How to seat a baby. Features of sitting down of male children. What should parents do

How many months can boys be seated without harming their health. The exact age when the boy will sit down will not be named by any pediatrician.

Raise a boy or a girl, at first it doesn't matter. And yet, parents like to give the baby non-existent gender qualities: “He eats well - the man grows!”, Or “Active baby, girls are faster than boys!”. In fact, the pace of development and physical data do not depend on gender at all, but on individual characteristics. The same goes for skill development. Girls and boys begin to sit up on their own at about the same time. Another thing is important, at how many months can a child (boy) be seated so as not to harm health?

But! If the baby is active, holds his head well, rises on the handles while lying on his stomach and uses all available objects to grab and sit down, then his muscles are strong enough to sit down.

In this case, you can sit the boys down, the main thing is to do it right.

Thematic material:

Firstly, the time spent in this position should be limited to 1 hour per day.

Secondly, set the angle of inclination correctly. At 5 months, the back of the stroller, deck chair or high chair can be raised at an angle of 40-45 degrees, from 6 to 60 degrees.

Who will sit first

The exact age at which the boy will sit down will not be named by any pediatrician. This period is affected not so much by gender as by the readiness of the baby, which depends on many factors.

  1. Physical training. If the parents did gymnastics, swimming, massage with the baby, they will learn to hold their head, rise on their arms and sit earlier.
  2. Temperament. Phlegmatic, calm children often lag behind their peers fidgets.
  3. Weight. Mobility and development of muscles depend on the weight of the baby, more than that, the load on the spine is much higher, therefore it will be more difficult for the boy to sit upright.

So, a physically developed, active “thin man” will sit down at 5 months, and his peer “drunk” has the right to master the skill up to 9 months.

A premature baby has 2 months left to catch up with the rest in development, which means that he will sit down much later.

Sitting or sitting down

Assessing the baby's ability to sit, parents often get confused in these terms. Therefore, they begin to worry and rush, forcibly put the child in prematurely.

Similar material:

By six months, babies sit with support or support, but it is difficult to stay in this position, they continually fall forward or on their side.

At this stage, in short attempts to sit, the back muscles are strengthened, and the baby himself learns to balance in this position.

Closer to 7 months, the little one will be able to sit on his own, albeit not for long. But "sit down" even later. When the child learns to crawl, he will sit down from the “lying”, “on all fours” position. It is the ability to sit down independently and will be the final stage in the formation of the skill. At what age? Most often at 8-9 months.

If by this time the baby does not even make an attempt, contact a specialist (neurologist or orthopedist).

When and how to seat a boy

You can start to sit down the boy, i.e. briefly give the body a vertical position from 5-6 months, depending on physical readiness. To avoid harm, read the following recommendations:

  • In good faith and in good spirits. When lifting the baby by the handles, do not make sudden movements. Stop as soon as you realize that this position is uncomfortable. Seat when the baby is in a good mood.
  • Mom is support and support. Take the first attempts to sit down not in a chair or pillows, but on your knees. So safer and calmer for the baby. If the baby is not 5 months old, it can only be seated in a reclining position.
  • Crawling is the best workout. Children's doctors and Komarovsky, beloved by mothers, insist that the child should remain in a horizontal position as long as possible. And instead of sitting down your son, teach him to crawl. During crawling, the curves of the spinal column are correctly formed, and the muscles are actively developing.
  • Dose sit-ups. The duration of the first workouts should be a few seconds, while the back angle should not be straight.
  • Help me become strong. All children need physical activity, and boys especially. In a couple of years, when he begins to perceive himself in terms of gender, this topic will be especially relevant. In the meantime, to sit, he needs strong bones and muscles.

How to achieve this? Do gymnastics, stimulate the boy's movements with bright toys. Trying to reach them, he will quickly learn to control his body. You can also put the baby in an uncomfortable position, trying to take a different position, he will develop coordination of movements.

  • No pillows and rollers (they subject the fragile child's back and spine to unbearable pressure, prevent them from changing their posture when they are tired).
  • Surround yourself with safety. Having tried at least once to sit, the baby will quickly understand the superiority of the skill and will repeat attempts again and again. To minimize the amount of bumps, remove any hard objects that it can fall on. Try to be there to support when the baby loses balance.

Don't rush things! As Komarovsky recalls, the most correct and natural course of development of skills is as follows: crawling - sitting - standing up - walking.

