Crochet - basic stitches. Learning to crochet a half-column with a crochet - photo and video MK Crochet pattern for a half-column with a crochet

We continue a series of articles on the basic elements of crochet. The first article was Today it is a single crochet, a double crochet and a half crochet. Please note that the figures are also drawn as the elements are indicated on the knitting patterns.

Half-column or connecting column

This column is used by:

  1. in patterns for attaching at the desired point in the pattern;
  2. for processing and fixing edges;
  3. when closing a row;
  4. with reductions at the edges of parts;
  5. for stitching the details of the product;
  6. if you need to knit only a chain that uses the wrong side (Irish lace).
  • interesting selection on the site !!!
  • A selection of crochet baby blankets

Crochet a chain and turn it over so that the hook is at its right end. The hook is inserted into the penultimate loop of the chain, the thread is grabbed and pulled through both loops.

Single crochet

A chain is knitted, the hook is inserted into the penultimate loop, the thread is hooked and a new loop is pulled through. Then hook the thread and pull it through both loops. In order to turn the work and start knitting a new row, an air loop is knitted at the end of this row. It is a lifting loop in the next row. Designation options: cross, plus sign, stick.

Double crochet.

We knit a chain of air loops of the desired length, thread the thread once on the hook, insert the hook into the third loop in a row, not counting the loop on the hook. Pull out a new loop. There are three loops on the hook. Then we catch the thread and stretch it through two loops. We catch the thread again and stretch it through the two remaining loops. There is one loop left on the hook. The second column is knitted into the next loop. At the end of the row knit 2 air loops. Designation options: stick, stick crossed out once, the letter "t" crossed out once.

Knitting is like magic. Thin or thick threads are woven into a fabric. Those who have mastered at least the simplest loops, for example, a half-column with a crochet, will be able to crochet many different products.

How to tie a simple half-column with a crochet?

To begin with, about its designation on the diagrams. It looks like a plus. Each time it occurs, you will need to knit the following:

  • make a crochet, that is, grab a working thread with a hook;
  • insert the hook into the loop of the bottom row, from which it is knitted;
  • pick up a thread;
  • pull it through the canvas and grab it again;
  • stretch the thread through all the loops on the hook, that is, the one that is knitted from the canvas, yarn over with the one that was there first.

Note. In traditional knitting, you need to pick up both walls of the loop, which is located on the canvas.

After completing these steps, you get a half-column with a crochet hook. The diagram will give a visual representation of the described manipulations.

If you need to knit a number of such elements, then you will need to lift from two air loops. Therefore, if a half-column with a crochet is knitted on a chain of air loops, then the first of them will be knitted on the third from the hook. When the row is not the first, then these loops will need to be connected additionally.

How to knit a half-column fabric with a crochet?

If the first element is knitted on the third loop from the hook, then in the next row they need to start from the second. This is necessary in order to align the edge of the product.

Let's also allow another option, when in the initial row the first half-column with a crochet hook is knitted on the fourth loop. Then in the next row the working loop will be the first.

To illustrate how a half-column with a crochet looks like, a photo will be very helpful.

What to tie?

If you use a half-column with a crochet, you can crochet a lot. The fabric of such elements is dense and durable. The structure of this knit is soft, so it is ideal for creating warm baby clothes.

It is also convenient to use for tying the product around the edge. Then it turns out well designed. Another use of the half-column with a crochet is the connection of the parts of the product. It is used in products that have a round shape. For ties, you can tie shoelaces from such loops.

If you crochet a half-column with two crochets, you can get an even denser canvas. It will make a perfect coat for a child. It is knitted in the same way as with one crochet, only three loops are used for lifting. And on the hook, the working loop must be picked up twice. However, this is clear from the name of the half-column.

First variation: inserting a hook under the front wall of the loop

This technique is used when you need to get a pattern of thin horizontal stripes. The fabric becomes embossed, which significantly distinguishes it from classic knitting.

In order to achieve this effect, you need only one change. When introducing a hook into the canvas and grabbing the thread, only the front wall of the top row, which looks like a pigtail, is required. Previously, it was required to pick up both halves of this pigtail. Now only the one that is closer to the needlewoman.

