The tattoo on the arm of men is realism. Tattoos in the style of realism. Choosing a tattoo sketch

Realism tattoo can be safely called one of the most sought-after and popular styles. The style of realism is considered one of the most difficult in technical terms. A tattoo artist must be first and foremost an artist who has mastered the art of academic drawing.

The development of realism in tattooing is associated with the development of tattoo machines. It is possible to perform a complex realistic drawing, with many details, nuances and gradients, only with a high-quality modern tattoo machine. Most often, portraits become plots for realism tattoos. People decorate their bodies with drawings of idols, movie characters, and relatives.

Popular Places and Plots Tattoo Realism

Realistic Forearm Tattoo

A tattoo in the style of realism on the forearm is a universal option. The drawing on the forearm can be quite voluminous, this area of ​​​​skin is enough to detail a portrait of a person or an image of an animal. Girls most often choose floral motifs in the style of realism for the forearm. Men prefer portraits of idols, scenes from their favorite or video games.

Tattoo Realistic Sleeve

A sleeve tattoo in the style of realism implies a three-dimensional plot image. such a tattoo most often includes a combination of portraits, elements of nature or architecture. You can often find sleeves with female portraits or motifs from the fantasy world.

Tattoo Realistic Animals

Animal tattoos are popular due to their aesthetic component, which is also complemented by a hidden meaning. In ancient times, the tribes had their own totem animals, guardians and helpers. Since then, people have become accustomed to looking for similarities in their character with the temperament of animals, to make representatives of the fauna their amulets and talismans.

Tattoo Realistic Flowers

Botanical tattoo finds its embodiment in each of the tattoo styles, including realism. - the record holder in the ranking of the most sought-after tattoos. Flower tattoos, like animal tattoos, include visually beautiful designs and deep meanings. In different traditions, you can find legends about flowers, study their meaning, and then decorate your skin with a realistic tattoo. The advantages of realism in the depiction of flowers is that you can ask the master not just a rose, but a rose with drops of morning dew. Such details bring additional meaning and flavor to the tattoo, make it unique.

Black and White Tattoo Realistic

Black and white tattoos help relieve the sketch of unnecessary stress. Let's say you want a large plot drawing, with a lot of details. If such a tattoo is in color, it will be much more difficult to perceive, and a black and white drawing will be more modest and concise. Black and white tattoos are focused on the content, the meaning of the tattoo.

Men's Realistic Tattoos - Realistic Tattoo Designs for Men

Among the most popular men's tattoos in the style of realism: portraits of idols and loved ones, nature, wildlife, movie scenes, scenes from myths and legends. Realism is a very versatile style, giving scope for creativity and imagination. It is not uncommon to see a combination of realism with other tattoo styles, such as ornaments or watercolor.

Women's Realistic Tattoos - Realistic Tattoos Sketches for Girls

Every year, girls around the world more and more often decide on large tattoos. Drawings in the style of realism cease to be a male direction in tattoos. Images of flowers and animals, birds and portraits are the most popular realism tattoos among girls. Popular places for tattoos: forearm, shoulder, back.

realism (English)realism, realistic) - a tattoo style in which the image matches the original as closely as possible.

In a realistic tattoo, it is the level of correspondence to reality that is considered the key quality parameter, and the highest skill is an image that is absolutely indistinguishable from the original.

However, the tattoo artist can bring their own vision to the work within certain limits and apply various artistic techniques.

Realism is the brightest representative artistic tattoo, since it primarily performs a decorative function and has all the means for its maximum expression.

Etymology and meaning

Realism (fr. realisme, lat. realis ) - real, material.

The most complete, objective reflection of reality with the help of artistic means.

The term was first used by a French writer Jules Francois Felix Husson in the 50s of the XIX century to indicate the direction of painting, opposing romanticism and academicism.

Visual style features


A full color palette with all shades and tones in between can be used ( Realistic color tattoo) or only black and gray scale ( Realistic black & gray tattoo).

Strictly speaking, there are no restrictions on the color palette of a tattoo at all, and its scale depends only on the original image and its interpretation by the master.

