Dyed green quartz under chrysoprase. Mysterious and unusually beautiful chrysoprase. How to distinguish from a fake

The fact that natural stones carry energy and are able to protect a person from many troubles has been known for a long time. Therefore, when purchasing jewelry, you should give preference to jewelry with natural stones. But, certain stones bring good luck to each sign of the zodiac. Today we will talk about such a mineral as chrysoprase. Let's consider who is suitable for jewelry with chrysoprase, and what properties the semiprecious stone of chrysoprase has.

General characteristics of the stone

Chrysoprase is a fairly common mineral. It is used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for a variety of crafts. If we consider the origin of the mineral, then it is a kind of quartz. Poland and Australia can boast of the largest chrysoprase deposits. There are small deposits in almost all countries.

As for the color palette, chrysoprase plays with all shades of green. This color of quartz is due to the fact that it contains nickel. At the same time, it is almost impossible to confuse chrysoprase with emerald, which is also colored green. And this is explained by the fact that the green of the emerald is explained by the presence of chromium in the composition of the mineral. Therefore, even in the photo, products made of chrysoprase and emerald are different.

The price of any stone is determined by its characteristics. This is not to say that they are high in the chrysoprase stone. If we consider the hardness on the Mohs scale, then it does not exceed 6 units. The density of green chrysoprase is 2.5 g per cubic meter. meter. The mineral has a pleasant sheen. It should be noted that gloss cannot be described as glossy. The stone seems to be covered with a thin film of wax.

The structure of the mineral is granular. But, you can see the graininess only with a microscope. On each mineral, nature has drawn some kind of drawing. But it is simply impossible to find two stones with the same pattern. Maybe it is precisely because of this feature of the mineral that it is so popular among the fair sex. It is worth noting the fact that chrysoprase is able to make exquisite and masculine jewelry. But in this case, it is important to choose the right cut and size of the stone.

Varieties of chrysoprase

3 types of mineral are conventionally distinguished. The classification is based on the color of the stone. The first group includes emerald green nuggets. The second group includes apple-green stones. Well, the third group consists of spotted nuggets.

All varieties of chrysoprase look equally good. But if we talk about the price of chrysoprase, then stones from the first group are most valued.

Chrysoprase looks equally good in silver and gold. Depending on the material chosen, chrysoprase jewelry can be suitable for everyday wear and for special occasions.

Chrysoprase and magic

Many argue that chrysoprase is a stone with magical properties. And these claims are not unfounded. Of course, science cannot confirm this fact. But it is not uncommon for a ring with chrysoprase to bring good luck to people trying their hand at some completely new business for themselves. Let's consider what magical properties are attributed to the chrysoprase stone.

  • Protection from the evil eye. Also, many believe that chrysoprase can protect its owner from various slander and false gossip.
  • Help in business. Even in the distant past, it was believed that this stone attracts wealth. Therefore, chrysoprase can be used to decorate an office space, which is intended for transactions.
  • Help in love. Many magicians advise people who have problems in their personal life to wear chrysoprase jewelry. This is not to say that the effect of this mineral is similar to the effect of a love potion. But, it will definitely contribute to harmony in the house of chrysoprase.
  • Protective properties. A chrysoprase pendant or bracelet can even save a person's life. This property was attributed to stone in the Middle Ages. But people, whose fate was decided in court, did not decorate their hands with a signet with a green chrysoprase stone or other adornment, but put quartz in their mouths. They really believed that this amulet could protect them from the most severe punishment, which was the death penalty.
  • Some even believe that chrysoprase can help thieves. But, in this case, you do not need to wear chrysoprase earrings or any other jewelry. As in the previous case, the stone should be taken by mouth. It is worth noting that the stone, in general, does not serve evil. Many believe that he is able to resist the evil thoughts of a person.
  • Protection from evil spirits. To protect yourself from evil spirits, it is better to use silver-cut chrysoprase. Silver, unlike any other material, will double the effect. If one of the people is trying to harm you, then a pendant with chrysoprase, for example, will not only protect you from all the bad wishes of the enemy, but also turn them against him.
  • Help in communication. If you are going to perform in front of a wide audience, be sure to wear jewelry with a green stone. Men, in view of the fact that rings with multi-colored stones are not always a suitable decoration for them, can take rosary instead of jewelry. The stone will help convince people and make you a more eloquent speaker.

If we talk about who is suitable for chrysoprase, then first of all it is worth noting people who strive to invent something. It is to them that he gives most of his energy. It is also worth purchasing a ring with chrysoprase, earrings or any other adornment for people of certain zodiac signs. But we'll talk about this a little later.

But do not assume that a semi-precious stone will do everything for you. Magic helps people only when they themselves make considerable efforts to achieve the goal. And jewelry with a green stone on your finger, ears or neck will simply increase the chances of success.

