What is the name of the leaf applique. Autumn crafts and compositions from dry leaves. Leaf craft ideas

Children love everything new and unusual. Today we will look for real masterpieces in the world around us. Natural materials are an inexhaustible source of inspiration that is available to everyone!

Don't wait until fall to start creating with freshly picked chestnuts and acorns. Summer is a great time for creative activities in nature. Remember your childhood. Have you done a petal manicure? It's time to teach your daughter how to "mold" them!

In fact, this is just the tip of the iceberg. You can create real masterpieces from flowers, petals and leaves. In principle, this purely summer material for creativity can be used all year round, if you collect the plants and dry the herbarium.

Flower men

Children love funny people. So let's reveal to them the secret of making cute and funny inhabitants of the flower country!

To make a flat man, you need flowers and leaves at hand. They can be laid directly on the lawn or asphalt, but are best glued to a paper backing. So you can take a funny applique with you and show your masterpiece to everyone: at home, in the yard, at school or kindergarten.

You can also make little men - as a variant of one of the creative contests. Do not forget to take pictures of the crafts right away, because fresh petals will quickly fade and deform.

Flower dolls

In the yard of my childhood, there were mallows, or stock-roses. We made dolls out of them. Manufacturing is very simple. You need a thin flexible stick for the base, several buds and flowers of mallow. We string flowers on a stick in any order and get a doll. Any flowers and leaves are suitable for making.

Fashionable images of petals

With older girls, you can do fashion - decorating. To create dresses or paintings with feminine images in dresses made of flower petals, it is enough to draw the outline of the dress and make a petal applique. It is not necessary to stick delicate petals - just lay out the desired composition and take a picture!

Postcards from natural flowers

There are many design techniques. Complete your box of ideas with dry flowers decorating. Agree, it looks beautiful and unusual!

Petal animals

Flower petals, like bright puzzles, can be folded into a variety of images. These can be animals, birds, fish.

Plant paintings

Having mastered the technique of petal applique, you can proceed to making paintings. This painstaking work will take time and a lot of carefully harvested and dried plants. But what a great result awaits you!

Painting with flowers is called "wrong". It turns out that this is a fairly popular area of ​​creativity.

Portraits of Leaves and Flowers by Justina Blakeney

Serious adult designers and artists also use flowers and leaves as a material for their creative works. Let's admire their work.

For a birthday or other family holiday, together with your child, you can make a family portrait-caricature of leaves and flowers. It will turn out to be a fun and memorable craft!

Crafts from flowers and leaves by Kathy Klein

Popular today, interest in images and coloring - mandalas, kaleidoscopes with colored glass from childhood - perhaps some of them were inspired by Kathy Klein, creating her crafts from flowers and leaves.

Now you have no doubt that summer is a great time to craft natural materials? And if you dry the flowers and leaves by collecting the herbarium, then the whole year you can do creative work for school and kindergarten, organize children's contests and competitions, congratulate loved ones on the holiday with original postcards or portraits, make anti-stress "mandalas" or kaleidoscopes!

Used photos from the sites: worldhobbies.ru, youloveit.ru, newfound.ru, 2301302.ru, toponogova.ru, vecherkom.com, artfulparent.com, green.jofo.ru, portalidei.ru, liveinternet.ru, moi-detki .blogspot.ru, greendom.net, dimchenko.ucoz.ru, boombob.ru, vashsad.ua, xallyava.ru, vashsad.ua, radostklub.ucoz.com, allwantsimg.com, chudo-sad.com.ua, liveinternet .ru, dddeti.ru, era2012.ru, babyblog.ru, searchmasterclass.net, s30893898787.mirtesen.ru, bestin.ua, foxyshazam.ru, dou70.ru, trozo.ru, liveinternet.ru, 3010203.ru, prigodina .vkrugudruzei, m.babyblog.ru, livemaster.ru, blog.i.ua, avivas.ru, subscribe.ru, good-deeds.ua, portal-bliznetsy.ru, lolgirl.ru, m.goodhouse.ru, kleinburd .ru, triinochka.ru, livemaster.ru, numama.ru, blog.7ya.ru, postila.ru, maniaexpress.ru, forum.prihoz.ru, pictures11.ru, xvastunishka.mirtesen, bolshoyvopros.ru, by.livemaster .ru, penzamama.ru, nail-on.ru, baby.ru, cmlt.ru, klub-rukodeliya.ru, strana-sovetov.com, znaj-vse.ru, secrets-of-love.ru, trendinfo.biz , blogs.por ti.ru

Here we are not talking about children's applications. We will do ADULT masterpieces - for interior decor... Although there will be children's works here too, you will see.

So, how to make pictures with your own hands from dry or succulent leaves, from flowers and herbs.

Here are DIFFERENT ways ... and DIFFERENT leaf painting techniques.

And every craft-painting is within the power even a beginner to the master lomaster.

Yes, let's dive into a creative impulse.

Body painting of DRY LEAVES AND ACorns

(the essence of the work - do it yourself)

Let's start with a bright artistic "canvas" - an autumn composition of leaves and acorns ...

The essence of the work- We take a sheet of plywood - and the leaves are glued overlapping each other ... Leave the edges of the plywood sheet clean - we will fill our frame there.

