Scene for the anniversary of the kindergarten “Everyday affairs. The script for the birthday of the head of the kindergarten The script for the anniversary of the head of the kindergarten is cool

Kindergarten, like a home,
Don't rush home
The manager has a job
Available on weekdays and Saturdays.

But today is a day of fun -
Your birthday today!
Congratulations from us
Accept this good hour.

We wish you personal success,
At work, too, so great.
Enthusiasm, positive
So that you always have enough strength!

Happy birthday, our dear head, and not just a kindergarten, but all this amazing world of children's joys and undertakings. We wish you to always be a man of kindness and a smile, a woman of charm and tenderness. May you always have a cheerful children's holiday in your soul, and peace and happiness in your heart.

We need to congratulate
Lady of the main kindergarten!
Happy Birthday! Happiness to you
Smile in the morning

Relax in the evenings
Stay forever with us
You are the upper class,
We respect you, we love you!

We wish you a happy birthday
All the best, love, warmth in the soul,
Let the mood go up
To make life more beautiful!

Let work give you joy
And even though the whole kindergarten is on you,
May all problems and worries
Easy to solve, no barriers!

You are the mistress of a huge house,
Where children's laughter sounds cheerful.
Happy birthday to you dear
We wish you many different happiness:

Happiness is to be necessary
Happiness - to be irresistible,
Happiness - to be irreplaceable,
Happiness - to be loved by children!

The captain steers the ship skillfully.
You are a captain for the garden, a master of words and deeds.
You always have a hard job arguing,
But for everyone you will find affection and care.

Birthday is your holiday, so take a break.
And today, do not drive anything else.
This day will be joyful and bright for you,
There will be warm words, nice gifts.

Keep it up, our captain! - we wish you.
Happy birthday, we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We want to sail further only under your flag,
Your team will take an oath of allegiance.

Manage a kindergarten
Difficult task,
I want to wish you
Happiness and luck.

Only goodness at work
More positive,
To always be cheerful
And life was beautiful!

You are in charge of the garden
Your very hard work:
Responsible for our children
Watching them grow.

On your beautiful birthday
We want to wish you
Strength, energy, health
And less tired!

To have enough time
You and the head of the garden should be
And stay beautiful
And keep your family!

Glorious, sweet, kind,
The head of the wonderful kindergarten,
We congratulate you on your birthday
We wish you joy, fun, songs!

Let all the dreams come true,
All tasks are solved
After all, the children truly love you,
This kindergarten will not be forgotten!

We wish you good dawns,
And warm, clear days.
In the work of your new plans,
Great and creative ideas!

Are you a garden manager?
Lord, you, kindergarten,
Best of all, we know it
Happy birthday congratulations!

You are with heart and soul
Do your duty.
You have more laughter, happiness,
And less hassle!

Let there be enough energy
Many, many more years
May it always warm in the soul
Grace, love and light!

Ah, anniversary, anniversary - script for the head of the kindergarten

The hall is decorated with fresh flowers. In the center is an armchair for the hero of the day. A red carpet leads to the chair. Next to the chair is a vase of flowers, on the other side is a coffee table, in order to put flowers and gifts on it. All employees in the room.

The waltz from the movie "My gentle and gentle beast" sounds. To this music, a hero of the day is brought into the hall along the path, you can dance a waltz with the hero of the day, then bring him to an armchair and invite him to sit down.

You can’t get away from the anniversary in life -
They will overtake everyone like a bird.
But the main thing is to carry through life
The warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.
We are gathered in this hall
Tatyana Vasilievna, about your anniversary.
Today he got you.

1. The road to the anniversary is not easy,
Sometimes it gets harder
Sometimes it's easier, but in general -
This is the path of discoveries and victories.

2. And it happened. Here he burst into light
Bestowed with flowers and greetings,
And all questions were answered.
And on the way forward he brought a covenant.

3. Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
So that the fire does not go out in the eyes of the hot,
And the best dreams come true.

4. We wish everyone great happiness,
Many, many bright days.
We wish you to smile often
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
And, in general, to live and not grow old.

5. May the sun always shine on you,
And a century will last up to a hundred years,
Let your doors never
Trouble and grief do not knock.
Happy anniversary to you!

Leader's word. The order to award the hero of the day with a prize is read out. A certificate of honor is presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Tatyana Vasilievna, our pupils came to our hall for your anniversary. Let's welcome them.

Music sounds, children enter, in their hands they have gifts made by themselves. Children approach the hero of the day.

1st child.
For the fact that our house is a kindergarten
Year by year it was more beautiful
2nd child.
We want to say "thank you"
Tatyana copyright-by-holiday our Vasilievna!
3rd child.
Thank you for giving paint to educators,
And they paint everything in the garden.
4th child.
Thanks for turning the lights on
When Uncle Lesha - the electrician does not go.
5th child.
Thank you again for turning off the water,
When the pipe starts to flow.
Thanks for what you do
This will not be counted until the evening.

All employees and children sing the song of the crocodile Gena "Let them run clumsily ...". Children give gifts. The hero of the day treats them with sweets and thanks them.

Man, like a star, is born
In the midst of an obscure, disturbing milkiness.
Begins in infinity
And ends in infinity.
Generations are being created
Age after age the earth is imperishable.
A man, like a star, is born,
To make the universe brighter.
(D. Golubev).
And it became brighter in the Universe, because on September 12, 19__, a girl Tanya was born to her father (name, patronymic) and mother (name, patronymic) in the village (city). (Showing a photo of the newborn.)
And what was the secret of the name of this girl? "Tatiana" in Greek - "organizer", "founder". And Tatyana began to grow by leaps and bounds. Hours turned into days, days into years. Tanya has already passed 7 years. What happened at the age of seven, Tatyana Vasilievna?
I entered the first grade of school no.
How did you study?
(The hero of the day answers.)

What happened to you when you were 9 years old?

If the hero of the day does not know what to say, then the soundtrack of the song is turned on with the words:
Here on the chest a scarlet tie blossomed.
Youth rages like spring years.

And soon we will join the Komsomol. What can you tell us about your Komsomol past, Tatyana Vasilievna?

The story of the hero of the day, the presenter shows a photo. The host asks questions to the hero of the day until she tells her biography before she starts work.

And ___ of the month ___ of the ___ of the year Tatyana Vasilievna entered the kindergarten "Rodnichok" to work. She began her career as a nanny-nurse. For young employees, we explain: this is how the position “junior educator” used to be called.

