The story of Zhanna Tsaregradskaya from the inside: stories of the victims. “Rozhan” accused of sectarianism Rozhan breastfeeding

In Moscow, a major scandal erupted around the most famous center in Russia for perinatal education and breastfeeding support "Rozhana". The organization has existed for more than 25 years, but the shocking details of its work began to surface only now, when a criminal case was opened against the founder of the center, Zhanna Tsaregradskaya, under two articles at once: “Inciting hatred or enmity” and “Creating an organization that infringes on the rights of citizens.”

From the center of motherhood to the sect

The Rozhana Center was founded by Tsaregradskaya in 1989. Over time, the organization became one of the most popular "natural motherhood" centers in Russia, which promoted home births, as well as the refusal of medical services.

Soon, the Rozhan center began to generate income and, according to Tsaregradskaya, subsequent problems. According to her, ill-wishers tried to intercept the financial flows of the organization and interfered with its activities in every possible way. However, all these events were left without due media attention, writes

For the first time, the Rozhana center was called a sect in 2006. According to Zhanna Tsaregradskaya, this happened at the suggestion of Alexander Dvorkin, a well-known writer and Orthodox fighter against sects. So, Tsaregradskaya and her husband Andrey began to be accused of putting pressure on women in labor with the help of the “Christmas Tale” trainings, which took place in the village of Nikolaevka at the so-called “Dacha” - a kind of branch of the center.

Internal conflict

According to Zhanna Tsaregradskaya, the criminal prosecution against her is connected with the events of 2010, when the administrators of the Rozhana center Victoria Movlyaiko and Nigina Shivtsova decided to intercept her "business". According to her, at first they asked to transfer the rights to the organization to them, and after the refusal they declared “war”. So, in a number of media there was criticism of the center, and at the same time, Movlyaiko and Shivtsova stole money, documents and some equipment from the organization. A few days later, Movlyaiko and her supporters announced that she was the new mistress of Rozhana.

The beginning of the end was the incident that took place on October 2, 2010, when Movlyaiko's associates reappeared in the center to allegedly pick up the things left behind. However, Andrei Tsaregradsky and his 16-year-old son Peresvet met the arrivals with shots from traumatic pistols. The Tsaregradsky family claims that only their son shot and he acted in self-defense. But be that as it may, Andrei Tsaregradsky was arrested for the shooting, and in 2012 he received a prison term for causing grievous bodily harm.

In the same 2012, the Rozhana Center, which stopped working, announced its opening again. The message said that Zhanna Tsaregradskaya would personally conduct the trainings “loved by young mothers”. Around the same time, law enforcement agencies opened a criminal case against the founder of the center and put her on the wanted list. At the same time, Tsaregradskaya continued to publish her reports of unlawful persecution on the Internet.

On September 7, 2013, Peresvet Tsaregradsky was arrested due to the events that took place in October 2010. According to Zhanna Vladimirovna, a week before her arrest, she transferred to her son a land plot in Nikolaevka, where Dacha is located. Allegedly, because of this, her son was arrested, because "certain representatives of the authorities" want to organize paid fishing in the neighborhood. Tsaregradskaya herself was arrested on October 18. She is currently under bail.

Pregnancy sect or useful organization

So what actually happened in the maternity center "Rozhana"? According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, up to 14 young mothers - supporters of "natural motherhood" could live at the "Dacha" in Nikolaevka. At numerous trainings and seminars, they were urged to give up childbirth in medical institutions, as well as work and education. At the same time, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Kaluga Region stated that the specialists of the center used methods of “mental violence” against women in labor, and sometimes it came to threats, blackmail and even beatings.

There were no casualties either. Thus, some clients of the Rozhany center write numerous complaints about its employees. One woman claims that during a sit-and-stand exercise, the center's instructor forcibly bent and broke her 6-month-old's leg. The second one even stated that during the home birth, which took place under the supervision of a midwife from Rozhana, she lost her child. The fetus was large, and the contractions lasted two days. As a result, the baby fell into a coma and died, and the midwife ran away.

What was the center of "Rozhan" in fact, the investigators will find out. But now someone calls it "the sect of pregnant women", and someone "a useful public organization." Be that as it may, the further activity of this perinatal center is unlikely to be continued.

