Dinner for two at home. Romantic dinner for two

Would you like to spend an evening with your loved one and surprise him with his culinary skills? But don't know which dish to choose?

Let's try to understand this situation and find the best solution.

Dinner for two or what to cook for a romantic dinner for two?

A romantic dinner for two at home is a very responsible event that requires a little effort and a little imagination, otherwise you should follow the advice of experienced people.

An excellent dinner will leave only positive emotions, and romance will help emotional connection, assuming the right romantic context. Therefore, you should not be negligent about such an evening, but it is better to understand the little things and nuances. A serious approach to this matter is an integral part of success.

The determining factor will be the prevailing atmosphere. Try to create the most accurate effect of a romantic nature, otherwise you risk deviating from the real situation. best moment for a dinner of this nature, it was and still is the evening or when the sun sets below the horizon.

But for such a moment, you should stock up on candles, because they emphasize the mood and atmosphere. Do not forget about music, as well as flowers and other irreplaceable attributes.

Few people notice, but even the table setting creates the right mood. Here is what is used for this:

  • nice tablecloth
  • candle holders
  • fresh flowers should be put in a beautiful vase
  • do not forget about the style of glasses, as well as the style of dishes
  • tableware and, of course, napkins.

It is from these notes of celebration that your mood during communication will develop. Another determining factor is the menu or dishes for your dinner. You shouldn’t cook a lot for dinner, because you weren’t going to eat, but on the contrary, you rejected everything except the two of you.

But food is also an important link for the formation of relationships, because your favorite dish loved one will emphasize attentiveness and respect, and this, in turn, is a feature of a real relationship.

In the case when nothing is known about your favorite dish, you should focus on the most relevant dishes for such an event. Here are some modern actual ideas for a romantic dinner.

You should start with a couple of sips of wine, which are served in beautiful glasses.


For wine, you can even choose sangria, which will allow you to enjoy mixed fruit flavors.

The Bellini cocktail is also a good choice, because it allows you to cheer up with its own and sour bubbles.

Shrimps and arugula

Great variation on a light salad. At the same time, you can shape the lightness of the salad by means of calories.

Cook at home:

  • shrimp about 150 grams
  • a bunch of arugula
  • a little vegetable oil
  • balsamic vinegar
  • apricot flavored syrup
  • parsley and dill are optional
  • If you like almonds, feel free to add them to your salad.
  • and of course, ground type pepper and a little salt, to taste.

Preparing the salad:

  • wash all pre-prepared greens and finely chop it
  • arugula is used as a small addition, so take the leaves of the plant no more.
  • deep plate, perfect for salad and mixing.

Preparing salad dressing:

  • mix balsamic vinegar and oil, which were prepared in advance (choose the proportions based on the amount of greens)
  • add apricot syrup to the resulting mixture by eye.

Pour the resulting mixture into the salad and mix it well, turning it over so that the oil does not drip onto the bottom of the dish.

Put the shrimp on top and sprinkle the salad with almonds. It should first be grated or chopped with kitchen appliances.

Everything, the salad is ready. Once brewed, it will acquire a mixed flavor.

Pork in champignons

Pork in champignons should be baked to achieve the desired taste and aroma. The dish is not only pleasant, but also tasty, and also very satisfying.

Mixing Ingredients:

  • pork of any type, but not smoked
  • a little bit of cheese
  • mushrooms of your choice, preferably champignons
  • tomato
  • homemade or store-bought mayonnaise, your choice
  • salt in proportion to the mass of meat
  • ground type black pepper

Cooking process:

  • preheat the oven to 180 degrees
  • salt and pepper the meat on a baking sheet (put foil under the meat, this will help to avoid burning)
  • top with chopped mushrooms and tomatoes
  • pour mayonnaise
  • sprinkle the grated cheese on top of the entire mass of meat
  • bake blanks for 30-40 minutes.

Steak with salmon

For a couple of steaks you will need:

  • ground type black pepper
  • olive oil
  • salt in proportion to weight.
  • heat up the pan
  • pepper and salt the steaks put them in a pan
  • fry in olive oil, about 20-15 minutes
  • readiness is determined by a golden crust
  • add some rice or vegetables to the finished steak.

