Choosing a shoulder blade tattoo for men. Shoulder blade tattoos for girls. Photos, ideas, sketches, inscriptions with translation, birds, flowers, patterns, hieroglyphs Tattoos on the arms and shoulder blade for girls

Attitudes towards tattoos, especially on the female body, are still ambiguous, so not everyone decides to apply a design in an open place. From the point of view of practicality, the shoulder blades are considered a good area, most of the time inaccessible to prying eyes. What could be appropriate and beautiful tattoos on the back and how to find your design?

How to choose tattoo designs for girls

The tattoo is not as easy to put together as we would like, so it is recommended to carry its idea like a baby: for a long time and with love. Women's back tattoos are considered very practical due to the ability to hide them if the dress code requires it, show them only to those closest to them, or tease them with a piece of the design when wearing a certain style of clothing. For this reason, you need to choose an image taking into account whether you want the tattoo to be visible to everyone, or whether it should become your secret, into which only a select few are privy.

There are several general rules for choosing a tattoo on the shoulder blade for girls:

  • Think about what you want to say. This should not be a reflection of a momentary desire, born under the influence of fashion trends or the subculture to which you belong now. Removing a tattoo from a shoulder blade, especially a large one, is painful, and it is not always possible to do it successfully.
  • Consider your social position. A strict office blouse will hide the tattoo pattern if the fabric is thick, but some styles of clothing expose part of the back, shoulder, etc. If you have very strict requirements for your appearance, consider small tattoos that fit on the middle or lower part of the shoulder blade.
  • Be sure to discuss the idea with the master, bring drawings that will reflect it as accurately as possible. Do not explain the type of tattoo with vague phrases: “delicate butterfly”, “cool and formidable tiger”, etc. – the client’s vision and the vision of who will do the work often do not coincide.
  • Keep in mind that small tattoos between the shoulder blades of girls should not have an overly complex design, especially if a scattering of individual elements is planned: for example, the Milky Way. The smaller the size of the tattoo, the simpler it is to implement.
  • If you want a color tattoo, the image should be outlined in black. Otherwise, the shape will blur very quickly.

Don't sign up for a salon until you know exactly what you want to see on your back. The artist can offer you absolutely any options for tattoos on the shoulder blades for girls - from large colored designs all over the back to small single elements, but your choice at this moment will be made in the absence of time to think. In 80% of cases, a girl who has not decided on a tattoo before visiting the salon regrets the result.

What are the most popular tattoos for girls?

Most of the fair sex, even with tattoos, want to remain feminine and gentle, so small, graceful female tattoos on the shoulder blade that are not conspicuous are in particular demand. The desire to keep a piece of mystery leads to girls choosing a tattoo whose meaning is not easy to guess. Phrases in a foreign language, complex symbols. At the same time, shoulder blades are an ideal canvas on which you can place even a very large drawing, which is used by those who want to fully express their style.


A sign of purity, the bright light of a pure soul, the desire to protect loved ones, sublimity, strength. At the same time, the angel between the shoulder blades does not always speak of the lightness of character of the girl who wears such a tattoo, but it testifies to her kindness, responsiveness, and spirituality. From a religious point of view, a tattoo in the form of an angel can also be a talisman, especially if he holds a cross in his hands. Often such an image appears among those who have experienced a serious tragedy or other event that divided life into “before” and “after.”


An option with the same frequency is possible in both men and women:

  • The barely noticeable outlines of seagulls represent the desire for freedom.
  • Large colored heads of a raven, eagle or hawk are a symbol of attentiveness and intelligence.
  • A peacock spreading its rich tail on its shoulder blade can indicate a broad nature and a desire to show itself in all its glory.
  • The modest swallow is about the desire to return home, to warmth and joy.


The most beautiful tattoos for girls that only emphasize femininity, grace and tenderness are flowers. Such tattoos are often small in size, made in color or represent only the outline of a flower:

  • A proud rose on the shoulder blade is a sign of a regal nature that knows its worth.
  • A fluffy dandelion speaks of good nature and responsiveness.
  • A fragile violet is characteristic of owners of a reverent and sensitive soul.