Sects and health

The state is no longer going to protect its citizens from false healers

It is known that a rare sect does not speculate on the topic of health and disease, which every person encounters in one way or another in his life. A rare sect does not promise its adherents deliverance from ailments in the event that they fulfill all the necessary instructions of the leader or organization. Often, such experiments end tragically: a person refuses medical care, pays money to a sect or some "healer", while the disease progresses, which leads to serious complications or even death. In an effort to avoid responsibility before the law, sectarian leaders use the following formulations: "we do not treat, but if you follow our methodology, the disease will recede by itself." Such promises are outright lies, with the help of which leaders profit from human misery and suffering.

In accordance with the Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of the Health of Citizens, "propaganda, including by the media, of methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and medicines that have not passed verification tests in the manner prescribed by law is prohibited" ("Fundamentals legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens", article 43).

For any sane person, it is obvious that the actions of sectarians who lure gullible citizens into their networks with promises of miraculous healing and recovery with the help of dubious methods and means invented by the leader are illegal.

However, for unknown reasons, the State Duma canceled Article 43 in the new Fundamentals, so the likelihood that now false healers will become even more active and begin to heal serious diseases, including cancer, with tap water, tea, soda, communication with space, etc., is very large. Also of concern is the repeal in the law of the ban on mass healing sessions. In order to draw the attention of society and the state to this, we are starting to publish a list of sects where a complete or partial refusal of medical care is practiced, and alternative pseudo-medical methods are being promoted, which in sects replace the help of a doctor. On the eve of the consideration of the new bill "Fundamentals", we sent this review to the State Duma, but no legislative initiatives that would protect citizens from false healers who profit from the grief and suffering of sick people were adopted.

The published review of sects practicing questionable health experiments is far from complete. If you have come across any organization that calls on citizens to refuse medical care or promotes alternative untested "means of healing", please contact our Center.

Denial of medical care and experiments on the health of citizens in various sects

Center for Perinatal Education and Breastfeeding Support "ROZHANA" (founder - Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya)

"ROZHANA"- one of the many sects that promote the so-called "unity with nature." Here, the circle of potential adherents is clearly defined: the emphasis is on pregnant and lactating women, who, due to the stress they experience, become more suggestible and, for the sake of the health of the child, are ready to comply with any instructions and pay any money.

"Oneness with nature" in this sect includes home births and denial of professional medical care throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding. Births are taken by sect activists, people without any medical, even obstetric, education, and this often ends tragically for mother and child. However, the sect does not forget to take a considerable amount of money from the client for such a risk to life and health - not only to their own, but also to the child. So, the sister of a woman who suffered from a sect tells how the "Rozhanovsky midwives" took birth, as a result of which her sister and her newborn child ended up in the hospital: the mother is in serious condition, the child is in a coma: publ/4-1-0-54 . Another woman who suffered from the actions of "Rozhana" turned to a "breastfeeding specialist" in connection with the stagnation of milk. Rozhanovsky "specialist" tried to treat her with all sorts of lotions and massages, which led to an abscess. As a result, the woman was hospitalized and both mammary glands were removed: A certain "care instructor" from the "Rozhana" center broke the leg of a 6-month-old baby. . All these people who committed atrocities went unpunished.

One of the features of the pseudo-healing activities of the sect is strange manipulations with the umbilical cord of a child, endowed with a magical meaning and, at the same time, clearly far from safe. So, during childbirth, a special ligation of the umbilical cord is practiced, which is done by the Rozhanov midwives, and when the child is 3-4 years old, the umbilical cord is untied - and this is done personally by Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya. It is believed that such manipulations are needed to "introduce the child to universal knowledge."

According to Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya, diapers, strollers and cribs are all the "evil of civilization" that interferes with the natural processes of a baby's development; the newborn should always be in the arms of the mother; it is impossible to transfer the baby to dad, grandmother or any of the relatives, as this can violate the unity of the child with the mother. Any health problems: high fever, crying from colic or other childhood illnesses - are explained by the violation of "trust in the world" and unity with the mother, in which the woman who has just given birth is to blame.

Accordingly, she must restore the "balance of nature" without doctors and drugs, but with the help of "breastfeeding consultants", whose consultations cost a lot of money. However, all adherents of "Rozhana" are invited to take a "training" course and become such "consultants" themselves, that is, recruiters for the sect. As in a typical sect, isolation of adherents from the outside world is practiced here: mothers are strongly discouraged from communicating with other parents - only with "like-minded people", that is, followers of Tsaregradskaya.

