Craft for kindergarten, school - a boat made of paper: step-by-step folding instructions, photo. How to make a paper boat with your own hands? How to make a boat out of paper: step-by-step instructions A boat out of paper two-pipe step by step

All kids love to launch boats on the water. If you do not know how to make a paper boat for a child or want to make a paper boat with it, our article will help you with this.

We will consider the most interesting and simple options that can be done only with paper using the origami method, using diagrams and step-by-step instructions.

In order to make a simple paper boat with your own hands, you will need the minimum amount of materials at hand. Or rather, just paper. It can be either colored paper or an ordinary piece of paper from a school notebook.

Simple paper boat

Prepare a sheet of paper. It is very good if it is an A4 sheet - then the boat will turn out to be large, dense, and, of course, stable. This means that it will keep afloat for a long time and still defeat the opponent.

The steps for creating a paper boat are as follows:

Fold the sheet of paper you prepared in advance in half. Place it with the folded side up, bend it in half again.

  1. Bend the upper corners at right angles towards the center.
  2. Fold all free edges of the sheet up on both sides.
  3. Tuck all free corners inward. You will get a triangle.
  4. Bring the corners at the base of the shape together. Thus, you should get a square.
  5. Fold the lower corners of the square on both sides so that you again get a triangle.
  6. Bring the corners at its base together - you get a square. Take it by the upper corners and gently pull it to the sides until the figure is fully revealed and the boat will work.
  7. Smooth out the sides of the boat for maximum stability.

It is better to figure out how to make this boat, a visual diagram will help you:

Congratulations, a simple paper boat is ready! If you wish, you can paint it with pencils, felt-tip pens and paints, and even make additional applications on the walls. Small hand-made masts, sails and flags neatly placed on board will surely delight children and make the boat even better. It's a pleasure to play with such a paper friend!

For greater clarity, we suggest you watch a short video, which shows in detail the process of creating a paper boat with your own hands.

The process of creating a two-pipe boat is not as complicated as it might seem. You will again need a familiar sheet of paper and an additional tool - scissors.

So, in order to make a two-pipe boat, you will need:

    1. Fold the lower left corner of the sheet of paper so that the top of the sheet rests completely on the right. Cut off the resulting excess part. Expanding the sheet completely, you will see a square in front of you.
    2. Since there is already one fold line on it, it is necessary to make a second one that intersects with it. To do this, the square should be bent diagonally.
    3. Bend all four corners towards the center to get a small square.
    4. Turn the resulting shape with the bent corners down. Then repeat the third point - bend all corners to the center.

  1. A square sheet of paper (it is easy to make it from a rectangular one by bending one of the corners and cutting off the excess) must be bent along the central axis and diagonals in such a way as to get 16 small squares.
  2. Bend all four corners of the square towards the center, and then align the two edges of the workpiece with each other and with the center.
  3. Do a similar procedure with all angles. Turn the workpiece over and bend it in half diagonally.
  4. Connect the small triangles on the right side of the figure to each other. They will appear as a sail.

Second way

This method is traditional for the Japanese. To implement it you will need:

  1. Take a square sheet of paper, fold it diagonally.
  2. Bend the two corners along the center line also gently.
  3. Next, you need to bend the lower corner and combine it with the upper one, thus forming a horizontal line.
  4. Bend the two sides along the vertical center line.
  5. Gently bend the side with an obtuse angle and bend it at an angle of 90 degrees to the horizontal sheet.
  6. For greater persuasiveness, bend the vertical sheet slightly on the sides.

Japanese ship - sailboat ready!

Usually a sailing boat is advised to be made of colored paper, because it is much brighter and more beautiful this way. Do not forget to paint and decorate it as you like, and also make a few more similar products. After all, the more there are, the more interesting.

The process of creating a paper boat - a sailboat is shown in the following video.

Paper boat boat

The boat creation scheme is also uncomplicated and will only take a few minutes. All you need is patience, accuracy and attentiveness.

In order to create a boat-boat out of paper, you need very little time and effort. Fold A4 sheet in half, first along and then across. Pay close attention to keeping the closed edges on top.

The next step involves working with corners - the top should be folded towards the centerline, and the top and bottom edges, which are currently open, should be folded up.