Summarize. How long to wait until the child sits on his own? As much as needs! When can a boy be seated? Only when he himself wants it and is physiologically ready. For the rest, be guided by your own intuition, because only you know what your little one needs.

Very often, mothers ask themselves the question “when can I sit the baby down?”. Naturally, our kids are always curious and they have a great desire to quickly learn everything, not only in a lying state. And as soon as the baby has learned to smile, he quickly moves to a new level - an attempt to sit down.

But did you know that in the first year of life, the child's spine, like the entire skeletal system, is still not enduring, it does not tolerate overloads well. And therefore, orthopedic doctors recommend parents not to give the child a sitting position until he sat down himself.

So, when can the baby sit down?

Of course, doctors have a certain recommended age when the baby can sit - this is six months. But do not forget that each child is individual, has his own individual method of development. Attempts to sit down the baby can be started from four months, but you need to sit down the baby very carefully. Try first to put the baby in your arms when you walk, for example, holding with one hand and supporting it under the ass with the other. After several days of such exercises, you can sit down for one minute in a soft, stable place, supporting the child.

It is important to know how to seat the baby correctly. Here are some tips:

1. No need to put the baby in pillows, because when sitting down, his back bends like a wheel and instead of holding the spine, his muscles relax.

2. Try to start small. Take the child in your hands, with one hand hold the top, under the chest, and with the other hand support him by the ass. And don't stay that long. Gradually, the spine will get used to such exercises and the muscles will develop in this direction.

3. You can hang strong toys on the crib, for example, a toy ring that he can cling to. By six months, the baby should already roll over on his own, due to the fact that he rolls over, he practices his sitting exercise.

In fact, children often start to sit down early, but this does not mean that their spine is ready to hold a vertical position for a long time, so our task is to ensure that they do not stay in this position for a long time. Therefore, dear mothers, there is no need to rush things, you can only help your crumbs without consequences with the help of gymnastics to bring the happy moment when the baby sits down. Finally, we add that in this question the gender of the child is often indicated: (boy or girl), it absolutely does not matter when sitting down.

With the advent of the child, the family also changes. It can rightly be called complete. Parents try to give their child maximum affection and love. However, this is not enough. You need to know the answers to important questions related to the proper care of the baby, his bathing, feeding. Along with these questions, another one, no less important - how many months can boys be planted?

The baby is growing and getting stronger

The first couple of months the baby lies. However, the future fidget will begin to raise his head, try to roll over on his side, rise on his arms and try to sit down.

At this point, parents begin to look for useful information on the Internet, resort to the advice of experienced doctors and panic.

Whether early sitting will harm the baby’s spine, how it will affect his health in the future, what time boys are planted - all these questions are swept by a whirlwind in the minds of parents.

Parents need to control their child's sitting time

Let's understand the anatomy of the musculoskeletal system of an infant in order to get a comprehensive answer to today's question.

The first year of a baby's life is important. It is during this period that the spine is actively formed. The spine acquires curves, acquires muscle mass and becomes stronger.

The general formation process looks like this:

  • the first 3 months the spine is not adapted to the additional loads that are caused by the sitting position;
  • the baby is actively trying to hold the head on its own, as the first cervical bend of the spine has formed;
  • for the 7th month, the thoracic region is formed, the baby makes the first attempts to sit down;
  • from 9 months, the formation of the lumbar region begins, not far off.

Having an idea about the processes of the formation of the child's spine, you will understand how many months you can put the boys on the ass.

Helping your baby get ready for weaning

You can’t force a child to be imprisoned, everything will happen at the right time

Before attempting to seat the baby on the ass, pay attention to the weight of the child. The fact is that additional body weight exerts unfavorable loads on the still fragile spine.

For example, thin babies can be planted from 5 months. The more your child weighs, the more careful you should be, remember this.

Pay attention to the actions of your child, they indicate his readiness for a sitting position:

  • he moves his arms, easily rolls over from his tummy to his back;
  • boy, rises on the handles;
  • grabbing onto you, the baby tries to sit down with particular persistence, in which case help him with this.

If you observe your child's attempts described above, then help him sit up. Many parents are afraid that the baby is sitting down too early, not noticing the prerequisites indicating that the time has come - your child has already matured.

Don't rush, baby's health is at stake

Learn the following, you do not need to forcibly drop a child. So you will not accelerate the physical process of the development of the child, but will harm.

Some parents already at the age of five months are trying to fix the baby's body in an upright position, overlaying it with pillows. This, in consequence, leads to violations of the development of muscle and bone tissues..