A very popular and effective option for tattoos on the shoulder blades for girls, since this area is the best suited for applying such a design. The meaning of the tattoo depends on the appearance of the wings - what shape and color the feathers have, what size:

  • Stuffed on both shoulder blades, clearly in their silhouette, symbolize the girl’s readiness to protect what is dear.
  • Small spread wings between the shoulder blades - a burning desire to fly above the dullness of life, to gain freedom from everything that burdens.


The sign of a romantic nature is chosen by girls who want to express their feelings for their chosen one or not be able to forget about love, even if it was unhappy. The option of creating such a tattoo as a sign of the vows of love and fidelity cannot be ruled out - often the heart is accompanied by the wedding date or the names of the spouses. In rare cases, a tattoo in the shape of a heart speaks of courage and attentiveness to others.


Absolutely anything – from a formidable wolf to a wise dragon – they best give an idea of ​​the character of their owner. Women's back tattoos in the form of animals, fish and insects are very popular; it is difficult to guess their meaning without clues. A dolphin does not always speak of nobility and carelessness, but it can also be a symbol that brings good luck, and a scorpion can indicate a thirst for revenge or a girl’s sacrifice.

Musical notes

Not the most popular option for shoulder blade tattoos for girls, but very original. A scattering of round notes speaks of a creative nature, ease in attitude to life, and aesthetic taste. If the drawing is complemented by the image of a musical instrument, this may be a sign of inner harmony, the desire to create one’s own destiny, and love for non-standard solutions.

Tattoos with inscriptions

The size of the spatula allows you to type not just a short phrase, but also capture an entire fragment of text. An analysis of the girls' reviews made it possible to understand that the most popular tattoo options are quotes in English or Latin; Italian, Spanish and French are used a little less often. Hieroglyphs also attract attention, but it is important not to make a mistake in their spelling, otherwise the meaning can change dramatically.

Photo ideas for back tattoos for girls

Wolf and dreamcatcher tattoo

Decorating a shoulder blade with a tattoo is a real challenge for a tattoo artist. On the female body this place is covered with an aura of eroticism. The same symbol will emphasize masculinity or the grace of femininity.

The shoulder blade enters the red zone according to the pain map. Deciding to get a tattoo here means taking a decisive and conscious step.

Features of tattoos on the shoulder blade

In the area of ​​the shoulder blades lie the deltoid, trapezius, supraspinatus, teres minor and major muscles. The strands are laid in layers on top of the bone, laid out in a mosaic pattern.

In the area of ​​the upper zone of the scapula there is fascia - cartilage-type connective tissue. It connects the rhomboid muscles of the back to the shoulder joint.

Even on an untrained body, when moving, the muscles are in constant motion and create relief. When placing tattoos on the shoulder blade, the artist must take into account the characteristics of the figure and individual muscle dynamics. This is important because when moving, the skin will shift and deform the pattern.

The structure of the muscular frame in men is different from the female figure. They are more convex and embossed. On the male body, the shoulder blade is a good place for large-scale paintings.

Ideas and meanings of shoulder blade tattoos for girls

Girls are recommended to place the drawing with a compact composition. If the image involves the area and shoulders, they should emphasize the grace of the transition. A pattern with large details is placed closer to the middle of the shoulder blade.

Female tattoo symbols for the shoulder blade:

  • lotus - divine love;
  • butterflies - a soul open to flight;
  • cat - sexuality;
  • lilies - purity;
  • roses - passion;
  • dolphin - freedom;
  • phoenix - rebirth;
  • spider - sharp mind, ability to weave intrigues;
  • Scorpio - danger;
  • peonies - grace.

The drawing is placed in such a composition that it maximizes the potential of the figure. The viewer's eye should be attracted by the silhouette and color scheme. The purpose of a tattoo is to evoke positive emotions.

Ideas and meanings of men's tattoos

Men's tattoos emphasize the strength and energy of muscles. They reinforce the feeling of a strong back. That is why the drawing is not located in isolation, but with a transition to the back or arm.