Second variation: inserting a hook under the back wall of the loop

This method will give a knit that resembles an elastic band when knitting. If you place such a canvas vertically, then the mounds of braids will be clearly visible, as from the front loops on the knitting needles. And between them there will be recesses, as from the wrong ones.

To get this, you just need to insert the hook only into the back wall of the upper row and, grabbing the working thread, pull it out. And then knit as usual.

Third variation: embossed pattern

If you are bored with an even canvas and you don’t want to make simple horizontal lines, then you can diversify crocheting in a different way. A half-column with a crochet needs to be made embossed.

To get this pattern you will need:

  • dial a chain of loops according to the size of the future product or 10 for a test sample;
  • knit classic half-columns with double crochets on it, not forgetting about the rise from two air loops;
  • tie two lifting loops and double crochet;
  • then two ways of knitting are possible (the first will give the front pattern, and the second - the wrong one): a) insert the hook between the first and second half-columns in front of the fabric; b) the same, but already behind;
  • crochet around a half-column;
  • bring it out from the opposite side and grab the thread;
  • pull the thread and hook it on the hook again;
  • pull it through three loops.

How to knit a hat for a child?

As already mentioned, with the help of half-columns with a crochet, you can create beautiful children's things. And it is not necessary to make them monotonous. A baby hat knitted with strips of threads of different colors will look very cute.

At the same time, no one requires knitting all half-columns from a separate loop. You can create an unusual pattern by knitting two of them in one loop, and then skip one. On the basis of this principle, the knitting of the considered hat was built.

It can be made from a rectangular canvas, which is then sewn on the side and assembled at the crown. It will turn out voluminous, more reminiscent of autumn. Or knit from a ring of loops in a circle - and a summer version will come out.

The repetition for such a pattern is built on two loops, so their initial number must be even.

The first row of such a pattern is formed from two air loops for lifting. In the first, from the hook, you need to knit two half-tables with a crochet at once. Skip one stitch, and so on until the end of the row. It completes with one half-column with a crochet.

The second row repeats the previous one. Only two half-columns with a crochet are knitted in the gap between those that were in the first.

The third and subsequent rows are performed similarly to the second.

In order to master the skill of knitting, you first need to familiarize yourself with and learn how to knit various types of loops. Even the simplest patterns often contain double crochets and half crochets, so let's look at how to knit the correct half crochet on your own quickly and easily with a crochet hook, double crochets and without correctly. If you have long wanted to try learning to knit, then this article is especially for you.

How to crochet a half-column with a crochet in a step-by-step master class

Any knitting necessarily begins with a set of chains of air loops on the hook. For beginner craftswomen and needlewomen, thick yarn and hooks numbered 3 and 4 are ideal for knitting. So, first we make the first loop, and then we collect several air loops, as shown in the photo below.

The air loop is done like this: pick up the working thread and pull it through the first loop. Therefore, we continue knitting the remaining air loops with the same principle.

Note that each row ends with lift loops to give your piece the neatest possible look. If your next strip will be knitted with half-columns, then you need to knit two lifting loops.

We knit columns without a crochet.

Before learning how to knit half single crochet, you need to learn how to knit single crochet, also known as sc, as it is much easier. So, we collect a chain of air loops and tie one lifting loop. The next step is to start knitting a row of single crochets. To do this, insert a hook into the second loop, grab the working thread and pull it out. So, there should be 2 loops on the hook. Next, to tie a single crochet, you need to hook the working thread and stretch it through the two loops already on the hook. Further single crochets must be knitted according to the same pattern. So you knit a whole strip, and your first row with single crochets is ready! You can see this scheme in more detail in the photo below.

We knit columns with a crochet.

Next, we will study one of the basic and most famous crochet elements - a double crochet, also known as CCH. To do this, we knit a number of air loops. This time we need to knit already 3 lifting loops, since the single crochet is much lower than the double crochet. We make a crochet and put it into the 4th loop, after which you need to pick up the working thread and pull it out. Thus, there are 3 loops on the hook. We catch the working thread again, knit a loop and make a crochet. So, there are only two loops on the hook. We do these manipulations again, and the work is finished. You can see this scheme with the help of the photo below.

We knit half-columns with a crochet.