The dish is ready.

Photo of a romantic dinner for two

Romance must always be present in Everyday life two lovers. You can come up with anything you want, but candlelight dinner remains a "classic of the genre", which can become a new page in a touching and reverent relationship.

A candlelit dinner for a loved one should definitely be remembered, so it’s not enough just to have a bite to eat together, sit in front of the TV or talk about nothing, you need to come up with something original and unforgettable. A flight of fancy and the help of the Internet is only welcome, especially since there are a great many ideas and options on the World Wide Web. But what creative ideas are the most appropriate for the second half?

Option one. Candlelight dinner can be arranged in style theme party for two, for example, arrange a costumed meeting on neutral territory. It does not hurt the girl to reincarnate in the image of an exalted princess, and to warn her lover that there is a great desire to have dinner with a fairy-tale prince. This is how his fantasy and the desire to please his beloved are tested, as well as the desire to diversify the somewhat boring romantic relationship, get into a fairy tale at least for the evening. Snacks should be light so as not to overeat, but will cheer you up and allow you to loosen up a glass of good champagne. In order not to sit silently buried in salads and thinking about the next question, you can think of fairy tale scenario in which to behave and communicate like crowned persons.

Option two. If the dinner is romantic with a logical intimate continuation, then you can pleasantly surprise your lover. For example, to meet him in an inconspicuous dressing gown with a "bun" on the head, making it clear that the strength after cooking is running out, and there will be no continuation. As soon as he relaxes and even gets a little upset, undress and appear at the table in the effect of underwear with erotic overtones. He definitely does not expect such a turn, moreover, he will immediately become interested in his beloved, he will definitely support the game mood at the table. Role-playing games in communication are also not superfluous, so everything is in the hands of both interlocutors.

Option three. A romantic candlelit dinner can also be arranged in the park on the most ordinary bench. To do this, it is not at all necessary to arrange a "feast for the whole world", a bottle of champagne with two glasses and light snacks in the form of exotic fruits are quite enough. Fresh air, romance, complete privacy and love will make this evening magical and unforgettable. This the best place for touching confessions and passionate revelations, and a romantic mood will allow you to make a new round in the relationship. At the end of a wonderful evening, you can meet the dawn, enjoy the nightingale trill. Such quivering and sensual dates are best arranged in warm weather, since frost and rain are not the best companions of romance.

Option four. Candlelight dinner can be organized on the roof of the house, the main thing is to get the keys to the attic and clean up the not always aesthetic territory. Of course, on such a dangerous site, it is best to avoid alcoholic drinks, limit yourself to juice or other fruity drink. Everything else is according to the preferences of the beloved, because the most important thing is to surprise him and please him pleasantly. The highlight of the evening can be a romantic verse - a declaration of love or a gift. A man will be touched by such a revelation and next time he will definitely come up with something original in response.

Option five. Today, the service sector is developed to the limit, so why not take advantage of such benefits modern society? For example, you can rent a cozy hotel room for a pleasant pastime, or rent a forester's hut in a secluded place. The place for dinner by candlelight has been chosen, it remains only to choose a romantic menu. If he loves meat, then he will definitely get a fatty steak with blood; and for lovers of seafood, it's time to cook the so-called "sea dish". Here it is worth hoping for knowledge of the tastes of the second half, but also do not forget about the surprise, as the logical outcome of the evening. Candlelight dinner will be complemented by a lit fireplace, crackling logs, a warm blanket, a glass of good wine, woolen socks, pleasant music for the soul. Such a romantic date will definitely not be forgotten, especially since, if desired, it can always be repeated.

Option six. Romantic date can be organized in a cafe, but such a pleasure is not cheap. It is very important that the rest of the visitors are absent, and decorate the path, the table, the stormy rack with candles, and even place candlesticks on the floor. Invite your loved one as if to an important conversation, but actually surprise him with privacy, sparkling candles and delicious food. If you don’t have the time and ability to cook gourmet dishes, you can use the delivery of sushi or pizza, which brings the order to your home. Under sushi, white semi-sweet is best, but champagne is clearly not appropriate. It would seem that nothing special, but it is not, because solitude by candlelight still brings together. You will have to pay for the rent of the cafe, so not all girls can afford such a romantic adventure.