A picture of dry leaves turns out to be voluminous, so we will not place it under glass. And the frame goes separately without glass (just a frame made of wooden slats ... and just a piece of plywood (or fiberboard) in size for this frame.) And then we choose a method to your taste - with acrylic varnish, or with paraffin from candles. Even small children can participate in such a picture. This idea can be realized in creative circles.

Method with acrylic varnish. We buy acrylic varnish for crafts in the store. We pasted the leaves onto the canvases ... applied a layer of varnish and let it dry ... applied a layer again ... dried again ... and another layer ... and so on. until it shines the way you want it.

Method with paraffin. We melted the candles in a saucepan. They dipped each sheet and laid them on the canvas. They themselves will stick to each other with paraffin. A very quick and easy way to make a brilliant autumn leaf painting. Leaves sealed in paraffin may not lose their juiciness of shape and color for years.

You can lay out such pictures by stacking the leaves in a chaotic manner. Or you can come up with a specific pattern. Harmony of smooth color transition.

And also you can try and make circular symmetrical patterns from leaves of different sizes and colors. They are called mandalas. Some other ancient peoples invented such centric patterns, and it is believed that they possess the magic of harmony and beauty. Mandalas are nice to look at. In our case, the magic of our mandalas will be made of light and pure material: natural foliage - therefore, such centric pictures will only heal and soothe, like nature itself.

Here, of course, painstaking work has been done - you need so that the size of the leaves were the same in each of the circles. And to each circular row differed from each other in the size and shape of its repeating element.

Such paintings from leaves and dry herbs can be done exactly UNDER THE COLOR OF YOUR INTERIOR... To perfectly fit the picture into the room.

In bright orange tones - for an orange-yellow interior.

Or to the interior in dark chocolate-muted tones ... another arrangement of autumn leaves will do.

Well, now another great idea ...

Pictures from FLYING leaves.

Look at the photo below. Like? Me too)). Do you want to do it yourself - exactly? Then read on.

If you dry the leaves - without pinching them between the pages of the book - but simply put them in a flat box (for example, from under sweets) and pour semolina ... it will turn out like this ...

The groats will press the leaf just enough to keep him from crouching when dry - and then the leaf dries up, retaining its smooth graceful shape.

Such leaves can be fixed behind glass in a frame ... and they will be beautiful and even inside the picture.

You say…“Yeah ... but here in the photo you can see that the leaves are not clamped by the frame ... but as if they are hovering inside the frame. How to do it?

Very simple. We need a frame - with emptiness inside(search for sale or do it yourself ...

In order to make such a deep air frame-box, we need ... take a regular frame with glass (slats and glazing) ... a thin sheet of plywood (or fiberboard) ... and four pieces of timber (plump slats ... the thicker the slat-bar, the more space will be inside the frame) ...

And now, having collected everything we need, we create the design of such a box-frame ...

We stuff bars on a sheet of plywood - i.e. we create the sides ... and on these sides - from above we attach our top glazed frame. And in total we get a frame with air inside - a frame-box.

How to make a leaf "hover" inside a box frame ...

First, we create the background.- our plywood bottom of the frame ... either we PAINT it white ... or we PASTURE it with white paper.

We put leaves in the center ... and estimate with a glance where this leaf has the most central place. We mark this place with a pencil at the bottom of the frame.

Here we glue our sheet to this hemp (foam, or wood). And it turns out that he as if suspended in the air and does not touch the wall of its frame.

And you can also make it cooler ...

You can create the illusion of a leaf with a frame, Lying ON SAND... Here's how to do it ...

Before glue our sheet to the "hemp" we can do SANDY BACKGROUND at the bottom of the frame... To do this, take a glue gun ... and apply an uneven layer of glue on the bottom of the frame ... somewhere denser, somewhere less ... And until the glue has dried we pour fine river sand on it. Let it dry and, after drying, shake out excess sand from the frame. We look, and if there are no sandy places ... grease these bald spots again with glue and sprinkle with sand again.

If there is no glue gun (by the way, you can buy it at any hardware store for $ 7) ... then you can use ordinary PVA glue - also apply a thicker layer and sand with sand ... but it will take longer to dry ... and it is better to take fine sand, coarse gravel pva glue will not hold.

As a result, you will get beautiful pictures - as if the leaves are lying on the sand ...

And also in such a frame and you can place not just CLEAN autumn leaves - but painted ones, with a picture painted on them.


sheet painting technique.

You can lay out pictures with leaves, or you can draw pictures on the leaves themselves. Paint - oil or gouache.

If you work with gouache, then after completing the drawing you need to sprinkle such a picture with hairspray (to fix the paint and give it a more juicy brightness, as in the photo below).

Such original paintings on leaves can be presented to relatives and friends, you can even time them for the New Year.

And so that the picture - a gift from an autumn leaf will be preserved for a long time
- did not dry out, did not shrink, did not curl up, I need her seal in paraffin(or wax). To do this, melt the candles in a bowl and dip the leaves in paraffin by the tail. We take out and dry, hanging by the tail on the threads.

And if you are not an artist, then you can draw simple graphic patterns - the usual symmetry of geometric repeating shapes.

Simple master class

according to the drawings on the leaves.

