Path on the pubic part. How much does an intimate haircut cost in a beauty salon. Intimate haircut "Droplet"

A neatly and at the same time stylishly shaved groin area allows you not only to follow the rules of intimate hygiene, but also to feel more sexy and attractive, emphasize your exclusivity and impress your partner. By choosing the right bikini area design, you can visually adjust the figure, focus on the elegance and femininity of the silhouette lines, while leveling the flaws. How to choose a fashionable intimate haircut and do it yourself? Let's take a look at the new bikini design trends of 2018 and organize a spa at home!

How to make a hairstyle in the intimate area? Basic Bikini Cutting Techniques

Removing unwanted hairs in the groin area is now easier than ever - the beauty industry offers many ways to quickly and painlessly epilate such delicate and sensitive areas. Of course, the easiest way is to contact a bikini design specialist - he will show photos of the most fashionable women's intimate haircuts of the season, talk about the technology for their implementation and guarantee an amazing and long-lasting result. True, the cost of such a procedure can scare away, because the more complex and intricate the hairstyle, the more expensive it will be to complete it. However, even the most intricate drawings in the intimate area can be cut out on your own - just be patient and have the necessary equipment. What technologies will allow you to create a stylish haircut in the bikini area?


A regular razor is the most popular and affordable way of hair removal. Many women to this day prefer to shave their groin, despite the fact that the technology has a lot of drawbacks. Firstly, the hairs grow back quickly, becoming stronger, tougher and darker. Secondly, you will have to correct an intimate haircut after 5-7 days, because the design will soon become sloppy and blurry. And thirdly, after shaving, irritation often occurs, pustules and ingrown hairs appear.

However, despite the shortcomings, shaving is in demand among the fair sex. Razors are sold in almost every store, they are quite inexpensive and allow you to quickly give the intimate area a fashionable and neat appearance. In addition, this method of depilation, with a certain skill, does not cause the slightest discomfort, which means that the haircut process will not cause rejection.

Electric shaver and trimmer

A modern alternative to a disposable and reusable razor is an electric intimate haircut. Electric shavers allow you to gently remove excess vegetation, and trimmers with nozzles allow you to adjust the design of a fantasy haircut and complete fine details of the pattern. Such devices have retained all the charms of classic shaving, with the exception, perhaps, of the cost - even the simplest models of electric shavers are quite impressive, not to mention fancy devices with various additions.

Electric shavers designed for intimate haircuts often come with stencils of the hottest bikini designs. Reusable templates allow you to accurately create an interesting pattern without wasting time drawing it on the skin.


Epilators are a good option for creating a fashionable intimate haircut. Such devices gently grab excess hairs and pull them out of the hair follicle by the root. As a rule, a haircut made with an epilator grows back more slowly than a shaved one, and remains neat for a long time.

True, epilation itself is an extremely painful procedure, especially at first, when sensitive skin has not yet had time to adapt to the “execution”. To anesthetize the process, you can use an analgesic cream, spray, or, in extreme cases, ice from a decoction of chamomile and calendula.

Depilatory cream

A cream or lotion that causes softening and dying of hairs allows you to quickly and painlessly remove unwanted vegetation and give the intimate area an attractive appearance. True, such a haircut lasts only 5-6 days, after which it begins to noticeably grow and deform. And the composition of most depilatory creams leaves much to be desired: if you neglect the instruction manual even a little, you can get a painful chemical burn on sensitive bikini skin.

Depilatory creams should be avoided by girls prone to allergic reactions and inflammation. Many components of depilatory compositions are quite aggressive, and therefore often cause allergic dermatitis and irritation. Therefore, if you still decide to resort to using such a beauty product in the intimate area, test it on a less sensitive area (for example, on your legs or arms) before you cut your hair.


Waxing, or waxing, is less painful than using an epilator, especially if you use a hot composition for the procedure, which dilates blood vessels and slightly anesthetizes the process. However, this does not mean that such a haircut does not cause discomfort - even high-quality preparation for the session does not guarantee absolute painlessness, especially for girls with a low pain threshold. Therefore, waxing has a number of contraindications:

  • the presence of large moles in the intimate area,
  • pregnancy,
  • diabetes,
  • infectious diseases,
  • phlebeurysm.

A fashionable intimate haircut made with wax retains its attractiveness from 3 weeks (when using a cold composition) to one and a half months (after hot wax). However, in order to re-create an exclusive hairstyle in this way, you will have to wait until the hairs grow at least half a centimeter - this is a critical minimum that allows you to capture the vegetation and effectively remove it.


