The most sincere congratulations on the day. Happy birthday wishes from the heart (in your own words). Happy Anniversary Wishes

Many people search the Internet for birthday greetings that will sound very sincere and from the heart. After all, you always want to congratulate your close and dear people not with banal, stereotyped words, but with such ones as to stir up emotions in the birthday person, evoke quivering feelings and maybe even tears. But not everyone can beautifully say the words of congratulations on your birthday in your own words, so we have also collected a small collection of sincere and touching wishes that will surely touch your loved one to the core.

Bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant,
An unexpected, wonderful gift,
And a compliment - refined, pleasant,
And the conversation is sincere, interesting ...
Smiles, beautiful sounds of music,
Exciting bright moments
And everything that can make life happier
Let this birthday give!

Happy birthday greetings in your own words and from the heart

A birthday is an occasion to come to a person and say what is in your heart.
So, with a clear conscience, I declare:
I have joy in my heart because you, dear birthday man, are in the world.
That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and just love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you immense happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be filled with positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events for you!

Today I want to wish you a happy birthday. You can wish for many different things. But I want to wish you always feel in your place in this life. This is when it is convenient, comfortable, pleasant, warm, reliable. May God take sickness and evil thoughts away from you, the views of envious people and the lies of those around you. Let your heart beat in the rhythm of a happy song, and let your soul sing a melody of joyful notes.

Happy birthday to you and I sincerely wish you to achieve all your goals! May luck always smile at you on the path of life, may your wallet never be empty, and may your heart always sing! Let your family and friends please and help you in conquering new heights, and your health remains strong! I wish you to meet every day with enthusiasm and excitement, so that later, seeing him off, you will always be satisfied with how you spent it and how your life goes! Good luck!

Happy Birthday! I wish you a good mood, great happiness, endless love, prosperity in the family, career growth, good friends and, of course, health to you and everyone who is dear to you. May your dreams never leave you and turn into reality.

Happy Birthday! It is always a pleasure to congratulate good people, and it is doubly pleasant to congratulate such a wonderful person as you. I sincerely wish that you always have enough: smiles, sunny days, successful situations, success, admiration, love, congratulations, support, true friends, brilliant ideas, interesting ideas, only important people, money, feelings and emotions, strength, courage ... But, most importantly, that at the right moment you would always have what you need.

Happy Birthday. May tears roll from your eyes only with joy, may your heart never know betrayal and lies, may a new world of goodness and sincerity open up for you today. Another year, another date, another achievement. Let you have something to be proud of, something to worry about, someone to love, someone to trust and with whom to stay in difficult times. I wish that the path of your happiness is smooth and endless.

Beautiful sincere congratulations on your birthday from the bottom of your heart

Happy Birthday! I wish your life to be bright and delightful, loved ones give attention, joy, warmth and affection, friends surround you with sincere understanding and support, colleagues respect and cherish. May everything that seemed unrealizable come true, and let the most desired thing happen!

Happy Birthday! I wish you good health, good luck, prosperity, kindness, joy, love, happiness, good mood, smiles, vivid impressions. May warmth and comfort always fill your home, may the sunlight warm you in any weather, and may wishes come true at the mere thought of them.

Happy Birthday! We wish you health, good luck, love, luck, peace, kindness, smiles, prosperity. May all dreams come true. Let life be long and smooth, full of bright and memorable events!

Happy Birthday! May this day be full of the most unexpected and joyful surprises and long-awaited gifts. May the dearest people, faithful and reliable friends always be with you. Happiness, love and kindness to your home. And may luck smile on you!

Live in such a way that your life can be compared with a happy story written by a beautiful fate, in which people admire the nobility of the protagonist and wish him only the best. Happy Birthday!

We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top. Let the family be warm and cozy.
Success, luck, luck. Please accept our sincere congratulations on your birthday!

Today is your birthday! And this is a very significant day not only for you, but for all of us. And even though you have become (a) another year older, but this does not mean at all that the years are aging you. After all, the soul is forever young!

I wish you to always win in the working field, to emerge as a hero from any life situations, to have a reliable rear of real friends and the only one who would like to lean on your strong male shoulder!

Happy Birthday. I want to wish you to be the right person, because in this life it is very important that someone could not be without you or someone felt bad without you. So, let there be more than one such person in your life who will truly need you. I wish sincerity of all bright feelings to the depths of the soul.

Happy Birthday! With all my heart I wish to allow my heart to enjoy the love of loved ones and joy. I wish you a short struggle with life's obstacles and endless long days of calm happiness, prosperity and peace.

Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday in your own words to tears

Accept my sincere and heartfelt wishes on your birthday: peace, prosperity, health, love and friends who are always ready to help. May your days be full of sunshine and love. All the best, good and pleasant to you - everything that can bring a smile to your face. Especially what is hidden in a tiny word - happiness. And, of course, the traditional hundred years of life!

Happy Birthday! I sincerely wish you all the best. So that you, my dear little man, be happy with every particle, every cell. Let all the beauty in this world be at your feet. May all dreams and desires come true. People like you just don't exist. You are the epitome of perfect.

May the warmth of the hearts of relatives and friends warm you every day, and especially on this day, may it always bring hope to your open and kind soul, inspire confidence and help you look into the future with a joyful expectation of miracles, as well as love your present and by all means be proud of him.

Every year is a new page in the book of your life. When you turn over a new leaf, you add another year. What does all this mean? Absolutely nothing. This is your book and you are its author. It is in your power to write your adventure novel on more than a hundred pages. So let for this you always have plenty of strength and inspiration, health and excellent creative mood!

Let there be many sincere congratulations on your birthday! Today, you have probably already been wished happiness, health, wealth, and love. All this, of course, is very important, but I will not repeat myself ... I want you to just think about what you would like most of all - I wish that this will come true before your next birthday!

From the bottom of my heart, accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, financial stability, harmony in everything, love in all its manifestations, a peaceful sky above your head. Let good luck and success accompany you in life, people close in spirit surround you, and every day of your life shines with new rainbow colors!