Option seven. If you don’t feel like going anywhere, the home environment beckons, then it’s quite possible to organize a small romantic at home, a candlelit dinner for two. You should not choose a dull and boring kitchen for gatherings, because you can sit down with your loved one in the bedroom. The presence of a TV is not necessary at all, but romantic music for intimacy will definitely not hurt, it will set you up for positive thoughts and mutual awe. You can surprise your beloved man with delicious food, ardent confessions of sincerity of feelings, original gift, which can be made with your own hands, unexpected surprise, love song, unusual appearance and dialogue that is not quite familiar to the couple. If he is imbued, then we can assume that the evening was a success, otherwise you can remain incomprehensible.

So there are many options on how to organize a candlelit dinner for your beloved, and with each new generation it becomes more and more. Young people find their own options, how to surprise and please their soulmate, and moving with the times. Modern options is dinner on hot-air balloon, in a castle, at high altitude in an airplane, on a romantic trip, even under water or in another country. It all depends on the financial capabilities of a girl in love, a flight of fancy and a desire to surprise! As practice shows, modern young ladies do not spare the last financial means, if only to prove themselves and strengthen romantic relationships with a great prospect for the future.

If the beloved guy did not understand such a touching act, or is not a great romantic, do not despair, perhaps he is interested in something else. Although, ideally, it is not the act itself that is important, but the attitude of the beloved girl; therefore, it's time to think about his real feelings, to doubt his sincerity. But do not think about the bad, because in most cases such surprises become pleasant, and a romantic evening is memorable in the soul and unforgettable in the heart.

It remains only to add that everything is possible in love, and even the most unrealizable dreams come true. If you listen and hear your lover, and then organize romantic dinner for two at his request, then the feelings will only strengthen, become strong, a bright future will appear for two. Oddly enough, but it all starts with just such pleasant things from which a strong marriage, strong family ties and full mutual understanding of spouses are built in the future.

Candlelight dinner for two can be arranged not only on Valentine's Day, but also on any of the 365 days of the year, when you want to surprise and please your soulmate with something pleasant and there is an uncontrollable desire to arrange a holiday of love, romance and sensuality. What to cook for a romantic dinner? What menu to make so that everything is tasty and beautiful, but you don’t have to stand at the stove all day and, most importantly, so that you have strength for a night of love and passion, and not for a quick shutdown of a tired hostess? 😉 A romantic candlelight dinner that you arrange for your loved one or your beloved must be thought out to the smallest detail so that everything goes like clockwork, like clockwork ...

Video menu for lovers

The main role is given not so much to the menu as to the very atmosphere of the evening, and properly selected and served dishes, candles, flowers, romantic music will contribute to easy spiritual communication and help you tune in to the right wave.

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Highlights in preparation

The menu should be simple enough so that you don’t have to stand at the stove all day and that you have time to set the table and clean up by the time your soulmate arrives.

Food should be nutritious, but light, so as not to overload the stomach and not spoil the smooth and logical transition of a romantic evening into a night of love, if the latter is your plan.

Dishes for so special occasion you should choose festive ones so that this evening stands out from the faceless everyday routine.

If you want to have an afterparty, when preparing dishes for a romantic dinner, you can safely use recognized aphrodisiacs: mushrooms, seafood, eggs, asparagus, celery, nuts, avocados, chili peppers, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, bananas, grapes, strawberries and chocolate. True, it is not at all necessary for your chosen one to know about the purpose of these products: one man will understand everything without words and smile meaningfully, while the other may be offended, deciding that you doubt his masculine strength.

Make sure in advance that no one and nothing interferes with you this evening. Turn off everything that can distract you from each other: phones, TV, radio, computer. The world will wait!

As a background, we leave only music, the selection of which also needs to be taken care of in advance. Music should set you in a romantic mood, but at the same time not distract or interfere with easy communication.