And you know what, I'll probably fall in love with you now with the idea of ​​paintings on autumn leaves. I will give you instructions, with whom will come understanding, and interest, desire and love will come for the company.

Let's start with the simplest leaf painting crafts. For example, such silhouette drawings ... They have only a BACKGROUND and only a DARK SILHOUETTE. The background is simple. And the silhouette is simple. Therefore, we will start with such simple artistic tasks so as not to scare you away, but to lure you in.

We find a beautiful picture on the Internet. For example, this one. We print it in a photo-printing kiosk (I don't think you have a color printer at home).

On a blank sheet of paper outline a maple leaf with a pencil, cut out the outlined silhouette - we get a stencil with a hole in the shape of a maple leaf. And with this maple hole we apply a paper stencil to our picture in the place we like. For example like this.

And now you can redraw the drawing from this paper sample to a maple leaf. First, the background is the sky and water, then the black silhouette of a dolphin. You can also make a hole stencil out of paper for the dolphin - put it on the background and paint it with black paint.

By this principle, you can make any episodes from any pictures... At least from Mono Lisa. Elements with eyes look spectacular - a predatory gaze of a bird, or a mysterious gaze of a woman.

DOTS look very nice drawn with a cotton swab. Here, too, we first make the background. We dry it. And then we apply a drawing with dots. The easiest one to start. For example, the silhouette of the Eiffel Tower.

Pictures on leaves with a SOFT COLOR TRANSITION look very interesting... Gradient overflow of paint shades (as in the picture below). Here's how to create such a delicate background in your painting at home ...

To make a background on a leaf with a FLOATING OVERFLOW effect one shade in another, you need to use not a brush, but a foam sponge with small pores.

  • Apply wide stripes of paint to the sponge - yellow, yellow-orange mixed, orange.
  • We print the sponge onto the sheet.
  • The first print will be faint, so we reapply the streaks of ink and repeat this process several times until the background is the desired saturation.

Then, with a thin brush, apply black contours of the silhouette (for example, birds), and paint over the contours. You can cut out the silhouette of a bird from paper and circle it. Or cut out the bird's stencil hole - put it on a sheet and paint over.

You can paint any thing on the maple leaves, the simplest and most complex. Citrus slices or an illustration from the fairy tale The Little Prince.

Paintings PRINTS

from painted leaves.

Children, often in school or kindergarten, make prints of autumn leaves. Chalk or paint.

In the technique with a chalk print, we put white paper on top of an autumn sheet - and shade it all with chalk - from shading all the roughness of the sheet appears on the paper.

And in the technique with paint - on an autumn leaf with a sponge (better than just a brush) we apply paint and, while it has not dried, quickly seal the sheet with the painted side to the paper.

And it turns out very interesting when we make not an orange sheet, on white paper, but VERSAIL, first paint over the paper orange with gouache, and then cover the sheet with white paint and create a white print of the sheet on an orange background. It turns out much more interesting and richer in color. Do you agree?

These leaf prints can be collated into an interesting picture.

Here's how in the photo below - the picture was initially divided into zones ... for each zone a separate background from splashes was chosen (I will tell you how to make a background from splashes in the same article below) ...

And then a stamp sheet is applied to each zone. It turns out the author's work of art

And you can make it even more beautiful ... if you apply an imprint of an autumn leaf not on a blank white sheet, but on a prepared one. Putting soapy colored bubbles on the typo sheet in advance... and then when the prints are dry ... print leaf prints on this bubbly background. It's quite simple - we pour ordinary soap solution into jars, add colored gouache - and inflate the bubble with a cocktail tube and, when it is already large, tilt it to the paper so that it bursts on it.

And there will be a feeling of LIKE these leaves float in puddles when it rains... have seen sometime how the rain raises bubbles on puddles and leaves float in this bubbly puddle ... a picture of leaves and raindrops ... will become a real decoration of your room ...

Leaf paintings

back prints.

"Backprints" is the name I came up with for a technique that gives here is the result- stencil technology. (photo below).

The stencil technique is simple - very simple. Look ...

  1. We take a white sheet of paper ... put a leaf, a stem of grass, or a twig on it.
  2. We put this sheet inside a large box (the more the better) now you will understand why ...
  3. We take a spray of colored paint in our hand - and spray it over the paper with a leaf / stem / flower lying on it. (Since all our work is carried out inside the box, the splashes do not scatter around the room and do not stain furniture).

As a result, the entire leaf is painted in a rich color ... and the place where the twig was remains painted.

And as the spray comes out from the spray at different angles of inclination- we do not have clear contours of a plant ... but, as it were, a blurred shadow of a leaf ... which only adds artistic expression to our picture of leaves.

Or you can use a simpler spray, from a toothbrush.

Use regular watercolor or gouache, and use a regular toothbrush as a spray.

The pictures are stamps made from succulent leaves.

Or you can leave it on paper sheet imprint- at all clumsy way... Rather "hammer"

We take paper - put a leaf (juicy green, yellow, red) - cover with a paper napkin - and on top of the napkin we knock and pound the leaf with a hammer. As a result, the juice and pigment from the sheet are reprinted onto paper.

You can print each sheet separately ... putting leaf by leaf ... gradually inventing the plot of the composition.

Or you can - immediately expand the whole leaf and flower arrangement - in our future picture - cover with a napkin and thresh selflessly - until the plants are completely torn apart.