On the eve of your birthday, I puzzled for a long time, thinking: what to give you, how to surprise and please you? I went shopping, looked, chose ... It is very difficult to choose a worthy present for you, because you already have everything you need, but I don’t want to give a useless thing. Therefore, I decided not to reinvent the wheel, but to do it simply - this envelope contains a modest amount that you can spend as you see fit. I am sure that such a gift will not be useless, and you will definitely find a use for it.

I want to wish you great happiness, Siberian health, optimism, longevity, love and attention of relatives, good luck and prosperity!

On a wonderful holiday, birthday,
Look ahead with hope.
Let this congratulations
It will bring you good luck!
We wish you good health
We wish you a clear mind
May the days warmed by love
You will give life itself!

Happy birthday, ray of light!
Do not give your light for free.
There is always the best in the world -
He waits for you until dawn.
Who waited - he will appreciate.
Whoever loves is saved.
Happy Birthday! Life will change
What gave us a dream.

What does a woman want? Love? Wealth?
Or maybe beauty at the cost of half a kingdom?
Or so that a white horse rushes to you?
And the prince that he has been looking for you all his life?
Every woman has a special happiness -
One umbrella is enough in bad weather,
Another - overseas dishes and villas are not needed,
And only God would send a simple man.
The other is a millionaire, a mink coat,
Stones, metals, oysters and caviar.
What is happiness for you? What do you wish?
May your birthday dreams come true!

Once a year, like in a song, a birthday,
Rejoice and hello from the heart,
For you, nature is awakening,
For you, the spring sings in silence.
The springboard year is taken by you, as before,
Another year to puzzle with dreams,
And trust the fiery hope!
Happy Birthday! Happiness and good luck!

Years go by, but you still don't change,
Still carefree and playful
All the same radiant smile
Still amazingly beautiful.

You are a fairy, dear mischievous angel,
You light up the world with your light.
On your birthday, we are with you,
May everything you wish come true!

May joy be a frequent guest
And happiness is an unchanging friend,
And all the dawns, like a bridge,
Lead to success for sure!

great mood,
Luck often indulges
And everything will work out! happy Birthday!

What do we aunts need in life,
I vaguely imagine
On your birthday
I want clarity.

Where is your prince, and where is the burden
I clearly shared.
So that dumb delight is always
You instilled in men.

Nice day today, for sure
Your birthday is the day.
Happiness clung firmly
And the shadow went away.

I'm in a hurry to congratulate you.
Wish you love
Happiness, cheerfulness, health
And good luck on the way.

Let grief go away today
On a long journey and forever.
The sun's ray will soon break through.
Happy Birthday to You!

You are standing at the window
With a cup of tea in hand
Alone in a warm sweater
Like a lonely star

Beyond the hustle and bustle
With a gentle smile on your face,
You pay attention to your feminine property,
To be alone in dreams.

Pleasant evening in the yard
And so free and easy
Flashes your silhouette in the window
Peace has come to you!

Happy birthday sincere to tears

May it always be spring
Lives in your heart
Let the rays of the flower
Bloom for you!
Let the sun shine like before
In your sweet window
Eyes sparkle with joy
And let the firebird of happiness
Covering you with a wing
Fill your home with joy!
Let trouble, bad news
They roam far away from you.
If there is happiness in the world,
Let it sleep with you.
We wish you not to get sick,
Complete happiness to have
Never worry
Smile more in life!

May your life laugh forever
Flowers bloom in my soul
And let the heart beat with joy
Not knowing hardships and troubles!
We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth bloom,
Love, smiles and warmth,
On your bright holiday
On your birthday!

You, as always, are full of worries,
After all, life was not easy.
Oh, how many difficult, difficult days
It's gone through your heart!
You deserve joy in life
Many days ahead.
So be happy and healthy
And every day, and every year.
This day is beautiful
I give you the whole world
"So be very happy
I speak from the heart. -
Let your life flow like a river
Passing stones and rapids.
And let them bypass
You sorrow and anxiety!

On your wonderful birthday
Let us hug you
And give a poem
Wish love and happiness.
And may health be strong
And the heart is forever young
May your day be bright
For the joy of us and all relatives!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you!
You are a special, wonderful person!
I wish you great love
May it last a lifetime!

Let girlfriends and friends be near,
And adversity and bad weather will go away!
Just a miracle - I know you!
After all, being friends with you is a great happiness!

From the bottom of my heart congratulations helmet
And we wish you good luck with everything!
Happiness, light, love and warmth,
So that life is always bright!
Peace, sun, kindness, beauty.
Embodiment of a cherished dream!
Let success add new strength,
The best in life awaits!

I wish you to be happy!
Blooming more magnificently than any roses!
The road of happiness hastily
Pass without grief and without tears!
I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I want to live a hundred years
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!

Wish you want
Lots and lots of accolades.
Two bags of joy
White-white envy.

Pleasure pack
Entertainment wheelbarrow.
Three wagons: laughter,
Happiness and success.

Five boxes of jokes
A feast for three days.
Easy career,
And love - without measure!

The boy chose a rose carefully,
So that the rest do not crush,
The saleswoman looked worried.
Help him or not?
Thin fingers in ink,
Bumping into flower thorns
I chose the one that revealed
Petals this morning.
Raking your change out of your pockets
To the question - who did he buy?
He was embarrassed in a very strange way:
"Mom..." he whispered softly.
It's her birthday, she's thirty today...
She and I are very close friends.
Only now she lies in the hospital,
Soon I will have a brother.
Ran away. And we stood with the saleswoman,
I'm in my forties, she's in her fifties.
Women should have been born
To raise kids like this...

Sincere birthday greetings in verse

Happy Birthday!
I want to congratulate you
On this day, once a year
Stay in good health
Spit on every trouble.
Be cheerful, positive
Don't let others be sad
Be persistent and active
To not miss the chance.
Let there be everything that is needed
Sea of ​​happiness and love
To make every day a joy
You catch the opportunity!

Only one day in a year
When you get a year older
And it would be great if smarter
You will be at least as much from year to year!
After all, the mind in everyday life is always the most expensive:
More expensive, money, and emotions, know!
Another healthy lifestyle is expensive,
You never forget about him!
Be able to afford happiness beyond
Boundless, unrestrained again!
And let smiles of love bloom in your soul,
In everything, there will be luck and comfort!

