Curd face masks. Curd face masks Curd face mask

Facial and body care at any age is of great importance. The fight against wrinkles, age-related changes and cosmetic defects has always been relevant. A cottage cheese face mask is one of the methods that allows you to maintain the beauty and health of the skin, increase its elasticity, and fight age-related changes. Cottage cheese is a natural product, thanks to which it turns out to achieve the desired results, restore beauty and shine to the skin.

Cottage cheese is a product that can replace any store-bought face product. This is a natural product, which contains many useful components, such as:

  • Iron;
  • Vitamin A, P, D, C;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Phosphorus.

The use of cottage cheese masks for the face relieves inflammation on the skin, removes puffiness, and fights wrinkles. With the help of traditional medicine, you can achieve rejuvenation, bring significant benefits to the skin. Another big advantage of cottage cheese is its availability and minimal cost compared to professional services.

Does it have contraindications

Recipes for masks with cottage cheese not only benefit the skin, but also may seem harmful to use. The natural product is suitable for use only by those women who have combination facial skin that does not have:

  • Small rash and pronounced acne;
  • open wounds;
  • "Fresh" stitches that remained after surgery;
  • Oily skin.

The presence of these conditions on the skin is a contraindication to use. In order not to provoke side effects, it is necessary to avoid any masks and cosmetic procedures based on cottage cheese or any other fermented milk products.

Curd face masks at home are prepared with the addition of other ingredients such as honey or sour cream. Consider more detailed recipes that are suitable for both dry and oily skin:

Curd mask with sour cream

This mask is suitable for people who have dry skin and need moisture. To prepare a mask, you need to take only cottage cheese and sour cream. The ingredients are mixed together in such a consistency that a thick slurry is obtained, suitable for applying it to the face and neck. The mask is left for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water. The result is achieved immediately after the first use. The skin becomes soft, smooth and silky.

Mask with egg and cottage cheese

The tool is suitable for combination skin, allows you to fight wrinkles, acne, and age spots that may occur seasonally or due to age-related changes.

For cooking use the following ingredients:

  • Olive oil;
  • Egg;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Cucumber.

In the process of cooking, it is necessary to chop half a cucumber on a grater, squeeze the juice out of it. The olive oil is slightly warmed up, added to the cottage cheese with the egg and everything is mixed. The mixture is poured with cucumber juice. Apply to face 30 minutes before bed.

Mask with banana and cottage cheese

After using the mask, the skin acquires a new radiance, becomes elastic, fresh and elastic. Due to the combination of cottage cheese and banana, the pores are narrowed, the skin is moisturized, it is always in good shape.

For cooking use the following ingredients:

  • Banana;
  • Olive oil;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Salt;
  • Warm milk.

First you need to mash the banana, add a little olive oil to it, and warm milk. All ingredients are mixed together, applied to the skin in a thick layer for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the skin acquires a new luster, becomes clean, radiant and tender.

Face mask with cottage cheese and honey

This face mask is suitable for aging skin at any age. The effect is achieved as quickly as possible, wrinkles are tightened, elasticity is increased. For cooking, you need to take:

  • Bee Honey;
  • Olive oil;
  • Cottage cheese.

All ingredients must be mixed together until a homogeneous consistency, applied to the skin in a small layer, conducting a light massage. This mask allows you to get rid of the first signs of aging, quickly nourishes the skin with useful components, and provides effective skin care. If the skin is sensitive, before applying the mask, it is necessary to pass the text on an allergy test in order to exclude the occurrence of allergic reactions.

How to use a face mask correctly

In order for the curd face mask to give the desired results, you need to prepare well for the procedure. First of all, you need to clean your face from makeup using special cleansers. If you have oily facial skin, you must additionally use a special scrub or facial foam, you can moisten your face with tonic.

In the process of preparing the mask, only fresh products are used, which retain all the necessary components. If irritation and red spots appear on the skin after application, it means that low-quality products were used in the process.

Important! The prepared mask cannot be stored, its beneficial properties are lost half an hour after preparation. If the mixture remains after application to the face, it is better to get rid of it.

It is very important to know the features of the procedure, because all the benefits of the procedure depend on it. Before applying funds to the face, you need to know the following rules:

  • First you need to tuck your hair so that it allows you to easily carry out the procedure;
  • The mask is applied with a spatula, it is undesirable to take the mixture with your hands;
  • After the mask is applied to the face, it is necessary to take a horizontal position and lie down for 20 minutes;
  • If any discomfort occurs in the face area, the mask should be washed off immediately;
  • After removing the mask from the face, a moisturizer is applied to the skin, it is best to use children's products, which contain more useful components.

