A day in the life of a mother of a "special" child. Video report “One day in the life of children in kindergarten One day in the life of a baby

My name is Senka, I live in Moscow, in Butovo, with my husband Yura, who works at home, and so far two baby dolls.

When I was just about to become a mother of as many as two children, I tried to figure out in my mind how I would do ordinary everyday things: wash priests, dress two for a walk, wash priests, feed - and it was from this angle that I considered other people's days. Therefore, I tried to record in detail where I put who and what during this time I managed on the most ordinary weekday without trips and guests. As my husband said, looking at "one day" of some mother: "bad, boring reportage! the same thing all the time!" - Of course, I swore, but, unfortunately, it is so.

Under the cut, almost a hundred photos of Varvara, 2.5 years old and Zakhar, 2.5 months old.

This amazing person always wakes up with a smile, which surprises me every time:

Varya has already woken up and is reading, and I am terribly sleepy, because all night she has been growing her last tooth on me:

Time. I would sleep more, but I already know that Zakhar is too fun to let me, I’ll just waste my time and get upset.

I make the bed. Next to her is a sofa, on which I tried to move Varya, but I could not lie at the junction and feed all night.

I wash my face. I decide that since there is no hot water, then my head will come down anyway:

I enclose the younger husband:

And I go to wash Varya's ass and make coffee. As a rule, my husband does all this, because Varya wakes him up while I'm still sleeping:

The multicooker cooked the porridge in the evening. Varya loudly demands it, eats one spoonful and runs away.

Yura wakes up

Breakfast: oatmeal, kefir and LJ:

I have breakfast, I answer comments:

I put the baby doll in a chair, drink coffee and write a shop list to my husband, plan a menu:

My ass, changing into a reusable diaper:

I continue to write a shoplist:

Will you dad yummy lollipop!

My ass, going for a walk (snacks, toys, clothes):

Varya agrees to dress only with a book, and dad is not given at all. In vain I complained the other day that she did not ask her to read at all:

I ask Yura to put Crocs on Varya and dress Zakhar:

Traditional photo in the elevator:

(Time 10:40) The book went with us:

But I quickly managed to exchange it for a yummy:

These strange people planted flowers in the very sun and now they water all the time. The rolled lawn has already turned yellow in places, but the flowers are still holding on.

no, Varya is not running away, she is very close. Most likely, she will run to the end of the lower ramp and even turn around. It is very convenient to walk with a child who almost does not run away at all)

"What else did mom put with her interesting?":

The last platform on the way to the park. Varya climbs high, people around often try to save and not let go, I drive away:

Please note: a normal carousel, on which the children themselves climb and ride themselves! For some reason, it’s hard for modern designers to repeat this:

Sandbox. By the way, she almost completely succeeds:

Usually, on a half-empty site, Varya hardly needs me and I can sit quietly on a bench and read a book. Today Varya joins me, we read a little, five times:

Zakhar wakes up to eat:

I'm downloading, I'm downloading:

It became quite hot, we go to the forest. On the way, I read aloud aloud, passers-by turn around:

Butovsky forest:

Another yummy:

I take out Zakhar, knead, change clothes:

Feed Varya:

"Again, the man is going with the flow, to the next adventure is going":

Varya collects the gobies, says that they are rubbish and throws them into the bin. I explain that you should not pick up garbage, but so far to no avail:

We go back through the same sites, because I forgot toys in the sandbox:

Zakhar falls asleep:

Sweets are over - it's time to go home. My house is on the far right. It is terribly inconvenient to live on a mountain.

There are no forces anymore, but it is impossible to pass the hill:

In reflection, all of us and even our machine:

I persuade you to go up the stairs with your feet (and if I had a cradle?):

(Time 14:30) At home, the husband bought groceries, runs fast with them and does not get into the frame. I put Zakhar in a chair and run to cook food:

Varya, it seems, is also dying of hunger, a croissant for her:

I throw soup to cook:

Yura works:

my next ass, I put Zakhar on a developing rug:

Varya jumps on dad:

While the children are playing:

I have time to sweep, tidy up the kitchen, start the laundry and a bunch of other small things like that:

Varya is waiting for a bunch of varied food, starting with morning porridge:

But she, logically, chooses nomu:

Oddly enough, but she also agrees to the soup. While I was taking this photo, she put it in my tea:

I leave it to dad, I call to come "nom and sleep", I leave with Zakhar on the bed:

(Time 16:40) Varya comes, leaves, but does not fall asleep in any way, I leave the sleeping Zakhar, I leave:

Varya is still playing with something herself:

Start washing:

And I'm already being called back to bed. I look at my rapidly growing son and decide to read a book about mothers-in-law, it seems it's time:

(Time 17:00) As soon as I fix the time and decide to stop already putting Varya to bed, resigned that today there is no daytime sleep, she suddenly comes and catches me on the edge of the bed:

(Time 17:15) Every time I doubt if there is any use in sleeping at such a time, it seems to be better without it. but if I don’t put it to bed diligently, then my husband runs around me and forces something vile like that I have two children, not one, and I could at least put the older one to sleep, so it’s easier for me to spend a couple of hours at home than listen, at the same time she herself lay down and rested:

She came, of course, all with the same book. I quickly hide it higher while I sleep:

I take a baby:

I go to remove clothes from the dryer (surprisingly, he calmly waits while I take the next stack to the closet and return!):

I collect several diapers for him from spare parts:

I put it in a chair in the room:

And I put away the toys:

I decide to drink tea with chocolate before cooking dinner:

(Time 18:00) But Varya's teeth do not let her sleep for more than 45 minutes:

While I try to calm her down and put her back down, Zakhar lies alone somewhere behind me and does not shine. Amazing Baby:

But Varya jumps up and runs away:

To dad:

Loading the dishwasher

Yura tries to put Varia to bed

But unsuccessfully. Then he asks to pick her up, because he needs to make an important call. The only thing that can tear an upset Varechka away from her dad is a cartoon:

I wrap Zakhar in a sling and cook the pate:

(Time 18:50) I put dinner on a baking sheet:

My vegetables for juice:

And I fold it to clean them:

The cartoon is over. I choose an hour of hysteria on the floor or another 40 minutes of a cartoon, turn on:

For a minute I put Zakhar to my dad, my juicer, I take out the washed:

I hang clothes. Yes, I really have 4 identical T-shirts of different colors, I generally only wear them in the summer. Proudmom, where's my advertising fee?

Dinner (tube in juice to share with Varya):

Yura comes, helps Vaoe to come to terms with the fact that the cartoon is over:

I clean the kitchen after dinner, run the dishwasher, feed:

(Time 20:50) But Varya is too unhappy to be at home, we go out into the yard.

I wanted to brag about the scooter, but Varya demanded "more kalyaka" and I dragged her to ride 10 meters from the entrance to the sandbox:

Suddenly, she's not playing with something, but with someone. Hooray, social interaction)):

The boy told Varya that this ladder was "aiyayay", and she suddenly understood an unfamiliar word and obeyed, she had to explain what she could do:

One is ready:

And Varya flatly refuses to go home (the photo is already with a flash!):

(Time 22:20) Finally persuaded:

I put Zakhara, let's go "yum and sleep":

But Varya runs away to her dad and demands to show her something:

I’m having a snack for now with pate with that croissant that Varya didn’t eat in the afternoon and tea. I send an American parcel from an intermediary to us:

(Time 23:10) Varya will put on a mitten:

I'm trying to lure you into bed with a book:

I decide to take a shower while she reads:

And finally at 0:30 she falls asleep. (Do you think she will sleep longer because of this? She will get up at 9! And thanks for not being at 6. Nobody believes me that I go to bed with the child, get up with the child and do not get enough sleep) I quickly pack my backpack for tomorrow's trip to the museum, leave husband to disassemble the dishwasher and by the hour I also go to bed.

Three years later, we decided to visit this family again. Now Mark is eleven. During this time, he grew up and even acquired new motor skills. However, raising a "special" child still remains a rather difficult physical test for his mother. But even this is not the hardest.

We arrived at Elena and Mark's at 10:00. The boy had just woken up and was still acting up.

As a rule, a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy does not have a clear daily routine. And his whole day, and his mother's day, will depend on how the night went. And night time is one of the most difficult tests for parents of a child with cerebral palsy. Many of these children do not sleep well, and this is understandable, because during the day they spend very little energy, and for many reasons such children require parental attention at night.

Mark has been crying all morning. It's the weather that gives him a headache. I gave him medicine, now it will pass, - says Elena.

Mark is disabled from childhood. The cause of his incurable disease was a birth injury, complicated by a reaction to medication. In addition to the diagnosis of "atonic-astatic form of cerebral palsy", the child has a delay in psychomotor and speech development, symptomatic focal epilepsy.