May your lips always smile
Let your eyes shine with kind light
May peace and silence be reflected in them
And never shed a tear!
May your life not know the cold!
Like a summer day, like a garden in bloom,
May the heart be forever young
Facing kindness with kindness.
And let sadness part with you
Will go to the dense forests,
And your beauty will get
For those who believe in miracles.
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and love,
And we wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy
Let your waves splash
On the smooth shore running.
We want a storm, we don't need calm
Let flocks of seagulls circle over you
And, collecting evil crazy dust,
It is washed away far beyond the sea.

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.
Birthday is a special date

Give joy to the birthday boy.

Wishing you health, warmth,

How successful things were!

Happy birthday, happy birthday to you!
On this glorious spring day
You can't count your wishes
They have all the secrets!
And most importantly - so that spring and love,
Always stirred up feeling and blood!
We wish that everyday life is not eclipsed,
And every day of yours to be sunny!

Spring in the soul, warmth and luck
I want to wish you on your holiday!
At the solemn hour - on your birthday,
It's not too lazy to give me smiles and toasts!

You have become a year older,
But time has not left a mark on you.
Over the years, you have become wiser and more beautiful,
And many more young years ahead!

Let dreams come true
As soon as the candles all go out.
Today You are only the center of the Earth,
Let your undertakings never fail!
On such a beautiful bright day
Either toasts or congratulations sound.
Here a joyful song flew to the sky,
Today is your birthday!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.

Birthday is a special date
This holiday is incomparable.
Someone smart once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.

The joy of meeting, smiles, hopes,
Wishing you health, warmth,
So that happiness is cloudless,
And things were successful!

Beautiful day and the sun is shining
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of my heart,
And you are the happiest person in the world
Where is the birthday, there are dreams,
And I congratulate you now
I wish you great joy
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday
I want a colorful smile
And the cake is higher than the ceiling,
To make all the cards shine
So that everything was like never before!

Let health not decrease
From a sip of champagne.
They will forget the way to you
Sadness, anxiety and longing.

The sun warms the soul
Even if it's autumn.
People will be kinder to you
Very sincere.

Prosperity instead of poverty
Wins instead of losses.
May all dreams come true
And not just on your birthday!

Maples flaunt in autumn attire,
Smiles shine on our faces,
We are happy to congratulate you on your birthday,
Beloved grandmother, right now!

We want to wish you a lot
Health and happiness, success in everything.
And in this - we assure you strictly -
We will definitely do our part!

We love you - you are like a reward for us! -
And no one can take away this love!
On your birthday, we are sincerely glad
Congratulate you and raise your glasses

For happiness in the family - this is a wonderful miracle,
For us, for you, but besides
For you to know always and everywhere
That there is no one better than you in the world!

Beautiful birthday wishes for a woman

Happy anniversary to a beautiful woman
I hasten to congratulate today from the bottom of my heart.
I wish life to become brighter, fuller,
And your days were always good.

And all the anniversaries - that were, that will be -
Gave only happiness and joy in fate.
Love was tender, like a miracle
And happiness itself would fly to you.

Beautiful birthday greetings on the anniversary of a woman

Vivat birth, anniversary!
The older you are, the sweeter everyone is!
Smile for yourself!
After all, all worries subsided!
And how warm in the evening
And gentle hands touch!
You are tenderness, you are my wall!
So many years - one moment!
Vivat to you! Pour the wine
So that joy spills in the chest,
So that the birds all sing in my soul!
For your wonderful anniversary!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

On this glorious anniversary
Charming madam
There is no limit to admiration:
You are so fresh and young!

I wish that at every meeting
The men fell at their feet
They carried champagne in the evening,
And also fur coats, pearls! ..

Also - so that in a hat and bikini
On sunny beaches
Tasting expensive wines
Not knowing the hardships and worries.

Well, today at the buffet
All the people are having fun here.
With the sweetest woman in the world
All night let him dance and sing.

Happy birthday to a beautiful woman

On this bright holiday, on the anniversary
We came to congratulate with joy,
You have lived for many days
And live twice as long ...
Let your tender heart beat
So that his warmth is holy ...
Given to people every moment
To make it familiar to everyone...

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

To the best girl in the world
On this anniversary day
Like on a fairy carriage
Let the fairy come running soon.

And fulfill all desires
And let her give
Bright days and shining eyes,
Joy to know in full.

And let it be magical
Waving his wand,
So that your faithful angel
Fortunately led always forward!

Gentle beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

May your wonderful anniversary
Give vivacity, inspiration!
Great happiness, long days,
Good health, good luck!
Give new ideas a countdown
May today's milestone
And optimism leads forward -
Good luck, joy, success!

Sincere beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish:
To be loved until a hundred years
And forget all the sorrows.
Be healthy, young
And an attentive wife
Always a good daughter
And for many years
exemplary mother
And a faithful friend!

The most beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

So you have become a year older,
After all, today is your anniversary,
We wish you to be healthy,
Relatives brought only joy,
Every day you are brighter and wiser,
Energetic, like the charge of a hundred batteries,
Happiness and a bouquet of wishes,
Fulfillment of unfulfilled desires!

Original beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

Kind, compliant, sweet,
Household, soft, playful,
How funny you laugh sometimes
It's always easy to communicate with you.
May your fate be happy
May it never be bad.
And if you suddenly get sad,
Fix it dear friend.

Very beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

Anniversary is beautiful
There is both experience and beauty!
Life is just beginning now
But you're worried, barely!

I want to look great
And take care of your health!
Let everything be fine in life
And the Lord save you!

Beautiful birthday wishes for a woman

May the anniversary bring only happiness
Not a drop of sadness, not a single tear,
Mental wealth and health
We wish with all our hearts.
We wish you great joy
Happy and beautiful days
So that your life is warmed
Caring for grandchildren and children.

Big beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of a woman

You have an anniversary today
And I don't know what to say
After all, you have collected everything in yourself,
What can a woman want.