We offer you to watch a video recipe for a curd face mask:


A face mask with cottage cheese is the most effective remedy that is recommended to be used no more than 2 times a week. For a better result, it is advisable to use honey, sour cream, banana and other ingredients that perfectly complement cottage cheese in a complex. In order not to face side effects, before applying cottage cheese on the face, it is worth conducting an allergy test, which will show the likelihood of side effects.

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Benefits and contraindications to the use of curd face masks. Recipes for home remedies with cottage cheese for dry, oily, problematic and aging skin.

Useful properties of a curd face mask

Cottage cheese is a protein product that contains a lot of calcium, lipids and trace elements. Due to this, it is introduced into the diet. With the help of cottage cheese, you can significantly improve skin health.

The benefits of cottage cheese for the face:

  • Saturates with moisture. Curd contains a lot of potassium and calcium. These trace elements bind water ions and prevent its evaporation.
  • Prevents aging. This fermented milk product contains many substances that resist the action of free radicals. The dermis fades more slowly.
  • Prevents peeling. Due to the content of animal fat, a film appears on the skin. It prevents the removal of moisture and helps restore flaky skin.
  • Saturates with vitamins. Cottage cheese contains many vitamins of the PP, A, B groups. These substances improve the condition of the epidermis.
  • Improves facial tone. Substances in cottage cheese contribute to the production of elastin and collagen. Thanks to this, the oval of the face becomes clearer.

Contraindications to the use of curd face masks

The essence for the face with cottage cheese is completely natural and suitable for any type of skin. But there are contraindications to its use.

List of contraindications:

  1. allergic reactions. Allergy to dairy products is very common. Therefore, if you previously felt itching or burning after using fermented milk products for the face, do not use cottage cheese.
  2. . It is especially worth refusing to use homemade cottage cheese. In fermented milk products, pathogenic flora can multiply, which will cause infection.
  3. Conditions after surgery. With the use of natural substances, it is worthwhile to wait if there are seams on the face that have not completely healed.
  4. Oily skin. In this case, you should not use fatty homemade cottage cheese. It is better to buy fat free.

Recipes for curd face masks at home

There are many recipes for substances to restore the epidermis with cottage cheese. Often this product is combined with eggs, fruits, honey and yeast.

Recipes for curd masks for dry skin against peeling

Curd is a great product for dry dermis. It is better to combine it with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. And it is worth choosing cottage cheese with a high fat content. Due to this, a protective film will appear on the dermis, which will prevent drying out.
  • With sugar. Sugar can be considered a soft scrub, rice flour is used to enhance the effect. Pour 25 g of cottage cheese into a plastic container, it is better to take soft and fat. Enter 10 g of rice ground in a coffee grinder, 15 g of granulated sugar and 5 ml of vegetable oil. You will get a thick porridge, pour a little milk into it to make a creamy mass. Gently spread on the face and soak for a third of an hour. Wash off with warm herbal decoction.
  • With honey. This is a classic tool that will help moisturize the dermis and remove flaky areas. In a small bowl, add 30 g of cottage cheese without additives and pour in 30 ml of bee nectar. You can take the candied product and preheat it in a bowl of hot water. Break with a spoon until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Using a plastic knife, apply the paste to the dermis. A third of an hour is enough for the dermis to moisturize. After that, remove with warm water.
  • With oatmeal. It is an exfoliating substance. It is necessary to turn a spoonful of Hercules into flour and mix with 20 g of cottage cheese. The mass will be thick and crumbly, so add 20 ml of kefir to it. Blend and blend into a smooth puree. Lubricate the dermis with the substance and let it soak for about 20 minutes. Rinse with wet cotton or under running water. Massage your face before removing.

Curd mask recipes for oily skin

Cottage cheese is an excellent remedy for dry dermis, but owners of oily skin can also use this fermented milk product. Just choose a product with a low fat content.