So that their bright souls remain imprinted forever - on your imperishable canvas.

FLAT picture

from dry herbs, leaves and flowers.

And of course - a standard version of a painting made of natural materials. When herbs, leaves and flowers are dry in flat between the pages of books. And in such a pressed form they are laid out on the pictures.

You will find even more of these FLAT flower paintings in my article. .

BEST WAY TO DRY leaves and herbs

(so as not to spoil the books).

We wrap the sheet on both sides with a paper napkin, then with thick paper, then with a cotton swaddle and iron it with an iron.

The iron should not be very hot (otherwise the sheet will turn black). Slightly ironed, a little bit he warmed up like in the summer sun. Left some moisture in the napkin. Then they changed the napkin to a dry one - and repeated it.

And after that, you can also put it in a paper napkin between heavy books.

Marker paintings with leaves

(simple graphics).

You can simply draw any picture with a black marker - and the leaves will only play the role of individual elements introduced into your graphics.

Leaf paintings

In mosaic technique.

The mosaic technique is the most beautiful, in my opinion. Very gentle, airy, real lace made from natural materials. And it is so pleasant to lay out piece by piece - gently, precisely, achieving the correct resemblance.

First put everything on dry paper - then take a picture of the final version. Take everything off the sheet - carefully placing each item in the box. And then, with glue in hand, lay out the mosaic picture, referring to the photo sample.

As a basis, you need to take a sheet of paper with the animal's silhouette translated onto it. Put leaves of paper on a computer screen with a picture and a faint pencil line to translate the contours of the animal. And then slowly fill all this space with pieces of leaves.

Deer, owl - quite difficult work. Your very first job should be simple, so as not to discourage. The simplest is a symmetrical animal. Same left and right. So you just start from the center - and at the same time to the right and left of it, lay out the same pieces of plants.

As a material, you can use dry leaves, or leaves sealed in paraffin (dipped in wax from a melted candle).

Leaf paintings

In a multilayer technique.

Or you can make an applique from leaves - in a volumetric technique - when the texture of the sheet conveys the texture of the animal... just like here in a picture of leaves with owls - when the texture and shape of the leaves conveys the texture and shape of feathers.

And you can also sell your works - so I found a very interesting site where the author sells - not the crafts themselves - but postcards with the image of these works. And not cheap - but at a good price. A great example of a beautiful hobby and business in one. https://www.floraforager.com/

Leaf paintings with birds

Master Class

(based on children's coloring pages).

You can create a painting that you paint with leaves - like an artist with brush strokes. Each leaf is a broad brushstroke from the artist. For such a picture, you need to print an ordinary children's coloring with a bird on a printer - in a large size.

And then decorate this picture, but not with pencils, but with leaves. Lay out each element of the decoration with leaves of a certain color. And you will get an exclusive leaf painting.

There are a lot of bird coloring in Google - print it out and try to make a real masterpiece painting out of dry autumn leaves from this ordinary children's coloring. You can be proud of your work.

You can make spring paintings from leaves by drying whole branches of cherry blossoms. Flowers are clamped with a press, between paper napkins. If you want the flowers to be voluminous, then they can be promised by falling asleep with dry semolina, or sifted very dry river sand.

These are quite simple applications from leaves - for grade 1 of school ... For such simple applications I will write a separate article ... and then a link will work on it here.

You will find even more options for applications of autumn leaves in my article.

LANDSCAPE paintings are made of dry leaves and flowers.

Here are some pictures of leaves, flower petals and herbs makes one French artist ... There below you will see her contacts... if you like such works ... you can contact the author to order a similar masterpiece.

It is a pity that they cannot be increased in order to consider everything in the smallest detail.

You can also lay out small landscape works from the leaves. Which do not require so much effort and such costs of natural material.

Paintings PORTRAITS - from dry leaves.

And here are the compositions of autumn leaves that add up in the outline of a woman's head.

You can make a whole gallery of paintings from leaves on the theme "Very Woman". And put it in your living room to the gasp of all the guests.

Leaf painting


And we will finish our article - with love. It all starts with her. Let everything continue with her.

Two lovers. A picture that is pleasing to the eye in any era and in any civilization.

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas ...

Be creative. Don't be lazy to be happy. Life is given - not for plans for the future.

And I will definitely look for new ideas for you ...

I found it right now ...

Yes, and this is all made of leaves - take a closer look ... Read more at the link above.


I have other articles on autumn bouquets and crafts made from natural autumn material ...

Dried leaves applique is one of the most common types of crafts, an exciting activity for adults and children. In addition to the fact that joint creativity gives a special charm to the mosaic pattern, such a hobby contributes to the development of imagination, color perception, acquaints the child with the concepts of geometry and proportion.

From dried leaves, herbs and flowers, you can make delightful compositions and panels - a woman's face, a girl's figure, a silhouette of a tree - everyone is free to depict autumn as his imagination tells him and his soul desires. If you have difficulties with the idea of ​​a future work, a template for an applique or a panel can be found on the Internet. But often the very shape and color of the dried leaf suggest an idea for a future plot... Animals, fish, birds, portraits and landscapes made of leaves and flowers evoke admiration, a desire to immediately try to make the same picture. Very little is needed for this:

  1. Dried autumn leaves, herbs, flowers, seeds of different colors and sizes, collected from different plants. There should be as many of them as possible. The material can be harvested not only in the fall. The color palette of the future puzzle will be enriched by the leaves collected in summer and spring.
  2. PVA glue, paper, cardboard, scissors, tweezers, paints, pencils and markers can be found in every home.
  3. Matt varnish is used to consolidate the work performed.