In addition, the child is not able to fully breathe in this position, as the chest is subjected to pressure.

Even if you do not want to quickly seat your child in a soft place, you can do it involuntarily. Many parents flirt with their children, trying to put them on their feet, imitating walking. This harmless action also harms the baby's musculoskeletal system.

Who will answer the question, boy? Oddly enough, your baby will answer this. Feeling that the time has come, he will try in every possible way to sit on his ass.

Your task, as experienced parents, is to help him sit correctly, not leave him in a sitting position for a long time and, of course, be proud of the achievements of your child.

It's time to diversify the life of a child with a walker

There are a lot of models of walkers, from the simplest to the “fancy” ones.

The desire to add variety to the life of the baby prevails over common sense.

At what age can boys be put in walkers? Thanks to them, the boy can move around the house without your participation. For him, these are new sensations, research and emotions.

Remember walkers are used after the child learns to sit and stand.

If he has learned to do this, then you can allow him to walk around the house in a walker. However, the second question arises - how much time?

Many parents do not think about the fact that it is very important to limit the time the child walks in a walker, at least in the early stages of development.

Many doctors, including highly qualified ones, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some advise using walkers for no more than 15 minutes a day, while others see nothing wrong with using them for more than 50 minutes. Pretty striking difference in time, don't you think? Which of these opinions is correct? The question is simple, both opinions have a place to be.

The fact is that it all depends on the physiology of your baby. Pay attention to the following points:

  • your child's activity;
  • what time did he first try to sit down;
  • feature of the body (thin, full).

Taking into account the above factors, it is possible to answer with accuracy when it is possible to put a boy's child in a walker, and for how much.

Is your child ready to jump

How many months you can put boys in jumpers depends on their type. There are jumpers with and without support.. Support fixes the back, removing additional unwanted loads from it.

Many doctors agree that it is reasonable to put boys in jumpers with support only from the age of 6 months.

As a rule, some parents try to save money on jumpers, and purchase models without support. In this case, it is desirable to use them from 1 year.

Jumpers without support also lack latches. Do not leave your baby in them unattended.

How many months you can put boys in jumpers also depends on the developmental characteristics of the child, as we mentioned earlier.

Help your child develop

Active boys learn to sit early

Separate cases of development are individual. Therefore, if you received advice from an “experienced” doctor that supposedly the child is seated after 8 months, and he did not even ask you about his activity, then this conclusion is incorrect.

To help your baby develop properly, you must take into account his physiological characteristics, which we mentioned earlier.

With a completely natural and normal development, babies begin to sit down at 7-8 months. Some even up to a year. So it’s not at all necessary to panic if your acquaintances have a baby for the first time at 5 months. How to teach a baby to crawl at 6 months.

When the first child appears in the family, parents are concerned about many issues related to its development, especially in the first year of life. When can boys be seated? How long can a child be allowed to sit? Can I put my baby in a high chair? Many mothers ask themselves these questions. Someone is in a hurry and wants to seat the baby as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, are worried that the child is trying to sit down too early. At what age or at what stage of development can a baby be planted? Let's figure it out.

Help him or wait?

Perhaps the most exciting question in the topic of the physical development of children in the first year of life is whether it is necessary to help the child manage his body? Raising your head for him, turning him over on his stomach and back, sitting down, pushing him to teach him to crawl, put him on his legs, take his first steps, holding his arms raised up - is such an active participation of parents in the formation of motor skills of the baby justified? The answer to this question is quite simple.

To make the next breakthrough in development, the child must be ready for it. All processes in the development of the baby are interconnected. It is impossible to teach a newborn to roll over if he does not yet know how to hold his head. To learn to stand, you must first learn to sit down, and so on.

The main task of parents in caring for a child of the first year of life is to create suitable conditions for his harmonious development. In other words, for the baby to learn to sit, you do not need to plant him, it is much more important to provide him with a safe place to practice his skills and monitor his health. A healthy baby, without neurological diseases, does not need to be planted, he can easily cope with this himself, as soon as he is ready. If the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system are normal, the child will receive the appropriate signals to the brain and begin to move.

Very often, at the birth of the first child, parents can not wait to teach him everything as soon as possible. Curiosity, the desire for growth, alignment with others lead to the fact that the child is driven into the framework, they are expected from him to prompt physical activity. Comments from friends in the spirit of “We already learned to sit at 5 months old, and what time are you?” make an inexperienced mother nervous and worried about whether her baby is developing correctly.