The founder of the sect, together with her husband, conduct trainings at their dacha in the Kaluga region, which are called "Dacha". A closed sectarian settlement of the "Rozhanovites" was also organized there, many of whom built houses on the land belonging to Tsaregrad and currently cannot return them. Not everyone is taken to the trainings, but women "especially close" to the leader, who leave their families with babies and leave for several weeks to "train" in motherhood. All those present at the dacha sign a non-disclosure agreement. They are strictly forbidden to share both information and their impressions - this is explained by the fact that all advice is given individually and out of context can be misunderstood.

They warn that if they start talking, then a negative reaction from the listeners may follow, as strangers are "not ready" for such information. After the training, according to Tsaregradskaya, a “three-week quarantine” is needed, when you can’t leave the house. According to the organizers, during this quarantine, the child regularly arranges “checks” for his mother: he is naughty, sick - this is explained by the “exit of negative energy”. Such things must be ignored and "correct", that is, "Rozhanov's" behavior should be continued. After that, you need to come once a month to "supporting seminars" - thus, the life of mothers with children is tirelessly controlled by the leaders of the sect.

From controlling the behavior and the whole life of her adherents, Tsaregradskaya moves to the neo-Nazi idea - "nurturing" a new people in her sect, with a rigid system of castes, which she, Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya, and her husband will lead and stand at the head of the "higher caste" , A. V. Tsaregradsky. It even got to the point that they demanded to collect 3.5 million rubles from women deceived by the initially beautiful idea of ​​​​supporting breastfeeding. to a golden crown. When the people who had previously believed in Tsaregradskaya realized that they were being deceived and came to the "dacha" settlement of Tsaregradskaya to pick up their things, the husband and son of Tsaregradskaya opened fire on them from a traumatic weapon, after which one of the victims was in a coma in intensive care. A criminal case was initiated against Tsaregradskaya's husband, A.V. 105 of the Criminal Code of Russia ("Attempt to kill"), but later this article was replaced by a "softer" one - 111 Art. "Causing grievous bodily harm." After these events, the youngest son of the Tsaregradskys ran away from his parents to an orphanage. The victim, who was injured, remained disabled for life. Another 13 people who suffered from the activities of the Rozhana center continue to conduct legal proceedings with Tsaregradskaya in the Maloyaroslavetsky district of the Kaluga region.

In some amazing way, the "Rozhana" center continues to operate in Moscow, and even the "Dacha" trainings continue to work.

or here:

Pampers, strollers and cribs are evil, the newborn must always be in the arms of the mother. It is strictly forbidden to transfer the baby to the father, grandmother or any of the relatives, as this may violate the unity of the child with the mother. These are just a few postulates of the Russian School of Maternal Culture "Rozhana", which until recently was known as the standard of motherhood and childhood, but fell into the epicenter of a major scandal, as a result of which it may even cease to exist.

According to the laws of nature

"Rozhana", founded by Zhanna and Andrey Tsaregradsky, began its journey about 20 years ago positively and progressively. "Rozhana" actively supported pregnant and lactating women, conducted courses for breastfeeding consultants, who then passed on their knowledge to young mothers who did not find understanding in antenatal clinics or pediatricians.

The organizers and followers of "Rozhana" argued that pregnancy is not a disease, but a natural state of a woman that does not require additional medical interventions, a child in the womb and after birth should develop in unity with nature with a minimum number of newfangled devices. Pampers, pacifiers, mobile strollers or comfortable beds - all this, like any actions of doctors, in their opinion, interfered with the natural processes of the baby's development.

"Rozhana" has more and more fans who are trying to follow the principles of natural birth, breastfeeding and further unity between the child and the mother, who practically does not let the baby out of her arms, uses a sling for walks and is ready to breastfeed her child at the first request.

According to the laws of medicine

The theories of the Rozhana Center for Perinatal Education and Breastfeeding Support became more and more radical. Mothers were not only advised to avoid doctors, but to give birth exclusively at home, not to give babies to dads and grandmothers, not to allow outsiders to the child. Any health problems, be it high fever, constant crying from colic, or other "childhood" illnesses, were explained by a violation of that very basic trust in the world and unity with the mother, in which, of course, the woman who had just given birth was to blame. The young mother had to restore the balance of nature without doctors and medicines.

