Crafts from natural material for the garden. Flower technology. Egg shells for indoor plants

This topic is relevant

Both for adults and children.

Plunging into the world of nature

Comes a lot different ideas. /Sidorova N.I./


Working with natural materials is exciting and educational.

The compositions are bright, colorful, durable and can decorate the interior of any apartment.

Creativity, imagination develops, love for the beautiful is instilled.


Captivate children and adults with this kind of creativity;

To acquaint with the methods of making flowers from watermelon and melon seeds, apricot pits.


The use of natural materials to create beauty around you;

The ability to convey the beauty of nature through the creation of wall panels;

Give people joy and good mood.

Nature is a wonderful workshop. In the hands of a craftsman, everything turns into unusual crafts that reveal its eternal beauty. Any work with natural material: compositions of watermelon, melon seeds and apricot pits is not only fascinating, but also informative. Nature enables the child to develop his own Creative skills, he joins the aesthetic perception.

Fascinated by this view

Creativity you develop.

And when you become skillful,

You learn a lot of new things.

Making a funny pattern

You expand your horizons.

You do your work carefully

For everyone to enjoy watching.

There is something new in this work.

Thinking is formed.

You must always be careful

To enjoy it.

How much joy, delight

Brings me this job.

So that work always goes well

You have to be persistent then.

There are many materials in nature

But I'm only interested in one.

Watermelon and melon seeds,

Apricot pits in addition to them.

Type of activity is interesting

And it's pretty simple.

Paintings are obtained

Like a garden that comes alive in spring. /Sidorova N.I./

Watermelon, melon seeds and apricot kernels are available and cheap material for work. But working with these natural materials is very interesting and exciting. There is no limit to imagination and creativity. Every time I want to come up with something new, interesting and unusual. The compositions of them are very bright, beautiful and durable. They can decorate the interior of any apartment. I've been into this art for several years now. I work as a teacher primary school and technology lessons circle work we compose a variety of compositions, from flat applique, easy to make and finish voluminous applications. Children love this art form.

Work on creating compositions from natural materials expands children's ideas about the world around them, contributes to the memorization of colors, shapes and properties of this material. They teach accuracy and care in the process of work.

The exciting, creative nature of this type of activity contributes to mental development child, affects the formation of his thinking and attention. In this work there is always novelty, search, the opportunity to achieve more perfect results.

Flowers bring a lot of joy to people. They give a good mood, awaken imagination, enliven and decorate our home.

Preparing watermelon, melon seeds and apricot pits for work

Rinse the seeds, seeds well several times in water, spread them out on a sheet of paper, let them dry well, while stirring them. After they dry well, pour them into jars. They can be stored long time.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

1. Wash your hands before starting work.

2. The light source should be on the left.

3. Every 1 - 1.5 hours the eyes need a 30 minute rest. Break and relaxation are necessary to restore eye function.

4. To maintain health during work, it is useful to do a warm-up for the arms, eyes and back.

Tools and materials

Very few tools

Required for crafting.

Brushes, scissors and glue

And more skills.

1. Scissors.

2. Brushes No. 1, No. 2

4. Green corrugated paper.

5. Copper wire No. 1.

6. Sheets of paper in a cage.

7. PVA glue.

8. Varnish PF - 283.

9. Green cardboard.

10. Watermelon, melon seeds, peas and apricot pits.

11. Painted semolina in green.

Occupational Safety and Health

Hazards at work:

Hand injury with scissors;

Coating the product with varnish

What to do before starting work:

Put tools and materials in the place provided for them

Things to do while working:

Be attentive to work;

Put scissors on the right with closed blades and rings forward

You can work with scissors

But just be very careful.

If someone asks, do not yawn.

Give the rings forward.

Safety rules during work

1. During operation, the scissors should lie on the right side of the table with closed blades, rings towards the worker.

2. You need to take and pass the scissors with closed blades towards you, rings forward.

3. Scissors are stored in a special case.

Preparing the base for the painting

1. Glue burlap or plain fabric onto cardboard, pulling it so that there are no creases, and allow the glue to dry. It can also be covered with self-adhesive wallpaper.

2. C wrong side glue a piece of wallpaper cut along the contour of the cardboard.

3. Glue a loop on the back of the picture.

Manufacturing technology

Eating melon and watermelon

Even a small toddler

Can you collect seeds?

And create a picture of them.

The manufacturing steps are very simple.

And everyone understands them.

By doing them, you will be convinced.

That they are all busy. /Sidorova N.I./

Flower technology

1. Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, pencil, watermelon seeds and peas.

Brushes, gouache

2. Sequence of execution

1. Preparation of flowers and butterflies for ornament

flat flowers

1) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and glue peas in the middle, and around it 7 watermelon seeds.

2) After coloring the flower with gouache 2 times and draw patterns desired color.


1.Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, pencil, melon seeds and peas. Brushes, gouache

1) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and glue peas in the middle, and 10 melon seeds around it.

2) After coloring the flower with gouache 2 times.


1. Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, simple pencil, leather (black cardboard), watermelon, melon seeds and peas. Brushes, gouache.

1) Make a body from 2 melon seeds and glue to the base;

cut out antennae from leather (black cardboard) and glue to a pea (head);

make wings from watermelon seeds and glue to the body.

2) After painting it with gouache of the desired color 2 times; draw eyes, and patterns on the wings.

Preparation of flowers for the panel.

Bulk flowers.

1) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm 2 mm and stick 7 watermelon seeds evenly on it.

2) Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and stick on it, a little smaller, 7 watermelon seeds. After gluing the seeds, cut the paper with scissors along one extreme seed and immediately, without letting the glue dry, glue it from the wrong side.

3) Connect the two parts so that the petals of the upper circle are between the petals of the lower one and glue a pea in the middle.

4) Color the finished flowers with gouache 2 times.


1. Tools and materials

Scissors, brush, PVA glue, paper, simple pencil, melon seeds, apricot pits. Brushes, gouache

1) Making a whisk

Cut a circle with a diameter of 2 cm and stick 10 melon seeds on it.

After gluing the seeds, cut the paper with scissors along one extreme seed and immediately, without letting the glue dry, glue it from the wrong side.

2) Making petals

Cut a circle with a diameter of 3 cm and stick 6 melon seeds along the edge of the circle, and then 6 apricot seeds in a circle.

3) After painting the petals with yellow (white) gouache, and the corolla with red (yellow) gouache.

4) Glue a whisk to the petal circle with glue.

5) Making a pestle

Wrap a wire 3 cm long with green corrugated paper, bend it in half, spread it with glue and dip it in colored semolina, glue it to the middle of the whisk.

I'll take the seeds

Watermelon and melon.

Get pictures

Quite amazing too.

I glue the seeds

And I will stick to the circle.

After I paint

And I'll attach it to the background.

It turned out a wonderful bouquet

Both beautiful and simple.

It's very interesting

This kind of work.

Stages of composition

1. Analyze the stages of composition.

2. Prepare the base.

3. Make the required number of flowers.

4. Wrap copper wire green crepe paper.

5. On the basis of compose and color the ornament.

6. Compose, glue a vase to the base and paint it with gouache.

7. Looking at the samples, changing something and adding your elements based on compose the composition.

8. Glue sprigs of wire and leaves of melon seeds to the base.

9. Paint the leaves with gouache, or cut them out of green cardboard.

10. Glue the finished flowers.

11. Coat the finished composition with varnish PF - 283.

Leaves can be cut out of green cardboard, but then covered with a thin layer of varnish.

Preparing for the basics

Needed flowers.

Can compose compositions

For your soul.

Outside the window, autumn has already come and everything around has begun to take cover with beautiful multi-colored fallen leaves. And while the rain has not turned this beauty into a wet porridge - it's time to get creative! Especially if your kid came from a kindergarten or school with the task of making crafts on an autumn theme.

Make fall crafts with kids natural materials can be from anything - leaves, cones, acorns, chestnuts. It can be applications or any interesting figures. I present unique step by step master classes- how to make do-it-yourself autumn crafts with a photo.

DIY autumn crafts master classes

Do-it-yourself autumn wreath of acorns "Breath of Autumn"

Bright autumn colors sink into the soul for a long time. Let's create autumn wreath from acorns with their own hands to extend autumn mood. Made on the basis of natural materials, it will look even more interesting.

DIY autumn wreath of acorns

Do-it-yourself autumn wreath of acorns will become original and stylish decoration any interior.

Autumn craft with leaves "Pear on a plate"

A herbarium of leaves collected in the fall is a whole wealth and raw material for children's crafts. There are a lot of options for using such natural material. Because to practice creative pursuits to create unusual figurines with children is a must, we offer you interesting idea for creativity.

Only work with dried and fragile material should be very careful.

Practicing such activities, children will eventually independently learn to think creatively and notice the amazing features of natural objects.

If the soul wants something original, we suggest creating an autumn flower arrangement. Namely - the bouquet "Autumn mood".

The product consists of two elements - a vase and flowers.

For flowers we need:

  • leaves of different sizes and colors;
  • glue gun;
  • wire or thin twigs (for the stem);
  • scissors, pliers (for wire).

Be careful with the glue gun if you are doing leaf crafts with your child. It is better to entrust the baby to select the leaves, arrange them by color, cut them and serve to you.

As it turned out, more realistic roses (green flower) come out of leaves with slightly curved edges. Try to wrap the edges of the leaves to avoid protruding petals. Large leaves can be cut in half. For a rose 8-10 cm in diameter, you will need 15-20 leaf fragments 5-6 cm in size.

Working process:

1. We take the wire, bend the edge.

2. We begin to form a rose from leaves and their fragments. We wrap the first sheet around the eye of the wire and fix it well with glue. We continue to glue the leaves in a circle, filling free places.

3. The bottom row is the sepal. Take 5 leaves small size and contrasting colors. Glue in a circle, thereby closing all the "insides" of the flower. The photo shows red small leaves under the green petals - this is the sepal.

4. The stem of the finished flower can be wrapped with floral tape and tied a few leaves to the stem. If you are using twigs, then just glue a couple of leaves along the stem of the flower. Autumn rose is ready.

To form a beautiful bouquet, you will need several flowers - 3,5,7. Try to make them different in color and size. This will make it look more colorful. You can enter several buds into the composition. They will help fill in the empty spaces in the flower arrangement.

Vase for autumn bouquet

For a themed vase, you will need any small bottle (glass or plastic), twine, a couple of acorns or hazelnuts. And, of course, a glue gun or any other glue. We wrap the bottle with a thread, periodically fixing the result with glue. We cling nuts or acorns to a small piece of twine with glue. We tie the result on a vase.

If you had a bottle big size, you can decorate it with an application of halves of a nut shell or even from any cereal. Let your child figure out how to decorate the vase. Direct his imagination in the right direction.

Now you can form a beautiful bouquet of flowers and put it in a vase. It will be more convenient if the height of the stem of each flower is different. You can fill the space in several tiers.

Such crafts from autumn leaves can become not only an original decoration of any interior, but will also help you win at any school exhibition.

Nature itself suggests thousands of ideas. You do not need to be an experienced craftsman to create a unique decoration filled with warmth and care for your home with your own hands. And the kids are happy to participate in the creative process and make amazing crafts on a par with adults. Master class - how to make one - read here.

Why not make a hedgehog with a child from a cone and plasticine? Autumn multi-colored leaves will give the work special colors.

Encyclopedias say that hedgehogs live in forests and parks, but sometimes they can also be found in village yards. Spiny animals make nests in woodpile. At night, individual daredevils or a full-fledged family go out in search of food.

Quietly rustling dried greens in the beds. At dusk, the direction of the hunters is clearly visible. Hedgehogs do not worry that the owners of the yard see their movement. As a rule, quiet and harmless neighbors are not driven away, sometimes they are even fed with milk.

What does a hedgehog eat? Insects, slugs, mice. This means that it is beneficial to keep such an animal for those who are engaged in gardening.

Such a cute hedgehog turned out from a cone. As a decor, you can decorate the thorns with plasticine or a real small apple, and put the hero himself on a carpet of autumn maple leaves. A detailed master class - how to do this - read here.

By the way, hedgehogs are considered fast animals. They are capable of speeds up to 3 m/s. At the same time, spiny animals jump and swim perfectly.

The resulting hedgehog, unlike the real one, can be safely picked up. He will not hiss, and curl up into a ball, warning of danger. This hero will not run away from the little owner anywhere, but will safely stand all autumn and even winter. A hedgehog from a cone does not hibernate. He is ready to meet winter and New Year holidays with children.

How to make one - read here.

Such funny ones are made very simply and quickly. See the detailed tutorial here.

Autumn motifs in the home interior

Seasonal flowers and herbs, autumn colorful leaves will become the best decoration Houses.

How to make a toy autumn goddess out of fabric

Doing something with your own hands is so entertaining and interesting. Well, if it also turns out beautifully, then there is simply no price for such toys. You will come to an exhibition of products made by your own hands, and your eyes will simply run wide. Let's try to reveal some of the secrets of the masters and consider the method of making the goddess of Autumn, which can be presented to children or hung on the wall in your home.

So, we need: acrylic paints for fabric (with gold and silver jars), a set of brushes, cotton fabric, filler, thread with a needle.

Step one. Making a layout

In the layout, we have to figure out how our toy will look like. At this stage, we make an initial sketch, then a pattern, sew the parts together.

Our autumn is sewn from a single piece of material. It is only necessary to separately make her legs and one arm (the arm is cut out from another piece of fabric and sewn on top of the product). When all this is ready, it is necessary to fill the toy with cotton wool or other material and sew up all the holes.

Step two. Time for creativity

Now we have to draw our autumn goddess. You can completely repeat the drawing of the finished product, which will be given below. In any case, orange, gold, yellow and red colors should be used, because autumn is rich in these colors.

