How to make a craft rocket from a plastic bottle. Do-it-yourself rocket from a bottle. Classes of missiles and their differences

Many mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers are wondering: what can you do with your child on long and boring autumn evenings, when the weather does not allow you to go out and take a walk on the street? We invite parents to attract the attention of the child with the idea of ​​​​creating a real space rocket from improvised materials (glue, paper, scissors). Making crafts will expand the creative horizons of the child, and needlework develops fine motor skills of the fingers very well. So, let's go directly to the rocket manufacturing process (all steps will be accompanied by pictures so that you can see what should be the result of the work and how it happened).

1. Take:

  • PVA glue,
  • the rest of the cling film (hollow cardboard tube),
  • scissors,
  • paper of different colors.

2. From a sheet of colored paper, cut out a quarter of a circle (for convenience, first cut out a whole circle, and cut it into quarters).

3. Make a cylinder out of the resulting quarter, as shown in the figure, and cut it along the edges (please note that the diameters of the tube from under the cling film and the base of the cone must match).

4. Glue the cone to the top of the tube.

5 . Take a ruler, measure the height of the tube, cut out a rectangle of a suitable size from paper of a different color and stick it on the tube (in principle, even if you cut off a rectangle that is slightly larger than necessary, there will be nothing to worry about).

6. Cut out six identical trapezoids and glue them together (you should end up with three wings), leaving room for the tube (ship's hull) and wing trapezoids to join.

7 . Apply PVA glue to the places left for docking and glue the wings to the body of the spacecraft - our craft is ready!

Here we have such an interesting cardboard rocket. Now let's complicate the task a little and make a rocket in the style of origami technique.

Origami cardboard rocket

If you are fans of the origami technique, we offer you and your child to make a beautiful and at the same time easy-to-make paper rocket.

1. Cut a square out of paper, fold it in half, unfold it, fold it diagonally, and unfold it again.

2. The upper corners, as it were, “pull” to the center, but not to the end, but approximately to the middle (as shown in the figure).

3. Step back 2-3 centimeters from the center of the square, first bend one side of the rocket to the middle of the future craft, twist and repeat the same operation with the other side of the rocket - congratulations, the paper airplane is ready! If you wish, you can decorate the rocket with portholes (cut out small circles from paper and glue them to the craft) and flames (paint white paper in the color of fire, cut a piece in the shape of a characteristic flame tongue and attach it to the back of the rocket).

An interesting version of the rocket, right? And now let's try to make a rocket out of corrugated cardboard.

Corrugated Board Rocket

Corrugated cardboard is one of the best materials for a variety of crafts: due to the special surface structure of corrugated cardboard, products look voluminous, which gives the toy a certain unusualness.

1. Take strips of corrugated cardboard of any color and cut into strips 1.5-2 cm wide (also make two strips 4 cm wide).

2. Twist rolls out of ten strips, attaching each subsequent one to all the previous ones with PVA glue.

3. To make the rolls cone-shaped, press them inward.

4. From two strips of corrugated cardboard 4 cm wide, twist circles whose diameters will be equal to the diameters of the bases of the cones.

5. From the smallest strips, twist 6 rolls - 3 rolls of one color and 3 rolls of another color: this is how we will have blanks for rocket turbines.

6. Make cones from white rolls.

7. Glue the parts as shown in the picture (blotches of white cover the junction of our parts).

8. Connect the white and yellowish turbines, then glue them to the dark blue stripe on the rocket body portholes and connect the turbines and the rocket body - our craft is ready!

So, you can make a whole space exposition with a variety of rockets, and arrange an exhibition at the school. Interesting and unique rockets will help develop the imagination and perseverance of elementary school children.

It is very important to cultivate respect and culture in our children. I consider it very right to widely celebrate the All-Russian Day of Cosmonautics, which takes place on April 12. It is inextricably linked with the name of the first earthling who flew beyond the orbit of the Earth, Yuri Gagarin.

And more importantly, this is our compatriot with you. For our children, this is authority, courage and courage. Therefore, in all kindergartens and schools on this day they hold a craft competition on this topic.

The first thing that comes to mind is a rocket and an astronaut. However, I have found for you a lot of original ideas on the theme of Space, let's start implementing them.

You need to start with the simplest options, so consider what you can make with our preschoolers. With them, we will use the simplest materials: paper, cardboard and plasticine.