Techniques in which leaf appliqués are made

Technique types used for applications made of dried natural material differ in the method and complexity of implementation. Which one to use is up to the author himself, focusing on his inner state, on how he sees the end result of his work.

Leaf mosaic applique

This technique allows you to make a panel according to the principle of a puzzle, getting silhouette pictures. The leaves are selected and laid out in the right order. The result is a certain image, plot. When working on an applique using this technique, the authors use scissors to give the blanks the desired shape.

The mosaic technique often involves observance of symmetry, and in this case, you should have the same pairs of deciduous material (for example, making a mosaic picture with a butterfly, crab, creating a pattern). Sometimes not the whole drawing may be symmetrical, but only certain areas of it.

Loose application using dry leaves

Not only whole autumn leaves can be used in work. The applique will look very harmonious sprinkling of dried and crushed leaves of different colors... You can also make it from loose tea or flowers.

The silhouette of a ballerina printed on paper, for example, is carefully coated with PVA glue, and covered with sheet crumbs on top. Excess material must be shaken off, and the skirt must be made of whole leaves.

Another example... The silhouette of a parrot is divided into sections, which are also filled with a sprinkle of leaves or flowers of various colors. The area of ​​the tail and wings is glued with solid elongated leaves superimposed on each other in the form of plumage. To maintain the roundness of the wing at its base, the leaves are trimmed along the contour with scissors.

Gallery: drawing up applications from dry leaves (25 photos)

Compositions from leaves using graphics

This is one of the most interesting application methods, great for developing the imagination... This kind of creativity is very exciting for children.

The dried sheet is glued to a blank sheet of paper or cardboard, and the whole plot of the picture is completed with pencils, watercolors, gouache, felt-tip pens. You can first make a drawing, and glue the missing parts with leaves, flowers, grass. To make the objects look more realistic, some of the details in the image are made of plasticine, using colored paper inserts.

Painting dried leaves with gouache, watercolor

Amazingly beautiful panels can be created from autumn leaves, after decorating them various patterns and designs... They are applied in the form of strokes, dots, stripes. After drying, all sorts of patterns are laid out from the resulting fragments, with the help of PVA glue they are attached to the cardboard.

For example, you can lay out the leaves from the center of the cardboard base in a circle. This is how the sun's rays diverge. The outer and inner contours of the composition are outlined with pencils or paints, after drying, the layout is cut out with scissors. It turned out to be a fabulous sun.

Using paints, the leaves can be turned into various insects, fish, birds, and animal faces can be drawn on them. Using scissors, bring the craft to perfection. If the author has artistic skills, you can even paint a picture on a whole dried sheet with paints. The craft made in this way will be a wonderful gift if you enclose it in a frame.

Applique on a figurine cut out of cardboard

Cardboard is very convenient to use when making crafts. Due to its density, the cut out workpiece holds on itself layers of leaves, grass, twigs, seeds, without deforming at the same time.

The most commonly used theme of animals... For example, an owl's outline is drawn on cardboard, the body is pasted over with overlapping leaves, moving from bottom to top, imitating plumage. The head and legs of the bird can not be pasted over, but these areas can be covered with gouache, the eyes can be made of colored paper, seeds or plasticine. You can make the whole owl figure out of cardboard, and glue the wings, ears and legs with foliage. The finished craft is attached to the main picture, and the intended plot is built around it.

Another variation of this technique... Contours, for example, proteins are applied to cardboard. On the reverse side, the base sheet is completely covered with multi-colored or monochromatic foliage, and when the workpiece dries, the animal is cut out along the previously applied contour. The image is supplemented with the necessary elements: eyes, nose, antennae, and the outlines of legs and ears are also drawn.

One more example... On a sheet of cardboard, draw a large lion's head, decorate with gouache and cut out. On another sheet of cardboard in a circle in several layers, stick yellow leaves that will imitate the shaggy mane of the king of beasts. In the center of the circle of leaves, glue the blank of the lion's muzzle. A mustache can be made from dry grass.

Crafts from dried natural material

Creative ideas can be realized in many ways. The technique and methods of making the applique directly depend on the idea of ​​the master.

Autumn Leaves Vase

An original decoration for any interior will become a vase made from autumn maple leaves. For this you will need:

It depends on the capacity of the future vase how much leafy material to stock up and to what size the balloon should be inflated. The larger the vase, the larger the ball should be.

  1. The resulting sphere must be fixed in some container so that it is convenient to do the work. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to the top of the balloon.
  2. Harvested maple leaves should be free from defects, large and bright. With scissors, you need to carefully cut off the cuttings from them. Each leaf is liberally greased with glue with a brush and glued to the surface of the ball. The assembly of the product begins at the top of the ball. The leaves are layered in random order, overlapping. After fixing each element, cover it again with a layer of glue on top. A vase is formed from several layers of leaves. When assembling the structure, you need to ensure that the edges of the future vase are a beautiful carved side.
  3. After completing the main work, the entire product must again be generously coated with glue and left to dry for about 48 hours. Then the ball should be pierced and separated from the resulting vase. The craft can be finished with water-based acrylic varnish. The varnish is applied in 2-3 layers, with intermediate drying. The result is a wonderful decor element. You can store all sorts of little things in such a vase.