Employees come out and sing a song: "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka ...", to the motive of the song performed by L. Gurchenko in the movie "Carnival Night". To lose - dance movements - arms straight, hands to the sides, put the left foot on the toe in turn, put the right one. The same on the other side.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Her case was like this:
She was a great babysitter
And a simple girl.
Worked as an accountant
And now now
In a wonderful kindergarten
The caretaker is now with us.
Tra-la-la, la.
Oh, how we hasten to congratulate
Worker soon.
Our dear Tanechka has an anniversary today.
Tanya's birthday
And a holiday for the soul.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Allow me to congratulate.

Funny yellow leaves
Circling in the yard.
The dawn burns with gold
In September time.
And the song of autumn flows
Through the apple aroma.
And beckons, beckons with tenderness
Fragrant grapes.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
We wish you on your holiday
Also be kind, affectionate,
Beautiful, young.
We also wish, Tanechka,
Happy long years.
From all kindergarten colleagues
Our warm regards.
Lyrics by A. Chistyakova.

Beautiful, sincere, desirable,
With a hot spark in his eyes.
Tatyana can arrange everything -
And the house, and the scope of the holiday.
Tatyana Vasilievna! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the banks of the distant Nile.

Sounds like a melody from Egypt. 2 concubines enter and behind them - the pharaoh. Clothing - from sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. The concubines have brooms instead of fans. They pave the way for the pharaoh, then they will fan the pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

The waters of the Nile quickly carried my boat to the banks of the Pacific Don, having heard about this event.
(Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his scroll of paper and begins to read.)
Oh, tireless Tatiana! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your forehead, in your words and deeds, O priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that our words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who appeared in the world, gave birth to your children and raised them to be worthy and respected people. You open the eyes of your children to the world and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (mechanics, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. In your working men's harem, you have a strict, only business order, O unseducable of those who are not seduced. Let the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and let your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to the left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. O cordial and human in dispensing detergents, sweepers, rowers, dusters, and floor-sweepers! May your footprint forever turn green, and your voice delight our sinful souls with a cry: “Get washing and dishes for the meal!” Let your granddaughter and future grandchildren please you! May you live forever, like the trees in your green farm! And let your subjects make sculptural compositions from the dried ones and dedicate them to you. May you live forever! Accept this medal in honor of the celebration.

Instructions for the medal:
1. The best place in the apartment is assigned to the medal and a special carpet is purchased where the medal is hung so that all neighbors can view the medal.
2. It is forbidden for a person awarded with this medal: to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry; It is strictly forbidden to age, use the medal for copyright-by-holiday making teeth.
3. The awarded medal mows, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on days of receiving salaries and winning the lottery.
Egypt. Left Bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

The pharaoh puts a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day, then retires to the music. His concubines sweep the path before him.

May your dreams come true
And all misfortunes will perish!
We wish you a lot of kindness
We wish you a lot of happiness!
And we give you flowers from all
And warm welcome.

The hero of the day is given a gift and flowers. The song sounds to the motive "I'm standing at a half-station."

Friends and relatives sit
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way behind.
Greetings words are heard
Where are you cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned. (2 times)
As a token of our attention
Accept wishes.
To the joy of all live for many years.
Let the years be like a blizzard.
All gray hairs
And youth warm the light! (2 times)
You indispensable happiness,
Unchanging success,
We wish you lots of luck.
Good health to you
Hope and personal happiness,
Let youth not leave you! (2 times)
Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And may there never be grief.
Love if you love
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful! (2 times)
Everyone (chanting):
Happy anniversary to you!

At the end, you can bring the hero of the day into a circle and sing him a song to the motive "Let them run awkwardly ...".

We didn't come in vain
It's clear to everyone
And sit down at this table.
Congratulate the hero of the day
And leave a memory
This song that we will sing.
Let the years not age you
Be visible in life.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

Anniversary, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us stronger wine.
It's not often that we're here
Let's get together
For your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful.
We cannot count all your virtues.
Let your life flow
And without sorrows and without troubles!
Let health be strong
For fifty years!

Happy Anniversary Kindergarten!

(Fanfares sound, enter the hall from two sides
kids with heart balloons
and leaders. Everyone stands in the center of the room.)
Good afternoon, dear guests!
Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
We welcome everyone
Anniversary Kindergarten!
Today in our house
And the doors here are open for
Well, for us there is no better
Than to see the faces of all
Today is a holiday at the kindergarten,
We are very glad to congratulate you!
Our glorious children
Rogues and rascals.
Let the smiles of children
Anniversary shines!
After all, for them kindergarten and
They - goodness, fun, growth.
Each of the kids is happy
Congratulate your favorite garden.
Children read poetry
Birthday is a holiday
He came to us today
We wholeheartedly give
You have a million smiles!
We are very happy to congratulate
All Kindergarten workers:
Everyone who is with us here
He gives his heart to children!
We share joy and fun
And our heart is childish
today we give you!
(Children release heart balloons up
under the soundtrack)
We have this holiday for a long time
You have entered the country of babies.
when you were little
And you lived in the same country.
Now you've grown big
Yes, they are all beautiful
Visit us for a holiday
And they brought congratulations.
We also tried very hard
Learned songs and poems
Dressed up beautifully in the morning
And now we are on stage.
All boys and girls
Lined up in a row,
Congratulations on the round date
Our favorite kindergarten.
met many times
Celebration in this room
But like this one
We didn't know yet
The best holiday
Sending all congratulations
All: Because notes
Kindergarten's birthday!
The song "Happy Birthday Kindergarten"
1. Adults have a birthday.
There are, of course, the guys.
And today is my birthday
Notes kindergarten.
kindergarten, kindergarten,
Why do they say so?
Because day by day.
Like flowers, we grow here.
2. Happy birthday congratulations
Our favorite kindergarten.
Let the songs not stop here
Many, many years in a row.
(After the execution
songs, children go to the chairs to the music and sit down).
remember a lot
events, bright days
history is a road
many have passed through it!
All in
the first time ever was
it seems like just yesterday
To the kids
small opened
wonderful country.
The country
fun and discovery
Heat and
caress without borders
Adventure World
and events
hands and kind faces.
(Intro sounds
songs "Little Country"
Leaders become
edge away from children. Teachers enter the stage from two sides, stand next to
presenters and perform the song "Little Country", a presentation is on the screen with
photo and video material).
Little country
on earth one village away from the hustle and bustle,
30 years ago, a kindergarten opened its doors to her.
for girls and boys a small country
to yourself them every day, gives comfort, peace.
country, small country
who will tell us
where is she
country, small country
where there is always a place for everyone
where it's always spring.
we didn’t dream about the country, it’s all in reality
Childhood settled in that country, and I'm in a hurry to go there
everything sparkles and sparkles, there is no evil and grief.
to work inspires and gives children light.
country, small country
who will tell us
where is she
country, small country
can't find it on the map
she, here she is.
After the performance of the song (under the quiet
soundtrack of the song "Little Country")
teachers go to their places
The road to the anniversary is not easy,
Sometimes it gets harder
Sometimes it's easier, but in general