Chrysoprase and health

Whatever type of chrysoprase you take, it will not cure any disease. But the energy of the stone will help speed up the healing process for certain ailments, if the mineral is used correctly.

Colds or infectious diseases, for example, can be treated with water treatments. And the water is pre-charged with the energy of a green stone. To do this, simply place quartz in a container of water for a while.

Everyone knows about the beneficial effects of green on the eyes. Accordingly, the green stone can be used to prevent eye diseases. It is enough at the end of the working day for some time to stop looking at the waxy green of the mineral. This will instantly relieve eye fatigue. This advice is especially useful for people working near the computer.

The green mineral has a positive effect on the human body during magnetic storms and abrupt changes in weather. The stone also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. And pink quartz will enhance its effect.

The stone is able to calm the nervous system and even prevent depression. Therefore, people whose work is connected with stress should always have it at hand.

Chrysoprase and horoscope

We figured out what kind of chrysoprase stone, and what properties it has. Now let's talk about which signs of the zodiac it suits best.

If we consider all the signs of the zodiac, then chrysoprase is most suitable for Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces. Although, this stone will bring good luck to people of other zodiac signs. In general, this quartz is unusually friendly. But, there are signs of the zodiac that should be careful with this mineral. These are lion, ram, scorpio and scales.

Each zodiac sign gives something of its own. We will not consider its meaning for the entire zodiacal circle. We only note that chrysoprase is good for an Aquarius woman if she does not have such character traits as selfishness and pride. Representatives of this sign need to wear jewelry in order to achieve inner harmony and not succumb to external pressure. Astrologers recommend acquiring this amulet for Aquarius athletes, whom it will help to win many awards.

Chrysoprase is suitable for a Capricorn man. He will give him determination and courage. But, it is important to choose the right cut of the stone. With an unsuccessfully chosen cut, the talisman can turn into a hotbed of negative energy.

Chrysoprase is needed for a fish woman, to whom it gives self-confidence. At the same time, you can wear a brooch with a stone or studs every day. The energy of quartz will not destroy the energy of a person or try to rebuild it. The stone will give exactly as much energy as its owner needs. To achieve this goal, it is better to wear chrysoprase on the left hand when it comes to a ring or bracelet.

Taurus will make quartz more successful, although its influence on this sign of the zodiac is somewhat weakened. Astrologers also recommend this stone to those Taurus who are afraid of everything new. Also, a mascot is not bad for twins trying to open their own business. It will not only bring success in new endeavors, but also protect the owner from evil eyes and tongues. And the virgins, even, can improve their health with a chrysoprase talisman. The stone has the same effect on the Sagittarius man. It will help to solve the love problems of chrysoprase men and women cancer.

Determine the quality of the stone

To distinguish a fake from the original, you should pay attention to the price policy of the jewelry. Since this type of quartz belongs to semi-precious stones, jewelry with chrysoprase cannot have a low price policy. So, for example, beads in rubles cost at least 2 thousand. And on the jewelry tag there must be a description of semi-precious quartz, including its characteristics. The price of the stone varies somewhat depending on where the green mineral is mined. So, for example, the Australian stone is more expensive than the Polish one. But the price difference is not big.

The second point worth paying attention to is the size of the product. In nature, you can find small-sized chrysoprase crystals. Therefore, in a large pendant or massive bracelet, where large beads are used, as a rule, quartz is fake.

Natural raw materials have various inclusions that are visible under a magnifying glass (bubbles, dark areas). Also, natural raw materials are never uniformly colored.

Historically, it so happened that chrysoprase accompanied people who were successful, wealthy and even great in life. In Medieval Europe, chrysoprase jewelry and amulets were worn by representatives of the nobility, the first successful businessmen, bankers and other wealthy people. No wonder green is the color of money, the color of business, the color of intelligence.

Talisman with chrysoprase is an ideal talisman for business people with large financial resources. Medieval Europeans believed that chrysoprase brings money, helps to achieve success in business and in all endeavors.
Read more about: The magical properties of chrysoprase

Chrysoprase was highly appreciated by innovators and inventors - its power awakened creative energy in them. And, indeed, when you look at the cheerful green chrysoprase, you feel how your mood improves!

Chrysoprase has always been appreciated not for its drawing, but for its unusual color. This gem cannot be confused with any other - it has such an unusual color. The romantically delicate chrysoprase has a shade rare in nature and a noble matte sheen. The traditional shade is apple green. The options can be different - and bluish green and almost emerald.

Chrysoprase contains the forces of Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury. Astrological planet - Venus. The stone protects from troubles and from black envy, returning the envious to their own negative energy.

In medieval books it is noted that chrysoprase has its own special "character" - the stone "does not like" unbalanced, bad and deceitful people, it darkens in their hands, loses its magical power or completely disappears without a trace. Chrysoprase serves only good people - it removes slander, envy, does not allow damage. The positive energy of the stone helps them in any endeavors.