In order to calm down and make sure that everything is in order with the child, it is important to understand that the traditionally established terms for mastering a particular skill, which most mothers are guided by, do not coincide with the real norms for the development of a child’s motor skills. For example, the opinion that a newborn should hold his head by 2 months of age is erroneous. In neurology, this takes 3 or even 4 months. Talk about the fact that at 10 months the child should already take the first steps is also not confirmed by pediatric norms. From a neurological point of view, the normal age to start walking independently is 12-18 months. It was during this period that the spine was completely ready for loads, its bends were formed.

As for the baby's sitting down, here the medical norms are very different from the generally accepted terms that parents are guided by. This is due to the fact that many children sit down ahead of schedule, while often they do not have disorders in the musculoskeletal system. Possible deviations in the development of the skeleton during accelerated development are imperceptible, and at what age they will make themselves felt, it is difficult to predict. When a large number of such early babies are recruited, the rest of the children, who develop according to the norms, seem to be lagging behind against their background.

Signs of normal development

From a neurological point of view, a child should learn to sit up on its own without support at 9 months. If at 9–10 months the baby cannot sit or sits leaning on his hands, cannot sit down from a supine position, the neurologist will assess the baby’s motor skills, diagnose “delayed motor development” and prescribe a course of treatment (massage, medication, physiotherapy). ). Do not be afraid of this diagnosis and try to seat the baby early so that he does not suddenly get a developmental delay. Very often, children who, up to 8 months, did not know how to sit on their buttocks without relying on their hands, at 9 months easily learn this on their own, without support. The diagnosis of "delayed motor development" in this case is not made or removed.

To make sure that the child develops correctly, you should pay attention to the following indicators. If he is ready to sit down, then he already knows how to:

  • keep your head upright
  • roll over from stomach to back and vice versa
  • pull up on your hands, holding on to your mom's fingers,
  • sit evenly, without falling over, for 30 seconds when mom tries to seat him.

When these skills are mastered, the baby is ready to sit down on his own. How long it will take him to sit confidently, it will not be possible to determine. It often happens that today the baby does not know how to sit, and tomorrow he has already sat down.

During feeding from 6 months of life, it is allowed to put the baby in a reclining position. You can start planting periodically, with mandatory back support. Do not put in a chair for feeding a baby who is not yet able to sit. This will lead to an increased load on the fragile spine.

Gymnastics to strengthen the spine

To make the baby sit down faster and easier, it is useful to devote several minutes a day to physical activities. A set of simple exercises will help strengthen your back, prepare your arms and neck for a smooth transition from a horizontal to a vertical position. How many times a day to do gymnastics, parents decide on their own. If the process gives the baby pleasure, you can start classes in the morning, and then after daytime sleep and in the evening. After bathing, gymnastics is not done so as not to overexcite the nervous system of the crumbs. Do exercises as much as the baby allows, do not force.

Neck Strengthening Exercises:

  1. Start laying your baby on your stomach as soon as you wake up. At the age of 4–5 months, he can already easily raise his head, lean on his elbows, and begin to try to raise his ass. Laying out on the stomach of a child older than 4 months helps to strengthen not only the neck, but also the arms. How many times a day do you exercise? Focus on the mood of the baby, but do not rush to immediately turn him on his back if he immediately starts to cry. Hold it in this position for at least 1 minute.
  2. Rock your baby on a fitball. A large gymnastic ball of bright color will attract the attention of the crumbs and help strengthen not only the neck, but also the abdominal muscles. In order not to frighten the child by laying out on a cold rubber ball, cover the fitball with a diaper.
  3. Lay the baby on his back, let him grab your fingers and gently pull towards you. If the grip of the crumbs is weak, he will immediately release his fingers, then you can hold him by the wrists.

Hand Strengthening Exercises:

  1. Rubbing and stroking hands during a general massage.
  2. Lay the baby on his back, spread his arms to the sides, then cross over his chest, spread again. Raise both hands above your head, lower along the body. Such elementary movements have a strong effect on the growing organism.
  3. Let the baby swim in a full bath. While in the water, he will reflexively, and then with interest, pull his arms and legs, clap on the water, training both arms and legs.