This is the path of discoveries and victories.
And it happened. Here he burst
He gave flowers and greetings.
30 us today! Is it a lot
Or not enough for kindergarten years?
1 Vedas:
Conducting a concert today is a joy
And there are no empty seats in the hall
Let there be a holiday of our meeting
Warm friendship warm!
Vedas: Today in this room
gathered, our good friends, who were united by our kindergarten. It's already 30
years, little children grow and develop in our kindergarten.
And those who reach the pinnacle of mastery,
carefully passed into friendly hands
teachers. And almost 2,000 children have grown up in our kindergarten in 30 years.
Just think about this
Vedas: In our kindergarten
truly creative people work - our educators. Also in our nursery
the garden is staffed by specialists who help our children to be versatile
developed people, instill a taste and love for music, artistic creativity, develop
strength and health, learn to pronounce words correctly.
Vedas We have kind and
caring junior educators, cooks who cook deliciously. Next to us
There is a nurse who takes care of children's health. room cleaner,
The laundress and janitor keep the preschool clean.
Vedas: We have
wonderful caretaker and housekeeper who supply us with everything we need. Watchman
who guard our bright house, as well as a competent accountant.
Vedas: And most importantly, we have
there is a young and energetic manager who recently came to this
position. But with its optimism and inexhaustible energy, it inspires
creativity to find new ideas.
And the first word we
provide Zhukova M.A.
Speech by the head
Dear friends, respected
guests, colleagues and employees. Today is our solemn day. Today our
Kindergarten is 30 years old. What is a kindergarten?
Our kindergarten is cute, kind, smart
children. Everything that we decide in our kindergarten, we do for them, for the sake of
for them to grow and develop.
D / garden - this is the parents. They are the main helpers
our work and we are very grateful to them for it.
D / garden - it's employees. The hardest working
people who are creative and able to do everything, who have a heart for children.
Kindergarten is a family. And as in any friendly
family, we have our own traditions.
The garden is unique
a system that provides care, supervision, nutrition, education and health improvement.
No system performs so many functions at the same time.
D / garden is a living organism that breathes,
feels happy and sad.
Starts from kindergarten
the path of children to our large and complex world. It's good to be here
there are always people who will understand and support a little person
on this difficult road. On this anniversary date, I wish our children
garden to develop and become better and better.
Kids in kindergarten
All such fools.
They play and sing.
In general, they live happily.
(Children come out to the music and perform
Dance "Naughty"
(After the dance, the children sit on
their places)
Vedas: There are good words:
"Happiness is when you are understood." They fully relate to the people from whom our kindergarten receives support and
understanding…. This is the Head of Administration of the Milyutinsky District Alexey Korolev
Nikolaevich, head of department
education of the administration of the Milyutinsky district Anishchenko Elena Ivanovna, head
administration of the Milyutinsky rural settlement Aleshkina Larisa Vladimirovna.
Vedas: Today we express
Thanks to all of them for their help and understanding. And give the floor
Alexei Nikolaevich Korolev.
Head of the Administration of the Milyutinsky District A.N. Korolev
Speech by the head of the department
Milyutinsky district Anishchenko Elena Ivanovna
Speech by the head of administration Milyutinsky
settlements of Aleshkina Larisa Vladimirovna
1 Vedas:
Take it as a sign
gratitude and in memory of our meeting these New Year's souvenirs.
(Children give souvenirs to guests)
(if there is snow)
Vedas: Now
winter is on the street
covered with snow
again like 30 years ago
white snowfall.
Vedas: Snowflake
we invited to visit
What would
danced in our hall.
(if there is no snow)
Vedas: Now
winter is on the street,
And the snow
let the snowflakes into this room
They're more likely to fly.
Vedas: They will circle
in dance, fly
hall like fluff
Will raise
everyone's mood
(Get up from the chairs
and the kids come out to dance
Dance of the Snowflakes
(After the dance, the children
return to their positions)
(After the children sat down on
chairs come out leading. At that time
behind the screen there is a knock and rustle)
1 Vedas: I hear a knock and a rustle,
Someone to us
come, friends.
2 Vedas: Who are you our guest - show yourself,
Before us
Brownie Kuzya appears on the screen to cheerful music
(toy bi-ba-bo)
Brownie Kuzya:
sent out
And they didn't invite me.
1 Vedas: Hello, dear
the guest! Introduce youreself!
Brownie Kuzya (laughs):
Oh, I'm dying of laughter now!
That's fun, that's fun!
Am I a guest?
2 Vedas:
Please forgive me
Sorry to all those present
But hurry up to tell us
So that we can quickly understand everything ...
Brownie Kuzya (assertive):
Yes, I am Kuzya
Brownie Kuzya I!
In kindergarten from the cradle,
And you are all my family!
Kuzya performs ditties.)
Brownie Kuzya:
I live in kindergarten
From the very opening.
It didn't go here without me
Not a single event.
How do you live, how do you sing,
What's for breakfast and lunch
I know everything, I hear everything.
After all, I've lived here for 30 years.
I know all your secrets
I can tell a lot.
I can even give advice
How do you better do it.
I celebrate holidays with you
I have fun with all my heart.
Congratulations to everyone today
Adults and kids.
1 Vedas: Dear, Brownie Kuzya, we
We are very happy to know that you live in our
kindergarten from the very opening, and today he even dared to show up at our anniversary.
Brownie Kuzya:
Yes, yes, we
Brownies are not supposed to appear in public. But today is such a holiday that
Even I couldn't resist!
2 Vedas: Well done, Kuzya! And please tell me
if you have been living in a kindergarten for so many years, maybe you can tell how it all began.
Brownie Kuzya:
Yes I do not
I'll just tell
I am better for you
I'll show you.
More convenient
sit down
look carefully.
Film - presentation
"Happy anniversary, baby
accompanied by relevant
Photo and video
Once upon a time
30 years ago
our favorite garden.
winter, frost crackled,
swarm circled,
And in
kindergarten people
Since morning
really had fun!
Shulyakova L.M. was the head of our kindergarten ... It was she who cherished and cherished him
for 16 years.
Since then
December day
key life:
Of the year
changed here years
day after day.
On the
shift Shulyakova L.M. in 2002, a new head of the kindergarten Barannikova G.I. came, who
kept all the best traditions of the kindergarten. And put a lot of effort into it
further prosperity. On her shoulders
a few years later, a major overhaul of the kindergarten took place.
a little
been refurbished for over a year.
And so
the hour has come
renovated kindergarten
gathered us all.
And again
filled with children's laughter
our garden.
And again
flew day after day
worries and deeds.
In the end
2015, M.A. Zhukova became the head of our kindergarten ... With new ideas and inexhaustible
She began her career with energy in kindergarten.
time without slowing down
hurry forward.
weekdays change holidays.
After them
we barely make it.
how many nice kids
For these
30 years
to our own kindergarten,
Try it
- answer.
Never mind,
how many were there
and funny
with puppets in hand
And it's important
that - that every year
During the heat
and snowfall
here with moms
And so
he is a glorious jubilee,
we celebrate again.
marvelous full room
collect kindergarten.
age - 30 years
say friends,
But you
object a little
Today I.
does it mean 30?
Three yes
zero, and together it will be 3,
And this
means that he
yet, grow.
Let be
getting better and growing
He is a lot
Let be
never stops
sonorous children's laughter!
(after showing the presentation, the presenters
thank Domovenka Kuzya)
Brownie Kuzya:
I am glad that
you liked my little presentation. And now it's time for me to leave, otherwise Nafanya
I'm probably already looking for.
I say goodbye to everyone
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I congratulate everyone on the holiday,
I wish you all the best!
Well, I promise
Protect the kindergarten.
And this day is wonderful
Never forget!
Kuzya says goodbye and leaves).
In the room
there are a lot of our guests
you give warm
radiant radiance of all eyes
that the garden is true.
2 Vedas: The team of working employees of the children's
garden diligently preserves and continues the good traditions of its predecessors -
veterans who are now on a well-deserved rest.
year for
the year passes in worries,
see you in business
But today
you are not at work
And on
holiday came to this room.
With you
are considered, you are respected
They call you veterans.
On the
kindergarten veterans Baginskaya A.E., Patenko T.V. are invited to the stage,
Prasolova N.S., Bondareva O.A., Shulyakova L.M.
(Enter the stage
2 Vedas:
you brought up
many children
After all 30
Our kindergarten has been running for years.
Today is also an anniversary.
Today is also a great day!
1 Vedas: As a token of gratitude for many years
conscientious work, professionalism and dedication please accept our sincere
(Veterans are awarded flowers and congratulatory
2 Vedas: The floor is given to Alla Efimovna
One of
veteran guests (Baginskaya A.E.) congratulates the kindergarten on the holiday.
After the speech
veterans are returning.
Who's everyone
I gave my heart to children
dedicated his life to them
forever young at heart
always beautiful.
That's why
what is next to childhood
grow old
That's why
that in the distance without end
we always look.
1 Vedas:
What would you lift
What would
cheer you up
the children wanted
give a dance.
(Get up from the chairs
and the kids come out to dance
Dance "The Stream Flows"
(After the dance, the children
return to their positions)
1 Vedas: Our kindergarten has many friends and helpers who
hard times are ready to help. These are our sponsors: Chairman
Milyutinsky RAIPO Deinekina Olga Fedorovna, individual entrepreneurs Dudareva Natalya Sergeevna and Mizyukaeva Natalya
Nikolaevna. Please come on stage.
(Come out
Vedas: Thank you
for the sponsorship of our kindergarten.
memorable souvenirs are handed out)
Sponsor presentation.
Vedas: For our
respected sponsors and all guests, the children of the middle group "Yablonka" will perform with
dance "Sponges with a bow."
(To the music, kids enter the hall on the right side and
take their places).
Children read poetry.
1 child:
Is in
milyutinsky house,
lives in a teremochka
does he live in a 2 storey building?
2 child:
to be a mouse?
All: No!
3 child:
frog frog?
All: No!
4 child:
cowardly bunny!
All: No!
5 child:
there are cribs in that little house,
On the
The kids are sleeping in the crib.
wake up
wash their faces
6 child:
having fun
and make noise.
dance and sing
live happily!
Dance "Sponges"
(After the execution