The child's condition is moderate. He cannot stand, walk or sit on his own. He does not talk, he does not serve himself.

With age, the health situation began to be aggravated by the fact that, due to muscle weakness, Mark developed left-sided scoliosis of the cervical spine of the 1st degree and S-shaped scoliosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine of the 2nd degree.

- It's very hard when Mark cries, and I understand that something hurts him. But what? He can't tell or show.

VOX: How do you manage household chores?

- To the store, to the market - with him. On business - also with him: after all, you can’t leave the house alone. Sometimes there is no time at all for classes, because you have to cook and clean. Mark is naughty, and I carry him in my arms. And now he weighs twenty-seven kilograms.

After breakfast, we go to brush our teeth and wash our faces,” Lena comments, hoisting her whimpering son onto her shoulder. But at the sight of a tap with water, his mood immediately changes.

“Brushing your teeth and washing your face are his favorite routines. After them, Marik can calm down for a while.

He also loves to listen to the sound of water. At night, when he is naughty and does not sleep, so as not to disturb the neighbors, we come to the bathroom, turn on the water, and he sits and listens. It calms him down.

VOX: Lena, how much do you sleep at night?

“I slept well today, five whole hours.

When Mark falls asleep for a short time in the evening, I rather run to cook food. And then just lay down - and he wakes up. He can stay up all night, act up, moan, squeal, grunt, and then fall asleep in the morning. Can sleep during the day.

If it is not difficult for a one-year-old child to assemble a pyramid, then our “special” hero himself has not yet been able to do it.

- After breakfast we usually study. We have a lot of books, games, constructors and various devices for the development of motor skills, but Mark does not like to do it, - says his mother.

VOX: But I see that in three years Mark has learned a lot. How did you do it?

- If earlier he fell like a dummy when you put him down, then recently he learned to keep his balance, and now he can sit for several minutes on his own. But you have to stand next to him, otherwise he can collapse. I specifically bought a floor mat for this.

— Thanks to the DOM charity foundation, we were treated in Samara. But for three years now, the fund with children with cerebral palsy has not been working. I had to sit down at the computer and look for centers that were efficient and inexpensive. I found the children's medical center "KIYA" in Chelyabinsk and did not regret it.

The exercises offered by specialists increase blood circulation in the muscles, increase their strength, and help the joints move. The center uses the author's development of a famous Moscow neurologist Sandakova for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy.

So, now let's train our eyes, as the doctor recommended to us! Look at the toy, Mark! Lena interrupts her story.

We have already completed four courses. Mark did have hints of muscle, he got stronger and began to better hold his head and back. There was support on the hands. He even learned to move a little on his hands. He taught himself to drink from a glass. For a child diagnosed with cerebral palsy, this is a big breakthrough!

So, small steps, but we are moving forward. And I would not like to interrupt the treatment and rehabilitation in this center. This time, the KIYA center included swimming and hippotherapy (a method of rehabilitation through therapeutic riding) in its rehabilitation program.

We also pierced one course of Alloplant, and I saw an amazing result, but the drug is very expensive.

The scope of this drug is quite wide: traumatology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, surgery, plastic surgery and others. Medical practice shows that Alloplant helps the body recover faster from injuries, and also serves as an excellent addition to the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

The cost of a course of treatment with the drug is 60,000 rubles. And on the last trip, our heroine managed to pay for it in advance.

VOX: Lena, aren't there similar clinics in Kazakhstan?

- And here my child is not accepted anywhere. Everyone disowned him.

We have opened a rehabilitation center for children with cerebral palsy. Fund Bulat Utemuratov allocated one million dollars for medical equipment and training of specialists. But it turns out that not all children with cerebral palsy can get there. Although there was an interview with the director in the media that the doors of their center are open to absolutely everyone with such a diagnosis.

“I was sure they would take us. But when I called to make an appointment, they told me that they have restrictions and that they do not take cerebral palsy with epilepsy. But the doctor-epileptologist, on his own responsibility, allowed us, and even issued a certificate, which they demanded, stating that classes on simulators, exercise therapy, massage are not contraindicated for us. We were booked in for an appointment, and when we arrived, we were refused.

“They pleaded that my child did not understand anything. But if you work with him, his brain will also begin to develop. Fingers, fine motor skills - it's all connected with the brain. They also work with kids who do not understand anything, and exercise therapy, and they do massage! Why can't you join us?!