For a long time, people have noted that green stones greatly facilitate the well-being of meteorological people during magnetic storms. Chrysoprase also has this property. It is no coincidence that this stone was widely used in the manufacture of church items. Water was charged with chrysoprase.
Read about: Medicinal properties of chrysoprase

“The romantic tenderness of chrysoprase conceals a powerful energy, adds courage and endurance to its owner,” the great Alexander the Great believed. The commander never parted with his chrysoprase. In the paintings of ancient Greek artists, Alexander is depicted in armor with a belt decorated with large chrysoprase (IV century BC). The Macedonian considered him his battle talisman and never parted with him. The cloudy chrysoprase warned the commander of the impending danger, helped him choose the right paths and make the right decisions. Albertus Magnus described the magic stone of the great commander as "the stone of great victory."

According to legend, the day before his death, the Macedonian decided to swim in the river and took off his famous belt with a talisman. While Alexander was swimming, a snake crawled up to his belt and bit off the coveted green stone. Chrysoprase fell into the water and disappeared. The commander did not notice the loss, put on a belt and died the next day in battle.

Therefore, even before our era, chrysoprase was considered the stone of warriors and the stone of conquerors. The king of Prussia, Frederick the Great, highly appreciated chrysoprase - he always wore a ring with chrysoprase, because he believed that the stone was able to increase the endurance of the human body. His crown was adorned with the same stone.


Chrysoprase is considered a rare gemstone and is the most valuable variety of chalcedony.

Chrysoprase has been used as a gemstone since ancient times - it was a favorite stone of the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. The masters of Hellas carved gems, cameos, intaglios, seals and amulets of striking beauty from a radiant crystal. They depicted mythological scenes, portraits of emperors, heroes and famous people.

Ancient oriental healers used chrysoprase as a medicine - it was applied to sore spots to treat gout, skin rashes, eye diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders. Ancient healers noted that the pleasant greenish tint of the stone helps to restore good spirits.

Chrysoprase was widely used for making jewelry - ancient craftsmen created luxurious earrings, rings, beads, pendants, bracelets, cufflinks, necklaces, necklaces, buttons. Snuff-boxes and lorgnets were encrusted with chrysoprase. History knows very valuable jewelry compositions where chrysoprase was combined with diamonds, diamonds and other precious stones.

In the 18-19 centuries, a beautiful mineral of a soft green hue was included in the most luxurious interiors - when decorating the premises of the royal court and in the houses of the nobility. Chrysoprase has always been a symbol of luxury and prosperity, so its presence in one form or another was considered mandatory for the high society. Medieval chrysoprase mosaics can still be seen today in the magnificent Sanssouci Palace (Potsdam, Germany) and St. Wenceslas Chapel (Prague, Czech Republic).
Chrysoprase was used to decorate church utensils everywhere. Protestant cathedrals in Austria and Germany are rich in chrysoprase - it was used to decorate cups, altars, chalice.

Today, chrysoprase is also actively used in jewelry. On large industrial developments, specimens of a dark apple-green color are most often mined. The stone is crafted into necklaces, rings and brooches.

origin of name

The word chrysoprase comes from the Greek chrysos, which means gold. The second part of the word is from the Greek "prаsios", which means "leek" or "green".

Chrysoprase is a mineral, the most valuable variety of chalcedony.
The stone was formed at low temperatures as a result of strong weathering of the coil (mineral, high-density nickel-containing rock). The deposits of this stone fill the cracks in the host rocks. It is the presence of nickel that provides the delicate green color of chrysoprase, in contrast to emerald, the color of which is formed by the presence of chromium.

Chrysoprase deposits

The best deposits of chrysoprase are Western Australia, Germany, Poland, USA (Arizona, California), Brazil, Kazakhstan.

In Poland, there are deposits developed by Europeans since ancient times. These stones adorned imperial crowns and royal chambers. Chrysoprase is mined in Polish deposits today.

At present, Australia is the leader in terms of production of chrysoprase. Also, this semi-precious stone is mined in the Russian Urals, Romania, Serbia, Pakistan and Madagascar.

  • Chrysoprase of the highest grade

Color - emerald green, uniform, no pattern. This chrysoprase is the best - it is a high quality gemstone. Uniformly bright, intense coloration. Almost translucent - it shines through well through the large thickness of the stone (up to 5 cm), which gives it airiness and attractive visual qualities. The structure of the stone is cryptocrystalline with the rare presence of the smallest impurities of alumina.

  • Chrysoprase of the first grade

Color - apple-green, uniform, no pattern. Translucent through 2 cm. Whitish and opaque areas are occasionally found in the stone. The crystal structure is homogeneous, without a pattern.