Half double crochet, also known as half double crochet or SSCH, is fairly easy to knit. As always, we start knitting with a row of air loops. In the next step, we knit two lifting loops, after which we make a crochet and then insert the hook into the third loop and pull out the working thread. Thus, we have 3 loops on the hook. Now we grab the working thread again and knit three loops at once. So, the half-column with a crochet is ready! In order to better imagine the process, pay attention to the photo.

We knit two half-columns with a crochet together.

Two half-columns with a crochet, also called half-columns with a joint (common) top, can also be found in schemes quite often. Knitting begins with the fact that we make a crochet and then insert the hook into the third loop, then we pull the working thread towards us. Thus, there are 3 loops on the hook. Then we yarn over again, insert the hook into the next loop and pull the thread through again. So, 5 loops should be on the hook, after which we simply knit them together.

So you have learned to knit the basic elements. Before embarking on serious work, it is recommended to knit something simple - for example, a scarf or a potholder for the kitchen. This is necessary in order to better assimilate the material received and practice a little. The knitting pattern, for example, of the same tack is extremely simple and consists exclusively of air loops and double crochets. So, as always, you need to pick up air loops on the hook, and then simply close them into a ring, continuing to knit double crochets according to the pattern. It sounds as simple as it turns out to be.

Video on the topic of the article

After you have received the theoretical part, you need to consolidate it in practice. Video materials selected specifically for this topic will help you with this. Good luck with your future work!

Handmade knitwear gained popularity many years ago and to this day does not go out of fashion. It is pleasant to note that knitting has become much “younger”. That is, a way to spend your free time in an interesting and useful way, once considered entertainment for the elderly, has now become a great hobby for the younger generation. It is understandable.

In contact with

Modern teenagers are constantly trying to come up with a new way to stand out from the crowd and be original. There is no better way to show your individuality than using non-trivial wardrobe items. And what to do in order to get a thing that is "not like everyone else"? Of course, you can't buy this in a store. Such items are made by hand, cut out and sewn. You can also start knitting. Someone chooses knitting needles, and someone likes to crochet. Let's try to make out the basics of knitting and the basic elements.

Basic Crochet Elements, Beginner's Guide

  • Chain of air loops. It is considered the most basic element, since all knitting is based on this base. To get started, you need to form a loop at the edge of the working thread. Then insert a hook into this loop, pick up the thread and bring it out. Thus, an air loop is obtained. All subsequent loops of the chain must be knitted in a similar way. The number of loops corresponds to the pattern repeat.
  • Half columns. Half-columns, as a rule, close the chain of air loops, in cases where we are talking about knitting in a circle. But they can also be used in any other schemes and patterns. The detail is quite simple: insert the hook into the second loop of the chain (the first one remains untied, it is needed for the height of the row), grab the working thread and immediately pull it through two loops simultaneously, the loop of the chain and the one that is on the hook.
  • Separately, I would like to talk about double crochet. How to tie a half-column with a crochet? Since it is more logical to first master the basics of knitting half-columns, and only then the columns, it is more expedient to talk about the half-column with a crochet. After that, an element such as a double crochet will get used to it much faster. The action is performed as follows: throw the thread on the hook so that it is located under the thread (this is how the yarn is actually formed), then everything is the same as when knitting a half-column (insert the hook into the second loop, grab and pull the thread), after that you will have to stretch the working thread after three loops (initial, double crochet and elongated). Such columns are considered very strong and strong.

  • Single crochet. In order to knit a single crochet, you need to thread the hook into the third loop of the chain from the edge (remember that the first two are needed for the height of the row), pick up the working thread and pull it through the loop, pick up the working thread again and stretch it simultaneously through the two loops located on the hook . Thus, a single crochet was formed.
  • Knitting a double crochet won't be difficult. Moreover, we are already familiar with such a concept as "nakid". So, let's begin. Needless to say, we start with a chain of air loops. We form a yarn over, insert the hook into the fourth loop (now the height of the row is as much as three loops), grab the hook thread and pull it out. Next, you should knit the first two loops from the head of the hook (we knit, which means we thread the working thread through them), grab the thread and knit the remaining two loops. As you can see, the principle of knitting a double crochet is not much different from the basics of knitting a half crochet.

