How to please a guy with whom you don’t even. What you need to do to please a guy

Each girl, looking at her friends, also thinks about how to meet her boyfriend and start a relationship with him. And so, you found someone who really likes, but he does not look at you. What to do to interest and fall in love with a guy?

First of all, we need get the attention of the guy you like. After all, if he did not come up first, you will have to take the initiative yourself or push the guy himself to action. Watch this individual first. Maybe, he's not like that at all the way you imagined it in your fantasies. If the decision to attract his attention remains, it is necessary to begin to act. Do not follow him, do not show your availability, otherwise interest in you will quickly disappear. Try to “accidentally” end up in the same place, try to start an unobtrusive conversation.

Think about how you dress. Of course, an ultra-short skirt and a large neckline will attract attention, but this will not cause interest in you as a person, a girl. Will he choose this to create a relationship? But at the same time, don't dress like a gray mouse. Wear what really suits and decorates you.

The easiest way to attract a guy is with clothes, stand out from the crowd with your appearance, remember white is not only the color of innocence, it will emphasize your individuality and facial features ...

A smile makes a person attractive. Break the ice, smile at your chosen one, tell him: "Hi."

At a certain time (each in its own way), the girl begins to think about how you can please the guy. How to realize this cherished dream? Of course every guy individuality. Everyone likes a certain type of girls. However, let's try to get general rules to please the "regular" guy.

First you need to like yourself. Fall asleep and wake up thinking: "I am beautiful". This is an efficient way. After all, self-doubt seems to attract loneliness.

Did you like the guy? Draw his attention to yourself, give a chance for the development of feelings. Here are some simple tips to help you:

  1. Believe in your individuality and exclusivity, only in this way you can interest another person. Try to be nice, reliable and non-aggressive. An interesting girl who lives her own life, and does not try to imitate others, will appeal to any guy.
  2. Make a member of the opposite sex pay attention to you Attention. After all, it will be very difficult for him to like him if he does not even know that you exist in this world. Having met him briefly on the street, say hello, wave your hand. Did he turn around? If yes, you've made it. It managed to attract the long-awaited attention. But don't be intrusive.
  3. Makes us more attractive sense of humor. Joke when talking to a guy, but do not overdo it so as not to sound like a clown. Sincerity is an essential plus.
  4. find common interests. If the guy likes rock climbing, you can ask him to help you learn the basics. And it is useful for you, and it is pleasant for him. Talk about musical preferences. Or maybe you would be interested in playing sports together.
  5. Do not rush, be tolerant. Acting at a fast pace, everything can only be ruined. Don't impose let him feel his personal space. Let everything develop naturally.

To please a worthy guy, you need to be modest, sophisticated, sometimes extraordinary, but most importantly, be feminine in nature.

Try to be perfect for others, and the guy's attention will not be long in coming.

How to make a guy fall in love with you

Spend time with a guy having fun, even if you're sad. Skillfully joke and try not to upset him ...

Did you manage to fill the guy's life with yourself? Falling in love will develop into a real feeling over time. Don `t doubt.

What if the guy you like doesn't even look at you? You don’t know how to please a guy, and what could be more offensive than a man who seems indifferent to our beauty and ignores our seduction techniques? Women need to feel irresistible and like men, but sometimes such situations make us doubt our own merits, psychologists of the women's magazine site say.

How to please a guy? How to get his attention? These questions concern many girls. What should happen in order for the guy you like, who does not show interest and is in no hurry to fall at your feet, like a ripe pear, turns his attention to you? Here is a short list of tips from Signorina magazine that will help seduce even the most indifferent man.

First, figure it out: does he not look at you because he doesn’t like you, or are there more serious motives? Perhaps it's just "Mission Impossible": does he have a different sexual orientation, is he married, or are you too similar to his ex-girlfriend, who turned out to be an excellent bitch?

If the preliminary information that you managed to collect about the man you are interested in is encouraging, then it's time to move on to the next part of our plan.

So, how to please a guy and succeed:

1) Determine the places where he regularly visits, and try to be already there at the time when he enters there. Try to be in the company of a nice companion or even several. You can ask your relative or the boyfriend of your girlfriend about it, who should be aware of your agreement. Have casual conversation and have fun. At first, it is better to pretend that you do not notice the appearance of the guy you like.

2) Collect information and observe! How does he talk to girls? What kind of friends do you have fun with? All this information is a real treasure that can be used in the future.

3) Don't dress too provocatively. Let his imagination do the rest.

4) Make sure that the guy you like does not give the impression that you are connected with other relationships. He can step aside, but this is absolutely not included in our plans ...

5) Make yourself visible. Laugh from time to time, but without pretense, or walk past him into the bathroom. At the same time, continue to pretend that you do not notice him.