Do not forget about candles, because this is exactly the element that can bring a magical touch to absolutely any atmosphere. Already from the phrase “candlelight dinner” alone, it smells of romance. Care must be taken with scented candles, as strong and pungent odors can produce the opposite and completely unpredictable effect. During dinner, the main sources of aromas will be dishes, fruits, flowers, perfumes, so it is better to light aroma candles after a meal, closer to night.

Do not buy strong liquor for a romantic dinner, but a bottle of good light wine or champagne will definitely not spoil your evening, especially since even the sounds of opening champagne or wine affect us in a certain way on the subconscious level, because we hear them during the holidays and the most pleasant events in our lives.

Even if dinner is frosty and snowy winter evening, there must certainly be flowers on the table, but a man should take care of this.

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What to cook for dinner by candlelight

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Shrimp soup with mushrooms


Cooking method:

We clean and finely chop the shrimp, leaving a few things for decoration of the dish. Prepared shrimps with mushrooms and butter are sent to a saucepan and fry for five minutes. Then pour in the chicken or vegetable broth and dry white wine. Add celery, curry powder and nutmeg. Cook everything on low heat for 20 minutes. We filter. We take out the celery. Grind shrimp with vegetables through a sieve and grind in a blender. While stirring, pour in the cream. Salt to taste. Warm up. Pour into bowls. Top with whole boiled shrimp and herbs.

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baked vegetables


Cooking method:

Cut potatoes and zucchini into circles, roll in flour and fry in vegetable oil. We cut the tomatoes into slices. Lay vegetables in layers in a greased form. Salt and pepper each layer. by the most top layer should be tomatoes. Spread a teaspoon of mayonnaise on each circle of tomato. Sprinkle everything on top with herbs. If you and your partner don't mind the smell of garlic, the herbs can be finely chopped and mixed with the garlic for more flavor and spiciness in the dish. We send the form to the preheated oven for 10 minutes and our vegetables are ready!

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Salmon rolls with avocado


Cooking method:

We cut the salmon into ribbons 15-20 cm long, 4-5 cm wide. Cut the peeled avocado into small pieces and send it to a blender. Add vegetable oil, lemon juice and pepper to the avocado. We whip everything. We roll the salmon ribbons into rolls so that there is a little bit left in the middle of each roll. free space. We fasten the rolls with skewers. Decorate the dish with lettuce and herbs. Place avocado paste in the middle of each roll. Serve soy sauce separately in a bowl.

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Grilled salmon fillet


  • salmon fillet
  • vegetable oil
  • fresh mango and kiwi
  • or chicory salad for garnish

Cooking method:

Salmon fillet cut into portions, salt and sprinkle lemon juice. Brush the fish a little before grilling. vegetable oil without smell. We put the salmon under the grill and fry until cooked. Serve the dish with lemon and garnish of fresh kiwi and mango or chicory salad.

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Strawberries with whipped cream


Cooking method:

We sort, wash and dry the strawberries. Sprinkle the berries with powdered sugar and leave for 20 minutes. Cool the cream and beat with a mixer into a thick foam, gradually adding lemon juice, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. We shift the strawberries into bowls, put whipped cream on top, pour over everything with strawberry juice, which the berries managed to put in. Put one strawberry on top and sprinkle everything with cinnamon. Mmm, just a fairy tale!

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chocolate truffles


Cooking method:

Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Add yolks, cream, butter, crushed almonds and cognac. Mix everything thoroughly and cool a little. Roll the balls out of the resulting chocolate mass and sprinkle them with cocoa. We spread the balls on paper and send it to the refrigerator to completely solidify.

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Don't forget the decor

Bon appetit and fabulous continuation of the evening! Do not let romance get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life by regularly showing her the way to your heart and home.

No matter how you personally feel about romance and all its attendant attributes, from time to time the desire to arrange an unusual dinner, organize beautiful evening and come up with a non-standard scenario visits everyone. Perhaps in this way you want to wish your loved one a happy birthday. Maybe you'll take the path of romance to celebrate Valentine's Day. It is likely that you decide to meet New Year under a special program. However, just without any reason to beautifully set the table and cook something special is also a wonderful way to spend time with your loved one.