  • Chrysoprase second grade

Color - bluish-green or yellow-green, pale-colored, spotted. This is an ornamental stone. The structure of the stone is heterogeneous with milky white spots, with transparent and opaque areas, often with yellow or brown inclusions of limonite. The cracks contain ore minerals.

Chrysoprase history

The delicate green chrysoprase glowing from within is like a piece of a bottomless sea.
The stone pacifies, calms, adjusts to waves of joy, instills harmony. The extremely pleasant-looking stone was highly regarded even before our era.

The name of the stone "chrysoprase" and information about it can be found in primary sources that date back to the 1st century BC.

In addition to many ancient historians, the famous Roman writer Pliny tells about the stone. In his work "Natural History" he called it nothing but "green chalcedony".

Pliny the Elder described the varieties of green stones and, in particular, chrysoprase: “... There are many green expensive stones .. Chrysoprase is appreciated above them. The color is similar to leek juice, but changes from the color of topaz to the color of gold. It is so large that vessels are made of it in the form of canoes, but more often cylinders. These stones are mined in India ... "(Natural History, Book 37, Chapter 34).

In ancient versions of the Bible, it is referred to as the "chrysopras" or "chrysopras" stone. Chrysoprase was adorned with the tenth foundation of holy Jerusalem (Apocalypse, Revelation 21:20).

Chrysoprase was very popular in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome - in the form of magical amulets, bright inserts for neck jewelry, and bracelets. The stone was inserted into rings and hats. He became famous as a stone talisman of the great ancient Greek commander Alexander the Great, who guarded his owner in battle and brought victory.

In the 10-12 centuries, chrysoprase was already widely used as an amulet - a magic crystal protected from troubles and wrong actions. It was believed that the stone helped those sentenced to death - if a prisoner put chrysoprase in his mouth, then he had the opportunity to hide from the executioner. Also, many sources mention that chrysoprase had the ability to disappear.

Chrysoprase was widely used in England in the 12th century. The stone was resold many times, so its price reached the highest level.

Stone fans have their own "Mecca" - these are the cathedrals and chapels of Prague, where unique examples of chrysoprase mosaics of the 14th century have been preserved (St. Wenceslas Chapel, St. Catherine's Chapel).

In the 13-14 century, most of the wealthy people of Europe could see an amulet with chrysoprase around their necks - it was believed that it protects against evil spirits with which Medieval Europe was overwhelmed. Often the image of a bull was carved on the stone, which meant a high degree of protection.

The 14th century saw an increase in the popularity of chrysoprase in the Austrian and German courts. "Luxury" and "chrysoprase" became synonymous in the minds of the royal retinue. The rich and careless representatives of the nobility literally sprinkled chrysoprase on all their property - they were decorated with festive clothes, horse harnesses, gift weapons.

In the 14th century, chrysoprase became fashionable and became a symbol of power and luxury in the royal courts of Austria and Germany. The stone was used in virtually all jewelry and was framed exclusively with diamonds. We can safely say that it was the main stone of the medieval nobility of the 14th century. Its cost reached, at times, astronomical proportions. In the 18th century, chrysoprase was also popular and was one of the five favorite stones of wealthy Europeans.

Chrysoprase is a relatively rare stone in nature, so its industrial mining began quite late, only at the beginning of the 18th century. From that moment on, the active use of stone began to decorate church utensils - chalice, monstrance, cups, altars were created in Austrian and German cathedrals.

In the 16-18 century - the peak of the popularity of jewelry with chrysoprase among all wealthy layers of Europe. The delicate green stone is becoming fashionable and becomes an integral attribute of noble persons of all ranks. It was believed that the stone brings success and recognition in society. Chrysoprase inserts were generously showered with diamonds. The gem was used to decorate luxurious interiors. It was during this period that cameos and intaglio chrysoprase became widespread. Collectors have discovered a real hunt for rare and valuable pieces of jewelry.

In the 18th century, the widespread use of the pale green crystal was facilitated by the Prussian king Frederick II, who preferred chrysoprase to diamonds and rubies. Throughout his life, the courtiers observed on His Majesty's hand a luxurious ring with large chrysoprase. The same stone also adorned his crown. Especially for the royal crown, an original technique of cutting precious stones was invented, which is still called the "Friedrich cut". The luxurious decoration of the famous castle of Sanssouci, which was erected for King Frederick in Potsdam, is carried out in the same style.

The popularity and high cost of chrysoprase are the reasons for the frequent counterfeiting of the stone. Moreover, fakes of the crystal appeared before our era. Here is how Papyrus Grecus Holmiensis describes the recipe for making “chrysoprase” in the 4th-3rd century BC: “… if you mix a swallow's potion with indigo, you get greens. Take some more bark, it's a good coloring agent. Put a crystal (rock crystal) in it, let it soak, and you get chrysoprase ... ".

If you are looking for unusual and inexpensive jewelry, pay attention to cupronickel products. An energetically powerful metal gives its owner wisdom, poise and, at the same time, activity. It is a special alloy that ......