- In the Republican Children's Rehabilitation Center (RDRC) in Astana, we have been only twice in eleven years. The rest of the time we stand in line. And they all answer us: “There are no places!” But I know people who somehow skip the line twice a year. I called the ministry with this problem, and they gave us a quota, but the center again refused. In Chelyabinsk, they do not refuse us!

— In Astana, the course is three weeks. They practice there for twenty minutes, twice a week. And if classes coincide with holidays or internal events of the center, then they disappear. And on holidays all specialists have a rest.

In Chelyabinsk, the course is designed for a month, and they study every day. And if you are a visitor, even holidays, even weekends, they are still engaged, - Elena continued her story. - And you should have seen what serious classes there are! But then what are the results!

- Previously, he did not have a feeling of fear, but now he has begun to understand more, and when he is afraid, he puts his hands up, insures himself.

Well done! Come on, raise your head! Come on, throw your hands out! And then I'll put weights on you!

“Now let’s massage our fingers!”

He terribly dislikes being touched by fingers. Before, after Chelyabinsk, our fingers worked well. And then we went to our center for a massage, and the massage guy tried so hard that we then had to go to take a picture. They thought he broke his finger. After this massage, the fingers jammed again.

- I am now looking for money for a trip to Chelyabinsk. I appeal to the newspapers to publish my request, but they refuse me. The newspapers "Caravan" and "Express K" were printed, but they did not indicate my phone number or details.

That is why the media do not publish information about helping disabled children in need? Maybe people would help... Of course, they'd better write about how some star posted a photo in a bathing suit online. This is really important!

In some companies to contact - also little sense.

- The next course of treatment is scheduled for August. The gap between the courses was only two months. Of course, I could not raise the necessary amount in such a short time. Now all hope for the understanding and help of people.

There is no need to talk about the deep emotional stress that parents of disabled children receive in our society. The worst thing is that this is not some kind of one-time blow, but constant, chronic traumatic pressure from people and circumstances. Why is this happening? Why is it so hard for mothers of "special" children?

Given the size of pensions and the underdevelopment of the state support system for disabled children, material problems for many families seem almost insoluble.

But the most traumatic is the attitude of society and the state towards such children. This is especially true for children with severe mental disorders.

Deep down, many people and government officials consider them inferior, flawed, unnecessary, some kind of mistake of nature, some kind of tool for punishing their parents, useless ballast. Perhaps that is why they are denied the opportunity to study, they do not want to create kindergartens and schools for them. The state resolutely does not want to spend money and efforts on the rehabilitation and education of its little "special" citizens.

No matter how much Mark resisted and grumbled, hearing the music, he immediately fell asleep.

“I always try to cook from the night, because I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to do it during the day,” says Elena. - But today Mark decided to sleep after dinner, so we need to take advantage of the moment and cook dinner.

VOX: Lena, when do you go for a walk?

It's hot now, so we go out for a walk only in the evening. In winter, we practically do not go out, except perhaps on business. In winter, it’s hard for me to carry it, and our roads are slippery and uncleaned, it’s impossible to drive in a wheelchair.

- It is especially hard for us when we go to Chelyabinsk. We try to go there in the warm season, because in the winter on the road, you yourself understand what it is like with a disabled child. There is no direct train. We are traveling with a change in Astana. We sit there from early morning until late at night.

Mark woke up as soon as Lena had time with dinner.

“We are going to Chelyabinsk for a month, and we have to bring a lot of things with us, including a slow cooker and dishes for Marik,” she continued. - To send things in advance, I contact the transport company "Kit". Once I sent things, but they forgot about them and did not send them. We arrived in Chelyabinsk, but there were no things. And we had to live for five days without anything. That's what we've been up to then!

VOX: Lena, do you buy strollers for Mark, or do you get help with them?

- Strollers are a separate issue. By the way, before I forget, we have a good stroller, and I want to give it away. Mark is small.

One stroller was allocated to us in the social security, but it immediately scattered. All the bolts flew out, the child sat down, and the seat under him folded. This stroller was not designed for walking, but only for short trips from place to place. There's not even a footrest so that I can carry it over the threshold or curb. The wheels are small and turn inward immediately.

Well, let's go for a walk? At the same time, we go to the store for bread.

— Last year, there was an action on New Year's Eve, and we wrote a letter to Santa Claus with a request to donate a stroller. They called us and said that our Santa Claus would be the akimat - I don’t remember which district ... Regarding the stroller that I wanted, they told me that it was expensive. We traveled with them around the city in search of a cheaper option, but we never found it.