Then bend the triangle as necessary. Once you do this, you will have a square in front of you, the lower corners of which are open. Now bend the front and back corners up.

From the resulting triangle, make a square again. Now slowly pull the ends of the upper corners of the square in different directions, and a real paper boat will appear in front of you.

Today I will tell you how to make a paper boat with your own hands. Making paper boats is a pleasure for both children and adults. With the arrival of spring, children quickly run into the street to send their ships, made with small handles from materials found at home, along streams or puddles. The simplest and most affordable option is a paper boat. Each child has a question about this, how to make a paper boat yourself. There are several better ways to model paper ships. All paper crafts can be made from. In order for the boat to float on the water longer, it is better to make them from coated magazine paper.

Method 1. A simple paper boat. Step by step manufacturing.

To solve the problem of how to make a boat out of paper according to step-by-step instructions, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1. Take an album sheet, most often it has an A4 format. This material is denser than ordinary paper, so the product will have a rigid shape and beautiful appearance. We bend this sheet in the middle along the narrow side.

Step 2. Fold the resulting blank again along the short side. And then we unfold it back.

Step 3. We connect the corners at the fold of the folded sheet together.

Step 4. Bend the rectangle upward at bent corners.

Step 5. Turn the workpiece on the other side and bend another rectangle. Bend the corners of the bent strips on both sides to form a triangle.

Step 7. Bend one of the separate corners up. We perform similar actions with a different angle to get a triangle.

Step 8. Open the bottom again and connect the opposite corners. Now you need to pull the corners at the top of the triangle to open the boat. To do this, one hand takes one bent end, the other takes the other.

Step 9. For stability, you can slightly push the base of the paper boat. And now the amazing paper craft is ready!

Step 2. Bend the corners of the square to the middle again to get another square. Turn the workpiece again and bend the corners to the center again.

Step 3. Turn the square over one more time and perform similar actions with the corners.

Step 4. After flipping the paper craft one last time, straighten two opposite corners until we get a rectangle. The result is a kind of ship pipes.

Step 5. Take the workpiece by the remaining corners and unfold the boat, while the pipes are connected.

A steamer with two pipes is ready to set sail. In more detail, the scheme of folding a boat out of paper can be seen in the video below.

Method 3. Making a boat out of paper.

To answer the child's question of how to make a boat out of paper with his own hands, he also needs the best step-by-step instructions.
To work, you need a square sheet of paper. You can take a regular album sheet and make a square out of it. To do this, we connect the top of the sheet with the left side, and cut off the rest. But then we follow the instructions:

1. We bend the square in half, connecting the top and bottom of the workpiece.

2. Now we bend the free edges of the workpiece to the middle to get such a rectangle.

3. Then we put the resulting figure in a vertical position and bend one edge. But we connect the corners of a long rectangle from both ends together.

4. Bends the future boat in half so that the connected corners are inside.

Children always love to do origami, they are ready to sit all day long and make some origami crafts and show them to relatives. Any child would like to learn new origami crafts, for example, make the simplest paper boats with their own hands. Below in our master class, we will teach you how to make this lightweight, as well as complicated paper sailboat with your own hands.

1. The most common do-it-yourself paper boat

For the lightest boat, of course, we only need 1 A4 sheet. The following ten steps show you how to make origami.

You can also try to make another origami, a paper boat according to a slightly complicated scheme. We, as always, need a regular A4 sheet of paper.

2. Scheme of a sailing boat.

First, we take our blank and fold it in half with a "booklet" (picture 1)... Then both sides, we also fold them in half (fig. 2). Mentally divide the folded sheet into 4 parts (you can use a gray pencil), then fold the upper and lower half to the middle (picture 3). Then we turn back to the previous step. (fig. 5), a blank with three fold lines turned out. Then the second half must be turned off and bent along the fold lines as on the template (fig. 5)... And then roll up the bottom half of the paper (fig. 7)... Do the same with the upper half of the craft. (image 8)... After expanding up the first folded part (figure 9), must look like the picture (fig. 10)... Then turn the product upside down, in front of you is a large square and four small triangles (fig. 11)... Then fold the square with opposite corners from top to bottom. (under the number 11)... So we have assembled a beautiful sailboat (fig. 12).