Zhanna and Andrey Tsaregradsky got a dacha outside of Moscow, to which they invited young mothers with children, where they conducted trainings and classes. However, what exactly happened behind the high fence is not known for certain, since only those who were trained in the Moscow center "Rozhan" were allowed there. But relatives claim that mothers returned home from there “zombified”. Center "Rozhan" began to be accused of sectarianism...

According to the laws of society

Disappointed in "Rozhan" women, as well as husbands and relatives of those mothers who continued to actively follow its principles, began to write letters to various authorities asking them to figure out what danger the center of Zhanna Tsaregradskaya poses to society. Here are quotes from some of them:

"People who have become victims of this organization consider themselves to be guilty of everything, for a long time they cannot recover and establish a normal lifestyle. Even without personal contact, only through the site and forum, the impact is simply stunning."

"All efforts to maintain the right behavior can spoil the wrong environment. Therefore, moms are strongly advised not to associate with others in the sandbox, but to look for like-minded people."

“People come from the training with an altered consciousness – that’s what they say themselves. After the training, a three-week quarantine is necessary. All children get sick after training (diarrhea, vomiting, high temperature) - this is explained by the release of negative energy. Such things must be ignored and "correct" behavior should be continued. "

“Rozhana’s consultations on breastfeeding very often lead to disastrous consequences, people without medical education take births at home, pagan rites are performed on children, a kind of cult of the placenta and manipulations with it, open and hidden extortion of money.”

According to the laws of TV

Numerous complaints could have gone unheeded if it had not been for the story about Zhanna Tsaregradskaya and her training at the dacha, which was broadcast on the Ren-TV channel in September. The hero of the program was the husband of one of the affected women, who so blindly followed the postulates of "Rozhana" that the child began to lag behind in development, the mother protected him from his relatives, and when they began to insist on their participation, she fled with him to Tsaregradsky. When the child was finally found and returned to his father, he was bruised - this is how his mother "raised" him.

According to the laws of our time

Zhanna and Andrei Tsaregradsky were not going to give up. On the official website of "Rozhany" there was information that a raider seizure had taken place in the center, as a result of which not only property, but also people were stolen. In the World Wide Web, the site "Anti-Rozhany" began to enjoy increasing popularity, on which opponents of the academy of motherhood communicate, as well as mothers who have suffered from the radical actions of the "Rozhanovites".

According to the laws of Belarusian realities

Many Belarusians are familiar with Rozhana and its basic principles: many breastfeeding specialists who actively help young mothers in Minsk and other cities of Belarus have been trained at the Rozhana Center for Perinatal Education and Breastfeeding Support.

“I am not an employee of Rozhana and have nothing to do with the activities that the center is currently conducting,” Natalya Razakhatskaya, a breastfeeding consultant, sling consultant, explained to the correspondent. “I, like many of my colleagues, went through training and certification in "Rozhan". But this does not mean that I blindly preach everything that this center brings. However, one cannot but recognize the good that he gave. "Rozhana" was the only place where one could get decent training for consultants on breastfeeding. And everyone flocked there not only from Russia, but also from Belarus, Ukraine and other countries. After all, there were simply no other similar courses available in the post-Soviet space."

According to the laws of justice

Whether Rozhan will continue to function in some form, reincarnate into another organization with a new name, but with the same goals and objectives, or sink into oblivion, no one can definitely say. The activities of this center and what it has come to today is a vivid example of the result of "excesses" in anything. The case, which began as a good thing, brought many tears and broken destinies.

“No matter how it turns out that the recognition of “Rozhana” as a sect will be the first step towards the fact that parents who carry babies on their arms or in a sling, breastfeed, sleep with babies, and also plant babies, are not vaccinated, will be treated like crazy. The mass consciousness tends to equate natural parenting and Rozhana. The denial of one is transferred to the other, "one of the mothers familiar with the Rozhana methodology rightly notes on the Belarusian forum.

Natalya Razakhatskaya also supports this position: “The ideas of natural parenthood (long-term breastfeeding, carrying in arms and in a sling, co-sleeping and disembarking) are consistent with the main WHO recommendations and are practiced by parents all over the world. But any ideas or methods should be agreed upon by young parents with their principles and family traditions, otherwise there will be no benefit to either the child or his family.Blind, uncritical adherence to even the most progressive methodology can end in failure.Therefore, listen to the opinion of experts, but also trust your intuition.If you feel that something is wrong for you If you don't like the recommendations, don't rush to follow them."