For this rocket, you need to make blanks, because children of four years old are not yet very good at controlling scissors, so they need help cutting out the details.

My daughter just loves gluing rockets. We've already dedicated a whole album to them. For this purpose, specially bought self-adhesive paper. It is very bright and sticks easily.

The idea of ​​a martian from a balloon caught my eye. There is certainly nothing easier!

Also, the alien can be cardboard, and decorate the plate with sequins that stick well to PVA glue.

To help, I suggest taking a ready-made rocket template and stretching plasticine over it with your fingers. To be able to use this picture many times, laminate it or paste it on both sides with wide adhesive tape.

Also use the ready-made forms of the planets for the application, at the same time expand the horizons of the child, explaining to him that there are several planets, and we live on the one that is blue and is called the Earth.

I give two step-by-step master classes on how to evenly cut blanks from colored paper.

And another template for cutting. All figures have a long tongue with a former base. This is the base you need to glue. Then you will get a three-dimensional application with a 3D effect.

Another idea made on a piece of cardboard wrapped in a trash bag. How to make these, I gave a detailed master class.

More cutting patterns.

This flying machine can be assembled from cardboard.

Toilet rolls can be used to make cool simple rockets.

Or use glitter paper to decorate.

Now I will show you how to make such a rocket step by step.

You can combine crafts and postcards. And make the tail of the rocket out of threads of red, orange and yellow colors that resemble a flame.

Look at these templates, it immediately comes to mind that there are also moon rovers, satellites and the planet Moon itself, how many options for creativity at once. Or you can simply cut out these figures and stick them on blue or black cardboard.

Also, just give your child a coloring book on the theme of Space and keep it as a keepsake.

Any of these coloring pages can be used as a template to make crafts from plasticine, stained glass paints or cereals! you just need to fill the space between the lines with the selected material.

For example, my child and I love to stretch plasticine with our fingers. And for this, a coloring with large pictures was specially bought.

By the way, buy soft plasticine for these purposes!

Crafts for April 12 for schoolchildren

For students, the requirements are more complicated. But on the other hand, it is much easier for them than for babies, because the number of materials that they can use increases.

For example, make gingerbread on the theme of the Cosmos in the form of a comet, planets, flying saucer. You can replace the gingerbread with salt dough. And also after baking, paint it with colored glaze. How to cook it is well described by my colleague

Or use cotton pads. They can be colored and passed off as the planets of the solar system.

Also very painstaking work for those who love to embroider with beads. It can be replaced with glass beads, sequins, or even use the cross-stitch technique.

Here is an example of how to replace beads with buttons.

First graders can be offered to make a rocket from a cardboard roll.

Or such an option with a passenger)))

How to make a rocket that has a base is shown in the instructions. Everything is very detailed and the child himself will be able to repeat all the steps.

You can cut the stand according to this pattern.

How do you like the idea of ​​volumetric crafts? When the whole Cosmodrome is looking at you, maybe Baikonur itself?

You can make crafts on a stick. We need barbecue skewers. For the tail, use corrugated paper or napkins.

A cocktail stick is also great.

Use two pieces to hide the tube attachment point.

You can create a whole composition of crafts using this technique. By the way, you can put them in a glass with semolina, sugar or salt. The grains and spices will keep the chopsticks from moving and tilting.

Glue the planet out of papier-mâché.

Older children also work with plasticine. But they already use complex techniques for working with flagella and forms.

Another great piece of plasticine. Look, the whole sky is made of these same flagella.

And here is our daughter and my favorite plasticine stretching technique. It is suitable for children of all ages.

Teachers will also like cardboard hangers with passengers inside and thread tails.

If you like to use unusual materials, then I advise you to take pasta. What do they do with them! Even the balls are pasted over, as we did with threads and PVA glue. Or they create a beautiful design for work.

Felt is also suitable for creativity. It is easily glued with transparent super glue. Products are made from it according to the same patterns as paper applications, so this fabric keeps its shape perfectly and has a thickness that is convenient for work.

In fabric stores, you will be offered many shades and different thicknesses of sheets of this material. There is plenty to choose from.

But according to these patterns, you can assemble an astronaut, a saucer and a rocket.

They need to be transferred to paper, and then to felt.

Make a fabric applique out of it.

This template will do.

Or this is not at all simple, but a super-duper photo frame with the image of children.

By the way, about the photo! They also have some very original ideas. For example, to portray a child as an astronaut.