Vedas: Our
favorite kindergarten would not be so cheerful, fabulous and joyful if it were not for
the constant work and diligence of our friendly team. But our kindergarten was not
would be like this, even without our dear and respected parents who entrusted us
raising their children.
2 Vedas: On behalf of all the parents of our pupils, we invite Elena to this hall for congratulations
Kurilina and Alexander and Natalia Sinitsin.
(On the
parents come on stage and sing a song)
Song of parents
(To the motive "It's great that we are all here
gathered today)
in this hall
not intentionally,
After all
thirtieth anniversary
That's why
daughters and sons
bright this house
bring every day
their kids
yourself to work
let's go.
After all
we know under supervision
and sons.
care and attention
will be day after day.
on your birthday
would like to wish
So that
didn't stop for years
loud children's laughter.
to everyone who worked here
working today
in all matters
and success!
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
take their seats)
Vedas: Our kindergarten works closely with the children's library, music school, district
house of culture, museum of local lore,
social service center, elementary school, children's youth sports
Vedas: Years pass, our kids
grow up, become schoolchildren. Our graduates work as doctors, engineers, teachers,
drivers, sellers, and our kindergarten continues to raise small children and light new stars.
Meet, here they are!
(To the music, the kids of the group enter the hall on the left side
and take their places).
Dance "One hand, two hands - I'm still
that is not a star
(After the execution
dance children leave the hall to the music).
Vedas: Dear
friends! So our festive concert dedicated to the day is coming to an end.
kindergarten birth.
Vedas: Our kids with
happy to go every day to their favorite kindergarten. Why are they so
love? Let's hear what the kids have to say about it.
(Children exit)
(Children read poetry)
Kindergarten is good
You won't find a better garden.
Go around the whole area
He will still be the best.
We love kindergarten from the cradle
It's a big, cozy house.
So much joy and smiles
Kindness and happiness in it
We know the song about the kindergarten
And we'll sing it for you.
Do you clap your hands
And support us.
The song "Kindergarten-house for children"
1. We get up early in the morning
Let's go to kindergarten
We are greeted with kindness
new good fairy tale
Kindergarten, kindergarten-
This is a house for children.
This is a house for the soul
Kids play here.
Kindergarten, kindergarten
For kids, it's like chocolate.
Come here soon
Here you will find your friends!
2. Kindergarten one family
Let's be together you and me
Happy to work
and learn everything
We asked the guys:
“What is a kindergarten?
There are children growing in the beds:
Tanya, Dashi, Vova, Petya?
They need to be watered
From a fun watering can together?
No! - answered the guys
We don't grow up for lettuce.
We grow here like flowers
Come join us in the garden.
3. Well, on a holiday, kindergarten
We'll have a masquerade
In festive attire
We are happy to spin!
(Sounds Russian
folk tune)
1 Vedas:
In Russia
there has long been a tradition: a festive cake is baked for the birthday man and his guests
loaf and a round dance is performed.
2 Vedas: We adhere to ancient traditions, so let's
We will meet our loaf with friendly applause!
(To the music, a festive
loaf, children become around him and
perform round dance "Karavai")
Round dance "Karavai"
How on
kindergarten birthday
like this
heights, such lowlands.
like this
suppers, like this wide.
Do not be bored,
(After the round dance, the children
rearranged in a semicircle)
1 Vedas:
- happy date.
Holidays are incomparable.
He is not in vain
was once invented
For that
to give joy.
(Points to the children next to him.)
2 Vedas:
We are happy about it
children's voices
And we are glad
the radiance of children's eyes.
We are together with
we believe in miracles
And we know -
this is not the last time.
1 Vedas:
hello, kindergarten, many, many years!
Let them fight
restless hearts!
2 Vedas:
We wish you
light and victories!
you are in my heart forever!
1 Vedas: This is our festive concert
2 Vedas: Thank you for your attention and wish you
all the best!
(To the music
children, following the leader (with a loaf in their hands), leave the hall).