Sugar hair removal is one of the most convenient ways to create a trendy intimate haircut. Sugaring paste is sold in almost every cosmetic store, and it is not so expensive. However, you can cut costs even further by making your own recipe: all you need is sugar, lemon juice, and some water. Such a procedure does not cause such severe discomfort as epilation and waxing, while each time the hairs will become weaker and lighter, the interval between procedures will be longer, and the sessions themselves will be less painful.

What are the most fashionable intimate haircuts now: trends 2018

Bikini designs have undergone many changes over time. Fashion trends have also affected such a delicate area, so the masters began to offer modern fashionistas many interesting ideas for decorating the groin area. What hairstyles are relevant in 2018? TOP 5 fashion ideas will help you navigate the world of intimate haircuts.

  1. brazilian shave

A well-deserved first place for many years goes to a perfectly shaved pubis without the slightest hint of vegetation. According to statistics, such a haircut is liked by the vast majority of the stronger sex and, moreover, allows women to feel fresh and relaxed in any type of underwear.

The easiest way to ensure a perfectly smooth haircut is with sugaring or waxing - such methods guarantee a long-lasting result, rarely cause irritation and ingrown hairs. Shavers and epilators also allow you to perform a Brazilian haircut, but the effect will not be so long, and after a couple of days the hairstyle will have to be updated. But the depilatory cream will have to be abandoned - the sensitive skin of a deep bikini may suffer from the aggressive components of cosmetics.

  1. Strip

This version of an intimate haircut implies the presence of a neatly trimmed strip of vegetation with a width of 1 to 5 centimeters. The length of the strip can also be different: it can end in the pubic region or go further - so you do not have to endure painful depilation of deep zones.

The most convenient in this case is a classic or electric razor, wax strips or depilatory cream. And to align the strip, you can use a stencil, seal the desired area, for example, with a strip of adhesive tape, or simply draw it with a cosmetic pencil. After the haircut is ready, you need to trim the length of the remaining hairs with small scissors or a bikini machine - so the hairstyle will be more accurate.

  1. edge haircut

Not everyone likes a perfectly shaved pubis - many women prefer hairstyles a la natural and leave the vegetation untouched. However, this does not mean that there is no need to put the vegetation in the groin area in order - in order for the bikini area to look aesthetically pleasing, you should regularly remove the hairs growing behind the panty line and trim the remaining ones.

For depilation, in this case, wax, sugar paste, a razor or an epilator are equally well suited - it does not matter how to cut the groin area, because its dimensions are minimal. And the remaining hairs should be thinned out with scissors or a typewriter and give them the desired shape (for example, triangular or rectangular). True, such a design will not suit lovers of open underwear or skimpy swimsuits - the vegetation sticking out from under the panties does not look so attractive.

  1. fantasy haircut

Ladies who do not tolerate boredom and monotony can cut anything on their pubic hair, starting with a typical crescent or a banal heart and ending with highly artistic drawings. The most popular are flowers, yin-yang, five-pointed leaves, card signs, a crown, animals, butterflies, hieroglyphs, etc. To create such art, you will need the help of a master, however, if you wish and have special stencils, you can try to be creative on your own.

  1. Tattoos and drawings

If you want a change, it is not necessary to get a tattoo at all - you can make a temporary drawing that will last from a couple of days to a month, depending on the materials used. Such pictures are made with henna, sequins, rhinestones or special velvet - it all depends on the desired design and color of the image.

Feel free to be creative, because fashionable intimate haircuts 2018 are a flight of fancy, a symbiosis of emancipation, comfort and sexuality!

Any woman wants to be attractive to her partner, and if changing the hairstyle on the head may not attract or surprise a man so much, then just an intimate haircut is what you need to add sex appeal and attractiveness to you. And do not be shy about intimate areas, especially if you have enough vegetation there. In such places, the male population is trying to find a zest that would distinguish a woman from other representatives of the fair sex. There is often talk that women's thick intimate hairstyles are a sign of a hot sexual disposition.

Conducting anonymous surveys among the male half of humanity, it turned out that more than 85 percent of men get excited when they see certain haircuts in the intimate area. But having found their complete absence in place of curls, on the contrary, they were disheartened. But given these statistics, depilation and trimming remain very popular in intimate fashion. To date, such a process (full or partial in the form of a drawing) is called body design. The most important thing is that you can carry out such a manipulation with yourself on your own without outside help at home, having only a trimmer on your hands. Considering your own wishes and the interests of your male half, you can choose any haircut design and even its color. To comply with all hygiene standards, it would be better to visit your doctor first, although the simplest and most uncomplicated hairstyles can be done on your own, with only a trimmer and a hygienic strip.

