Are evitest pregnancy tests accurate? The most sensitive pregnancy tests: how to choose the best one

There is hardly a woman who will remain indifferent to a delay in menstruation even for a couple of days. Excitement may be joyful for some, anxious for others, but it always raises the question: “What to do? Should I go to the doctors or wait a little?”

A visit to a specialist after a short delay will most likely not clarify the situation. It is unlikely that a doctor will be able to diagnose such a short period of pregnancy. The solution is to go to the pharmacy and buy a simple, inexpensive and understandable home test to identify an interesting situation.

The sensitivity of pregnancy tests in their simplest form is such that they can most likely determine your condition already on 2-3 days of delay. It is suitable for any woman, regardless of age and physical condition. To use it, no additional consultation is required; everything will be clear after reading the instructions.


The annotation for the product will describe what you should not do before the study, when it is best to conduct it, and what accessories you need to stock up on. The main conditions are usually:

  1. Availability of a clean container for the material being tested.
  2. It is not advisable to take diuretic medications before the procedure; the result may be distorted.
  3. The required examination time is morning (for certain types of tests).

It is worth considering the fact that when using birth control pills or, conversely, undergoing a course of therapy for infertility, the test may also be unreliable.

How does this work?

It is produced in the female body during pregnancy. In normal conditions, it is absent in a healthy person. Exceptions are women with hormonal tumors. The test diagnoses the presence of hCG in the blood. Produced by the placenta, the hormone can be detected as early as a week.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Like any other, such products are endowed with both positive and negative qualities.


  • complete anonymity;
  • elementary procedure;
  • sensitivity allows it to be determined at a minimum period, even before the delay of critical days.


  • does not indicate whether the pregnancy is intrauterine or ectopic;
  • a false result is possible, usually due to poor-quality, expired tests;
  • high cost of some models.

Factors affecting cost

A pregnancy test, the price of which should not be very low, must have a good shelf life so that there is no doubt about the reliability of the obtained indicator. Its cost is primarily influenced by such factors as sensitivity, as well as its type (generation) and the manufacturing company.

What is sensitivity

If a woman wants to determine possible conception as early as possible, she should purchase a test with higher sensitivity. What is the difference between ultrasensitive systems and conventional ones, and how to choose the one you need?

The amount of hCG that a single test can detect determines the sensitivity of pregnancy tests. Their number increases with each passing day after fertilization. The sooner you want to find out about such an important condition for you, the lower the mIU/ml indicator should be indicated on the test box; accordingly, the higher the number, the lower the sensitivity of the product.

Current sensitivity levels

Tests come with the following indicators: 30 mIU\ml, 25 mIU\ml, 20 mIU\ml, 15 mIU\ml, 10 mIU\ml.

A pregnancy test (sensitivity 10) will be able to determine the lowest level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body of the expectant mother.

Types of products and their labeling

Currently, they produce 3 versions of tests to detect early pregnancy. They differ in quality, manufacturing form, price, and of course, sensitivity.

1. Tests in the form of paper strips, which are impregnated with a substance that reacts to the presence of hCG. The principle of their operation is absolutely simple: dip the strip into a jar of urine for ten seconds, wait about 5 minutes and see if two red lines appear. If yes, then most likely you will soon become a mother. The sensitivity of pregnancy tests of this type is most often 20 or 25 mIU/ml.

As a rule, they detect the level of hormones that is reached in the female body a few days after the delay of menstruation, so there is no point in using them before this period. This is the first generation of tests. It happens that they show distorted results. It is especially unpleasant if it was determined that there was no pregnancy, but in fact there was one. The strip may not have completely absorbed the liquid and distorted the picture.

Despite this, they are in great demand. The price for such products ranges from 10 to 100 rubles.

2. II generation - cassette pregnancy test. Sensitivity 15, 20 is the most common marking on it. This product looks like a case containing a paper test in the form of a strip. There are 2 windows on the body. Urine gets into the first using the pipette included in the package, it comes into contact with the reagent present there, and the result will be visible in the second after three or four minutes. This one costs more (60-150 rubles), but its quality is not much different from ordinary paper. A more sensitive product will be able to detect your interesting condition a few days before the start of your critical days.