On October 18, Zhanna Tsaregradskaya, the founder of the Rozhana Center for Perinatal Education and Breastfeeding Support, was detained in Moscow. A case has been opened against her under Articles 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (inciting hatred or enmity) and 239 (creating an organization that infringes on the rights of citizens). Tsaregradskaya's husband had previously been sentenced to five years in prison for inflicting grievous bodily harm. The couple's son is also under arrest. The Tsaregradskys claim that they are being illegally pursued by raiders, competitors and representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Muscovite Zhanna Tsaregradskaya was born in 1961, and the first of her seven children was born in 1978. According to her, she quickly became disillusioned with the official methods of child care. The young mother came to the conclusion that her grandmother's advice was more effective. Wanting more of this advice, Tsaregradskaya began to study the methods of "natural" parenting, drawing on ethnographic data, research by a number of psychologists, and observations of infants (who, in her opinion, initially have knowledge of their needs). At the same time, Tsaregradskaya received a secondary specialized pedagogical education in the specialty "education of preschool children."

In 1985, Tsaregradskaya began to give her friends advice regarding childhood and motherhood. In 1989, she founded the Rozhana center for perinatal education and breastfeeding support in Moscow. Tsaregradskaya's husband Andrey (born in 1967), a graduate of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, took part in the activities of the center. Over time, "Rozhana" has become the most famous and popular Russian organization in the field of so-called "natural motherhood". The center promoted home birth, the rejection of many medical procedures and household items (prams, diapers), as well as long-term breastfeeding.

Officially, Rozhana is a non-profit organization, however, according to Tsaregradskaya herself, over time, the center began to generate income. In her opinion, this was one of the reasons for the misfortunes that fell on the organization. The creator of "Rozhana" complained about ill-wishers who tried to seize control and financial flows; intrigues of competitors and ideological opponents; pressure from manufacturers of goods for the "classical" education of children; real estate disputes and many other conflicts. At the same time, only scattered publications appeared in the press, dedicated to specific women whom Tsaregradskaya either helped or harmed. Journalists and the public (not counting the supporters of "natural motherhood") did not actually pay attention to the situation. Therefore, it is difficult to understand what exactly happened to Rozhana in the past few years - the defeat of a destructive sect, a raider seizure of a business, or the illegal persecution of dissidents.

In 2006, the Orthodox fighter against sects Alexander Dvorkin drew attention to "Rozhana". According to the founder of the center, it was from his suggestion that rumors began to spread on the Internet that Rozhana was a sect. The Tsaregradsky spouses were accused of putting pressure on women in labor. Their dacha in the village of Nikolaevka, Kaluga Region, began to be called the "headquarters of the sect", and the training "Christmas Tale" held at this dacha was considered a destructive effect on the psyche. Interestingly, around the same time, Tsaregradskaya discovered a number of her texts in brochures published by government agencies. She tried to defend her copyright in court, but in December 2006 the lawsuit was dismissed.

In 2008, passions escalated so much that Rozhana's opponents created a special Anti-Rozhana website on the Internet. The introductory article stated that Tsaregradskaya "collects the genealogy of children up to the fifth generation, quotes Hitler at lectures, makes presentations at conferences on Biopsychics, considers herself a superhuman and aims to correct the shortcomings of children as early as infancy." Judging by the tone of the articles and comments, the creators and most of the portal's visitors were not opposed to "natural motherhood." Their criticism was directed exclusively at Tsaregradskaya itself. She was accused of the fact that "in the flow of logical and correct information, there are key phrases that make readers doubt their correctness."

In 2012, law enforcement agencies became interested in Rozhana. A case was initiated against Tsaregradskaya under Articles 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement of hatred or hostility, as well as humiliation of human dignity) and 239 (creation of a non-profit organization that infringes on the personality and rights of citizens). Initially, the investigation proceeded slowly. Tsaregradskaya, apparently put on the wanted list, actively spoke on the Internet with complaints of unlawful persecution.