Tattoos between the shoulder blades are popular; male symbols decorate the back and create a sense of balance.

Image ideas:

  • scorpio top view;
  • angel with spread wings;
  • Aztec calendar;
  • Indian eagle symbol;
  • Rose of Wind;
  • compass;
  • Yin Yang;
  • Celtic cross;
  • crow;
  • barcode;
  • Thor's hammer.

When choosing tattoos on the shoulder blade, male symbols should show stability and strength. Such images include the eastern signs of balance, the Scandinavian hammer of Thor and the Celtic raven.

If the goal is to protect your back from an attack, signs are selected that create a barrier. These include the Shield of Terror, Yarilo, an Indian symbol. The feeling of flow will not leave the owner of the Aztec calendar, wind rose and compass tattoo.

What are the best tattoos to get?

Images of an angel with open wings and a sword will help to emphasize the beauty of the back muscles and its masculinity.

Tribal and ornamental motifs look beautiful on the shoulder blade. With their help, the pattern easily goes into the shoulder and biceps. The ethnic styles of Maori, dotwork and Haida have a similar property.

Among the photos of tattoos of young men, the word “mom” is often found tattooed on the shoulder blade. This is how the tattoo owner emphasizes his love for a loved one.

Animalistic images are more suitable for guys; tattoos for men can be created based on symbolism. For example, the Soviet star will emphasize the directness and determination of a person. The Spartan helmet will suit strong and ascetic individuals.

  • Samurai tattoo

  • Tattoo on the shoulder blade, trash polka photo from:

  • Embroidery tattoo on shoulder blade

  • Tattoo on the shoulder blade, scat photo from:

  • photo from:

  • Tattoo on shoulder blade

  • Trash polka tattoo

  • Leopard tattoo

  • Cheshire cat tattoo

  • Panda tattoo on shoulder blade
  • Roman numerals tattoo on shoulder blade

  • Fire tattoo on shoulder blade

  • Phoenix tattoo on shoulder blade

A tattoo helps you express your individuality and highlight your special style. Men do not always apply designs to visible areas of the body; for example, a tattoo in the area of ​​the shoulder blades will look original and non-trivial. The meaning of a tattoo on the shoulder blade for men will directly depend on the choice of sketch and drawing up an artistic composition.

The emotional message will vary depending on the desired execution style and color scheme. Today, different themes and categories of drawings are in trend, ranging from laconic mini ideas, monochrome brutal options, ending with bright 3D, color and symbolic images. The best offers from masters with photos and tips will be in the article below.

Tattoos on the shoulder blades are an original addition to the image of a stylish modern man. But often the first difficulty is choosing a sketch, due to the abundance of cool ideas for modern body art. We bring to your attention the most successful and fashionable offers of the current year:

Scorpion– the choice of a strong-willed and strong leader who is not afraid of change and difficulties. This sketch is perfect for men who often face risks and dangers, as a talisman and a source of courage.

The Dragon- a symbol of a fearless romantic, as well as a man with endless drive in realizing himself and his goals.

Scull- a symbol of man’s absolute fearlessness, even of death. From this picture one can judge a strong personality with a certain amount of sarcasm in his character. It is believed that the skull can also serve as a talisman against risks and dangers.

Wings– a person is not ready to come to terms with the harshness of real life; he is endowed with endless optimism and faith in a better future. The drawing also speaks of the desire to be under the protection of higher powers.

Cross– the religious motif speaks of a person’s faith in God and higher powers, humility to bear his cross, recognition of only God as an authority. Sometimes you can say from a tattoo that a person is independent of anything in life.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

It is important to know that in the area between the shoulder blades there is an energy center responsible for willpower, the male ego, desires, needs and temptations. This means that sacred drawings are appropriate here, helping to enhance the good qualities of character and pacify the dark side in a person’s essence.