6) Try to talk about him with those who know him well. Ask what they like about him and what attracts him to women? Find out as much as you can about this guy.

7) After several evenings of "studying the object," move on to decisive action. He has probably already noticed you and, of course, he is wondering why you still don’t notice him.

8) "Accidentally" drop your handkerchief as it passes you. Let's see how he reacts. If he stops and picks up the handkerchief, take the opportunity to thank him and introduce yourself. If he didn't notice your provocation, try again, for example, by "bumping" when you pass by.

9) At this moment, he will notice you anyway. Try to make eye contact, smile, let him know that you are well aware of his presence. Do it carefully and don't let go of your escort.

10) Use the information you gathered earlier. Talk about topics that interest him when he is around. Dress according to what you have learned about his preferences in women.

11) If you have already laid out all your cards, then with the right approach, the goal will inevitably be achieved. Now it remains only to wait until the guy you want to like tries to talk to you.

12) As soon as he does this (and he will certainly do it) and you achieve the desired result, you can strike up a light, casual conversation with him, and then leave the room.

What should not be done? To make jokes about him, talk about your problems and be interested in his financial situation.

Ask him about hobbies, hobbies and interests. Be kind and natural. And, of course, an excellent topic for conversation is himself, because any person is pleased with the interest in his person.

You can be completely calm that his thoughts are entirely occupied only by you. As they say, mission accomplished.

Only twelve steps and you are at the goal!

  1. Find out where the guy spends most of his time. Try to be in the same places at the same time.
  2. Dress in a way that allows you to “finish” the imagination. Not your own, but the imagination of a guy who will admire you.
  3. Do two things at the same time: watch the guy and collect information (about him). For example: here you are.
  4. Look for opportunities to talk to people who don't know or know your boyfriend well. Listen to their opinions about him.
  5. Do absolutely everything possible so that the guy notices you and fails to forget. See here for useful information -
  6. As soon as you feel that the boy has noticed you, you can safely proceed to any decisive action.
  7. Pick up the moment and drop something next to him (better - at his very feet, but so that he does not "get it" that you are doing this on purpose). Don't spare your phone, if you can't think of anything else! Look at his reaction instantly. If he picks up a thing and gives it to you - thank him, smile, start a conversation (meet him if you are not familiar with him yet).
  8. Look straight into his eyes. You will see that he is embarrassed - coquettishly and innocently lower your eyes.
  9. Use (as much as possible) all the information that you managed to "get" about him. Do you remember…. "Who owns the information - owns the world." The guy you like is your world! Ask about topics that interest him. Tell about yourself that corresponds to his hobbies .... In general, you perfectly understand how to act here.
  10. Give me your phone number if asked. If he doesn't ask, take his number! Do it unobtrusively, but making it clear that you will be waiting for a call.
  11. Wait a few days for his call. Call - a meeting (date) to appoint him. Do not call, see here: (), or - make an unexpected call yourself. It is possible that the guy is afraid to call first. He is afraid that you can "send" him away.
  12. Talk to the guy, continuing the conversation. Remember from the conversation everything that you did not have time to learn about the guy. Get him interested in talking! How? Watch how it's done -

If you are still texting

If the guy is older than you

This is a completely normal situation! Take advantage of the tips that await your interest in this topic. Come on in, they're waiting for you...

How do you like a guy who doesn't pay attention to you?

If you are reading this paragraph, then you have not read all 12 points above. Be careful! Don't be lazy, study the above and "get your boyfriend". Well, of course, if a guy already has another girlfriend, then everything is much more complicated, but it is also decided in your favor, let's say 50/50. If you are interested, then see the sections below.

A little effort, a little more confidence, even arrogance and finally believe - he will open his door! For you!

How do you know if a guy already likes you?

What should not be done so as not to harm yourself?

  1. Do not ask (neither directly nor implying) about how much he earns. It will be unpleasant for him to hear such speeches.
  2. Do not "hit" any of his sore spots with words. It's better if you keep quiet! Even if curiosity wins.
  3. Do not load it with your worries, negative emotions and problems. Share all this with your friends, you will learn from the opinion.
  4. Don't make careless jokes. All jokes that can cause offense in him, “throw away” away.
  5. Do not make it wake up in it. Then trust in you will be born in him! It will be born and will develop, not fade away.

Important! Don't ask a guy: . Then you can still ask them if you want ...

How to like a guy who has a girlfriend?