If you are really looking forward to pregnancy and want to leave the displayed two lines as a souvenir, then you will be able to do this with such a copy. Plus it looks beautiful.

3. Sensitivity 10 or 20 is its standard value. This is the most accurate version of the test, the latest, third generation, its price is quite high, ranging from 150-300 rubles.

It contains a special layer of blue reagents, which, detecting hCG in women's urine, attach to them and show their presence within a minute. To carry out diagnostics with it, you do not need containers and pipettes, it is simply placed under urine, the reliability of the result does not depend on what time the procedure is carried out.

This highly sensitive pregnancy test gives you the chance to determine an interesting position already on the 6th day after conception.

A variant of the inkjet test is the electronic test. Its price is the highest - 200-1000 rubles, and the only difference is that instead of the appearance of stripes that you need to look closely at, it displays the word “pregnant”, that is, “pregnancy”.

Reasons for false indicators

Disruptions in results can occur for various reasons. The main ones are:

  • the procedure has not been followed;
  • was stored incorrectly;
  • was carried out very early;
  • the woman has problems with her ovaries;
  • a month or two after childbirth, there may still be hCG in the blood;
  • presence of tumors;
  • a large amount of liquid drunk the day before.

If the analysis draws the desired lines, it is advisable to quickly contact a medical specialist who will either confirm the pregnancy or send you for examination to find out the cause of the false-positive result.

Choosing the best option

When choosing a test, the decisive factor is at what stage you want to discover your interesting position. If before the delay of the critical days, then you should purchase more sensitive products labeled 10, 15 mIU/ml. If you are already pregnant, you can buy a more economical paper pregnancy test. Sensitivity of 20, 25 and below is highly likely to correctly indicate your condition.

Numerous studies of the Russian market of consumers of this product indicate that the following tests are in great demand:

  1. Paper strips with a sensitivity of 20-25: BB (BB), Frautest Express, Evitest No. 1 (will detect pregnancy from the 3rd day of delay).
  2. Cassette, sensitivity 20, 15: Evitest Proof, Frautest Expert (they will determine an interesting position 8-14 days after conception).
  3. Inkjet, sensitivity 10, 20: ClearBlue (electronic), FRAUTEST EXCLUSIVE. They are able to determine the onset of pregnancy from the 6th day after conception.

These models are said to rarely give false results. The Russian-made “Bee Sure” products have proven themselves well. It is very popular, largely due to the fact that it is a pregnancy test, the price of which is affordable for almost everyone and is 10-15 rubles, and the results are usually reliable.

To summarize, I would like to note: if a highly sensitive test did not show an interesting position, and you carried it out 6-7 days after possible conception, do not despair. This could mean that it is simply very early and the hCG levels have not reached the amount that your product sample can pick up. Be patient and repeat the test after two or three days. Since the hCG indicator changes noticeably just after 2 days. The same rule applies to a less sensitive (with a specified 25 or 30 mIU/ml indicator) pregnancy test. The period that has passed since conception may not be sufficient for this particular product, but another manufacturer will not let you down and will show the desired 2 stripes.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer any drugs for any disease and with any type of action, however, this situation is observed not only in the field of drugs, but also in the field of tests to determine pregnancy.

The point of diversity must be emphasized, since it is this that determines that tests for determining pregnancy today can be presented in both a budget, inexpensive version and in a rather expensive one. In addition, tests can be considered from the point of view of their work, there are simple ones that determine whether conception has occurred by urine, and there are also high-tech ones that work with an indicator in an electronic scoreboard.

Let's consider one of the highest quality tests that are available in pharmacies, and it belongs to a well-known brand - we will talk about the Evitest test from the manufacturer - the German company HELM Pharmaceuticals.

Types of Evitest tests

Let us immediately note that the pedantry of the German manufacturer is reflected in the work with the pregnancy test. Regardless of the type of Evitest tests, they are all highly sensitive, which makes it possible to detect pregnancy in the early stages with a high degree of probability. Plus, the tests are easy to use and, of course, the price of the tests is quite affordable, which adds to their popularity.

Let's start with Evitest One, as the simplest test, plus this option is the most common and familiar to many women. Here, the pregnancy test is simply two strips, which are soaked in a traditional reagent for determining pregnancy.