In the hands of our autumn is a big tambourine, it seems to convene the whole world so that people, animals and animals rejoice at the last warm days. Next, you need to paint the toy (in order for the paint to hold better, you can apply PVA glue to the fabric).

Step three. Decorate our toy

You can decorate our beauty endlessly. After all, autumn is unique. You can glue a bead to it, add sparkles - whatever your heart desires. Look how beautiful autumn we have turned out. It's expensive to watch.

DIY autumn goddess

Physalis in pumpkin

Autumn bouquets can be made not only from fresh flowers, but also from branches of oak with acorns, sea buckthorn, barberry, wild rose, viburnum, elderberry, mountain ash, wild grapes, bright lanterns of physalis, ears of corn, etc.

Such compositions look great in a pumpkin vase, wicker basket, tin bucket, earthenware jug. The vessel can be decorated with ears of corn, decorated with ribbon.


Acorns, birch bark, physalis, hawthorn berries, small decorative pumpkins will help to decorate candles in the autumn style. Simple thick candles can be wrapped in birch bark or inserted into small pumpkins where the top has been cut off and some of the pulp removed. Glass candlesticks will look original and festive if painted with stained-glass window paints.

If you drill holes in a thick branch according to the size of candles, decorate with small pumpkins, cones and berries, then original candlestick ready for home.

september wreath

For mood, you can weave a wreath on the wall or front door. Flexible branches are suitable for its base. Bet on a vine, straw or wire clothes hanger, curved in the shape of a circle. Hook received. Decor elements are best presented with leaves, hop cones, herbal panicles, tree branches, vines, acorns, mountain ash. In any case, it is convenient to attach to the base with a thermal gun (an alternative fixation is with a thin wire).

Decorate the wreath in an autumnal way, since there is plenty of natural material - bright leaves, thin branches, grapevine balls, etc. Or you can hang the leaves from the frame. An old lampshade or a wooden staircase is suitable for it.

Falling leaves on the couch

What could be nicer than a cup of fragrant tea, drunk on the couch with soft pillows and a warm fleece blanket? In textiles, it is better to use soft velvety fabrics of autumn colors (brown-red, bright orange, burgundy, marsala, terracotta, muted green), prints in the form of leaves, vegetables, autumn flowers.

Decor in the form of autumn leaves is convenient to carve out of thick fabric and stitch to the background in a zigzag pattern. If the leaves are made of felt and the edges do not need additional processing, you can sew them onto the pillowcase with a regular seam - this will give volume and help create a planned composition.

Frame of acorns

Cover the passe-partout with felt thick cardboard, decorate it with a bouquet of small decorative elements in autumn style: apples, acorn caps, felt leaves, berries, etc. The bouquet can be made removable, attach a pin to it and use it as a brooch.

Offer the children to paste over the cardboard frame with acorn caps, insert a dense piece of plain cardboard or a burlap background inside, paste a beautiful leaf or any other gift of nature.

And what about the holiday table?

Use autumn motifs in serving. Make napkin clips in the form of an oak bouquet: felt leaves, acorn caps with a soft colored "nut". Mossy twigs can be gathered into a ring and garnished with half a walnut. Do not forget to make small bouquets of oak leaves and berries.

The yellow and red leaves can be used as napkins for plates or to decorate dishes. Let autumn bring bright colors and comfort to your home!

Interesting ideas - how to make autumn crafts

Children's crafts from natural materials: 25 ideas and step-by-step workshops for preschool and primary school children.

Children's crafts from natural materials

In this article, you will find more than 25 ideas for making crafts with children from natural materials (leaves, branches, seeds, chestnuts, acorns, vegetables, and others) in different techniques. All master classes from this article have been prepared for you by readers of the Native Path, participants in the competition.

Craft 1: Maple Leaf Roses

This craft was sent to our competition by Anna Baranova and her daughter Lera and Lera's teacher from the kindergarten garden MBDOU No. 3 "Ryabinka" (junior group), Inza Ulyanovsk region. And also Khabibullina Liliya Rustyamovna (MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type" of the Moscow district of Kazan) and Davletberdina Malik (5 years old).

Material for manufacturing:
- maple leaves of bright colors (orange, yellow, red),
- branches with viburnum berries,
- harsh threads to form a bouquet of roses,
- golden hairspray to strengthen and strengthen the bouquet (optional),
- a few strong branches to strengthen the bouquet of roses.

How to make a bouquet of roses from maple leaves:

Preparation for making crafts: We collect suitable leaves of various colors. We need large enough, not too dry and whole leaves. Too small, dry, diseased, torn leaves are not suitable for making a bouquet. For the manufacture of one flower, it is better to choose leaves of the same color.

Step 1. Take one maple leaf, hold it with the petiole towards you and fold it in half front side out. Then we twist it into a tight roll - a tube. This will be the "core of the rose", that is, the middle of the flower.

Step 2. Now, around this "core" of the flower, we begin to lay the "petals". We take another maple leaf, hold it also - with the petiole towards us - and put the prepared core-tube on it closer to the petiole in the middle of the leaf. Front side the leaf should be inside the future flower. The sheet is very carefully bent outward in half. The edge of the inflection of the "petal" is located above the "core" by a centimeter and a half. Smooth out the fold of the sheet.

And now we bend this protruding edge of the sheet outward again, but the fold is no longer smoothed out. We try not to compress the fold and keep it elastic.

Step 3. We take the next maple leaf and make the second petal on the other side of our middle - the tubes. Continue on until you get a rose flower. Each time you need to take a maple leaf a little larger than the previous one.

Step 4. Having decorated the flower, wrap the base tightly with threads. A strong thin twig can be tightly tied to the base to give the flower strength.

Step 5. Having collected a bouquet of several roses and decorated it with viburnum sprigs, you must again tightly wrap all the branches with threads, collecting them in a bouquet.

How many flowers will be in your bouquet - you decide. We evenly arrange the prepared leaves in a circle, placing them under the buds in the hand. Then we fix the now ready-made bouquet at its base with the same threads.

Here is our autumn bouquet roses from maple leaves and ready!

Step 6. To give strength, beauty and shine, you can sprinkle the finished roses with golden hairspray. But this is optional.

Another version of the design of such a bouquet of maple leaves was made by the family of Kasanova Margarita (5 years old), Kazan, MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of a combined type" of the Moscow region of Kazan. Teacher – Kalmykova Olga Dmitrievna

Craft 2: corn

This craft was sent to our competition "Autumn Workshop" by the teacher Rim Elena Anatolyevna (GBOU of the city of Moscow "School No. 166" Structural unit No. 7). And Yulia Terekhina (5 years old), a pupil of Elena Anatolyevna, completed the cornbread.

How to make the craft "Corn:

Step 1. Prepare corn cobs (large, medium and small), cardboard base for crafts, hot glue, fern leaves, fir cones, acorns, leaves, nuts, cereals (barley), decorations for corn (bows, hats, beads, eyes etc.)

Step 2. Form characters from corn on the cob.

Step 3. Arrange Cornflowers on a cardboard base and decorate the surface with waste material. The craft is ready! Good luck!

Craft 3: autumn forest.

This craft was sent to our competition by Kazakova Anna Yurievna. And Anna's four-year-old son Maxim performed it in drawing classes under the guidance of a teacher Alexandra Vladimirovna (club " Happy childhood”, a drawing circle for children “Kalyaka-Malyaka”, Yoshkar-Ola).

You will need:
- landscape sheet of format A 4,
- autumn leaves,
- watercolor paints,

Step by step description:

Step 1. We bring autumn leaves from a walk.

Step 2. Color the white space of the album sheet as a background. Next, on a sheet of paper, draw vertical lines - the trunks of autumn trees.

Craft 4: Old Man Lesovichok

This craft was sent by the teacher Fedorova Tatyana Vladimirovna from the city of Birsk (Bashkortostan), MADOU Kindergarten No. 8 "Alyonushka". It was made by a child from the group of Tatyana Vladimirovna ( senior group) with the help of a teacher.

DIY material: larch needles and cones, plasticine. All parts of the woodsman made of natural materials are fastened together with plasticine.

Craft 5: Application "Hedgehog"

This hedgehog was made and sent to our autumn competition children's creativity Sofia (5 years old) and her mother Anna Shikhareva.

Material for making crafts- pine needles, felt, pine cone, cardboard and PVA glue.

If you prefer not an application, but a voluminous hedgehog, then it can be easily made with children from a piece of plasticine, dried chestnut skin and cut cotton buds. But this is really a prickly hedgehog, so be careful. Such a hedgehog was made by Yulia Romanovna Ruzaeva and her daughter (2 years 8 months) from St. Petersburg. And you will find another craft by Yulia and her daughter “Giraffe from chestnuts and acorns” in the master class in the article

Craft 6. Hedgehog from piaflora and natural materials

And here is another hedgehog in a different manufacturing technology. It was made and sent to us by Mironets Anna Vladimirovna (mother) and her son Maxim (4 years 9 months) from the Komi Republic, Syktyvkar.

We need to make crafts:- piaflor, - dried leaves of mountain ash, gooseberry, shadberry, - dried flowers, - hairspray.

Description of the craft:

Step 1. Take half of the piaflora brick and cut out the body of a hedgehog from it (it will resemble a droplet in shape). Sharp corners must be smoothed out with your hands. Piaflor does not need to be soaked.

Step 2. Divide the dried rowan leaves into separate leaf plates, which are then inserted into the piaflor (in the body of the hedgehog).

Step 3 Hedgehog ears can be made from dried gooseberry leaves. And we will make paws from dried leaves of irgi.

Step 4 Fold the leaf cuttings several times. We make eyes and a nose out of them.

Step 6. Fix our craft with hairspray. Here's a hedgehog you get.

Craft 7. Caterpillar and chestnut hedgehog

This craft was made and sent to us at our "Autumn workshop for children's crafts" by children of 4 years old together with their teacher Tegaeva Olga Nikolaevna (Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Shemetovo village, Novy microdistrict, MGBOU d / s No. 75 "Fairy Tale")

To make crafts you will need:

- moss,
- branch cut
- acorn hat
- tree leaf,
- plasticine.

How to make a caterpillar and a hedgehog from chestnuts:

- We dry the chestnuts to make it easier to separate the prickly peel from the nut.

- While the chestnut nuts are not completely dry, we pierce them with an awl on both sides and insert matches without heads into the resulting holes (glue the matches on glue for reliability).

- We form a caterpillar. To do this, we select the nuts by size, starting from the largest to the smallest.

- We glue an acorn hat on the head of the caterpillar.

- We make caterpillar eyes from plasticine and attach them.

- Glue the caterpillar on the stump.

- Now we make a hedgehog from plasticine, and we make its prickly back from chestnut peel.

- On the spines of the hedgehog we put a maple leaf ironed through sheets of white paper.

- Lay out the moss.

Here is such a hedgehog - a caterpillar friend - you will succeed.

Craft 8. A basket of cones

This craft was made by Polina Durnova (9 years old, Samara, school 118, 4B class), Maxim Durnov (2 years old) with her mother Durnova Svetlana from Samara, Krasnaya Glinka village. At first, Svetlana and her children tried to make a basket of cones according to the description on the Internet using a glue gun, but ... a day later the resulting basket lost its shape and “went” in different directions. Therefore, Svetlana came up with her own technology for making a basket of cones.

How to make a basket of cones:

Step 1. Go to the forest, collect a lot of cones.

Helpful Hints:

- If you want to make a strong basket that will serve you for a long time, then you need to take into account such a possible fact: closed cones open in a warm room. And this is undesirable if by this time you have already woven a basket. Therefore, it is recommended to cover the cones with a liquid solution of wood glue.

- The strongest connection of cones in a basket is a wire connection Brown color(in the color of the cones, so that it is less noticeable). To do this, we wrap the first cone with wire, then we continue to wind the cones around the wire in a circle, wrapping each of them. We do this until we get a circle of the desired size. So we make 2 - 3 rings. And then we connect them into a frame. Connect the cones to the basket using a glue gun. But further in the next steps you need to fix this design.

Step 2 Using a thin wire, fasten three rings, then connect them into a single basket design and screw the handle on top. Cones for the handle are also wrapped with thin wire and then wired to the thick base of the handle or thick wire.

Step 3. Put on the bottom of the resulting structure cardboard circle. Put rowan branches with berries and spruce cones in a basket. It will turn out a beautiful autumn composition.

Craft 9: Autumn Ship

Autumn is the time of multi-colored ships made of leaves, which set off on a voyage known only to them through the endless airspace. The main thing is that the wind is favorable. It's time to make your autumn ship.

This ship was made and sent to our autumn workshop of children's crafts Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna (Liski, Voronezh region) together with her son (the child's age is 3 years 8 months).

To make crafts - a ship from natural materials, you will need:

- plastic food tray

- a few leaves that can be found on the street (it is better that at least three leaves of them are large sizes- we use them for the sail),

- a stick for a sail with a length of 20 to 30 centimeters,

- a few thin sticks for making pens,

- plasticine of different colors,

- colored paper

- glue stick,

- a few cones ate,

- parachute seeds of maple or ash-shaped maple (optional, optional)

How to make a craft - a boat from natural materials:

Step 1. Making the torso and head of the sailors. The body of the sailors will be cones. From pieces of plasticine we sculpt eyes, a mouth and noses, which we attach them to the cones so that we get the faces of the sailors.

Step 2. We make peakless caps for sailors - cones.

For this:

- Using caps of various diameters, we draw circles on colored paper - the future caps of our sailors (choose the diameter of the circle of a suitable size).

- Cut out circles.