The hall is decorated with fresh flowers. In the center is an armchair for the hero of the day. A red carpet leads to the chair. Next to the chair is a vase of flowers, on the other side is a coffee table, in order to put flowers and gifts on it. All employees in the room.

The waltz from the movie "My gentle and gentle beast" sounds. To this music, a hero of the day is brought into the hall along the path, you can dance a waltz with the hero of the day, then bring him to an armchair and invite him to sit down.

You can’t get away from the anniversary in life -
They will overtake everyone like a bird.
But the main thing is to carry through life
The warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.
We are gathered in this hall
Tatyana... about your anniversary.
Today he got you.

1. The road to the anniversary is not easy,
Sometimes it gets harder
Sometimes it's easier, but in general -
This is the path of discoveries and victories.

2. And it happened. Here he burst into light
Bestowed with flowers and greetings,
And all questions were answered.
And on the way forward he brought a covenant.

3. Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
So that the fire does not go out in the eyes of the hot,
And the best dreams come true.

4. We wish everyone great happiness,
Many, many bright days.
We wish you to smile often
Do not get upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
And, in general, to live and not grow old.

5. May the sun always shine on you,
And a century will last up to a hundred years,
Let your doors never
Trouble and grief do not knock.

Happy anniversary to you!

Leader's word. The order to award the hero of the day with a prize is read out. A certificate of honor is presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Tatyana..., our pupils came to our hall for your anniversary. Let's welcome them.

Music sounds, children enter, in their hands they have gifts made by themselves. Children approach the hero of the day.

1st child.
For the fact that our house is a kindergarten
Year by year it was more beautiful
2nd child.
We want to say "thank you"
Tatyana... ours!
3rd child.
Thank you for giving paint to educators,
And they paint everything in the garden.
4th child.
Thanks for turning the lights on
When Uncle Lesha - the electrician does not go.
5th child.
Thank you again for turning off the water,
When the pipe starts to flow.
Thanks for what you do
This will not be counted until the evening.

All employees and children sing the song of the crocodile Gena "Let them run clumsily ...". Children give gifts. The hero of the day treats them with sweets and thanks them.

Man, like a star, is born
In the midst of an obscure, disturbing milkiness.
Begins in infinity
And ends in infinity.
Generations are being created
Age after age the earth is imperishable.
A man, like a star, is born,
To make the universe brighter.
(D. Golubev).

And it became brighter in the Universe, because ... (date) 19__, a girl Tanya was born to her father (name, patronymic) and mother (name, patronymic) in the village (city). (Showing a photo of the newborn.)

And what was the secret of the name of this girl? "Tatiana" in Greek - "organizer", "founder". And she began to grow ... not by the day, but by the hour. Hours turned into days, days into years. Already 7 years have passed .... What happened at the age of seven, ...?

I entered the first grade of school no.

How did you study?
(The hero of the day answers.)
What happened to you when you were 9 years old?

If the hero of the day does not know what to say, then the soundtrack of the song is turned on with the words:
Here on the chest a scarlet tie blossomed.
Youth rages like spring years.

And soon we will join the Komsomol. What can you tell us about your Komsomol past, Tatiana...?

The story of the hero of the day, the presenter shows a photo. The host asks questions to the hero of the day until she tells her biography before she starts work.

And ___ of the month ___ of the ___ of the year Tatyana entered ... to work in kindergarten No. .... She began her career from the position ...

Employees come out and sing a song: "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka ...", to the motive of the song performed by L. Gurchenko in the movie "Carnival Night". To lose - dance movements - arms straight, hands to the sides, put the left foot on the toe in turn, put the right one. The same on the other side.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Her case was like this:
She was a great babysitter
And a simple girl.
Worked as an accountant
And now now
In a wonderful kindergarten
The caretaker is now with us.

Tra-la-la, la.
Oh, how we hasten to congratulate
Worker soon.
Our dear Tanechka has an anniversary today.
Tanya's birthday
And a holiday for the soul.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Allow me to congratulate.

Funny yellow leaves
Circling in the yard.
The dawn burns with gold
In September time.
And the song of autumn flows
Through the apple aroma.
And beckons, beckons with tenderness
Fragrant grapes.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
We wish you on your holiday
Also be kind, affectionate,
Beautiful, young.
We also wish, Tanechka,
Happy long years.
From all kindergarten colleagues
Our warm regards.
Lyrics by A. Chistyakova.

Beautiful, sincere, desirable,
With a hot spark in his eyes.
Tatyana can arrange everything -
And the house, and the scope of the holiday.
Tatyana...! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. It's a surprise for you. Receive guests from the banks of the distant Nile.

Sounds like a melody from Egypt. 2 concubines enter and behind them - the pharaoh. Clothing - from sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. The concubines have brooms instead of fans. They pave the way for the pharaoh, then they will fan the pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

The waters of the Nile quickly carried my boat to the banks of the Pacific Don, having heard about this event.
(Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his scroll of paper and begins to read.)

Oh, tireless Tatiana! May you live forever! I see wisdom on your forehead, in your words and deeds, O priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, O flower of the oasis! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, so that our words do not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who appeared in the world, gave birth to your children and raised them to be worthy and respected people. You open the eyes of your children to the world and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (mechanics, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. In your working men's harem, you have a strict, only business order, O unseducable of those who are not seduced. Let the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and let your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to the left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. O cordial and human in dispensing detergents, sweepers, rowers, dusters, and floor-sweepers! May your footprint forever turn green, and your voice delight our sinful souls with a cry: “Get washing and dishes for the meal!” Let your granddaughter and future grandchildren please you! May you live forever, like the trees in your green farm! And let your subjects make sculptural compositions from the dried ones and dedicate them to you. May you live forever! Accept this medal in honor of the celebration.