Chrysoprase is one of the most beautiful semi-precious stones. Due to its magical, medicinal properties, it is often used in various fields of activity.

Properties of chrysoprase stone is a type of chalcedony. This mineral was mined in ancient Greece. This period lifted him to the pinnacle of popularity. There are known wars, the beginning of which was laid because of a semi-precious stone.

Legend has it that Alexander the Great was wearing a green amulet. After the passed centuries, any information has been lost.

During classicism, information, as well as interest in the mineral, increased rapidly. Indeed, it was in the 17th and 19th centuries that archaeologists began excavations related to antiquity.

Magical properties

The chrysoprase stone was used not only to create exquisite jewelry, but also as a magical amulet. Even the people of the Ancient World believed, knew about the presence of magic in the mineral and used the magical properties of chrysoprase to their advantage.

It is worth considering the character traits of the person for whom chrysoprase is suitable. This is a person who is strong on the energetic side. There is an opinion about the luck of the stone used for business people, creative individuals, careerists.

The mineral is suitable as a talisman against slander, "bad eye". The stone has a good effect on the psychological state. It promotes calming and pacification, protects against negative energy.

The chrysoprase mineral is able to change the color palette. There is a belief that says about the connection between color and good, or negative character traits, human intentions. In cases of cloudiness of the stone, it is worth thinking about the possible danger. The chrysoprase magical properties of the stone include the connection with the heart chakra. It regulates feelings of love and devotion. Chrysoprase is used to strengthen or develop these traits. The magical properties of the stone are responsible for the health of the heart, circulatory system, maintains the health of organs at the required level.

Chrysoprase is a charming green stone. Foggy, smoky, bluish color of chrysoprase crystals has captivated lovers of semi-precious jewelry for more than a thousand years. Even in antiquity, roughly (by modern standards) polished shards of matte green stone were set in gold and worn by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

However, the gem has never been particularly expensive, since chrysoprase is just a variety. Even if it is of rare color.

Wet Nickel - Greens Parent

People have noticed for a long time: the chrysoprase stone retains its color properties only for a while, and then fades. Warmed in the sun, stored as an interior decoration in a dry, well-ventilated place, the mineral loses its color intensity, becomes whitish, “turns gray”.

However, it is enough to move the jewelry into a humid environment, or simply start wearing it, or even carry out a course of "SPA therapy" by ordinary wrapping in a wet towel - and the chrysoprase greens will freshen up.

The mysteriousness of this phenomenon haunted mineralogists for a long time. Modern scientists have found out that the intensity of the green color of the mineral depends on the concentration of several nickel compounds in the thickness of the quartz monolith. Nickel-containing Ni (OH) 2 gel is capable of losing the OH hydroxyl group when the stone is heated or when a rock sample is placed in a dehydrated medium.

The contact of the stone with water leads to the introduction of H2O molecules into the microcracks of the mineral. Nickel reattaches hydrogen and oxygen atoms to itself, and the color of the alkaline gel is restored. Along with this, the color of chrysoprase is also renewed.

The "race" of chrysoprase depends on the location of the stone

Chrysoprase is a mineral found in all parts of the world. He happens to delight people with shades of green onions and unripe apples, meadow grass and marsh sedge bathing in the sun. Connoisseurs can spend hours discussing the aesthetic merits of green (to which, in fact, chrysoprase belongs).

Outstanding jewelry properties are inherent in the chrysoprase stone mined in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan, in the vicinity of the Ukrainian city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, in Brazil and in the south of the United States.

Gemologists note: Australia's entry into the chrysoprase jewelry market has created a furor. It is from Australia that very large (weighing up to a pound) gems come from, which are distinguished by uniformity of dense color and high technological quality.

The intensity of the color of the mineral determines the price of jewelry and the demand for the stone. However, not every green quartz is chrysoprase. The emerald color, generated by chromium (not nickel), turns quartz into a mineral, locally called mtorolite (mined in Africa).

Mtorolite looks rustic: its color is bright, the array is transparent. The price of mtorolite is much lower than the price of natural chrysoprase, and it is difficult to confuse minerals. The problem, however, is that the Chinese have learned to produce a material that mimics gemstones fairly faithfully.

Chrysoprase counterfeit

The advancement in fiber-optic technology has made counterfeiting possible. For falsification, a green composite material is used, consisting of a compressed mass of the finest light-guiding fibers.

Fused with a dyed matrix polymer, the glass fibers are perceived by the eye as a luminous haze thickening in depth. Chrysoprase stone has approximately the same optical properties ...

Even Leskov's Lefty would not have been able to distinguish individual fibers with the naked eye. And a jewelry loupe, which gives a magnification of 10-30 times, is not particularly helpful in examining a fake. The fact is that in a centimeter bead of an optical fiber composite, more than six kilometers of separate light-guiding strands are concentrated!