3. Step-by-step instructions for origami sailboat

4. Scheme of making a steamer from paper

A simple way to make a boat, an easy option in 10 minutes.

How to make a boat out of paper detailed photo instructions

To make a boat, we need a thin sheet of A4 paper.

1. Find the middle of the workpiece. We bend it in half.

2. On the resulting rectangle, bend one corner to the middle.

4. We turn the remaining parts of the craft upward, first the front part.

5. Then, similarly to step 4, we fold another part of the paper.

6. We turn the corners over the folded blank.

7. We also precisely turn the rest of the corners on top.

8. Next, grab the bottom corners of the triangle and connect them together. We've got a big rhombus .

9. You should have a large diamond unfold .

10. Z Then we bend the lower corner of the front side of the rhombus to the upper corner, and similarly with the back side.

11. You should get three triangles.

12. Then we connect the lower side corners to each other (origami is folded into a small rhombus with equal sides).

13. We take on different sides (for the upper corners of the triangle) and begin to push them apart.

And now you have a beautiful boat with a large deck. Collect a collection of different ships on your table, made according to various patterns.

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

Many will remember unforgettable moments from childhood - how great it was to do paper boats and run them along the river or at least a puddle! Years have passed, and now your hands have forgotten how to make boats. Now that you have children of your own, it's time to remember and introduce your child to this exciting spring activity - making paper boats and putting them on the water!

You can come up with a game: lay down a few boats with a child and send them to the river for a bet: whose boat will sail longer, that is the winner.

In this article, you will learn how to make a paper boat with your own hands, as well as watch the video instructions.

How to make a boat out of paper

Did you know that the origami technique is useful for a child in that it develops thinking, attentiveness, logic and fine motor skills? Therefore, arm yourself with a piece of A4 paper and start DIY crafts. For work, you can take a white sheet, which you can later repaint in any you like, and it is also better to take paper that does not get wet after 30 seconds spent in the water. There is another secret of "vitality": a paper boat can be coated with melted beeswax or with paraffin wax, this will give the paper moisture resistance.

First, we will acquaint you with the diagram of the paper boat, then we will proceed to step-by-step photos and videos.

Paper boat folding scheme

1. Fold a white sheet of paper in half. (Fig. 1) Bend the two upper corners of the rectangle at right angles to the center point (Fig. 2)

2. Bend up on both sides the free edges of the sheet on both sides (Fig. 3)

3. Turn the corners as shown in Figure 4 so that the whole composition folds into a triangle (Figure 4)

5. Bring the corners of the bottom of the composition together (Fig. 5) so that we end up with a square (Fig. 6).

6. Fold the bottom up to form a triangle again (fig. 8)

7. We hold the composition by the corners and carefully square it.

8. Pull the corners until you get a boat, do not forget to align all sides of the ship well, this will give it stability and accuracy.

Paper boat.

Perhaps every boy in his childhood folded paper boats, and most likely, having become a parent, not everyone will be able to fold a boat out of paper for one or two times. Let's refresh our memory and origami technique and fold the boat with our own hands together with the "Craftswoman"

As we said, make a craft paper made of thick paper that will last longer in the water. Beeswax or paraffin will increase the moisture resistance of the boat.

How to make a stable and beautiful ship, how to decorate it? You can decorate the boat, firstly, with acrylic paints, and secondly, you can make a flag on the ship from toothpicks and cloth, napkins or paper and attach it so that balance is maintained.

Now let's move on to the paper boat folding technique.

We only need a sheet of A4 paper.

Fold the sheet in half.

And again in half - to make a fold line.

We unfold the last bend.

We will schematically mark it with a dotted line.

We bend the upper corners to this dotted line.

Carefully make sure both ends are symmetrical and come together in the middle of the craft.

Bend the lower free ends up on both sides.

Bend the protruding corners neatly.

Here's what happened on the one hand.

On the other side, do the same.

Fold the workpiece across, as shown in the photo.

Open the boat to make a rhombus.

Measure a small distance from the top corner, place a mark or by eye. Fold the bottom edge to this point.

On the second side, we do the same.