Instructions for the medal:
1. The best place in the apartment is assigned to the medal and a special carpet is purchased where the medal is hung so that all neighbors can view the medal.
2. It is forbidden for a person awarded with this medal: to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old, use a medal to make teeth.
3. The awarded medal mows, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on days of receiving salaries and winning the lottery.
Egypt. Left Bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

The pharaoh puts a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day, then retires to the music. His concubines sweep the path before him.

May your dreams come true
And all misfortunes will perish!
We wish you a lot of kindness
We wish you a lot of happiness!
And we give you flowers from all
And warm welcome.

The hero of the day is given a gift and flowers. The song sounds to the motive "I'm standing at a half-station."

Friends and relatives sit
Sparkling wine flows
And there is a long way behind.
Greetings words are heard
Where are you cherished years?
What has passed cannot be returned. (2 times)
As a token of our attention
Accept wishes.
To the joy of all live for many years.
Let the years be like a blizzard.
All gray hairs
And youth warm the light! (2 times)
You indispensable happiness,
Unchanging success,
We wish you lots of luck.
Good health to you
Hope and personal happiness,
Let youth not leave you! (2 times)
Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And may there never be grief.
Love if you love
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful! (2 times)
Everyone (chanting):
Happy anniversary to you!

At the end, you can bring the hero of the day into a circle and sing him a song to the motive "Let them run awkwardly ...".

We didn't come in vain
It's clear to everyone
And sit down at this table.
Congratulate the hero of the day
And leave a memory
This song that we will sing.

Let the years not age you
Be visible in life.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

Anniversary, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us stronger wine.
It's not often that we're here
Let's get together
For your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful.
We cannot count all your virtues.

Let your life flow
And without sorrows and without troubles!
Let health be strong
For fifty years!

The song "My favorite kindergarten" sounds.

A child of the preparatory group runs out of the central door, says to the other three children (older, middle, younger group)

Hooray, the holiday begins!

The child returns and leads three children to the center of the hall.

1 child (training group)

What's the news? What's the date?

Excited team.

Kindergarten is the culprit

Kindergarten in the lens!

2 children (older gr.)

We know today is a special day

The heart became more cheerful

We know it's kindergarten

Celebrates an anniversary!

3 children (average gr.)

Look how much light and smiles, and people ...

There's no secret here, of course.

It's just an anniversary.

4 children (younger gr.)

Our kindergarten is good, you won’t find a better kindergarten,

Go around the whole area, it will still be the best!

Children sit on the carpet, play.

The song "Little Country"

Several educators enter, stroking the head on the head.

Where it's always spring!

The teachers take the children and leave.

Fanfare. Leaders come out.

1 led: Good afternoon, dear guests, good afternoon, dear colleagues! We are glad to welcome you who came today to our holiday, the 25th anniversary of our wonderful kindergarten.

2 Vedas: For a huge world history, this may be a short moment, but for us it is a whole life.

1 led: 25 years have passed since our kindergarten opened its doors. Do any of you remember how young you were?

2 Vedas: 25 years ago as young girls you came to work in this kindergarten ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1 led: You have connected your life with the upbringing of children, with this hard work. How many babies have passed through your hands, through your heart! How much warmth and affection you gave to each child.

2 Vedas: Thank you for the experience, for being faithful to the garden,
For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.
Who is always with the children -
Forever the soul is young!

1 led:

Educators, the main people in the garden,
Their kindest hands are accustomed to work,
They gave everything to dear kids,
And the soul hurts for every crumb.
They worked a lot or a little,
All of them are great, mothers of many children.

The melody from the movie "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" sounds.

Teachers line up behind the leaders.

1 led: Thank you for the experience, for being faithful to the garden.

2 Vedas: For the fact that you are full of spiritual strength.

1 Vedas: Who is always with the children

2 Vedas: Forever the soul is young!

The leader and the child of the preparatory group enter.


Today we gather friends in the garden,

To all those who celebrate our anniversary.

All those who left a particle of their hearts here,

All those who glorified our beautiful garden.

Whose work in the sea of ​​knowledge poured drop by drop.

Thank you, friends, who gathered here in the garden!!!

Child (training group)

We are proud of you and love you all

Regardless of the position and titles.

So let it constantly, night and day

Your wishes come true.

The head awards educators in nominations.


1 led: Who gave all his heart to children,

He devoted his life to them

He is forever young at heart

Appearance is always beautiful.

Because next to childhood

Impossible to grow old

Because in the distance without end

We must always look.

After all, we are loved for a reason

All the kids around

2. We meet all the guys,

We treat with a smile,

We see off with tears

In school first grade

We do not regret them for years.

No time, no nerves

And their success is very

They cheer us up.

The team sits in the hall. There remains the leader and leaders.


Good evening, dear friends, distinguished guests, employees and colleagues! And the evening is truly good, because old, good friends gathered in this hall, who were united by our kindergarten "Joy". Happy anniversary, happy birthday kindergarten!

2 Vedas: And now we offer you to watch a television show. The show is about us, about those who came before us.

1 led: The recording was provided by the Joy studio, directed by Liliya Gazinurovna Shamsetdinova.

Watching a movie.

2 Vedas: Clap your hands together

After all, you came to the anniversary

1 led: Kindergarten today at lunch

Turns 25 years old.

2 Vedas: Kindergarten is a big friendly family.

1 led: Kindergarten is staff - hardworking, creative, loving children.

2 Vedas: Kindergarten is children. Lovely, kind, playful, smart, funny. Everything that we do in kindergarten, we do everything for children and for the sake of children.

1 led: Kindergarten is parents. They are the main assistants in our work and we are very grateful to them for this.

2 Vedas: The floor is given to the parents.

Parents are speaking.

1 Lead: t Our beloved kindergarten is called "Joy"

And he gathered us all in this bright hour

After all, today is a holiday, a long-awaited holiday

We are celebrating our anniversary on the 25th!

Congratulations to the kindergarten ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Number with mothers from the Smeshariki group.

2 Vedas: We want to congratulate everyone on the anniversary date

25 not many and not few years

Happy birthday our garden, we wish you

Prosperity, smiles and happy years!


Number from the group "Bell".

1 led. happy birthday congratulations

Our favorite kindergarten!

We wish you happiness, joy

For guests and children!

Accept congratulations from the graduate Salimova Samira.


2 Vedas: Thanks for the wonderful congratulations. But kindergarten is not only a holiday, but also hard working days. Let's see.