Leg strengthening exercises:

  1. Lay the child on his back, bend his knees and gently spread to the sides. If the muscle tone is normal, the legs are calmly divorced, the knees touch the support. Do 4-5 circular movements with each leg bent at the knee.
  2. Bend your right leg at the knee and your left arm at the elbow. Bring your leg to your arm so that your knee touches your elbow. Do the same with the left leg and right arm.
  3. Bend the baby's leg and try to touch his nose, forehead, ears with your toes. With normal muscle tone, this exercise is very easy to perform, and children themselves often grab the legs and pull their toes into their mouths.

This gymnastics is basic. It can be performed from the first month of a newborn's life. Despite its simplicity, it is the foundation for the further development of the crumbs. If the child responds joyfully to classes, the exercises are easy for him - it means that he develops correctly and will soon begin to sit. If you notice that the baby has problems with stretching, the legs do not diverge, or it is difficult to raise your arms up, contact your pediatrician or neurologist. Perhaps the baby will need a course of professional massage or physiotherapy.

Remember: to teach a child to sit, it is enough to perform simple exercises and massage daily with light strokes, rubbing and tapping. Forcing a child to sit when he still does not know how to do it himself, you interfere with the natural formation of the musculoskeletal system.

According to experts, there are no differences in the physical development of infants of boys and girls - this also applies to the formation of the skill of independent sitting. However, people believe that girls start talking earlier, and boys walk and run faster. In addition, there is an opinion that male children can be tried for a short time as early as 3-4 months, and girls - not earlier than 7. There is a risk of harm to future women at such a tender age - to disrupt the correct formation of the genitourinary system, however, studies on this topic was not carried out. So what do parents need to know? How and when to start planting a baby?

It is impossible to start planting a child too early - this can adversely affect his health

Let's get into the definitions

Not all parents correctly perceive the concept of "sit down." As a rule, in this case we are talking about a semi-sitting position, which is possible with the help of the restraint straps of the stroller, high chair or in the arms of the mother. When can boys be seated? It is believed that a boy can take a position close to sitting at 3-4 months if he:

  • is in mother's arms - pressed with her back to the stomach of an adult, legs are bent;
  • half-sitting in a wheelchair when the seat angle is 40-45 degrees.

Before you sit down the baby, you should take into account other factors: the weight of the child, his activity and readiness to be in a similar position. As for full-fledged sitting in a chair with a back or in a child seat, doctors advise waiting for the moment when the son himself wants to take a sitting position.

When can I put boys in a high chair or in a stroller? The physical readiness of the child for normal sitting on a chair is formed in the period from 6 to 9 months.

Which child can sit up first?

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Many parents perceive their child's achievements as their own. Hence the desire to show off to each other the first steps of the son, his new skills. However, those children who went earlier, learned to sit or talk faster than their peers, are no better than them (see also:). These skills will gradually become available to all babies, but the speed of physical development, including the ability to sit, depends on many factors:

  • Child's weight. If the baby has a normal weight inherent in his age, he will begin to demonstrate his achievements in time. Obese children who have a clear excess body weight usually lag slightly behind their lean peers. Sitting is a load on the spine, and being overweight exacerbates it.

Chubby babies start to sit down later as the weight puts strain on the spine
  • Children with whom their parents were engaged begin to sit faster - they did exercises daily, laid them out on their stomachs, took them to the pool, for a massage (we recommend reading:). These babies have better developed muscles, which gives them an advantage.
  • character and mobility. Some children from birth demonstrate their temperament - they are active, mobile, as far as their age allows them. Such fidgets quickly master new horizons and begin to sit well quite early.

Note that a baby who was born prematurely has the opportunity to reach the level of peers 2-3 months later. That is, if the baby is premature, we should expect that he will learn to sit no earlier than 8 months or even closer to a year.

Boy readiness indicators

We have already figured out the question of how many months boys can be planted. Now let's find out what indicators of a child's readiness for independent sitting exist. As a rule, this is:

  • The baby can roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa.
  • The baby holds his head well, reaches for the toy.
  • The baby himself wants to take a sitting position - he grabs his mother by the fingers and reaches up.
  • Boys often begin to sit down from a prone position - they rise with outstretched arms, then begin to straighten their legs. From this position, it is convenient to lower yourself on the ass, and then “step over” with your palms towards you. The baby sits down and collapses again. In the video, you can see that all children sit in different ways. Parents should only provide a safe environment for their son to train.
  • Having dropped off the child, you should look at him from the side - if his back is arched, it is too early for him to sit, despite his age. The spine of the son should be straight.

Many babies begin to sit down from a prone position.

When does the child sit up by himself?