Important! Despite the simplicity of the test, it gives an almost 100% correct result, determining pregnancy from the first day of a missed menstrual cycle.

Evitest Plus is the second type of test on our list. The first study of biological material with this test is recommended to be carried out on the first day of the menstrual cycle delay, the second test is carried out two days later. In this way, a false positive test result can be excluded.

Evitest Proof – tablet test. This type is preferred by many, as it is always easy to use. The test kit always includes a special pipette into which biological material, urine, is collected.

Using a pipette, drop a few drops of urine into a special window on the test. The good thing about this method is that urine is guaranteed to come into contact with the reagent, which also leads to highly accurate results.

Evitest Perfect is a jet type of dough. The design in this case guarantees complete hygiene and ease of use.

The very name of the test, inkjet, contains the principle of its operation. There is no need to collect urine in a container; a girl can conduct it at any time, simply by going to the toilet and urinating for the test.

How the test is used

Naturally, each test has its own rules of use, or rather, its own rules for the interaction of the reagent and biological material. Therefore, before testing, you still need to read the instructions, which are always attached to the test.

Despite the overwhelmingly positive reviews about the Evitest test, it may also have incorrect answers, false positives. Moreover, in 99% of cases, a false positive result is a consequence of improper use and ignoring the rules for use.

Let us note the basic rules for using the test:

  • One test is used, regardless of type, only once.
  • The test should not be expired; after the expiration date, the reagent cannot guarantee the correctness of the results.
  • The test result can be assessed no later than 10 minutes after the test.
  • It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use of the test, and work with it and biological material only according to the instructions.
  • The analysis is carried out on the first day or after the onset of a delay in the menstrual cycle.

Important! Not a single test, even one as modern as Evitest, is capable of showing pregnancy a few days after conception; it’s just that the required hormone has not yet appeared in the biological material.

For a reliable result, urine must be collected in the morning, it is during this period that it contains the most urine.

The cost of tests is affordable, as we wrote above and varies from 70 rubles to 250, depending on the type.

To highlight the positive aspects of the test, you can refer to the reviews left by some customers who have already been tested:

Katya, 24 years old, - I used a simple test on the third day of the delay. The result was positive. I did not repeat the test, but immediately went to the clinic to see my gynecologist, who confirmed that I was pregnant.

Masha, 22 years old, - I used the jet test from Evitest to determine pregnancy, it was very convenient and fast. Never failed, showing the absence of pregnancy. Now I’m waiting for the next cycle so that if there is a delay I will get a positive result.

Svetlana, 28 years old, - when the tablet-type test appeared, I used it, and I must say, the very first result turned out to be 100% correct.

The use of rapid pregnancy tests has long become a common procedure for women. There is a wide range of products, which include various types of tests. Among the manufacturers, the leading position is occupied by the German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh, which produces several types of tests under the trade name “Evitest”. How to use them and what is their accuracy?

How the Evitest pregnancy test works

The Evitest pregnancy test is several types of rapid tests from Helm Pharmaceuticals that can detect pregnancy at the earliest stages. The operation of all types of Evitest products is based on the same principle - they react to a certain amount of hCG in a woman’s urine. Increased production of human chorionic gonadotropin begins as soon as the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. The reagent contained in the test reacts to an increase in the amount of the hormone and produces a result.

With a regular 28-day menstrual cycle, the maturation of the germ cell and its release from the follicle occurs on the 14th day. It takes several days for the egg to be fertilized and reach the uterine cavity. Possessing high sensitivity, the test is able to respond to pregnancy already on the 24th day of the cycle, while most less sensitive products determine the presence of pregnancy only after the 1st day of delay.

If a woman’s menstrual cycle is not stable, then to reliably determine pregnancy she should undergo double testing. First, a test is done to determine ovulation. Having found out the date of ovulation, you need to add 15 days to the resulting number, and take a pregnancy test on the marked date. In the first and second cases, different types of tests can be used to eliminate errors.

Test sensitivity and its significance

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Many women, at the slightest suspicion of pregnancy, want to check its occurrence as quickly as possible. An indicator of successful conception is the growth of hCG, the concentration of which increases every day. Early detection of the event requires a test with a high degree of sensitivity, capable of recognizing an increase in the pregnancy hormone at the very beginning of the process.