Features of tattoos on the shoulder blade in men

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo on your shoulder blade, we suggest you think carefully about the decision, weighing all the pros and cons. The main advantages clearly include several points:

  • aesthetics– with the help of modern ideas and cool craftsmen, you can create an individual fashionable image;
  • camouflage– in this place, work can easily be covered with clothes, which means bold experiments will not interfere with building a career;
  • ease of execution– the smooth surface and large space make it easy to create spectacular pictures;
  • versatility– in such a place any sketches and styles of execution are available, there will be no boundaries or restrictions in front of the man and the master;
  • low level of wear– regardless of age-related changes, weight gain or muscle mass, weight loss, the pattern on the shoulder blades will not be distorted;
  • sacred meaning– various mystical and magical signs and symbols aimed at improving the quality of life will work ideally here.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • bright and cool ideas will be relatively expensive, so it’s better to prepare for the costs in advance;
  • the owner of the tattoo himself will not be able to regularly enjoy the aesthetics of the work, since it is located on the back;
  • The design will not always be in the viewing area for the environment, for example, in cold weather, when the tattoo will be hidden by clothing.

For reference! In terms of caring for the healing area, it will also not be entirely comfortable. You will need the help of another person to clean and apply restorative products. But in general, healing will proceed quickly and without problems.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on your shoulder blade?

To understand how painful the procedure for applying a tattoo on the shoulder blade will be, it is worth knowing what factors determine the degree of sensitivity. This includes the thickness of the skin, the presence of adipose tissue, muscles, the number of nerve endings in this place, and the proximity of blood vessels and bones.

In practice, most men note that the work of an experienced master will be relatively painless. Despite the different pain thresholds, rarely did anyone complain of pain, since the skin here is quite dense and there is a sufficient level of fat. The master can work easily and quickly due to the absence of folds, wrinkles and pronounced relief.

Which tattoo style do you prefer: minimalism (M) or realism (R)?


Styles and colors for tattoos on a man's shoulder blade

Another important criterion on which the meaning and visual perception of a tattoo directly depends is the style of execution. One and the same picture can be depicted so differently that it will radically change the vector of its understanding. This year it’s worth taking a closer look at the following trends in body art:


finishing touches;



trash polka;


old school;

new school;


Next, decide whether it will be a monochrome one-color version or a color image. If the second option is closer, use base paints and their similar shades, which creates the effect of chiaroscuro, an optical illusion.

Inscriptions with meaning

Inscriptions in this area of ​​the body are an original and popular solution for creating an image. Their main task is to define and formulate the owner’s life credo. What topics do they cover:

  • Love;
  • friendship;
  • family;
  • religion;
  • philosophy;
  • life events.

The person who wrote the inscription seems to be silently declaring something personal. A variety of modern languages ​​are used, as well as ancient Latin, Hebrew, and aesthetically pleasing Arabic script and hieroglyphs.

In order for the work to be unique and creative, you should pay attention not only to the meaning of the inscription, but also to the font of its writing. Most often, masters practice 3 options - handwritten, calligraphic and Gothic font.


The most popular language for writing inscriptions is oriental hieroglyphs, which are distinguished by their aesthetics and mystery. And since the meaning of the signs will be clear only to the owner himself, we can talk about the sacred meaning of the tattoo. The inscriptions can relate to faith, love, family, or a man’s credo in life.



Fans of body art with particular zeal choose images of animals, including those for painting on the shoulder blades. Large sketches are mainly of panthers, jaguars, lions and tigers, bears, and wolves. The choice indicates that a person is in motion and determines his life goals. Moderate sketches are the heads of animals and predators, as the appearance of strength, readiness to stand up for oneself and loved ones, mercilessness towards enemies.


Birds of prey, such as the eagle, hawk, and kite, are primarily associated with freedom and independence, and also demonstrate a desire to strive upward, bypassing any obstacles. Crows and owls are considered symbols of a sharp mind, developed intuition and even mysticism. In any case, this is the desire to rise above vanity.


If an insect is depicted on the body, we can safely talk about a man with a non-standard vision of life and himself. Creatures such as ladybugs, beetles, and grasshoppers are amulets with which you can protect yourself from risks and failures. Spiders and scorpions speak of a strong-willed personality capable of fighting back.

Marine life

Shark, turtle, fish, dolphin or whale are most often chosen by individuals prone to adventurism and daydreaming. Tattoos can also imply philosophical overtones, the desire for new knowledge and travel. And some symbols and characters even work as amulets against life’s troubles and problems.