- From paper of a different color, we cut out several thin strips based on one circle, two strips each (the length is arbitrary, but it should be borne in mind that these will be peakless ribbons, so do not overdo it with the length).

- Glue two stripes to each peakless mug close to each other.

- In the center of each capless circle, glue a piece of plasticine the size of one or two beans.

- We fasten these caps to the tops of our cones - sailors have caps.

Step 3. We make the arms and legs of the sailors.

- Determine where your sailors will have their hands and glue a couple of pieces of plasticine there, to which you attach small thin sticks - these will be the sailors' hands.

- The legs are made of plasticine. The shape of the legs should resemble flippers so that the bump stands and does not fall in our ship. To make legs, we sculpt “sausages” from pieces of plasticine the size of a walnut - small but thick, and then we flatten them and attach them to the bottom of our cones.

The sailors are ready.

Step 4. Making the sails. With a large stick we make holes in several big leaves, and stretch the latter through this stick to get several sails on one mast. The joints of the leaves with each other can be glued a little with plasticine, then the leaves will not slide down on top of each other and fall down.

At the top of the mast we placed a basket of ash maple helicopters. To do this, we simply stuck around a piece of plasticine with these helicopters, dividing them into single seed plates, and then this piece of plasticine was glued to the top of the mast. However, such a “basket” is not necessary if you have seeds - there are no “helicopters”.

Step 5. Attach the mast to the base of the ship.

To attach the mast to the ship from a plastic tray, we glue a piece of plasticine a little smaller than a walnut to the tray approximately in its middle (do not spare the plasticine, we need the mast to hold tight). We insert our mast into it. For better mast attachment, you can stretch the plasticine a little along the trunk of our mast.

In the tray-ship, place our sailors in empty places, slightly pressing their flippers-legs to the bottom so that they stick and hold firmly on the deck. Leaves can be glued onto pieces of plasticine along the sides of the ship different trees and / or colors, but this is not necessary - see for yourself how you like it best. It is also optional to make a dragon head on the bow of your ship.

The nose of the ship can be anything, but we made a plasticine dinosaur head and attached it to the nose of our ship.

The autumn ship is ready and can go to any fairy tale that you want to compose with your child!

Craft 10. Picture for the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom" from natural materials

This craft for staging Suteev’s fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” was made together with the teacher by four-year-old children: Mochalova Katerina, Kuchieva Adel, Krupennikov Kolya, Sbudyshev Vlad, Akhtemenchuk Anatoly and Mukhantseva Yana. Teacher - Denisova Svetlana Alexandrovna. Children go to Kindergarten MADOU d / s No. 2 "Karamelka" ShchMR MO in the city of Shchelkovo, Moscow Region.

Preparatory stage: watching the cartoon "Fungus-Teremok", reading the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the mushroom”.

Materials for making crafts based on a fairy tale from natural materials:

- pine cones, spruce

- plasticine

- wire

- mushroom toy

- basis for crafts

- maple, rowan leaves

- corrugated paper

- scissors

- PVA glue

- pine branch

- matches

- Cork

Step-by-step instructions for making crafts:

Step 1. We prepare the base.

We paste over the A4 size box with green corrugated paper. On this paper we glue maple leaves, ironed in advance through sheets of white paper.

Step 2 We make trees - scenery.

We take a piece of plasticine, roll up the ball and crush it until we get a round cake. On this cake with a branch up, we insert a mountain ash leaf, ironed in advance through a sheet of paper. You can also insert into the "cake" and a pine branch. Such trees adorn our base.

Step 3 We attach a large mushroom.

In the middle of the base we attach the finished mushroom - either on plasticine or on glue.

Step 4. D we eat the main characters of the fairy tale (ant, butterfly, sparrow, hare, fox).

All heroes are made of cones and plasticine.

How to mold fairy-tale characters from cones and plasticine:


We take a fir cone. The narrow tip of the cone is pulled out with brown plasticine. Eyes made of black plasticine are attached to the "head" of the ant. Paws can be made of wire, attaching them evenly throughout the cone with plasticine. We make the antennae of the ant from 2 matches without heads.


the toy is created from a pine cone, eyes - from two small corks, paws - from three matches (attached to plasticine). The beak and tail are made using plasticine: attach the plasticine to the cone and pull it into the desired shape.


A butterfly can be created from a fir cone by attaching two multi-colored circles of corrugated paper to it using wire. To do this, a hole is pierced in the paper (from the edge of the circle closest to the bump), a wire is threaded into the resulting hole and the wing is attached to the component of the bump. The same action must be done from the other end. The head of a butterfly can be made of plasticine by attaching it to the toy's body from the narrow side of the cone.

Hare: the toy consists of a fir cone and blue plasticine. Paws, ears and head are molded from plasticine. We also make eyes from platinum of a different color.

Fox: Fox is easy to make. We need a fir cone and orange plasticine. The muzzle of the fox is molded from an orange plasticine sausage, stretched out in the shape of a fox's nose. A black nose is attached to the muzzle.

Step 5 We make a composition according to a fairy tale.

Let's put the heroes under the mushroom. Attach the butterfly in the corner to the base of the composition.

We wish you creative fantasies and imagination, and then you will get your own fairy tale!

Craft 11. Caterpillar from apples

This craft was made by Danila Ankushev together with his parents from the Strekhninsky kindergarten (senior group " friendly family"). And the teacher Elena Yaroslavtseva sent the craft to us for the autumn workshop.

How to make a caterpillar: the body of the caterpillar is made up of apples. We make legs from earplugs (sold in a pharmacy). To fasten the parts, wooden toothpicks are used. Decorates the craft with a shell from a grape snail.

Another option for making caterpillars from apples was sent to us from the city of Kungur in the Perm Territory (MADOU "Kindergarten No. 6"). This caterpillar was made by Kulyashova Arina, 6 years old. Teachers: Zueva Tatyana Vladimirovna, Karaguzheva Rufina Viktorovna.

How else can you make a caterpillar out of apples: option 2.

This caterpillar is made from apples. Apples are fastened together with toothpicks. The legs are carved from carrots. They also hold on to toothpicks and walk on autumn leaves glued to the landscape sheet. The fashionista dressed up in chokeberry beads. The berries are collected on a string. The eyes are made of red rowan and are also held on by toothpicks. Caterpillar put on instead of a hat beautiful flower, hooked it on herself with a toothpick and went to the fair.

Here is such a cheerful caterpillar made from natural materials by Arina.

Craft 12. A cheerful family of acorns

This and the following three crafts made from natural materials were made with children by Alexandra Albertovna Naumkina together with her son Vanya (4 years old) and daughter Masha (1 year 3 months), Barnaul, Altai Territory. Here is what Alexandra writes:

You will need to make crafts:

- a piece of a branch or tree bark,

- acorns

- black marker

- glue gun or Moment glue.

How to make a fun family from natural materials:

Step 1. Draw faces.

She showed her son how to draw a face on the stomach. Gave him permanent marker and acorns and left him. Here are such bizarre faces turned out.

Step 2. We glue the hats to our little men.

We glued the hats on Moment glue.

Step 3. We attach the family.

But with gluing to the bark, I had to tinker. I smeared the bark with Moment glue. Substitute something rectangular at the back to hold the craft while gluing, place the acorns on the bark and leave them to stick.

Please note: only an adult can work with Moment glue without the presence of children in a well-ventilated area, because. he is toxic. Instead of glue, you can use a safe glue gun, an adult also works with it.

Everything! The happy family is ready.

Craft 13. Interior craft "Autumn branch"

We got a beautiful interior craft. My son made it himself. The main thing is that it is done very simply.

Step 1. We found more interesting branches in the forest and brought them home.

Step 2 Dried the leaves in the books between the pages.

Step 4. Then we decided to complete our composition and make owls out of plasticine and place them on autumn branches.

To do this, we took cones, maple seeds ("helicopters") for wings and plasticine.

I made the first owl, the second was made by my son.

Attached them to the branches on plasticine, they hold well.

Such a beautiful composition now decorates our house! And, most importantly, this craft is very easy to make.

Another option for making an autumn branch was sent to us by Natalya Oshueva (Balashikha) and her son Vanya Oshuev (3 years 8 months).

Autumn branch on the wall: the second version of the mobile

Natalia writes: “I first laminated the leaves. With my son, we cut them out, made holes and threaded the ropes. The branch was found on the street. They hung leaves on it. The result was a branch with fallen leaves.

Craft 14: Hedgehogs from cones and salt dough

Alexandra Naumkina shared with us her experience of making hedgehogs with her son.

Step 1. We kneaded the salty dough together with our son. He loves baking so much that he kneads all the dough himself, and I only tell him what to take and in what proportion.

Salt dough recipe (proportions): wheat flour - 2 cups, fine salt - 1 cup, water - 3/4 cups. The finished dough should not crumble and stick to your hands.

Step 2. Blinded two hedgehogs together: mother and baby. Here I have already given the final shape. We stuck the cones and put the oven in the oven.

Step 3. The next day (after the hedgehogs have cooled down), we painted them with gouache paint. But if you need hedgehogs for a more durable period, then it is better to use acrylic paints. They molded the nose from plasticine and glued the eyes.

We just studied with my son, so the son was so carried away by modeling mushrooms from plasticine that he stuck many different mushrooms for hedgehogs himself.

Craft 15: Autumn Leaf Mobile

for the development of speech breathing in children

This handicraft from natural materials was also made by Naumkina Alexandra Albertovna for her children - Vanya (4 years old) and Masha (1 year 3 months). This family lives in the city of Barnaul, Altai Territory.

Alexandra writes:

“Our craft was born, one might say, spontaneously.

Step 1. As a basis for the mobile, I cut out the rim of a cardboard disposable plate.

Step 2. I tied the threads of yarn on the resulting rim at about the same distance. yellow color. From the same yarn I made a pendant for which our craft will hold.

Craft 16. Application from seeds "Hedgehog"

This application from natural materials was made by Khaliullin Artur (6 years old) from MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type" of the Moscow region of Kazan. Teacher: Khaliullina Rafida Raisovna.

You will need:

- paper,

- pencil,

- PVA glue,

- seeds,

- colored pencils (felt-tip pens),

- leaves for decorating

- spruce branches.

Craft progress:

Step 1. We draw a hedgehog with thorns on paper. If the child is already old enough, then he can draw a hedgehog himself.

Step 2. We apply PVA glue on the back of the hedgehog with a thick layer. Then spread the seeds on a layer of glue. We make sure that the sharp tips of the seeds are directed in one direction.

Step 3. We color the muzzle and paws of the hedgehog with colored pencils.

Step 4. We decorate the background with leaves of mountain ash, birch; cones, spruce branches.

Craft 17. Application from wheat "Lion Cub"

"Wheat lion cub" is a children's craft - an appliqué made of fleece and wheat. It is very easy to make this craft. First, glue spikelets of wheat on colored cardboard, and then on top of it - the muzzle of a lion cub. Glue on the glue "Liquid nails".

This craft was made by a child of 5 years old, and Irina Babarinova from Sergiev Posad (GBOU "School No. 166 SP No. 7", Moscow) sent us to our competition of children's crafts.

Craft 18. Lady - cabbage and Forest fairy tale

These crafts made from natural materials were made by children from Bataysk.

The work is made from a head of cabbage. Eyes, nose, mouth are made from purchased blanks for soft toys. The head is decorated with a wreath of rowan and leaves. The stand can be any, it is decorated with material and decorated with leaves.

The forest fairy tale is made of natural materials. The little fairy is made of autumn flowers. Firebird - from a cone and seeds of an ash-tree. The work is decorated with natural materials collected by children.

Crafts from natural materials 19. Autumn meadow

This craft was sent to us by the teacher Samigullina Lilia Rustyamovna from Kazan. And I made this craft with the help of adults Izmailov Rodion (3 years old), a pupil of the MADOU "Kindergarten No. 174 of the combined type" of the Moscow district of Kazan.

Required material: Box, scissors, PVA glue, plasticine, natural materials (cones, dry leaves, acorns, chestnut peel), toothpicks.

How to make an autumn meadow with children:

Step 1. For the base of the craft, we will prepare a box. Let's cut off one side of the box so that the autumn glade is visible.

Step 2. We attach dry leaves inside the box, decorate it with various natural materials (cones, toys, pebbles).

Step 3. Doing fairytale heroes from chestnuts. We make crafts from fruits that have just fallen from a tree while they are soft (this applies to crafts from chestnuts, acorns and cones).

The main method by which we will fasten the details of crafts is plasticine and toothpicks. For this:

- first, carefully pierce the chestnuts with an awl,

- insert toothpicks into the resulting holes and fix the joints with glue.

In the photo, the bear is made of chestnuts and plasticine, the little man is made of chestnuts and acorns, the hedgehog is made of chestnut peel and plasticine, the owl is made of chestnut.

The eyes of the birds are made of acorn caps, and the bird's beaks, paws and wings are made of plasticine.

Spiders can also be made from chestnuts. Small holes are made in the chestnut with an awl in the places where the paws will be attached. The paws of the spiders are made from toothpicks that are inserted into the holes in the chestnuts and fixed with glue.

Craft 20. Autumn forest

This craft was made and sent to our autumn workshop for children's crafts Stephanie (3 years old) with her mother Yulia Anatolyevna Fefelova (Barnaul, Altai Territory).