Due to the mass production of high-tech material, its cost is so low that a very impressive string of beads has a retail price of no more than five dollars. The outward resemblance of chrysoprase and artificial jewelry allows fraudsters to sell fake jewelry inserts with a huge "fat".

A natural stone can be distinguished by its density (a mineral is heavier than a composite), thermal conductivity (a natural gem is cooler to the touch), and the presence of inhomogeneities (artificial material is flawless - while real chrysoprase has minor structural defects).

The magical properties of chrysoprase

Lusciously colored chrysoprase is recognized by esotericists as much more powerful carriers of hidden natural forces than whitish stones. Bright green promises success in all new endeavors. That is why people of creative professions are so suitable (and like it so much!) Foggy greenish quartz.

It is also noticed that chrysoprase protects financial institutions and motivated financiers from all kinds of shocks. Providing stability in the state of affairs, the green gem helps in the implementation of only good intentions. At the same time, in the categories of good and evil, the stone understands better than any expert. That is why the magical properties of chrysoprase are recognized as unique!

Green is the color of health

Chrysoprase is also not ignored by lithotherapists. The treatment of eye diseases by eye contact with minerals is a long and recognized tradition. But the medicinal properties of chrysoprase are not limited to a positive effect on the organs of vision alone.

Applications of a stone along the spinal column, moistened and warmed to a comfortable temperature, normalize the endocrine system. The endocrine glands, driven by the healing chrysoprase, after the procedure begin to work in concert, in a single biological rhythm.

The mineral also helps in the treatment of neurological pathologies. Not being a panacea, the stone, nevertheless, clearly relieves the condition of patients prone to meteorological dependence.

Chrysoprase is the most valuable variety of chalcedony of a beautiful onion, herbal, apple-green color. The name of chrysoprase comes from the Greek words - gold. According to the data given in the capital work of Hintze, originally chrysoprase was called various green cryptocrystalline mineral formations, consisting essentially of silica, but in 1775 Lehmann transferred this name to a green stone from Silesia, in which in 1797 Klaproth first established the content of 1% NiO, thereby associating the green color with the presence of nickel compounds. Zirkel and Cermak assigned chrysoprase from Silesia to chalcedony. Earlier, Bauer characterized chrysoprase as a hornfelse, a dense micro-grained quartz, and separated the "true" chrysoprase from chalcedony, which was artificially colored green with a nickel solution, which was used in the jewelry process.

Photo of a green variety of chalcedony - chrysoprase

There is no evidence that chrysoprase was used in antiquity as adornments along with various green stones. Pliny and Agricola mention chrysoprasius, but only in relation to plasma, prase, beryl and other green stones.

In the textbook on mineralogy by G. Lebedev for 1907, horn stone colored with nickel salts is also called chrysoprase. In the "System of Mineralogy" by E.S. Dan for 1911 it is said that chrysoprase is chalcedony painted with nickel oxide. AE Fersman in his monograph “Precious and Colored Stones of Russia” in 1922 called the translucent variety of chalcedony and flint, the color of which is caused by nickel compounds, as chrysoprase. We find a more specific mineralogical definition in the work "Minerals of the Ural Weathering Crust" by I. I. Ginzburg and I. A. Rukavishnikova (1951), who believe that the stones of the Urals are a fine mixture of chalcedony and garnierite. Then J. Dan and co-authors in 1962 in the "System of Mineralogy" - a fundamental work concerning minerals of the silica group, noted that this is an apple-green, translucent variety of chalcedony, the color of which is due to scattered particles of hydrated nickel silicate.

Finally, in 1975, the results of studies of chrysoprase from a specific deposit appeared - Sarykulboldy, Kazakhstan. In the articles of M. D. Dorfman et al. And L. V. Nikolskaya et al., It was concluded that the color of chrysoprase is caused by an admixture of a mineral such as Ni-saponite. Silica itself is characterized by heterogeneity of the microstructure, expressed in the replacement of sections of a-quartz proper with chalcedony sections. In addition, the presence of α-tridymite and a large number of gel-like inclusions resembling amorphous allophane was noted. The content of nickel oxide in onion-apple, herbal and bluish-green chrysoprase ranges from 0.29 to 0.61%. It is noted that in chrysoprase from Shklyar (Lower Silesia, Poland), the NiO content reaches 1.11%.
Thus, the authors who studied minerals from the Urals and Kazakhstan believe that this is fine-crystalline silica, represented by chalcedony or a mixture of chalcedony, α-quartz and α-tridymite, colored green by nickel-containing silicate of different composition on different deposits - garnierite or saponite.

Chrysoprase properties


Usually fibrous and sometimes fine-grained. Chrysoprase usually contains, in addition to chalcedony, quartzine, a-quartz and a-tridymite. The color of the stone, as a rule, is heterogeneous - from very weak to deep green with all the subtlest transitions between them.

