Short poems about family. Poems about the family I am glad that there is a family

Everything is very simple! Because if you ask a little child what a family is, then the child, without hesitation, will list all those living with him under the same roof, including his pets.

This is not surprising, because the children's perception of the world is much simpler and natural, and therefore the child considers everyone he loves to be his relatives.

At the same time, for children, the family is a well from which values ​​are drawn for the future adult life. It is here that our children learn responsibility, respect, compassion, sincerity.

And that portion of love that the little man receives in the family serves as the foundation of his happiness. And growing up on this foundation, he will build his relationships with people and with the outside world with the same love.

That is why, it seems to me, we are trying to read poems about the family to our children. To once again feel our unity and love. We realized how strong the bonds that bind us are.

Well, in the end, simply because the poems are good. It is precisely such good and kind poems about the family for children that I have selected for you on this page.



I will now set the task.
Listen, here's my family:
Grandpa, grandma and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And purity, why?
We have two mothers in our house
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.
And the youngest is me
What kind of family do we have?


"Family is WE"

Family is WE. Family is me
The family is my father and mother,
The family is Pavlik - my brother,
Family is my fluffy cat,
The family is two dear grandmothers,
Family - and my mischievous sisters,
The family is the godfather, and aunts and uncles,
The family is a Christmas tree in a beautiful outfit,
Family is a holiday at the round table,
Family is happiness
Family is home
Where they love and wait, and do not remember evil!


Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my family.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My father
Learned to fly on it
And I could become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds blew.
And the leaves were chirping
like bells,
When I have
Chicks appeared ... (G. Dyadina)


"Family History"

Parents are not up to me in the spring.
Home renovation is a major concern.
Busy as if after a flight
They returned to the house with the whole family.

I take out our old album
Looking at bright pictures
Cracked, as if in cobwebs,
And freeze over a colored sheet.

Here is my great-great-great-grandfather looking at me.
I wonder who he once was:
A hunter, or maybe a soldier?
Hurries somewhere at sunset.

I tease my dad every evening:
“Dad, tell me,” and he’s all: “Tomorrow, tomorrow.”
It's a shame, I want to know about dinosaurs.
I love stories like this!

Everyone should know about his family.
I carefully look at the ancestors:
They sit and hold branches in their wings-paws ...
I am their descendant - a gray sparrow! (Arkady Mlynash)


"Family is everything"

And family is home
It's two and a third
And maybe the fourth
And then the fifth.
These are warm lines.
In the desired envelope
If separation waves
Sad wing.

And the family is the light
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates all life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where neither the last nor the first,
Where is joy and sorrow -
Always half.

And family is everything.
It gets cold without her
lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
Kinder in the world
Nothing no matter what you think
And no matter how brave ... (I. Yavorovskaya)



Grandma will tell me a story
And make a sweet cake
And give me some yarn
So that I can run with a cat!

And grandfather will give me a planer,
Will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing
Tell about the herbs of the forest ...
We are close, a little waddle
let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...

And mom, bending over the bed,
Sing a calm song
Tiptoe out stealthily
And good dreams will call!

And the wind blows through the windows
I think I don't sleep for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much! (M. Takhistova)



Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family. (M. Schwartz)


"Family is happiness, love and luck"

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is summer trips to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive insults and quarrels away,
We want your friends to talk about you:
What a nice family this is! (M. Langer)



It's very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
Gathered for dinner!
Will lay out the grandfather,
What I learned from the newspapers
adjusting glasses,
What dried
Sage bunches…
Father and mother -
About important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, camping...
And about the control
Today's I...
Outside the windows, evening
And in the house - FAMILY! (V. Drobiz)

Family is what keeps us together
After all, she is not afraid of splashes
life waves,
Shelter from the cold and in the rain
Family is our fortress and faithful
our shield.
The family is children and marriage.
What could be stronger
strong bonds?
Here everyone is clear and very
Expensive and indispensable in its own way.
We want you to be real
It's great if relatives - with
We wish unity always and in everything,
And let happiness fill your
friendly home! (Dementieva Tatiana)


"His family"

Vova has a deuce with a minus -
Unheard of business!

He didn't move at the board.
He didn't pick up the chalk!
He stood like a stone
He stood like a statue.

- How will you pass your exams?
The counselor is worried. —

Your family, father and mother,
Reproach at the meeting
The director will be in person!
We have a good twenty-five
And three excellent families,

But for now, your family
The director is unhappy
She raise a student
Doesn't help the school.

- Well, what about my family? —
He speaks with a sigh. —
I get deuces -
And suddenly the family is bad!

He would endure reproaches,
Wouldn't show it
But the question is about the family -
The family will not be offended!