Recipes for cottage cheese masks for oily epidermis:

  1. With salt. In a bowl, add 10 g of fine salt, 25 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 20 ml of sour cream. Blend until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Now, using a wooden spatula, transfer to the epidermis. The exposure time of the paste is a third of an hour. After that, the substance is removed with a wet cloth.
  2. With lemon. Mix in a bowl 25 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 10 g of table salt. It is better to take "Extra". Pour in 10 ml of lemon juice and a little milk. Pound the substance until smooth. You can average in a blender. Apply the cream on your face. A quarter of an hour is enough for the substance to act. Rinse with cold water.
  3. with clay. Pour 10 g of kaolin powder into a bowl and add 20 g of cottage cheese. Rub the paste and add some milk. Pour in 10 ml of lemon juice. The mixture should be slightly liquid. Apply the substance to the fabric and apply to the skin. Leave this kind of compress for a third of an hour. Remove the cloth and rinse with cool water.

Curd mask for normal skin type

Such an epidermis does not require special care. But cottage cheese can prolong youth. Typically, such products use ingredients that relieve fatigue and nourish.

Recipes for curd masks for normal epidermis:

  • with carrots. Carrot juice normalizes oily skin. Grind the root crop in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice using cheesecloth. Inject the juice into 25 g of cottage cheese and add 10 ml of olive oil. Lubricate the dermis with the substance and let it work. It will take a quarter of an hour for the paste to soak in. After that, wash it off with chamomile decoction.
  • With beets. Take and grind on a grater half a small beetroot. Add 30 g of cottage cheese and jelly from one aloe leaf. Rub the mixture and apply with the back of a spoon to the epidermis. The exposure time of the substance is a third of an hour. Wash off with cold running water.
  • With strawberry. The substance relieves fatigue. It is necessary to grind 3 strawberries and put the resulting puree into a container. Add 30 g of cottage cheese and pour in 20 ml of kefir in a thin stream. You will get a mixture that resembles yogurt. Lubricate the dermis with the product and lie down for a third of an hour. Remove with warm water.

Recipes for curd anti-aging masks

As part of masks for rejuvenation, there are usually nutritional components. This is a banana, egg yolk, avocado. Fatty cream and yeast are often used. Such substances are designed to make the contour of the face clear and wrinkles less noticeable.

Recipes for compositions for rejuvenating the epidermis with cottage cheese:

  1. with banana. This is a simple mixture that requires you to peel a banana and grind it in a blender. Pour 30 g of cottage cheese into the bowl and puree for 30 seconds. You will get a homogeneous puree, use the back of a spoon to grease the epidermis and let it soak for a third of an hour. Before rinsing off, massage a little on the massage contours. Rinse the skin with cold water.
  2. With yolk. This is an emergency aid that will help to quickly tighten the skin. Enter the yolk into 30 g of a fatty fermented milk product. Mash with a whisk or fork. Add 20 ml of sesame seed oil. Apply this oily and airy paste on your face. For the substance to be absorbed, hold it for a third of an hour. Wash off with warm herbal tea.
  3. With green tea. You need to make warm tea. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of leaves with boiling water. It should be 100 ml. Then add the liquid to the curd and puree. You should get a substance in consistency like jelly. Lubricate the dermis with it and leave. It takes 20 minutes for this mass to work. Remove the mixture with a damp cloth and rinse with cold or melted water.
  4. with avocado. Peel the fruit from the skin and cut into two parts. Puree one part. Mix fruit paste with 30 g curd. Rub again and lubricate the dermis with the substance. Wait a third of an hour and wash off the paste.

Curd face mask for wrinkles

To prepare masks for wrinkles, sour cream, kefir and a variety of oils are used. In addition, fruits and gelatin can be added.

Recipes for curd masks for wrinkles:

  • With starch. This is an excellent tool for facelift and contour correction. Therefore, if you want to make the oval clearer, use starch. Enter 10 g of potato flour into a bowl with 30 g of cottage cheese. Add 30 ml milk and blend. The paste is applied to the epidermis in a thick layer for a third of an hour. Wash off with warm water.
  • With shea butter. This oil is great for mimic wrinkles. It is necessary to grind 30 g of fatty cottage cheese. In a bowl with a fermented milk product, add 10 drops of shea butter and 20 ml of sesame oil. Rub until the substance becomes fluffy. Apply a thick layer on the skin for a quarter of an hour. Remove with clean water.
  • with yeast. Pour 10 g of dry yeast with warm milk. Leave for a third of an hour until an air cap appears. Stir the liquid and pour it into a bowl with 30 g of cottage cheese. Blend until smooth. Lubricate the dermis with a paste and let it soak in for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm chamomile tea.

Curd mask for dry skin

Dry skin requires careful care. Thin and dry epidermis quickly ages. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly saturate it with moisture.

