Why did Asmus divorce Kharlamov. Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov: a love story, rare photos. How it all began

Dearly beloved by all connoisseurs of humor, the resident of the Comedy Club television project, Garik Bulldog Kharlamov, makes millions of viewers and fans smile every day, but now he is unlikely to ever be able to make his most devoted person, his wife Yulia, smile. Just before the New Year, the 31-year-old TV presenter broke up with his wife for the sake of a relationship with his new lover, the 24-year-old star of "Interns" and the film "Understudy" Christina Asmus.

As it became known to Heat.ru, relations between colleagues in the star shop began about a year ago. Throughout this time, Garik and Christina carefully concealed a secret relationship from the public eye and, of course, mainly from the 28-year-old wife of the comedian. Only the closest friends of the Bulldog - his comrades in the Comedy Club show - know about the romance that suddenly broke out.

On the eve of the New Year 2013, Kharlamov and Yulia completely parted. The TV presenter's wife rented a separate apartment for herself and only returned to their family nest a few times to pick up personal belongings. However, Garik still did not bring another woman to the marital bed - all meetings of the charming actress and one of the most prominent residents of the popular show take place in another apartment in the center of the capital.

Kharlamov cannot live a day without his new hobby. Every evening, he patiently waits for Christina at the film sets, after which the couple goes to their secret place, which they do not leave until the morning.

Under the cover of night, the lovers are not afraid to be seen and, holding hands, slowly walk from the car to the entrance. In the morning, celebrities cannot afford such luxury. Kharlamov and Asmus very prudently leave the house in turn with some interval in time.

It is also known that during the New Year holidays, the couple spent three days in Riga. In order for one of the sexiest actresses in Russia to feel like a real queen, Garik rented a luxurious presidential suite with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters in his favorite hotel. It is noteworthy that it was in the same room that he repeatedly brought his wife Yulia.

The ambitious blonde Asmus is not at all embarrassed by the marital status of her gentleman. The actress looks absolutely happy, constantly smiling and laughing at the jokes of the resourceful Garik, not at all thinking that the enviable boyfriend has a loving wife.

Recall that Kharlamov and his wife Yulia Leshchenko got married in september 2010 after 7 years of dating. At a magnificent wedding celebration all the stars of the Comedy Club walked .

Julia is perfect, attentive, caring, - Kharlamov told with rapture on the eve of his wedding. - And what borscht cooks! Do not drag by the ears!

But it seems that in two and a half years of marriage, the life priorities of the charismatic TV presenter have shifted in a different direction. New, 2013 Julia and Garik met separately.

A participant in the popular Comedy Club show, Garik Kharlamov, together with his friends and colleagues Timur Batrutdinov, Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod, began a big tour. The entertainment program of the quartet is called briefly: "We". Voronezh turned out to be the first city in a long list of artists' stops.


On his official page on the social network Instargam, Garik Kharlamov published a photograph in which he is depicted against the background of the building of the Voronezh Regional Court. “In a few hours, we will present our new program “We” to the court of the Voronezh audience. I hope the verdict will be positive,” Kharlamov could not do without a joke.

Numerous subscribers reacted to Garik's latest post. Moreover, many of the comments were also not devoid of humor. "When I got free)))", "Krasava! Come visit)", "Garik, brother, is that you?)", "Garik, come to Krasnodar!)", "Sinked", "They let me go all the same", "I'll come) )😝", "Gary was released on bail," fans commented on the publication.

At the same time, Kharlamov's wife, actress Kristina Asmus, is also touring. Just a day ago, a popular actress was in Nizhny Novgorod. This became known after Christina published a photo in her account on the same social network, where she was filmed immediately after the performance.

"Nizhny Novgorod, thanks for the wonderful tour!! 👍🏻❤️My next performance at @ermolova_theater on JUNE 4 is our hooligan #Auditor!!)))) 😜 See you!! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻💋💋💋" – wrote Kristina .