Mom will be blamed:
"We have good twenty-five
And three excellent families,
And you alone are a bad mother!” —
The director will speak personally.

Sadly Vova looks into the distance,
A stone lay on the heart:
It became, mom, very sorry
No, he will pass the exam!

She will tell her mother: "Don't be sad,
Rely on me!
We must be transferred
To a good family! (Agniya Barto)



Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are needed!
Because Sunday
Mom makes pancakes.
Dad washes cups for tea.
Wipe them together
And then we the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song flows through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes. (Oleg Bundur)


"Loved you for no reason"

Loved you for no particular reason
For being a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For what you grow
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support. (Valentin Berestov)



It's raining outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it is possible for brown showers
Feel free to look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Save yourself from a cold day.
In a good place native -
It's pulling me home. (Agniya Barto)


"Family circle"

In the family circle, we are growing.
We put down our roots in the family,
And we boldly enter life from a friendly family.
In the family circle, we create life.
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.


"Family is a great happiness!"

Everyone in the world
Mum and dad must be
Those who are obedient to all
And the most disobedient.

Everyone in the world
Should be brothers, sisters...
To make life fun
And from smiles motley.

Everyone in the world:
Children, birds, animals,
There must be those who are dear -
Native family!

Everyone in the world
Must be mom and dad
Family is a great happiness -
The best gift! (Natalie Samony)


"Someone Has a Sister"

Someone has a sister
Someone has a brother
At the notebook - brother notebook,
And the sister of the magazine is a book.

The cup has a brother-glass,
At the hand is a sister's leg.
And the ladle is a spoon brother,
Their sister is a cook.

Well, since there is a sister,
Well, since there is a brother.
The family lives more cheerfully
If kids grow up in it!

… But the family lives more friendly,
If the children in it are obedient. ! (Natalie Samony)


"Grandma told me"

Grandma told me:
“Family is the most precious thing!”
And bool * - smarter than everyone,
She's a mom too.

Grandma told me:
“Family is the most precious thing!”,
What to be angry, offended
And quarreling is not good.

Grandma told me:
- “Family is the most precious thing!”,
What if the family is friendly,
That life is a hundred times more beautiful:

That life is a hundred times more beautiful!
And I agree with booley:
Family is the most precious thing! (Natalie Samony)


“Who is the most important in the family?”

I asked papa:
“Who is the most important in the family?”
He smiled back at me
And he said: "Two-headed serpent!"

“What kind of snake?! - I was outraged -
What are your jokes?!"
Dad hugged mom
And said, "She and I!"

I understand that this means
Equality in the family
And she added, "I'm sorry.
You forgot about me!"

Everything has changed over the years
I have become older.
The house is currently run by
The head itself is a three-headed serpent! (Natalie Samony)


"Family is children"

Family is children
And let on the planet
And in the memory of the heart, and in children's eyes,
Always remains
good sun,
Light tenderness is a family hearth.
Here the children play
Warmth and comfort.
Here they are escorted into life
But first, give.

"Family warmth"
So what if a house without a roof,
Most importantly, he has a family.
They live there: mice under the floor,
In the house - mom, dad, me.

So what if the house is cold,
So what if there is no money ...
Hunger walks through the pots,
Lights went out yesterday...

The windows are stoned
Frozen plumbing,
From dishes = only a sieve ...
And that's how we live. Here.

Blanket and pillow
Our true friends...
Mom and dad are beggars
An eternally poor family. (E. Zhernova)


"Family happiness"

Family comfort: conversations, smiles,
Farewells, meetings, hugs of hearts,
Love and warmth, despite the mistakes,
And next to the children is the best father!

Family life is like going uphill:
Pleasant and difficult, but easier together!
It is enough to throw away thoughts of a quarrel,
And suddenly the ascent begins!

Family sea - unrest, shaking,
Gusty winds, agonizing rain...
And it seems that there will be an unfortunate denouement,
But the day is more like an accident.

Family ties are silent strings
Their hearts will hear their song.
Melody harmonious solar-lunar
They will fill each other to the end!

Family happiness - the solution is so close!
It's so easy to give each other warmth,
Trust the connection of hearts without a trace,
Love passionately and unceasingly! (Alevtina Surovtseva)


This is the selection I came up with. The poems in it, it seems to me, have one thing in common. One main point - they show kids the invaluable importance of the family in human life.

For a child, a family is a talisman, a pantry of knowledge and a springboard to adulthood. And for you and me, for adults, this is a small, quiet and cozy island where you can hide for a while, gain strength and recharge with positive energy. Do you want to return to your childhood for a while and feel the warm hand of your mother on your head?