Manufacturers indicate the digital value of the sensitivity of the test on the product packaging: the lower its value, the more accurate the result. All models - plus strips, perfect inkjet, and proof cassette - have a sensitivity of 20 mIU/ml. The manufacturing company assures that all its tests are 99% accurate when used correctly.

How to use the product

In order to get a reliable answer from a pregnancy test, you should carefully study how to use the product. There are general requirements for performing the procedure specified in the instructions:

  • When purchasing Evitest, you should check the tightness of the packaging and the expiration date.
  • The test strip cannot be reused.
  • The readings are checked no later than 5–10 minutes after the procedure. After this time the answer will be false.
  • Testing should be done in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest.
  • To collect urine you need to take a sterile container.
  • Before the analysis, you should not drink a lot of liquid, its excess can negatively affect the final result.

In pharmacies you can find 4 types of pregnancy tests of the brand in question: Evitest One, Evitest Plus, Evitest Proof, Evitest Perfect. Since they represent several types of products, each of them, in addition to the general rules described above, has its own application features.

Let's take a closer look at the details of testing all 4 types of express tests and find out which one to use when and how.

"Evitest one"

Evitest One is a test strip. When starting the procedure, you need to collect urine, remove the product from the packaging, immerse the strip in a container with urine to the mark indicated on the surface of the strip. After holding it in the urine for 4–6 seconds, it is removed and placed on a flat surface for development. In 5–10 minutes the answer is ready; it is not advisable to wait more than 10 minutes for an answer. Decoding of the answer: 1 red line – negative, 2 red lines – positive (pregnancy has occurred).

"Evitest plus"

Evitest Plus can be used to confirm the result obtained after testing Evitest One. It is recommended to use it 2 days after using the first test, since the hCG level is constantly growing, and during this time it will increase so much that the result will be most accurate. However, you can also use it for independent analysis.

They do testing in the morning, repeating the same manipulations as with model One. In addition, the use of this Evitest test is justified if the initial reaction was unclear (pale coloring of the stripes) or it was received before a missed period.

"Evitest proof"

Evitest Proof is available in tablet or cassette form. To begin testing, remove the cassette from the packaging. Then you need to urinate in a container, collect a little urine from it into the pipette that comes with the product. The device is placed on a flat surface. The liquid collected in the pipette (4 drops) is dripped into the window on the cassette. Waiting for a response – 3–5 minutes. After 10 minutes there is no point in waiting for changes - Evitest shows the same result.

"Evitest perfect"

The “Perfect” model is an inkjet device. When carrying out the procedure, remove the protective cap from the tip of the test and place it under a stream of urine for 3-5 seconds. Then the cap is put back on the tip, the device is laid out on a flat surface and wait 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to spend more time getting results. The main condition for all tests is that the surface on which they are laid must be dry.

How to determine the result?

So, the procedure has been carried out, the test has responded to the level of hCG in the urine, now we need to figure out how to evaluate what it shows. What do the appearing marks mean:

  • Two lines appeared on the test - this means that the answer is positive, pregnancy has occurred.
  • Only one strip appeared, the control one, and the second did not - the answer is negative.
  • The stripe appears in the wrong place or is not there at all. Most likely, there was an error in the procedure or the test itself turned out to be defective.

If the test shows pregnancy, you should go to the gynecologist and prepare to carry a child. If the reaction is negative, another test can be performed after 2-3 days. The reason for a delay in menstruation may not only be pregnancy, so it is worth contacting a gynecologist and getting checked. If your period is delayed by a week or more, the test can be done not only in the morning, but at any time. The main thing is not to urinate 2 hours before testing and not to drink a lot of fluids.

Why might a test be wrong?

All devices from this manufacturer are distinguished by high quality workmanship and reliable operation, however, they can also give erroneous results. The reasons for the errors lie in certain factors:

  • performing an early test when the hCG level has not risen enough to produce a reaction;
  • incorrect implementation of the procedure (the strip was left in the urine for a long time or, conversely, removed early);
  • during the test, the woman takes hormonal medications (for example, to increase hCG);
  • development of tumors and other diseases;
  • The product's expiration date has expired.