It should be noted that despite the nomadic image that is so characteristic of artists, constant parties where single men and women often seek happiness, Garik Kharlamov is an exemplary family man and has not looked at other representatives of the beautiful half of humanity for a long time. “I only pay attention to my wife, period. I’ll say banal things: a man loves with his eyes. So about my wife: I liked her hair, eyes, nose, ears, hands, incredible legs. In short, I liked everything!” - in a recent interview, said Kharlamov.

The love story of this couple can claim to be an action-packed melodrama: a modest beauty falls in love with a desperate hooligan.

In any case, it was precisely this attitude towards the pair of Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov that arose thanks to those screen images that brought fame to the artists.

How Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov met

The young actress of the Shchepkinsky school became popular during her studies, when she got the role of Varya Chernous in the TV series Interns. In life, Christina is in many ways similar to her heroine - just as modest and shy.

In the popular TV show Comedy Club, Garik Kharlamov is one of the most popular residents. On stage, the showman created the image of a rude, narcissistic character with a wonderful sense of humor, distinguished by vulgarity.

Despite the fact that Christina and Garik worked together for three years on the same TNT channel, and even met at several events, they recognized each other ... on the Internet. Nothing meaningless correspondence on Twitter unexpectedly brought the artists closer. As Christina later said, they consider meeting on a social network to be the beginning of a relationship.

A week later, Kharlamov and Asmus decided to continue their acquaintance over the phone, and then the relationship very quickly grew into a whirlwind romance.

Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov - a difficult divorce and a fake wedding

When Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov started dating, the showman was married. With his wife Yulia Leshchenko, the artist lived for seven years, of which two years were officially married.

Julia, as often happens, was the last to know about everything. The girl could not even imagine that her loved one had been deceiving her for several months. When she directly asked questions to her husband, he denied everything. Julia was worried, nervous, could not understand anything.

In the star party at that time, there was already talk that Kharlamov was having an affair with the star of Interns. Many fans condemned Christina, who became the very "homeowner".

According to Yulia Leshchenko, her husband asked her for a divorce, and a week later he wrote on his page on the social network that he had been in a state of divorce for five months:

In connection with the incomprehensible aggression towards Christina and the frantic interest of the yellow press in our relationship: 1. I have been in a state of divorce for more than five months. 2. I have not lived with my wife for three months. 3. No children. Nobody took me anywhere! On this, perhaps, everything. Thank you. Curtain. Oh yes... I'm dating Christina Asmus

From that moment on, Christina and Garik no longer hide their relationship. The couple constantly gets into the lenses of photographers, while both emphasize that they are husband and wife.

It soon becomes noticeable that Asmus is expecting a baby.

Garik Kharlamov reports the latest news about his personal life on Twitter:

Disputes and speculation about our personal lives do not subside. To calm those who are worried. We are married, we are on the 5th month!

The lovers even arranged a wedding for friends, but at the time of the celebration, the showman was still officially married to Yulia Leshchenko.

The woman was in no hurry to divorce. The court initially named the end of 2012 as the date for the termination of marital relations, but Leshchenko's representatives disputed this date. As a result of the review of the case, the date of dissolution of the marriage of Garik Kharlamov and Yulia Leshchenko was October 10, 2013.

At the same time, Yulia's lawyer discovered that a marriage was registered between Igor Kharlamov and Kristina Asmus in early June 2013 in one of the capital's registry offices, that is, before the first marriage was officially terminated. Thus, the official marriage of the showman with Christina Asmus can be declared illegal.

Real family - Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov with their daughter, photo

The dark history of the breakup, divorce and wedding seems to be the most worrying for the couple's fans, but not themselves. Having survived a difficult divorce from his first wife, Garik Kharlamov and his new wife Christina Asmus seemed not at all worried about the fact that for some time they became the main characters of the scandalous chronicle.

The couple enjoyed their relationship and lived in anticipation of the birth of the baby - future parents were looking for experienced doctors, buying a crib, stroller, undershirts and toys.

Christina Asmus shared the latest news on her Instagram. At the same time, the actress did not respond to negative comments addressed to her, which appeared on her page from time to time.