Or use this angle. You can also stick photos of friends or classmates on each planet.

A paper helmet will help you feel like an astronaut.

It can be made thicker and more realistic using the papier-mâché technique.

To do this, inflate the ball, a newspaper is applied to it, abundantly moistened with a paste. This is how many layers are made. Then, after drying, the ball bursts and gently peels off from the structure. The final layer is always made of white paper so that you can beautifully decorate the craft.

From sponges and polyurethane foam, you can cut out such balls and assemble them into a small copy of the solar system.

I consider this wreath with stars, planets and an astronaut to be an original idea. The figures can be cut out from the colorings presented above.

For home use, make a jet engine out of plastic crafts with your son.

An even more serious version of the space composition, which can be made from salt dough, plasticine and even clay.

Saturn from a plastic ball and disk will conquer any teacher!

Such balls are sold in floristry stores. We made a similar one from polyurethane foam. We poured it into the layout, dried it and cut out the shape we needed with a clerical knife.

The junction will be fixed with a toothpick.

Volumetric application will also appeal to everyone.

All its zest is in the paper spiral that holds the plane or rocket.

Quite a complicated idea from paper pieces. Here it is important to observe the color scheme and the shape of all objects. It can take quite a lot of time, but it looks very grown-up.

More options for simple rockets in different colors.

And now I'll show you how to conquer all classmates and teachers! We need to make something big, like a growth rocket!

In the assembly hall, it can be used as decoration and decoration, as well as as a photo zone.

Or you can leave it at home, let your son be happy.

Here is a variant of the exhibition samples.

It’s not a shame to put forward such a rocket for the competition, but we’ll talk about this later.

Step-by-step origami rocket master class?

Origami allows you to create independent paper objects without the use of scissors and glue. Often one A4 sheet is enough for them. And there are a lot of rocket options, there are those that stand on their tails, and there are those that are used for voluminous applications.

The simplest version of the rocket is made in three minutes.

After you find the middle of the sheet along the length, you need to roll both upper corners towards it.

Then we form the body.

And side pieces. Turning the edge out.

We repeat the same for the second side.

I will also give a step-by-step diagram, which is supported by the upper master class.

The origami base can be supplemented with paper tubes.

There is a modular origami technique, when a picture or a figure is assembled from many small parts of the same size. Here is an example of this technique.

Of course, it will not work out quickly, but the skill of the hands will develop.

And, of course, you need to see how a complex craft is made.

Be patient and repeat all the steps shown with the child. Perhaps he is your future engineer, or designer!

We make a rocket from plastic bottles and junk material

Increasingly gaining popularity. They are used by summer residents to decorate their site and from them they make homework for school.

For example, using different volumes, you can make such an instance.

Or you have disposable tableware left at home, then you can use it almost for its intended purpose. Replace the plastic plate with a flying one for the alien.

Or transform a bottle of rinse aid into a flying machine, and even with a photograph of an astronaut.

You can also make a cool plate out of ice cream sticks, a plastic container and a box of processed cheese.

And make radar out of wire.

Another idea from disposable tableware.

And when there is a whole bottle of Fanta and some cardboard, assemble a very realistic model.

Aliens can be made from wire and eggs from Kinder.

Old discs will also come in handy.

This option generally deserves all praise. That's really people tried and captured the name of the missile "Mir" and raised our country.

I think you were inspired by these simple crafts, so let's look at how to make them step by step.

You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle, and cut out the porthole.

A cone can be made using this technique, when a circle is made with one cut to the middle and the edge is superimposed on the adjacent side.

We paint all the cardboard parts and the bottle body itself.

For gluing, it is better to use hot glue, so all parts will be better fixed.

Ideas for the competition by April 12

Of course, in every educational institution all kinds of competitions are organized and children are obliged to participate in them. But not all works are then taken to the exhibition. Let's look at options that deserve close attention to ourselves.

For elementary grades, choose a cardboard rocket.

For adults, offer to make a whole composition with elements of the Cosmos.

It is made on the basis of a cardboard box, which is painted blue or black from the inside. And all the prepared elements are attracted to its top on the fishing line.

I specially picked up a lot of photos, made in one idea, so that you can see it better.

You can hang any content in the style of the Cosmos: planets, stars, comets, rockets, astronauts, etc.

I also really liked the voluminous idea of ​​the parade of planets.

It is glued together in layers, in which a smaller circle is cut out.