Then the akimat brought us a check for 380,000 tenge and ordered a stroller on the website, but it didn’t come at all.

In this stroller, the child barely fits in winter in clothes, the barrier falls off. And once in Chelyabinsk, when we began to cross the road, Mark fell out of it, hit his head on the asphalt.

— Well, we have made convenient wheelchair ramps on the sidewalks and ramps. This is thanks to our MP Vyacheslav Banshchikov. He even somehow helped us with money for treatment.

VOX: Lena, how do passers-by react to Mark?

- Differently. Children usually ask adults why such a big boy is in a stroller. But I don't hate kids. And the adults stare, stare, turn around.

The girl recently walked ahead and looked back three times. The man was indignant: “Why is he in a wheelchair?” “I can’t walk,” I answer. “How can it not?!”

Of course, it's unpleasant, but I try not to pay attention. I go shopping with Mark and go to the mall. My child is the same person and should also walk.

- I understand that cerebral palsy people scare with their exclamations, their appearance. But parents of healthy children should talk that this child is not contagious, that he is the same as everyone else, and can also swing on a swing and walk in the yard.

— I know that there are a lot of disabled children in our area, but most of them stay at home. For some reason, parents are embarrassed to show them. But the more often you go to the playground, the faster the children in the yard will get used to you.

VOX: Lena, what about free medicines?

“We, the parents of children with disabilities, were left alone with our problem. I learned from an epileptologist that the Minister of Health could remove epilepsy drugs from the list of free medicines. It is very expensive to buy them, something costs 12,000 tenge, something - 16,000, and for a month - this is more than one package.

- Pampers are given to us at the rate of two diapers per day. And those that were given to us before the end of the year have already ended.

I don’t know how other mothers survive, because most of them raise their children themselves. I have one friend, so she had to go to the mosque with her hand outstretched with her disabled daughter in a wheelchair. The police immediately kicked him out like a tramp. What should she do? Where to get money for life and treatment?

It is very difficult to live with this pain, endless overcoming of physical abilities, with constant heaviness and guilt in front of a child. Therefore, Elena tries to hide all these feelings and emotions deeper, because she simply does not have time for this. She needs to work with Mark, take him to the doctors, feed him, entertain him, carry him in her arms.

I had to buy a belt to fix my back. I have problems with my back - displacement of the vertebrae - and by the evening the back just falls off.

But mothers of “heavy” children, like Elena, try not to notice their “sores”. The main thing is to put the child on his feet.

Caring for a sick child is hard mental and physical work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without days off, holidays and vacations. And this is for life.

And although such a mother does not belong anywhere in the state, she is in fact a massage therapist, a nurse, a speech therapist, a defectologist, and most often the most competent doctor.

Look at these wonderful works! The illness of her son opened up new talents in Elena: these pictures are embroidered with a cross.

— I love to embroider so much, but I don't have enough time...

I frame my paintings in case someone wants to buy them. And each frame costs 6,000-7,000 tenge.

- I once put my paintings on the social network, I thought to raise money for treatment - silence. Twice I got into scammers: they asked me to throw off the number and code of the card. And then, when they realized that I suspected something, they swore at me and hung up.

They probably think that housewives embroider cross-stitch, who do not understand the new technologies of scammers.

At 22:00 hours. Mark began to act up and scream, and neither books nor toys could captivate him.

“We need to bathe him and put him to bed until he wants to,” Lena put her paintings aside and went with her son to take a shower.

- He loves to swim. This is his element.

VOX: And they don’t take you anywhere for swimming either?

“I once bought him a pool membership in Kaskelen. And then the mistress of the pool allowed us to practice for free.

- We then lived outside the city, in the village of Irgeli, and in the summer I carried him in my arms to the highway through the entire village or left the stroller along the way in the store, and then caught a taxi - after all, no one wants to load the stroller into the car. In the winter, we couldn't drive.

- If Marik falls asleep now, I will have time to do embroidery. I'm just now embroidering a picture as a gift.

Marik is used to falling asleep watching TV. Turn it off and he wakes up. I even watched football until two in the morning and embroidered while he was sleeping, ”Lena says wearily.

But, like during the day, the boy quickly falls asleep to the music.

Another day of our unusual hero and his mother has come to an end.

Perhaps this is where our report should end, but I really want to turn to the readers of Vox Populi.