White is often used to achieve maximum contrast. The glare of the eyes, the illuminated part of the skin, hair, the glare of water and metal, and other objects that reflect or emit light as much as possible are whitened.

In the absence of white, its role in the image is played by the flesh color of the client's skin, not covered with pigment, which significantly reduces the overall realism and brightness of the tattoo.

Color transitions

To achieve realism in the picture, it is necessary to have intermediate shades, halftones and their gradation, since chiaroscuro, falling shadows, reflection, focal blur and other effects, without which photorealism is simply impossible, require smooth color transitions.

Compatible and similar styles

Chicano- in fact, it is a sub-direction of realism and inherits all its features, limiting only the theme of the tattoo and visual features.

Biomechanics and organics also included in realism. They come into contact with it in case of simulating a break in the surface.

Themes, objects and images

Portraits of people

The basis of the theme in realism is a portrait image. People want to fix the memory of their loved ones for life.

Often there are portraits of relatives and loved ones. Children, parents, husbands and wives, whose meaning in life is the most important, are worthy of memory through fixation in a tattoo.

The image of an idol is also quite popular. He can be a famous musician, actor, political, ideological and spiritual leader, scientist and philosopher, in a word, any popular person whose activities a person connects with his life.

Characters of films and modern computer games, heroes of literary works, mythological heroes - everything with whom a person self-initializes himself, whose qualities he aspires to.

There is a well-known tendency not to take tattoos and one's own body too seriously. And some individuals fill themselves with portraits of people who are of temporary importance to them. It can be a girl, beloved, but not the fact that it is long-term, a portrait of one-day groups and even funny Internet characters. Most often, such clients return to the tattoo studio to cover up the unfortunate portrait.

Plot-themed scenes

Scenes from films, paintings by famous artists, great historical events, biblical episodes, or just some plot invented by a tattoo artist - all these are themes for display in a realistic tattoo.

The tattoo artist transfers a certain scene to the client's body with the greatest accuracy, often even imitating the manner and technique of the artist, and imitates other effects of the original.

Animals, birds, fish and insects

We remind you that realism is a style of artistic tattoo and, accordingly, is exclusively decorative. None of the meanings of prison tattoos apply to her. And the image of animals, including, will carry only the meaning that you put into it yourself.

Of course, people choose the most beautiful, respected animals for tattoos, as well as those whose character traits correspond and appeal to them.

Tiger, lion or bear - as evidence of the wearer's desire for strength, authority.

Raccoon, cat, fox, squirrel - affection, sensitivity, love of love.

Snake, shark, wolf, bull - aggression, challenge.

Separate inanimate objects

Often, the object of the image is the attributes of certain professions and hobbies, for example, a tattoo artist will choose a tattoo machine, a casino player - cards or dice, and a musician and music lover - a microphone or an audio cassette. To do this, you need to accept your work and be proud of it.

Skulls, weapons, berries and flowers, feathers and ribbons, precious stones - as objects that characterize the nature and value system of the wearer (as with animals).

Flowers are the most common inanimate object used in realism, since only in this style is it possible to most fully transfer into a tattoo all the beauty of the play of chiaroscuro petals and glare of dew on them.

Imitation of the interaction of drawing with reality. 3D tattoo.

The drawing of objects “lying” on the body or crawling animals and insects “crawling out” of it looks quite impressive.

In 3D, the tattoo master works out high-quality shadows and points of interaction (wound, tear, break, hole, window). In this direction, realism can intersect with biomechanics and organics.

Crawling spiders and lizards, butterflies and caterpillars, objects threaded through the skin, windows and rifts leading to another reality - all this becomes an excellent plot for a tattoo.

Application features

Choosing a tattoo sketch

Often a sketch for a tattoo in the style of realism is taken from search engines (of course, with the exception of portraits of relatives). And, of course, lazy users grab the first high-quality photos of the desired subject that are found in the search results, and then they are disappointed when they see a copy of their own tattoo, especially if it is done a little better.

Realistic tattoo style has appeared relatively recently and is rapidly gaining momentum. And, in order to avoid dozens of duplicate tattoos on the street, photos for which are taken from the first page of Google, the only right decision is to order the development of an individual sketch in a tattoo studio.