Head - Ale-ale, what's the news?

I haven't been in the garden for a long time.

Tell me, how are things going?


And we are doing well.

With the exception of a trifle:

Only one lady came from SES

And she scored a bunch of flushes,

My aunt did not find microbes.


Everything is fine. Everything is fine!

Head - Ale-ale, what's the news?

I'm calling from accounting.

Tell me, are the nannies all in place?

Because I love them all so much.


And we are doing well.

No sad surprise

With the exception of a trifle:

The spotlight fell on the window

And there the pipe flows for a long time,

And you need to get soap

Replace pipes in basement.

And buy new curtains,

Attach cornices in the hall.

Everything - And the rest, the most beautiful Anna

Everything is fine. Everything is fine!

Head - Ale-ale, what's the news?

I'm calling you from the CPC.

Are all teachers there?

Methodist - Everything is fine, the most beautiful Anna.

And we are doing well.

No sad surprise

With the exception of a trifle:

The lesson must be written

But we can't catch you

And our assistant professor has already arrived

And he didn't find you either.

The program must be completed

Submit it to the contest.

Everything - And the rest, the most beautiful Anna

Everything is fine. Everything is fine!


Dear friends! And now I would like to say special words of gratitude to our former head Vera Ivanovna, who for many years adequately managed our kindergarten. Thank you Vera Ivanovna for your work and you are given the floor.

The word of Ivanova V.I.

1 led: Let the wind of change change something

Someone left, leaving a good mark.

But everyone here knows

Everyone is here. There are no strangers here!

2 Vedas: And now we welcome our veterans.


Congratulations to veterans.

Reb: To all kindergarten staff

Need to say thank you

For their hard work

For our love and care.

Reb: Happy anniversary and we want to wish you

To the delight of adults and children, live long and prosper.

Reb: Of course, we all love you very much, we will never forget

We will bring our future children here.

1 led: I would like to say many warm words to those who continue to educate the younger generation even now. And of course, the most difficult, responsible work, but at the same time a pleasant burden, falls on the shoulders of educators, because children's smiles, laughter, successes, sincerity and love for educators are the greatest gratitude.

2 Vedas: Say hello to our real team.



Teachers read poetry.

3 - I thank my fate,
Weaving the thread of life
I'm lucky to be happy
So, a fairy tale live!

My graduates come to me
They lead their children.

The kids came out.

Prosper, beloved garden!
We are celebrating an anniversary!

1 led: Musical our worker
Teaches to sing and dance.

And how "Polka" will play,
No one can resist!

Our music worker Reseda Ravilievna will show with her pupils the number ____________________________________________

2 Vedas: Health is all right
Because in the morning
In a bright room for charging
Don't be bored with kids.
Our children physical education
Very adored
Strength, spirit, muscles
Strengthen in games!

A number from a physical education instructor.

2 Vedas: It's hard to be a teacher's assistant.
Everything needs to be cleaned up, everything needs to be washed,
And of course daily cleaning.
Produce promptly.

1ved: Wash the bed for the kids
Put them all underwear,
To have a comfortable sweet sleep
The children slept day after day.

2 Vedas: Thank you for everything, and thank you!

1 led: Meet our Cinderellas.

Verse 1

Verse 2

Verse 3

2 Vedas: There is always work going on here.we can not live without compote,

Without mashed potatoes and without cutlets, our children will lose weight.

1 led: The guys really like casseroles and salads,

Kindergarten shouts "Hurrah!" Seeing you, chef.

2 Vedas: Meet our charming chefs led by storekeeper Vera.

Chastushki (performed by chefs)

1 led: Look how much light

And smiles and friends

There is no secret here, of course.

It's just an anniversary.

2 Vedas: Our clerks, Natalya Viktorovna and Gulchachak Mukhametamirovna, also play a huge role in the work of the kindergarten.

Today is a holiday at the kindergarten,
We are very glad to congratulate you!
Let the smiles of children
Anniversary shines!

After all, the kindergarten was created for them,
They - goodness, fun, growth,
And to all the employees -
Happiness, peace without problems!

2 Vedas: In anticipation of a surprise, Leniza Raifovna, Lyudmila Anatolyevna and Vera Nikolaevna were tired of sitting in the hall.

1 led: You have the floor, girls.


1 led: There is a whole load of affairs in the economy

The caretaker is not coping

Janitor Elena removes snow and garbage,

And the kids, looking at her with their eyes, help her.

2 Vedas: Even at night there is work

Let the robbers tremble at the ready of the watchman

Until the morning the kindergarten is guarded

Until the teachers and the kids come

1 led: Watchman sits all daychecks the corridor

Very important-looking aunt Lyuda is a shift worker.

They read poetry.

Not so long ago - 25 years ago

The kids from home are in a hurry here,

Song by E. Vaenga "I wish".

The sun shines brightly
And the children laugh
And we're hand in hand
We walk beside you
And you don't have to speak
Everything is so clear

And I am pleased
to tell you all

May you all be healthy
And to over you
The sun shone brighter
Than in Madagascar
To live up to a hundred years
So that grief does not know
And so that your children
you were happy, oh

Solo (na-na-na)

I wish for peace
I wish you well
And health to everyone
With all my heart I wish
And I don't need much
I want to be near
Beloved and all my relatives

May you all be healthy
And to over you
The sun shone brighter
Than in Madagascar
To live up to a hundred years
So that grief does not know
And so that your children
you were happy, oh

2 Vedas: Well, well, our solemn part is coming to a conclusion,
We believe: the anniversary holiday will remain in our hearts!
And let everything that we live in the garden
It won't go away, it won't disappear like smoke.
And will remain in the heart painfully familiar
A corner that has become dear to all of us.

1 led: Anniversary candles are lit
And in the soul of congratulations a fire.

2 Vedas: On this memorable festive evening
The loaf is presented as a gift.

The cake is brought in. Employees stand in a circle and perform "Loaf".

As we baked a loaf at the name day garden.

Blowing out candles.

1 led: May joy and sorrow be remembered
Our feelings, anxieties, deeds.
We wish each other success
And love. And good. And warmth.

2 Vedas: We will be cheerful, healthy, we will give good light.
Come visit again -

Chorus: - Kindergarten is always open!


There is a small country behind the mountains, behind the forests,
There are people with kind eyes. There life is full of love.
Everything sparkles and sparkles there, there is no evil and grief,
It inspires us to work and gives light to children!

Little country... Little country...
Who will tell me, who will show me where she is, where is she?
Little country, little country
Where there is always a place for everyone,
Where it's always spring!


There is a small country behind the mountains, behind the forests,
There are people with kind eyes. There life is full of love.
Everything sparkles and sparkles there, there is no evil and grief,
It inspires us to work and gives light to children!