The opinion that flowers and trees are a purely female option for tattoos is actually erroneous. Peony is the personification of male energy, rose is love and fidelity, tree is stability and development, and dandelion and thistle are strong amulets. Such motives are characteristic of creative, sensual men.

Memorable tattoos

If the purpose of tattoos is to perpetuate a serious event, then we are talking about memorable sketches. These could be the names of people who have passed away, children born, dates of military service or training, professional badges. Also, with the help of tattoos you can not hide scars from a serious incident, but rather capture them.


Symbols are different objects and signs with sacred and magical effects. Some improve energy and character, others eliminate failures and risks, others attract luck and prosperity to karma. Most often depicted on the shoulder blades:

  • Yin Yang;
  • Zodiac sign;
  • Infinity sign;
  • mandala;
  • cross;
  • all-seeing eye;
  • key and much more.


  • Polynesian pattern;
  • cross;
  • tiger and dragon;
  • grin of a predator;
  • flame;
  • scull;
  • wolf;
  • bear and much more.

Mini tattoo

Miniature drawings are preferred by discreet, conservative men who value simplicity and clarity. Most often these are symbols that act as amulets and amulets. For example:

  • dream Catcher;
  • compass;
  • anchor;
  • crown;
  • animal paw print;
  • cross;
  • stars and much more.

Beautiful and cool tattoos

Cool and beautiful ideas are characteristic of creative and extraordinary individuals, young and expressive guys. With the help of drawings, they emphasize their special vision of beauty and style. What could it be:

  • geometric shapes or patterns;
  • abstraction;
  • Angel wings;
  • 3d drawings;
  • landscapes, etc.


The master can execute any idea in color format, using any bright colors or halftones. Body designs, in general, will symbolize passion, sensuality, ardor in character, the desire to attract attention and show your best qualities. The following ideas look especially impressive in color:

  • space and planets;
  • mythical creatures;
  • predators;
  • carp;
  • rose or peony;
  • warrior.

3d tattoo

A real hit of 2018-2019. steel body drawings in 3D format. The masters' works turn out to be so realistic that they attract attention and admiring glances from all sides. The following ideas can be performed on the shoulder blade:

  • biomechanics;
  • pattern or whole ornament;
  • portrait of a girl;
  • angel;
  • the face of a saint or Jesus Christ;
  • animal;
  • bird, etc.

Before going to the master, it is important to think through several important points:

  1. Sketch– it should not be someone’s idea, plagiarism, but the author’s, pre-prepared version.
  2. The meaning of the drawing– it should be clear to a man even before the tattoo is applied to the body.
  3. Size– you should have an idea of ​​how large the drawing will be before starting work.
  4. Style– he is chosen by the man himself, the master can only give recommendations.
  5. Location– this can be a tattoo in the center of the shoulder blade, a paired version for two shoulder blades, an element from the composition along the entire back or on the shoulder.

You also need to think about how long it will take for the master to complete the idea, and how much you will have to pay for everything. And only based on this information, you can go to the salon.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

It is important to entrust the execution of an order to an experienced and highly qualified craftsman. These people work in salons where:

  • modern equipment is used;
  • use professional dyes;
  • sterility and sanitation standards are observed;
  • there is a website with a catalog of previous works and customer reviews.

Advice! Don’t try to save money on tattoos by going to private traders and untested artists. This can lead to injury, poor quality results, infections and allergic reactions.

What should you definitely give up? The top worst ideas for tattoos included the following options:

  • satanic symbols– entail negativity and danger to life;
  • prison motives– repel, create the wrong impression about the owner;
  • signs of subculture– may cause conflict;
  • names– will lose meaning over time;
  • love motives– a man may have several girls and wives in his life, but the tattoo will be there forever.

A win-win option is a drawing that is completely in harmony with the image and image of a man, which even over the years will not cease to be relevant.