Love? But you are so loved
And do not take beauty.
Only the sky is peaceful blue
I just have to wish.


Sincere congratulations on your birthday happy anniversary

Ah, the anniversary - this wonderful holiday,
When tears of happiness on the cheeks ...
I congratulate you on this beautiful day,
Slightly lost in joyful words ...

Health to you, success, longevity,
Good luck never quit!
May all that is beautiful in the world
Will pass through your light years!

Sincere congratulations on the anniversary

Years have flown like a bird
Having overcome the steep height,
And a lot of hard work
You had for your life
Relatives gathered together
Not forgetting your warm home
To a sign of high honor
Render you at the table
And your fate is rich
(There was stuff on the way)
Happy anniversary!
Round date!
And reach the great-grandchildren!
So that, celebrating the centenary,
To meet again
No worries and no sorrows
All who come to you, loving.

Congratulate sincerely on your anniversary

We all wish you a happy birthday
Health, long days, good luck and light,
To love relatives and friends
Your soul has always been warmed.
So that you never know trouble
Do not drink from the cup of bitter suffering,
And God's grace overshadowed
All your thoughts, feelings and deeds!

Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday happy anniversary in verse

Today you look
More beautiful orchids!
Harmonies of soulful words
Sounds like an anniversary!
Years fly, days go by
Filled with happiness!
Let it work out for you in life
As you wish, brilliant!

Happy Anniversary Wishes

We want to say on the anniversary
You beautiful words:
You are the best mother for children
Spouse is the best wife.

Let sorrows go away
You have fun, dance and sing.
Let sadness roll away
Bloom and be yourself!

Sincere congratulations on the anniversary to tears

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
And the round date crept up,
Let there be happiness and warmth
Let old age recede forever.
Forget the years, forget the hardships
Today is a holiday - anniversary.
We wish you happiness and health
For many, many years and days!

Soulful verse-congratulations on the anniversary

Someone started a good holiday
And called it so wonderful!
Happy Anniversary
With pleasure, kindly!
Let good days dominate
Happy chances are woven into life!
Let success clone each other
Everyone admires you from the bottom of their hearts!

Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday with an anniversary to tears

Happy Anniversary
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
For today, as before,
You are insanely good!

We wish you good health
Beauty and kindness.
May from now on every day you
Flowers pave the way!

You, beauty, are incomparable.
Be always like this:
Gentle, sweet and desirable,
Naughty and young!

The most heartfelt congratulations on your birthday and anniversary

You today
The peak of your mental strength.
I wish happiness
A ray entered your life.

There will be achievements in the sweetness,
The family is always happy
And a full-flowing river
Your life will be forever.

For sores, let it not be
Places in your life.
Home, work will be a joy,
Your true friends.

The most sincere congratulations on the anniversary

Anniversaries are coming
without asking us about
What we might regret
What are we anxiously waiting for.
May your anniversary be clear
And full of happiness and flowers,
As the most long-awaited holiday,
Like a song of joy without words.
And many years to you, dear,
And new meetings in the earthly way,
To never get tired
You continued to bring light.

Sincere congratulations on the anniversary

You have an anniversary today.
There is no more beautiful date in the world!
May luck be your companion.
And a lot of happiness to you in addition.

In all matters you are inspired,
Dreams come true on your birthday.
So that you always smile
And realized in life.

Heartfelt sincere congratulations on your birthday and anniversary

Nice to visit your anniversary
Don't regret the past for a second!
Always look ahead with confidence
May your soul be forever young!

What do you wish for your anniversary?
Caring, attentive children,
Let there be optimism, a supply of ideas,
Health, happiness, time for friends!

Warm and gentle congratulations to a woman on her birthday

What does a woman want? Love? Wealth?

May your birthday dreams come true!

You, as always, are full of worries,

It's gone through your heart!
Many days ahead.

This day is beautiful
I give you the whole world
I speak from the heart. -
Passing stones and rapids.
And let them bypass
You sorrow and anxiety!

Happy birthday to you!
And with all my heart I wish
To never know trouble

May you always be young.

Let it be time for love, flowering
Doesn't depend on the weather!
Fulfill the purpose
What is given to you by nature!
Break the applause again
Be cheerful and beautiful!
Listen to compliments more often
Be loved and happy!

May your lips always smile

Facing kindness with kindness.
Will go to the dense forests,
And your beauty will get
For those who believe in miracles.
And we wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy
Let your waves splash
On the smooth shore running.

It is washed away far beyond the sea.

Don't say the world is sad
Don't say it's hard to live
Laugh, believe and love.
So that everyone always says:
“How beautiful this woman is,
How infinitely young! ”

happy birthday congratulations
We wish you to be healthy
Don't be sad, don't be angry
Get young and have fun
And love and be loved
Cheerful, happy.

Today is the birthday
Family and friends came
Everyone drank wine for you.

We wish you happiness and smiles,
Good luck, successes and mistakes,
All that the century is full of,
What makes a person happy.

And in spite of years and storms
Stay young!

At this morning's hour of awakening

And flowers bloom only smiles.
Let dreams come true!

You are lucky
And people dear to my heart,
Account in hard currency and in Sochi dacha.
May this day and other days
You will be completely happy...
beloved, young, beautiful
Always in the saddle and on a dashing horse.

Sincere birthday greetings to a woman

We want to always remember
One law that is strict:
You are a woman, which means
The whole world is at your feet.
Let them compose poems for you
Giving gifts,
Surrounded by love
Lifting to the heights.
Let the heart be full
From happiness and love.
There's always a reason
Laugh, don't grieve.
Let the sun be bright
Inspiring hope.
Today is the main holiday -
Your birthday!

Birthday for women is a special day,
After all, contrary to the flow of time, it seems
Gentle lovely persons
Every year they look younger.
Congratulations! I wish you continue
Be beautiful and stay healthy
So that the cheeks do not get tired of blushing,
Inflamed with happy love.
So that in the depths of bottomless eyes
Dissolved the vanity of the world right there,
So that everyone, looking at them at least once,
Wanted to be your friend or husband.
Sweet taste of victory, celebration
So that you feel as often as possible,
And a little more magic
Yes, so that the goals are certainly achieved.
To have a home and a strong family
Were the rear and reliable support,
You met the new day, laughing,
Absorbing happiness every time! I want to congratulate you on your birthday,
Wish wishes come true
Beauty, unearthly luck,
And may the Lord bless you with health.
I wish you good luck, happiness
And good mood
For the financial part
There has never been an uproar. Today is a beautiful day - your birthday,
Let me give you my congratulations:
May your every day be happy
Let the light dance in the eyes of love.
Let the smile never leave your gentle lips,
Let the bad things bypass you,
Let there be success and good luck in business.
And I want a cart to boot! Birthday of a beautiful lady!
We heartily congratulate her
And prepared a lot of warm words,
Beautiful rhymes and festive colors.
We wish you health and love,
May only joy await you ahead.
The path of life will be straight and bright,
The star of luck illuminates him let.
Over a good heart, young soul
Years are not powerful, anyone will tell you.
We wish you laughter, smiles to save,
After all, this life is impossible not to fall in love! Sun, joy, warmth,
May you always bloom!
So that adversity and rain
Bypassed the side.
Let the boss respect
And encourages money!
Appreciate the friendly team
Sometimes leads to a tavern.
Husband brings bouquets
He wears it in his arms around the house,
Let dreams come true -
After all, you deserve everything! Dear, glorious and radiant our birthday girl, happy birthday to you!
May your day be filled with bright colors, captivating aromas and
fireworks of crazy desires. Let your beauty enchant
youth will be your companion for many years. Incendiary to you
mood, happiness and fantastic love! Charming and gentle
I wish you always!
And to fly into the sky
Sadness and grief without a trace!
Flowers, champagne, sweets
Let them bring it on your birthday.
And the main ray of light
Let the sun be around.
Health, joy and luck,
Let love be given to you.
And maternal care
Let the meaning of life suddenly become! Slim and elegant
Beautiful and smart.
source of inspiration,
You are the only one.
Let your eyes sparkle
Shine from year to year.
May God protect
From all sorts of hardships.
Life is short don't forget
And bitterly, are you happy,
Do not add years to life,
And add life to years.
I wish you to live for a long, long time,
And always be yourself
Original, wise, strict,
Heartfelt, kind and simple. To you, beloved, dear,
We wish you health and happiness.
Let me in the lines of a poem
In love big to you to confess!
We congratulate you on your birthday!
Your soul is always seventeen!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Consecrating with a gentle look,
Warm the soul with the atmosphere!
And not sink into distant distances,
And pass any sorrow! We wish you:
in work - speed,
in health - cheerfulness,
in happiness - eternity,
in life - infinity.
from the sun - heat,
from people - good,
from her husband - tenderness,
from friends - love and fidelity. Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom day by day!
Much, much happiness to you
Joy, love, kindness!
Have fun walking through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Forget about adversity! I want to live and be loved
Do not grieve, do not despair
And along the long road of life
It's fun to walk with a smile.
May this day be a sea of ​​bouquets
Friends will give you
Sorrow will not touch the beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!
Shine like a ray of sunshine
Be gentle, always kind.
And let happiness be the reward
For all the coming years!!! Beautiful lady on her birthday
I wish only one thing -
Enjoy every year of your life
Taste it like sweet wine!
Accept like a queen, favorably,
Gifts, congratulations and flowers.
And remember every moment
That the queen of life is you! Happy birthday, I congratulate you
You read my congratulations
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all

Years will never change! If the wind is in your face - do not rot,
If trouble strikes - be strong,
If joy is in your heart, sing
And always be yourself! Be happy, unique
Always love and be loved
May flowers always grow
And the holiday will be where you are! Sweet, kind, gentle, glorious!
How old is not the main thing.
Everyone's favorite, funny, beautiful. Glasses full of wine
And my heart is sad...
I want to drink everything to the bottom,
For you to be happy.
To never know
Separation and anxiety
And so that all dreams come true
Conceived by you!
So that the angel is bright above you
He spread his wing
And so that mutual love
The Lord sent you! Be very cheerful and the happiest

Love you, faith, hope, kindness! Boiling work every day,
But among ordinary days
Suddenly a birthday comes
Wonderful holiday - anniversary!
We want to wish you good luck
Success in life, bright deeds,
So that you with a smile - not otherwise
Meet every new day! Congratulating you today
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that for many years
Still live without getting tired
May these years be good.
We wish you eternal youth
May all dreams come true
And happiness will be endless From the bottom of my heart with bow and love
We wish you many, many years
Great happiness, good health,
Good deeds and creative victories! Let everything be in life as before:
Health, strength and hope,
Movement towards the goal and good luck,
And the heart is kind and warm! Dear, happy birthday!
We want mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes burn with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any interference
Only to good luck and success. There is no more pleasant activity today,
How can we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you the most passionate hugs,
And take the attention of men!
You are the woman that captivates so much
You always look like spring.
Nature wants you today
Plunge into the blue sky!
We wish you unearthly beauty,
And radiant love for life.
Revel in the soul of eternal May,
And fly like a swallow up! Today to you, dear colleague,
I wish you success in your personal life.
In a career - growth. On vacation - separation
And always be beautiful and sweet.
I'll tell you from the bottom of my heart:
There is no better you in the world.
Let the years fly by.
You stay with us forever! Always sad and happy
Years go by irrevocably
Just keep counting them.
But time seems to flow
Nothing can hold on.
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove
And never be discouraged. As if the world is an obsession
And in the world all the flowers bloom:
You celebrate your birthday.
And we are here with you!
We celebrate beauty in you -
Beautiful as a flower, you too.
In you one soul is not tea,
And everyone, like a jester,
Hurry up, to your service,
Kiss, hug...
And we praise you - girlfriend May this Day that you meet

And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
And we love you very much!

Sincere to tears, happy birthday greetings to a woman

Like a Goddess, you are beautiful!
And bloom day by day!
Much, much happiness to you
Joy, love, kindness!
Have fun walking through life
Be loved, be gentle!
Cry less and laugh more
Forget about adversity!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Keep the youth of the heart for people.
Illuminating with your gentle gaze,
Warm the soul with the atmosphere!
What you give to people will respond,
And not sink into distant distances,
Seven times, with love will return,
And pass any sorrow! We wish you happiness and good
We wish you a full life
We wish you joy in the morning
Until late at night.
We wish you to do everything in life
And do not grow old, but younger,
Health, vivacity to keep
And live for many, many years. On my birthday I want to wish
So that happiness spills like honey!
In life, everything to be on the shoulder!
To be loved forever!
So that the native voices of friends
They were distributed more often in this house!
And so that in your eternal music
There were only happiness dawns! Happy birthday, I congratulate you
You read my congratulations
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
Let them not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
Years will never change! With all our hearts we wish you laughter
Fun, joy, success,
Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat well, sleep soundly
Never worry
Do not get angry, do not swear
Be healthy, smile!
Let your life flow like a river
Among the rocky shores
And may they always live with you
Hope, faith and love! How good you are today!
The soul shines with happiness!
The hands are ticking in the clock
Laughter rings in your eyes.
Let's drink for you today!
You are our joy and destiny!
On the road you go
Through the beautiful wine rain.
Candles, stars and moon.
Never be alone
Always be in your circle
To catch on the run
sun falling beam,
The night that came out from behind the clouds
The verse I read to you
Laughter that brought us happiness.
Wisdom, youth itself!
As impregnable as winter
Sweeter than spring itself.
Summers of paint are destined
And autumn fruits!
For the princess of beauty! Sweet, kind, gentle, glorious!
How old is not the main thing.
In life we ​​want to be the happiest
Everyone's favorite, funny, beautiful. Let it be the way you want
Let expectations not be deceived
And all the beautiful dreams
Let it become reality! We wish you to be happy
To be a beloved woman
Keep tenderness under the heart,
Children of their love.
Years do not age loyalty
Years do not age tenderness,
May the heat of the exalted soul
Will return to you again! They say love is not verbose
Suffer, think, bite.
It's all conditional, I think.
We are people, we are not carp.
And if you really want
To make your head spin with happiness
Speak, speak, speak
The best words! Be very cheerful and the happiest
Beloved and tender and most beautiful,
Be the most attentive, the most attractive,
Simple, charming, unique,
And kind, and strict, and weak, and strong,
Let the troubles go out of the way into impotence.
May everything that you yourself come true come true.
Love you, faith, hope, kindness! Beautiful angel pure and holy -
You are a woman - the crown of the union.
Beautiful, who's to blame?
The poet's muse revived...
cherishing all love,
What was given to us from the world,
Keeper of hearths
You have been blessed from heaven.
Know how to be beautiful for good,
For people to open their mouths
I wish you today
Big and sweet love. Dear, happy birthday!
We want mood
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes burn with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any interference
Only to good luck and success. Always sad and happy
Celebrate your birthday:
Years go by irrevocably
Just keep counting them.
But time seems to flow
Nothing can hold on.
Today is your birthday
We want to wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles,
Obstacles in life and obstacles
Easy and quick to remove
More laughter, less sadness -
And never be discouraged. Sweet, gentle, bright, pure,
May this day when you were born
Happiness will smile at you radiant,
Troubles and sorrows pass the attack.
May it never, never end
Your faith in the coming of spring
May all dreams and hopes come true
Fairy tales and dreams become reality ... I wish you love and affection,
So that dreams come true, like in a fairy tale,
So that there is no bad weather in life,
I wish you great happiness!
Be brave, cheerful, healthy, beautiful,
In a difficult life, be the happiest!
I wish you that with eyes burning with happiness,
You met the young dawn
To the joys of meetings flying
They flew into your house more often.
So that the separations were short-lived,
So that there was a moment of sadness,
To only happy sounds
The wave carried the songs. May this day that you meet
A happy date will enter your life,
And all the good things you dream about
Let it come true and let it come.
Let the doors open in happiness
And everything that will be lived is not in vain.
You know we believe in you
And we love you very much! Everyone knows you sweet, gentle,
Although you can flare up.
I want to wish you
Only joy in fate.
So that not one dozen years
She brought warmth and light to others.
You take life easier.
Dream, work, have fun Bouquet of flowers - fragrant, fragrant,
An unexpected, wonderful gift,
And a compliment - refined, pleasant,
And the conversation is sincere, interesting ...
Smiles, beautiful sounds of music,
Exciting bright moments
And everything that can make life happier
Let this birthday give! What does a woman want? Love? Wealth?
Or maybe beauty at the cost of half a kingdom?
Or so that a white horse rushes to you?
And the prince that he has been looking for you all his life?
Every woman has a special happiness -
One umbrella is enough in bad weather,
Another - overseas dishes and villas are not needed,
And only God would send a simple man.
The other is a millionaire, a mink coat,
Stones, metals, oysters and caviar.
What is happiness for you? What do you wish?
May your birthday dreams come true! You, as always, are full of worries,
After all, life was not easy.
Oh, how many difficult, difficult days
It's gone through your heart!
You deserve joy in life
Many days ahead.
So be happy and healthy
And every day, and every year.
This day is beautiful
I give you the whole world
"So be very happy
I speak from the heart. -
Let your life flow like a river
Passing stones and rapids.
And let them bypass
You sorrow and anxiety! Happy birthday to you!
Be cheerful, always happy.
And with all my heart I wish
To never know trouble
So that happiness, like the sun shines,
So that you bloom under it like spring,
So that you always go cheerful,
May you always be young. Let it be time for love, flowering
Doesn't depend on the weather!
Fulfill the purpose
What is given to you by nature!
Break the applause again
Be cheerful and beautiful!
Listen to compliments more often
Be loved and happy! May your lips always smile
Let your eyes shine with kind light
May peace and silence be reflected in them
And never shed a tear!
May your life not know the cold!
Like a summer day, like a garden in bloom,
May the heart be forever young
Facing kindness with kindness.
And let sadness part with you
Will go to the dense forests,
And your beauty will get
For those who believe in miracles.
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and love,
And we wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy
Let your waves splash
On the smooth shore running.
We want a storm, we don't need calm
Let flocks of seagulls circle over you
And, collecting evil crazy dust,
It is washed away far beyond the sea. Don't say the world is sad
Don't say it's hard to live
Learn among the ruins of life
Laugh, believe and love.
Do not know despondency, be happy
So that everyone always says:
“How beautiful this woman is,
How infinitely young! ” Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you to be healthy
Don't be sad, don't be angry
Get young and have fun
And love and be loved
Cheerful, happy. Today is the birthday
Family and friends came
Many beautiful words were said
Everyone drank wine for you.
May your birthday bring
With snow - laughter, with frost - cheerfulness,
In deeds - success, and in spirit - firmness.
We wish you happiness and smiles,
Good luck, successes and mistakes,
All that the century is full of,
What makes a person happy.
We want to be as energetic
Just as sweet, kind and simple,
And in spite of years and storms
Stay young! At this morning's hour of awakening
A year has been added to your life:
Happy Birthday to You,
And may youth live forever.
Let your eyes shine with happiness
And flowers bloom only smiles.
We wish you happiness in life
Let dreams come true! May this day and other days
You are lucky
And people dear to my heart,
Account in hard currency and in Sochi dacha.
May this day and other days
You will be completely happy...
beloved, young, beautiful
Always in the saddle and on a dashing horse. I wish you happiness in your personal life,
Success in working life,
I want to be in great shape
And look to have the same combat.
I want to be always cheerful
Happy, joyful, healthy! It's your birthday today
We wish you happiness and good
And eternal youth bloom
Smiles, sun and warmth
Be young, always beautiful,
Desirable, kind and simple,
Always friendly and nice
Always loved dear
May there be no sadness in your life
Let happiness meet you everywhere
May joy be your companion forever
And there will always be a loved one
Let the sun shine bright bright
By white gentle birches,
We wish you good luck and success,
Health, vivacity always,
Blessings for all the coming years. Let under the constellation of good luck
Nights and days go by
Life will be happier and brighter
Full of smiles and love
And happiness will be endless
Good health, eternal friendship! Always be good
Always be beautiful
Always be cheerful
Glorious, kind, sweet.
Don't face grief
And don't be sad.
Smile more often,
In a word, be happy. Accept a bouquet of love from us.
Live with joy alone.
Let the tenderness of the heart not melt
And the strength of the spirit will be eternal,
And let the sun shine in my soul
And happiness will be endless! If you need to get down to business - hit!
If you fall in love, don't be shy
If the door is locked, knock
If cowards are silent - shout!
If the wind is in your face - do not rot!
If trouble strikes - get stronger!
If joy is in the heart - sing,
And always be yourself. We chant in the morning:
" Happy Birthday to You!"
congratulations start
And with all our hearts we wish:
Always be so sporty
creative, positive,
Be cheerful, groovy
Energetic and simple.
Rest to the fullest
Have fun and enjoy.
And with a girlfriend to the Maldives,
Tomorrow you fly. Happy birthday congratulations!
And with all our hearts we wish
Be funny, cute,
Young and energetic.
Never grieve
Sleep tight, sleep tight at night
To have such power
To always stay cute -
For legal spouse
And maybe another friend.
May health be strong
Happiness your house will not forget
A lot of joy, warmth,
So that fate is good
So that youth is not sluggish,
To not know old age. Great woman, beautiful
You are good in every way.
If you move your eyebrow playfully,
Immediately the soul falls into the heels.
Woman, I congratulate you
Happy birthday, your holiday.
Let life always smile at you
Let the mood rise
My wonderful congratulations. The set table is a feast for the eyes,
Sparkling festive crystal
What doubts can there be -
Today - calendar
Snapped off a round date.
And here we are - ready again
Drink away ten years of loss
And again remember about Love!
Let it be satisfying and warm
Let it be peaceful and light
And let it happen sometimes
"Lucky chance" and with you!
And let them visit with love
Your home is tired friends,
That are ten years behind,
From a new life, from you.
Let the aura of life-loving
Your whole path will be filled
Shine as you shine! Be happy!
And for friends, be a star! You have an open soul
And the character is better not to find!
You are good in everything, dear:
Daughter caring, loving mother ...
We wish you bright days
Bright joy, brilliant luck
And excellent health, which is more important,
Than solving life's problems. For the youngest, for the most beautiful,
For the shy, for the smart one,
Today we all drink!
Today even the sun
Shines in a special way
As if he is happy with us
At the festive table.
May there be much joy
Let all life seem like happiness
And whatever she wants
Let it come true, come true! Happy Birthday!
I want to congratulate you
On this day, once a year
Stay in good health
Spit on every trouble.
Be cheerful, positive
Don't let others be sad
Be persistent and active
To not miss the chance.
Let there be everything that is needed
Sea of ​​happiness and love
To make every day a joy
You catch the opportunity! Let the stars shine in your eyes
Let happiness sparkle like champagne
Let tears never shine in them,
And let sadness not knock on the heart.
May this day, like a song of a nightingale,
Cross out all the gloomy days of bad weather.
May your life be like a May dawn
Brings happiness every day! We wish to be richer than the earth,
We wish to be more beautiful than dawn
And happiness, joys for many, many years.
We wish blue stars in your palm,
We wish love as bright as fire,
We wish roads in life are not cool
And live not for yourself, but for others! Good luck for all the years
Good health always
happy life and then
Everything else is nonsense!
May the sun shine brighter on this day
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet.
We wish you youth, peace, happiness, -
All that is called good. Allow me to wish you
Happiness, peace and warmth.
May good luck accompany
Sense of humor always.
And no matter what happens in life
You will remember the words:
"While the woman laughs,
So the woman is alive! » Darling, happy birthday!
We want sentiment
Only excellent always
And health for years
Let your eyes burn with happiness
And the path leads you
Despite any interference
Only to good luck and success. Such spiritual beauty
It is not often possible to meet.
We are happy that you are near
What a tremulous heart beats!
Eyes are beautiful and sad
They look at us with affection ...
And we confess on our birthday:
You, dear, we love! You are so beautiful at this hour -
Dress to face, smile to face!
To the face and look of crafty eyes -
No wonder we love you so much!
Let your star burn
Star of love and inspiration
Never goes out in life
Doesn't fade even for a moment.
Take a look at the sky Where the milky way
You will see a great cluster of stars,
Take one of them and don't forget
What is your birthday today. We congratulate you all
Today with an arbitrary date!
We wish your life
She was happy and free!
In any dress you are good -
After all, a proud posture,
Mind, femininity, your soul -
Diamond, and the rest - cutting!
And we want you
Stayed like this for many years
So that all dreams come true
So that everything was, and not seemed ...
So that there is happiness and love,
Health, joy - everything is according to the estimate,
To feel everything again and again
That you do not live in vain in the world! Be cheerful, gentle, clear,
Carefree and beautiful
So that you laugh carelessly
For happiness to last forever
For all dreams to come true
And wishes came true
So that you are like spring
Full of youthful beauty. Happy birthday, congratulations
But I can't give flowers
You know dear
I live far from you.
Be yourself,
Be true to all friends
Let you and winter
Spring will smile! I wish you to be happy!
Blooming more magnificently than any roses!
The road of happiness hastily
Pass without grief and without tears!
I wish you happiness, songs, laughter!
More joy, more success.
I want to live a hundred years
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles! Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy
And I’ll add from the bottom of my heart: be good everywhere,
May this holiday, birthday,
Music and laughter do not go out,
And let the culprit of fun
Laughs the best! We congratulate you on your birthday!
And we inform all people:
(Let adults and children hear)
You are the best on the planet
We have long wanted to congratulate you
And wish in verse now
So that your wallet is not empty
So that Kolya Baskov sang odes
To spend in Bali
All nights and all days.
So that you are lucky for life
So that the sun shines joyfully
So that your dreams come true
Today, tomorrow and now. I don't like living without you
I can't see the sun without you
You lit up my life
You gave me the concept of happiness!
And I hasten to congratulate you beautifully
And wish you happiness on your birthday!
I want life to teach you
In dreams, like a bird to fly!
To not know pain, loss,
Learn to rest!
Castles in the air to be able
Turn into real! For you to be beautiful
To be liked by men
So that troubles and sorrows do not upset you.
Our wishes cannot be counted
So why divide them into parts,
If all of them, whatever they are,
Contained in the word "happiness".
I want to wish you a lot:
To find your happiness
To make that road bright
On which you went in life!
So that you always smile
To keep the light around
To always stay close
At least one, but a reliable friend. Wish you happiness? So you are happy.
Beauty? So you are the most beautiful of all.
On your birthday, I wish you
May success always accompany you.
May health be the strongest
May your career be easy.
May your children be healthy.
And it was in my heart to make it easy.
I wish you a beautiful life
So that the darling warms with warmth.
To always be loved
And wonderful in every way. Let it stay forever
And your beauty and strength.
And let them go, the years go -
You are like spring! You are young, tender.
It doesn't matter how many years have passed!
You, a man with a restless soul,
Able to overcome everything in life
And that's why I believe you are worthy
At the feet of this huge world to have!
You are worthy of love and admiration,
You are a woman with such fire in your blood
What's it like in a hundred years on your birthday
Someone confesses their love to you! We sincerely wish you happiness
Excellent health!
Confessing the best feelings
And we treat with love.
May today, on your birthday,
smiling nature,
Outside the window and in this house
There will be clear weather!