Now we need to open our paper boat again. A little more, and the do-it-yourself craft will be ready!

Now grasp both sides of the ship with your fingers.

Pull them and open the boat.

This is how it should turn out. Now you need to straighten the boat well.

It is important to straighten the boat with high quality, otherwise it may lie on its side in the water, pay special attention to the bottom.

Learning to make a boat out of paper is simple, you probably saw this by looking at the instructions. The systematic folding of paper using the origami technique develops creative thinking, logic, hands, horizons and eyes. In the origami technique, you can make anything you want: boats, planes, insects, flowers, animals, bows - whatever your heart desires!

Therefore, a paper boat is just the beginning! Next, make a paper boat, a paper cruiser, and so on with your child! Below there will be video tutorials on how to do them.

How to make a boat out of paper video

How to make a boat out of paper video

How to make a sailboat out of paper video

The text was prepared by: Veronica

A paper boat is a craft that many of us did in childhood. But, years later, the instructions for making such a toy are forgotten. At the same time, the creation of such a craft is a great way to spend joint leisure time for parents and children. Believe me, it is very interesting for preschool kids to work with paper, folding various shapes. It is worth noting that the paper boat is made using the classic origami technique. This means that such an activity will benefit the child, since Japanese art involves not just a game, but the development of a little person.

Adults will also find it helpful to remember long-forgotten skills. Make some boats, come up with an interesting scenario for the game, and such a pastime is sure to please both you and your child. It remains only to learn how to fold the boat. It's not difficult at all and only takes a couple of minutes.

Scientists say that it is very important for children to develop fine motor skills, as thanks to such skills, the brain develops.

Making a boat, as well as other figures using the origami technique, develops motor skills in the best possible way. This is one of the reasons why this activity has become popular.

It is worth noting that only paper is required for crafts. This means that parents do not need to spend a lot of money on expensive stationery such as paints, brushes, glue, applique paper, plasticine, felt-tip pens. Origami is the cheapest method for practicing children's creativity, which will be interesting for adults as well.

Making paper crafts perfectly develops perseverance, discipline, patience, and hard work in kids. These qualities are very important when preparing a child for school. Perseverance and patience have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and psyche. Origami helps children deal with childhood fears that are inherent in every kid. If at the same time there is communication with parents, the effect is amplified several times.

Making a boat, an airplane, a crane and other crafts develops imagination, a creative approach to any activity, imaginative thinking. In the future, such skills will help the child to better adapt to the learning process at school, and in the future - to adulthood. It is a creative approach that will help the child to solve difficult situations in the future, find interesting solutions and be confident in their own abilities.

Origami helps to comprehend the basics of geometry, as it teaches the child the basic concepts. Among them are the names of geometric shapes - square, triangle, rectangle, circle. Also, the baby will remember what the median, diagonal, top of the figure are. Such knowledge will simplify the process of teaching school disciplines. In general, it can be noted that the foundations of mathematics are laid in the art of origami.

Origami shapes allow you to create all kinds of games. You can stack a lot of ships and play a naval battle, or come up with your own game with interesting rules. You can arrange a competition, the essence of which boils down to determining whose boat will stay afloat longer. Believe me, your child will be happy to play with their parents and will take such a process with genuine interest. Moms and dads can only remember the instructions for folding the boat and show a little imagination to think over an interesting plot of the game.

The classic way

To make the boat, you can use special origami paper or plain A4 office paper. Unlike most origami figures, which are made from a sheet of material that has a square shape, the boat is made of rectangular paper. Before making a paper boat with your child, we recommend that you practice.

So, the instruction assumes the following sequential steps:

Ship with two pipes

There is a way through which you will learn how to make a paper boat in an unusual way. Such a figure will have two pipes. A simple sequence of actions should be followed:

As you can see, making such crafts is not at all difficult. A preschooler can cope with them without any problems, provided that the parents help. If you take colored paper, you can make very beautiful, bright boats that your baby will like.

A boat made with your own hands is a wonderful toy. Thanks to this method, you can devote time to your child, teach him new skills. In addition, such crafts do not require the purchase of expensive materials. All you need is paper and scissors. Parents should understand that an expensive toy is not always the best. The boats made using the origami technique contribute to the development of the child.