The simplest is the color and decoration of your haircut

You need to start with a simple one, namely with color and adding “decor” elements. The most important thing to know is never use hair dyes (meaning hair on the head) to color intimate areas. To do this, you need to buy a special paint, it is best to use a dye made from natural elements for coloring, henna is perfect as such a dye. It does not contain chemicals that can damage your skin or haircuts in an intimate place.

For those who want to have dark “lower” hair, you can use eyelash or eyebrow dye for coloring. True, the effect of such a decision will not be very long - just a couple of days. If ink is used, then the colors can be chosen as desired, the main thing is that such paint is not resistant.
Some "extremes" completely shave off all the vegetation and make a tattoo on the site of the former haircut, sometimes even on their own. Many men say that a tattoo in an intimate place really turns them on. The tattoo does not have to be real, because it is not a fact that the result will please your partner. Instead, make a fake one, it will leave you in a couple of weeks.

The most important thing is a haircut at home

There is nothing complicated or specific about it. It goes without saying that you are unlikely to succeed in a pattern that is too complex in complexity, but a regular trimmer haircut in the Brazilian stripe style will not cause much trouble and will add originality to you, which is the most important thing.
First you need to make a paper blank corresponding to the selected hairstyle. Before carrying out all the manipulations, you will need a trimmer. A trimmer is a machine designed for body or bikini designs. To implement various ideas, along with it in one set there are multiple nozzles necessary for the shaving process. When using such a device, the contours of your intimate areas will be as pronounced as possible. If the work is too thin, literally dotted, you will need to use tweezers. For a better process, you will need a little wax and epilation cream.

Since you are doing this at home and, most likely, alone, for convenience, it is necessary to carry out such a procedure in front of a mirror, and a very large one. Initially, you need to deal with the hairs, whose length exceeds five millimeters. In this situation, using the trimmer will be unpleasant and painful, the hair will most likely be too long. We take a comb for a couple with scissors, circle the outline of your planned hairstyle with a marker, and slowly remove all excess hair that goes beyond the border. At the end of this stage, take the tweezers and finish what you started by removing all the extra hairs that do not match your hairstyle. Having finished with them, you can safely go to your husband and please him with your new style.

How it is done by a professional cosmetologist

In absolutely any salon you can use the services of a bikini design, it always goes through the same pre-prepared scheme. First, the client, who wants to change the situation in the innermost area, chooses the drawing she likes and assumes a comfortable position on the cosmetic couch. Given the endless fantasy in terms of eroticism and intimacy, often the girls themselves come with their own drawing. The part that will be subject to depilation is treated with a special medical solution - a tonic that has disinfectant properties, in addition, they remove all particles of fat from the surface of the skin. This is done for a better and safer depilation process. The next step is the direct application of the drawing itself, using a stencil or from the master's head. Next comes the treatment with a mixture of menthol and talc. It is important that there are no untreated areas left. The talc will create a thick protective layer between your skin and the soon-to-be-applied wax, while the menthol acts as an anesthetic.

The most effective hair product, according to our readers, is the unique Hair MegaSpray, which was created by world-famous trichologists and scientists. The natural vitamin formula of the spray allows it to be used for all types of hair. The product is certified. Beware of fakes. The opinion of hairdressers .. »

Waxing begins. Using a spatula, hot wax is applied to the area where the hair is still. For some time, the wax must be on the surface in order to form a film that will seize along with the haircut. There are many methods for removing wax from the skin, and all of them are aimed at causing as little pain as possible in unhappy clients. It can be removed with fingers, with movements reminiscent of turning over the pages of a book, otherwise the master cosmetologist can fix the skin just below the depilatory zone.

After removing the "bikini" zone, slowly move on to the "deep bikini" zone. For those who are not very familiar with intimate cosmetic terminology, this is the hair in the crotch area and around the anus. After that, the haircut itself is slightly shortened with scissors and, if necessary, dyed in the color chosen by the girl. If the master is faced with such a problem where the inguinal hair is too black, and the drawing needs to be made very bright, you need to apply light-colored paint, and after that the necessary shade. After half an hour, the coloring matter can be washed off, and talc can be applied to the entire area treated with paint.

At the additional request of the girl and the master, you can add decorations. It is better to immediately refuse rhinestones - they will stay on you only until the first intimacy or taking a bath. Although, with due desire, you can try to restrain your sexual temperament - so beauty will last a little longer. Sequins, beads, feathers are very popular. They are often found in brides and virgins who want to somehow embellish the night with a loved one. But such jewelry will not last long on you either.

