What is the name of the marine style of clothing. Marine style in women's clothing. History, features and photos. The main directions on how to dress for a sea party

Modern fashion often demonstrates cyclicity. Fashion trends of the past are returning and gaining popularity in our time. One of the brightest such examples was the marine style in clothes - a combination of classics with uniform elements and various decor. But the main features of the stylish theme was its restraint and attractiveness.

Marine style in clothes 2017

The fashion trend has gained incredible popularity thanks to positively tuned images. The ability to experiment in simple but interesting combinations not only helps to stay different every day, but also to emphasize your individuality. The main differences between stylish themes in clothes are only three criteria: basic colors, print and trim. Dresses in a marine style have become especially relevant, photos of 2017 of which can be found on all the most popular portals. But let's see what other trends designers offer:

Nautical style dress

The theme of the sea in fashion design is not limited to just two shades. The base is always a white background. But in addition, fashion designers use both standard blue and red, green, and purple. This direction has become universal and is found in a wide variety of bows. And this is confirmed by such distinctive features:

Long striped dress in a nautical style

One of the most popular models in modern fashion are graceful maxi. With the help of a long outfit, you can interestingly adjust the figure. A straight vertical strip will help lengthen your height and add slenderness. A horizontal print, on the contrary, will correct the lack of volume, making the forms appetizing and attractive. A long dress in a marine style is great for romantic walks, going to the beach, daily city wear. Both straight and loose silhouettes and a fitted style with a flying skirt are in fashion.

Nautical style shirt dress

Shirt models have become a universal and ultra-fashionable trend of this season. A simple cut, a comfortable fastener, a variety of cuts help you choose the perfect option, taking into account individual characteristics. And therefore, such clothes are considered an excellent choice for voluminous forms. A dress in a nautical style for full ones may differ in an asymmetrical silhouette, hem cutouts on the sides, and a low-cut top. A good solution would be a fitted style or the addition of an elastic band, a belt, a belt at the waist.

Knitted dress in a marine style

The stylish genre can also be traced in the collections of yarn products. Masters use simple stripes or offer plain clothes of a color characteristic of the direction. In this case, volumetric drawings and patterns are inappropriate. Openwork knitting looks very gentle and attractive. A beautiful dress in a marine style can be long or moderate in length. In the trend and styles of short tunics, ideal for a beach holiday.

Marine style in clothes for women

Today, few people do without additions in the image that can emphasize individuality and originality. In bows on the theme of the sea, accessories in a marine style in clothes play one of the decisive roles. After all, beautiful and stylish additions can set the main direction of the image. In addition to headdresses, captain's watches in men's style are in fashion. Popular are considered with a massive frame of red or blue and white. A belt with a chain closure will perfectly emphasize the genre of the ensemble. A wide bracelet will become an original decorative element.

Navy style skirt

There are a lot of popular models in the fashion genre. However, the most stylish trend today is considered to be a pencil skirt in a marine style. In the design of narrow models, fashion designers use both wide and concise stripes. An ensemble of different directions of print is considered very popular. These clothes will perfectly complement both casual bow and business style, unlimited by the strict dress code. Fashionable stripes of a vest stylishly adorn other more feminine styles. The sun skirt with a horizontal print has become a trend.

Blouse in a marine style

Special attention in the marine-themed collections is given to the design of the upper part of the wardrobe. The blouse is considered an element of the uniform and is made in an identical strict cut without unnecessary details. An alternative option was a women's shirt in a marine style. Long sleeves, stand-up collar, straight cut are relevant here. An exception is an item of evening or elegant clothing. The most fashionable in this case were interesting tunics with drapery, flounces, asymmetrical cut and more.

Women's T-shirts in a marine style

A classic of the genre is a simple vest. In modern fashion, such clothes are called long-sleeved T-shirts. The previously characteristic blue and white print is now often replaced by a red or green tint. T-shirts can also be short sleeved. The most fashionable are sailors - loose sleeveless jackets. Women's clothing in a marine style is also presented in a polo style, a hooligan, an asymmetric top.