This is what the workpiece looks like.

A sheet with a cut circle of the largest diameter is placed first, the rest go in order of decreasing diameter.

I would also take a plasticine idea to the exhibition, which is very carefully executed and quite laborious.

An option on how to make craters on the surface of the moon.

Well, remember about the growth rocket, which can also be submitted to the competition. after all, at such events they love big crafts.

I am finishing for today. If you have any other ideas, please describe them in the comments below the article.

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A rocket made at home is not a fantasy. All it takes to make a flying rocket is paper, foil, saltpeter... and a bit of the practical knowledge outlined in this article.

The origins of rockets begin with the "Fire Arrow", which took off on gunpowder during the Chinese Han Dynasty, with Congreve and Gale rockets during the American Civil War and the discovery of the formula by K.E. Tsiolkovsky. In those distant times there were no powerful computers and high technologies. Of course, at present, a rocket is a product of human thought and science, it is capable of developing tremendous speeds, lifting multi-ton loads and taking them into the depths of space. But rocket science is not shrouded in obscurity and is not kept under a veil of secrecy, it is quite accessible, so that any person can make a simple rocket without much effort.

Rocket design

The rocket consists of five main parts:

1 rocket fairing- This is a part of a conical-shaped rocket designed to reduce air resistance when flying in the atmosphere.

2 fuel tank- This is the part of the rocket design that provides it with fuel. For liquid fuel rockets, the fuel tank is divided into a fuel tank (hydrogen, kerosene, etc.) and an oxidizer tank, which is located above the fuel tank (oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, etc.). For solid propellant rockets, the fuel tank is connected to the combustion chamber and in the process of fuel combustion itself performs the function of the combustion chamber.

3 the combustion chamber— serves for combustion of fuel and emission of the formed gases. Since the combustion reaction proceeds with the formation of high temperatures, the gases, having heated up, expand, creating a high pressure according to the ideal gas law (PV = nRT, P - pressure; T - temperature; V, n, R - remain constant), which pushes the gases out from the rocket, pushing it up.

4. rocket nozzle- serves to accelerate and set the direction of the jet of gases leaving the combustion chamber.

A simple nozzle (venturi tube) consists of a section of gradually tapering section for dispersing gases. Due to the fact that the inlet velocity is proportional to the cross-sectional area, with a decrease in the area, an increase in velocity occurs:

W at the outlet = W at the inlet * S section of the combustion chamber / S section of the nozzle; where W is the speed; S is the area.

However, as the cross section decreases, the gas pressure in the combustion chamber increases, so the cross section must be optimal so that the working pressure does not break the chamber.

rocket stabilizer- this is a part of the rocket, located in the tail section and serving to shift back the center of pressure of the aerodynamic forces acting on the rocket when flying in the atmosphere. In addition, the stabilizers can be equipped with elevators to control the movement of the rocket.

How to make a rocket with your own hands

The simplest rockets are solid-fuel rockets, which makes the rocket less dangerous, the fuel is easier to work with and easier to create. But such rockets also have a minus - this is the irreversibility of the launch process, in which it is impossible to stop the process of fuel combustion and a small impulse. But this option suits us, we are not going to launch Belka and Strelka into space!

The fuel is not completely located in the rocket, there is a chute inside the fuel compartment. Its necessity is due to the fact that during the combustion process the fuel heats up, while it expands, creating a load on the walls of the rocket. Such a load can deform or even lead to cracks in the hull, which can adversely affect flight. Therefore, an empty space, a chute, is provided to reduce expansion in the direction of the rocket walls.

Gunpowder (packed in the form of a checker) or paper impregnated with saltpeter can serve as a fuel, but caramel fuel can be better advised - it is an alloy of sugar or sorbitol with potassium nitrate or ammonium perchlorate in a ratio of 2: 3. You can also buy a cheap one with a large selection of momentum (lift thrust) and use it to create a rocket for flight. Such engines already have a nozzle, which simplifies the task of assembly, and a used engine can later be replaced with another one, making the rocket reusable.

The body and fairing of the rocket is best made of parchment, as it is heat resistant compared to paper or aluminum pipe.

A parchment rocket nozzle can be made by squeezing the end of the rocket into four pieces and twisting them so that the hole narrows. Later fix the nozzle with a thread. For rockets with a metal case, you need to select a plug with a hole in the middle. The plug is attached to the surface by soldering with cold welding or soldering acid.