In general, whatever reason you come up with for a romantic dinner, you always want to move forward in a special way to avoid the standard strawberries and champagne, hearts on napkins and roses in a vase.

Draw your own path. Let your romance be so refined and high that no one (and you yourself in the first place) will not be able to suspect the common ahi-ohi in it. Do not be afraid, everything is real, look!

We suggest immediately limiting the range of dishes that can be included in the romantic menu. By default, we exclude everything heavy, brutal and solid (we don’t discuss the reasons, we are all adult uncles and aunts here, we understand what we are talking about). By default, we welcome everything light, fresh and airy (aphrodisiacs in food are a separate topic, we will not dwell on it today, we just mean it).

We compose the menu luxuriously and beautifully, we don’t think about how much time we have to devote to fluttering around the kitchen - we think about romance, it is more important than effort. However, sometimes we still restrain ourselves a little - the specifics of the upcoming evening are such that you will still need strength, and if you collapse with boiled spaghetti immediately after setting the table, I'm afraid it will be possible to say that dinner was hopelessly ruined.

So, we think over the menu according to the following scheme:

  • cold appetizer;
  • salad;
  • hot snack;
  • main course;
  • dessert.

Cold appetizer for a romantic dinner

This is the first thing that appears on the table, so the dish should be given special attention, not in vain, because all psychologists unanimously declare that only the first and last are remembered, what is in between goes nowhere.
Delicious filling, of course, is important and paramount, however, the presentation plays an equally important role. I offer a pate - and portioned glasses for it.

Lentil and goose liver pate

Well, okay, okay, don’t boil right away: no goose liver - take a turkey; no turkey - so be it, buy chicken. It is clear that the final taste of the snack will change, however, the concept will remain!

I recommend dividing the finished pate into small gravy bowls, garnish with cheese cookie sticks and serve with some spectacular homemade chips (vegetable or mushroom, for example). The first dish - you have to splurge!


  • 200 g boiled lentils;
  • 1 shallot;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs (parsley, rosemary, dill, thyme);
  • 300 g goose liver;
  • 125 g butter;
  • 30 ml brandy;
  • a pinch of dry chili pepper;
  • salt to taste

How to make Lentil and Liver Pate

My liver, cut into small pieces.
Clean and chop shallots.
Melt 40 g of butter in a saucepan or deep frying pan, fry the onion until transparent, add the liver. Season with salt, pepper and, stirring, cook for about 3 minutes.
Add cognac and cook about the same amount more. Remove from heat and add the remaining oil. Add lentils, salt. Puree with a blender, add cream and finely chopped greens, work with a blender again.
Pour into glasses (kremanka) and leave in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.
Before serving, the pâté can be lightly drizzled. olive oil, decorate with toasted toast, crackers and a sprig of greens.

Salad for a romantic dinner

Desirable - the sea, the sea of ​​fresh herbs, crispy lettuce and juicy vegetables. The key to success is an unusual gas station, I recommend trying with all my heart. The right approach is products that you do not operate in everyday cooking.

However, do not think, I am not saying that the classic Soviet "Olivier" or rich in taste "Mimosa" - salads are not correct, not tasty and other "not". Not at all. Moreover, with the appropriate approach and serving, you can serve them on festive table, however, today we have a slightly different dinner format, so I advise you to refrain from dense, high-calorie salads and give preference to light, unusual, juicy dishes.

Salad with avocado, gorgonzola and walnuts

Okay, I admit, this salad cannot be called particularly light, yet cheese and nuts are a rather solid combination. But it is not necessary to serve it with basins! Elegant avocado boats are just what you need for a romantic dinner. Scarlet Sails fills the imagination.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

  • 200 g of any cream cheese;
  • 100 g of gorgonzola;
  • 50 ml low-fat cream;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 4 tbsp. l. walnuts;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • lettuce leaves and fresh herbs for serving.

How to Make Avocado Salad for a Romantic Dinner

Mix cream cheese well with cream, lightly salt and add a little pepper for flavor. We try and adjust the taste - I like to slightly acidify the dressing with lemon juice.
Cut the gorgorzoll into cubes, gently mix with the dressing.