It is in the circle of native people that we find understanding and support, love and care, we feel liberated and protected.
The family is our hearth with you, in which the flame of hope burns. And so that it does not go out, and we always have somewhere to warm ourselves, we need to support it. And make your personal contribution in the form of unconditional love, patience, respect and understanding. Including reading poems about the family to children. After all, a good and strong family is our true wealth.

Have I not bored you too much with moralizing? Well, sorry, if so! I'm not evil. 🙂 Do not leave, look at other verses on our website. And not only poetry, we have a lot of interesting things!

Mom met dad
This is the beginning of fairy tales.
She gave birth to a son for dad -
This will be the middle.
There is no happier father!
The fairy tale has no end!

Family is work, caring for each other,
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important! Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Oh good God
How right are you:
What happiness -
Husband and children;
Live without changing
To be happier
Everyone in the world!

Loved you for no particular reason
For being a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For what you grow
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

It's raining outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it is possible for brown showers
Feel free to look through the glass.
Here you can hide from the heat,
Save yourself from a cold day.
In a good place native -
It's pulling me home.

Gotta love grandma
You have to be friends with your grandfather.
Only together with the whole family
We can live long.
You can play with them
Or read a book
And from them, when you want,
You can learn something new.

I have a family -
Mom, dad, brother and me.
We live best
We sing songs loudly.
I won't let anyone
Hurt your family.
May the family always live -
Mom, dad, brother and me.

Starlings live in a birdhouse,
The glasses live in the eyeglass case,
The fox lives in his hole
Trees live on the mountain ...
And I have a house too
He is the best:
Mom is in it!

Once upon a time, the earth did not hear about him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."

Who will sew the dress, wash the linen.
Caress me, decorate the house?
Answer the question my friend..?
- "I, I, I" - Eve said - "I".
She said the famous seven "I".
And so the family was born.

Parental home is a place from Paradise…
Where time is frozen on the hands of the clock...
And mom, with all my heart forgiving mistakes,
Give you warmth and love!

Life is warmer and much more interesting
And it is more reliable to resist,
As you walk through this life together.
And so - keep it up!

To each other be a reliable support,
Kinder and more tolerant - triple ...
God bless you from evil and from strife...
May peace be eternal in your family!

Does the blizzard make noise outside the window,
Does the lush foliage play -
Always us dear father's house
Receives with great cordiality.

And that's why we want
To never come
In the corners - troubles, in the hearts - winters,
And everything in him breathed joy.
Blossom and hello, good house,
We drink for you today!

This toast to our roots:
What is a tree without roots?
Let them live more spaciously
May they love it more!

- Whose are you, whose, forest speeches?
- Nobody!
- But where are you stream from?
- From the keys!
Well, what are the keys?
– Draws!
- Whose birch is by the stream?
– Draw!
- Are you a cute girl?
- I am my mother, father and grandmother!

Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land

I have a mother,
I have a father,
I have a grandfather
I have a Grandmother,
And they have me.
What's this?

One two three four,
Who lives in our apartment?
One, two, three, four, five,
I can count all
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka cat, two kittens
My cricket, puppy and me
That's my whole family.

Good afternoon, connoisseurs of poetry and a warm family circle! You probably already guessed that today we will talk about the importance of strong relationships with the closest people in the eyes of a child. If your baby lives in an atmosphere of love and mutual respect, then he will like poems about the family.

Our selection of 11 poems contains both simple lines for the little ones, and works for school-age children. They talk about moments when close people together create warmth and comfort, spend leisure time, and support family traditions.

Poems for the little ones

These short rhymes in the form of counting rhymes can be learned and told by kids aged 3-4 years.

One two three four -
Who lives in our apartment?
Mom, dad, brother and me -
Our friendly family!

One two three four -
Who lives in our apartment?
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka cat, two kittens,
My puppy, cricket and me -
That's my whole family!
One, two, three, four, five -
I'll start counting again!

Young children accurately capture the mood in the relationship between dad and mom. When everything is fine and calm at home, the kids are also carefree and happy. This is stated in the following verse:

Dad looks in the mirror
How does the sweater sit on it?
Mom catches dad's eye:
Is dad happy or not?
Dad is happy and mom is happy
Well, this is what I need:
If everyone in the house is happy,
So, in the house, peace and harmony!
(O. Bundur)

For children of any age, relatives who have known each other since birth create a small world that becomes a solid foundation for building relationships with others in adulthood. With them, the baby learns to care for others, interaction and responsibility.

We have a big
And a friendly family
dad, mom, grandma,
Grandpa and me
similar to me
Funny little brother
He grew up and walks
With me to kindergarten.