Shoes for clothes in a marine style

Completion of the image plays an important role in its harmony. After all, shoes are not just a practical detail, but also the basis of the bow. A feminine look in a marine style requires comfort, confidence and functionality. And so the best solution would be this choice:

Nautical style bag

This accessory must match the clothes in color. Such a decision will help to place the final accents in the image, which will emphasize the sense of style and impeccable taste. When choosing a bag model, it is important to take into account the features of the wardrobe. If these are laconic trousers, a strict shirt or a blouse, give preference to a neat form with a long handle over the shoulder. For everyday bows, it is better to choose a more capacious option. In the summer season, a beach bag in a marine style, complemented by rope handles, a large zipper and other attributes, becomes especially popular.

Nautical style look

The most relevant time of the year for sea bows is the summer season. However, this does not mean that in the cold, a themed stylish wardrobe should be put aside on the second shelves. Designers offer warm clothes that will help you always stay in trend. So, for autumn combinations, a blazer or short coat would be an excellent solution. In the winter season, drape coats of a straight, male cut or oversized become relevant. But if you are creating an image in the warm season, pay attention to the following stylist ideas:

Salty spray of the sea, fresh breeze, white yacht and yellow sand - all this leaves no one indifferent. In summer, there is always a strong desire to relax by the water, especially after a busy year of work. And in the souls of many people, the water theme lives constantly, manifesting itself in fashionable images. Now the nautical style of clothing has become another fashion classic that has maintained a steady popularity over the years.

It is traditionally considered that the attributes of style came to us from sailors of the distant 19th century. Beautiful and spectacular form has always attracted the views of others. Small children were often dressed up in suits with a guis collar and a snow-white peakless cap with ribbons.

The history of the origin of fashionable style begins its countdown from the twenties of the last century. For the maritime theme, we must thank the indefatigable Coco Chanel. It was she who once again shocked the public by going to the beach of Monte Carlo in knitted men's trousers and a striped vest. The new fashion spread very quickly around the world. Women's suits in blue and white with stripes and white berets became popular everywhere.

Actual style trends

Despite the variety of styles, it is easy to track the nuances that characterize the marine theme from the total mass:

  • main style colors- blue, white, red; it is also allowed to use golden, black, gray, sand;
  • main print- a strip of different widths, which can be located not only along the horizontal axis, but also vertically and diagonally;

  • decoration- accessories with maritime symbols in the form of caps, metal buttons, anchors, ribbons, edgings and other elements;
  • tissue composition– natural materials based on cotton thread;

  • cut clothes- the main models retain the traditions of the uniform suit - loose shorts, flared trousers and skirts, straight jackets, pea coats, captain's caps and light caps.

All items of a stylish wardrobe should be comfortable and functional. Thematic look is complemented by T-shirts, blouses, windbreakers, jackets, which are noticeably different from the traditional components of the costume.

What to look for when creating marine images

The theme of the sea looks quite appropriate for a summer vacation, but still you should not get too carried away with specific elements. An excess of style attributes distorts the existing image and indicates the bad taste of its owner. When creating a marine look for women, stylists recommend following some rules:

  • the optimal combination of elements for a casual suit is a set of blue or white trousers with a striped T-shirt;
  • a white blouse made of thin cotton fabric harmonizes well with spacious elongated dark blue shorts;
  • using visual transformations of spatial forms, with the help of stripes you can achieve the desired effect:
    • horizontal - reduces growth and expands the figure;
    • vertical - slims and stretches the silhouette;
    • diagonal - successfully hides body problems.

  • jewelry - large jewelry in bright colors is quite suitable for everyday wear; for a stylish party, it is preferable to wear jewelry made from natural materials of shells, corals, pebbles;
  • so that the costume does not look too colorful, one or two striped items are enough.

Additional elements in the form of handbags, scarves, hats and shoes should certainly reflect typical style features. A moderate amount of decorative elements help to emphasize belonging to the sea: emblems, embroideries in the form of a sailboat, anchor, seagull, steering wheel.

Women's clothing in a marine style (photo)

The choice of thematic models is quite wide and varied. It easily adapts to any season. For example, in cold, wet weather, it is worth putting on a fitted tunic jacket made of thick knitwear and flared trousers. Wrap a stylish scarf around your neck, and put a woolen beret on your head. In this form, you will be warm and comfortable.

Summertime requires light and well-ventilated clothing of natural origin. Therefore, marine images are the best suited for hot days. It is worth filling your wardrobe with things with pronounced signs of a naval style. Choose plain t-shirts with bright themed applications, striped dresses, unusual hooded vests. A pleated skirt, a light windbreaker jacket, a cropped jacket fits well into a refreshing look.