Having set aside 2-4 beautiful nuts, chop the rest into large pieces and lightly fry in a dry frying pan. Add to salad.

Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit and sprinkle with lemon juice properly - otherwise the flesh will darken unappetizingly even before you serve the salad to the table.
We fill the “boats” with cheese and nut mass, decorate with halves of nuts and serve on a “cushion” of herbs and lettuce leaves.

And this is a salad with avocado and crab sticks.

Hot appetizer for a romantic menu

Well, here is the first solid touch of a romantic dinner. And yet - let it be light, airy and beautiful. How about a soufflé? The peculiarity of this dish is that it must be served immediately. The complexity, of course, is obvious, however, and this can be dealt with. While the puzzled man is looking for “do you remember that ... well, THAT song?”, You take out a pre-prepared mass of spinach, yolks and cheese from the refrigerator, beat the whites in two minutes, lay them out in molds and hide them in the oven - for everything about everything, no more five minutes. Well, running to the kitchen to get a treat and bring it to the table is, I think, not a problem.

Cheese soufflé with spinach

The combination of cheese and spinach is great - sometimes I seriously think that these two products were created exclusively for each other. In general, they are good in any dish, but it is the soufflé that reveals all their tenderness, affection, and reverence. Get ready - you won't regret it!


  • 100 g spinach;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 g of hard cheese;
  • 80 g butter;
  • 60 ml cream;
  • 30 g of fat sour cream;
  • salt to taste;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • some breadcrumbs.

How to make cheese soufflé with spinach

We turn on the oven - it should be heated to 180 degrees.
Grease the souffle molds with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Fresh spinach is quickly blanched in boiling water and chopped, frozen - defrosted.
Beat softened butter, egg yolks and a pinch of nutmeg until fluffy. Add spinach, grated cheese, cream and sour cream, mix, salt, do not forget about nutmeg.

Beat the whites and introduce them into the previous mixture by folding.
We spread the mass in soufflé baking molds and put it in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. We serve immediately.

Romantic main course

The main course is the main focus of your dinner, so you need to be especially creative with it. Flambéed dishes look great and spectacular, fish and seafood are very appropriate, grilled meat looks great and beautiful. There are quite a few options, but I will offer you ....

Beefsteaks with apples poached in red wine

Tender veal fillet, fragrant fruits, wine bouquet - in my opinion, just a luxurious option. Don't be afraid to spoil it - contrary to popular belief, cooking a steak is not so difficult, I will tell you one of the most affordable ways.


  • 800 g veal fillet;
  • 150 g of feta;
  • 400 ml dry red wine;
  • 4 apples;
  • olive oil for frying;
  • black pepper, mustard seeds, nutmeg to taste;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • salt;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 2-3 stars of cloves;
  • lettuce leaves and greens for serving.

How to cook veal steak for a romantic holiday

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees.
Grind a few black peppercorns, mustard and nutmeg in a mortar. Rub the meat on all sides with the spice mixture.

In a well-heated frying pan with a small amount of oil, quickly fry a piece of meat - the fire is maximum. After that, quickly wrap the meat in foil and put it in the oven - cook at a fairly low temperature for about 1 hour.

In a small saucepan, combine wine, juice of 1 lemon, add cinnamon stick, cloves, bring to a boil. Peel the apples, put them in a saucepan and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes.

We take out the meat from the oven, unfold the foil, salt and be sure to leave it for 5-7 minutes to "rest", after which we cut the veal fillet into pieces 2-3 cm thick.
Serve on a “pillow” of lettuce leaves and greens, lay apples next to it, sprinkle with crumbled feta.

Dessert for a romantic dinner

In my authoritative and unshakable opinion, the most important thing in romantic dinner- dessert! By and large, if it were my will, I would serve solid desserts instead of meat, salads, all sorts of pate snacks, however, they say, such a model does not fit into the concept of a romantic dinner, so I have to endure all this extra prelude in order to enjoy sweet luxury of the final chord.
Fat cakes and thick pies are pushed aside, light cream, weightless panna kota, transparent jelly, silky pudding, velvet mousse enter the stage.