Having chosen something specific, decorate the edges of the selected area with a decoration, you can circle it with a henna tattoo. With due desire, a tattoo can be done forever. But given the practice of masters involved in intimate haircuts, clients rarely return to correct something, but begin to engage in independent experiments at home.

It is worth mentioning your women's health. Before the procedure and any manipulation, the specialist must check you for various fungal diseases, skin diseases and irritations, burns and swollen lymph nodes. All these points are contraindications to any actions carried out in the bikini area.

You are probably interested in the question, is it possible to catch some kind of sore while in such a place? Everything is ambiguous and depends on the quality of the work of the master, the materials used and the room where the procedure takes place. Make sure that the left hand is gloved, or at least wrapped in a kind of napkin or paper towel. The left should only be in contact with your body, and the right, on the contrary, only with wax. With a proper session, it is impossible to pick up an infection. Moreover, this applies to sexually transmitted diseases, because during work, the mucosal zone is not affected.

More about deep bikini

What position is the girl in when the master starts work? This is chosen by the client herself, having previously discussed with the master. Of course, it still depends on some degree of trust in the person himself. Most often this happens on the side, sometimes the girl falls on all fours. In the simplest cases, they simply adjust the roller under the back.

To the great regret of all intimate fashionistas, painkillers are not used at these moments. It is in these areas that the effect of it will be zero. There are anesthetic creams, but their action is too weak and slow. At least some effect you will feel only after forty, or even more minutes. In order for the procedure to be not so sensitive, special techniques are often used. Before recording, all the girls call up the administrator or the master, where all the moments of the procedures are calmly discussed. For a salon that provides bikini design services, this is a standard situation, but at this moment it is important to win over an embarrassed client. But still, most often the cosmetologist is visited exactly by the one to which the client has already become accustomed and can trust her body.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to use water procedures before depilation, especially if they are associated with elevated temperature, which can lead to increased sensitivity of the skin and make the depilation process unbearably painful. Do not use means that can add discomfort in the innermost area - for example, a washcloth. Do not sunbathe or go to the solarium. Do not pick up a trimmer, razor or scissors, if you suddenly didn’t like something in your hair, it’s better to return to the beautician, discuss all the questions with him and do everything the way you want. But you don't have to do it yourself. It is very important to calculate the menstrual cycle and go to the beautician, since at the beginning and end of menstruation, the sensitivity of the skin is increased.
The important thing is that this hairstyle will be inaccessible to anyone except you and your half, which gives even more intimacy and sexuality. This should be used, which will pleasantly surprise your partner. There are many options to choose from, and your imagination will always come to your aid. So try what you like and experiment.

Some consider intimate haircuts to be an unacceptable method of transformation, while others do not see anything shameful in such a matter at all. Girls consider it an attractive tool, men also keep up with their companions and try to meet the standards of the new fashion. Thousands of people decorate their intimate area for themselves and loved ones. An intimate hairstyle is now diverse and has received a lot of adjustments and recommendations from connoisseurs of this type of art, but some of the work is subject only to professionals. But few people can resist the desire to become the owner of a creation in the intimate zone, and many are increasingly trying to realize their plans at home.

Types of hairstyles for women

The history of the design of the bikini zone is rooted in the distant times of Ancient Rome. Even then, women paid special attention to hair care throughout the body. And for the sake of greater hygiene, traditions were invented in terms of caring for the intimate area. A real epic of fashion went through the countries of the West in the 60s, when the times of the sexual revolution reigned. Since then, the intimate hairstyle has been transformed, supplemented, modified and has a huge number of design options. It is almost impossible to list them within one list, therefore, the main categories of such areas began to be distinguished:

  1. Brazilian is a completely bare area of ​​​​the pubis, small and large labia.
  2. Geometry - this is the name of the hairstyle, which implies a haircut in the form of geometric shapes: a square, a triangle, a rhombus, etc.
  3. The ornament is complex or simple patterns, abstractions, or any fantasy embodied in an intimate area.
  4. Floral motifs - gained popularity in the 2000s when it became possible to create compositions of floral connection. This includes imitation of a tulip, lily, rose or chamomile.
  5. Animal motifs were more often used in the 10s of the 21st century. These are all kinds of personifications of panthers, snakes, birds and cats.
  6. Natural motives were guessed in haircuts in the form of Christmas trees, drops of water, leaves or snowflakes.
  7. Signs are a favorite topic for creativity not only among tattoo artists, but also among hairdressers of the intimate zone. Basically, an intimate haircut is done in the pubic area.
  8. Inscriptions are a separate category of hairstyles that are performed in a beauty salon. You can express your feelings or indicate the man's "ownership" of this area by cutting out his initials.