Signs of style should be worn not only by summer clothes in a marine style, but also by elements of holiday paraphernalia. Swimwear, pareos, beach umbrellas, bags, sunglasses and shoes are all done in trendy colors with navy prints.

Nautical-style items are especially attractive for pregnant women. Clothing with stripes and cheerful themed prints looks original and attractive, so it will certainly cheer you up. For women in an interesting position, good emotions are very important. Therefore, clothing in the style of a sea holiday helps to maintain carelessness and positive.

For example, a loose blouse with dark white stripes, dressed with white trousers or shorts, will perfectly decorate a pregnant woman. Marine-style shoes seem to be specially designed for expectant mothers. For them, it is recommended to choose stable and practical models of moccasins, ballet shoes, sandals on a low platform or wedge.

Marine style in men's clothing

Resort notes in a suit are more intended for young representatives of the stronger sex. In the men's wardrobe, the stylistic spirit takes an insignificant part in the formation of classic images.

Variations with marine vests, tunic jackets, pea jackets and typical headwear for men are considered mainly as attributes of a carefree comfortable stay. It is also characterized by white trousers, blue blazers, light-colored T-shirts, gold buttons and captain's caps with anchors.

Shoes, as it should be for real sailors, are comfortable and practical. Therefore, moccasins, sneakers, loafers are considered a logical conclusion to the marine image.

Nautical themed party

The romance of water travel and the elegance of costumes are close to all people, therefore they inevitably attract fans of non-trivial productions of festive events. There are many reasons to organize a themed party. A birthday in a marine style, a corporate holiday, a children's party, a wedding and just a meeting of old friends - all this will undoubtedly delight guests and bring pleasure to the heroes of the occasion.

The external decoration of the premises is carried out with the help of marine paraphernalia, characteristic of naval life. Among them are anchors, helms, sails, ropes. If a party with the participation of pirates is conceived, then a treasure chest, pistols, curved sabers, the Jolly Roger emblem will definitely be required. The theme of the underwater world includes figurines or images of real and animated inhabitants of the kingdom of Neptune in the design elements. Especially bright and spectacular are such events in the open air near the seashore.

The costumes of participants in fun gatherings should correspond to the chosen theme. It is better if it is a dress code with a list of possible elements for all guests: a cap, a vest, a captain's tunic, a fisherman's costume, a pirate, mermaids, devils and Neptune.

If you are planning a party with a random choice of costume, then you should give preference to clothes in blue and white with additional splashes of red. A snow-white fitted blouse and a dark blue pleated skirt look very elegant. It will be beautiful if you tie a uniform sailor collar-guis around your neck.

Men look spectacular in flared or straight trousers in navy blue, black or white. They are paired with snow-white T-shirts, decorated with dark stripes and themed emblems.

Only at first glance, to select suitable costumes for a party, it is enough to set a theme. To avoid embarrassing situations, it is better to designate a dress code in advance or discuss with guests in what style it is better to choose clothes. We offer several options for costumes for a sea party.

Sea party: do-it-yourself costumes

It is not necessary to buy ready-made costumes for a theme party.

Definitely, such outfits will be excellent and fit perfectly into the idea of ​​the holiday.

But you can turn on your imagination and build a suitable outfit for a sea party from what you have at home.

So, we open a home workshop and look for ideas for a suitable costume for a nautical-style party.

What can be useful? We start the audit in the cabinets and on the shelves. And immediately we get all the right things and accessories. First of all, all clothes are white, blue.

Let it be skirts or trousers, dresses or vests, t-shirts or shirts.

We add to them all the outfits with marine prints.

There is a pattern or application in the form of stripes, lifebuoys, anchors, starfish and even palm trees - everything is useful to create a unique look.

Pay attention immediately to the type of fabric. We need exclusively natural material such as linen, wool, cotton.

And no synthetics, satin, and even more so organza.

We turn to the selection of accessories.

If you have a peakless cap or nautical-style jewelry, scarves or a cool belt in stock, you can emphasize the style of the outfit.

And add flair. After all, we are preparing for a costume party.

A fishing net or rope belts, binoculars or a trident will perfectly complement the look.

The main directions on how to dress for a sea party

The choice of suitable clothes for a sea holiday will depend not only on the direction of the theme, but also on the holiday itself.

Agree, the same outfit will not work for a sea wedding, a little mermaid's birthday and a youth pirate party.

Therefore, consider both the theme of the holiday and its focus.

Consider several options for costumes in a marine style.

Informal and simple style: classic nautical suits

The combination of jeans and a striped sailor suit is ideal.

You can add charm to this outfit by tearing the bottom, tying it in a knot or sticking cool appliqués. If you have striped tight-fitting dresses or T-shirts in your wardrobe, feel free to take them out.

Believe me, already such an outfit without additional frills will be enough for a youth party. Moreover, short striped dresses look quite sexy, men's vests look brutal. But keep in mind that there will be many such outfits at the holiday.

In order not to merge with the crowd and emphasize the individuality of the outfit, go carefully to the choice of related details.

Opt for something out of the ordinary, like a pom-pom beret for a man or a chiffon scarf headband for a woman.

If a specific theme of a sea party is indicated, choosing an outfit, on the one hand, is much easier, but, on the other hand, it obliges you to adhere to the indicated direction.

Here you can meet mermaids and sailors, corsairs and fishermen.

Costumes of goldfish and squid, sharks and octopuses predominate among marine life.

Remember that a themed costume should be comfortable so as not to think all evening about how it would be more convenient to sit down or make sure that the details do not fall off.

Be sure to wear something underneath under such an outfit or make sure that part of the costume is removable. In the midst of a party or before a photo session, participants in a costume party will definitely want to undress.

For such costumes, various cool accessories are ideal.

Not only beads, pearl threads and earrings are suitable, but also shells in hair, bracelets, pendants in the form of anchors, various belts in the form of chains, laces, capes such as mesh, sails.

You can find suitable jewelry or details for creating them at any needlework store.

In this case, the main thing is to designate a color scheme for the guests. Usually blue, white and red are chosen for a sea holiday.

Those invited to a sea wedding or a solid party in a sea style choose dresses, suits, both evening and casual, in the appropriate color scheme to their taste.

Or opt for the neo-sea style. A man can choose a jacket or jacket, cut like a sea jacket.

Or a T-shirt, jumper with any print in a marine style. Striped shirts look good too.

This top can be combined with classic trousers and even shorts.

For ladies, there are much more options for classic outfits. First of all, it is flared, both skirts and trousers, shorts.

Not bad if such clothes are on a wide yoke, which can be decorated with huge buttons.

And it is better to sew them in two rows to give realism.

Pair a blouse or short top with a skirt or trousers. A cotton jacket would work too.

And how original evening dresses look at such parties.

It could be a blue dress. A red ribbon as a belt and a cool cap will suit him.

If you chose a white dress, emphasize the marine look with blue stilettos and a matching belt.

The task of the organizers is to dilute the severity of the guests' outfits. And for this, you can pick up themed decorations and attributes in a marine style and put all this wealth in a chest.

Place a magic chest at the entrance so that anyone can choose a suitable decoration for themselves.

beach look

Feel free to wear swimsuits and shorts, pareos and beach shirts.

If you think that it will not be comfortable in this form, choose short skirts, breeches, T-shirts, sundresses. Be sure to wear hats and panama hats, sunglasses and comfortable shoes.

Don't be afraid to look ridiculous - wear fins or a swimming mask.

How to decorate the costume? Of course, flowers, garlands, wreaths, pearl threads.

Choose uniform marine attire. It will be a blue or black bottom - a skirt, shorts, and trousers will do. As well as a light top and some stripes.

Who will you be at the party? A captain, a cabin boy, a sailor, or maybe a cook or boatswain? Write off the image from the pictures of real sailors.

And even when the party is organized in honor of a naval holiday, choose a stylized outfit. There can be no taboos and strictness here. It can be both everyday uniforms and festive uniforms.

An indispensable guis will help you stand out. Of course, it is difficult to find such a stylized collar for sale.

But you can try to make it yourself. Be friends with threads and needles, start making a U-shaped pattern.

The width of such a blank will be equal to the width of the shoulders, and the depth of the collar will be equal to the distance from the neck to the shoulder blades on one side and to the chest on the other.

After sewing the blank from white fabric, sew blue ribbons around the edges in the form of stripes. This accessory will go with any outfit.

The second characteristic accent in the outfit can be flared trousers. And here sewing skills come to the rescue.

The shins on dark trousers are torn from the knee and triangular wedges are sewn into them.

Of course, you can go the simpler way, using the old-fashioned way. In this case, cloth trousers are moistened and pulled over wedges.

After complete drying, for which you can use an iron, the trousers take the desired shape.

But just keep in mind that in case of accidental contact with moisture on such trousers, they will undoubtedly take on their former form.

Nautical themed party: themed costumes

But if you want to impress everyone with your original costume, choose a themed outfit.

Definitely, to prepare clothes for the theme, you will have to turn on fantasy or make some effort to make it.

It will be much easier, but much more expensive to purchase a ready-made costume for a sea party.

For those who still decide to approach the choice of outfit creatively, we offer several non-standard options.

Captain costume for a sea party

Who are you, the captain of the ship? And why are you so asked to smile? Definitely, this is a serious, solid and a little brutal man.

And the costume for such a hero should be appropriate. The white festive costume of the captain looks original.

But in hot weather, you can stay on a white short-sleeve shirt, and dark-colored trousers.

Keep in mind that the captain also has casual clothes. Therefore, a black tunic is ideal for creating an image.

The main thing is to decorate clothes so that they fully match the style.

To do this, you need a golden braid, from which we will make aiguillettes on a shirt or tunic.

Be sure to replace the button with metal and wash the shoulder straps. To make epaulettes, cut out a template from cardboard and cover it with a dark fabric, make a border with braid. And be sure to need a uniform cap.

This costume is suitable for both adult and children's sea party.

Nautical Party Poseidon Costume

If the holiday is dedicated to the Sea Kingdom, the costume of the mythical ruler of the seas is ideal.

Neptune or Poseidon is a formidable and stern god of the sea, who was feared and respected by all seafarers.

And it's stupid to think that this is just a decrepit grandfather with a beard.

The image should correspond to the marine theme, but emphasize the power of the hero. And it is not necessary to put on some kind of hoodies and bulky capes, which often associates the created image with the appearance of the “summer Santa Claus”.

Create such a brutal strong handsome god. With a naked torso, with a crown on his head and a trident in his hands.

Let a well-chosen fabric in the form of sea water develop around the hips, and a fishnet cape covers the shoulders.

If you don’t feel comfortable with a naked torso, put on a nude T-shirt, but be sure to be tight-fitting.

Decorate the trident and crown with shells, sparkles, beads.

This type is suitable for men with a beautiful toned figure. But if you wish, you can also dress up a child in Poseidon.

Mermaid costume for sea party

Whether you're throwing a Mermaid-inspired nautical birthday party for your little princess or going to a glamorous youth party, prepare a Mermaid costume.

You will need fabric to sew the original skirt or tail. But before buying, think over the image to the smallest detail.

For the top of the Little Mermaid costume, you can choose an original topic, for a baby, a blouse with lantern sleeves.

A girl will look sexy in a bodice from a swimsuit or a self-made bodice trimmed with shells, starfish, pearls. But with the design of the bottom of the suit, a lot of questions usually arise. The standard costume assumes the presence of a mermaid tail.

But such an element of the image causes many inconveniences.

It is only good for a competition for the best costume or for a photo shoot. Walking, and even more so dancing in such a costume is very uncomfortable. Definitely, you can stop at shiny leggings and a decorative tail. This option is suitable for little girls.

A tight-fitting skirt with ruffles at the bottom or extension down will look more extravagant.

Here, the right fabric will play a big role in creating the image.

It must be flowing and shiny, like the scales on a mermaid's tail.

And of course the decorations. Suitable for sea princesses are crowns and tiaras, necklaces and bracelets.

More glitter, pearls, flowers and algae. But it is better to refuse shoes - the image does not provide for its presence.

Worried about being uncomfortable? Choose skin-colored shoes or soft ballerinas.

Video: DIY mermaid costume

Not only on vacation, but also in everyday life, the marine style of clothing looks elegant and prestigious. That is why women of different ages and nationalities choose marine. It does not have strict rules in the use of certain styles. You can go to the beach, party, walk around the city or come to the office.

Everything ingenious is simple - it's about the marine style of clothing. Just a few colors - blue and white. They are complemented by red and black. Designers prefer cotton, linen, silk are used, pearls are used.

For women, vests became available in everyday life at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to Coco Chanel. She walked along the beach of a French town in a striped sweater - a sailor suit and flared trousers.

The new style was presented in 1913 at a fashion show in the resort town of Deauville. Since then, the marine style has taken root in fashion shows and does not leave the pages of printed publications.

During the popularity of pin-up cards, girls were often shown wearing sailor uniforms or clothes similar to them.

The style has become widespread also because it is associated with expensive yachts and a rich life.

What to choose for women

In women's fashion, the marine style was originally in white and blue colors, the material was flannel. Today, designers do not limit themselves in the choice of fabrics and prints. Ropes, anchors, shells, stars complemented the traditional strip. The print is acceptable in different sizes - from wide to narrow.

The sea has always attracted people. It is associated with relaxation and adventure, carelessness. This allowed the marine style to confidently settle on the world catwalks and in the wardrobes of fashionistas.

A distinctive feature of the marine style is a horizontal strip. For a long time it was the classic that did not dare to change. Both vertical stripes and diagonal ones are now used.

Must-haves for women are sailor suits and vests. They can be in the usual design or design. Both a skirt and shorts will fit here. Throw a fitted jacket over the top. The image will be complemented by details - stripes, metal buttons.

Marine style will help both on vacation and at a business meeting. Pick up a stylized suit for an important event. For a walk, jeans or denim shorts are suitable. Red pants will help you stand out from the crowd.

Do not use many colors, accessories and details at the same time. Jewelry is usually made of gold, silver or natural materials.

Recognizable details: anchors, steering wheels, sailboats, lighthouses, ropes, seahorses, stars - all these elements are also present in accessories.

For women, many models of clothing have been created that will help keep warm. After all, the sea is not always friendly. There are cloudy, rainy days. In such weather, the “sailors” need to throw a blazer or short coat from a drape over their shoulders. A model resembling an admiral's uniform will look good.

Designers improve the marine style and do not stop there. Sailors and vests, pea coats, flared trousers, jeans, Bermuda shorts, elongated wide shorts, berets and caps. All this was complemented by vests, blazers, tops, skirts.

The advantage of such a wardrobe is a variety of images and silhouettes, from fitted to loose. It's easy to experiment.

Marine style is suitable for any celebration. You can choose a one-color dress. A hat and a scarf with a navy pattern will suit him. When choosing a strip, you need to take into account the features of the physique. A horizontal print will expand you, add kilograms and centimeters, and a vertical print will give you height, diagonal lines will give liveliness.

Shoes, bags

A special issue is women's shoes. Designers argue: sandals or elegant stilettos? You can find a variety of options.

Comfortable, casual shoes with a small heel are suitable for sea travel. Ballet shoes and sandals are suitable for walking in nature. In boats of blue and white colors, you can go out into the light, to a party. Combine striped shoes with plain clothes.

Don't forget your handbag when you leave the house. It can be very small or large. The choice is yours: clutch or bag-bag. The main thing is color. Blue, white, red remain the most sought after in this style.

The final detail will be a neckerchief with a marine pattern. Put on a bracelet with an anchor and sea shells on your hand.

youth fashion

The modern style of the "sailor" allows for variability in the choice of clothing and accessories. This will especially appeal to supporters of youth fashion. The color scale gives great opportunities for creativity and imagination. You can choose from five primary colors and include green, coral, gold. The latter will make the look more sophisticated. It is usually used in buttons, stripes, all kinds of decorative elements.

Sea things are suitable for active walks, they can be worn together with loose clothing that does not restrict movement. The main thing is to observe moderation in the choice of print and decor. Marine drawing should be easy to read. In everyday life, don't be afraid to use a few things in marine style.

For any season it is possible to choose a stylish marine look. On a chilly day, wear a denim jacket and flared trousers. Tie a scarf around your neck. To be sure not to freeze, put on a beret. In this way, the cold is not terrible.

In summer it is nice to dress in natural, natural fabrics. This makes it easier to get over the heat. One-color t-shirts, vests, striped dresses are popular. Pleated skirts can also be added here. On the beach, do not forget to take a pareo, a swimsuit, sunglasses and a bag. All this in trendy navy colors and navy prints. Even a manicure can be done in a marine style.

For men

Fashion is followed not only by the fair sex. Designers create marine collections for men as well. This is quite traditional and restrained clothing. It uses fewer colors.

A stylish look for men will be a blazer with canvas trousers. A blue cap with a cockade and canvas shoes will be a great addition. Marine style for men offers polo shirts in white and blue tones.

This style is more suitable for young people. It symbolizes a calm and comfortable rest. You can easily combine vests, jackets, jackets and matching caps and caps. The image will be complemented by light trousers with a T-shirt, dark blue or striped. Real sailors wear comfortable shoes - moccasins, sneakers.

Sea for children

The basic principles of nautical style for children are the same as those for adults. These are mini-copies of images of moms and dads. For boys, there are striped T-shirts, sweaters that look like vests. In the children's collection you can find sailor berets and caps. With just one piece in stripes and two colors, the look of a child will turn from carefree to more serious.

For girls, mothers can pick up multi-colored tights, red-blue-white. Young fashionistas can be dressed up in striped skirts and dresses. The color scheme is preserved. Greater freedom and playfulness is allowed in the use of prints. Such clothes look charming on both the smallest and older children. All ages are submissive to this direction.

Party surface and underwater

Theme party is popular and unusual. Marine style gives romance and freedom. There are many reasons for a party: corporate, birthday, wedding. In advance, you need to think over the costumes and decorate the room.

Use five primary colors:

  • White,
  • blue,
  • Red,
  • the black,
  • gold.

On the walls you can hang anchors and helms, sails and ropes. The party will get wild with the arrival of the pirates. To do this, you will definitely need a chest of gold and a Jolly Roger. A holiday underwater will require seahorses and stars.

Party guests should reflect the chosen theme in their costumes. You should immediately specify the mandatory elements of clothing. It can be peakless and sailor suits.

In the 30s, the legendary trendsetter defiled on the beach in Monte Carlo in knitted pants and a sailor suit, shocking those around her with an unusual women's wardrobe.

Coco Chanel, as always, hit the mark with fashion innovations, and the sailor style began to spread rapidly, first in Europe and then around the world. Even in the USSR, blue-and-white striped suits and white women's berets became popular. And this is during the NEP!

Color palette in a nautical style in clothes

Today, the marine style in clothing is not only blue and white colors.
The main colors of the marine style in clothes are blue, white and red. It is allowed to use gold or black in the decoration of clothing details in a marine style.

The only relevant elements for decorating nautical-style clothing are nautical emblems, which are also used to decorate the marine uniform.

Maritime symbols may be present on the sleeves, front and back of T-shirts, T-shirts, blouses, skirts, trousers. Nautical symbols are often used to decorate buttons and other elements of accessories for clothes in a marine style.

Designers offer nautical-inspired clothing with new modern interpretations. For example, a transverse stripe - the main element of clothing in a marine style today can be vertical, which will also indicate the marine style of this outfit.

Things in a marine style are very comfortable and practical and at the same time always look stylish.

What to combine things in a marine style

In any case, measure is good, this also applies to things in a marine style. It is important to correctly combine the elements of the wardrobe so that in an effort to become stylish and fashionable, do not "go too far". If you overdo it with stripes, you risk looking like a zebra.

SP magazine advises you to pay attention to the following examples of nautical style combinations and take note of them. To do this, just use the button "FAVORITES" and the article will be in your personal account, where you can always easily find it.

Shoes in the image of a marine style look best in fabric (if it's summer). As a rule, these are wedge sandals or light ballet flats of the corresponding colors.

Clothing in a marine style is great for country walks and trips. Photos in clothes in a marine style look bright and beautiful. For this, if you are going on vacation. Then be sure to take clothes in a marine style with you - it will definitely come in handy there.

Accessories have always been additional and final elements of any wardrobe. For clothes in a marine style, you can also choose beautiful accessories that will give the image even more femininity. It is also very important not to overdo it with accents.

Nautical-inspired clothing has held a high position among popular fashion looks for many years.

Clothing in a marine style is comfortable, practical and can be used in "every day" occasions. At the same time, clothes in a marine style do not look trivial and greatly emphasize the style of its owner. About other popular styles of clothing.