Mark's disability allowance is 39,000 tenge. All this money is spent on diapers, doctors and medicines. Child care allowance - 29,600 tenge. On this amount, the family must somehow live, eat and pay for utilities. Thus, it is absolutely obvious that a single non-working parent with a disabled child in their arms can currently only count on charitable assistance.

Elena paid in advance for an expensive drug in a Chelyabinsk clinic and bought one-way train tickets, but she could not find the amount for Mark's treatment, accommodation and return trip. Let's help the child and his mother raise 400,000 tenge so that the boy can continue his treatment!

You can transfer funds to a specially opened card for Mark:

HALYK BANK: 4402 5735 9331 8985


SBERBANK: 4424 7710 1152 9605


IIN 690802400642

Another option is to transfer any amount in the name of Mark Kozlov directly to the medical center "KIYA" (the invoice above contains the details of the center).

“I just imagined that I wouldn’t be able to find money for the trip, but I already paid for the medicine - I burst into tears ... - leaving cross after cross, trying not to show her tears, our heroine admits, “Sometimes I dream that Mark went. And such joy! And then you wake up...

Photo gallery

A ray of sunshine persistently shines on my face. I stretch and wake up completely. My mom sleeps next to me. I'm bored alone, so I'll wake her up. It's not easy for real men.

So, first we turn on the light - mom does not react, now we pull the blanket to the floor - mom only shudders, we have to drag a turnip like a grandfather - by the legs, with sound. Hooray! Happened! Mom woke up and started kissing me. Pleasant, but terribly ticklish. I kick as best I can. After making the bed (I help, I wear a bedspread, I smooth it), we go to the morning beauty treatments, according to my mother's words.

Even though I have only six teeth, they must be brushed. After brushing, my mom washes my toothpaste off in the shower. I get scared when my mother goes to wash, I knock on the shower and scream. Today my neighbor's dog heard me and barked loudly.

Okay, I decided, I will study without my mother what is interesting in the bathroom. I open the locker, reach for the cherished handle. Oh, a miracle, how many different bottles are hidden here from my keen eye. We urgently need to try everything, check for a tooth. Some lids open with a click, and some, despite my sharp two front teeth, do not lend themselves to anything. That's where my mom got out of the shower. Judging by her bulging eyes, she is happy that I am such a glorious discoverer of bottles. I suggest mom try a piece of fragrant strawberry soap, I bit through its wrapper, so mom can immediately lick it and feel the freshness of a delicious berry. Mom for some reason refused, they are strange, these adults! She began to wash me, put away the bottles, said something about the lock on the nightstand ...

I sit in my chair and knock (do you know what an interesting sound it makes?) With a spoon so that my mother gives me porridge faster, I got tired of sorting out the contents in the bathroom. Finally! Oatmeal with fruits, you will lick your fingers (I directly immersed them in porridge), but my mother insisted on a spoon. Well, you have to, you have to. Yura is a smart, obedient son!

After breakfast, we began to gather in a fitness club, I like to swim in the pool ("boom-boom!") And play in the children's playroom with other kids. It is boring to wait for mom when he is already dressed, although this time can be used to visit the pantry. Oh, how many interesting things are here, it is necessary to disassemble everything, to consider it better.

"Yura, what are you doing? Why did you unroll the toilet paper, pour out the washing powder?" Mom's joyful question distracted me from cleaning. She began to help me, arranged everything in her own way.

Today, apparently, we were late, so in the elevator I was not allowed to press the buttons, immediately into the car, into a chair and fastened with a belt. You can’t open anything from this position - you can’t press a door or a button, you can only taste the belt, and look out the window at cars, trams, scurrying people. Oh, what is this orange big, buzzing?

"The garbage truck is ahead of us! Why are you screaming like that?"

What a beautiful big car, not like our BMW. That would be a ride on it!

It was great at the lessons, I discovered new swimming movements, we managed to hug new girls, kiss on the cheeks, to the great joy of their mothers (the sooner you start to marry your daughter, the more chances you have to marry her). Then I tried to bite the gymnastics coach on the hand, but he turned out to be very vigilant (it can be seen that he had already been bitten more than once, because experience is the son of mistakes is difficult), and dodged me. Nothing, I'll try again at the next lesson, I'm purposeful!

After the club we went to the store. I like to sit in the cart and get something into the basket from the shelves myself, I make a surprise for my mother. She is usually very happy at the checkout. At home, we were waiting for a hearty dinner with my mother, after which we wanted to sleep so much ...