From what month can a baby sit with support? Almost all infants cope with this task between 5 and 6 months. In this case, the baby now and then collapses in one direction or the other. Some mothers plant the baby, overlaying it with pillows. This should not be done, as the child may fall forward and then to the floor. In addition, it is impossible to leave the baby in this position for a long time - the load on the back is too great.

Little by little, the son can still be seated, being nearby and holding. So the baby trains the muscles of the back and pelvis and will gradually be able to stay in this position longer, less and less often falling on its side.

The sitting skill will be formed completely when the child is able to sit down by himself from any position convenient for him. Babies usually sit on all fours or on their side. They succeed not earlier than 8-9 months, sometimes later.

It is much more difficult to sit down from a “lying on your back” position, so this happens about a year, or even later. Tip: try to sit down from this position yourself, without sticking. You realize how much effort the crumbs will have to make to complete this task.

Many parents make the mistake of following their son's wishes. Do not confuse the concepts of "can sit" and "wants". It should be clear that even if the baby wants to sit with the support of his mother, but until he can sit down on his own, you cannot hold him in this position for a long time.

If the baby will soon celebrate its first anniversary, but does not even try to sit, it makes sense to consult with specialists. It is advisable to make an appointment with a neurologist and an orthopedist. Such a situation may be a symptom of some problems in the son, or it may only mean his individual developmental characteristics.

Sitting Skill Formation Rules

If you do not deal with the child, letting his development take its course, he will learn to sit later. When and how can you start planting a baby? It is important to encourage the baby, to strive to help him achieve results. To do this, you must follow the rules for the formation of sitting skills:

  • First you need to make sure that the child is healthy, he is in a good mood. Now you can try to seat the baby, holding him by the handles.
  • From time to time, the baby can be held on his lap so that he can feel his mother's stomach with his back. So the little person will be comfortable and he will be able to stay in this position for a long time. However, age should also be taken into account - at 3-4 months, the baby can sit for only 5-10 minutes, then longer.
  • In addition to regular landings, the son should be stimulated to crawl. During movement on all fours, the muscular corset is formed correctly, and all the organs of the child are in the right position. It is believed that modern man has many health problems due to the fact that he once stood on two legs. Over time, the spine of the crumbs will get stronger and he himself will want to sit down.

By encouraging the child to crawl, parents prepare him for sitting.
  • If the child does not want to crawl, it is worth trying to spread out the toys in different corners of his rug, which he will certainly want to reach out to. In addition, some boys are more interested in crawling if they see enough space in front of them, and not the high walls of the arena.
  • Parents should strive to strengthen the muscles of the child. Swim sessions work great, as does regular gymnastics. We should not forget to lay the baby on his stomach, help him roll over onto his back. To do this, you must first align the hand through which the coup will be carried out and press it to the body. Otherwise, you can dislocate a crumb limb.
  • You should not plant a baby near the support - with the exception of a child seat, stroller. If you try to put your son in an arena or a crib, it is enough to support him with your hands. Soft pillows under the back and sides will not give the desired effect, but will only become another factor in the load on the spine.

Why shouldn't you hurry?

We have already mentioned that it is not worth rushing to plant the baby ahead of time. Why can't we put babies under 6 months old? Dr. Komarovsky says that a child should sit after he learns to crawl (we recommend reading:). The next step in his development should be walking, and here's why. Nature is conceived so that all phases of development go one after another, if you jump over one of them, you can get problems in the future.

For example, in addition to strengthening the muscles of the back and pelvis, the boy should have time to form ligaments that wrap around the spine. Unlike muscles, these tissues cannot be influenced from the outside, the readiness of the ligaments for work is 4-5 months. Some orthopedists argue that scoliosis in a student may be the result of early planting. A heavy satchel with books and constant sitting at a desk only exacerbate the problem, but are not its source.

Scoliosis in a schoolchild may be the result of planting too early (we recommend reading:)

Do not forget that you are raising a man who must be able to be strong, and also become the protector of his family. It is important not only to instill in him the moral principles accepted in our society, but also to give him a decent base in the form of good health.

We tried to give comprehensive information to the boy's parents, who are concerned about the timely disembarkation of the child. If you do everything gradually, monitor the condition and mood of the child, he will certainly be able to sit well at 7-8 months. Do not rush too much, it is better to be patient and methodically prepare the baby for independent sitting in a high chair and in a stroller. One day he will surprise you with a new achievement, and fill the parental heart with pride.