Poems for children from 5 to 6 years old

Kids from 5 to 6 years old value friendly family relationships even more. They look forward to the weekend to spend time with their beloved parents:

Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are needed
Because Sunday
Mom makes pancakes.
Dad washes tea cups
We wipe them both
And then we the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song flows through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself.
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes!
(O. Bundur)

If a child needs a verse for kindergarten, then invite him to learn these lines about the closest people and the brightest moments in life:

And the sun plays (beams on the river),
And the cat is playing (in a ball on the porch),
And Zhenya is playing (Zhenya has a doll),
And mom plays (in the theater on stage),
And dad plays (on a copper pipe),
And grandfather (plays with his grandson in the hut).
And the grandmother washes diapers for her grandson.
Grandma is probably playing with the laundry?
(A. Shibaev)

Who comes home late?
Who looks at things menacingly?
Who changes light bulbs?
Of course, daddy!

Who from morning to night is a squirrel
Washes, cooks, cuts finely?
Who flies like a swallow?
Of course, mommy!

Who is ready to build a house,
Run, jump, neigh horse?
Who is our fidget?
Of course, grandpa!

Who will tell a bedtime story
About the princess goldilocks
Bake pancakes?
Of course, grandma!

Who will break what has been built?
Who will help me with my sister?
Who is the naughty boy?
Here he is, bro!

Who is all in bows and dolls?
All in emotions and feelings?
Who sings like a bird?
This is sister!

Who, you ask me
Those lovely friends?
I will answer without melting:
This is all my family!

(V. Tunnikov)

Poems for elementary school students

It's good when the school also talks about the importance of a friendly and loving family. School-age children already understand that all its members will have to work hard on strong family relationships.

Family is happiness, love and luck.
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other.
Family means a lot of housework.
Family is important!
Family is hard!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive resentment and quarrels away.
I want friends to talk about us:
"What a good family you are!"
(M. Langer)

For students in grade 1, you can offer the following poem. It can be told by one child or several, divided into couplets:

Grandma will tell me a story
And make a sweet cake.
And give me some yarn
So that I can run with a cat!
And grandfather will give me a planer,
Will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!
And dad will take you fishing
Tell about the herbs of the forest ...
We are side by side a little waddle
Let's go past the mushroom firs.
We'll pick mushrooms at the edge,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...
And mom, bending over the bed,
Sing a calm song
Tiptoe out stealthily
And good dreams will call!
And the wind blows through the windows
I think for a long time, I do not sleep:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much!
(M. Takhistova)

How many good words are said in this poem! I wish all families were like this.

What could be more precious than a family?
Warmly meets the father's house.
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And escorted on the road with good!
Father, mother and children together
Sitting at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And five of them are interesting.
The kid for the elders is like a pet,
Parents are wiser in everything,
Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest, relatives.
Love! And value happiness!
It is born in the family.
What could be more precious
In this fabulous land?

(D. Taradanova)

Well, for children who are learning English, it will be interesting to learn this funny rhyme:

Let me tell you, friends
How my family lives
Sewing luxurious clothes
My sister and I are mother.
Embroidering aunt (aunt) -
She has great talent.
Serves in the main bank
Our beloved uncle (uncle).
Every day after work
He walks with his daughter (daughter).
Makes delicious jam
For the winter granny (granny).
All smeared with jam
My cousin (cousin).
There is also a fluffy puppy
My sister (sister).
Walking in the garden with the puppy
My older brother is walking.
If something needs to be done -
I am addressing my father.
Dad is a master at least where,
I am always ready to help.
He will teach his son (son),
To be able to do everything himself.

Family sung in verse

It is important to tell the child about the value of love and mutual respect between relatives. And even more important - to show an example of how to build such relationships. In addition, Eureka advises finding the right time to introduce the baby to poems, stories and fairy tales about friendship and mutual assistance between the closest people.

Poetic lines for children about the family make it possible to understand that:

  • people are more important than material values;
  • if you are loved, then you are a happy person;
  • the main thing is peace and mutual understanding at home.

We wish you more happy moments surrounded by family and friends! Let your kid surprise you with his wit and grow up as a cheerful little man! See you soon and good mood!

on our website


We're making a big movie.
We interpret roles in our own way.
That in the crowd is a dumb link,
Then we take on the main roles.

We play children and parents
Somewhere in something guilty and right,
Losers and winners
Not prevaricating and crafty.

Films not available
Shouting "Stop!" and "Motor" will not hear.
For myself or "as for decency",
We are constantly looking for an audience.

A script was sent down to us from above,
Directs life episodes.
Well, if, artist, you are mediocre,
You won't make the weather in the movie.

We're making a big movie
So much passion in the plot, pressure,
It is called our life.
Play out your life without an understudy

I. Reznik

And the house, consecrated by prayer,
It stands open to all winds,
And the grandmother teaches her granddaughter
Words: "fatherland", "mother", "temple".