You can also make rockets without a nozzle, but the speed of the rocket will be lower from this. The stabilizer is made of cardboard or plywood and glued to the body with glue.

The fuel is ignited by a fuse or electric fuse.

Aerodynamic tailpipe trim

Improves appearance and saves gas

mechanical toys

homemade rocket

In secular times, one could find a toy in stores - a water-air-powered rocket. Today, such a rocket can be easily made with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle.

To make you will need:
Plastic bottle
Bike tube nipple

The main thing is to dig a hole in the cork of the bottle and paste the nipple into it. For gluing, you can use any glue, moment, liquid nails and so on.

You also need to make a launcher for a homemade water rocket.

The purpose of the installation is to keep the rocket in a vertical position while air is being pumped.

How to launch a rocket from a bottle

To launch a homemade rocket from a bottle, you need to pour 1/3 of water into it and pump it well with air.

After that, the stopper is removed, the pressure breaks the plug and the rocket goes into flight.

Video instruction for making a water rocket from a bottle

If you don’t understand the principle, watch the video “How to make a rocket from a bottle”

As you can see, making a water rocket with your own hands is not difficult. It would be a desire, yes a water pump.

Water rocket modifications

Water rockets come in very different modifications.

The simplest modification is to install a cone on the top of the rocket, the cone is the neck with a part of the bottle, you can attach it to the water rocket using ordinary tape.

Stabilizers don't hurt either. They can be made from a plastic folder. Stabilizers align the flight up and landing of a homemade water rocket.

Often rockets are made from several bottles. In the photo below, the launch of a multi-bottle rocket, note that ink has been added to the water and the water rocket leaves a multi-colored tail behind it.

It is not necessary to launch a homemade water rocket up.

You can use it as a rocket launcher if you don't mind getting wet.

And here is a video of launching a simple water rocket from a bottle without any modifications.

You can buy a ready-made kit for launching an air rocket!

See also:

Homemade toy spinner with balls - a mechanical toy with an electric drive, balls run, sort and fascinate.

DIY slime - how to make a slime from improvised means.

A homemade vibrating walker is a small self-propelled toy that you can make with your child.

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In today's video, I will show you a wonderful idea that I came up with purely by chance the other day, in the cut bottle there was just a bottle with a smaller diameter. After looking around, turning the bottles in my hands, I decided to make a pump)) And as for me, in an extreme case, if there is no pump or if it is a broken mini pump made by yourself at home, it will actually help you out of improvised means, and you can easily inflate a ball or any other toy which does not require high pressure. Once again I was convinced that the ideas for making homemade products or any other fakes from plastic bottles are endless! ******************************************************* ********** I welcome you to my channel Roman Ursu, where you will learn how to make homemade crafts, Christmas crafts, gifts, toys, scarecrows for Halloween, and most importantly, that all this can be done at home and with your own hands!

Are you into handicrafts, crafts or do you just have nothing to do? Then you got to the channel you need here you can find a lot of homemade crafts, crafts that are made by yourself, and most importantly, they are all made from improvised means and at minimal cost! ******************************************************* ********** main channel: second channel: vkontakte: in classmates: ! be careful and do not repeat this at home, the author is not responsible for your actions, this is an entertainment video, not a training or a call to action! ATTENTION!!! - my channel is for decent people: for swearing, shortened or modified swearing, for insults and "trolling" - I WILL BAN!!! ******************************************************* ****************** In today's video I'm going to tell you you a brilliant idea that I have got recently absolutely accidentally. There just was a bottle with a smaller diameter in the bottle that was already cut. When I turned bottles in my hands and looked at it, then I decided to make a pump) To my opinion if there's a case of emergency and if there is no pump or it's broken, such a hand made pump, almost made of hand- shifts will help you. You will be able to inflate a ball or any other toy that doesn't require high pressure. I have been sure for the next time that the ideas of making hand-shifts or any other hand made crafts of plastic bottles are endless. ******************************************************* ******************** Welcome to my channel Roman Ursu where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, New Year crafts, presents, toys, Halloween scares. The main thing is that one can make it at home and with one's own hands. You are interested in handiwork, craft or you just have nothing to do, haven't you?