When in January 2014 Christina Asmus and Garik Kharlamov had a daughter, Anastasia, the couple announced the good news in their microblogs:

Hooray, you can congratulate me, because today I have the best baby in the world from the most wonderful man in the world. I feel not just good, but magical

For me, this day was the most beautiful in my life. Now I'm Harlo's dad, but my beloved wife is a real heroine!

Kristina Asmus left Interns and wants children from Kharlamov.

April 28, 2013, 13:56

We hasten to inform the fans of the series "Interns" that Christina Asmus has decided to leave the project. The actress said that she would no longer act in the popular series and would pay more attention to theatrical activities.

When asked why Christina decided to leave Interns, she replied that she had been thinking about it since the second season. Together with the producers of the project, the actress discussed the possibility of leaving him, but the team did not let Asmus go for a long time. In the end, she concluded that a little bit of good and finally said goodbye to the series. Kristina Asmus is very grateful to Interns, which became a real school of life for her and opened the way to the world of theater, cinema and show business. As the actress herself put it, this is her "alma mater".

In addition, Christina Asmus said that good fees are paid for filming serials, which was another incentive for her work in Interns. The actress shared her revelations about her romance with Garik Kharlamov. She stated in a rather categorical manner that she was not going to marry her boyfriend yet. The opinion that every woman needs a stamp in her passport, Christina considers just a myth.

Another thing is when the conversation turns to children. In this case, the actress stands for official marriage. Christina Asmus admitted that she would like children from Garik Kharlamov, and even being pregnant, she intends to continue working. You can act in films and play in the theater even with a rounded belly. For example, up to a period of 5-6 months, it is quite possible to work in the frame with close-ups.

The famous showman Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov broke up with Christina Asmus, who was tired of his scandalous showdown with his wife. Kharlamov cannot get an official divorce from his ex-wife, who demands 300 million from her ex-husband, furniture, appliances and paintings. Meanwhile, Asmus began to be weary of the role of a homeowner and left Kharlamov.

The media are excited about the new gossip about the personal life of showman Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov - it turns out that not only is he divorcing his wife with a scandal and dividing pots, but he also broke up with his last passion - the star of "Interns" Christina Asmus.

In general, Kharlamov is clearly unlucky with women, and, according to ill-wishers, the Comedy Club resident himself, who is too fickle in relationships, is to some extent to blame for such fatal bad luck.

The fact is that a stormy romance with the beautiful Asmus Kharlamov started, being not only officially married, but even married to his wife Yulia Leshchenko.

Now the offended wife is trying to sue Garik for almost three hundred million rubles, and also shares kitchen utensils and furniture. In addition, Yulia is trying to get the name of Kharlamov in court, regretting that she did not take care of this earlier.

Kharlamov resists, because, in his opinion, since his wife did not work, she does not have rights to his money. Julia, on the other hand, appeals to the court, assuring that she devoted all the years of marriage to her husband, completely forgetting about herself, and for this she is entitled to compensation.

The couple are actively suing, filing counterclaims against each other, and there is no end in sight. In any case, there is no official decision on divorce yet, although it is clear that in the heat of a quarrel so much has been said to each other that there is no longer any talk of reconciliation.

Yulia, according to her lawyers, is ready to let her husband go only after suing half of the money earned by her husband during the marriage (about 300 million), as well as property that is dear to her in the form of kitchen utensils and household appliances for one and a half million rubles, a sofa, cabinet and coffee table for 1.2 million, and expensive curtains for 50 thousand rubles. In addition, the offended wife intends to sue the ex-husband for a painting by the artist Shilov worth one and a half million rubles.

Having received what she needs, Yulia may leave Russia, because, according to media reports, the girl received some tempting offer from abroad, for the implementation of which and for a comfortable life she needs money.

As for the relationship, the actress is tired of feeling sidelong glances at herself for the fact that she is dating a married man, and in general is actually a “homemaker”. Caring about her reputation and career, Christina decided to break off relations with Kharlamov, at least until he received an official divorce and became free. Used materials portal afashiontime.ru

Video: the wedding of Garik Kharlamov and Yulia Leshchenko from the official group on VKontakte.