Photo frame

Having a supply of leaves necessary in color and size, it is easy to make bright photo frame... You can also involve a child in the creation of this craft. You need to prepare two squares of cardboard. In the center of one of them, a hole of the desired size is made.

You can save the colorful leaves collected in summer or autumn, and then make a variety of handicrafts from the leaves with your own hands. They can be used as a gift souvenir or interior decor. Crafts are often prepared for the exhibition for the autumn holidays at school or kindergarten.

How to dry leaves for crafts

In order for dried leaves to retain their color and strength, you need to follow certain requirements for their collection:

  • the weather must be dry
  • better to collect yellow and green foliage
  • the collected leaves must be even, beautiful, clean, without any defects

There are several ways to dry the harvested foliage.

Leaves can be dried both under a press and without it: in the first case, blanks are used to create collages, in the second - garlands.

1. The most famous method is drying foliage under pressure in books or magazines, having previously shifted them on both sides with paper sheets. The paper is changed daily to remove any moisture that has soaked in it. The foliage is dried in this way for about a week. If the leaves seem fragile, then they need to be dipped in a solution consisting of 4 parts of water and 1 part of PVA glue, then dried.

2. In the case when the leaves are not dried to create a collage, they can be dried using a different method - no press. Before drying, the leaves are laid out on paper and carefully straightened. Gradually, during drying, the leaves curl interestingly, representing a unique blank for creating a variety of garlands.

3. Leaves can be dried with minimal color changes iron... To do this, the leaves are covered with paper on both sides and ironed until the moisture completely evaporates. It is important to know that this procedure makes the leaves brittle. The color of the yellow-orange foliage becomes brighter and the green darker. Such a blank is not stored for long.

How to store leaves for crafts

To create a beautiful composition from dried leaves, you need to correctly store the created blanks.

Proper storage implies compliance with the following rules:

  • the storage place is chosen dry and dark, and it can be either warm or cold - the temperature does not matter
  • overdried brittle leaves can be rehabilitated: for this you need to sprinkle a little water on them and leave for several hours for optimal drying
  • when storing dried raw materials in the pantry, there is a possibility of damage to it by pests, therefore it is necessary to periodically inspect the workpieces
  • to protect the herbarium from the sun's rays, you can wrap in newspaper sheets.

DIY leaf crafts

A large number of shapes and shades of dried leaves allows you to create any composition, herbarium, applications and crafts.

For starters, you can simply paint with leaf prints. This activity will appeal to both adults and children.

Compositions of dried leaves and flowers

Dried natural materials can be used to make more than just a simple applique. Having a lot of imagination will help you come up with more and more diverse compositions.

The more popular subjects of compositions are birds and animals, zodiacal constellations, fairy-tale motifs, animals and decorative elements. The creation of masterpieces together with the child contributes to the development of his fantasy and imagination, the disclosure of his creative abilities.
Of course, you should not start making a complex leaf crafts at once with your own hands. The type and complexity of leaf products must be selected depending on the age of the child and his abilities, and the wishes of the children also play an important role in this.

Craft from leaves "Butterfly on a flower"

An autumn event requires appropriate decor. Butterflies made of dry foliage and a mini - panel "Flower" will serve as an original decoration for such a holiday. Both products can be combined into one composition

To make a flower and a butterfly, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • dry leaves
  • plasticine
  • unnecessary disk
  • Double-sided tape
  • scissors
  • a small piece of wire.

Flower manufacturing technology:

  • n make two holes on the disk, pull the wire through them, forming a loop
  • glue pieces of scotch tape over the entire area of ​​the disc and lay out the first row of leaves in a circle

  • P glue some more tape in the middle and lay out the second row with leaves
  • place a plasticine circle in the center, along the edge of which put small leaves that differ in color from the rest
  • close with a second plasticine circle, you can make small dimples on top, thus imitating the peeping stamens.

The flower is ready, you can hang it on the wall by the loop as a decor.

Butterfly manufacturing technology:

  • roll a ball out of plasticine - a head and a body, consisting of two ovals
  • cut the middle oval with a stack in the middle

The butterfly is ready to fly. For a butterfly, of course, it is better to choose leaves of a contrasting color, then it will stand out as a bright spot against the background of the flower.

Application from the leaves "Owl"

Volumetric applique made of dry material has become quite popular recently. Most people try to fill the foliage patterns of animals. To make it, you need to do the following:

  • cut out a large circle of dark color, two yellow circles with the diameter of a cup, two white circles, with a diameter of a small cup
  • cut orange triangle
  • glue dry leaves as in the photo
  • glue eyes or paint

The application is ready. It is better to think in advance how to hang it on the wall. It is possible to glue the loop on the back of the craft.

Complex DIY leaf crafts

The master class shows how to create a vase from autumn yellow leaves, how to create flowers from leaves and a bird with your own hands.