The study of thin sections showed that the silica minerals distinguishable in a light microscope, which compose chrysoprase, are most often mixtures of quartz and chalcedony or quartz, chalcedony and quartz. But there is also chrysoprase, composed of microcrystalline α-quartz, as well as a cryptocrystalline, more undetectable mass of silica, the grain size of which goes beyond the resolution of a light microscope.
The use of X-rays made it possible to establish that in mixtures consisting of quartz, chalcedony and quartz, the latter is present in a subordinate amount and does not have a noticeable effect on the intensity of those reflections that correspond to the chalcedony group.

The microstructure of semi-transparent, mainly quartz - chalcedony chrysoprase in crossed nicols is characterized by inhomogeneous granularity, expressed in the intermittency of microcryptogranular areas (grain size 10-1.5 microns or 30-5 microns or less) with microgranular (60-30 microns). In clearly granular areas, when observed without an analyzer, a globular addition with globule sizes of 0.015-0.2 mm in diameter is clearly distinguishable. The shape of the globules is from oval to multifaceted. Large globules have a well-pronounced fine-zoned structure, which consists in alternating zones with different refractive indices. Among the latter, talc zones up to 7 μm wide are sometimes distinguishable, within which the Ne axes of talc flakes are oriented parallel to the zone. Globules with crossed nicols in some cases retain their outlines visible with one nicole, in others they lose them, and at the same time the configuration of grains seen in crossed nicols is completely different than with one polarizer.
Discernible under a microscope, talcum scales reach 30-80 and rarely 120 microns, talc is evenly distributed in a cryptocrystalline mass of chalcedony that does not act on polarized light.
The microstructure of quartz chrysoprase is microgranular with the size of isometric quartz grains not exceeding 30 microns. Talc in it is microscopically indistinguishable. It was detected by X-ray (reflection 3.07 A) and on dermatograms (stop at 850 ° C).

Minerals - impurities distinguishable under a microscope, are represented in all samples mainly by fine-flaked talc and sometimes by brown lumps of organic matter. Talc is colorless, optically uniaxial, negative with refractive indices n e about 1.581 and 1.593 or n g about 1.568, n p about 1.547. Differences in the values ​​of refractive indices are within the limits known for talc and are associated with the amount of iron isomorphically replacing magnesium. Talc and sometimes present serpentine appear on the diffractograms of chrysoprase as faint but distinct characteristic peaks. In addition, they are well recorded on derivatograms obtained from large samples, which also reflect the presence of organic matter during thermal studies.
Chrysoprase powder from Kazakhstan was stained with an alcoholic solution of alizarin. This suggests that it contains an admixture of alumina hydrates, which is consistent with the assumption made about the presence of allophane. The maximum content of alumina hydrate, based on the data of chemical analyzes, reaches 4% (at 2.73% Al 2 O 3).

Chrysoprase color

The color is generally bright, but not dark, gradually turns into pale green and yellowish or grayish green and can fade in the sun from prolonged exposure to sunlight, but it is restored if the stone is placed in a humid environment. It also fades when ignited. The stone sometimes contains small spots or irregular areas of white or yellowish color. The color of chrysoprase is due to scattered particles of hydrated nickel silicate.

According to the data of semi-quantitative spectral analysis, all studied samples contain tenths of a percent Fe, Al, Na; hundredths - Mn, Ca, Cr; from hundredths to thousandths - As; thousandths - Cu, Ti. In addition, some samples contain: from hundredths to thousandths of a percent of Zn; thousandths - Pb, Ba, Co, B, Y p from thousandths and less - Be. Taking into account the constant and relatively significant content of talc (less often serpentine) found microscopically and from diffractograms and the quantitative ratio between Mg and Ni established by chemical analyzes, it is difficult to agree with the conclusions that the entire amount of the latter, and therefore the color of chrysoprase, is associated with magical - nickel silicates of the garnierite type or saponite. Obviously, one should look for some other nickel minerals not containing MgO in the impurities.

The green color of chrysoprase depends on the presence of finely dispersed inclusions of Ni-saponite (pimelite), garnierite, bunsenite and other nickel-containing minerals and the gel - Ni (OH) 2, which is in chrysoprase, as shown by electron microscopic studies, between isometric grains with a size of 0.5 -50 microns.

  • The line is missing.
  • Glass luster
  • The ebb is well polished and becomes slightly waxy or matte.

Chalcedony is generally translucent to transparent or cloudy; moreover, individual layers of chalcedony in one sample often differ in the degree of transparency.