Hairstyles for intimate places of women are selected not only at her request, but also in accordance with the adaptation of the pattern, the size of the labia and the width of the pubic area.

Hairstyle options at home

Women at home can afford no less beautiful haircuts. Among the "easy" to implement are the following names:

  1. "Track". This is an intimate "stripe" hairstyle of medium size in width. In height, it reaches the beginning of the clitoris on one side, and on the other, the edge of hair growth on the upper part of the pubis.
  2. "Toothpick". This is almost the same as in the first paragraph, a haircut, only much thinner in width.
  3. The triangle is considered relatively easy to do at home. It looks like an inverted triangle - the corners of the isosceles side are directed to the sides, and the third corner is directed downwards. The width varies depending on the width of the thigh.
  4. Rhombic is a simple figure, but it looks very interesting in the pubic area.
  5. "Tulip". A curly haircut is performed using a simple razor - the petals look up, and the "leg" goes deep into the clitoris.
  6. The Yin-Yang symbol is a favorite theme for many girls. Can be done with a trimmer.

These are the most popular haircuts in 2017 and it is very easy to make them yourself at home. An intimate haircut has many variations and includes many different emoticons, cartoon characters, but girls are unlikely to be able to realize this at home themselves. Therefore, sometimes it is better to choose simplicity and elegance, and even better - it is beneficial to emphasize the merits, since the pattern should be selected based on the considerations of "suitable - not suitable."

How to choose the best one for yourself?

How to choose from all the variety so that the drawing fits the type of figure, physique and complexion? There are a number of rules and nuances that help you choose the best option:

  • It is better for curvaceous ladies to choose haircuts that visually lengthen the proportion of the body - these are vertical pattern patterns.
  • Girls with narrow hips will go for images with a large width.

The best solution for owners of narrow hips will be a triangle pattern that narrows closer to the clitoris. And for ladies with a wide pelvis, on the contrary, a narrow path in the form of a toothpick is suitable. Women of normal body build will suit any hairstyle, they are not limited in choice.

What do beauty salons offer?

The salon technique for creating a bikini design is in many ways different from a home transformation. Firstly, it is the possibility of using professional tools and equipment. Masters already have experience and can realize almost any idea. So, for example, if you have sensitive skin and an independent approach to business is fraught with consequences in the form of irritations, then in a beauty salon you can make the following fashionable intimate hairstyles:

  • Neat haircut.
  • Haircut "rays of the sun".
  • Hairstyle with hair coloring.
  • Haircut in the form of a drop.
  • Haircut "Brazilian".

Beauty salons also offer decorative silhouettes, tattoo designs and more. Here you can not only choose the optimal pattern, but also get advice from a cosmetologist on what is better to choose, how to care for the skin after depilation and what to use to slow down hair growth.

How to do it at home?

Not always, of course, you can achieve an ideal result on your own or complete a list of procedures that only salon haircut masters can do, but now there are detailed instructions. With their help, you can try your hand. You will also need a basic list of tools:

  • Mirror.
  • Tweezers.
  • Hair remover - trimmer, machine, sugaring products, cream or razor.
  • Cosmetic pencil.
  • Antiseptic or disinfectant solution.
  • Comb.

At your discretion, you can purchase paints, decorations, stencils, if this is provided for in the selected pattern. First you need to take a shower, then dry the skin of the intimate area. Next, remove all the hairs that will be outside the pattern. You can mark it with a cosmetic pencil. The hairs need to be cut to 5-7 mm in length, and then start processing the contours of the pattern. If you have a stencil, attach it and circle the edges. Based on them, remove unwanted hairs with the selected depilatory product.

Rinse the contour of the pencil under running water, after which the skin should be treated with a medical solution or your own disinfectant. If there are some hairs, remove them with tweezers. Re-treat the skin with the solution and repeat the procedure after each hair removal. With a certain idea, the hairs can be tinted. Much depends on what types of intimate hairstyles you like and what is chosen personally.

Coloring: fashionable and stylish

Sometimes the design suggests the presence of staining - individual sections should be of a different color than natural. At the same time, hair dye is strictly prohibited for use - the scalp and pubis are different, burns are possible with a strong oxidizing agent when applying the composition.

For such bold purposes, waterproof pigment and hypoallergenic dyes are used, similar to body art paints. Natural dyes are also used - henna, ocher, food pigment for confectionery. These intimate hairstyles are popular among club dancers, but the design may not last long. Wash them very carefully. Tight underwear can smear the paint applied on the day of staining.