Recipes for masks with cottage cheese for dry epidermis:

  1. With protein. Separate the white from the yolk and pour into a bowl. Add 25 g of crumbly and low-fat cottage cheese. Pour in 15 ml of bee nectar heated in a water bath. Rub the substance thoroughly. Spread a homogeneous creamy paste on the dermis. Do not touch the area under the eyes. Soak the healing agent on your face for a third of an hour and remove with a cold and wet cloth.
  2. with cucumber. This vegetable perfectly moisturizes and helps to lighten the skin a little. It is necessary to peel the fruit from the skin and chop. To do this, use a grater or blender. Enter 30 g of cottage cheese and 10 g of olive oil. Turn the paste into a creamy mixture. Mix gently and apply on face. Leave for a third of an hour. Wash off with warm water.
  3. with parsley. This mixture saturates with vitamins, brightens and moisturizes. Turn a bunch of parsley into a paste. Mix a spoonful of green paste with 25 g of cottage cheese and rub. Enter the yolk and rub again. Apply this mass of green color to the skin. 30 minutes is enough for the substance to moisturize the epidermis. Remove with warm water.

Curd mask for the skin around the eyes

The skin under the eyes is very dry and ages quickly. After 30 years, cobwebs and crow's feet form. With proper care, these wrinkles can be reduced.

Recipes for masks with cottage cheese from wrinkles under the eyes:

  • With bread. Take a small piece of white wheat bread and soak in milk. Mash until puree and add 30 g of cottage cheese. Pour in 5 ml of any vegetable oil. It is best to use olive or linseed oil. Apply the substance under the eyes. It takes 10-12 minutes for the epidermis to recover. Gently remove with warm water, but do not rub the area.
  • With oatmeal. Boil a tablespoon of oatmeal in milk. Add 30 g of cottage cheese and turn into a creamy substance. Lubricate the skin around the eyes. Soak the paste on the epidermis for 13-18 minutes. Remove with wet cotton, but without rubbing. The dermis in these places is very tender, take care of it.
  • With vitamins. Vitamins A and E perfectly nourish the skin and prevent aging. To prepare the substance, mix 20 g of cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt. It needs to be creamy. Enter 5 capsules of vitamins A and E. Add 5 drops of peach oil. It's just a life-saving cocktail for crow's feet. Keep it on the skin for 10-12 minutes. Rinse very gently.
How to make a curd face mask - look at the video:

Masks with cottage cheese are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Such substances will help to cope with dry and problem skin.

Cottage cheese is an excellent product, the richest source of calcium. It is extremely beneficial for bone strength and overall health. But, like all natural works, it is able not only to heal the body from the inside, it is in its power to put our skin in order as well. By the way, even the archaic Greeks successfully used it to take care of the dermis, and it was more than 5000 years ago.

Cleopatra's famous milk baths were actually curd baths. This is evidenced by numerous sources describing the legendary campaigns of Mark Antony and his famous wife.

In addition to curd baths for Cleopatra, numerous recipes for care products were created, which included a mask of cottage cheese for the face. Maybe that's why the famous woman is still the standard of beauty and youth?

The healing power of cottage cheese

Curd face mask is one of the unique remedies that can be used for any type of dermis and numerous problems. Cottage cheese is a completely non-allergic and safe product. But there are huge benefits hidden in it:

  1. Restoration of metabolism and cellular structure, rejuvenation of the dermis due to the large accumulation of proteins, beneficial enzymes and amino acids (methionine and lysine). Lysine successfully synthesizes collagen, and methionine is responsible for metabolic reactions and elasticity of the epidermis.
  2. Regulation of water-lipid metabolism, increased protective functions, immunity and resistance to infections. The carbon galactose works on this. With its lack, the skin begins to dry out and peel off.
  3. Maintaining the tone of the facial muscles, smoothing the skin and noticeable rejuvenation is achieved due to the large reserves of various vitamins (C, PP, A, group B). Also, these substances effectively remove toxins from cells, cleanse and regenerate them.
  4. Restoring a good complexion and increasing photoprotection, creating barrier functions from aggressive external influences. This curd is famous for its numerous minerals and trace elements (iron, calcium, zinc, copper, cobalt, selenium, molybdenum). Such substances act as powerful antioxidants, relieving inflammation and improving the overall condition of the epidermis.

A cottage cheese face mask at home will give you a 100% result only if you use it regularly and follow all the recommendations for using this nourishing and healthy dairy product for cosmetic purposes.