Chocolate Vanilla Trifle

Dessert, in my opinion, fits perfectly into the concept of a romantic dinner - trifles are served in beautiful transparent glasses, they can be decorated with chocolate, small sweets, powdered sugar.

3 art. l. corn starch;
1/2 cup powdered sugar;
3 art. l. cocoa;
2 glasses of milk;
2 tbsp. l. butter;
2 tbsp. l. vanilla sugar;
1/2 cup nut mix.

How to cook a beautiful romantic trifle

Mix starch with powdered sugar, pour in milk. Stir well the resulting mass and put on a minimum fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a puff, boil for a couple more minutes, then remove from heat and add butter. Beat well with a blender, divide the resulting cream into two equal parts, add cocoa to one of them, vanilla sugar to the second, mix again. Both masses are brought to a boil again.

In a dry frying pan, lightly fry the nut mixture, chop the nuts into several large pieces.
In tall glasses, lay out both creams in layers, add the nut mass between them. We put it in the refrigerator for 5-7 hours.
If desired, you can add dried fruits, candied fruits, chopped caramel crumbs.

Serving a romantic dinner

The last recommendation is to take care of the details, they create a special holiday mood and bring a certain amount of romance. Where will the dinner take place? Maybe set a table in your own garden? A park lawn and a couple of checkered rugs, a seashore and a basket of provisions, a snow-covered forest and bright reflections of a fire - options, although hackneyed, are still romantic and beautiful.

Freeze ice in advance - for example, in the shape of hearts. Take care of candles and music. Flowers - of course, a complete banality, but without them it will not be the same, believe me. Do not forget to prepare a small gift: a cute note hidden in a chocolate bar, a handmade card, a romantic trinket or a souvenir - these things are usually neglected by everyone, but they always bring a good smile.

However, the most important thing is your mood and sincere desire to bring joy to the person you invite to the table today. Without these components, I'm afraid a romantic event will turn into a pretentious dinner with delicious food. Okay, but not what was intended. In general, I wish you butterflies in your soul and forget-me-not buttercups in your heart, and may everything work out!

First of all, you need to choose how the upcoming evening will be: traditional or unusual. Candles and chocolate-covered strawberries are great, but what's stopping you from having a themed date? For example, in the style of the 20s? Or in the spirit of your common favorite movie? Based on the theme, you can choose music, menus, entertainment, and even costumes.


There are two ways here: either discuss the date in advance, or surprise your partner. The last option, of course, is more romantic, but there is a risk that this evening your passion will plan something or simply stay at work.

So that the surprise is not spoiled, ask in advance to come to you under a plausible pretext (if you do not live together) or plan a joint meeting with friends who, of course, will not come


Subdued light and pleasant aromas are conducive to romance. and flowers are a classic, but you can experiment and make them original composition. Well, add garlands, lanterns and aroma sticks. And do not forget about the main symbol of love - the heart.

Another solution for decoration is the rearrangement of furniture. Try to remove dinner table and have a homemade picnic on the floor, or move the bed to the center of the room and make it the main date.

And, of course, nice music. Make from your favorite songs or turn on .


When planning a romantic dinner, try to adhere to three rules:

  1. Cook tried-and-true dishes or practice making new ones ahead of time. Otherwise, you risk spoiling all the romance with tasteless food.
  2. Choose recipes that do not require much time and effort. A stormy evening awaits you ahead: demonstrating all your culinary talents and immediately collapsing into bed from fatigue is not the best option.
  3. Cook something easy. Otherwise, romance will turn into a sleepy digestion of food.

Here are a few dishes that you and your significant other will love.



For canapes:

  • 6 pieces of melon;
  • 6 balls of mini mozzarella;
  • 6 slices of prosciutto.

For sauce:

  • ⅓ tablespoon of olive oil;
  • ⅓ tablespoon chopped basil leaves
  • 1 shallot;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Thread the melon pieces, mozzarella balls, and prosciutto slices onto wooden skewers. In a blender, mix all the ingredients for the sauce, except for the pepper. Pepper the finished sauce, put the appetizers on a plate, drizzle with sauce and serve immediately.