Skin care after haircut

After any haircut, you should moisturize the skin, especially for the intimate area. The main rules include a ban on visiting the solarium and sunbathing. It is also advisable to treat the intimate area with a cream with herbal extracts to soothe damaged bulbs. During the first three days, it is advisable not to take hot baths, do not visit saunas. The bulbs are still inflamed, it takes time for the healing of small wounds under the skin.

If irritation is detected, it is recommended to use a children's cream "Bepanten" or "Radevit". The funds will help to quickly neutralize the side effects from the use of depilation tools. Also, cosmetologists recommend walking around the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intima with a swab dipped in aloe juice, chamomile, mint, sage or oak bark. Subject to all the rules after the depilation procedure, hairstyles in intimate places will be a pleasure not only to the owners of those.

Male haircuts

The male half also prefers to do interesting hairstyles in the intimate area. There are several main areas that the guys themselves choose, and they can be done at home or in a beauty salon:

  1. Playboy is a form of drawing that has silhouettes of a bunny head with ears.
  2. Car brand signs are a separate category of patterns for drivers.
  3. Images of animals - a bull, an eagle and not only. The area of ​​the depicted eyes is painted red for naturalness.
  4. Signs and objects of architecture - due to the structure of the genital organs, you can achieve an interesting image if you resort to visualization. It turns out the so-called 3D-drawing, which looks very attractive from the outside.

You can carry out such men's intimate hairstyles both at home and in the salon. The procedure is carried out almost the same as for women. Now there is a large selection of trimmers and clippers in the groin area, so men should not worry about the outcome of the procedure.

Technologies and stages of haircuts for men

In the salon, men are offered comfort and convenience. First, the client is located in a comfortable chair, having previously selected a stencil from the proposed list. You can offer your option for depilation. Next, the beautician examines the groin area for scars, cuts, scratches. With the help of a medical tonic or gel, the surface of the skin is treated, talc is applied. After that, the contour of the future image is transferred with a water felt-tip pen, and depilation is carried out.

Within 7-8 hours after the end of the haircut, it is not recommended to wash the pubic area. If correction is needed, it is repeated after 10 days. The length of the hairs is also adjustable using a machine or machine. Men's intimate hairstyles should be treated with creams more often, since the skin is rougher and not so adapted in its structure to various interventions.

Men are also prohibited from visiting saunas and taking hot baths. Separately, there is a rule - a ban on being under the direct rays of the sun. If intimate hairstyles for men are done before the beach season to get a beautiful tan, you should refrain from exposing the groin area. Burns can lead to inflammation of the bulbs.

Wearing tight underwear also leads to discomfort. Rarely, but in some cases, in men, the pattern loses its shape, this is especially unpleasant if staining was carried out.

What to do after a failed attempt?

If the drawing did not work out the first time, it is better to redo it or remove the remaining hairs completely. After they grow back by 3-4 mm, you can outline the contour of the figure in advance by shaving off unnecessary hairs. Thus, growing out of them will already form a future pattern. True, you need to constantly monitor the length and edges of the pattern. Beautiful intimate hairstyles are not obtained the first time, and quite often, skill requires experience gained after 5-7 attempts.

Do partners like it?

Many people hide their desires and requests of an intimate nature. However, there is a social survey, according to the results of which it was found out that men love haircuts in women's intimate places. It is especially pleasant when a common symbol or sign of their love is depicted there, pathos icons and silhouettes of animals look less attractive. Women are rather skeptical about male patterns on the pubis - there is no reason for admiration, since the male body should be decorated not with a hairdo, but with something else. These are the opinions of both sexes.

- this is the creation of original hairstyles in the pubic area in the form of a month, an oval, a flower, etc.

intimate haircuts

Advantages of women's intimate haircuts:

  • Well-groomed pubic area meets the requirements of hygiene and allows you to feel comfortable throughout the day
  • Reduces the risk of unpleasant odor due to the deposition of various kinds of bacteria on the pubis
  • Increasing women's confidence in their sexual attractiveness

According to statistics, approximately 61% of girls make themselves, while the remaining 39% consider it unnatural, defiant and will never decide on such a haircut. As for men, 88% of them prefer their partner to have hair in an intimate haircut.

Criterias of choice

When choosing, it is important to consider the features of your figure. The attractiveness of a pubic hairstyle depends on its shape, skin tone, skin condition, and many other factors.