Reasons for a false negative result

A false negative result is quite common, and it is associated with certain problems of the reproductive system, which a woman may not be aware of. The error also occurs through the fault of the woman herself, if she used diuretics or drank a lot of water before the procedure. A false negative result can occur in the presence of vascular and kidney diseases, as well as in the threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

Reasons for a false positive result

It happens that the second strip of test after contact with urine looks blurry and pale. The photo clearly shows how a false positive test result appears. This means that the increase in hCG levels is not associated with pregnancy. An increase in the pregnancy hormone occurs after childbirth, abortion, and miscarriage. It also increases if a woman has taken medications for infertility or has some kind of pathology, possibly a tumor.

Having earned a lot of approving reviews, Evitest tests in practice justify their accuracy and reliability. However, they cannot avoid erroneous results. Advice to all women: after conducting a number of tests using a rapid test, making sure that you are pregnant, confirm the result by visiting a gynecologist. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor even when test results are in doubt.

“Pregnancy test” - you see this phrase, and your heart skips a beat. Some people remember their pregnancy, while others only hope to see two treasured stripes there (or one, but also a treasured one).

One way or another, almost every one of us encounters pregnancy tests at least once during our lives. And one of the most popular brands that women trust is Evitest pregnancy tests. Why do women choose these particular pregnancy tests and how do these mini-laboratories work? Read on.

Among the huge number of pregnancy tests, there are favorites and, of course, Evitest is such a representative. The Evitest pregnancy test is produced by the German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh, it has a sensitivity of 20mME/ml, is suitable for determining pregnancy on the first day of a delay and has a rich line of products - from simple test strips to elegant devices that can be presented as a pleasant “gift” spouse.

Types of Evitest tests

  • Evitest One is a test strip for accurate and fast results. Preliminary urine collection is required (the container is not included in the kit).
  • Evitest Plus is a set of two test strips, which makes it possible to confirm the result after a couple of days. This package is more economical at the price of a single dough. Urine collection is required for testing.
  • Evitest Proof - cassette test: a real mini-laboratory in your home. Equipped with a pipette, which you use to drop urine into the material window. Provides the most accurate results.
  • Evitest Perfect is a jet test, beautiful and convenient, and there is no need to collect urine: you just need to place the device under the stream.
  • Evitest is one of the leaders in sales among pregnancy tests, and this is understandable: it is sold in almost every pharmacy and at supermarket checkouts, which increases its availability to customers.

The principle of operation of all tests is the same: they determine the presence of a special substance in the urine - the pregnancy hormone or human chorionic gonadotropin (abbreviated as hCG). Its level is measured in international units per milliliter (mIU/ml). The embryonic tissue (chorion) begins to produce this hormone already on the sixth to eighth day after fertilization of the egg. By the end of the first trimester, its concentration increases several thousand times, and then begins to decline. This information is needed in order to understand when it is best to take the test.

The hCG level doubles every day. That is, on the 7th day after ovulation (it usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, on the 14th day), when the fertilized egg has already attached to the uterine wall, the hCG concentration is 2 mIU/ml (international units per ml), on On day 8 it will be 4 mIU/ml, and the day after tomorrow, on day 9 - 8 mIU/ml. And since most pharmacy tests have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU/ml, naturally the test will be empty. In order for the test to show at least a pale, but so important second stripe, you need to wait 7-10 days after ovulation: the first day of the next menstrual delay will be in this interval.

Note that ovulation often sometimes “walks” in one direction or another. Therefore, home tests may not show a reliable result due to the low concentration of the hormone in the urine or, on the contrary, show it a little earlier than the delay.

How does a pregnancy test work?

All pregnancy tests, including Evitest pregnancy tests, regardless of type, are designed the same way: they determine the presence or absence of pregnancy using immunochromatography. That is, when urine containing hCG interacts with a reagent containing antibodies to hCG with a dye, an antibody reaction occurs and staining occurs in the form of a red stripe.

And in the control zone, a stripe appears on the test caused by the release of the dye when it reaches drops of urine. The reaction speed is on average 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes the strip does not appear, then there is no pregnancy. You should wait no more than 10 minutes for the result: after this time, the test becomes uninformative due to the evaporation of liquid from the test. Have you heard stories about how someone took a test in the morning, the result was negative, and then, in the evening, they noticed it in the trash can and discovered a faint second line? So: the test result is assessed here and now, no later than 10 minutes after it is carried out.

