How is your health, my love. Get well darling - poems. Get well soon sms girlfriend

How often in our life, when everything seems so rosy and cloudless, a variety of diseases can drastically spoil the mood ... But you should not despair at all, but try to improve the current situation! As they say, everything that does not happen is for the better, well, or so that we can learn some lesson from the situation...

What do you do if your loved one gets sick? In this case, probably, not so much medicine will help you, but care and attention! And also - pleasant surprises from the most pleasant person. For example, you can prepare poems for a girl or woman, get well, beloved. Believe me, given how touching and impressionable the fair sex is, they will definitely appreciate your efforts!

And even if the verses are not quite, so to speak, perfect! Together with poems - if you are a little embarrassed to read them aloud - you can give a wonderful postcard, even better - made with your own hands!

If you have such an opportunity, make any other pleasant surprise for the half that is sick. For example, a bouquet of flowers and sweets. Or make your favorite dessert of your favorite girl/woman. Sweets usually bring a lot of pleasure and quickly improve mood.

If you see that you probably succeeded in your poems, get well beloved - you can safely sometimes pamper your soul mate with such amenities, this can well heal your immune system - and it will not hurt you anymore!

We suggest taking another cunning, uncomplicated idea into service on how to defeat a bad mood - this is a pleasant surprise in the form of a wonderful breakfast, or lunch, dinner ... Everything is simple - cook something to eat as you have it, the main thing here is not even that will be on your table - but how you present it!

Candles, flowers - super! Rose petals and fragrant coffee compositions - generally class! And your soul mate will be delighted ...

As the famous song of the rock artist says, everything is wrong and everything is wrong - when your girlfriend is sick. Indeed, if a loved one falls ill, the world no longer seems so bright, and the sun is not so bright. A guy can sit with friends, do some of his own business, but if earlier, perhaps, he wanted some free time, now this opportunity is not at all happy. All this is mixed with anxiety for her beloved, for her health and well-being. In addition, a man is bored, because many women do not really like to be seen in a sick state. To cheer up and please your beloved, you can send her a wish to get well and not get sick anymore in the form of an SMS message or an Internet letter - you will find such poems on our website.

Get well. I miss.
And I suffer with you.
Like a doctor, I prescribe us
To be always and everywhere together.
All sick people will run away in fear
From love that heals the blood.
And our eyes are happiness in a cube
Healthy ones will shine again.

Darling, are you sick?
And in my heart there is pain, longing and sadness,
I will bring whatever you want
I'll be back soon with love in my heart.
Flowers, sweets - this is for you,
My attention, my love from the heart,
Help you get back faster
Your health, and open the door to happiness.

My love, you are like a flower
You are my heart, you are my calling
You got sick, I bring you
Love your heartfelt confession.
Perhaps your heart will be warmed
My feelings from the heart are like spring,
Darling, I am more than anything in life
I want you to be healthy.

My beloved, my dear soul,
I will heal you from all ailments,
I love you, and my heart melts with pain,
When you're sick, I want it that way.
So that you are healthy, my dear flower,
To blossom with the warmth of the soul,
To warm the world with her smile,
And then I will be very happy.

My dear sun, my light,
I'm sad that you're sick
I will bring a bouquet from my feelings,
My love, maybe you can
Accept it and you will blossom with happiness,
With a smile you will drive away illnesses,
And you will gain health, strength,
And sadness, longing, let it disappear forever.

Darling, I'm sad without you
I'm really worried about you
You got sick, you have a sore throat,
Bed rest was prescribed by a doctor - that's the trouble!
Get well, my love
Your desires are my command
Whatever you want, I'll do it all
If only you were healthy soon.

I blame myself for your illness
It can be seen for a long time we walked yesterday,
You chilled, I warmed your hands,
But he couldn't save himself from the cold.
Get well my dear
I mourn and suffer without you
I promise I will keep you safe
So that you do not get sick, my little star.

I have you, like a gentle princess,
The slightest cold snap, you have a sore throat,
You, my dear, must take care of yourself,
You can't go out in the cold without a hat.
Get well, dear, do not get sick,
Gargle your throat, drink tea with honey,
Let the disease run away from you
Gain strength, my love.