I wake up, I need to find out, where is my mother? I call her. Comes. Hooray! Sometimes, instead of her, dad comes, then I get upset. He plays with me a little, he likes to read his books more, talk on the phone, watch a computer or TV.

I have an afternoon snack - and to toys: pyramids, cars, a boat, cubes, a designer. There are so many things that I don't have time to play them all before dinner. After dinner, dad came home from work. I’m running to meet, suddenly I’ll be able to persuade my dad to play ball, take his phone away for an urgent call to my grandmother (my mother hid hers somewhere). Mom and dad hug, kiss, talk! It's time to open dad's suitcase, and there is a wallet in it, and there are cards, money ... What amazing discoveries surround us, you just have to take a closer look at them, stretch out your hands and - you're done! You feel like a homemade Columbus.

"So, I'm watching the Tatar-Mongolian invasion of my father's things here? Yurik, let's clean and collect everything, let's go swimming."

I love to swim with ducks and ducks, even if they are not real, but they are loved, dear. How many times have I bitten them, chewed them, thrown them out of the bath...

Mom smeared me with cream, dressed me in soft pajamas, turned on lullabies. I lie and think, what a wonderful day it turned out, tomorrow it will be even better, maybe my mother will clean up, and I will help her with rags, a vacuum cleaner ...

And how much more unknown is hidden in my house, not to mention the street, the park (yesterday I was attacked there by pigeons when I fed them bread, gluttonous and ungrateful bellies!). I'm ready for new discoveries, I'll rest a bit, my eyes are sticking together, and tomorrow I will continue my knowledge of the world. "May the force be with me!" - said the little green man on TV ... And I think, let mom and dad be with me, then it’s not scary to discover everything unknown, incomprehensible.

Kovaleva Olga
Video report "One day in the life of children in kindergarten"

One day in the life of children in Kindergarten No. 24 St.. Medvedovskaya

Dear Colleagues! I think that every parent is interested in "WHAT DOES MY CHILD DO IN KINDERGARTEN" And yes, mine is very interesting video gives this"opportunity" to look at it! Please don't judge too harshly. Happy viewing everyone!

Goals: to instill interest in fairy tales and literature in general; develop cognitive activity children, figurative thinking, speech, memory; develop communication skills.

If we turn to our history, it can be noted that in the old days, when a child committed a misconduct, they did not undertake to immediately punish him, but started a conversation with him, instructing him on the right path. After that, the child could think about his behavior, draw appropriate conclusions and no longer repeat mistakes.

The fairy tale has the same meaning for the upbringing and development of the child. Through the fairy tale, the kid gets the experience of the older generation. It contributes to the expansion of the perception of the world by the child, enriches spiritually, gives knowledge about life and its laws, promotes the development of imagination and lays creativity. Imagination helps him to enter into the role of characters from a fairy tale, to live as if from his own experience the plots of the realities of a fairy tale, which makes his thinking more flexible and develops an intuitive perception of the world. The conclusions made after reading the fairy tale can be called the first life knowledge, experience. The fairy tale language is understandable and loved by children of any age, this is their element.

Adults often forget that they were little children and how impatiently they were waiting for the next fairy tale to be told. Therefore, do not spare your time and go with your child on this exciting journey more often. There you will find a world of joy, love, tranquility, courage and much that is sometimes lacking in our life. And maybe together you can invite it into your reality.

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5.00 woke up. Coldly. Maybe eat? Mother! Dad! Climb! I want to eat.

5.01 And why is it that I am dry in the first place? As if there were no other reason. I want to eat! EAT! And frozen! VERY!

5.05 I am sitting in my father's arms, my mother brought food. Yes, cover it with a blanket. Okay.

5.07 Uh. I don’t want to go to a cold bed, I feel good on my arms. Sleep? What to sleep? What about talking? I can't do that.

5.10 Yes-ah-ah, rock me, well done. You are doing everything right. Warm. You can sleep.

7.00 Why am I in the crib? He seemed to fall asleep in his arms. Ooh traitors. Get up!

7.01 Well, yes, now you can change clothes.

7.05 Can't you change a diaper without taking off your clothes? It is forbidden? It's a pity. Give me this crunchy thing. Napkins? Yes, napkins. How can you not? Ah-ah-ah-ah! Good mom, come on, bring them here! And you can change. They crunch. Hehe.