When to take a pregnancy test

In order for a pregnancy test to show the desired result, it is necessary that the level of hCG in the urine be sufficient for the test to record it, namely 20-25 mIU/ml. This level - with a standard cycle of 28 days, with ovulation on the 14th day from the start of menstruation - is achieved on the first day of missed menstruation.

You should know that the concentration of hCG in the blood is slightly higher than in the urine, so a blood test is always more accurate than a standard pregnancy test and can indicate the presence or absence of pregnancy earlier.

How to take a pregnancy test

In the early stages, the best time to determine pregnancy using a test is the morning, immediately after getting up, since it is after the night that the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine is highest (it is better not to drink a lot of liquid the day before, so as not to get up to go to the toilet at night). Depending on the type of test, you may need a container to collect urine (purchase a test jar at the pharmacy), where you lower the test to the indicated mark for a few seconds, or you will need to urinate on the test intake, placing it under a stream of urine. Next, the test must be placed on a flat surface and, after the time specified in the instructions, evaluate the result:

  • Two stripes - positive
  • One strip - negative
  • The presence of a test strip in an unintended place or the absence of a control strip is an error

If the result is positive (congratulations!), you should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible and follow his further instructions.

If the result is negative and there is a long delay in the next menstruation, it is recommended to repeat the test in a couple of days, and also visit a gynecologist to determine the causes of the delay.

If the result is incorrect, you should do the test again.

If your period is more than a week late, the test can be performed at any time of the day. Prerequisite: do not urinate two hours before the test and do not drink large amounts of liquid.

When a pregnancy test may show an incorrect result

  • The test was done too early and the hCG level is still low.

Solution: Wait for the delay and redo the test after a couple of days.

  • The test was done incorrectly: you overexposed it in a container with urine or took it out too quickly, and there was not enough time for a reaction.

Solution: Follow the instructions strictly and do not engage in amateur activities.

  • You are taking hormonal medications to stimulate ovulation (hCG injections, etc.). The test may be false positive.

Solution: do not rush to do the test: as a rule, by the time the delay occurs, the hCG that came from outside will have already left the body and your “pregnant” hCG will take its place.

  • The presence of certain diseases (tumors) can give a false positive result in the absence of pregnancy.

Solution: Consult your doctor if the test is positive.

  • Faulty test.

Solution: Check the expiration date of the test and make sure you do it exactly as described in the instructions. Redo the test the next day.

For example, reviews of Evitest tests on the Internet are generally quite good, but from time to time there are also negative messages about the inaccuracy of the result. Having met such people, try to treat such posts objectively, because people do not indicate all the circumstances of the test and, quite possibly, make mistakes and inaccuracies, which in turn leads to an incorrect result.

Myths about pregnancy tests

Super sensitive tests

Here we are talking about super-sensitive 10 mIU/ml tests with the ability to determine pregnancy a week before menstruation.

Such tests are largely a marketing ploy to attract attention. The sensitivity of tests for home use is 20-25 mIU/ml.

Determining pregnancy with an ovulation test

There is a myth that an ovulation test, which responds to luteinizing hormone levels, will tell you if you are pregnant. Yes, sometimes an ovulation test can be positive during pregnancy: this is due to the fact that the hormone formulas are similar. But there is almost always a second line on this type of test, and the presence of ovulation is assessed by the intensity of its coloring. Thus, an ovulation test is not a reliable source of information for determining pregnancy.

Pregnancy test will not show ectopic pregnancy

In reality, the test will show any pregnancy, regardless of its location. Therefore, after receiving a positive result, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and perform an ultrasound at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy to confirm intrauterine pregnancy.

For example, an already pregnant woman writes: they say, she took a test, but it was negative. Like, the vaunted Evitest doesn’t work! You should know that as the period increases, the level of hCG decreases and finally disappears by the third trimester - therefore, in this particular case, we can talk about a person’s false judgments, and not about a test error.

Evitest pregnancy test results

To summarize, I would like to say that by choosing the Evitest pregnancy test, you get a high-quality product that meets all standards, with a confirmed sensitivity of 20mME/ml, with the ability to determine pregnancy starting from the first day of missed menstruation at a fairly reasonable price.