You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of crafts, hand made items, and the main thing is that they are all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost! Main channel: second channel: community: community: — my channel is for decent people: I will BAN for swear words, both in short and transformed form, offence and trolling!!!

social comments Cackle

High-speed passenger ships "Meteor" (projects 342, 342-E, 342-U)- a large series of Soviet large high-speed hydrofoil passenger ships. The construction of a series of ships "Meteor" began in the 60s at the shipbuilding enterprise "Zelenodolsk plant named after. A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk, Russia).

The purpose of motor ships of the Meteor type was the implementation of high-speed transportation of passengers along navigable rivers, lakes and reservoirs, including the possibility of access to the estuarine sections of rivers and coastal areas of the sea.

In total, more than 200 ships were built in the series in various modifications of the original project. The serial construction of ships was stopped in the early 90s due to the economic difficulties of the shipbuilding enterprise, as well as due to the obsolescence of the Meteor series of ships.

In the Soviet Union, the built ships of projects 342, 342-E, 342-U received the name "Meteor" and a serial (building) number. Motor ships "Meteor" surrendered to various shipping companies and ports of the RSFSR and Ukraine, and were presented on almost all navigable rivers, where they worked on passenger lines.

In addition to the shipping companies of the Soviet Union, the Meteor motor ships were also delivered to other countries of the world, in some of which ships continue to operate to this day.

To date, mainly due to high operating costs and due to the reduction of river passenger lines, many Meteor ships have been decommissioned by shipping companies, decommissioned or sold to private firms.


Make a mixture of fuel, mix saltpeter, coal and sulfur in the required proportions Make a mixture for the wick by mixing saltpeter and sulfur at the rate of 9 parts of saltpeter to 1 part of sulfur.

Drill the metal part of the sleeve from the side of the primer attachment. Remove the capsule fasteners.

Drive a nail into the board. The nail should protrude 2 cm above the board. Gently grind off the protruding end of the nail, giving it smooth conical contours. Sharpen the sharp end slightly.

Carefully remove metal filings. Put the metal part of the sleeve on the nail and pour well-mixed fuel into it to ¾ of the height.

Using a wooden round stick, compress the fuel in the sleeve, lightly hitting it with a mallet.

Remove the tube from the stick. Remove the layer of newsprint, you won't need it anymore.

Make a rocket fairing from soft wood. It is a cork 6-7 cm long, the upper end of which descends into a cone and ends with a rounding, and the lower end, 1-1.5 cm long, is tightly inserted into the upper part of the paper tube. You have half-strength the rocket body and fairing.

Make stabilizers out of whatman paper. There must be at least three of them. They are triangles and must have petals to connect with. Fix the stabilizers to the rocket body with glue. From the end of the fairing, which is inserted into the rocket body, fasten a metal ring or a bracket with an inner diameter of 0.5 cm, made of steel wire. Close the ring. It serves to attach the parachute.

Insert the sleeve into the bottom of the rocket. It must enter tightly and get back with a demand. If the engine does not hold well, glue an additional 3 cm wide paper ring on the inside of the case. Dry the case completely. Paint it with waterproof paint in a bright color.

Make a parachute. The diameter of the dome is 15-20 cm. For this model, use a ribbon parachute. Attach one end of the ribbon to a wooden stick. Attach a loop of thread 10 cm long to the ends of the stick. Tie a piece of aviation rubber 10 cm long to one end of the loop. Tie the end of the rubber thread around the wire ring worn on the fairing. Additionally, secure it with a regular thread. Tie another thread 10 cm long to the fairing ring. Also tie a piece of aviation rubber to it, and another 5 cm of ordinary thread to it. Attach this thread to the inside of the rocket body three centimeters from the top end of the body tube. You can pass it through the entire body, making a hole in it and pasting it with a paper ring for strength.

Pack your parachute. To do this, wind the tape into a roll, starting from the free side. Press the roll from the outside with a stick to which the parachute is attached. Carefully slide the resulting roll into the rocket body. From above, lay the tape and the thread of fastening to the fairing. Close the structure with a fairing.

Make a starting device. Cut a piece of iron wire 120 cm long. Glue 2 cylinders 1 cm long and slightly larger than the diameter of the wire from whatman paper on the wire. The rings should slide freely on the wire. Fix the resulting rings on one longitudinal line on the rocket body with strong glue. Fasten one ring at the junction of the body with the stabilizer, the other - in the upper part, about 1 cm from the fairing. The rocket must slide freely along the wire. At a distance of 50 cm from one of the ends of the wire, wind a restrictive ring around it from any wire. Far from this ring, the rocket should not descend. This side of the wire should be stuck into the ground.