The third day I don’t meet my beloved,
I only talk to her on the phone
Sweetheart got sick, sneezes,
The doctor forbids her to go outside.
My sunshine, get well soon
Gargle your throat, drink tea with lemon,
Get rid of the cold as soon as possible
Be healthy, no more pain.

You get well soon
Stop hurting again
I will warm your world with my warmth,
I will come to look into your eyes
In the bottomless wells of love,
Where the fire burns with sparks
Where the sun plays with clouds
And tears fall into the palm ...
I will hug you playfully
I will remove your disease from my soul,
And the heart will sing happily
Caressing the depths of the abyss.

Get well soon, dear
Who needs you sick
With a sour face on my face,
Like a germ in an egg.
Clean your feathers quickly
your favorite sparrow

You're sick, and it's very bad!
Well get well soon
My sweet little one!
I wish the eyes
Weep no more
To keep your head from spinning.
So that you no longer sneeze
And I could kiss you then!

Darling, I'm so sorry you got sick! And that you do not feel well, but I know for sure that very soon, your illness will disappear. After all, I have a medicine exactly suitable for you and for your illness! And this medicine is my immense love for you. I know for sure that she will take away your illness, and in return will give you pleasant emotions, warm feelings and the disposition of a healthy spirit. I know for sure that my love will warm you in any weather. Because I love you more than anything in the world. And when you get sick, my heart hurts too! Get well.

My dear, I don’t need much now, I just need you to be healthy and next to me. I want all your ailments, today all together to leave you behind and give you peace of mind. I want nothing to hurt you, so that your beautiful eyes glow with happiness, and not from tears! I want your heart to never hurt and know no offense. I want you to never get sick and never experience pain, either physical or moral. I love you and I will do everything to make everything good for you! And no disease will dare to come closer to you!

You know, dear, when you are sick, then I am ready to take on any of your illnesses! I am ready for anything so that my little girl never gets sick! If I had a goldfish, then I would wish her to get well! But know, my love, even though I don’t have this fish, I will do everything to make you feel better, I am ready to share this disease with you in half! And if I could, I would take it myself! All I want is for you to get better and be happy! Then I'll be happy too! Know, sun, that I am always there and will always help, no matter what happens!

When my beloved girl is sick, my heart is sick too! After all, more than anything in the world, your health is valuable to me! My girl, I know that now you feel bad, your head hurts, your body aches. But know that very soon, this disease will recede from you and you will feel great! I'm sure you'll get better soon! I love you and will do everything to make you feel comfortable! After all, you are the only one who captivated my heart and took it with you forever. May everything be fine with you! I'll take care of that! After all, you are my most valuable treasure!

You are beloved - the most valuable gift given to me by fate. When you are near, my heart sings, my soul rejoices, and my eyes shine with happiness! But most of all I cannot see how you are sick, I am so worried about you when I know that you are sick, and I can not help you. But if there were drugs that help immediately, and they were very rare, I would follow them to the ends of the world to bring them to you and make you feel better! I want you not to get sick, but always smile with happiness! I want your cute eyes to glow just with happiness! I really need you dear.

Darling, tell me where it hurts, and I will kiss you until the pain disappears! So tell your disease that I will not tolerate it, and let it go away! Otherwise, I'll come with raspberry jam, a jar of honey, garlic, and kick her out of you in no time! So let him get away from my beloved girl, otherwise he will deal with me! I'll arrange for her. After all, I love you with the most ardent love that will drive away any disease! You are my precious treasure and when you are sick, my soul hurts! So honey, get well soon! Otherwise, I will have to drive this disease out of you all night! I love you.

My dear caught a cold, she did not take care of herself. And now you're in bed with a fever. And you suffer from weakness and cough! Well, nothing, we will definitely drive this cold out of you! The main thing is to help me! You will drink hot raspberry tea, lie under a warm blanket, maybe even two! And listen to me read funny stories to you! And then, of course, for prevention, you will no longer walk, so lightly dressed. I will always carry a warm scarf, hat and mittens with me! And no need for outrage! I'm worried about you and your health. And I will do everything so that you do not get sick anymore!