Tattooing on the shoulder blades is an important step, so it is extremely important to choose the right ideas, execution styles, and colors. The top ideas are wings, scorpion, dragon, skull, cross. No less popular are 3D tattoos, biomechanics, inscriptions, monochrome and color, miniature and cool tattoos. The choice of colors can also change the perception and understanding of the work as a whole.

Tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade are often found, since this particular area is convenient and practical for this purpose. Any image can be applied to the upper back. Women and girls of all age groups prefer to decorate their shoulder blades with designs. Owners of various body images appreciate them for their elegance, attractiveness and the ability to hide from unwanted glances.

Pros of tattoos on the shoulder blade

It doesn't hurt

An indisputable advantage is the completely tolerable pain sensation when creating images on this part of the body. There is significant roughness of the skin in the area of ​​the shoulder blade. The work is carried out in maximum proximity to the bone tissue. At the same time, a negligible number of nerve endings are concentrated in the working area.

bright butterfly on the shoulder blade

running cartoon bunny with a clock on his shoulder blade


The appearance of professionally executed tattoos on the back is always impressive, especially when it comes to a large 3D drawing. When a tattoo is applied correctly, a three-dimensional image effect is achieved. Due to the mobility of body tissues, an interesting game of tattooing is created; it really looks alive.

butterflies on the shoulder blade

bat on the shoulder blade

freedom of choice

It is necessary to allocate space for the customer’s imagination. The shape and size of the tattoo can be absolutely any. When planning the location of the pattern, you can also cover the shoulders and forearms with it. Also, the pattern can go down the back, spreading over the entire back or only on one side. The tattoo may extend across the shoulder blades and then move up to the neck. Tattoos that cover the shoulder blades and continue all the way to the tailbone always look impressive. Such a spectacle will definitely attract attention. There doesn't have to be a pattern on the back. Some people prefer tattoos in the form of text. They also look beautiful on the shoulder blades. For example, the text may go from one blade to the other, stand between them, or be located on only one side.

scorpion on the shoulder blade

pattern on the shoulder blade

Minimum risk

Working with a spatula, a master of any qualification has every chance of brilliantly completing the image. Folds and significant bends of the body are excluded here, so it is especially convenient to operate the devices. There is a fairly high probability that the finished drawing will be smooth and clear. By choosing the upper back as the location for a new tattoo, girls create all the conditions so that, if necessary, they can reliably hide the body design from prying eyes. You just need to hide your back under your clothes.

dream catcher on the shoulder blade

delicate flower ideal for girls

tree with birds and text on the blade

Shoulder blade tattoo ideas

Text on the shoulder blades

Tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade in the form of text necessarily contain a deep meaning. These words may contain hidden life principles, beliefs or emotions of a person. Many people choose the names of loved ones as text.

the text on the shoulder blade looks interesting and mysterious

Wings on the shoulder blades

Looking at the human back, the artist sees that magic wings will look most organic on it. A woman's back, decorated with wings, looks truly mesmerizing. Such decoration cannot fail to attract attention. Wings can be made in a variety of variations. Angel wings fit harmoniously into a gentle female image.

: girls like wings

Angel on your back

For some, it is not enough to have only wings; in such cases, a full-length angel is stuffed onto their shoulder blades. Owners of angel tattoos do not always want to reflect being under the protection of higher powers and imprint their heavenly protector on their body. In fact, girls often choose this design due to its aesthetic appeal and wear such designs without putting any meaning into them. In any case, this sweet and graceful creature deserves the attention of the fair sex.

flying angel from singer Pink

a fantastic winged creature adorns the female body

Live tattoos

All kinds of living creatures often settle on women's backs. These can be animals, birds, insects or fairy-tale characters. The drawings are made close to real ones or are deliberately distorted to give the composition a fantastic touch. Every living creature depicted on the shoulder blades is endowed with meaning.

cute cat on the shoulder blade

realistic bird in flight on the shoulder blade

large colored lizard on the shoulder blade

Symmetrical drawings

If it is possible to cover a significant area of ​​the body with a tattoo, then applying identical or harmonious images to both shoulder blades can be considered as a good option. This symmetrical composition will serve as an excellent back decoration.

winged horses on both shoulder blades

In modern conditions, when tattoo parlors have full-fledged technical equipment and first-class artists create, tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade can be done in absolutely any form. The main thing is to carefully think through all the details of the image and discuss this topic with the master. Before applying a tattoo, you need to familiarize yourself with all possible interpretations of the selected design.