Curd cosmetology rules

A cottage cheese mask at home is prepared exclusively from a fresh hand-made product. It is best to buy it in the markets. The technology for making store-bought cottage cheese allows you to include various impurities in its composition that can damage the health of the skin, so do not take risks.

  • For dry, sensitive and age-related dermis, take cottage cheese with a high fat content.
  • Normal skin will suit the average threshold of fats.
  • But oily and greasy epidermis will need a fat-free and more acidic product.

The time of the masks is 20-25 minutes, it is best to remove the remnants of the mixture with warm water. They have no contraindications, so use cottage cheese with pleasure and without any fear. Curd mass is successfully combined with many dairy products (yogurt, kefir, milk, sour cream). They can breed too thick cottage cheese.

Recipes for dry skin

A cottage cheese mask for dry skin will bring maximum benefit if you carry out the procedures 2-3 times a week. Before the sessions, the face must be well steamed and cleaned.

  • With Avocado

Add mashed avocado (1/2 fruit) to cottage cheese (25 gr.). Avocados are famous for their anti-aging abilities. In combination with the curd mass, this fruit enhances the nourishing and moisturizing effect of the mask, which will be ideal for the care of the aging dermis.

  • Honey

Mix liquid honey (12 g), cottage cheese (25 g), lemon juice (10 ml) and warm milk (32 ml). A face mask made from cottage cheese and honey deeply nourishes and fortifies dry skin, smoothing it and moisturizing it.

  • oatmeal

Grind cottage cheese (18 ml) with (16 ml) and oatmeal (30 gr.). A mask of cottage cheese and oatmeal for dry skin perfectly saturates the epidermis with moisture and useful substances. If you take an egg instead of oil and use oatmeal, you will get a great scrub with a gentle effect.

  • Sour cream

Stir sour cream (6 ml) and fine sea salt (3 g) into cottage cheese (15 gr.). This remedy is very good for aging skin. Such a curd mask for dry skin has a rejuvenating effect, it will saturate the aging dermis with useful substances, moisturize and smooth it.

  • Lemon

Stir lemon juice (16 ml) and olive oil (10 ml) into cottage cheese (15 gr.). This remedy relieves dry skin of spots, freckles. Also, this whitening cottage cheese face mask takes good care of the dermis, smoothing it and nourishing it.

Oily Skin Recipes

A cottage cheese mask for oily skin will be useful for you if you carry out caring sessions 3-4 times a week, best in the evening. Before applying nourishing masses, cleanse the face and scrub it to fully open the pores.

  • Protein

We make a mixture of cottage cheese (25 gr.), Protein, juice of any citrus: lemon, orange, grapefruit or tangerine (16 ml). The mass is applied in a thick layer. A citrus mask of cottage cheese and sour cream for the face, combined with the cleansing action of protein, is ideal for taking care of the dermis and inflammation.

  • Potato

Boil one small potato and mash it. Then add butter and cottage cheese (10 g each) to the puree. Dilute the mass a little with warm milk and apply on the face. Potatoes take very good care of inflamed, seborrheic skin. It relieves redness, dries the face and tightens pores.

  • egg

We mix cottage cheese (15 gr.), Yolk and grated carrots (20 gr.). All components are thoroughly rubbed and applied to the skin. Carrot mask of cottage cheese and eggs effectively soothes the inflamed dermis, regulates lipid metabolism and improves blood circulation.

  • Carrot

In cottage cheese (10 gr.) Add honey (6 gr.), Carrot juice (6 ml) and (5 drops). The mask moisturizes well, while smoothing fine wrinkles. Removes peeling and inflammatory foci.

  • With peroxide

Beat the yolk and stir in the cottage cheese (30 gr.). Drip hydrogen peroxide 3% (5 drops) into the mixture. Apply immediately to face. A mask of cottage cheese and hydrogen peroxide well whitens oily skin, relieving it of pigmented spots and improving its appearance.

Cottage cheese is a truly versatile product. Since ancient times, it has been used as a food, and also finds high recognition as an effective cosmetic product. A face mask made from cottage cheese and honey refreshes the skin and saturates it with nutrients.

Useful properties of cottage cheese and honey

The cottage cheese contains amino acids, lactose, vitamins (A, C, PP, B1, B2) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium). Masks based on cottage cheese and honey improve complexion, relieve inflammation, nourish and soften the skin.

It is important to remember that fatty cottage cheese should be used for dry skin, and low-fat cottage cheese for those with a tendency to increased sebum secretion. When preparing the mask, you should carefully rub the cottage cheese. Thick honey can be heated in a water bath - it is only important not to overdo it, because high temperatures destroy the beneficial elements present in this product (maximum allowable heating: 38-40 ° C).