For crafts "Autumn Forest" we need the following materials:

  • Herring jar (or any container of suitable shape and depth)
  • Foam rubber
  • Rubber glue or glue gun
  • Gouache or acrylic paints and a brush
  • colored paper
  • Plasticine
  • tree branch
  • dried leaves
  • Maple planes
  • Pine cones
  • fir cones
  • Pine needles (needles)
  • Stones (pebbles) of oval shape of different sizes
  • piece of cardboard
  • dried flowers
  • rowan berries

How to make crafts "Autumn Forest" from natural materials:

Step 1. We make the basis for our craft:

- paint the foam rubber with yellow gouache,

- after drying, we make a hole in the middle and insert a branch into it,

- fix it with glue to the jar,

- Glue the end of the can with yellow paper.

Step 2. We make owls: we attach eyebrows, eyes and a beak to spruce cones from plasticine. With the help of plasticine we attach the wings of maple "airplanes".

Step 3. We make hedgehogs: we sculpt a muzzle, mushrooms from plasticine. With the help of plasticine we fasten the needles. We attach a muzzle, mushrooms and rowan berries to the hedgehog.

Step 4. Making a bunny and ladybugs:

- paint the stones with gouache (gray for a bunny, red for ladybugs).

- we glue ears from cardboard to the bunny, make eyes, nose, antennae from plasticine or draw with a felt-tip pen.

- we also complete the manufacture of ladybugs with plasticine parts or draw with a black felt-tip pen.

You can cover crafts with varnish.

The photo shows fragments of the autumn forest and its inhabitants, made from natural materials.

Step 5 We attach dried leaves to our tree on plasticine. We stick dried flowers into plasticine. Leaves, animals, dried flowers are attached to foam rubber with glue.

Autumn forest is ready!

Craft 21. Autumn sun from natural materials

The idea of ​​this craft was shared with us by Maria Schukina, mother of two children (Vova - 4 years and 8 months and Anyuta - 1 year and 3 months), St. Petersburg. Maria writes: “This is my favorite autumn craft, and I have been nurturing this idea for a long time. We did it with great pleasure :). Everything was invented by ourselves."

What you need to make an autumn sun from natural materials:

- PVA glue,

- a lot of autumn leaves from different trees and shrubs (we even collected rose hips),

- rowan berries,

- dog-rose fruit,

- acorns

- watercolor paints,

- thread and needle

- any natural material.

How to make the sun from natural materials with children:

Step 1 Draw a large circle on A3 paper and glue it with maple leaves. We collected leaflets in advance, and for some time they were kept in our journal. Thus, they became very even and easily stuck to the paper.

Step 2 Then we connect the fantasy and also stick any leaves and natural materials according to your taste in a circle. The circle becomes larger.

Step 3 Draw the face of the sun: eyes, nose and mouth.

The mood of the autumn sun can be anything - cheerful or sad, surprised or delighted - whoever feels the autumn mood, discuss this with the children when making crafts.

Step 4 We sew rowan earrings to the sun (you can sew rose hips, any flowers). I used the largest needle and simply sewed the mountain ash to the Whatman paper as to ordinary fabric. At the same time, on the reverse side of the drawing paper, I fixed the thread with adhesive tape. You can also sew on many other decorations.

Step 5 In the upper corners of the drawing paper, glue the acorns with PVA glue, after cutting them in half lengthwise. I hope you enjoy our autumn sun from improvised natural materials :).

Craft 22. Application from the shell. Autumn Walk

This creative work was done by Kuznetsova Nastya, 6 years old. And Maria Sharygina (Vologda) sent it to us at the autumn workshop of children's crafts.

How to make a craft:

- First, draw a pencil drawing on paper.

- Then we glue small pieces of egg shells onto the silhouettes of the crown and trunks of trees. We are waiting for the glue to dry.

- Shake off excess shells.

— We paint the work with gouache.

Craft 23. Hut at the edge of the forest

This children's craft made from natural materials was made by Anastasia Viktorovna Dergunova and her nephew Alexander (6 years old) from Saransk, Republic of Mordovia.

How to make a craft:

Step 1. Leaves of various shapes (birch, rowan, maple, etc.) are painted with paints of different colors and attached to a clean sheet of paper so that prints remain on it. Paint the sun.

Step 2. While the prints of the leaves are dry, we will break the required diameter of the sticks from a small twig for the hut. Lubricate the paper in the place where the hut will be in the future with glue and lay out the hut from the sticks, in the middle of which we place a birch leaf as a window.

Step 3. We attach the leaves and the rowan bush in the clearing with a stapler.

Step 4. Glue the bottom of the clearing with glue and lay out the path from the watermelon seeds.

Step 5. Cut out the solar circle and rays from birch leaves, then glue them on the already dried sun. From black and blue threads we lay out a cloud in the sky in the upper part of the craft.

Craft 24. Autumn park for dolls made from natural materials

This craft was invented and made by Brusyantseva Valeria, she is 9 years old, Orenburg.

Necessary materials:
- cardboard box,
- light colored paper
- colored pencils and markers
- glue stick, PVA, double-sided tape and colored tape,
- plasticine, beans,
- leaves, tree branches with leaves, mountain ash,
- stones,
- matchboxes.

How to make a craft:

- From a cardboard box, we cut out the base of the park of any configuration, leaving a high wall for the screen and a low wall for the fence.

- We glue all the edges of the base with light paper. We outline with a pencil where the benches and paths will be.

- Making the screen. We cut out a rectangular sheet of white paper that is suitable in size, draw any picture on it and glue it to the screen.

— Design of the place of installation of benches. We cut out rectangular sheets of white paper that are suitable in size, color them (for example, you can color them in the form of colored tiles). Glue to the base in the intended places.

- Making paths. We apply plasticine to the tracks outlined on the basis and attach the beans to it.

- Making trees. We attach branches of trees with leaves to plasticine, forming a park.

— We decorate the stone ruins of the castle. We fasten the stones with plasticine.

- We make a lawn. We attach leaves and mountain ash to the remaining free places of the base on PVA.

- We make two benches from matchboxes and colored tape.

Everything is ready! The doll can walk along the paths of the park, admire the picture on the screen or the ruins of a stone castle, and arrange photo shoots.

Craft 25. Panel: Autumn puddle

This panel was invented and made by Maria Vostrikova (grade 4 B, MBOU secondary school No. 118, Samara), teacher - Belyanskaya Vera Evgenievna.

Materials used:

- poplar twig,
- leaves,
- dried grass
- cellophane,
- masking tape
- threads
- glue moment,
- green marker.

The sequence of execution of the panel "Autumn puddle":

- Make a ring out of a twig, fix it with masking tape.

- Place the autumn leaves inside the plastic bag so that the leaves are fixed. To obtain the effect of a frozen puddle, the composition must be ironed with a warm iron through a sheet of paper.

- Trim the composition to fit the ring.

- Using a hot nail, make holes along the edge of the composition.

- Pulling the thread through the holes, fasten it with a ring of twig into one.

- Paint the masking tape with a green felt-tip pen and glue the grass on the twig.

Children's crafts from natural materials "on the go"

It is not necessary to make a complex children's craft. Many crafts from natural material can be made on the go, without preparation. They can be used as quickly created attributes for children's games. Oshueva Natalya Mikhailovna (Balashikha) shared her ideas with us. Here are some very simple crafts she did with her son Vanya at the age of a child of 3 years 8 months and with her daughter Masha (1 year 4 months).

wreath of leaves

We collect a lot of leaves on a walk, string them on a wire. We connect the ends of the wire and get an autumn wreath of leaves. We hang the wreath by a rope. We also decorate the rope with leaves.

leaf crown

The crown is very easy to make.

Step 1. A blank was made from paper - a “hoop” according to the size of the child’s head, about 5 cm wide.

Step 2. We glued double-sided tape on top, and then my daughter glued leaves on it.

autumn trees

Natalya writes: “For the quick production of autumn trees, we used rolls from toilet paper and corrugated paper, cut into strips. The children pushed the paper inside the roll as they could. In the end, it turned out well for us, bright and autumnal.

You can also place autumn branches and autumn leaves collected on a walk in a roll.

Pumpkins from cones

In this craft, we used fluffy wire. They took a bump, wrapped it with orange fluffy wire. Further, leaves of green fluffy wire were attached to it. To make green spring leaves, we first wound the wire around a pencil, then removed it from the pencil and got green spirals.


For crafting a hedgehog, we used an eaten sunflower.

- The muzzle and body were cut out of foam. This is best done in advance by adults.

- From above, the muzzle was covered with plasticine.

- “Needles” - a sunflower was glued to the foam with glue using a hot gun.

- Decorated a meadow for a hedgehog with autumn leaves and cones.

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Now you do too crafts on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" to school or kindergarten? After all, competitions and exhibitions of crafts made from natural materials (branches, cones, leaves, straws, shells, pebbles, vegetables and fruits) will soon begin in schools and kindergartens. Many parents immediately have a question, what would be so beautiful and original to do with their own hands. See photos sent in by our readers, draw ideas and come up with something of your own. Send photos of your autumn crafts from the material of nature, vegetables and fruits (), and we will be happy to publish all the new items. A big request to all participants of the competition: do not send copies of the works already available here. Hedgehogs from seeds, deer from cones, caterpillars from apples and other crafts repeated from year to year are no longer accepted! Send your own, new and original crafts, show your imagination!

New crafts "Gifts of Autumn - 2018"

"Dragonfly and Ant". Kulikov Kirill Andreevich.
The work is made of natural material (cones, leaves, acorns, branches, bark). Also used: candy box, acrylic paint and hot glue.

"Autumn Umbrella". Zyulyaeva Ulyana.
The umbrella is made of cardboard, decorated with flowers from maple leaves, cones, rowan berries, deadwood, spruce branches.

"Autumn Enchantress". Garkushin Nikita.
They took a doll and covered it with dry autumn leaves, and other natural materials were also used: cones, acorns, nuts, etc.

"House in the forest". Polyakov Elizar.
For work, it took moss from the forest, pebbles, spruce twigs, pumpkin, thuja twigs, rose hips, physalis shell, sticks for stalk, twine, a cone from a climbing plant in the garden for the Hedgehog. Glue gun.

"In the autumn forest". Dyatlov Dmitry.
On a colored background, glue the bark of a tree and twigs. We draw the silhouette of an owl and lay it out with seeds inside. Owl wings are made from leaves. The eyes are made of dry blades of grass, the pupil is a plum stone. Now we glue the dried leaves of autumn rowan. They will beautifully complement the application.

Pig, owl, fish and mermaid from cones and plasticine - step by step

"Uncomplicated bouquet." Solodovnik Anya Valerievna.
The bouquet was made by the head of the circle of the Poltava city center of out-of-school education Solodovnik. A flowerpot is made from paper tubes. Flowers from cones painted with acrylic paint. Autumn leaves and berries. Here's what happened.

"Autumn Bouquet" Elena Batrakova.
A bouquet of maple leaves, roses (made from), hawthorn, quince, physalis, hydrangea, spruce twigs.

"Wreath". Groshev Andrey.
Mom - Grosheva Anastasia Vladimirovna.
The work is made of tree twigs, rowan berries, bush hearths.

"Turkey". Grachev Vyacheslav.
The work is made of pumpkins and leaves.

"Autumn Mister Kolobok". Kozlova Maria 3.5 years.
The work is made of a pumpkin, a nose of carrots, hair of grass plucked from a flower bed. Hat - weaving from newspaper tubes. The eyes are blueberries.

"Autumn Beauty" Iskhakova Angelina.
The work is made of flowers.

"Traveling as a family" Unloved Darina.
Eggplant, onions, carrots, matches, plasticine.

"Magical forest". Berseneva Ulyana.
When performing the work, moss, lingonberry sprouts, plasticine were used.

"Ladybug in Daisies". Garkushin Nikita.
We painted a pebble stone from the Black Sea coast with acrylic paints. At the end of the work, the product was varnished. It turned out such a funny ladybug.

"A wreath of cones". Kallaeva Elena.
Cones, gouache, glue, cardboard.

An original craft made from a material unusual for our latitudes - "A Coconut House and Its Inhabitant". Kallaeva Anna.
Coconut shell, plasticine, grass, cones, acorn cap.

"Grandfather forester". Kirsanova Taisiya.
The work is made of wood, ears of corn, burlap, beaded material, dry leaves, wrapping paper.

"Baba Yaga". Sorkin Lydia.
The work is made of natural material: the body is made of fir cones, arms and legs are made of birch twigs, bast shoes and handles are wrapped with jute twine. Alder cones, viburnum berries, beads for the eyes are also used.

"Owl". Trushina Lydia.
The body of an owl is made of paper and pasted over with corn hairs (stigmas). Paws and eyebrows from maple wings, a nose from an acorn. The eyes are glued onto calendula flowers. Everything is glued with PVA glue.

"Small homeland". Tsareva Angelina, 7th grade.
This work was made from natural materials for the school competition.

"Family of owls". Cheldrikova Ekaterina.
The work is made of wood stump, cones, rowan berries and viburnum.

"Magic Castle" Razumkova Sofia.
The castle is made of tree bark, decorated with pieces of moss and dry leaves. Various natural materials were used in the craft: cones, twigs, dead wood, chestnuts. The figurines of the prince and princess are sewn from pieces of fabric.

"Mishkin's estate". Sayfutdinova Renata Azamatovna
Made from natural materials: cones, spruce and birch branches, leaves, rowan berries, wooden blocks for beehives. Bees are made of clay. Mishka, Masha and others are taken from Kinder Surprise.

"Magic house". Ignatiev Vladislav.
Pumpkin, paints, potatoes, onions, plasticine.

"Cinderella on the way to the ball." Ikonnikova Yessenia.
From vegetables with the addition of pumpkin seeds, paints.

"Firebird". Riyazutdinova Larisa Semyonovna.
The work is made from ash seeds.

"Whale floating on the waves." Dmitriev Timofey.
When performing the work, vegetables were used: cabbage, zucchini.

"Merry Rat". Klochkova Sasha.
The work is made of zucchini, nose, ears, paws and tail are made of carrots, eyes and teeth are cut out of white cardboard. An antennae from a fishing line was inserted into the nose.

"Pumpkin Tree", "Pumpkin Flowers". Samoilov Valery.
The work is made of pumpkin seeds, the seeds are painted with gouache.

"Aunt Owl" Zhalskikh Anastasia.
The work is made of autumn leaves, acorns, cones. Decorated with fabric and satin ribbons.

"Owl". Koven Svetlana.
The work is made of leaves, cones and waste material.

"Forest Master" Kovtorov Ivan.
Cones, dried leaves, plasticine, acorns.

"Hedgehog in the autumn forest." Moskvin Roman.
Cones, leaves, plasticine.

"Autumn hedgehog". Chamomile group.
The work is made of autumn leaves.

"Hedgehog in the fog (Yekaterinburg)". Zvereva Christina.
Needed to work:
- plasticine,
- a ball from a dry pool,
- coffee beans,
- grass, autumn leaves,
- paints,
- glue.

Hedgehog, bear, hare and crocodile made of shells and plasticine -.

"Pointe". Kalycheva Victoria.
The work is made of cucumber. decorated satin ribbon, sequins.

"Sparrows sing." Flegontova Kira.
The work is made from dry leaves.

"Swans". Kushnirenko Victoria Nikolaevna, 10 years old.
Cones, an autumn flower, bird feathers, fir twigs and plasticine were used in the crafts. The body of the swans is made of cones painted white, and the wings and tail are made of feathers. Swans swim on the plasticine "lake". Crafts made from natural materials turned out bright and colorful.

"In the autumn meadow." Chernoyarova Valentina Alexandrovna, 10 years old.
When making crafts, a cone, chestnut, acorns, lentils (eyes), autumn leaves, plasticine were used. From these natural materials, funny forest dwellers who met in a clearing turned out.

"Bunny". Chernoyarova Natalya Alexandrovna, 10 years old.
The craft is made from natural materials - it all grows in our country house. Main character- the bunny is made of cabbage (torso), ears and paws are made of zucchini and the whole composition is complemented by viburnum berries, autumn leaves, inflorescence and corn cob. so colorful and bright craft will decorate the "Autumn Festival!"

"Gold fish". Prysich Anna, 6 years old.
The fish template is printed. The head is decorated with a felt-tip pen, the tail and torso are made of autumn leaves. Algae from a Christmas tree.
Make a wish.

"Autumn Outfit" Yakupova Elina.
This application is made of leaves and rowan.

"Lady Autumn" Sorokin Artyom.
Application of dry autumn leaves.

"Autumn time". Renzhina Victoria.

"Autumn Bouquet" Averkin Alexander.
The work is made of dried leaves and flowers.

"Autumn Breath" Pinaeva Anna.
The work is made of dried leaves and flowers.

"Magical autumn landscape". Nadezhda Viktorovna Topolnikova.
The work is 25x17 cm in size. The base is a candy box. The background is made of plasticine red, orange and brown. tree - from a branch and hats from acorns. Mushrooms are also made from acorn caps and molded from plasticine by my son.

"Autumn Yard". Nerusheva Anastasia Mashoshina Anya.
The work is modeled from cardboard, paper, glue. Decorated with natural material - maple leaves, seeds, twigs. Used apples, buckwheat, beans.

"Autumn Fantasy". Widow Daria.
From natural material.

"Hedgehog made of natural material." Polyakov Gleb 5 years old and Georgy 3.5 years old.
Draw a hedgehog on a piece of paper. They made a base with plasticine and the children stuck sunflower seeds into it. Then paws were made from cotton swabs and PVA glue, a belly was made with dyed millet. The legs were made with PVA glue and buckwheat. The dry leaves were crushed and sprinkled on the glue, thus making a clearing. An apple, leaves, an acorn from the "fix price" were glued to the finished hedgehog.

"Autumn forest". Voronin Stepan.
Dried leaves, felt.

"Owl". Teamwork middle group"Daisy".
We took cardboard in our hands,
The outline was carved in it,
Owl contour - owls,
Wise bird of the whole Earth.
Quick glue gun
We glued the outfit;
Leaves variegated all around
They sparkled like fire.
Attached a bow around the neck
They took plasticine in their hands,
Made her glasses
Let them be for Wisdom.
Further cheeks,
Sharp beak.
And Sovunya is just class!
A sight for all of us!

"Autumn picture". Dobrynin Danil.
Rowan, leaves.

"Lion". Sibgatullin Daniyar.
Drawing of a lion cub, leaves, glue.

"Autumn in the Forest" Gleb Timokhin.
The base is foam. Covered with leaves, and a tree branch. All animals are made of chestnuts and acorns. Owls from cones.

"Kolobok". Nikolenko Maxim, 5 years old.
MDOBU d / s 48 "Kapitoshka" r.p. Chunsky
The work is made of natural material: pumpkins and pine branches.

"Merry Garden" Emoldinov Vitalya, 5 years old.
MDOBU d / s No. 48 "Kapitoshka" r.p. Chunsky
The work is made of natural material: moss and vegetables: beets, potatoes, onions, peppers, tomatoes.

"Though you go around half the world, you will not find a more useful cake." Kulik Vitaly.

The cake in five tiers is made of fresh vegetables, berries and herbs. The base of the tiers is made of pumpkin, zucchini, squash, eggplant, bell pepper. The decoration is carrots in the form of a spiral and a base for a water lily, tomatoes, parsley, beans, onions in the shape of a water lily, raspberries, bell peppers and hot peppers. Fastening is made with wooden sticks and skewers. The cake can take a central place on the exhibition table, and the children will look at it with interest and think about when it will be possible to eat it 🙂

"Apple caterpillar". Kozlova Maria, 3.5 years old.
For work it was required: apples, toothpicks for connection, hawthorn fruits, chokeberry fruits, carrot tops, plasticine.

Kandaeva Natalya Viktorovna, Moscow.

This craft is made with love for autumn. For a long time they will remind us of the outgoing autumn.

"A small bird in the autumn in the forest." Malyshev Artyom, 10 years old, Serpukhov - 15, MOU "Kurilov Gymnasium".
To make an autumn craft, I needed: sprigs of Christmas trees, autumn leaves, bark, moss, fir cone, acorns, chestnuts, bird feathers and plasticine.
In such an autumn forest it is pleasant to take a walk, breathe in the forest air and admire the nature that Golden Autumn has given us!

Crafts "Gifts of Autumn", photo by category

There are crafts of varying degrees of complexity that are suitable for both junior, senior or preparatory group kindergarten and school. Last time we sorted works by materials: "", "", "". This time, for your convenience, we have divided all the sent photos of crafts made from various natural materials into thematic sections.

Choose a theme and see pictures:


"Funny Old Ladies" Razumkova Sonya with her mother Nadezhda.
The whole craft is made entirely of natural material: moss, bark and tree branches; grandmother figurines: walnuts and cones; background: leaves of various trees - all autumn gifts.

"House in the village". Shitova Sonya.
Wood, birch bark, matches, forest - moss, cones, hay, painted maple leaves, river pebbles for decoration.

The craft aroused admiration among kindergarten teachers and parents.

"Forest clearing". Balayan Masha.
The work uses twigs, cones - gifts of golden autumn.

"Grandmother Yaga's hut". Krasnov Yura, Krasnova N.O.
The walls of the hut and steps are made of corn stalks. The basis of the roof is cardboard, on which bean pods, spruce twigs and an eggplant pipe are fixed. A maple branch acts as a "chicken leg". The well and buckets are made of beans and sunflower seeds. The head of Baba Yaga is made of potatoes, the body is made of corn cob, the hands and the broom are made of twigs. The stupa is made of zucchini. The composition is fixed on a birch saw cut, decorated with autumn leaves. The gifts of nature made it possible to create such a craft with your own hands!

"Forest Paths" Perestoronin Yuri.
Donkey Iashka delivers gifts of autumn throughout the forest. Potatoes, garlic, mountain ash, pumpkin, moss, cones, peppers, apples - generous autumn gifts!

"Forest house". Chumakova Alena.
The base of the house is made of cardboard. We used bark, moss, cones, saw cuts of a tree, mirror chips, juniper twigs - generous autumn gifts. Like this beautiful craft turned out.

"House of caterpillars". Zelepukhin Daniel.
The house is made of pumpkins, caterpillars of chestnuts, hedgehog of seeds.

"Gifts of Autumn". Bayeva Anastasia.
Wood, leaves, cones, acorn, chestnut, flowers, cardboard, plasticine, glue, colored paper, viburnum berries, spruce, peas, buckwheat, bird feathers, foil.

"Gifts of Autumn". Moskvin Roman.
The craft is made of cones, dry leaves, pebbles and dry twigs.

"Gnome House" Kirill Radostev.
House made of zucchini, decorated with plasticine.

"Dreamland". Steshina Polina.
For the manufacture of crafts were used: moss, nuts, flowers, fabric, branches, base. .

"House of the Spider". Esipova Polina.
The house is made of pumpkins, the spider is made of bulbs, the landscape is made of moss, beans, dry leaves.

"Starling house". Stepanova Anastasia.
Our craft consists of red and white beans, castor seeds?, broom and rope.

"Baba Yaga's hut". Polina Lavrentiev.
"Baba Yaga's hut" is made of aspen branches, cones, hemp, plasticine, threads.

"Forest house". Makhanov Semyon.
Acorns, leaves, wild grapes, blackberries, chestnuts.

"House in the village". Varyanitsyna Ksenia.
The house is made of: beans, peas, straw, buckwheat and wheat groats. The roof is made of cones, the fence is made of willow. The base is strewn with semolina. The wheelbarrow is made of chestnut and felt gourd. The well is made of beans, twigs and a bucket made of cardboard with foil.

Teremok. Bekbulatova Anya.
The work is made from the "gifts of autumn" - vegetables, autumn leaves, cones, berries.

Collection of gifts of autumn in the village. Ulyanets Kira.
The glade is covered with real moss from the forest, along the perimeter Christmas cones and dried flowers. In the center is a house covered with pistachios. The house has a real door made of mini planks. The roof of the house is covered with dried flowers. Grandfather and grandmother have heads made of potatoes, their bodies are cones. In the center is a real pumpkin from my garden. The well is pasted over with real round planks. In the paddock - animals made of acorns and nuts.

"House in the forest". Manakov Ilya Sergeevich.
Materials: spruce and pine cones, rowan berries, lime blossom, peach and cherry beans, pine needles, stones, dried rowan leaves, birch and aspen leaves, shell, matches, cardboard. The child collected all the materials in the forest, helped to glue the details, sculpted a snail, laid out leaves and other materials. Done under the guidance of my mother.

"House of Uncle AU". Kozlov Vladislav Viktorovich
The craft "Uncle AU's House" is made of materials, which include: linen fabric, maple branches, woolen thread, pine nuts, bamboo sticks, paper, lilac branches.

"Who, who lives in the house?". Gryaznov Artyom.
Material: Styrofoam, sheathed with twigs. The roof is made of reeds. Staircase - from twigs. For stability, the hut is attached to a tree branch and installed in a flower pot.


"Forest Guardian" Nikolaev Daniel.
The eagle owl is made of willow and rowan leaves. They are glued to cardboard on both sides. Eyes, nose and paws are made of plasticine.
The bowl is made of acorn caps glued together with hot glue. The bowl is filled with viburnum berries.

"Owl". Eliseev Narotam.
Cone, pumpkin seeds, melon seeds.

"Owls". Chumakova Alena.
Owl made from pumpkin seeds, cones, twigs, feathers, juniper. Also bark and moss.

"Owls are beauties." Kovalev Alexander.
Used: branches, dried leaves, mountain ash, wood cut, cardboard.

Ryabukhina Alina.
Owl-Owl, from sprigs of spruce and cones.

"Autumn Owl". Kryazheva Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Autumn owl, made from the seeds of a tree, the so-called "airplanes". The frame is a plastic bottle, covered with padding polyester, into which the “airplane feathers” were stuck.

"Three Owls". Strutskaya Valentina.
Birch stumps, cones, moss.

"Owl". Turbylev Nikita, 5 years old.
The owl is made of cones.

"Owl kingdom". Ryazanova Ekaterina.
Owls are made of cones; eyes, beak, legs - from plasticine. A hedgehog walks under a tree.


"Handmade from natural material" Hedgehog "". Gordeev Denis.
The frame of the Hedgehog is carved from frozen foam, pine cones on top, cork nose.

"Northern Hedgehog". Skripnikov Igor Alekseevich.
My Nordic Hedgehog is made from cones and hot glued onto Styrofoam.

"Forest hedgehog". Kandakov Leonid.
The work is made of cones, acorns, leaves, plasticine, a plastic bottle, grass.

"Hedgehog". Alice Tokar.
The hedgehog is made of paper, seeds, viburnum.

"Hedgehog". Timofeev Alexander Nikolaevich.
Radish, cones, gifts of autumn.

"Hedgehog Fufik". Malofeeva Alena.
The craft is made from plastic bottle and pine cones. In addition, decorative apples, mountain ash, tree leaves are used.

"Adorable Hedgehog" Zhogin Nikita, 4th grade, school number 155. Novosibirsk city.
The hedgehog is made of a sponge (wet), aster flowers, the head is made of a pumpkin, the eyes are made of peppercorns. You can use any blade of grass and leaves. On the "needles" tomato.

"Hedgehog". Sumenkova Valeria.
Cones. Barberry. Thorns. Heather. Spikelets. Cowberry. Leaves. Rowan. Plasticine.