Live in peace and harmony.

Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It has faith, righteousness and power.
The family is the backbone of the state,
My country, my Russia.

The family is the original source
Protected by heavenly angels.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrow -
One for all, inseparable.

Keep each other at all times
Live in peace and harmony.
And let your life be sanctified
Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Let it be repeated in generations
Blessed life days.
Save, Lord, the hearth of the family,
Protect your loved ones.

T. Kuzovleva

In Russia, this has long been honored,
What is in our, probably, blood:
For a woman to follow a man
In trials, in wanderings, in love.
So that, recognizing the beginning,
All worries hidden in yourself,
Nevertheless, the confession was remembered:
We are not just the two of us, we are a family.
To find wisdom in yourself
Straightening up in front of the son's face,
Repeat with maternal strength:
"Consult, son, with your father!"
To bear all the fears alone,
She spoke, exhausted, in the end:
“Hug your father, do you hear, daughter,
Something now our father is tired ... "
And I would look with obvious joy,
How warm is the beloved look,
When they sit at the table they are nearby,
As today, for example, they sit ...
We are united in love and faith
We are united by land and labor.
And open doors to friendship
To our solid, sustainable home.

M. Takhistova

Grandma will tell me a story
And make a sweet cake
And give me some yarn
So that I can run with a cat!

And grandfather will give me a planer,
Will bring nails, a hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing
Tell about the herbs of the forest ...
We are close, a little waddle
let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge,
Let's find an intricate root,
In a forgotten forester's hut
We will drink tea with raspberries ...

And mom, bending over the bed,
Sing a calm song
Tiptoe out stealthily
And good dreams will call!

And the wind blows through the windows
I think I don't sleep for a long time:
Well, how can I answer this?
I just love them so much!

M. Takhistova

Starlings live in a birdhouse,
The glasses live in the eyeglass case,
The fox lives in his hole
Trees live on the mountain ...
And I have a house too
He is the best:
Mom is in it!

M. Plyatskovsky

We are all in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than that earth under heaven
Where is the roof of your house?

Any moment of grief
All will disappear,
Just remember the blue stars
Above the roof of your house.

And if suddenly you feel sad,
That sadness means nothing
When you know what's under the sun
There is a roof for your house.

The world is full of joy and happiness
But the native land is the sweetest mile of all ...
And it's so good to be back
Under the roof of your house!


The family is a holy stronghold of people,
She gives hope to live,
Gives space, gives warmth
Problems and trouble out of spite.

Family gives us support
With her, everything is within her power, in the teeth,
Everything is on the shoulder and according to fate -
Family - holy bow to you!

Let there be mother and father,
The warmth of relatives around the hearts,
Grandfather, great-grandfather, grandmother and brother,
Sister - I will be very happy too!

Let the whole family be with me
I don't need another life
I'm ready to give them happiness
And protect them, and love!


I'm always afraid of failing

For love and for what I am
and for being a bit pretty.
I'm always afraid to be late
I'm always afraid not to get there
And forget or not recognize
Childhood warm quiet echo.
Constantly afraid of not catching up
Your only important
me a train
To come to tell you
That I live, as taught, in good conscience.
To take another look
On the mountain ash and the slenderness of the birch,
So that, as in childhood,
inhale with your whole chest
The spirit of the January evil frost.
Will see native eyes again,
That life is not yet tired
And with a smile to say softly:
“Here you come, or didn’t you wait?”
I'm always afraid of failing
To tell you at dawn - THANK YOU!

For love and for what YOU are,
And for being born happy!!!


My harbor is my own family.
Here is the pier that is close and dear to me:
Children, mother, girlfriends, friends...
Here love, parting, disputes.

My house is like a huge ship
That floats through the expanses of life.
He is like a fortress, a steep rock,
He is my hope and support.

Doors and windows open to the wind.
There is enough time and space for everyone.
Envy, meanness, longing and deceit
Passengers are not aware of it.

Kindness and comfort live here,
Here you will find warmth and participation.
In that house they love and wait for you.
Pier of faith, consent, happiness


Children are joy, children are happiness,
Children of the sun rays
The tramp of legs, the radiance of the eye
And warmth in your chest.

There are no more trusting creatures
There are no funnier creatures
Children are our pride with you,
Our future is in them!

We have done a lot in life
And reach, and comprehend,
How stubbornly we went to the goal,
Only children are the main prize!


The most important thing in life is family
Candle fire and a secluded corner ...
So that in the morning
hear: "I love you! ..",
And dissolve at night
in a languid passion ...