Instead of one piece of melon, you can use two, placing them on different ends of the skewer. No melon? Cherry tomatoes are a great alternative.



  • 2 teaspoons of truffle oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • 300 g salmon fillet;
  • a little olive oil;
  • 300 g of white mushrooms;
  • 2 cloves of garlic.


Mix one teaspoon of truffle oil with salt, red and black pepper and lemon juice. Rub the fish with this mixture.

Grease a baking dish with olive oil. Put coarsely chopped mushrooms, finely chopped garlic into it, add the rest of the truffle oil and a little more olive oil, salt, pepper and place the prepared fish on top.

Bake the dish in the oven at 200°C for about 10-20 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the fillet. Serve as an independent dish or with a side dish from.



  • 1 small rabbit carcass (0.7-1 kg);
  • salt - to taste;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 2 large onions;
  • ½ glass of white wine;
  • ½ cup mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme;
  • ½ cup of water;
  • ½ cup heavy cream;
  • 4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley.


Cut the rabbit carcass into portions, salt and leave to marinate for room temperature from 30 minutes to an hour.

Then heat the butter over medium heat. Fry the meat pieces until golden brown. Try not to let the pieces touch each other. If the pan is not very large, divide the meat into two parts and fry in turn.

Transfer the rabbit to a bowl and sauté the diced onion in the skillet for 3-4 minutes. Add wine and increase temperature. Then add the mustard, thyme, water and bring the sauce to a boil. Salt if necessary.

Return meat to skillet, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. If you want the meat to almost fall off the bone, increase the stewing time to an hour.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the pan and boil the sauce over high heat until it has reduced by half. Then turn off the stove, add the cream and parsley, stir in the sauce, and return the rabbit to the pan. Serve hot with crispy bread and white.



  • ½ cup Greek yogurt;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 3 tablespoons brown sugar;
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • tiny pinch of cayenne pepper - optional


Mix all ingredients in a medium sized bowl. Stir for about 3 minutes. Yogurt should become uniform dark color and the sugar is completely dissolved. Serve with fresh berries, fruits, marshmallows and sweet cookies.



  • 1 head of brie cheese (150-200 g);
  • ⅓-½ cup cranberry sauce
  • ¼-⅓ cup of pecans.


Do small hole in cheese crust and top with cranberry sauce. You can find the homemade sauce recipe below. The exact amount of sauce depends on the size of the brie. Place the cheese on a parchment-lined baking sheet and send it to the oven preheated to 220 ° C.

Bake the cheese until it starts to melt and bubble. After that, take it out of the oven and decorate with chopped nuts. Serve with or without crackers or bread as a complete meal.

You can use store-bought cranberry sauce for this recipe, or you can make your own.

homemade cranberry sauce


  • 1 glass of apple juice;
  • ¾ cup sugar;
  • 340 g fresh cranberries;
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon.


Combine the juice and sugar in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the washed cranberries and cook for about 10 minutes until the berries are soft and start to burst. Remove sauce from heat, add cinnamon and set aside.

More Romantic Dinner Ideas

Cook something you tried on your first date or some other special moment. Or just order takeaway food: a dish from good restaurant is unlikely to leave your soul mate indifferent.


Or taking a bath together are far from the only options for a romantic evening. Here are some more ideas:

  1. Take a walk. It seems trite, but surely you don’t often walk together under the moonlight. It's time to fix it and admire the city at night.
  2. Get a massage. Long with fragrant oils - something that the partner will definitely appreciate after a hard day's work.
  3. play. You can try out a new paired video game or come up with your own. For example, invite your partner to remember the best moments together or tell why you love each other.
  4. Do something together. Cook a cake, arrange a shadow theater or draw portraits of each other? The choice of activity depends only on your preferences and imagination.
  5. Add variety to your intimate life. Romantic evening one way or another will end in bed. Why not use this special time for something new? Choose what you want: erotic lingerie, striptease, sex toys, role play, or types of intimacy.

The main thing is that you both like the chosen pastime. And then the date will definitely be unforgettable.

And what romantic evenings did you arrange? Share your experience, ideas and recipes in the comments.