Decorations and vases made of leaves using skeleton technique

Examples of crafts can be seen in the video

1. Recently, the creation of ornaments from leaves using the skeleton technique has become popular. You can learn how to skeleton leaves in this video.

2. And the next video will help you create jewelry using the skeleton technique.

Herbarium in resin-drenched decorations

Children can easily be carried away with something new and interesting. If the child is already bored with drawing or modeling, you can invite him to start making crafts from bright autumn leaves. This process is extremely exciting - amazing things are born from simple dried leaves with the help of glue, threads and other improvised devices. By engaging in applications or making vases and bouquets, the child will not only be able to develop his creative skills and imagination, but also get to know the environment better. The joint collection of herbarium for crafts is an excellent occasion to teach a child to distinguish between different types of trees. So what can be made from leaves?

Preparing leaves for crafts

To make any craft from leaves, only well-dried material is needed; fresh leaves will not work. It takes a long time to prepare the leaves, so you have to be patient. In addition, you need to dry the material correctly, here are the basic rules:

  1. If the evenness of the leaves is not important for the craft, they can be placed in a spacious container (for example, a large wicker basket) and left in the fresh air. This will dry the leaves quickly and allow air circulation to prevent mold from developing.
  2. To get perfectly smooth leaves, you need to lay them between book pages or album sheets under pressure. Spread the material neatly between the sheets of books or scrapbooks. It will take at least 14 days for the material to dry completely and be ready for use.
  3. If you do not want to wait long, you can use a special herbarium press. To do this, fold a stack of leaves, alternating each layer with newsprint or unwanted sheets. In a few days, the craft material will be ready.

How to make skeleton leaves

Due to their lightness and transparency, leaf skeletons look very impressive as a decor. To achieve this effect, you need to resort to a special technique - skeletonization.

What you need:

  • any fresh leaves;
  • soda;
  • dye for eggs;
  • small capacity - ladle or saucepan;
  • Toothbrush;
  • paper napkins.

How to make skeletonized leaves:

  1. Mix baking soda with water in proportions 1 to 4 and put the leaves in the prepared solution so that they are completely hidden by the water.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the stove and remove the leaves, carefully spread them on the table, glossy side up.
  4. Remove excess moisture with napkins.
  5. Brush off the pulp from the leaf (this must be done very carefully, the leaves are quite fragile).
  6. Rinse the skeleton under water and then paint it the desired color.
  7. Leave the painted skeletonized leaves to dry.

The resulting material is ready to use.

Bouquet of flowers from leaves

A bouquet is the simplest thing that can be made from leaves, and it is worth starting with it if the child has not previously done such crafts. For making crafts in the form of a home bouquet, it is not necessary to use real flowers, dry them, etc. Buds can be made from colorful leaves collected during a walk. Get the kids involved in every step of the process by creating a true creative workshop.

What you need to make crafts:

  • maple leaves (fresh) with stems;
  • a spool of sturdy thread.

To make a bud from maple leaves, you need to do several things:

  1. Take one sheet first and fold it with the glossy side out.
  2. Roll the sheet into a tube.
  3. Fold the next sheet in half and wrap it around the straw.
  4. Continue wrapping the leaves around the bud until the flower is lush enough.
  5. Wrap the thread around the base of the bud to keep the flower from falling apart.

Using this method, you can make any number of flowers, which are then simply collected in a bouquet.

Topiary can be made from a wide variety of materials. You can often find crafts made from coffee, banknotes, sweets, hearts, etc. This version of topiary involves the use of maple leaves.

So, what is required for topiary:

  • pot;
  • wooden stick for the trunk;
  • a ball of foam rubber or foam as a base;
  • gypsum;
  • dye;
  • hot glue;
  • elements for decoration.

The procedure for creating an autumn topiary looks like this:

  1. The stick must be inserted into the pot and secured tightly with plaster mortar. As a result, the structure will be strong and stable.
  2. Paint the pot and stick in a color you like, for example, gold to match the leaves.
  3. We fix a ball of foam rubber on the top of the stick - this is the future crown of the tree.
  4. Place the required number of leaves into the balloon. For decoration, you can use bunches of berries, ribbons, beads, as well as artificial twigs and flowers.To make the stems of the leaves more durable, they must first be soaked in a hot solution of glycerin (1 to 2) and left in this form for 10 days in a dark cool place ...
  5. Next, decorate the trunk and soil of the tree with dry moss, bark, beads.

How to make a decorative fall wreath

You can weave a beautiful wreath from bright autumn leaves to decorate windows, doors, walls, etc. A wreath attached to the front door will delight not only you, but also your guests.

What is needed for the craft:

  • flexible branches of any tree;
  • dried leaves of different colors (contrasting combinations, for example, yellow and red, look best);
  • clusters of red berries (mountain ash, viburnum, etc.);
  • physalis;
  • glue;
  • a spool of durable threads;
  • decorative metallized threads;
  • small figurines of birds for bouquets.

How to weave a wreath:

  1. The branches will serve as a frame - make a round or oval wreath out of them.
  2. For strength, fasten the structure with a thread in several places.
  3. Wrap the frame tightly with gold thread, leaving small branches free.
  4. Glue the leaves to the branches.
  5. Attach the berry bunches with thread.
  6. Glue or wrap with Physalis threads.
  7. Finally, attach the birds to the wreath.

