a birch grove with a large wooden gazebo. The inhabitants of the village loved this place very much. Warm September day in 1940. Mom smiles into the lens, on a bench Vladimir Ignatievich (on the right) with his wife Praskovya Semyonovna and younger brother Dmitry. Dmitry Ignatievich graduated from the Beloberezh school in 1939, then entered the Moscow Institute of Fisheries, from the third year he was called to the front, went through the entire war as a lieutenant of the chemical service, and was awarded the Order of the Red Star. After the end of the war, he completed his studies at the university, sailed on the whaling fleets Slava and Aleut, then worked at the fish factories of Novorossiysk and Sevastopol.

Photo 11-12. June 1941 was cold, but the children are happy with any weather. Anya and Seryozha Badaev, the children of a good friend Anna Antonovna Badaeva, came to visit the Zverevs in the White Shores from Moscow. Alya (she is wearing a white hat), Anya and Seryozha play and walk together. In picture 11 they are on Proletarskaya Street (the lake is hidden behind the pines in the perspective). In a few days the war will begin...

Photo 13. Destroyed BRES. 1943

Photo 14. In 1943, immediately after the liberation of the Bryansk region from the Nazi invaders, Vladimir Ignatievich Zverev returned to the White Shores and participated in the restoration of the BRES.

Photo 15. The house on Lenin Street, where the Zverev family lived before the war, was destroyed. In 1943-44 V.I. Zverev, working on the restoration of the BRES, lived in a hostel, the location of which could not be established.

Photo 16. In February 1944, my mother and grandmother returned from evacuation. The family moved to live in Bryansk, but in the summer of 1944 they came to the White Shores, found a destroyed house in which they had lived before the war, and from the things, as my mother recalls, in the ruins there was only an ax without an ax handle. Pictured in 1944, Alya Zvereva in the village with her cousin Misha Salmin.

Photo 17. For a long time, the sister of my grandfather Lidia Ignatievna Zvereva and her son Misha lived in the village of Belye Berega. Aunt Lida, an engineer by education, was very fond of literature and theater. In the 1950s She took an active part in the work of the amateur theater DK. This significant photograph of 1956 captures the meeting of members of the drama circle and prominent figures of the village with the famous film actress Lyubov Petrovna Orlova. After almost 60 years, unfortunately, not all of them were able to be established:

1. Mamontov Vladimir Stepanovich - at that time the chief engineer of the Bryansk State District Power Plant, and after the death of Tyukin in 1963 - the director of the Bryansk State District Power Plant.

2. Tyukin Ivan Dmitrievich - Director of the Bryansk State District Power Plant.

3. Dyadina Anna Semyonovna.

4. Uncle Karina.

5. Orlova Lyubov Petrovna.

6. Binkin.

7. Vadim Upadyshev - Head of the Laboratory of Measuring Instruments and Automation of the State District Power Plant.

8. Tamara Matyukhina.

9. Zvereva Lidia Ignatievna.

12. Uncle Svetlana.

13.Dyadin Evgeny Ivanovich.

20. Manukhina (Shtakh) Tamara Fedorovna.

25. Binkin.

26. Mitichev Nikolai - Mechanic of the Laboratory of Measuring Instruments and Automation of the State District Power Plant.

27. Novikov.

Photo 18. My parents moved to the White Shores at the end of 1957. We lived at st. Vokzalnaya, 17. In fact, the house stands at the intersection of Vokzalnaya and Proletarskaya streets. In the picture I am 1 year old and I am walking along Proletarskaya Street near our house in early spring 1960 with my nanny, Aunt Dasha (Daria Demidova); on the right is my paternal grandfather Sergei Tikhonovich Kudryavtsev.

Photo 19. My parents worked for BRES. Mom is a senior engineer in the technical department, and dad is the head of the thermal automation laboratory. In the picture of 1966, the employees of this laboratory on a subbotnik on the territory of the BRES:

1. Mitichev Nikolai - locksmith.

2. Buldygin Mikhail Zakharovich - locksmith.

3. George Luzhetsky - locksmith.

4. Ivan Luzhetsky - locksmith.

5. Anatoly Sergeevich Kudryavtsev - head of the laboratory (my father).

6. Victor Kamynin - locksmith.

In 1968 our family moved to Bryansk. But ties with his native village were not interrupted. While we were children, every year in the summer my parents often took me and my sister to the lake and our favorite canal, and now my children and nephews are happy to visit these memorable places for us.

Tatyana Podoskina

Project for junior schoolchildren "My small homeland"

Radchenkova Tamara Ivanovna, primary school teacher, MKOU Kuibyshevskaya secondary school, Petropavlovsk district, Voronezh region
This material will help the primary school teacher in organizing work on the project, in conducting class hours on the topic of local history.
Objective of the project:
introduce students to a new type of work - a project;
to teach to extract and systematize the information received, to present it;
to expand the knowledge of children about their small homeland;
to cultivate a sense of pride in their small homeland, a sense of belonging to the history and fate of Russia;
involve parents in the work on the project, contribute to the rallying of the children's team and the parent community, the formation of a sense of empathy for the common cause.
study the nature of the native land
find out the features of the development of the history of the native land
learn about the famous people of the small homeland
find historical monuments and sights of your small homeland
collect material (illustrations, photographs, texts, etc.)
arrange the collected material in the form of a presentation
learn to cooperate with classmates and parents.

In the process of working on the project "My small homeland", students' ideas about their small homeland are being expanded, and children are nurtured to love their native land. These are the first steps for first graders to create projects. Our class is small, so we combined all the material collected by children and parents into one common collective project. With the help of parents, photographs were printed, material was collected from the archives of the village. It was nice to see how the work on the creation of the project went: the children shared their impressions of what they had learned with great interest. The guys made prepared reports, illustrated them with visual photographic materials, told about the history of the farm, proudly and lovingly presented the sights: the school, the obelisk, our very beautiful nature.
The defense of the projects took place in the assembly hall of the school. It was attended by the parents of the students. Everyone experienced the feeling of excitement: the children, the parents, and the teacher.
On the defense of projects, the guys were very worried. All project participants showed activity, received an emotional charge from the work done. The material for the project was collected in accordance with the requirements and deserves high praise.
The initial experience of the students is interesting and relevant. Through the use of active forms of education in elementary school, the formation of key competencies is traced in it: educational and cognitive, value-semantic, communicative, informational.
Using search, research activities, students expanded their knowledge about their native land, learned to extract information, present it.
The project material was presented in the form of a presentation. I posted the material collected by the children and their parents in the form of a script.

My small home

Homeland is the place where you were born, where you took your first steps, went to school, found true and faithful friends. And this is also the place where a person became a Human, learned to distinguish bad from good, do good, love, where he heard the first kind words and songs...

Meadows and fields -
native, green
Our land.
The land where I made
Your first step
Where did you ever go out
To the fork in the road.
And I realized that it
expanse of fields -
Particle of the great
My fatherland.

We were born in a farm, which is located in the Petropavlovsk region and is part of the Voronezh region. This is how it looks on the map of the Voronezh region.

The Voronezh Region was created on June 13, 1934. It is the largest region of the Central Federal District. In addition, our region is one of the largest agricultural and industrial centers in Russia.

The Voronezh region has its own official symbols that reflect the identity and traditions of our region.

And these are the state symbols of our Petropavlovsk region - which say that our region is engaged in the cultivation of crops, gives the country bread.

Villages, like people, have their own stories and biographies. Our small farm is almost
deserted, but for most people it is still a small Motherland.
And today we will make a journey into the history of the birth and development of our
small homeland.

In the land where the nightingales, without stopping,
Bring out their trills under the moon
Boils from bird cherry in spring
Indychiy - my native farm
Three hundred years ago (and this is a lot)
My native village was born.
Three hundred years in a row, three centuries have passed,
Gone into history, intertwined with history.