7.30 Go to the kitchen yourself, climb onto the chair yourself. Can I also feed myself? Got lazy! Porridge? Again? No, are you serious? Yes, I eat oatmeal every day! I'm not an Englishman. What do we have for breakfast? - Oatmeal, sir, what's for breakfast tomorrow? - Oatmeal, sir, and the day after tomorrow? - Meatballs, sir. - Amazing! - Oatmeal, sir. What do you have? Same? You're lying. Damn, it's true, too.

8.00 Let's play. Quiet? Do you want to sleep? Yes, just got up. PLAY!

9.00 Why can't you ride the Kise? Come on, not driving? And why is she to us? Can you iron? Well, that's how I see it. Let me not hit her. I look at it with feeling. Kisa let's go play Kisa-Karenina. Only I don’t have a train yet, but I have a tractor. He can crush too.

12.00 Something upsets everything. I probably want to sleep. No mom, I don't want to sleep. Of course I want to, but I won't. Is there? What about changing clothes?

12.05. Okay, let's get changed. Certainly. Faster! I am hungry! I am sleepy! Ah-ah-ah!

12.10 Yes, food, bed. My favorite. Satisfied and eyes are closed.

12.15 Is that a cat meowing? Where? Mom, how to sleep? I do not want it anymore! Ah-ah-ah!

12:20 pm Okay. I sleep.

12.30 It seems the oatmeal is digested. Ma-a-am! Let's go wash!

12.35 Water, water, wash my face, well, wash it below the back from behind, otherwise it burns. All bought up? Why so little? I want to fall down again! Oh, hair dryer, class. Mom, let me hold it. How can you not? Ah-ah-ah!

12.40 Now you can sleep. Although no. I want to eat! There is!

12.50 Well, how can you not understand, I want to eat! And what, what did he just eat? Want more!

12.55 I finally thought of it! Am-am. Okay.

13.00 Now you can sleep.

14.45 Hey, ay, I'm up! Mum-mum-mum-mum!

15.00 Mom, where are you going? Why do I need so many clothes? Walk? Do not want. It is not comfortable in felt boots, the face freezes, who invented winter, why? Is it good to breathe fresh air? Mom, wake up, we live in the city center, what's the air like? The more fresh.

15.20 So you'll give me a ride on a sled, okay. What about eating on the road? Did you take it? Okay. Let's go to.

15.30 Dog cold. Can we return home? Time to take a walk? And is it long? Seems like a long time. Oh, swings, you can take a walk!

15.50 No, mom, I'm not cold, pump me further. Will I freeze my ass? What ass? The one that is lower back in the back? Yes, how can I freeze her, I have pants, tights, a diaper there. Download I say! Ka-a-a-chai! You don't have to shoot me. Need to go? To whom, me? I don't need. I'm fine here.

16.00 Do not eat snow, why? It's delicious.

4:30 p.m. I'm cold. Ma-a-am! I'm for-a-amerz! Are you cold too? So why are we on the street? Let's go!

16.45 Hurray! We are at home, it's warm! Play! You are tired? From what? We rested, played, walked. They don't get tired of games. Game-a-at!

17.50 I want to eat! E-e-there is! Dad will come and we will? And when will he come? Soon? When is it soon? I'm hungry, I don't want to wait for dad!

18.10 Dad came! Daddy! Do you know how much I love you? Do you know how I waited for you? Let me hug you, my dear! You came and we will ku-u-ushat!

18.20 Be-e-ee. broccoli. And you yourself eat some yummy. Chicken! What about me? Dad, come on. Om-yum-yum, more. Come on, come on, you won't get fat with me.

18.40 Dad, play with me. How are you tired? You were gone all day, rested go. Worked? What a terrible word, work? Did you earn money for diapers? Do you need to work for them? Wow! And I'm in them ... Well, you yourself understand. Bad luck ... Well, play with me, well, pa-a-ap!

20.00 Something I'm tired. How is it still early to bed? Well, ma-a-am!

20.30 Swim! Hooray! With Dad! Sea battle! Oh my favorite hair dryer! Dad, my mom won't give me a hair dryer! How can you not, too? Ah-ah-ah!

20.45 Get dressed quickly, it's cold.

20.50 Oh, eat. Dad, are you rocking me? Will you turn on the music? Well ... I love you, parents, you are good with me. Goodnight.

21.00 Nipple? Oh, yes figs with her. I sleep.