Mechanical properties

  • Hardness. The hardness of chalcedony varies somewhat; it is less than that of coarse-crystalline quartz, and is usually 6.5. The mineral is rather fragile and its large pieces are usually more or less fractured.
  • The density is 2.57-2.64, and its fluctuations depend on the amount and composition of impurities, porosity and water content.
  • Cleavage is absent.
  • Break. The fracture is uneven or conchoidal.
  • Porosity of the stone. It is characterized by greater or lesser porosity, and isolated pores, or, more often, the finest tubes and filamentary voids, are located parallel to the fibrillation. The amount of porosity varies in different layers or zones and is minimal in white or milky white interlayers. Some stones adhere to the tongue or absorb water quickly, sometimes with a faint hissing sound or with bubbles forming on a damp surface. The presence of porosity in chalcedony and its varieties allows these stones to be artificially colored

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Examination under an electron microscope

Examination under an electron microscope by the replica 3 method revealed in chrysoprase a large number of round-shaped secretions with a size of no more than 0.1-0.2 microns, which are clearly distinguishable among larger crystalline formations. It would be easy to mistake them for closed pores, but the globular addition revealed by a scanning microscope makes us think that the rounded formations observed on replicas do not always correspond to closed pores, but may be small globules that make up larger concretions. In addition, the replicas clearly show crystals of octahedral habit up to 0.4 μm in size. When the sample was examined three times by X-ray, only in one case, a weak but clearly pronounced peak of 2.39A appeared on the diffractogram, which may well correspond to one of the strong reflections (2.41 A) of bunsenite, while the other two (2.09 1.47 A) coincide with close reflections of α-quartz. This conclusion is consistent with the high NiO content in this sample, which corresponds to two definitions of 4.20 and 5.08%, as well as with the octahedral crystal shapes characteristic of bunsenpt. On replicas of other chrysoprase samples with a lower nickel oxide content, inclusions of octahedral habit of 0.1-0.14 μm are also sometimes distinguishable, but more often they are difficult to distinguish from small silica globules.
In nature, bunsenite is found only in the oxidation zone of the nickel-uranium deposit in Saxony (Germany). Bunsenite is transparent, dark pistachio green in color, which corresponds to the color of chrysoprase.

Iron oxide reaches 0.4 and 0.7%. It probably enters mainly into the composition of talc and therefore has no noticeable effect on the color.


Chrysoprase green coloration can be achieved by staining chalcedony and agate. One method for recognizing this artificial coloration is to use a Chelsea filter, under which the chrysoprase remains green and the artificially colored chalcedony remains brownish red. According to the TU in force in the USSR, chrysoprase is divided into five varieties: extra, higher, first, second and third, which depends on the color of the stone and its size. The best stones include chrysoprase pieces up to 400 g in size. Dendrites of manganese hydroxides and the presence of crusts no more than 5 mm thick are allowed. The price of chrysoprase abroad is 140-170 USD / kg.


Chrysoprase is usually found as a secondary formation in veins and fill fissures in serpentinites.

Chrysoprase deposits

Chrysoprase deposits are associated with linear weathering crusts of nickel-bearing hyperbasites.

For the first time, the Shklyary chrysoprase deposit was discovered in the XIV century. in Poland. Delicate color, beautiful luster and excellent polishing made it one of the favorite stones of jewelers. In Moscow, in the Armory Chamber, various products are stored, in the decoration of which chrysoprase was used. Chrysoprase inserts are currently used in rings, pendants and
earrings This stone is very beautiful in beads, necklaces and bracelets. Chrysoprase is cut in the form of cabochons.

In Zimbabwe, chalcedony of onion, herb, and apple green color was found, caused by inclusions of chromium-containing minerals. It was named, in contrast to chrysoprase, after the place where it was found mtorolite (mtorodite, matorolite). Mtorolite can be distinguished by a clear Cr line in the absorption spectrum, which is absent in chrysoprase, which has an absorption line of Ni - 632 nm in the spectrum.

The well-known chrysoprase deposits are Frankenstein, Kosemütz and Glesendorf in Silesia; a nickel deposit near Riddle, Douglas County, Oregon; and in the serpentinites near Porterville, Exeter, and Lindsay, Tulare County, California. Chrysoprase is mined mainly in the deposits of California, where there are vein clusters up to 30 cm thick, suitable for mosaic work. Green or greenish-blue chalcedony with an admixture of chrysocolla, reminiscent of chrysoprase or turquoise, is found in the copper mines of the Globe mining region in Gila County, Arizona. easily imitated by chalcedony colored with solutions of chrome or nickel salts.


Ornamental stone. Ring inserts, pendants. Among chrysoprase jewelery, stones of a dense green color are found and most prized.

Chrysoprase product care

As noted above, chrysoprase can fade in bright light if exposed to the sun for a long time. To restore color, immerse in water or moisten in any other way. The color and appearance is best preserved if the jewelry is worn often, because changes can also occur from temperature, with overheating.
There are no other features of care. Cleaning is carried out as needed in running water using non-abrasive materials. A soapy solution is used.

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