Crochet, half crochet - video tutorial

If for some reason the detailed master class still turned out to be incomprehensible and you still couldn’t figure out how to crochet a half crochet, then a video lesson from the needlewoman Yulia Dolgova will come to the rescue, which can be found at com/watch?v=ihf5qcmMcpo. There are still a large number of videos on the master’s channel that will be a great help at the beginning of acquaintance with crochet.

Other aspects of knitting suitable for "experienced craftswomen"

You can talk about the basic elements of crocheting indefinitely. Here and

  • lush columns;
  • and flat;
  • convex;
  • jumper posts and much more.

But within the framework of this article, it is acceptable to talk about the basics of knitting, that is, about the basic details. The material presented above is quite enough to knit a warm scarf or a cozy blanket. And further, as the craftsmanship improves, the quality of the products will also improve.

It happens that craftswomen use a hook, so to speak, in addition to knitting needles. You can use this method to make individual parts of garments, for example, knit buttons, collars, cords, trim, the edge of the fabric. And professional knitters have learned to combine several types of knitting in one product. Owners of such unique gizmos always look elegant and original.

How to crochet a column

Crochet is based on stitches. So before making a knitted thing, you need to practice a little in knitting each one, and then knitting will no longer cause such difficulties and difficulties. The fabric will turn out beautiful and even if knitted with your own hands. It is worth remembering the main columns when knitting and designating them on the diagrams:

  • single crochet;
  • lush;
  • crossed;
  • half-column or connecting column;
  • single crochet;
  • raised.

How to crochet a half-column

The half-column is called connecting. Of all, it is the simplest and therefore it is very easy to crochet it. To do this, look at the diagram below:

  • make 10 air loops for the sample.
  • start work with the third loop, and leave two for lifting.
  • insert the hook into the loop, and pull the working thread through it.
  • skip the loop that was formed through the loop that is on the hook.
  • all loops of the row are made in exactly the same way.
  • then turn the work over, dial the lifting loops again at the beginning of the row and continue along the same.

With half-columns, you can not only tie the canvas, but also apply it in other places:

  • with circular knitting, fasten the row.
  • at the end of work.
  • when you connect two parts, they can be knitted or crocheted.
  • give the canvas a finished look and process along the edges.

A half-column or connecting column in diagrams usually looks like a dot or a rounded tick that is lowered down.

Connecting post

You can also crochet a half-column with a crochet, such a column can also be called a strong column. In order to do it you need:

  • With the first loop on the hook, you need to throw a working thread.
  • insert the hook at the beginning of the row into the third loop, and then into each next and pull out a new loop.
  • then you need to grab the working thread and knit through 3 loops that formed on the hook.

How to knit a single crochet

Making a single crochet is very simple and easy, it must be done in two stages:

  • insert the hook into the loop of the previous row, and pull the loop through it. You now have 2 loops on your hook.
  • further, through the two loops that you have on the hook, you need to skip the working yarn again, then you get a new loop and a made column.

Double crochets can help to make a product with a pattern, while you only need to use different knitting techniques. Techniques differ in the way the hook is inserted into the previous row of the canvas. Single crochets can also be made according to the following scheme:

  • through the two walls of the previous loop, you need to pull the thread.
  • behind the back wall, the thread is grabbed with a hook.
  • insert the hook into the loop that is located one row below.
  • tie a loop through the front wall.

If you knit in the round yourself, then a single crochet can be created when you insert your hook into the jumper between the loops of the previous row.

A single crochet is usually drawn as a simple stick or a sign in the form of the letter T, but there are also other designations:

Single crochet

How to knit a double crochet

When you make a canvas with double crochets with your own hands, it turns out to be light and openwork. You need to do them like this:

  • with the first loop of three lifting loops, you need to throw a thread on the hook.
  • from the beginning of knitting from the fourth loop, you need to pull out a new loop.
  • then grab the working yarn and pull through all three loops that appeared on the hook.