In order to determine pregnancy, it is no longer necessary to go to the doctor, it is enough to purchase a pregnancy test. But besides this, you should be able to use it, and also know which product to buy in this area. Often, each box contains instructions that describe each step in detail.

Important! When purchasing a pregnancy test, it is important to pay attention to the shelf life. If they are exceeded, the reagent may react inadequately to the hormone contained in the urine.

At this stage of development of pharmaceuticals, there are a huge number of pregnancy tests of various modifications, but the principle of their operation is the same - they are soaked in a special reagent, which, as a result of interaction with urine, shows the result. But the conditions of use may vary depending on the type of express test itself.

The most common is a test strip. And the most popular manufacturer is Evitest. Another equally popular manufacturer of this product category is Frautest. The principle of determining a woman’s position is fully consistent with the previous analogue.

How to use the Evitest pregnancy test correctly so that the result is true?

Main Features Method of use Advantages
A paper strip soaked in a reagent.

Each functional area is highlighted in a specific color.

The most accurate result can be obtained only in the morning when you urinate for the first time.

The strip is immersed in a container of urine to a certain level, which is indicated on the test in a different color. 1. Using the test strip is quite simple.

2. The cost of this type of product is low.

3. This pharmaceutical product provides a 97% guarantee on the results obtained.

When the light stripe above the specified level gets wet, the test should be laid on a flat horizontal surface.
One stripe will appear on the white field, indicating that the test is working.
After a few seconds, if the result is positive, a second strip appears.

How to use the electronic test?

Recently, electronic pregnancy tests have become increasingly used. Its advantage is that it gives the most accurate results.

Hypersensitivity allows you to determine the result within a week after conceiving a child - this is the earliest date. Depending on your needs, you can independently choose the degree of sensitivity of the test.

The most popular manufacturer of this type of test is Clearblue, so instructions for using products of this brand will be considered.

How to use the electronic test:

  1. First you need to read the instructions, which are included in the package along with the device.
  2. The test can be performed at any time of the day from the first day of a missed menstrual cycle. But it is better if the procedure is performed in the morning. In anticipation of the procedure, you should limit the amount of fluid you drink.
  3. Immediately before the procedure, the foil package is opened, which contains the test itself. The blue cap is removed from the device body and testing is carried out.
  4. The absorbent tip should be lowered vertically under the stream of urine. It is important that the rest of the body does not get wet. The test remains in this position for 5-6 seconds.
  5. You can collect the urine in a clean container and dip the test into it with an absorbent tip for 20-30 seconds.
  6. After the urine is absorbed, the cap is put back on the body, and the test itself is placed on a horizontal surface. If desired, you can hold it vertically with the tip down.
  7. The Clear Blue test processes within three minutes. At this time, an hourglass appears on the screen.
  8. After the allotted time has elapsed, the result is displayed on the monitor.

In addition to the result itself, the screen displays the deadline if the test itself is positive. That is why even gynecologists sometimes use the digital type of this device in their practice. Using an electronic pregnancy test is simple, and most importantly convenient, accurate and fast.

Pay attention! While waiting for results, do not lower the absorbent tip of the device downwards.

Clearblue is considered a third-generation test, so it is often compared in reliability to ultrasound. Many gynecologists trust the performance of this device in determining the timing of pregnancy.

Using a jet test?

Using the jet test is much easier than any of the above listed previously. Thanks to its complex design, the resulting result is 100% reliable. This device is considered the most hygienic and fastest in processing results.

The procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, since even in short periods an accurate result is obtained. If the strip appears slightly, this is a positive result.

Step by step use is determined by the following steps:

  1. The first stage is studying the instructions, as well as studying the expiration dates.
  2. The second is opening the sealed packaging and bag where the device itself is located.
  3. Urine is discharged into a special separate window using a pipette. You can put the test under a stream of urine. In any case, this method is simplified in that there is no need to collect urine into a container.
  4. After this, the device is placed on a horizontal, flat surface.
  5. The result will become clear in 2 minutes.

Tests of this type are produced by many pharmaceutical companies, including Evitest. All of them guarantee the high quality and reliability of their products.

And yet, with a guarantee of high accuracy and reliability, it is better to make the choice itself in accordance with the recommendations of the gynecologist.


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