"Family of hedgehogs". Malyshev Arseniy 3 years old and mother Malysheva Elena.
This is the hedgehog family! There are 7 of them, that is, the 7th!
Hedgehogs are made of different materials: the bodies of hedgehogs are plasticine and modeling dough, and almost everyone has different needles - one of the leaves,
the second from pine needles, the third from birch sticks, the fourth from a cone, and three from watermelon pits. Leaves, moss, sticks, tree bark, rowan berries, hawthorn and mushrooms - everything is real, natural!

"Hedgehog". Ochneva Victoria.
Work made from salt dough using natural material: cones, rowan berries, leaves and moss.

"The Yezhov family". Shirnina Evgeniya Nikolaevna
Cones, papier-mâché.

"Forest hedgehog". Permyakova Anastasia Antonovna
The work is made of cones, mountain ash, leaves of trees.

"Hedgehog Flower". Nicholas Lisa.
September flowers, leaves, viburnum.

"Pantry of autumn". Minin Alexander Sergeevich.
The work was done in kindergarten on the topic: "Autumn Pantry". They made it from thorns from a bush, as well as plasticine, leaves, PVA glue, a glue gun, a 0.5 l plastic bottle, a cone for decoration, and colored paper.

"Protect the environment.". Novikov Daniil and Novikov Vadim.
The work is made of cones, seeds, spruce twigs, autumn leaves and plasticine/

"Hedgehogs in the forest". Elizabeth Petrenko.
Cones, plasticine, spruce needles, potatoes, leaves.

"Autumn Fantasy". Baev Kirill and mother.
The hedgehogs are made of potatoes, black ashberries, toothpicks and plasticine. The glade is decorated with leaves, moss and rice, as well as apples and wild rose hips.

"Funny Hedgehogs". Filippova Sofia.
Pear, grapes, vegetation.

"Hedgehogs". Reshetnikov Nikita.
Potatoes, cones, needles.


"Good story". Lyulikov Georgy.
Baba Yaga and Goblin are made of sticks, a stupa from a can, pasted over with branches.

"Minion - pumpkin." Grebennikov Borya.
Pumpkin, plasticine.

"Moose". Ordova Alice.

Pumpkin, twigs.

"Grandma-Ezhka". Orlov Stepa, 3 years old.
The work is made of two cones, the hair is made of threads, the stupa is a jar of yogurt covered with threads. The broom and hands are made of twigs. Plasticine eyes, rowan beads.

"IA's Birthday" Guskova Elizabeth.
Donkey: potatoes, eggplant, plasticine; owl: eggplant, buttons, beans; lake: mirror, birch leaves, roses.

"Turtle Tortilla". Collective work of the group "Daisies".
The craft is made of pumpkin and potatoes. Some details (eyes, mouth, shell elements) are made of plasticine. Hat - from openwork napkins, glasses are made of soft wire. Here is what a beauty turned out to be!

Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka. Polyakov Elizar.
Crocodile Gena is made from zucchini, carrots. Eyes from chicken protein and black pepper.
Cheburashka is made of white eggplant, carnation eyes, an acorn hat, stands on a squash.

"Smeshariki in the forest". Surovtsev Anton.
The work is made of plasticine, pear, apple, nuts, cedar, garlic, onion, potato, mushroom, leaves, mountain ash.

"Owl". Romadova Victoria.
Sovunya is made of a pumpkin and decorated with felt details. For the beauty and completeness of the work, moss, cones and rowan berries were used.

"Fairytale Autumn at the edge of the forest." Khaliullin Kamil Adelevich.
Plastic, wood, toys, plasticine, gouache, lemonade bottle, glue, tree twigs, viburnum, chokeberry, patisson, sunflower, wild rose, wild flowers.

"Here I am". Isaeva Ekaterina Olegovna

"Minion". Trofimova Polina 5 years old. Cherepanova Anastasia 13 years old.
For our craft, we chose the ripest yellow zucchini. They painted it with gouache, made hair from toothpicks, eyes from corks. Everything is simple and very beautiful!

"Minions". Rybin Artem.
Material: Boiled corn and plasticine.

"Gold fish". Lebedev Matthew.
The product is made of leaves, and nut shells are attached to the salty dough. And the crown is made of a cone.

"Lesovichok". Kuchumov Artyom.
The craft is made of natural materials: pine log (torso), twigs (arms and legs), moss (hair and beard), chaga - birch fungus (feet), spruce twigs (headdress), stand - birch saw cut + moss and twigs ; eyes are lemonade lids.

"Autumn Fairy" Vasilisa.
Fairy or queen of autumn.
The doll is dressed in a dress of autumn leaves. Also used in the work are earrings of ash, mountain ash and raffia - all natural materials.
Vasilisa glued everything herself for 7 years, her mother helped only with her head.

"Crown of the Autumn Queen". Kozlova Victoria Viktorovna
The craft "Autumn Queen's Crown" is made of natural materials, which include: maple branches, poplar branches, lilac branches, maple seeds, woolen thread, pine nuts.

Mom and dad Kartoshkins on an autumn walk. Trofimov Vova and Polina.
Our crafts are made of very interesting, unusual potatoes. We dressed them up for an autumn walk and came up with umbrellas in case it rains.

"On a visit to Cheburashka." Ivanova Daria.
Made of vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots), plastic, moss, flowers, plasticine.

"Celestial Creation" Kosyanenko Matthew.
The work is made of pumpkin.

"Fairy Friend of Autumn". Arkhipova Victoria Yurievna
This work was done by a 7-year-old girl Vika, together with her parents. The work is very colorful, bright, and most importantly - autumn ... Our friend (let's call him Mr. Pumpkin) came to visit us from fairy forest. Made from a gourd (this is its base), arms and legs are made from cloth. On the head of our friend is a hat made of straw, decorated with rowan. Our Mister is sitting on a birch stump (a flower pot has been turned into a stump), in the middle of a green lawn strewn with mountain ash and apples. Wonderful work in which the "gifts of autumn" were used!

Animals from vegetables

"Wonder Bird". Timofeeva Ulyana, 9 years old.
The work is made of pumpkin and squash. The bird is decorated with calendula flowers.

"Autumn Glade". Popova Yulia Evgenievna
Made from a pumpkin, a spider from a potato, a caterpillar from apples and carrots.

"Kittens". Perestoronina Arina.

Pumpkin, turnip, rowan, pepper, apples.

"Hedgehogs are preparing for the winter." Atanov Ivan.

The work is made of sweet pepper, cloves, leaves, chestnuts, flowers, wild rose and decorative ornaments.

"Bunny Smile". Moskalev Platon, MBOU "Secondary School No. 21 named after. N.I. Rylenkov, city of Smolensk.
the work is made of vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, carrots), fruits (apples), flowers (asters).

Ena Nikolay. "Bunny"
Made from cabbage.

"Hen-hen". Volkova Ludmila.
The work is made of pumpkin, zucchini, maple leaves.

"Glamorous snail". Grigorenko Daria.
The snail's house is made of pumpkin, the head and neck are made of zucchini, and the horns are made of oak berries. The work is decorated with rhinestones and other decorative elements.

"Who, who lives in the little house?" Berezanov Daniel.
Teremok is made of pumpkin, decorated with oak-like mountain ash, red pepper and leaves. The animals are made of onion, potato and apple + plasticine. Under the tower are leaves, fir twigs and flowers.

“What a company…..” Tsintserova Alena Gennadievna
Zucchini, straw, chicken fluff, bird cherry.

"Funny Penguin" Lityago Elena.
Pumpkin, potatoes, bell pepper.

"Pigs from Tayushka!" Apacheva Taisiya.
We used cardboard, leaves, branches, rowan berries, potatoes, hops, plasticine and a lot of good mood!)

"Naughty Insects". Falkin Ivan.
Pumpkin house. A caterpillar of acorns and a spider of chestnuts. Web - threads.

"Caterpillar". Volodichev Ilya.
Made from apples and chokeberry berries.

"Pig". Andriychuk Daria.
From vegetables and fruits.


"Racing machine". Klochkov Alexander, 6 years old.
The car was made from zucchini, tomatoes. The details of the machine are made of paper. The man in the car is made of plasticine.

"Sail". Belyaeva Ulyana with her mother.
The work is made of reeds, dry maple leaf, corrugated cardboard, sticks and glue.

"The Boat of Knowledge". Solovyov Alexey.
The Boat of Knowledge craft is made of zucchini, carrots, cabbage, thread, sticks, plasticine.

"Into the sky". Marchenko Kirill.
Aircraft made of natural material.

"The steam locomotive from the zucchini." Lonsky Artyom.
The work is made of zucchini with the addition of small details.

"Behind the harvest." Sirotkin Artem Vyacheslavovich, 4 years old.
The work is made of vegetables: the car is made of potatoes, carrots, the girl sitting in the car is made of vegetables and waste material.

"Machine". Galkin Mikhail.
The car is made of eggplant, the work is decorated with rowan berries, next to the car is a tomato caterpillar.

"Roma in a wheelchair". Strizhova Polina.
The work is made of delicious gifts of autumn)))

"Autumn Ship" Vanya Chernykh.
The craft is made of pumpkin and paper. Figures of heroes from Kinder Surprise.

"A car". Maksimov Dmitry.
The work is made of zucchini, a man of carrots, onions and tomatoes.

"Forest Harvest". Linkov Yuri.
The craft is made of wood, cones and acorns.

Compositions and still lifes from natural material

"Autumn Harvest" Lika.

The basket is made of natural materials with decorative elements added. The basket is made of pine cones. Filling - apples, mountain ash, chokeberry, moss bedding, cones and chestnuts added.

"Rainbow Childhood" Osipova O.I. Konovalova O.S.

"Cute Chicken". Lekhova Sophia.
Pumpkin seeds, decorative ornaments.

"Swans from cones". Garkushin Nikita.
The work is made of pine cones, cardboard, chenille wire and feathers.

"Magic Wand of the Forest". Petrov Dmitry.
Topiary made of cones and autumn flowers.

"Autumn is coming." Solovieva Ksyusha.
natural materials.

"Autumn Bouquet" Solovieva Svetlana.
Zucchini, peppers, grapes, leaves, toothpicks.

"Ballooning in Autumn". Timofeev Andrey Nikolaevich.
From natural material: pumpkin, acorns, apples, mountain ash, leaves.

"Gifts of Autumn". Ogurtsova Irina.

Hello school! Trushina Lydia.
Cones, acorns, acorn caps, nuts, peas, physalis, leaves, thuja twigs, spikelet, orange peel roses, various berries and seeds.

"Autumn Umbrella". Ivashechkina Yana and mother Lena.
Umbrella: cardboard, flat wire, twine;
Bouquet: leaves of small shrubs, fir cones, barberry fruits, snowberry fruits, thuja twigs;
Roses: maple leaves;
Hot glue, thread.

"Bird and Flowers". Tugarinova Yana.
Flowers from cones, a bird from leaves.

"Wind Catcher" Egorova Xenia.
We were inspired to create the “Wind Catcher” by the bright colors of autumn and multi-colored autumn leaves, which easily give in to every breath of the wind, tremble on tree branches, break off and, circling in the air stream, smoothly or in a whirlwind fall to the ground. We used thin oak branches as a base, twisted them into a ring and secured them with threads, then tied them a little with oak leaves, chestnuts, acorns, berries, vesicles, rose hips and pears in sugar, and at the very top, in front of the loop for fastening, we passed thread through a small green apple. Pendants are made of birch and maple leaves, they are fixed with a transparent fishing line to create the effect of weightlessness.

"Autumn Mushrooms" Gameeva Julia and Alexandra.
Wooden saw cuts of different diameters, dried cones, leaves and blades of grass.
Optional: paints, plastic eyes.

"Autumn Tree" Safonova Svetlana Alexandrovna
To create this beautiful tree, we needed:
1. Planter (can be a pot)
4. Masking tape
5. Strong rope
6. Strong stick
7.Natural buds
8. Spruce needles
9. Rowan branches
10. Wolf white berries
11. Fallen leaves
Cooking steps:
We crumple the newspaper, give it the shape of a ball. Then, in order for the ball to keep its shape, we wrap it with masking tape (for more durable work, I wrapped it with a rope). Now we need to attach a branch to our ball. To do this, we cut a small hole in the ball, 2-3 cm deep, smear the branch with glue and insert it. When the glue dries, we begin to glue the ball. We will glue the cones first (they must be well dried, because if the cones are wet, they will not stick). Then we will glue the leaves. Next, you can glue rowan branches, fir branches, wolfberries and any other decorations suitable for our autumn theme. Then we prepare the solution in unnecessary dishes and pour it into a planter with a tree. In order for the solution to dry, you need to wait about two hours. After we have made sure that the solution has hardened, we proceed to decorate the pots. We cover the surface of the solution with spruce twigs, cones and anything. So our bright tree is ready!

"Forest Beauty" Serova Natalia.
The work is made of a Barbie doll, her dress and train are decorated with maple leaves, decorated with flowers.

"Proud deer". Gavva Ekaterina.
The work is made of cones, acorns and walnut shells. All parts are fastened with plasticine. The legs are made from toothpicks. Horns are thin twigs.

"Berry Waterfall" Levin Stepan Vasilievich.
The work is made from natural materials. In its composition:
2. barberry berries
3. berries of chokeberry
4. rose hips
5. rowan berries
6. cherry berries
7. rowan berries
8. Tui cone
9. currant leaves
10. rowanberry leaves
11. barberry leaves
12. chokeberry leaves
13. birch leaves
14. walnut leaves
15. oak leaves
16. bird cherry leaves
17. rose hips
18. branch of mountain ash
19. girlish grape leaves
20. sumac leaves
21. linden leaves
22. rowan oak leaf
23. grape vine
Above is a decorative dragonfly. Golden like autumn itself.