However, in 2013 the investigation was forced. On September 29, Tsaregradskaya reported that she was afraid of being arrested. The founder of “Rozhana” stressed: “The term of the investigation in this case has been repeatedly extended. Last extension until May 20, 2014. This extension was signed either by Bastrykin (head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - note from or his deputy - only they sign such an extreme extension. This means that the top of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation either does not look at what it signs, or is itself involved in illegal actions. The persecution of me, as the scientific director of the mother's Center "Rozhan", is persecution for my beliefs!”

On October 18, Tsaregradskaya was detained in Moscow. However, she was almost immediately released on bail not to leave, having previously been charged.

Tsaregradskaya, in numerous Internet publications, claims that the criminal prosecution is a consequence of the “war” declared on her in 2010. According to the founder of the center, that year administrators Victoria Movlyaiko and Nigina Shevtsova decided to remove her from the post of head. Tsaregradskaya was directly offered to rewrite the organization for administrators, and to take the post of methodologist herself. After she refused, Movlyaiko and Shevtsova began active "combat operations." According to the founder of Rozhana, some powerful patrons (including Dvorkin) stood behind the backs of the administrators.

According to Tsaregradskaya, in August 2010, Shevtsova, along with several employees who joined her, took property, money and documents from the center. At the same time, critical materials about Rozhan were published in a number of media outlets. So, on the TV channel "REN" there was a story about a woman who, after contacting the center, left her family.

On September 8, 2010, Movlyaiko and her associates arrived in Nikolaevka and held a meeting of the center's employees at the Tsaregradsky dacha. She stated that the organization now belongs to her. Tsaregradskaya tried to interfere with the meeting, called her husband in Moscow and asked him to come. The guests of Rozhana, frightened by the scandal, began to leave. Movlyaiko and her associates also left, and, according to the Tsaregradskys, she stole their property.

Photo: official website of the Rozhana Center

The next day, September 9, Movlyaiko's associates again arrived in Nikolaevka and persuaded the 12-year-old son of Tsaregradsky Darimir to go with them to "unwind." The parents of the child regard this as a kidnapping. According to Tsaregradskaya, the abductors did not hide the fact that they acted under the cover of the police. The couple were able to return the child only in December 2010. They say that all this time Darimir was persuaded to complain about ill-treatment in the family (which he did, in particular, in a report about the life of the inmates of the Zyuzino shelter). Soon Tsaregradskaya was forced to give Darimir to the shelter again and finally took him out of there only in March 2011. According to the founder of Rozhana, at home she could not provide the child with proper protection. Indeed, events around the family developed extraordinary.

On October 2, three weeks after the kidnapping of Darimir, Movlyaiko's associates again arrived in Nikolayevka. According to them, they wanted to take away their belongings left in the center (jacket, books and boots). "Guests" claim that Andrei Tsaregradsky and his 16-year-old son Peresvet met them with shots from traumatic pistols. Two people were injured. In turn, the Tsaregradskys accuse Movlyaiko's associates of the attack. According to their version, only Peresvet fired, and he acted in self-defense. On October 3, Peresvet and Andrei Tsaregradsky were arrested. The son was soon released (his case was separated into a separate proceeding), and the father was left under arrest and in 2012 was sentenced to five years and three months in prison for causing grievous bodily harm and beatings.

Finally, an optimistic message appeared on the Rozhany website: “The Tsaregradsky family suffered greatly both physically and morally, but they survived this difficult war in peacetime. At the beginning of 2012, the Rozhana Center gradually resumed its work, we again conduct courses and trainings that young mothers love, but now our workload is small and therefore Zhanna Vladimirovna Tsaregradskaya personally reads all the courses. Around that time, a criminal case was initiated on the creation of a sect.

On September 15, 2013, it became finally clear that the announcement of the end of the "war" was premature. An announcement was posted on the center's website: “Attention! In connection with the reorganization of activities, the Rozhan Center needs assistants: an administrator and volunteers.” On September 20, Tsaregradskaya explained in her blog that on September 7, her son Peresvet was arrested in the framework of the case in which his father was convicted. The founder of the center emphasizes that a week before her arrest, she transferred to her son a piece of land in Nikolaevka (which is now allegedly claimed by some government officials who organize paid fishing in the neighborhood).

Thus, at present, the father of the Tsaregradsky family is serving a term, one of the sons is under arrest, and the mother is under house arrest. Apparently, it is no longer necessary to talk about the continuation of the activities of Rozhana. For better or worse, the history of the "destructive sect" - or "useful social organization" - can be considered complete.