Our farm has been mentioned in official records since 1725, but life here began earlier. In the 15th century, there was a Wild Field here, but even then there was the Murom Way, along which travelers traveled from north to south. Our farm began existence with several yards from runaway Kursk serfs. They built wooden huts with a small window, which were heated in black. There was a lot of game in the forest, in the Tolucheevka River there was an abundance of fish, a lot of beavers. This allowed them to feed their families. The river and water meadows contributed to the breeding of poultry and livestock. The river also protected from outsiders, so the village gradually grew.

The villagers grew and supplied a large number of poultry products (turkeys and geese). There were 7 poultry slaughterhouses. Poultry meat, fluff were sent even abroad. In England and France, both products and down from our small farm were highly valued. The name Indychiy is also connected with this. There were not many arable lands.
Soviet power was established in 1919.
Here hunger with poverty
Rampant in the twenties.
Into the civil war
Here the blood of the ancestors was shed.
And in my first collective farm
Peasants marched in the thirties,
Meeting novelty with apprehension, enmity

On May 19, 1925, the Indychansky village council was formed. In 1927, on March 21, the Zarya agricultural artel was organized. Miroshnikov A.M. was her authorized representative. Artel received allotments of land, a tractor, and united the inventory of individual farmers. The first members numbered 28 people, including children. In 1928, a post camp was formed, a school with one teacher. Together with the whole country, the farm survived the collectivization and expulsions of the 1930s.
The life of collective farmers gradually improved, people looked to the future with confidence, made plans, raised children.
But the villagers did not enjoy a peaceful life for long. Again, weeping was heard in the village huts. The Second World War has begun.
Our Indychy is a small part of the country. How to calculate military losses for him? Our village did not experience the occupation, but the fighting went on side by side. The female population was employed in digging trenches in the front line. All men's work on the collective farm fell on the shoulders of women, the elderly and children. 200 people went to war with the Nazis, 136 of them did not return from the battlefield.
In the center of the village there is an obelisk with the Eternal Flame of memory of those who did not return from the war.

We have terrible bloody years
Never forget.
Glorious feat of heroes
Their grandchildren will honor.

After the war, all the hardships of life were shouldered by women and children, returning front-line soldiers. Thanks to their efforts and hard work, the collective farm grew larger. The construction of the necessary economic facilities has begun

In 1968 a new school was opened where we now study.

Our classroom. The classroom is decorated with a corner "Russia is my Motherland!"
At the end of the seventies, under the leadership of Viktor Ivanovich Menyailenko, modern premises were built with full mechanization of all processes: mechanical milking, milk pipeline, water supply, cleaning of the premises. For a great contribution to the development of the economy Menyailenko V.I. was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor

From 1981 to 2003, the Zarya collective farm was headed by Ovsyannikov Mikhail Petrovich. He began his work with the enlargement of the construction team, which began to build houses for collective farmers on the shares of the farm and developers. Green Street appeared in the farm, consisting of eighteen new houses.
The farm was one of the best in the area. Farm workers cultivated more than 3.5 thousand hectares of land.

There were 40 machines and tractors, 12 new combines in the machine and tractor fleet. Powerful first "Kirovtsy" in our area were purchased by our collective farm

Two central streets, entrances to the farms were asphalted in 1982. A new modern bridge across the Tolucheevka River was built in 1984.

Our fellow villagers know how to work. In total, there are 16 order bearers in Indychie. These people are our pride.
Everything was done to facilitate the work of the villagers. Mikhail Petrovich made every effort to be among the first in the area to gasify the farm. In 1996, a high-pressure gas pipeline was laid.
In 2004, Aleksandr Ivanovich Semisinov, a former graduate of our school, who had previously worked as a chief engineer on the farm, became the head of Zarya LLC. Of course, a lot of things in the artel fell into decay in connection with the last years of reforms and restructuring. But the young specialist seeks to revive the farm. First of all, all efforts were directed towards the development of crop production, the purchase of new agricultural machinery, and the purchase of mineral fertilizers. In recent years, good grain harvests have been obtained.
And our countrymen know how not only to work conscientiously, but to have fun in their free time. Every year, according to tradition, the holiday "Seeing Shrovetide" is held.