Believe me, a master who is able to realize an exact copy of a photo in a tattoo will easily draw a completely unique sketch based on the images you have chosen and taking into account your personal wishes, or, in extreme cases, will perform a photo montage.

Sketch preparation

As a rule, a realism tattoo is made from a photograph. The reliability of the final drawing depends on its quality, resolution and contrast. Therefore, ideally, a tattoo artist working in this direction should be proficient in graphic editors in order to process the photo if necessary. In some cases, a photomontage or a collage of photographs is possible, forming a new unique image.

The tattoo artist prints out the final photo and then uses it as a normal hand-drawn sketch.

Transfer sketch to body

The transfer of the sketch is carried out by standard means using transfer paper or similar materials. The printed photo itself or its outline is taken as a contour sample.

The difficulty lies in the smooth transitions that must be faithfully conveyed in the tattoo. If the shadow on the cheek of the portrait is distorted, shifted or does not match the original in terms of smoothness, the general features of the face will also change, and then the portrait will turn out to be different, which will not suit any customer. Therefore, in addition to contrasting boundaries, areas of tone transition are also noted. And, the more complex the image, the more additional intermediate lines should be present.

Unlike less artistic styles, in a realistic tattoo, even with transitional contours, it is impossible to completely transfer the original image. Many nuances remain undefined, such as the softness of the borders, the color itself (after all, it is far from uniform) and small details. Therefore, the tattoo artist in the process of work still has to work, as they say, by eye and constantly check with the original in order to get a minimum of differences.

Application process

Realism is recognized by most tattoo artists as the most technically difficult tattoo style.

Needless to say, to reproduce a photorealistic image using such a rather crude tool as a tattoo machine, not only artistic skills are required, but also the highest level of equipment and materials.

In realism, unlike other styles, the finest detail and complex elements are required, such as hair, skin texture and folds, eyes with highlights and reflections, water drops, clouds, evenly blurred out-of-focus borders, and the like.

To form soft transitions and shades of the tattoo, the pigment is diluted with distilled water or other specialized means, after which the master has the opportunity to operate with any intermediate tones.

Each master has his own method of working, but there are several general steps after transferring the sketch:

1. Designation of contours.

Transitions can be indicated by sparse dotted lines or diluted black. In some cases, they do without designating the contours of the tattoo at all, because, unlike the old school, in a realistic tattoo, the stroke lines may have different colors or not be clear at all.

2. Filling black and dark areas.

3. Filling colored areas, starting with darker and brighter tones.

4. Filling white elements.

5. Final adjustment. Elaboration of the nuances of compliance and realism.

History of realism

The technical possibility for applying a tattoo, which claims to be a qualitative reflection of reality, has appeared relatively recently. Realism in the modern sense appeared at the end of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century, with the advent of professional equipment on the market and, first of all, high-quality tattoo machines. Prior to this, attempts were constantly made to capture portraits of relatives and friends, famous personalities, as well as animals, but such works could not be called realistic.

Traditionally, such tattoos were made by sailors, prisoners and soldiers who, by force of circumstances, were excommunicated from their loved ones and tried to emphasize their individuality, to express themselves contrary to the surrounding reality. But, given the quality of the available equipment, and even more so the conditions of the places of sale, the result left much to be desired.

The development of technology, the expansion of the market and the popularization of culture led to the fact that the tattoo from an underground, often forbidden and very specific activity was reborn into a new art form, which attracted a new kind of masters with the highest artistic abilities.

After the style reached a qualitatively new level, it immediately spread far beyond the places of its formation.

Now, having all the necessary technical means and professional artists in its arsenal, the tattoo culture can afford any styles and trends, including full-fledged realism indistinguishable from photography.

Originating many thousands of years ago, the tattoo was originally a rather primitive patterns applied to the body in order to protect against evil spirits. However, man has always sought to achieve perfection in this art form, and it was a hard and long way.

Over the centuries, the technique of performing masters has been improved, tools for applying images have been modernized, and new formulas for dyes have appeared. And finally, in the nineteenth century, tattoo art reached a new level. Realism tattoos appeared.