  1. Be better than this girl. Better in all "spheres": in appearance, in behavior, in actions .... In everything (without any exception).
  2. Understand it from the first words. Remember: this is a huge gift! Not every girl can do this (from the first words).
  3. Accept all his faults. Take it how you want it! In such a "light" as it is beneficial to the guy.
  4. Confess to him often in love, if you see reciprocal feelings in his eyes. You can do this to get started. Let your words about love “sparkle” with sincerity! The guy will bewitch it.
  5. Hit him with your abilities. A lot of them. Dig into yourself and try to show all your talents to the maximum.
  6. Lie to him. Tell some imaginary nasty things about this girl of his! If your conscience does not seriously torment you.
  7. Go to events with him. And if he likes to splash in the pool - and you take the "coupon" to the pool. Make sure that he spends more time with you, and not with his "legitimate" girlfriend.
  8. Find out what his half does so "malicious" and annoying. Don't do this, but encourage a lot! This guy should love it. So you will like him too.
  9. Help him out in any situation. He will appreciate it for sure! Appreciate and never forget.
  10. Be a very close friend to him. He will get used to telling you his secrets, quarrels, problems with his current girlfriend…. And then you will not notice how he will be with you, and not with her.
  11. Listen more than ask. The guy will tell you everything. It will be more and more relaxed and relaxed in a conversation with you. A guy often lacks this (just this).
  12. Don't put yourself above him. Both the man and the guy do not like such "actions". His . You will only push him away.

What shouldn't be done?

We tell and advise:

  1. Don't tell a guy to break up with a girl. He must take this step himself! Wait for that "precious" moment.
  2. Don't show a guy that you hate the one he's dating. Hatred ruins everything!
  3. Don't talk or remind him of his shortcomings. Convince him that he is the best - the best, and that he will always be like that.

In general, think about whether everything needs to be destroyed. You should not climb into the life and heart of a person if the life and heart of this person are busy.

Opinions of girls who liked and disliked guys:

Margo: I wouldn't waste time on someone who is already busy either. I wouldn't use any method for this. I would find someone else. So I already did several times.

Olesya: Thanks for the article! There was something to think about! I advise you to think about it, girls!

Suzanne: I wanted to write my nickname in English, but I can't switch languages ​​for some reason. Bad luck! But I'm talking about something else .... I stole the guy I liked from my girlfriend. We have been together for five years with this guy. And my conscience continues to torment me. How someone plunged a needle into the soul and throat! I don't know how to get rid of this.... Completely lost. Girls, don't take other people's guys away! It is better to wait for your happiness. And it doesn't matter how long you have to wait! Happiness will come to every girl (sooner or later). The trouble is, if someone does not wait, and takes the guy away from the girl!

Oksana: Good article. I liked it so much that I gave it to many to read. And everyone is happy. They love structure in articles! As in everything else! What does a girl need to do to make a guy really like her? Read this article and put into practice what you have learned. Everything is very simple!

Make him fall in love with you! -

Probably every girl at least once in her life wondered: how to please a guy? When we really like a guy who, for some reason incomprehensible to us, pays absolutely no attention to us, we get very upset, grieve, try to please him, and when this doesn’t work, we just give up, remaining in splendid isolation. Of course, happiness must be fought for. But are we doing everything right in an effort to please our chosen one? Is this how we present ourselves in a society of men? Read the answers to these questions in the article below.

How to please a guy - rate him

First of all, you need to evaluate the guy objectively. It is very important.

How well you understand it will have to depend on your demeanor. For example, if he is an active, modern simple guy, then there is no point in playing a frilly lady in front of him. And vice versa, a calm guy who stays at home is unlikely to be able to please an avid fan of bars and nightclubs. Therefore, it is worth understanding the guy very well and trying to understand which girls may be of interest to him, and based on this, choose the appropriate manner of communication and behavior with him.

Look after yourself

It is known that men love with their eyes, which is why one of the important stages in the desire to win a man should be. No man will look at a unkempt girl, no matter how attractive her natural appearance may be. So, watch your appearance, do it right, do not hesitate to wear short skirts, complement them with stilettos. Men like revealing outfits, however, revealing attire does not mean that you need to expose all your sexual parts of the body. Not at all. Men like it when a girl is dressed in figure-hugging clothes, but not when she looks like a girl of easy virtue. Therefore, when dressing up, be extremely careful in combining clothes - if you have chosen a short skirt, then give up a deep neckline, and vice versa, showing your magnificent chest, cover your legs with a longer one or.

Learn to communicate with him

One appearance to like a guy not enough, it is very important to be able to communicate with the man you like. Men will not be interested in talking to a girl who is not able to connect two words. Try to communicate with your chosen one on various topics, learn more about his life, be interested in his hobbies, ask more questions ... Just don't turn the conversation into a crazy interrogation - he is unlikely to like it. Communicate in such a way that he understands that you are interested.