A ready-made leaf craft in the form of a wreath can be hung anywhere in the house, it will delight you with its beauty for a long time and remind you of the most colorful time of the year.

Beautiful autumn leaves can be used not only for simple children's crafts, but also for full interior decoration. One of these items is a fruit vase.

To make such a vase, you need:

  • glue and brush;
  • inflatable ball;
  • petrolatum;
  • scissors;
  • maple leaves.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Inflate the balloon to the size you want.
  2. Lubricate the surface of the ball with petroleum jelly, this is necessary so that the leaves do not stick to it in the process and easily separate from it.
  3. Fix the ball in a stationary state, so it will be more convenient for you to tinker with your vase.
  4. Glue the maple leaves to the ball, after having liberally greased them with glue.
  5. To keep the vase strong enough, you need several layers of maple leaves.
  6. As soon as the last layer is completed, once again carefully coat the product with glue and leave for 3 days.
  7. Burst or deflate the balloon, remove its remnants from the product.

The original interior decoration is ready.

Photo frame in autumn style

Kids love to decorate the walls of their room with their own drawings and favorite photos. This craft from leaves in the form of a frame is perfect to complement the design of the room. Help your child decorate the frame with autumn leaves, where he will then place his favorite photo.

For crafts you need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • glue;
  • leaves that you like;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

How to make a frame:

  1. Cut out a square or rectangular frame of the desired size from cardboard. The center of the frame, where the photo will be placed, needs to be cut out slightly smaller than the photo size.
  2. To wrap the leaves around the frame, soak them in hot water beforehand, so they become softer and won't rip or break in the process.
  3. Glue the leaves onto the frame.
  4. Wait for the product to dry.

When the frame is ready, insert a photo into it, securing it with glue or tape.

Autumn Leaves Appliques

Appliques are one of the simplest types of handicrafts made from dried leaves. Using leaves of different shapes and sizes, you can create real paintings, which will later become a decoration of your home. You can make a whole series of panels, united by a common theme. These can be animals, landscapes, etc. Several small master classes on making appliques in the form of an owl, a Firebird, a fish and a lion will be presented.


To make an owl applique, you will need:

  • small leaves of brown tones (for this you can use oak, willow, birch);
  • colored paper;
  • a small twig of thuja;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • a bunch of rowan berries;
  • any branch of a tree;
  • glue.

Before starting work, the leaves and berries must be dried. Once all the materials are ready, it's time to start the most important thing:

  1. Cut an owl out of cardboard along the outline.
  2. Birch or oak leaves will represent the ears and legs of an owl, glue them in the right places.
  3. Use long, narrow willow leaves for the feathers.
  4. Cut out the eyes and beak from colored paper and glue them.
  5. Glue your owl to a tree branch for a craft stand.

For additional decor, you can use moss or thuja twigs. You can also use mountain ash as owl paws. The product is ready.


For the application with the Firebird you will need:

  • paper;
  • linden, birch and rosehip leaves;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • thuja twigs.

And here's what the process itself looks like:

  1. A linden leaf is glued to the place where the bird's body will be.
  2. Birch leaf - head.
  3. Rosehip leaves are glued individually on the tail.
  4. Whole rosehip branches will serve as an additional decoration for the tail.
  5. Glue the birch leaves to the body, these will be the wings.
  6. Pumpkin seeds are used to make eyes, as well as decorations for the body and tail of the Firebird.
  7. The final stage is a tuft from a twig of a thuja or any other suitable plant.

The firebird is ready.

a lion

Children love different animals, so it will be especially interesting for them to make one of the familiar animals.

What you need for a lion cub:

  • rounded yellow lime leaves;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • ash seeds;
  • horse chestnut (nuts);
  • glue;
  • small pine branch;
  • scissors;
  • a sheet of yellow paper;
  • sheet of orange cardboard.

Having collected all the necessary material, it's time to start making crafts:

  1. Draw a lion's head on yellow paper or print the image on a printer, cut it along the contour.
  2. For the mane, use linden leaves by gluing them around the head.
  3. Draw the lion's nose and glue the chestnut in its place.
  4. The pine needles will go to the mustache.
  5. The ash seed will represent the tongue.

Once the craft is dry, it will be completely ready.

Small fish

What child doesn't know about a wish-granting goldfish? Making crafts with your own hands will be very entertaining for the kid.

To make a fish craft, you will need:

  • dry leaves of quince and linden, brown and yellow, respectively;
  • glue;
  • marker;
  • ash seeds;
  • acorns;
  • scissors for paper;
  • sheet of blue paper.

How to do:

  1. Draw the outline of the fish on blue paper and cut it out.
  2. Make scales from linden leaves and glue them to the body of the fish.
  3. Use brown quince leaves to decorate the tail.
  4. Draw the outline of the fish's head with acorn caps.

That's it, the real goldfish is ready.

Colored leaves delight the eye every fall, falling to the ground. This beauty quickly fades under the rains, turning the leaves into a solid brown mass. However, there is a way to preserve the beauty and brightness of autumn leaves - dry them or skeletonize them and use them to make various gizmos from children's crafts to interior decorations. This activity will appeal to both children and adults.

75 photos of craft ideas from leaves