Just like a single crochet, a double crochet can be knitted by capturing 2 walls of the loop in the previous row. By inserting a hook between the posts behind the front or behind the wall, or in two steps, you will get many different patterns. In the figure below you can see an example of knitting a double crochet in two steps:

Double crochets

If you have a desire, then you can make columns with two or more crochets, and not just one. Creating them is a little more difficult, but the product will have a beautiful look. Double crochets are most often referred to as a vertical crossed out stick. The number of double crochets is the number of strikethroughs. Let's see how to do a single crochet:

  • at the beginning of the row, you need to make 4 lifting loops when knitting a column with two crochets.
  • throw the working thread on the hook with air loops twice, so two yarns are formed.
  • pull the working thread from the first loop of the row. You now have four loops on your hook.
  • throw the working yarn on the hook again and pull through only the first two loops that are located on the hook, you do not knit the other loops.
  • a working thread is again thrown on the hook and knitted through the first two loops.
  • then you must through the two loops that remain, stretch the working thread and form a new loop.

Column with 2 crochets

According to the same pattern, it is necessary to knit columns with a large number of crochets, knitting loops in pairs as in a column with two crochets. The column turns out higher on how many crochets you have. Usually, these schemes are performed when complex openwork patterns are knitted, or when you need to add the number of loops in the canvas.

How to crochet a embossed column

Embossed columns are made by hand when they usually knit an elastic band, a pigtail pattern or any other beautiful embossed pattern. According to the execution scheme, there are some differences from a simple double crochet. Relief columns can be divided into two types:

  • facial, which are in front of work or convex.
  • purl, which are at work or concave.

Embossed columns have a distinctive feature, they do not start with a chain of air loops, they are made after at least one row is knitted with double crochets or simple ones.

Below you will see how to knit a concave and convex stitch.

convex column looks beautiful on the front canvas and it is done according to this scheme:

Convex embossed column

  • to lift in each new row, you need to make three air loops.
  • then yarn over and insert the hook behind the second column of the previous row so that it is on top of the hook.
  • the working thread must be pulled out and all the steps should be done as when you knit a simple single crochet stitch.

concave column looks a bit more difficult to knit on your own. For him, all the actions are exactly the same as for the relief column, only when you pull the thread, the hook is inserted into the second loop of the previous row so that the loop is under the hook. This must be done according to this scheme: insert the hook behind the canvas and wrap the previous loop from left to right. Then pull the working thread into a loop on the wrong side.

Concave embossed column

If you want, then the product can only be made with concave or convex columns, then the canvas will be the same on both sides. And if you alternate the columns, knitting the rows alternately, then the front side of the fabric will be smooth, and the wrong side will be ribbed. Embossed columns must be made with one crochet, but then the column is knitted in two loops in two steps.

How to crochet a fluffy column

The lush posts that you crochet turn out to be very beautiful. At first, you may think that doing them is very difficult, but for real it is not so. You just need to know these steps:

  • in each row at the beginning you need to make five loops for lifting.
  • with the first loop on the hook, yarn over, then a new loop is pulled from the first loop of the previous row. Its height should be equal to the height of the double crochet. Repeat the action two more times.
  • throw working yarn on the hook again and stretch the seven loops that were made using the previous steps.
  • then one air loop is knitted, and the next column must be knitted through one loop, and not into the next.

Lush column

How to knit cross stitches

With the help of crossed pillars with your own hands, you can make not only a whole product, but also knit them in various complex patterns. Typically, such columns are indicated by an icon - two crossed sticks.

In the diagram below, you can see how to make crossed columns yourself:

  • make four loops at the beginning of each row for lifting.
  • Throw working yarn on the hook twice, make two yarns.
  • pull the working thread from the first main loop of the row.
  • then you must knit the first two loops that are on the hook, after that there should be three loops on the hook.
  • then yarn over again, then insert the hook through one loop and pull out a new loop.
  • the next step is the first two loops on the hook must be knitted together.
  • yarn over the hook again and pull through only two loops. You should now have one loop on your hook again. Make an air loop out of it, then yarn over and the hook is inserted into the place where the knitted double crochet stitches intersect, at the end the third loop is pulled out.
  • yarn over and loop must be knitted, then the thread is again thrown on the hook and through the remaining two loops, it is pulled out.
  • in the next loop of the row, you need to knit the second crossing column.

Crossed bollards

So when you learn how to do all the above columns, you can easily connect any interesting things for yourself.