Probably the most important thing in life is comfort,
And children's laughter, and a feeling of happiness ...
When you know what is expected today!
There is shelter where you can wait out
bad weather.

Even in life it is important to understand!
Do not step on the rake of life
Do not change horses at the crossing!
And to the end be a man of his word!

And value your strength!
Don't squander
over trifles of the state ...
Have a great desire to live!


Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window - not the sun,
And the blizzard
It's just what they have
They just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both easy and light.
me with dad and mom
So lucky!


I. Yavorovskaya

And family is home
It's two and a third
And maybe the fourth
And then the fifth.
These are warm lines.
In the desired envelope
If separation waves
Sad wing.

And the family is the light
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates all life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where neither the last nor the first,
Where is joy and sorrow -
Always half.

And family is everything.
It gets cold without her
lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
Kinder in the world
Nothing no matter what you think
And no matter how brave...


G. Dyadina

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my family.
On this tree
Until old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My father
Learned to fly on it
And I could become a real bird!
And, as in the cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds blew.
And the leaves were chirping
like bells,
When I have
The chicks have arrived...

M. Schwartz

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family.


Once upon a time, the earth did not hear about him.
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
Who will sew the dress, wash the linen.
Caress me, decorate the house?
Answer the question my friend..?
- "I, I, I" - Eve said - "I".
She said the famous seven "I".
And so the family was born.

E. Kumenko

The house, as everyone knows for a long time, -
It's not a wall, it's not a window
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a house.

Home is where it's ready
You come back again and again
Furious, kind, gentle, evil,
Barely alive.

Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait
Where do you forget about the bad, -
This is your home.

Y. Drunina

So that a person does not freeze from the cold,
Did not suck his worldly whirlpool,
He must have a reliable rear,
Where they will bandage, warm -

Love will protect him from troubles,
What, like mines, puts us an era.
And if there is no such rear,
To him, as wounded
in neutral


"What is a family for?" -
I asked myself.
What is a family for?
I must answer you.
Dad makes money
Mom washes and washes
Nearby - daughters, sons,
Did I think correctly?
And now I'll tell you without jokes.
Yes, at any time of the day
Everyone who lives in a family
Happy, doubly happy.
Everyone will come to your aid
Warm up and save.
They love, they remember, they believe, they know...
They carry you in their arms!
Bound with a strong rope
Were soldered by one destiny.
That rope - love is called -
Holds us tight.
And we're walking on a tightrope
We balance sometimes.
We will overcome the abyss
Just being a family.
Where from grandfather - to son, to grandson
The living covenant will fly.
Let's save our country
Just being a family!
Well, if the enemy comes,
We will stand in one line.
And again our people will become
A tightly knit family!

N. Maidanik

I have a big family
Mother Nina, grandmother Raya,
Papa's name is Alexander
He's just grandma's son-in-law!
Well, I'm grandma's granddaughter.

And the dog Bug
Lives with us
Granny's house guards!

Who is the boss in a large family?
Well, of course, Baba Ray -
There can be no doubt here:
Will tell and help everyone,
She has great talent
Tie a pretty bow
Reconcile mom and dad
And beautifully set the table,
caress, kiss,
Tell a story at night!
Even the Bug understands
Whose orders are carried out
Gratefully licks hands -
From love, not from boredom!

Yuri Dergunov

I'm in the house, like in a fortress,
I will not let the enemy
I love family
like nature.
My family is dear to me
I am for her in the fire and in


The whole world is beautiful because
That our children live in it,
What is the speech of your opinion,
They are always so sacred!

They bring joy to the world
And decorate life with themselves,
In the eyes of a naive mood,
Peace in the soul of parents!

And you don't know sadness
Among caring people
When silver whiskey
You will be happy for the children!


Love and Appreciate Happiness!
It is born in the family
What could be more precious
On this fabulous land!!!


Happiness in children when they are around
And when they still need us
And then, like a bright parade
Happy days are marching on

Happiness if you understand
From the first words, there is no need to shout.
Happiness if you are represented
Like a loving tender mother.

Happiness if parents are alive
Their love and warmth are important to us
And as before their faces are beautiful
And as before, the hugs are tender.

Happiness - grandchildren are sitting at the window
And play something different
And with your smile brighter than the sun
Light up my home.


I will not hide the admiration of my eyes,
Laughter smothers me with happiness:
You will give birth to my child soon,
And I will become richer than everyone!

I bless this night
(Happy day, without slyness speaking!),
What will give us a miracle daughter
Or a heroic son .

I love this girl already
Or a guy - better than all the guys! …
Just keep your diet
And very much not fuller!


My family is a reliable strong rear.
With me mother, father,
sisters, brothers...
Here they can cool unnecessary ardor,
Here I share
any moment of happiness.