The meaning of tattoos on the body

Unlike many other types of tattoos, images applied to the body in a realistic manner play, first of all, a decorative role, bringing aesthetic pleasure to a person. Drawings, as if coming to life on the skin, delight the owner of the tattoo and make an amazing impression on the people around him.

An image tattoo using this technique is a great way to capture your favorite image on your body (whether it’s a dear person, a favorite actor or a character from a movie, a faithful and devoted pet, the main hobby and life’s work). Sometimes people just want to decorate their body without associating the applied image with specific images, in this case, amazing ornaments, fantasy motifs or flower arrangements open up to the eye.

The subject of tattoo images

The realistic tattoo genre is unlimited in the choice of themes for images. Anything your heart desires can serve as inspiration for a tattoo. This feature of the tattoo realism allows the customer and the master who applies the image to give free rein to the imagination and bring to life the most daring ideas and images, because the main thing in this direction is to make the drawing as real and alive as possible.

The most commonly used motifs in tattoo realism are:

  1. ornamental motifs (a professional craftsman will make you believe that the ornaments applied to the body are made of metal, carved from wood and bone, carved with a sharp blade of flesh);
  2. the image of plants (this type is more typical for girls who want to have velvet roses or delicate lilies, bamboo or ivy sprigs on their bodies), the images look extremely believable;
  3. images of animals (this type of drawing is equally loved by both men and women), tropical butterflies, birds, lizards, predatory animals, graceful forest animals, cute pets come to life on the skin;
  4. creatures from the fantasy world (girls prefer magical elves and fairies, unicorns, mogwais, men prefer to put characters from computer games, alien invaders, ferocious dragons on their skin);
  5. portraits of people (often put photos of their own children, favorite actors and characters from films, cult rock and pop artists);
  6. images and zombies (not everyone decides on this type of tattoo, although such drawings certainly have their fans);
  7. cyberpunk (biomechanical designs look spectacular and original, and their frightening plausibility on the body always makes an indelible impression on others).

Important! Realistic tattoos are the most complex type of tattoo art, requiring exceptional craftsmanship. Not all tattoo artists can achieve the effect of a “live drawing”. Therefore, before entrusting your body to the master, you need to look into his portfolio.

Tattoo color scheme

Images in a realistic manner can be color or black and white, it all depends on the chosen topic and on the personal desire of the customer.

Portraits of people, characters from films and games can be decorated in black and white colors, some types of ornaments, as well as flower arrangements and animals, can look good.

In color, absolutely all types of realistic tattoos will look spectacular. The effect of presence is achieved through the skillful play of the master with light and shadow and the use of a rich palette of shades. The talent and skill of the artist are able to erase all the lines between fiction and reality, making the drawing come to life on the skin. Ornaments, animals, people, epic battles will not leave anyone indifferent, being executed in color.

Important! Realistic tattoos can sometimes compete with the masterpieces of world art in terms of technique. However, working with human skin is several times more difficult than with paper or canvas. Illiterate work of the master can leave scars on the skin or lead to an uneven distribution of pigment in the image, which will spoil the appearance and quality of the tattoo. Therefore, the choice of a salon and a master must be approached responsibly and seriously!

The location of the tattoo realism on the skin

Wearable images in realistic technique are so interesting and lively due to the high detail of the picture. It is impossible to imagine any other type of tattoo in which there would be so many nuances. A distinctive feature of all realistic drawings is their relatively large size, otherwise it is impossible to work out all the details of the image and achieve its plausibility.

Since the tattoo image in this technique has a large size, the best areas on the body for it will be the back, chest, shoulders and forearms, buttocks, hips, sides. Besides the fact that these areas have a large amount of skin, they are also characterized by the presence of a good layer of subcutaneous fat, which will make the tattoo procedure less painful.

Realistic tattoos, as a rule, are applied to the body in several sessions, which must be taken into account by a person who wants to get just this kind of tattoo images.

Realistic tattoos appeared in the 19th century. They say that the beginning of this style was laid by a certain professor who studied them. He collected a collection of copies of tattoos depicting famous personalities such as Bismarck, Napoleon and others. This style is one of the most difficult. Work on such a tattoo takes a lot of time, several sessions. And this means that it will cost quite a lot.