Tattoos on the shoulder blades are an ideal place to get a tattoo. Firstly, this is a large enough and relatively flat area for the master to work; secondly, the application procedure is painless for the client; and thirdly, it is stylish and beautiful. Such a tattoo can be easily hidden with clothing or shown to others.

Shoulder blade tattoos are popular among both genders. They can be paired - located on both shoulder blades; or single. Images can be three-dimensional, color or monochrome. In any case, it is fashionable and stylish.

The tradition of tattooing the back area was born several thousand years BC. Mention of them can be found in many ethnic groups in different parts of the world. In Slavic, Scandinavian, Polynesian and many other cultures, these tattoos were given the significance of the most powerful amulets and talismans. The reason for this is simple: the human torso is the strongest part in terms of energy. Therefore, the images had a sacred meaning.

Tattoos on the shoulder blade in the form of astral signs are recommended for representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini and Leo. For these people, they will certainly become a talisman to attract good luck and a talisman against negative influences from the outside.

Ideas and meanings of shoulder blade tattoos for girls

There are a great variety of topics to choose from. For girls, almost any image is suitable. These can be ornaments, plant compositions, hieroglyphs, inscriptions, animals and birds. The image of two wings, extended from the shoulder blades downwards, looks original. Abstract and cosmic compositions look harmonious and successful. With a tattoo on your shoulder blade, you can emphasize your individuality.

If the choice fell on paired tattoos, it is better to choose symmetrical images. With their help, the body looks slimmer and more elongated. If you want to get a tattoo on one shoulder blade, then you need to make a choice, taking into account some features. If over time there is a desire to decorate the second shoulder blade or the entire back area with a tattoo, then the image already applied to the shoulder blade should fit into the overall composition. Sometimes this is difficult to do. So you need to decide what exactly you want. When plans include a tattoo on the entire back, it is better not to rush into applying it to the shoulder blade.

Single tattoos are more laconic. On a woman's shoulder blade it can be a butterfly, a rose, a feather, a symbol of the Zodiac sign and hundreds of other options. Sometimes a hieroglyph or an inscription in Latin is stamped on the shoulder blade.

The meaning of some tattoos for girls

  • rose– passion, love, romance;
  • butterfly symbolizes the feminine principle, is considered a symbol of refined beauty;
  • swan– grace, love, transformation;
  • gold fish– symbol of wealth;
  • Sagittarius with an arrow pointing upward and to the right - a talisman for attracting financial success;
  • panther– endurance, speed, motherhood;
  • shark represents fearlessness and power.

Ethnic elements, ornaments and runes can also gracefully decorate the shoulder blade. Clothing that slightly reveals part of the tattoo gives its owner the attention and curiosity of the opposite sex. You always want to solve a riddle.

Ideas and meanings of men's shoulder blade tattoos

It is very difficult to meet a man with a butterfly or cartoon characters on his shoulder blade. The stronger half of humanity chooses more strict masculine themes. Such tattoos are characterized by a strict image style. Tattoos can be made in the form of tribal symbols, Celtic elements, predators, birds. The drawings are made in 3D style, like a watercolor painting. The inscriptions located from one blade to the other look unusual.

Common ideas for shoulder blade tattoos in men and their meanings:

  • the Dragon– a symbol of power and strength, the personification of the union of the four elements;
  • scorpion– a symbol of fearlessness and victory over the enemy, a talisman for warriors;
  • feather- courage, bravery, flight;
  • crow– wisdom, longevity;
  • a lion represents power, nobility and devotion to family.

Tattoos on men's shoulder blades can be symmetrical or single. But more often than not, men don’t stop at decorating just their shoulder blades. A bold decision is considered to be the application of biomechanical drawings, abstract compositions and pagan symbols.

Photo of tattoo on shoulder blade