Recipes for face masks from cottage cheese and honey

Face mask with honey and cottage cheese

Mix 2 tsp. cottage cheese and honey, apply on face and hold for 15 minutes.

Face mask with cottage cheese, honey and milk

Mash a tablespoon of cottage cheese, mix with an equal amount of milk and a teaspoon of honey. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes and then wash your face.

Mask of cottage cheese, honey and citrus juice

Mashed cottage cheese (1 tbsp) mix with 1 tsp. liquid honey and a few drops of lemon or orange juice. Duration of exposure to the mask: 15-20 minutes.

Mask with cottage cheese, honey and butter

Mix honey and cottage cheese in equal proportions and add 1 tsp. vegetable oil (most often olive oil is used). Keep the mask for 10-15 minutes.

Cottage cheese, honey, milk, vegetable oil, carrot juice for facial skin

Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese and olive oil, add a teaspoon of carrot juice, honey and milk. Keep the mask for 10 minutes and then wash with warm water.

Mask of cottage cheese, honey and strawberries

Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey and mashed strawberries (a couple of pieces are enough). Keep the mask on for 10 minutes and then wash your face.

Mask with cottage cheese, honey, milk and banana

Mix equal amounts of cottage cheese, mashed banana and warm milk. Add a small amount of honey and mix again. Duration of exposure to this mask: 15 minutes.

Cottage cheese, honey and parsley juice for facial skin from freckles and black spots

Mix cottage cheese and parsley juice in equal proportions. Add a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mask on cleansed face and keep it for 15 minutes. This mask brightens the skin, so it is especially recommended for those who want to get rid of freckles or age spots.

Mask of cottage cheese, honey, sour cream and cucumber

Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese, sour cream, grated cucumber. Add a teaspoon of honey. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, at the end of the procedure, wash with warm water.

Cottage cheese, honey, sour cream, egg, lemon and vitamins for facial skin

Pound 50 g of cottage cheese, add a tablespoon of sour cream and honey, as well as egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix the mass, enter into its composition an ampoule of vitamins B1 and B12, as well as an ampoule of aloe. This mask can be applied even to the area under the eyes. The duration of exposure is 20 minutes. If you perform the procedure twice a week, you will notice a noticeable improvement in skin condition in the near future.

A face mask made from cottage cheese and honey is a worthy alternative to expensive salon procedures. You will be convinced of this using the recipes in the article.

For facial skin care, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive procedures in beauty salons if you regularly make homemade masks according to folk recipes from products that are always at hand.

One of these products is cottage cheese. Curd masks are successfully used for all types of facial skin. Curd masks perfectly tone, moisturize and refresh the skin, giving it a healthy look, and smooth out fine wrinkles.

When using cottage cheese masks, you should follow the rule - for oily skin, masks based on low-fat cottage cheese should be made, and for dry skin - from fat.

Curd and milk mask for dry skin

Fatty cottage cheese should be mixed with milk or cream until a mushy state and apply the mixture in an even layer on the face for 15-20 minutes. If there is no milk or cream, then you can mix cottage cheese with sour cream.

Nourishing curd mask for dry skin

Nourishing mask for aging and dry skin

Pour two teaspoons of flax seeds with a glass of boiling water and hold in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. After that, let the broth brew well and cool, then strain the resulting broth through cheesecloth. Mix a tablespoon of fatty cottage cheese with two tablespoons of decoction of flax seeds and apply the mixture on your face.

Curd mask with nettle

An excellent vitamin mask that moisturizes the skin of any type can be obtained from a decoction of dried nettle leaves and cottage cheese. Pour two tablespoons of nettle with half a glass of boiling water and let stand. After that, strain the infusion and mix two tablespoons of it with one tablespoon of cottage cheese. Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.

Curd mask for combination skin

To prepare the mask, carefully grind a tablespoon of sauerkraut, mix it with one tablespoon of cottage cheese, black bread crumb, two tablespoons of olive oil and a teaspoon of calendula tincture. Apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Soothing curd mask for inflamed and sensitive skin

To prepare the mask, you first need to prepare a decoction of medicinal chamomile. To do this, a tablespoon of dry chamomile should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left to cool to room temperature. After that, mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with 2 tbsp. decoction and apply the mixture on the face. Wash off the mask with warm water after 15-20 minutes.