The house smells of pies and warmth,
Yes, the caress of the good hands of your beloved mother.
And if thunderstorms and troubles come,
They will help to survive easily, without drama.

Here, smiling, they will say: “Ahead
Success will come, just try.
Learn, work, and go with a song,
And if you are guilty, understand, repent.

Ah, home! I bring my friends here.
I will find love - my soul mate.
But time rushes faster every year ...
Appreciate, people, every wrinkle.

Beloved home, how I hurry to you!
This threshold is familiar to me to the point of pain.
I'm walking on my own destiny...
For you to be me
at least a little satisfied.

There is no better team than a family.
And there is no judge more serious and stricter.
Grow up, grow up daughters, sons,
And there are no more precious people on earth.

Svetlana Kargina

When we are together -
you and me,
There is no sorrow: the soul
at rest,
How good it is to eat
family -
The most dear in the world

We offer you a selection of wonderful touching poems about the family. They will remind you of the real values ​​- love and kindness, warmth and peace within the family. Poems about mom and dad, about grandparents, about the important role of a child among his native people - the role of a little helper and just a loving son or daughter.

Beautiful touching poems about family


Grandma will tell me a story

And make a sweet cake

And give me some yarn

So that I can run with a cat!

And grandfather will give me a planer,

Will bring nails, a hammer,

And it will be ready early

We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take you fishing

Tell about the herbs of the forest ...

We are close, a little waddle

let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge,

Let's find an intricate root,

In a forgotten forest hut

We will drink tea with raspberries ...

And mom, bending over the bed,

Sing a calm song

Tiptoe out stealthily

And good dreams will call!

And the wind blows through the windows

I think I don't sleep for a long time:

Well, how can I answer this?

I just love them so much!

(M. Takhistova)

It's good to wait at home
At the call they hurried to the door,
opened, kissed,
Keep your hands warm, right?

Good for tea
With pies and jam
Sorrows moved away
Good talk, right?

Good to see
It smelled of snow, sun, willow,
So that children everywhere know
There won't be a war, right?

It's good to be loved
Like the first snowdrop love
And then, then any
Not afraid of trouble, right?!
(M. Takhistova)

I remind you friends
And suddenly someone did not hear,
From now on parents
Hunting is prohibited!
And hiding under the bed
And around the corner of the buffet,
It is impossible now in parents
To fire a gun!
It is forbidden to lie in wait
In the kitchen and in the living room
When they're at the watering hole
They walk along a long path.
Check your kindness
More rewarded -
Parents are alone
And they can come in handy!
Tamer Tips:
On the wild parent
No need to stomp and scream
And it is necessary to tame affection!
(M. Schwartz)

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family.
(M. Schwartz)
Who comes home late

Who looks at things menacingly?

Who changes light bulbs?

- Well, of course - daddy!

Who from morning to night is a squirrel,

Washes, cooks, cuts finely?

Who flies like a swallow?

- Well, of course - mom!

Who is ready to build a house,

Run, jump, neigh like a horse?

Who is our fidget?

- Well, of course - grandfather!

Who will tell a bedtime story

About Princess Goldilocks

Bake pancakes? - Well, of course - grandmother!

Who will break what he built

Who will help me with my sister?

Who is the naughty boy?

“Here he is, bro!”

Who is all in bows and dolls,

All in emotions and feelings?

Who sings like a bird?

- It's my sister!

Who, you ask me

Those lovely friends?

I will answer, not melting,

This is all my FAMILY!

(V. Tunnikov)

"Family is a great happiness!"

Everyone in the world
Mom and dad must be
Those who are obedient to all
And the most disobedient.

Everyone in the world
Should be brothers, sisters...
To make life fun
And from smiles motley.

Everyone in the world:
Children, birds, animals,
There must be those who are dear -
Native family!

Everyone in the world
Must be mom and dad
Family is a great happiness -
The best gift!

(Natalie Samony)

Who is the most important in the family?

I asked papa:
“Who is the most important in the family?”
He smiled back at me
And he said: "Two-headed serpent!"

“What kind of snake?! - I was outraged -
What are your jokes?!"
Dad hugged mom
And said, "She and I!"

I understand that this means
Equality in the family
And she added, "I'm sorry.
You forgot about me!"

Everything has changed over the years
I have become older.
The house is currently run by
The head itself is a three-headed serpent!

(Natalie Samony)

Mom looks at dad
Dad looks at mom
And the day is the most weekday,
Not Sunday
And outside the window - not the sun,
And the blizzard
It's just what they have
They just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both easy and light.
me with dad and mom
So lucky!

Grandma and I are very good friends.
We help each other.
She ... cooks dinner for me,
For her, I ... eat everything.