Bikini design

If you want with this hairstyle correct the contours of the figure then adhere to the following principles:

  • Triangles are considered a traditional pattern for an intimate haircut. They fit almost everyone
  • Owners of narrow hips fit horizontal haircuts with a wide base and a narrow top (forest mushroom)
  • Lush forms will soften drawings from thin horizontal lines, tapering to the bottom (a bird with outstretched wings)
  • For those who have standard-shaped hips, intimate hairstyles in the shape of a drop or crescent are suitable.

Intimate hairstyle options

Types of female intimate haircuts:

  • Snake - suitable for girls with narrow hips
  • Rhombus - looks stylish and aesthetically pleasing
  • Black lily - an intimate hairstyle in the shape of a flower. She will make women with wide hips more attractive.
  • Torch - such a pattern speaks of the style and sexuality of its owner

Bikini Design - Butterfly

Execution technology

It is better to entrust the work of creating women's intimate haircuts and hairstyles to professionals. So you protect yourself from getting an external infection into the body through abrasions and scratches. The length of the hair in the intimate area for cutting should be about 5-6 mm.

The algorithm for creating women's haircuts and pubic hairstyles:

  • Choosing a drawing, or providing a specialist with his own sketch
  • After the client has settled down on the couch, the beautician examines the pubis for scars, cuts, and inflamed lymph nodes. When they are found with a bikini design, it is advisable to wait. Women's intimate hairstyles should not be done if 2-3 days are left before the next menstruation

Intimate bikini for the bride

  • Disinfection and degreasing of the skin with a special tonic
  • Drawing on the skin. It is done through a stencil for an intimate haircut or by hand.
  • Re-treatment of the surface with talc and menthol
  • Heated wax is applied to the skin around the contour of the pattern and removed after 10-15 minutes.
  • (anus and perineum)

Stencils for intimate haircuts

  • Hairstyle creation. At this stage, the hair is cut and dyed.
  • After 20-30 minutes, the unabsorbed paint is washed off, and the pubis is re-coated with talcum powder.
  • Decoration. After the female intimate haircut is completely ready, it is decorated with glitter, rhinestones or feathers. They are attached with eyelash glue.

After the procedure

A female pubic haircut lasts for 3-4 weeks. As the hair grows, the pattern needs to be adjusted, otherwise it will lose its shape.

    Remember - cut dry, shave wet. If you are only going to cut your hair, not shave it, then do it while the hair is completely dry. This will make it easier to cut. If you want to shave your hair, taking a warm bath or shower for 10-15 minutes will help reduce skin irritation.

    Before cutting or shaving, wash your pubis with soap or liquid body soap. The presence of bacteria can cause an aggravation of the infection in the event of a razor cut.

    Purchase good scissors or a clipper. For the first positive experience, it is very important how you cut your hair in the intimate area. Avoid regular size scissors at all costs and try the options below. Remember that whichever tool you choose, it will only be used for trimming pubic hair to avoid potential infections.

    • Small nail scissors are ideal for caring for the intimate area. If possible, buy scissors with blunt ends.
    • Buy a trimmer that men use to trim their beards and remove hair from their ears and nose. Trimmers usually come with attachments for cutting hair of one length. Do not use electric razors with rotating heads - they cause quite a bit of pain if used in the intimate area.
    • In extreme cases, scissors for embroidery will come to the rescue. They are small, like nail scissors, but beware of their sharp ends.
  1. Use a sharp razor. A dull razor will cause itchy red bumps. If the hair is long, then cut it in advance. Shave in the direction of hair growth, not against it. Yes, it will take longer, but there will be less irritation. Use a mild, fragrance-free shaving cream or gel.

    Cut your hair in an area in the bathroom that is easy to clean. Shave while standing in the shower or sitting over the toilet. Thus, to clean up after yourself, you just need to turn on the tap or press the trigger.

  2. Use a small compact mirror. It's hard to measure progress that you can't see. So stock up on a small mirror to check how things are going.

    Styles for women

    1. Try the artificial-natural style. You can cut the hair in the intimate area slightly, but so that it does not look very noticeable. Simply trim your hair to keep it natural. It all depends on your preferences.

      • Trim your hair with scissors or an electric trimmer. To get an even cut with scissors, use a comb, as hairdressers do.
    2. Try bikini style. Energy consumption is low, but it will be just right for the beach. Trim your hair evenly, and shave it completely along the creases of your legs so that it does not stick out from under panties, trunks or thongs.

      • Trim all hair with scissors or an electric razor so that your intimate area looks well-groomed and suitable for a swimsuit.
      • To remove hair around the edges, use a razor or chemical depilators.
    3. Try to make an intimate hairstyle. This is a playful, sexy style where the entire intimate area is shaved bald, with the exception of pubic hair, which forms a pattern. Popular hairstyles include a small triangle or heart shape.