Little country... Little country...
Who will tell me, who will show me where she is, where is she?
Little country, little country
Where there is always a place for everyone,
Where it's always spring!


There is a small country behind the mountains, behind the forests,
There are people with kind eyes. There life is full of love.
Everything sparkles and sparkles there, there is no evil and grief,
It inspires us to work and gives light to children!

Little country... Little country...
Who will tell me, who will show me where she is, where is she?
Little country, little country
Where there is always a place for everyone,
Where it's always spring!

Teachers sing the song "Good girls"

1. Good girls, funny friends,

Friendly faces, sparkling cheerful eyes

After all, we are loved for a reason

All the kids around

Also, their parents adore us.

2. We meet all the guys,

We treat with a smile,

We see off with tears

In school first grade

We do not regret them for years.

No time, no nerves

And their success is very

They cheer us up.

3. We invite girls and boys to our place,

We always take care of them, we promise you.

We will teach them everything, educate them well

To please only their fathers and mothers.

Dramatization of "The most beautiful Anna".

Head - Ale-ale, what's the news?

I haven't been in the garden for a long time.

The fourth day, as I am on the courses.

Tell me, how are things going?

Medic - Everything is fine, beautiful Anna.

And we are doing well.

No sad surprise

With the exception of a trifle:

Only one lady came from SES

And she scored a bunch of flushes,

But we don't have to pay the fine.

My aunt did not find microbes.

Everything - And the rest, the most beautiful Anna

Everything is fine. Everything is fine!

Head - Ale-ale, what's the news?

I'm calling from accounting.

Tell me, are the nannies all in place?

Because I love them all so much.

manager - Everything is fine, the most beautiful Anna.

And we are doing well.

No sad surprise

With the exception of a trifle:

The spotlight fell on the window

And there the pipe flows for a long time,

And you need to get soap

Replace pipes in basement.

And buy new curtains,

Attach cornices in the hall.

Everything - And the rest, the most beautiful Anna

Everything is fine. Everything is fine!

Head - Ale-ale, what's the news?

I'm calling you from the CPC.

Are all teachers there?

Now with control to them I will come!

Methodist - Everything is fine, the most beautiful Anna.

And we are doing well.

No sad surprise

With the exception of a trifle:

The lesson must be written

But we can't catch you

And our assistant professor has already arrived

And he didn't find you either.

The program must be completed

Submit it to the contest.

Everything - And the rest, the most beautiful Anna

Everything is fine. Everything is fine!

Educators sing the song "Kindergarten Educators" to the motive "Let them run clumsily"

1. There are many professions in life. We know there is more interesting

But we do not waste unnecessary words.

There is no better and more beautiful than our profession - kindergarten teachers.


We play with children, joke, dance and sing,

We grow them, we grow together with them.

2. We were entrusted with happiness, we were entrusted with joy,

We have one common path of light.

Only you and I know how we grow

From a baby to a big citizen.


With the kids, we spend the day after day.

We grow them, we grow together with them.

Teachers read poetry.

1 - A simple cozy town, an ordinary kindergarten ...
Unremarkable nothing, but only at first glance.

2 - Believe it or not, you crossed the threshold,
I open the door to a fairy tale and so from year to year.

3 - I thank my fate,
Weaving the thread of life
I'm lucky to be happy
So, a fairy tale live!

4 - Years pass in succession under the canopy of poplars.
My graduates come to me
They lead their children.

5. And in the stream of current life, we must not forget about the peace of the soul,
To be sensitive, kind, courageous
The kids came out.

6 - I heartily congratulate all my colleagues, friends!
Prosper, beloved garden!
We are celebrating an anniversary!

The song "A young sailor goes on a visit." Sing ml. educators.

Verse 1

Why is there such a commotion in the corridor in the morning,

Who woke us up early, who could have alarmed us so?

It was our supply manager who came to work - she walked around the group in search of order!

Verse 2

There is no more beautiful garden in the world, purity reigns around,

Maybe our friends are not two, but hundreds of hands?

They will thank us for such comfort, but they will strictly check the work of each nanny!

Verse 3

We will congratulate you all, we will sing a song for you.

We wish you happiness and send a bow!

Chastushki (performed by chefs)

We are funny girls, we are cook girls

And I'm Tatyana Pirogova, and I'm Tatyana Plyushkina,

And I'm Iraida Tvorogova, and I'm Elena Vatrushkina

And I'm Raifa rich, simply incomparable.

I am a storekeeper! And I know clearly, there are no trifles and no problems,
Kohl everything with the mind, ingenuity, grip! And beauty is the envy of everyone!

We cook very tasty, it turns out okay

We will feed all our dear children to the full!

The clerk is not a paper tormentor for you,

And not some paper scribbler, he is just as important as an educator!

Issue all certificates and various benefits -
There is a lot of paperwork in the kindergarten!

Today is a holiday at the kindergarten,
We are very glad to congratulate you!
Let the smiles of children
Anniversary shines!

After all, the kindergarten was created for them,
They - goodness, fun, growth,
And to all the employees -
Happiness, peace without problems!

Congratulations to Leniza, Vera, Comrade Luda.

Kindergarten, like a world for happy children,
This year it celebrates its anniversary.
So we wish that joy and a lot of good
Filled the garden with love!

Let that merry, sincere laughter not cease,
What gives us all happiness, warmth and success!

Wish a lot of good everyone is so happy!
Happy anniversary, our dear and beloved garden!

Comrade Luda, Lena, watchman read poetry.

Not so long ago - 25 years ago
A wonderful kindergarten was built.

The kids from home are in a hurry here,
And in the evening - you will not take away in any way.

It's cozy here, nice and bright.
We are very lucky with this garden!

We are very happy to congratulate all the employees of the kindergarten:

Everyone who lives here with us gives his heart to children!

E. Vaenga's song "I wish" (to everyone)

The sun shines brightly
And the children laugh
And we're hand in hand
We walk beside you
And you don't have to speak
Everything is so clear

And I am pleased
to tell you all

May you all be healthy
And to over you
The sun shone brighter
Than in Madagascar
To live up to a hundred years
So that grief does not know
And so that your children
you were happy, oh

Solo (na-na-na)

I wish for peace
I wish you well
And health to everyone
With all my heart I wish
And I don't need much
I want to be near
Beloved and all my relatives

May you all be healthy
And to over you
The sun shone brighter
Than in Madagascar
To live up to a hundred years
So that grief does not know
And so that your children
you were happy, oh


As we baked a loaf at the name day garden.
Here is such a height. Here is such a low.
Such dinners, such a width!
Loaf, loaf, blow out the candles together!