"A bountiful harvest". Kulik Vitaly. (7 years).
The horse is made of straw and grass, the eyes are made of chokeberry, in the hryvnia is a flower of rowan berries. The wagon and team made of birch branches, and the harvest in the wagon are real miniature vegetables and berries that were grown by the author of the craft.

Rusina Victoria. "Forest bowl"
MA preschool educational institution "Kozlovsky CRR - kindergarten "Bee", Chuvash Republic, Kozlovka.
Leader: Tsirulina Ekaterina Vitalievna.

"Ostrich". Kallaeva Anna.
Cones, plasticine, stick, ash seeds.
An ostrich girl with a flower at her feet.

Leshy collects mushrooms. Kallaeva Love.
Goblin collects supplies for the winter and came across a very beautiful fly agaric.
Cone, shell, acorn caps, ash seeds, plasticine.

"Duck with ducklings for a walk." Chmylikov Matvey Alexandrovich.
Duck Material: Salt dough and feathers.
Pond material: Colored sawdust.
For decoration around the pond: mountain ash, immortelle, flowers and reeds made of foam and colored paper.

"Bugs and spiders in the autumn meadow!". Maria.
Pumpkin, tomatoes, onions, grapes, viburnum, autumn leaves. In the pumpkin we cut out a window and another hole for the web. From the cut top of a pumpkin, I made an umbrella.

"Star of the East". Golubeva Alena.
Apple, rose, birch branch, spruce branch, berries.

"Autumn forest". Malova Sofia Maksimovna
The work is made from natural materials, toys from kindersurprise.

"Forest Gifts" Evdoshenko Denis.

"Harvest from Alina". Zaryankova Alina Stanislavovna, 5 years old.
The work is made of natural material: leaves, cones, vegetables, seeds.

"Tricks of Autumn" Akolzina Victoria.
This topiary is made of cones, wild rose, mountain ash and birch leaves. It is also decorated with a decorative bird.

"Autumn mood". Ivanov Artyom.
Mushroom leg - daikon, cap - tomato, dots - mayonnaise.

"Autumn decor". Makeev Nikita Sergeevich 2 years 2 months, mother Elena.
Russula, pig, moss, mountain ash, chestnut leaves, birch, American maple, larch, needles, viburnum, acorns, beets, cones.

"Autumn Fishing" Odaev Vladislav.
Cardboard; cones; plasticine; branches; moss; maple helicopters; pine branch; mushroom.

"Autumn meadow". Ignashina Sonya.
Natural material, plasticine.

"Autumn Tree" Alexey.
The craft is made of maple leaves, black and red rowan fruits. There are barberry berries, acorns, birch leaves.

"Moose in the forest". Polyakov Elizar.
Moss, fir cones, nets of pine, spruce, cotton buds, plasticine, pebbles, pine bark.

"Spider web". Lebedev Arseny.
The craft is made of willow branches (cobweb), chestnuts, acorns (spiders).

"Birds of the Lakes". Anna Chaprak.
Cones, feathers, plasticine.

"Autumn Girl" Lavrentieva Polina Igorevna
Work from mountain ash, leaves, cones, branches and other natural materials, plasticine figurine.

"Delicious basket" Ibraeva Natalia.
A watermelon basket is filled with what has ripened in the garden.

"On the meadow." Makarova Arina.
From natural material.

"From the Past to the Present". MBOU Altai secondary school No. 1 named after P.K. Korshunov.
Groats, flowers, fabric, globe, jug.

"Autumn swing". Gaikalova Olga.
In the work were used - chestnuts, wild grapes, plum branch, leaves of different trees, autumn flowers. The work creates an atmosphere of autumn with all its colors and childhood memories.

"Autumn Gifts of Nature". Queen Zlata, 9 years old.
Viburnum, pine twig, plasticine, hawthorn, chokeberry, wild rose, maple, spruce and pine cones.

"At the bottom of the sea". Troyanova Sveta, 5 years old.
Shells, moss, stock and rowan leaves, sand.

"All colors of autumn" Sumenkova Valeria.
Cones. Barberry. Thorns. Heather. Spikelets. Cowberry. Leaves. Rowan. Plasticine. A cut of wood.

"Spider-forester". Manakov Ilya Sergeevich.
The work was done under the guidance of my mother. Materials: spruce branches, birch and aspen leaves, grape branches, tree sticks, rowan berries, lime blossom, woolen thread, plasticine. The child was happy to collect all the materials in the forest, glue the leaves and twigs, sculpt the details of the spider.

"Autumn Bouquet" Sultanov Maxim.
The bouquet is made of maple and oak leaves.

"Roses in a vase". Knysh Natalya Viktorovna.
The work is made of potatoes. "Roses" are colored with beetroot juice.

"Gifts of Autumn". Natalya Frolova.
The craft is made of fir cones, mountain ash, dry leaves, artificial flowers and apples.

"Autumn mood". Pelevin Oleg.
Autumn leaves.

"Autumn Fantasy". Zotov Daniel.
This unusual tree is made of dried flowers, berries, cones, and pieces of fabric were added for beauty.

"Floating barrel". Sudarikov Ilya.
Materials: viburnum berries, chokeberries, wild rose, chestnuts, cones, chrysanthemum buds, autumn leaves, a barrel, a jar of chips is pasted over with clothespins.

"Autumn in the Mushroom Forest". Asylov Ayaz Ramilevich, 4 years old.
The craft is made of natural materials (leaves of maple, birch, mountain ash and aspen trees, sprigs of fir trees, birch and lilac, fir cones and pine needles, plasticine). The hedgehog is made of a fir cone, pine needles and plasticine. The spider is made of an acorn and plasticine. The bonfire is made of birch twigs with plasticine flames.

"Magic tree". Boriskin Dmitry Igorevich.
The paper presents a model of the autumn forest. But this is an unusual forest - this forest is magical, fabulous. grew up here magic tree, on which both fruits and cones grow. The foliage on this tree is also unusual. In addition to ordinary leaves, amazing braids of grass are intertwined on it. Well, without animals. Fabulous hedgehogs and birds rush to eat the fruits of this tree
Materials: leaves, grass, cones, wild apple twigs, seeds, plasticine, plastic ball. All parts of the work were fastened with glue and plasticine.

"Gifts of Autumn". Trofimova Natalya Andreevna together with her son Vladimir and daughter Polina.
The work is made of cones, acorns, moss, vines, and decorative elements have been added.

"At the edge of the forest". Ilyin Artem.
The house is made of white cardboard and lined with branches. The roof is a sprig of arborvitae. The house has a swan, a puppy, a Christmas tree, mushrooms made from acorns and cones.

"Spider on the hunt." Kartseva Natalia.
Pumpkin, rowan berries, Spider toy, straw.

"Autumn Yard". Nesterov Matthew.
The work is made of moss, dried leaves, tree twigs, birch bark, plasticine.

"Autumn Bouquet" Sokolova Ustinya.
Leaves - oak, maple; cones, flowers, acorns.

"Hedgehogs for mushrooms." Nikita Paderov.
The work is made of material: potatoes, needles, branches, cones, leaves.

"Wonder Tree" Sycheva Victoria Anatolyevna
Made from pistachio shells, tree branches. Decorated with decorative leaves and wrapping paper.

Applications from natural material

"Autumn Beauty" Angelica.

Painting from natural material: leaves, flowers, grass.

"Autumn mood". Vereshchaga Georgy, Vereshchaga A.S.
Album sheet, watercolor, dry leaves and flowers.

"Autumn has come". Lonkin Egor.
Application of dry leaves (imitate trees) on a watercolor background.

"A bird in a cage and a bird in the wild." Garkushin Nikita.
The work is made of autumn leaves, yarn and cardboard.

"Beautiful flowers". Eminova Karina.
The work is made of sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

"Stork". Radostev Kirill.
This work is made from - beans, buckwheat, seeds.

"Butterfly". Mladentseva Sofia 8 years old.
The butterfly is made of beans, seeds, antennae - cloves, head - peppercorns, semolina. Frame - cardboard, pebbles, background - chalk.

"Gray Heron". Varov Vladimir.

The work is made of feathers with the addition of dry plants.

Butler Yulia.
The watch is made from autumn materials(cones, moss, some kind of grass, fly agaric, mountain ash and lingonberries), cardboard, colored paper and a hot gun.

"Autumn". Torba Roma.

"Autumn Favorite" Anoprikova Anastasia.
A panel of yellow poplar leaves and seeds (fluff) of thistles, as well as corn grits.

"Gifts of Autumn". Sakhipova Adila.
Made from leaves, pumpkin seeds, dates, watermelon and apricots.

"Autumn Bouquet" Zhaldak Maria, 7 years old.
The application is made of bean seeds, coffee, acacia, buckwheat and ears of corn.

"House in the forest". Rakhmaev Karim.
Twigs, tree bark, leaves, stones, coconut shell fibers (roof).

"White mushroom". Sakhipov Nurislam.
Application from cereals and plasticine.

"Autumn hedgehog." Kislyuk Daria.
The work is done in the form of an application. The hedgehog itself is made of paper, glued on cardboard, the spines of the hedgehog are made of sunflower seeds, mushrooms are made of paper. Decorated with autumn leaves. The herb is made from dried dill.

"Autumn basket of flowers". Loshkin Andrey.
Chipboard base measuring 60 cm by 100 cm. A transparent adhesive for ceiling tiles is applied in stages. First, a basket of dried apricot seeds, plums is laid out. Then the flowers are laid out from pine cones, leaves from walnuts, watermelon seeds, bell peppers, peanuts. Shells of different colors and sizes were used for flowers and butterflies. The background is made of semolina glued on PVA glue. For brightness, flowers and leaves were painted with paint.

"Autumn photo frame". Mikheeva Tatyana Vasilievna
The work is done in the technique of applique from natural material.

"Hare". Belyaeva Irina Ivanovna
The work is made of leaves and twigs of trees.

"Magic Colors of Autumn" Anoprikova Anastasia.
In the manufacture were used dried leaves, flowers, sparkles, small twigs.

"Vegetable Train" Klyuev Mikhail.
The train is made of cucumber, the trailers are filled with berries, seeds, carrots. The forest is made of twigs.

"Autumn Bouquet" Sakalauskas Andrius.
The basis of the panel is an A4 size photo frame. The background of the painting and the vase are colored with colored pencils. The bouquet is made up of dried autumn leaves. The acorns are glued to the leaves. Their hats are made of black plasticine.

"Sprigs of cotton in a vase." Sorokin Egor.
The vase is made of cones and covered with golden paint. For flowers you will need dry twigs, cotton wool, egg trays, acrylic paint.

"Night leaf fall". Patrash Safiya.
The work is made of cardboard, plasticine stars, dry leaves.

For inspiration, you can see photos and master classes of ours.

To answer

Autumn gives us a lot of materials for creativity. These are leaves of various colors, and chestnuts, and dried flowers, and acorns, and a decorative miniature pumpkin.

But, before you start making souvenirs from them, you need to properly prepare them, namely, dry them and, if necessary, varnish or paint them.

If you make crafts from unprepared raw materials, then this will be a short-lived product.

As soon as the material dries on its own, the souvenir will lose its shape and will have to be thrown away. And besides this, half-baked leaves can simply rot or become moldy.

Therefore, let's start by drying our autumn finds.

Let's prepare the leaves for the herbarium as follows:

1 way:

Put them between the book sheets and put them back on the shelf, pressing the other books firmly on the side. After about a week and a half, the leaves will become suitable for crafts.

This method is the best because natural color leaves do not change and then they do not break for a long time.

2 way:

This method is good if you do not have the strength to endure a week and a half and want to quickly get to work. Place the sheet between two white sheets of paper and iron on the lowest setting.

In this case, the yellow and red leaves retain their color, but the green ones can darken and become an ugly, brown hue.

We dry chestnuts, acorns and decorative pumpkin.

1 way:

Dry outdoors in the shade. It will be necessary to wait quite a long time before these materials acquire the dryness we need.

Sometimes this process takes a month. This is especially true of decorative pumpkins, from which wonderful autumn DIY crafts come out.

You will see for yourself when the moment of readiness of the gifts of autumn comes. Acorns and chestnuts will become lighter, and the pumpkin will become like a rattle, as the cavity inside will dry out and shrink, and dry seeds will beat against the walls.

2 way:

We use the oven for this. It must be set to a temperature of up to 60C, and dried until tender, stirring occasionally.

The main thing is not to rush and do not set a high heat, as the fruits will simply boil and become completely unusable.

Drying dried flowers

There is only one way and it is long-playing. Flowers should be strung on a thread threaded through the stems and hung in a dry place, peduncles down.

Drying in a book or an iron will not work, so the shape will be lost and they will become flat. After the dried flowers are completely dry, they must be covered with a layer of hairspray. It will give them the right density and will not allow them to crumble at the slightest touch.

Well, now, let's move on to specific master classes and examples.

1. Panel of autumn leaves

We offer you a great DIY leaf panel idea. It is not difficult to make it, but the result is quite impressive.

It would be nice if you placed other autumn decor elements next to the finished leaf painting. For example, pumpkins, spikelets and other gizmos suitable in style. Then you will have a whole autumn ensemble.

What we need to work:

  1. 1. Dried maple leaves of yellow-red color.
  2. 2. Tree branch for the trunk
  3. 3. A piece of square plywood
  4. 4. Stain or dark varnish
  5. 5. Simple pencil
  6. 6. PVA glue
  7. 7. A bunch of dry spikelets
  8. 8. Wicker basket for pumpkins
  9. 9. A few Jack Be Little or Baby Boo pumpkins

If you do not have such pumpkins, then the basket can be filled with chestnuts and acorns. But next year it would not hurt to grow them, as they look very colorful and festive. Of course, if you have a piece of land.