A tattoo in the style of realism requires high professionalism from the master. This style requires accurate rendering of the image. The master must be proficient in drawing techniques in order to give the image depth and realism. Drawing on an uneven surface of the skin is much more difficult than on canvas or paper. In addition, such tattoos are quite large. Therefore, they are usually applied to the chest, shoulder or back.

In the style of realism, portraits of close people, celebrities, idols, movie or game characters are very often performed. For a portrait, it is especially important that it resembles the person depicted in it, since errors and flaws in this style are most noticeable. Small inaccuracies - and the resemblance to the original is already very doubtful. If a completely bad master comes across, then the mistake can become almost irreparable.

Often in the technique of realism depict landscapes, space, the underwater world. Some make tattoos with a variety of animals and plants. Especially popular in this sense are cats, horses, dragonflies, spiders, owls. Pet owners sometimes want to get a tattoo with his image. And sometimes whole reproductions of famous paintings are applied as a tattoo.

But perhaps the most difficult direction in realism is 3D tattoos. Special techniques allow the master to make the drawing three-dimensional. Such tattoos look especially realistic. An interesting effect is created when looking at three-dimensional insect tattoos. Looking at the photographs, it is sometimes difficult to understand whether this is a drawing or a real beetle.

The value of such tattoos lies in their uniqueness. It is extremely difficult to make two absolutely identical realistic tattoos. And the realism itself gives them a special aesthetics.

One of the most popular and sought-after styles has always been and will be His Majesty - realism. This is a classic that will never go out of style. Other styles come and go, but realism remains. Let's see what variations of this style are most common, how they differ and how to choose a good master working in this wonderful style. So let's go!

The most important thing in realism is realism! This is the style where the similarity with nature is one of the main factors. It's great if at the same time the master manages to add something of his own, some kind of signature touch, a distinctive feature that shows the hand of the master and at the same time does not distort the realism of the composition. This is what art is about. Create style within style.

Very often, portraits are painted in realism. And it’s understandable why, similarity in a portrait is an important feature! Portraits are followed by images of the human body and subjects related to a person. Nature, ships, animals are also depicted, in general, fantasy is clearly not limited here. Moreover, you can draw fictional characters and it will be fantasy-realism.

Black and white or color?

To be honest, very few masters can work well with color in this style. Often even true masters do not use more than 3-4 colors. This is due to the property of color to prevail over graphics. Drawing in color, the artist must be able to think in spots. And since graphic quality is also important in realism, you have to link these two poles together, so that one does not suppress the other.

Important Using too many extra colors is easy to get into variegation and such a tattoo will not be perceived.

In this regard, it is better to make a good tattoo in black and white or with minimal use of color than a bad daub full of bright colors.

Here is an example of a good work in the style of realism done in color. As you can see, the master used only 3 primary colors - black (gray), blue and red, and only slightly used the fourth (gray-amber) color in the watch dial and in the stone located in the crown.

How to choose a master

A tattoo in the style of realism requires a highly professional, artistic training and extensive experience in tattooing from the master. Artistic experience is necessary for the correct construction of proportions, volume and color reproduction. The direct experience of applying a tattoo is also very important, because there are many features of how a tattoo machine works. For example, the master must correctly predict skin displacements at different body positions. So that the portrait of your beloved does not become a sketch of Baba Yaga at the moment when you changed your position.

It is not so easy to find such a master. The first step is to look at the work. Everything else says little. I saw when masters with 20 years of experience made portraits worse than talented masters with 3-4 years of experience. So experience is good, but says little. Personal recommendations are a more reliable factor, but here it is important who they come from. A portfolio, unfortunately, can be faked. An effective defense against clumsy masters is a tattoo parlor.

A good studio that values ​​clients and values ​​its reputation will strictly select masters. And most importantly, they are very good at it. Usually the studio owners themselves are experienced craftsmen and can easily understand who is in front of them, a true artist or a charlatan. Also, a competent system of quality control and promotion has been developed in the salons. Masters here are always working at full capacity.