Try to find something in common

Try to find something that both of you have in common. Find out what he likes and what he is interested in. Perhaps you are doing this too or have long wanted to do it, but it didn’t work out - now you have a great opportunity to do it and at the same time be closer to your chosen one. Guys really like it when a girl shares their hobby.

Become a self-sufficient and successful lady. Guys appreciate it, treat such girls with respect and, accordingly, can pay attention to them much faster. Show him that you are not just a stupid girl who does not aspire to anything and does not know anything, but a real woman who knows her own worth and knows how to stand up for herself. Noticing this and realizing that you really are a person, the guy will begin to notice you and quite possibly fall in love soon!

To please a guy, be different

To attract the attention of a guy, try to always be different - this misleads men, intrigues and makes them look at a girl whom they may not have noticed at all recently. Therefore, even if you are madly in love with a guy, you do not need to constantly look at him with a devoted look. At first, this will flatter him, and then it will begin to annoy, and, accordingly, you will not achieve any sympathy on his part. To prevent this from happening, constantly change in his presence, for example, today have a nice chat with him, and tomorrow just say hello, passing by him ... You definitely will not go unnoticed.

To like a guy, always be cheerful, kind and sociable. Well, at least in his presence. Men do not like girls who are constantly dissatisfied with everything, who are always dissatisfied with everything, etc. Any man will be pleased to communicate with a cheerful, positive girl who is always doing well. Therefore, smile more often and forget about a bad mood.

Don't disappear for a long time

You should not disappear for a long time from the field of view of your chosen one, so as not to give him the opportunity to forget about you. Thanks to frequent meetings, a man will be able to get used to you faster and, quite possibly, will not want to part with you. However, it is also not necessary to loom constantly in front of him - this way you can only annoy him. Just try, as if inadvertently, sometimes to collide with him, thereby reminding you of yourself.

Men do not like hysterical and scandalous women. Therefore, you should not arrange scandals and other scenes of your discontent in the presence of your chosen one. This will negatively affect his opinion of you, and it is quite possible that he simply does not want to deal with you anymore, and certainly not fall in love with you.

Befriend his friends

Try to make friends with the friends of the guy you like. For men, the opinion of his acquaintances and friends is very important. Try to please his friends. And if you succeed, they will speak well of you, and your chosen one, realizing this, will look at you from the other side.

To please a guy, flirt with him.

One of the best ways to show a guy that you like him is to start flirting with him. However, this must be done carefully and beautifully, so as not to look like a vulgar person flirting right and left. If you do everything right, then the guy will be yours.

Meet him informally

If you work with your chosen one together, then try to meet him somewhere else. At work, it is not always convenient to hint about your feelings - business, employees can distract you. But on a business trip or at a corporate party, this is quite real. Take advantage!

Now you know how to please a guy And if you do it right, you will certainly succeed. After all, if you want to conquer and conquer, you can absolutely any man!

Joseph Fanelli

Psychotherapist, teacher specializing in sexuality and relationships.

1. Speak without speaking

Even before you strike up a conversation with a guy, your body will tell him a lot. And the first thing he will notice is how physically attractive you are.

It's not just about beauty. If you are fit and well built, then you are able to give birth to healthy offspring.

Another important aspect is whether you show interest. Of course, you don’t need to hang yourself around your neck, but it’s very desirable to subtly hint that a man has a chance.

This can be shown using two tricks. First, blink more often, because we naturally begin to do this when we are excited. Secondly, lean a little towards the interlocutor: this is also a non-verbal signal of interest.

We like people with whom we have a lot in common. Therefore, your task is to find common ground with the guy you like. For example, you can agree on a love of music or, if there are few common interests, try to get into what he likes.

At the beginning of dating, the easiest way to show similarity is to use the chameleon effect.

Try to take the same posture as a man, imitate his movements and gestures, use the words and phrases that he includes in his speech.

Being an exact and synchronous copy is not worth it: it's too obvious. Try to anticipate the movements of the interlocutor or, in general, repeat them after a few seconds.

3. Stay visible

The more we see a person, the more we like him. This is confirmed by science. In one study Proximity and Peership: Bases of Balance in Interpersonal Attraction residents of a student dormitory were asked to rate their attitude towards their neighbors. It turned out that boys and girls liked those who lived nearby more: in neighboring rooms or on the nearest floors.

In everyday life, this means that if you and the guy attend the same place (university, courses, gym), then you are more likely to like him.

6. Make him a fan of hugs

When hugging, the body releases oxytocin, which enhances the feeling of closeness. So hug the guy you are interested in at a meeting and parting, during joyful moments and just like that.

7. Find what makes you happy

In the end, it all comes down to the fact that interesting people are interesting to be together. So do not waste time to lure someone into your networks, but look for. Happiness and passion are attractive in themselves. Become the one who radiates them.