Make a fuse. You can take a ready-made fuse from a firecracker or firecracker, but the length may not be enough. Make a stop. Take a cotton thread and fold it 6 times. You should get a segment 8 cm long. Weld the paste. Moisten the thread with starch paste. Dip it along its entire length in a composition similar to the composition of the fuel, but without coal. A layer of this composition should stick to the thread. Dry the resulting cord.

Before launch, insert the engine into the rocket. Before inserting it, insert a wad into the rocket body. The wad can be a piece of foam. Bend the cord at one end and insert that end into the nozzle. Rocket ready

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  • How to make a rocket at home
  • how to make a mini rocket

The process of hand-made toys is always interesting. It can become especially interesting if you decide to make something unusual, for example, a rocket. The toy rocket will please not only your child, but also you. It can be made in several ways, one of which is given below. The easiest way is to glue the rocket from a sheet of drawing paper, then paint it with felt-tip pens and paints.


First, take thick paper or thin cardboard, then glue the tube out of it with PVA glue. Let the diameter of the tube be 1.5 cm. This tube will be needed for the launcher. Now glue one end of the tube with tape. This way you will increase the life of your launcher.

Next, glue the second, exactly the same tube or, making it 1 mm larger in diameter than the first tube. Color it however you like. Now glue the cone separately from the semicircle, then glue it to the top of the tube with a large diameter. Outside, the tube must be hermetically sealed with a cone.

True, she will fly so far. You can fix it. To do this, complicate the design of your launcher. Use an ordinary pump as it, which supplies air to the tube after pressing the pedal.

It is possible to further complicate the launch of a rocket by manufacturing a remote launcher. Take a hose that goes straight to the rocket at the desired angle, as well as a ball valve, a balloon, a blood pressure monitor, a plywood box, a plastic pipe, boards and threads.

Next, drill a couple of holes in the box. Insert a plastic tube into one of them, and insert a sleeve from a piece of a fountain pen into the second. Now, from the inside of the box, attach a balloon to the end of the tube with threads. Fasten the tube and the faucet with the fitting to make an adapter for the hose.

The trigger mechanism will work like this: air will be injected into the balloon, then the valve will turn, and the air flow will be directed to the rocket, giving it the necessary starting force.

A homemade rocket is an original toy that you can make at any time with your own hands from improvised materials. There are different ways to make a toy rocket, and you can choose the one that suits you - some of these methods are simple, and some require additional time for various rocket upgrades.

Master class for older preschoolers "Making a rocket model from waste material"



preschool children are actively interested in space technology, but information from cartoons is often unreliable. It is important to acquaint children with reliable and age-appropriate information. Create conditions for the implementation of preschoolers' ideas about space technology in productive activities. Help children make a rocket model from waste material.


Introduce children to age-appropriate space technology;
- to learn to distinguish and name the parts of the rocket;
-enrich vocabulary with words: portholes, stabilizers, fuel, etc.
- to maintain cognitive activity on the topic "Space".


To cultivate diligence and perseverance in achieving the goal;
-help children experience positive emotions in the process of creating a rocket model.


Develop fine motor skills and eye;

Develop fantasy and imagination.

Preliminary work:

examining images of space technology, clarifying the names of parts and elements of the rocket.


plastic bottle, brush, silver gouache paint, colored electrical tape, self-adhesive paper or film, scissors, pencil, templates, decorative stickers (optional).

Working process.

Paint the plastic bottle, let the paint dry.

From self-adhesive paper, cut out the "nose" of the rocket according to template No. 1. Roll a cone out of it and fix it on the "nose" of the rocket with electrical tape, crimping the edges.

Cut out "portholes" according to templates 2.3. Stick the smaller one on the larger one, stick it on the case. Before attaching, make notches along the edges of the larger circle, as in Figure 5, to better hold on a convex surface.

Now, the hardest part. From self-adhesive paper folded in half, cut out "stabilizers". We use template 4. Removing the protective layer from the self-adhesive paper, we attach part of it to the vertical edge of the "stabilizer" and bend each of them by 3-4 millimeters. This part will be attached to the rocket. Attached to the bottom of the case.

Now, decorate the rocket model with strips of self-adhesive paper and electrical tape. You can use stickers that match the theme.

Our rocket is ready to fly. It can be a game attribute for a walk, in a relay race, in a sandbox.
Templates attached: