Happy birthday, Lenochka! Nice and cool congratulations for Elena. Funny birthday greetings to elena

Elena is an ancient Greek name derived from the word "helenos" - light, radiance. The popularity of this name has remained unchanged for many centuries in a row. This is especially noticeable in the literary genre, where Elena the Beautiful and the Wise are often found in great novels, poems, fairy tales. Interestingly, the original form of the name is Selene, the Greek name for the moon.

The owner of this name embodies femininity and beauty, sophistication and mystery, tenderness and pride. Optimistic, smart, cheerful. He does not impose his opinion on anyone and expects the same from others. Tries to never step on a rake, learning from the experience of others. She is immersed in her inner world, but although she lives as if apart from other people, she is very worried and cares about her loved ones. The British call Elena "Lady Sincerity" because she is very gullible. She is in love, tends to put on "rose-colored glasses" and idolize the object of her attention, which, however, does not last long. Disappointed in a person, he closes his heart for him forever.

For love, she marries a man with whom she feels confident. Prefers the traditional distribution of roles, is happy to take care of the house, while the husband provides for the family. An excellent mother, children are interesting and fun with her. She easily takes a great interest in a new hobby, she is pleased with beautiful things, created with her own hands.

She is romantic, appreciates beautiful gestures and signs of attention. She loves to arrange holidays, a gift is not so important for her as a demonstration that she is loved and cared for. Congratulations to Lena in verse will be a great surprise and provide good mood birthday girl.

Format: In verse

Poems for Lena in SMS

Elena, dear, happy birthday!
May your every day be awesome
May happiness swallow without fail
And the birds sing "Elena!" Every day.

Let your friends not disappear
Let no one offend anywhere,
Let the sun shine brighter only for you
After all, you, Elena, are the best, you know.

Elena, happy birthday,
Let your life go on in a calm pace
We wish you a lot of joy, luck,
And in your house there is only clear weather!

We wish you well-being
Always be gentle, affectionate, beautiful,
In love, only the best for you
And most importantly, be happy, Helen!

Stop, capricious moment
While I am full of courage to say:
Happy birthday, beautiful Elena,
Let me wish you luck.

Love and happiness, laughter and fun,
And the embodiment of a rainbow dream
Today you are a princess without a doubt
A stronghold of inimitable beauty.

Elena is a torch that burns in the night.
Your beauty attracts and blinds.
We wish the soul to sing with happiness,
And my heart is beating with love.

We wish you a sea of ​​happiness on your birthday,
Health, tenderness, warmth of the heart!
Let everything turn out the way you want
To enjoy life you could!

Hello, beautiful Elena!
You know how to conquer a man
And again it is not easy, undoubtedly
You started making history:

The Hellenes are marching again in a chased line,
Apollo helps them again,
And Troy is completely defeated again ...
And I am Paris, and I am defeated again! ..

Lena, the name day has come again,
What will this holiday bring?
We would only wish for the best -
May good luck always await you

A sea of ​​laughter, true happiness,
May success be in everything
I wish true love
So that there are no hindrances for happiness!

There is no more beautiful Elena in the world,
She is the Goddess of eternal beauty
She's the only one on the planet.
And there is no other like you.

Beautiful Elena congratulations
And we ask you to accept congratulations.
We only consider you a beauty
Alas, we do not know other beauties!

May there be happiness forever
On angel day today, Lena,
May good luck await you
And all good things will come!

I wish you happiness to find
And your life cannot be exchanged
And to live integrally and reasonably,
And only sincerely love!

The meaning of the name Elena: sunny, Sunray, sunlight.
The origin of the name Elena: Greek roots, from the ancient Greek Helena the Beautiful.
Folk forms of the name of Olena, Alena, Yalena, Ilena, Elenia, Gelena, Ilona, ​​Elina.
Relatives use the diminutive form of the name Yelenka, Lena, Lenusha, Lenusya, Lesya, Elena, Yelya, Ela, Lyusya.
Women with this name are economic, sincere and have deep feelings. The family has wonderful housewives and caring mothers.

Elena's birthday - congratulations

What a wonderful day today
It's my Lena's birthday!
And I'm not lazy at all
Say words of love and congratulations!

And for this day to pass
In smiles, joy and happiness
I will throw in the festive cauldron
Diseases, quarrels and bad weather.

So that they go around you,
And you've never been sad in your life
After all, you and I are on the way,
We have love - this is power!

Cool birthday greetings to Elena

Elena is a torch that burns in the night.
Your beauty attracts and blinds.
We wish the soul to sing with happiness,
And my heart is beating with love.
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness on your birthday,
Health, tenderness, warmth of the heart!
Let everything turn out the way you want
To enjoy life you could!

Happy birthday Elena!

Beautiful Elena,
Lovely Elena,
What a holiday today!
At least write an opera.
But not a single confession
Will not break free from captivity
Without your presence -
Without a holiday of the soul!

But not a single confession
Will not break free from captivity
Without a holiday blooming
Today's date.
Beautiful Elena,
Lovely Elena,
We sincerely congratulate you
And we beat our foreheads together !!!

Happy birthday poem to Elena

We will certainly congratulate
Happy this wonderful day
Our dear Elena -
The best ever.
We wish you a lot
We are for her on this holiday,
Let the road be full
There is only happiness in life!

Happy birthday wishes to Elena

May your bright soul
Doesn't know grief and suffering!
Although we don’t give a shisha,
Receive a heartfelt kiss!
Oh, you dear, light-Elenushka!
Everything will change, change
You will live in your house.
You are beautiful, with a white face,
And with barns full of jars
All with pickles and preserves!
Happy birthday
And on White light appearance,
Take care of yourself, be healthy
And beautiful and happy!
May your slim body be preserved
And the eyes sparkle, radiant.
And let him be patient
All your soul, golden!

Happy birthday to Elena

Happy Birthday Elena! -
It's good that I was born!
You are in our native universe
Ascended into the sky like a star
And from there you shine brightly
You give warmth to all your friends.
You dove everyone, you greet everyone -
We are lucky with you!
May you always feel comfortable
Will be blue in the heights!
No heat, no cold cold
Let your earthly path go!

Happy birthday girlfriend Elena

There are very few of them like you!
First, you are a great friend
We have been friends for a long time, everything happened ...
And the joy of meeting and in a relationship is a blizzard.

But, Lena, we are together anyway!
On your birthday, I wish you happiness
So that life is one beautiful song
And they avoided all the bad weather!

Cool congratulations Happy birthday to Elena

Dear Lena, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you health, happiness,
So that only best friends are around!

So that everything is OK in your personal life,
And the sun shone your smile every day
May there be more bright days in life
And there will be very few blacks!

Happy birthday Elena sms

Happy Birthday Elena,
Sunny, glorious soul.
We look at you with admiration
You are today, oh, how good!
Let moment after moment fly
The goal is clear, you know your route
Let Elena be nearby, like satellites,
Faith and love go with you!

Happy birthday Elena poems

Our joy, light Elena,
The pride and beauty of the universe.
May you be a little cold
Yes, the figure is okay.
Not a girl, but a queen,
Which marvels at
All honest people.
Well, and the matter with our Lena
The fun is coming!

Happy birthday to Elena

Happy congratulations change,
I came to congratulate my turn.
Happy angel day to you, Elena!
We have known each other for several years.

You are sunny, bright.
When you are near, the day is brighter.
Your cherished dream -
Peace and quiet among people.

You smile more often
Keep your heart warm.
Experience real love
So that it was light in my soul.

To you, Beautiful Elena,
I wish life to go without troubles,
And happiness, happiness without fail,
Not for a dozen years!

Happy birthday to woman Elena

Elena, pure soul
Always good at herself.
And it's birthday
I give you congratulations.
Let your dreams come true,
After all, you deserve it.
Love, health, more affection,
So that you live as if in a fairy tale.
So that all the doors are open
In your shining career.
I will say from everyone and from myself,
Happy angel day, beauty to you.

Birthday congratulations name Elena

May there be happiness forever
On angel day today, Lena,
May good luck await you
And all good things will come!
I wish you happiness to find
And your life cannot be exchanged
And to live integrally and reasonably,
And only sincerely love!

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Video congratulations:

Sweetheart, bright, very beautiful
Elena, today is your anniversary.
We wish to be very happy
Live surrounded by close friends.
You are on Odnoklassniki and on Facebook,
Vkontakte, on Mail: always active!
Communication with friends is life science,
Its postulates are your nature.
May they bring you the joy of meeting
In the circle of the most faithful reliable friends,
Friendship has united our alliance forever,
We celebrate your anniversary with all our hearts.

Our "bright" Elena,
Happy Birthday to You.
Home today is like an arena
I collected all the flowers.
Buzzing merrily like a beehive
It is from quivering speeches.
This is by fate "Mercury",
I gave you a lot of friends.
You are golden in the spring
Bloomed among friends.
With my pure beauty,
You make people around you happy.

Leads "Mercury" according to fate,
A beautiful planet.
Helen gives you to you
To be cheerful, happy.
I gathered guests for the anniversary,
By an unknown force.
You look among friends
Graceful, slender, cute.
Scattering of flowers everywhere
And gifts are on the table.
The guests said many words,
Their congratulations are frying.

You are Elena on your birthday,
Has become more beautiful than all colors.
Take for inspiration
Congratulations, many words.
For a young heart
It beat joyfully in my chest
The feeling is bright, big,
Spun in front.
May beloved friends
And reliable friends.
Do not bring blizzards into the soul,
New forces are given by the dawn.

Such an anniversary, Elena,
Once it happens according to fate.
He comes to replace
Joy and strength in you.
For you flowers, tulips,
They pull their color high.
To make you dreams and plans
It was always easy to build.
Let fun rule the heart
Sadness does not enter the soul.
The anniversary will add wisdom,
This holiday is the whole point.

Elena, "chalcedony" stone,
Birthday present.
Your talisman in life is he
Sentiment messenger.
The celebration goes on magnificently
Your holiday is in full swing.
Let fate bring happiness
So that I never knew
You are a loss with parting
Been young longer
I did not suffer from boredom.

I congratulate Elena on her Jubilee,
Over the years, she is only more beautiful
I don't know such beauties anymore,
Although I have seen a lot on earth.
I wish Elena the sea of ​​happiness,
So that she bathed in it, without fear,
She just dreams of peace,
So I wish her peace now.

Beautiful Elena,
Lovely Elena,
What a holiday today!
At least write an opera.
But not a single confession
Will not break free from captivity
Without your presence -
Without a holiday of the soul!
But not a single confession
Will not break free from captivity
Without a holiday blooming
Today's date.
Beautiful Elena,
Lovely Elena,
We sincerely congratulate you
And we hit our foreheads together!

Here's what I'll say, brothers:
I'm trembling all over with love
Your feelings for Lena dear
I can no longer hide!

Happy change, congratulations,
I came to congratulate my turn.
Happy birthday to you, Elena!
We have known each other for several years.
You are sunny, bright.
When you are near, the day is brighter.
Your cherished dream -
Peace and quiet among people.
You smile more often
Keep your heart warm.
Experience real love
So that it was light in my soul.
To you, Beautiful Elena,
I wish life to go without troubles,
And happiness, happiness without fail,
Not for a dozen years!

Elena, dear Elena!
You, like a princess, are good!
Lovely your eyes are radiance!
The smile of kindness is full!
Today your soul will be filled with joy and light -
On your birthday, a wave is flying to you from us!
We wish you to be happy!

Live and prosper in abundance!
The trouble is not to know! Always beloved!
And bloom every year!

Happy birthday, dear Elena,
I wish you happiness without end and edge,
I wish you wonderful moments and wonderful days
Live beautifully: dream, do not regret anything.

Let everything be as your heart wants
May life open the door for you to good luck,
May every sunrise be joyful
I wish you success and great victories.

Happy Birthday Elena! -
It's good that I was born!
You are in our native universe
Ascended into the sky like a star

And from there you shine brightly
You give warmth to all your friends.
You dove everyone, you greet everyone -
We are lucky with you!

May you always feel comfortable
Will be blue in the heights!
No heat, no cold cold

Congratulations, Lena,
Happy Birthday to You!
We wish you happiness
Living is easy and loving everyone!

Be beautiful like Elena
What came to us from a fairy tale,
And be smart and wise,
So that with the mind - and everyone - she took it.

Rejoice our eyes, good looking,
Please our ears, having fun.
Live easily and without blushing
Always striving only forward.

Happy Birthday Elena,
Sunny, glorious soul.
We look at you with admiration
You are today, oh, how good!
Let moment after moment fly
The goal is clear, you know your route
Let Elena be nearby, like satellites,
Faith and love go with you!

Beloved, our dear Elena,
We want to congratulate you on your celebration!
We wish you a change in your life
Only happiness was brought to your heart and home!
Let the earth expand its horizons,
When you touch her with your foot
And may there be flights in your life
Not only in a dream, but also in the sky!

"Lena, happy birthday", - I'll whisper to you
In the morning at dawn in a sleepy silence.
The city is still half asleep
And with me the sun sniffs next to me.

My daughter, my own child,
May fate fulfill daring dreams
May happiness and love go with you
And joy shines with many colors.

Congratulate Elena beautifully in verse

Elena - the chosen one means
The one that brings peace and light!
Good luck to you on your birthday
We wish for many years!

Smiles, joy and laughter
And true, true friends,
May the heart be filled with success
Life is better, more fun!

Elena, you are sunshine!
I wish you a birthday
Blooming and happy years,
Love without end and without edge.

Reliable and loyal friends,
Success and new aspirations,
Happy and sunny days,
Smiles, victories and achievements.

Sunbeam, our clear ray,
Lenka, we wish you a birthday
Joyful life, sky without clouds,
Well, and derive pleasure from life.

Decorate the world with a bright smile
Be a ringing bird, a proud queen
Inspire the world with your beauty,
And for a loved one, be a gentle priestess.

O beautiful Elena!
You take your heart captive instantly
You light everyone with fire -
"Torch" in your name!

That’s why I’m hot with you!
But it's not a pity to burn out.
Better live with you brightly
Than measured - on the other.

Celebrating the name day,
We want to be executable
All your dreams were
You are worthy of all miracles!

May your bright soul
Doesn't know grief and suffering!
Although we don’t give a shisha,
Receive a heartfelt kiss!

Oh, you dear, light-Elenushka!
Everything will change, change
You are beautiful, with a white face,

And with barns full of jars

And into the white light by the appearance,

Take care of yourself, be healthy
And beautiful and happy!
And the eyes sparkle, radiant.
And let him be patient
All your soul, golden!

I am not Pushkin and not even Yesenin,
But today is a spring day
One girl has a birthday
And I could not help but write a poem:
On your holiday, Lena, I wish you
Good health and great love,
May everything you dream about come true
I know for sure that everything will be fine with you! ...

Congratulations, Lena,
Happy Birthday to You!
We wish you happiness
Living is easy and loving everyone!

Be beautiful like Elena
What came to us from a fairy tale,
And be smart and wise,
So that with the mind - and everyone - she took it.

Rejoice our eyes, good looking,
Please our ears, having fun.
Live easily and without blushing
Always striving only forward.

Congratulate Elena with beautiful words

May your bright soul
Doesn't know grief and suffering!
Although we don’t give a shisha,
Receive a heartfelt kiss!
Oh, you dear, light-Elenushka!
Everything will change, change
You will live in your house.
You are beautiful, with a white face,
And with barns full of jars
All with pickles and preserves!
Happy birthday
And into the white light by the appearance,
Take care of yourself, be healthy
And beautiful and happy!
May your slim body be preserved
And the eyes sparkle, radiant.
And let him be patient
All your soul, golden!

Elena, happy birthday
I hasten to congratulate you warmly!
Always be sure
That there is a reliable shoulder.

May events please
In the family and at work,
Let life go round like a holiday
In love, kindness, care.

I wish you, Lena,
To reach such heights
So that the secret of eternal life
Comprehend with your soul!

Happy Birthday Elena! -
It's good that I was born!
You are in our native universe
Ascended into the sky like a star

And from there you shine brightly
You give warmth to all your friends.
You dove everyone, you greet everyone -
We are lucky with you!

May you always feel comfortable
Will be blue in the heights!
No heat, no cold cold
Let your earthly path go!

Today is a day, but not an ordinary one,
Not gray at all, not empty.
Your birthday, a personal holiday,
The whole world will celebrate with you!

I wish you only happiness
So that it would go on and on with gentle snow! ..
So that in a round dance of different colors,
Whirling, you carried goodness.

Keep a handful of luck in your hands,
Lose your mind with love!
Pleasure Meteorites
Catch gently in your arms!

I wish you strongly, boldly, passionately!
Laughing, dreaming and loving!
Your birthday - Holy holiday!
Lena, happy holiday to you!

You are the embodiment of beauty
Mind and tender femininity,
There is so much kindness in my eyes
When I catch your sight is boundless.

Elena, you wholeheartedly
I wish you a birthday
To have a wonderful life
So that everything works out. Congratulations!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
Our dear Lena,
We are in a hurry to wish you
Happiness and love without measure

Also more joy,
For a lifetime of health and
The sense of humor is subtler
To love this life

But don't take everything to heart
Too close. Just live.
And when you see the door
Immediately enter this door.

May this day sparkle and shine
Smiles and candles.
May everyone congratulate you today
Elena, the bright light of my eyes!

May all the gifts for you today
And a sea of ​​colorful, fabulous flowers.
Your birthday is a very bright holiday.
Take a few words from me too.

I want to say that I wish you
All that you only want.
May happiness without borders know the edge,
May wishes and dreams come true.

May loyalty and love be with you.
And may the years be healthy.
And may an earthly, sincere miracle
Will be with you forever.

Happy Birthday Elena! -
It's good that I was born!
You are in our native universe
Ascended into the sky like a star
And from there you shine brightly
You give warmth to all your friends.
You dove everyone, you greet everyone -
We are lucky with you!
May you always feel comfortable
Will be blue in the heights!
No heat, no cold cold
Let your earthly path go!

Happy Birthday Helen!
Let the charm of you
Never leaves!
Your shine, smile, charm
They will always stay with you!
May happiness, joy, eyes shine,
Success - will last for years!
And may for all your desires
Fate will say in response: "Yes"!

Happy birthday Elena,
Blessed by heaven
Believe in yourself and in your success,
Be always happier than everyone!
Reach the heights in everything
Be more beautiful every day.
And today - rest
And take a sip of champagne.

Happy birthday to Elena!
Our joy, light Elena,
The pride and beauty of the universe.
May you be a little cold
Yes, the figure is okay.
Not a girl, but a queen,
Which marvels at
All honest people.
Well, and the matter with our Lena
The fun is coming!

Lena, Helen, Elena,
Happy Birthday to You,
We know for sure, without a doubt
You were created for happiness

You won't find girls like that
You combine everything in yourself
Mind, character, even appearance,
We love everything about you

Charming, beautiful
Delovita, young,
Let everything in life be clear
And fate will arrange

Happy birthday Elena,
Happiness, joy to you
Drive away sorrow, problems,
We love you very much, everyone!

Happy Birthday Elena,
Sunny, glorious soul.
We look at you with admiration
You are today, oh, how good!
Let moment after moment fly
The goal is clear, you know your route
Let Elena be nearby, like satellites,
Faith and love go with you!

Happy Birthday Elena!
Congratulating on your anniversary,
Growing shift
Leaves behind him
The right to always love you
And be like you!

Happy birthday to you
We ask you not to be sad on this day
We wish you happiness, joy in life,
And especially happiness - in love!
If you love, then drink a little
For the one who lives by love.
For myself, for the high road
The one that leads with bright happiness.

I know one girl, slim, beautiful ...
Happy birthday, Alena, dear, beloved!
So that on this day all worries and sorrows go away,
Only joyful news ahead to be waited for!
Even if something goes wrong, I'm always with you,
I will disperse the clouds with my hands and warm them with a gentle look,
I am writing this SMS and looking forward to our meeting,
Get ready honey, I promise a hot evening today!

Beautiful Elena, happy birthday!

And any dreams come true!

Congratulations, Lena,
Happy Birthday to You!
We wish you happiness
Living is easy and loving everyone!
Be beautiful like Elena
What came to us from a fairy tale,
And be smart and wise,
So that with the mind - and everyone - she took it.
Rejoice our eyes, good looking,
Please our ears, having fun.
Live easily and without blushing
Always striving only forward.

Dear Lena, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you health, happiness,
So that only best friends are around!
So that everything is OK in your personal life,
And the sun shone your smile every day
May there be more bright days in life
And there will be very few blacks!

Happy birthday, lovely Elena!
Finally, your holiday has come!
I wanted to tell you for a long time
That your image inspired me.
You live like a bird in the sky
Do not strive for earthly honors,
You don't care about the crumbs of bread
Even though you need bread.
Everything works out so well for you,
As if fatigue and no.
Maybe it's just an appearance
Visible fuzzy silhouette?
I wish Elena's dreams
They got an earthy, understandable look.
So that no change
They could not break Elenushka.

Radiant Elena!
You are, well, extraordinary!
And worthy to be sung
In the poet's gentle lyrics!
You are a source of charm
You are a dream, a radiance of love!
There are no words, only admiration!
Our lovely, happy birthday!

Congratulations, Lenochka, happy birthday!
Accept, girl, on the holiday of congratulations.
Be the same smart girl, always beautiful, stylish!
May you succeed in everything, be mobile in life.
I send a lot of kind mental messages,
I wish you happiness, miracle, joy!

Elena, dear Elena!
Your birthday has come.
Today you are like a queen!
Heavenly beauty crystal.
Beloved, be and be beautiful!
Not only on this wonderful day.
So that there was endless happiness.
And followed you like a shadow.

Beautiful Elena, happy birthday!
I wish the sky above you was blue,
So that your eyes always laugh
So that happiness, love are next to you
And any dreams come true!

Dear Elena!
Happy Birthday!
Let there be life like strong wine
Over the years and richer and brighter!
And let it be filled to the brim
And happiness, health, and good luck!
Let any plans and aspirations start
The worthy is embodied,
Will open life to happy pages
Any dream will soon come true!

Beautiful, wise, from a fairy tale came to us.
You are woven from music, from light and warmth!
Elena, Lena, Lenochka! Crystal soul!
You are kind and sensitive! You are good in everything!
Let the rainbow of desire rise over the river!
You remain wise, but forever young!
I wish you happiness, health and good!
Let the bright, happy time come!

Lena, on your birthday
I wish you well with all my heart
May love come to you
How beautiful a glimpse of paradise!
Let your life go
Carefree and calm
Only brings joy -
You deserve a good thing!

How beautiful is this name!
How much warmth and radiant light!
How much hope, faith, love,
Give it to all your loved ones!
Bright Elena has a holiday today,
This bright day is her birthday!
Guests with gifts came together
Congratulate you, give you a ray of love!
To wish a lot of joy, happiness is bottomless,
The strongest and the greatest love,
Faithfulness to the most reliable and tender,
The sun is bright in the sky, as before,
Best friends are always by your side,
Close, loved ones and only with you!

Lena, I wish you a happy birthday and ...
I wish you health - so often it is not enough!
I wish you fun - it never gets in the way!
Good luck - she doesn't come often!
And I just wish you great personal happiness!

Congratulations to Elena on the Day of Happiness,
Happy birthday to our earthly world!
We wish bad weather in life
We passed by the wrong side.
So that Elena blooms and breathes,
Not caring about the hectic days
So that Elena always flourishes
Both at work and in personal matters.

So feminine and so smart
As beautiful as a goddess
Elena is the best she is!
This is the name.

Not very many years ago
You were born
I fixed my eyes on my world
And I fell in love with this world.

And the world answers you
Love, without a doubt
And you are grateful to fate.
Elena, happy birthday!

Today, on a solemn day, on a birthday,
We wish Lena health and blossoming.
More joy for you, less sadness
And the trouble is that they never knock on you.
For you, this day is a real joy,
We know and appreciate this always.
After all, Birthday is not a small prank.
For everyone and for us, it is always joy.

Lena, today I hasten to congratulate,
I wish you always to remain sweet
And not to lose your beauty -
All you need to do is smile!
May your tenderness enchant everyone -
You are the embodiment of miracles, beauty!
May every moment give you joy
Happiness, luck, love and luck!

Lovely Elena,
You came out of the sea foam
You captivate men with beauty
And you conquer them with your mind!

Happy birthday!
Light, joy, luck,
Sea of ​​sun and warmth
To make life a fairy tale!

Let the work go well
And worries do not torment!
May love accompany
And the beloved respects!

Elena - the chosen one means
The one that brings peace and light!
Good luck to you on your birthday
We wish for many years!
Smiles, joy and laughter
And true, true friends,
May the heart be filled with success
Life is better, more fun!

You were always beautiful
Here keep the flowers from me
Take a big gift
Not a cool brand car
And ordinary words
Elena, happy birthday to you
Do not grieve in bad weather,
You're funny by nature.

There is no girl more beautiful in the universe
Than the one that celebrates her birthday today!
She is charming, smart, beautiful and desirable,
What is the name of this beauty? Lena!
Lenusik, I wish you to be unique,
And enjoy life every day
To love, well, and, of course, to be loved,
And a lot of happiness - the best Lena on earth!

Beautiful Elena is a symbol of female beauty!
The war could have started easily because of you!
Today you are, like a cloud, fresh and good!
And looking at you, the soul soars with joy.
And you are always ready to help.
Happy Birthday, Helen! Happiness and love!

Alena, Lenochka, Elena -
You are not more beautiful in the world.
What is there in the world, in the universe
You are the most bright sun light.

You are near - bad weather is running away,
There is no trouble and grief with you,
After all, living with Elena is happiness,
Keep your wonderful secret!

You are the light of love, no, torch!
Cities burned to the ground!
And we love everyone Alyona -
When triumph, when trouble ...

And everything will pass, everything will change
But what is destined will come true.
And in life everything is only appreciated by everyone,
What was given to us by labor.

Lena, you love flowers and smiles,
Worthy of the best and affectionate words,
You are like the sun, there is no mistake
May only love live in your house
Let you get up lightly in the morning
Let you want to believe and sing
Let the sky smile at you again
And you never have to grow old!

Nits I will fall on both knees
And I will not hide my feelings.
Happy birthday, dear Lena!
How proud I am of you!
You will decorate any society
You can keep up the conversation
You will skillfully extinguish any dispute,
After all, you do not like gossip and quarrels.
Smile, Helen, more often
Keeping warmth of soul.
May your life be sweeter than honey
Full of passion and fire.
Experience real love
You always go to victory!
Be shining, bright, shiny
Leaving the sadness behind!

What a wonderful day today
It's my Lena's birthday!
And I'm not lazy at all

And for this day to pass

I will throw in the festive cauldron
Diseases, quarrels and bad weather.

So that they go around you,

After all, you and I are on the way,
We have love - this is power!

Elena, you are the most beautiful of all!
When I stare into your eyes
I dream of hearing your laugh.
I am grateful to heaven
For being next to me
I'm afraid of losing you!
Today, on your birthday,
I confess my love to you!

We are on this day and at this hour,
Elena, congratulations!
May all dreams come true.
Gifts and flowers for you,
All congratulations and fireworks,
And the birds are all singing for you.

For you smiles, sun light,
And warm hello to the wind.
May life give more miracles
And the stars are rolling down from the sky
Like pearls falling at your feet.

We wish you a birthday
So that good fairies come
They brought their gifts.
And gave you in front of everyone
Health, happiness and success.

Elena, dear, Elena,
Your romantic name
Will drive anyone crazy
Be sweet, funny and generous
You are my happiness, inspiration,
Your gait is so light!
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of my heart,
Be loved forever!

Beautiful Elena,
Lovely Elena,
What a holiday today!
At least write an opera.
But not a single confession
Will not break free from captivity
Without your presence -
Without a holiday of the soul!
But not a single confession
Will not break free from captivity
Without a holiday blooming
Today's date.
Beautiful Elena,
Lovely Elena,
We sincerely congratulate you
And we hit our foreheads together!

Lena, dear friend,
Today is your birthday!
I know we can't live without each other
If I'm not near - mentally with you,
May everything you dream about happen
May love rule in your life
May happiness happen to you
And will stay with you forever!

Lenka's pussy birthday
The cake is baked, skimmed.
They hug the pussy together
Happy Birthday congratulations
Desiring pussy
It's sweet to live, to chew on toffee
There is condensed milk with chocolate,
Always look right!
Be beautiful and fluffy
Sweet, affectionate, fragrant!

Lena, pleasant in all respects
We wish you not to know irritation and laziness,
And to be all the same - smiling, sweet,
With a soul filled with good strength.

Lena, happy holiday to you
Congratulations to all friends!
We wish you on your birthday
So that you are healthy
I found a guy with a dowry,
To make you live happily
And friends have not been forgotten!

Elena, you are on fire
And you burn with a noisy passion!
Your life runs like a stream
Defeating all bad weather!
On your birthday
I will boldly congratulate you!
Happiness is all in your hands
If only you wanted him!

Today we admire Elena,
As if we were entering the temple with her -
Her soul is akin to the Universe,
As the Sun, the heart shines for us!
Such are you, Lenochka, be forever -
Take captive with your mind and affection,
Be slimmer, better and, of course,
The happiest person in the world is Len!

Happy birthday to Elena
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck
Sincerely today we say:
You are beautiful, so albeit over the years
Your beauty blooms
And for all good deeds
May love always hide!

Dear, beloved, gentle, sweet!
You are the most - the most in my life.
My dear Elena, priceless!
More loyal friends to you!
Happy days, so that the sorrows run away
Eyes so that yours glow brightly.
Smiles, romance, eternal summer
I am your Romeo, you are my Juliet!

Happy birthday, beautiful Elena,
We wish you love and smiles
And the sky is clear, and the sunlight,
And protect yourself from big mistakes.

We will certainly congratulate
Happy this wonderful day
Our dear Elena -
The best ever.
We wish you a lot
We are for her on this holiday,
Let the road be full
There is only happiness in life!

The most beautiful girl in the world
Happy holiday - coming of age!
And I wish, Lenochka, only joy in life,
Health, happiness, kindness and less nasty things!

All of you are like the May wind!
Your face is gentle and light!
You, Elena, unearthly,
Perfect like that!

There is a speck in your eyes
Your mill is as fragile as a reed!
Like sparks of a light
Your cheeks are on fire!

Your scent, like a rose,
And dreams are pleasant with you!
There is not an ounce of doubt
You are the best, Happy Birthday!

There are very few of them like you!
First, you are a great friend
We have been friends for a long time, everything happened ...
And the joy of meeting and in the relationship of the blizzard.
But, Lena, we are together anyway!
On your birthday, I wish you happiness
So that life is one beautiful song
And they avoided all the bad weather!

You are the embodiment of beauty
Mind and tender femininity,
There is so much kindness in my eyes
When I catch your sight is boundless.
Elena, you wholeheartedly
I wish you a birthday
To have a wonderful life
So that everything works out. Congratulations!

WITH the most tender name Elena
Any line is inspirational
Any word for her
Sincerely gives birth to a feather.
Always beautiful, cheerful,
Hospitable and sweet
Easy to communicate, kind -
All this is one girl.
What more could you wish for Elena?
More joyful moments
Mutual love and warmth,
Good luck every day in business!

There is no more beautiful Elena in the world,
She is the Goddess of eternal beauty
She's the only one on the planet.
And there is no other like you.
Beautiful Elena congratulations
And we ask you to accept congratulations.
We only consider you a beauty
Alas, we do not know other beauties!

Girlfriend, happy birthday!
I wish you a lot of happiness and love,
And let the happy moments in life
You, Elena, are expected ahead!

Smile, our Lena,
Flowers will open in my soul.
Let every change
Promises more kindness.
Birthday faster
Make all your wishes.
Be bolder in this
Don't forget anything!

You are beautiful, no doubt,
Elena's light is on.
Cake, champagne, wine,
The birthday has come.
What can you wish for
Not one to meet the dawn.
Be playful and beautiful
And charming and sweet.

May your bright soul
Doesn't know grief and suffering!
Although we don’t give a shisha,
Receive a heartfelt kiss!
Oh, you darling, light - Elenushka!
Everything will change, change
You will live in your house.
You are beautiful, with a white face,
And with barns full of jars
All with pickles and preserves!
Happy birthday
And into the white light by the appearance,
Take care of yourself, be healthy
And beautiful and happy!
May your slim body be preserved
And the eyes sparkle, radiant.
And let him be patient
All your soul, golden!

Lena, you are a faithful friend,
You are a wonderful wife and mother,
Couldn't have been with you without each other
We will find happiness in the world!
I wish you, beloved,
To never be sad!
I congratulate you today.
Be happy, dear, always!

Open your eyes this morning
And immediately you will see your favorite bouquet
From the sun and light, love and warmth,
From our tears and major victories.
Elena, dear, let this day
Remind me once again how important you are to me
That in a world of dull and dull hearts
You were able to light a flame in my heart.
I wish you, dear, from the bottom of my heart,
So that sadness does not settle in your life,
So that the stars and roses bloom in it forever,
So that you are always young in your soul.

I wish my Lenochka
Happiness has always smiled!
So that the clouds pass and the sun laughs!
So that only luck is always and in everything!
So that your house is bright and joyful!

What a wonderful day today
It's my Lena's birthday!
And I'm not lazy at all
Say words of love and congratulations!
And for this day to pass
In smiles, joy and happiness
I will throw in the festive cauldron
Diseases, quarrels and bad weather.
So that they go around you,
And you've never been sad in your life
After all, you and I are on the way,
We have love - this is power!