See what a variety of varieties and how harmoniously they combine with each other:

Master class step by step:

1 step. Sand the board, paying special attention to the edges. They must be smooth.

2 step. Cover it with stain or varnish, preferably with a brownish tint. Apply the coating in several layers, trying to make the board not of a uniform color, but slightly “spotted”.

3 step. Freehand draw a large maple leaf.

4 step. Start gluing on the maple leaves. Start from the edges, gradually approaching the middle. The edges of the leaves should match the edges of the sketch as best as possible. The next row of leaves should overlap the previous one. Do not glue the ends, they should be “overhang” so that the effect of volume comes out.

5 step. Glue the selected branch in place of the stem.

Now hang a hand-made autumn panel over a cabinet and arrange other decorative elements around.

2. Topiary from a herbarium and other autumn materials

Topiary is an ornamental tree. In autumn you can collect beautiful leaves and make such a wonderful and cozy element of decor.

Any leaves, dried flowers, acorns, spikelets will be used here. The main thing is to understand the essence and make the right foundation. And what to fill it with - fantasy will tell.

What we need to work:

  1. 1. Ceramic pot of soft color
  2. 2. Smooth tree branch for the trunk
  3. 3. 1 ball of foam rubber, polystyrene or special floral foam
  4. 4. Dry moss, sesame or a handful of beautiful pebbles, acorns, dry mountain ash
  5. 5. Glue gun
  6. 6. Gypsum dry
  7. 7. Decorative elements: herbarium, dried flowers, mountain ash, acorns, etc.

Master class step by step:

1 step. Let's start with the base. Take foam ball and put it on a branch that will serve as a trunk for you. Then remove it and drop glue from the gun into the hole formed. Reattach the ball and let dry.

2 step. Secure the stem in the pot. To do this, put a drop of glue on the free edge of the branch, attach it to the base of the pot.

Then, dilute the gypsum with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and fill the container. Keep in mind that you will still need to decorate everything on top with moss or acorns, so leave a gap of about 3-4 cm from the top.

3 step. Now we insert leaves, dried flowers into the ball, sticking their stems inside. If you want to add acorns to the composition, then first put them on pieces of wire.

4 step. Now you just have to decorate the top of the pot so that the gypsum is not visible.

That's all. According to this simple scheme, you can make a variety of autumn crafts with your own hands, not only from leaves, but also from dry peas, nuts and other things. All of them will look just fine!

3. Roses from maple leaves

Looking at this elegant bouquet of roses, it would never occur to you that it is made from ordinary maple leaves!

But, nevertheless, it is so. It is enough just to learn how to fold them correctly and you will get a chic basis for many ideas.

Such roses can be included in various autumn topiaries, wreaths, compositions and panels. They look great in combination with any natural materials.

Well, let's get down to business.

What we need to work:

  1. 1. Maple leaves not dried
  2. 2. Thread or soft wire
  3. 3. Matt lacquer for hair

Master class step by step:

1 step. We form the middle of the bud. To do this, fold the sheet as shown in the pictures below. Try to twist it as tightly and evenly as possible. First in half, and then sausage.

As a result, we should get something like this:

2 step. Now take the second sheet, fold it in half again and wrap the base around it.

sharp edges maple leaves you need to carefully hide inside, like this:

3 step. We continue to build up mass around the base, fitting more and more new leaves. If you want to end up with a bud, then twist it tighter, and if you ate a more lush rose, then loosen the twist a little.

4 step. When you see that a real rose has “bloomed” in your hands, you need to fix it with threads, as tight as possible.

5 step. We cut the edges with scissors and put the rose on a lining of leaves, preferably already dry. We cover the composition with varnish and admire!

Such roses from leaves stand for a long time, for the whole autumn season it will definitely be enough. You can make as many of these colors as you like. The more of them, the more chic this autumn composition looks, resembling a fabric motif in appearance.

4. Compositions from decorative pumpkins

Even if you do not grow this vegetable on your site, in autumn time you can freely buy them on the market, and then dry them yourself. How to do this, we have already told above, so let's not waste time talking.

Let's get creative!

There will be no master classes in this block, we will just show you examples of such decor, and how to make them is quite clear from the photo.

Of course, there are more complex techniques, such as carving or painting on dry lagenaria, but this topic is extensive and worthy of a separate article. Here we will consider only the simplest compositions that even a schoolboy can do.

1 option. Basket with a scattering of pumpkins. It couldn't be easier, but the view is spectacular!

Option 2. Candlesticks from mini pumpkins. To do this, you need to cut a hole large enough with a knife so that you can put a foil-based candle in it.

Or this option:

Incredibly simple, right?

3 option. Wreath on the door of pumpkins. Take any circle as a basis, for example, an embroidery hoop, and attach mini-pumpkins to it.

Pierce the tails with wire and screw it to the base, circle. As additional decorative elements, use berries, acorns, twigs and autumn leaves.

It will look something like this:

5. Chestnut Topiary

To create this spectacular do-it-yourself autumn craft, we need the same materials for the base as for creating decorative tree from the herbarium. And for decoration, you just need other elements.

For work we need:

1. Ceramic pot
2. Styrofoam ball
3. Gypsum dry
4. Glue gun
5. Tree branch for the trunk
6. Cones, chestnuts, acorns
7. Harsh thread or twine to form decorative balls

Master class step by step:

  1. 1. We form the base of the tree in the same way as in the case of the leaf topiary.
  2. 2. We fix the base in a pot with glue and plaster
  3. 3. We apply drops of hot glue to chestnuts, acorns and other elements and randomly attach them to the foam ball-crown.
  4. 4. A wreath on the chestnut door

Such a wreath of chestnuts on the front door will cheer up not only you, but also passers-by. It is very easy to make it. Follow all the steps given for making a pumpkin wreath.

Find some kind of dense base, then pierce the chestnuts and other elements through the reverse side, insert the wire, form a hook and use it to screw them to the circle.

Complement the chestnut composition with leaves, acorns, berries and other autumn decorative elements that this fertile time of the year gave.

6. Autumn garland "Leaves" from salt dough

This is a very spectacular autumn craft with your own hands. The big advantage of such a garland is that it is not seasonal and will decorate your home for many years.

After all, it is made not from natural materials, but from salt dough, which does not deteriorate for years. The only thing is that such products are fragile and must be handled with care so as not to break. But, even if this happened, they can always be glued together, but the joint will not be noticeable.

What we need to work:

1. 2 cups flour
2. 1 glass of salt
3. 0.5 cups of water
4. Gouache
5. Sewing pins with hook eye
6. Twine
7. Oven
8. White landscape paper, pencil

Master class step by step:

1 step. We draw patterns of leaves of various types on the landscape sheet, but approximately the same size. We cut them out.

2 step. Knead a stiff dough of flour, salt and water. If the dough turns out to be non-plastic, then liquid can be added drop by drop. Mix well the resulting material and roll it out on the board. The layer should be approximately 5-7 millimeters.

3 step. We lay out the templates on the rolled out dough and cut them along the contour with a knife.

As a result, we should get about as many blanks.

4 step. We make holes with pins and carefully fix the heads. On them we will hang our leaves. We squeeze out the veins with a knife.

5 step. We dry the dough in the oven at a temperature of 50-60C until completely dry.

6 step. We color the blanks from the dough with gouache, trying to make natural tones and transitions.

7 step. We string the garland on the twine, making a knot over each leaf so that they do not move.

So our autumn do-it-yourself craft is ready. You can hang it anywhere, it will be in place in any corner of the house, especially if you have some other autumn-style decor elements.

7. Vases and houses from an ordinary pumpkin

Autumn is the season for pumpkins. It costs mere pennies and finding a beautiful shape and coloring is not difficult.

And to make an element of autumn decor on its basis is as easy as shelling pears! There is no need for any step-by-step technologies and accessories.

All you need is pumpkins, a carving knife, and a tablespoon to pick out the pulp and flowers to fill these colorful vases.

Look at our selection of photos of pumpkin vases. Looks very dignified and autumnal.

As you already understood, you only need to cut off the top and clean the core of the vegetable. Then fill the container with water.

And you can make houses out of pumpkins. To do this, you just need to cut holes in the right places. Where exactly they are located, you can see in the picture below. Kids love these things!

8. Wreath on the door made of natural materials

We have already given above an example of wreaths of pumpkins and chestnuts. How to make them - you already know. Here we just give a selection of the most spectacular, in our opinion, ideas.

9. Frame of acorns for a photo or a mirror

Decorating any base in this way is very simple. We think no explanation is needed here.

The only thing we can advise is that you should not glue acorns on a glue gun or PVA. Much better if you use plasticine.

Because, most likely, you will soon get tired of such decor and have to throw it away. And so, you can always dismantle the acorns and get a regular photo frame back into use.

This is how it will look like.

There are whole acorns on the photo frame, and only hats on the mirror. Thus, you can create a variety of autumn crafts with your own hands and decorate any surface: caskets, bread boxes, and more.

10. A bunch of acorns

This autumn craft will look the best way, if you paint the "berries" in natural colors, and instead of grape leaves add a herbarium of their maple, of various colors.

Also, a bunch of acorns is a wonderful element of any autumn wreath on the door or a large topiary. After all, it can be made not only desktop, but also in human growth!

Only instead of a foam ball, you need to take some large, plastic one. Grapes from acorns are made very simply, we will now tell you exactly how.

What we need to work:

1. Acorns without caps
2. Shilo
3. Wire
3. Glue gun
4. Acrylic paint
5. Autumn leaves for decoration

Master class step by step:

1 step. We pierce holes in the base of the acorn with an awl.

2 step. We break or cut the wire into pieces 7-10 cm long.

3 step. Dip the ends of the wire in a drop of glue from the gun and insert into the punctured holes.

4 step. We paint acorns in any color you want. The main thing is that it is combined with leaves that will complement the composition.

5 step. We collect acorns in a bunch, forming a wire rod on top. Then we attach leaves to it.

Now you can make any decoration based on this fall craft. Panel, wreath and more.

11. Autumn crafts from felt

Working with this fabric is a pleasure! The material does not crumble, perfectly holds its shape. And this means that any beginner can make an autumn craft from felt with his own hands and it will turn out no worse than the products of experienced craftswomen.

We offer you a selection of the best and simple decors in autumn style, and you already choose any of them! They are so simple that they do not need to describe in detail their step-by-step technology.

As you can see, on the basis of felt leaves, you can make both a wreath and a garland, like the one we already made from salt dough. Here are a couple more options autumn wreaths with your own hands.

All you need to do is draw patterns, cut out the felt and decorate it according to our photos.

12. Pigtail of garlic and red pepper

How cozy it is when bundles of garlic, onions, red peppers hang in the kitchen! But if you hang them fresh, they will very soon lose their appearance or simply run out, because they will go to food.

Let's do something like this, but for the ages! Now we will look at how garlic and pepper are made, from which we will form a pretty braid for the kitchen.

For work we need:

1. White nylon tights or plastic bag (for garlic base)
2. Cotton wool or synthetic winterizer (for filling)
3. White harsh thread (for dressing and forming lobules)
4. Glue gun
5. Buckwheat or twine (to simulate garlic roots)
6. Fabric for sewing peppers or salt dough for modeling it

Master class step by step:

1 step. We form the body of garlic. To do this, we need to cut into squares or nylon tights or simple plastic bags. Garlic made of nylon looks, of course, more realistic.

But the package looks good too. But most importantly, this material is always at hand. So, cut out a square, about 7 by 7 cm in diameter.

2 step. We roll a ball out of cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, put it inside a flap of nylon and form a head of garlic. It looks like it is shown in the photo.

3 step. Then we begin to tie the head with a harsh thread, forming garlic cloves. First, divide in half, then into quarters, then into 8 parts.

Look at the photo, the process is clearly shown there.

4 step. In the place where the roots of real garlic are located, we drip a drop of glue and sprinkle this place with crushed buckwheat. If you want, you can replace it with twine, which needs to be unraveled and finely chopped.

5 step. We make a pigtail out of twine and attach the resulting garlic cloves to it.

6 step. Now it's time to do the pepper. You can sew it, but a pepper made from salt dough looks much better.

We have already given the recipe for kneading, in the subheading “Garlands of autumn leaves”. This is how the peppercorns should turn out in the end.

7 step. We make holes in the tails of the peppercorns (we will then thread the twine into them and with its help we will fix them on the pigtail with garlic). You can do this with an awl or any item at hand.

The main thing is to make them large enough so that you can thread the thread freely later. Otherwise, after drying, you will not be able to attach the finished product to the composition in any way.

And one more thing: if you make a hole, make sure that the edges of the legs remain more or less large. Otherwise, after you pull the thread, the thin walls may crack and the pepper will fall to the floor.

8 step. Dry in the oven, paint with acrylic paint, after drying, cover them with varnish. When the pepper shines, it looks more natural.

Dry at a low temperature, do not rush, because otherwise, your work may burst and you will have to sculpt everything again. Cracked peppers can no longer be painted the way you would like.

9. We fasten the pepper to the garlic and hang this autumn composition in the kitchen. You can make several of these links. You can make carrots from salt dough, and from brown tights you can make an onion bunch.

The principle of making bulbs is the same as garlic, only even simpler. Slices do not need to be formed.

Also, a bunch of mushrooms on the wall will look great, which you can also mold from dough and paint realistically.

This is the end of our long review. You saw many examples and any kind of autumn crafts with your own hands. We really hope that our master classes will be useful to you and you will definitely take something into service.