I take her by the hand.
A passer-by will not always understand
Whether my grandmother is my granddaughter,
Am I still a child?

Who leads whom to Molochny?
Who drags whom to "Toys"?
We live as a strong family
We are friends with true friendship!

Mom and dad tell us:
You are by my side from morning to night.
Just go to bed early
Grandma doesn't want something.

Doesn't want to measure puddles
And the sand is considered dirty!
Other than that, we are very friendly.
Despite the different age.

It's very important to me
I really need,
So that the whole family
Gathered for dinner!
Will lay out the grandfather,
What I learned from the newspapers
adjusting glasses,
What dried
Sage bunches…
Father and mother -
About important work
Brother - about fishing,
Football, camping...
And about the control
Today's I...
Outside the windows, evening
And in the house - FAMILY!

(V. Drobiz)

My brother was born.
I am, of course, very happy.
Only this brother
Doesn't get out of bed.
How can you not be angry?
During the day my brother sleeps all the time,
Crying in the middle of the night
But he doesn't want to play!
Everything in the house is now upside down.
Everyone takes care of him.
Even me for my brother
You have to be an example.
I try, I'm ready!
Only the brother does not know the words.
She only says "mom"
Yes, it's so weird!
Time goes by slowly.
For a long time my brother is growing,
But I already know
I don’t have a soul in it!
I don't rush him!
I love him so much!
He is so good!
He's a little on me...
Similar to me!

His family

Vova has a deuce with a minus -

Unheard of business!

He didn't move at the board.

He didn't pick up the chalk!

He stood like a stone

He stood like a statue.

So how do you pass your exams?

The counselor is worried. -

Your family, father and mother,

Reproach at the meeting

The director will be in person!

We have a good twenty-five

And three excellent families,

But for now, your family

The director is unhappy

She raise a student

Doesn't help the school.

Well, what about my family? -

He speaks with a sigh. -

I get deuces -

And suddenly the family is bad!

He would endure reproaches,

Wouldn't show it

But the question is about the family -

The family will not be offended!

Mom will be blamed:

"We have good twenty-five

And three excellent families,

And you alone are a bad mother! -

The director will speak personally.

Sadly Vova looks into the distance,

A stone lay on the heart:

Mom felt very sorry

No, he will pass the exam!

She will tell her mother: "Don't be sad,

Rely on me!

We must be transferred

To a good family!

(A. Barto)

Short poems about family

Short poems about the family will come in handy in kindergarten. A child can have time to learn such a poem if there is very little time left before the performance. And simply, not without reason they say that brevity is the sister of talent. These verses capture the essence of the family.

My grandfather dear
We are all proud of you!
And I'll tell you a secret:
There is no better grandfather in the world!
I will always try
Equal to you in everything!

It's raining outside,
And the house is warm and light.
And it is possible for brown showers
Feel free to look through the glass.

Here you can hide from the heat,
Save yourself from a cold day.
In a good place native -
It's pulling me home.

(Agniya Barto)


I will now set the task.
Listen, here's my family:
Grandpa, grandma and brother.
We have order in the house, okay
And purity, why?
We have two mothers in our house
Two dads, two sons,
Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.
And the youngest is me
What kind of family do we have?

Sunday is lucky!
Sundays are needed!
Because Sunday
Mom makes pancakes.
Dad washes cups for tea.
Wipe them together
And then we the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song flows through the window,
I'm ready to sing myself
It's good when we're together
Even if there are no pancakes.

(Oleg Bundur)

The house, as everyone knows for a long time, -
It's not a wall, it's not a window
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a house.

Home is where it's ready
You come back again and again
Furious, kind, gentle, evil,
Barely alive.

Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait
Where do you forget about the bad, -
This is your home.
(E. Kumenko)

Loved you for no particular reason
Because you are a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For what you grow
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

(Valentin Berestov)

Starlings live in a birdhouse,
The glasses live in the eyeglass case,
The fox lives in his hole
Trees live on the mountain ...
And I have a house too
He is the best:
Mom is in it!
(M. Takhistova)

- Whose are you, whose forest stream?
- Nobody!
- But where are you stream from?
- From the keys!
Well, what are the keys?
– Draws!
- Whose birch is by the stream?
– Draw!
- Are you a cute girl?
- I am my mother, father and grandmother!
(O. Bedarev)

I open the horoscope -

I have eyes on my forehead!

Finally real

I found out who I live with!

Dad is a striped tiger

Uncle Fedya - mustachioed cat,

Turned out to be a monkey

Our grandmother Ulyana!

Brother is a ram, sister is a snake,

Mom is a horse, I am a pig.

That is, we are according to the horoscope

Zoo, not family!