      • Work hard on the hair so that the pattern is more clearly visible.
      • Make a drawing on the pubis with a razor or wax.
      • Remove hair around the labia with a razor, wax, or epilator.
    4. Make a runway. This is a provocative mixed style. Remove all hair from the edges of the labia, leaving a thin rectangle along the labia.

      • Work hard on the hair so that the rectangle looks more defined.
      • Remove hair around the edges with a razor, electric razor, wax, epilator, or, provided you are careful and careful about the most delicate areas, a chemical hair remover.
      • Trim your runway hair so that it's the same length.
    5. Try Brazilian style. This is the classic style of movie stars, in which all hair is shaved, including pubic hair.

      • If your hair is long, trim it to make it easier to work with.
      • Remove hair with a razor, wax, or use an epilator.

    Styles for men

    1. Choose an artificial-natural style. This is a good choice if you are looking for an easy way to get your hair in order. Trim your hair evenly to keep it natural. The length of the hair depends on your preferences.

      • Trim your hair with scissors or an electric trimmer. To get a uniform cut with scissors, use a comb, as hairdressers do.
    2. Try the brief style. This style is somewhat more complex and similar to the men's version of the women's bikini style. Trim your hair evenly and shave off all the hair that grows along the creases of your legs so that the hair does not stick out of briefs, trunks, and so on.

      • Use scissors or an electric razor.
      • Remove hair around the edges with a razor or using chemical depilators.
    3. Make a lion's mane. This is a style that will enhance the look of your "friend". Remove the hair on the testicles and near the base of the penis and leave it in other places.

      • Remove hair anywhere except the pubic area with a razor or wax. The remaining hair can be trimmed or left as is for maximum effect.
    4. Make an arrow or runway. Draw attention to your dignity with a characteristic strip of hair. Shave off all your hair, leaving a flicker or thin strip on your pubis.

      • Cut your hair so that the arrow or rectangle looks sharp.
      • Shape the hair over the penis with a razor or wax.
      • Remove hair everywhere except the upper pubic area with a razor or wax.
    5. Brazilian style. Shave all hair in the intimate area bald.

      • Trim your hair to make it easier to remove.
      • Remove all hair with wax (traditional) or razor (will require more maintenance).
    • When you finish cutting, rinse your intimate area with cold water. This will close the pores, which in turn will cause less irritation after shaving.
    • For a better, more comfortable shave, pull the skin where it hangs or where it folds.
    • If you plan to shave, remember to rinse your blade after each stroke and remember to change blades when they become dull. Pubic hair is coarse and dulls blades quickly.
    • If you want your hair not to grow back as long as possible:
      • Use depilatory products that remove hair at the root level. such products cause hair loss from the root. These are quite strong remedies, and you should not use them on sensitive areas of the skin. It is better to use them on the edges of the pubic area. Do not apply them directly to the genitals. Before using the product, test it on a less sensitive area of ​​the skin.
      • Use wax or an electric epilator. You can do it yourself, contact a professional or use an epilator. This device pulls out the hair, which can be extremely inconvenient, especially if you have never done it before and you have an increased sensitivity.
    • It is believed that after regular waxing or using hair removal devices, new hair grows thinner, making further removal less painful.
    • For permanent results, consider electrolysis or laser hair removal. These procedures are performed by professionals, but they are expensive and often painful. It may take several treatments to completely remove all hair, but in the end the skin becomes completely smooth.
    • Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer, but only for the body and not for the intimate area, as it clogs the pores.
    • Do not use alcohol-based products on the genital area. Alcohol dries the skin, and there is simply nothing to disinfect there. All you need is to change the blades regularly.
    • If you have just started shaving the hair in the intimate area, do not rush to shave them all at once. Move slowly and slowly, find the style you like.
    • Apply a moisturizing oil to your skin before shaving your intimate area. So irritation will be less and the skin will be smoother.


    • Be careful with trimmers, shavers, epilators, or whatever you use to groom yourself. In the intimate zone there are many nerve endings, sagging tissues and capillaries filled with blood. If you injure yourself, then the overall impression of the haircut will not be very pleasant. Be very careful when cutting hair in sensitive areas like the scrotum or labia.
    • If you have thick hair in your intimate area and very sensitive skin, shaving can cause a lot of discomfort, sometimes even immediately after the procedure. A good body lotion will minimize discomfort, and your skin will probably get used to it over time.