Sincere congratulations to a woman in prose

Happy birthday to a kind, sincere, magnificent woman
afternoon. We wish to flutter - like a butterfly, bloom - like a rose in spring, shine -
like a sun. Let relatives and friends rejoice with care, understanding,
warmth and respect. You are beautiful, graceful, irresistible always.

I am very glad to be the first to wish you a happy birthday! At
wishes of my one and only plot - wealth. Let the rich
your heart will be, may your closest people be provided,
let the house be slightly chic, but completely cozy; let some
an unknown distant relative from Chicago will write you half
inheritance; let health be not poor, but prosperous; let be
your husband will be called a spender on March 8; let spiritual wealth
will always exceed the accumulated. Understanding and prosperity to you!

A woman can rightfully be considered the eighth wonder of the world, and I don’t
I doubt it, but, having met You, only stronger in this
I'm convinced. 'Cause everything you touch, everything you say, you can
rightfully considered a masterpiece. And today, on your birthday, I want
sincerely, more than ever, wish you to remain as magical,
gentle, positive, beautiful, kind, sweet. Let the daily worries and
minor difficulties do not change you and your worldview. Take care of yourself and
believe in miracles!

Happy Birthday! I wish you beauty, youth, good
mood and well-being, attention from men, love from children, always
hear compliments addressed to you and receive flowers not only in
holidays, pleasant shopping trips, and for this enough
the amount of money in the wallet.

Happy birsday, my dear! Congratulations on this wonderful event.
and I wish you great joy and all-encompassing love. Let this
day all your wishes will come true, dreams will come true, and your
beauty blooms brighter every day. Your birthday is joy
for me and all your close, loving and appreciating relatives and

I wish you to be slim, spectacular and beautiful without any
youthful apples. Be successful, luxurious, prosperous without having
Gina. Let all your dreams come true without a magic wand, because
that your whole life itself should be just magical. With day

Happy Birthday! I wish that all men love you, appreciate you and
worn by hand! I also wish you eternal optimism, youth of the soul, and that
there have always been faithful and loving people next to you who will help you in
any life situation. As well as female and financial happiness!

Happy birthday, our dear! Heartily. Today the whole world is
your legs. The sun shines for you, the birds sing, and only for you
The strong half of humanity “loses its head”. Today is truly yours
day and make it unforgettable. Today you are especially good
the brightest flower in the garden of amazing, rare plants. So let
but this delightful flower delights us endlessly with its beauty and with
every year it gets more and more beautiful. And may it always be there
kind and caring gardener!

You can often change images, but your soul is always the same.
How real she is, only you know. But I also know that your
the soul can fly and today it will have a special flight. In a day
such a birth cannot be avoided, so let her be able to catch that
cherished star, which is called happiness.

Happy birsday, my dear! Stay special and unpredictable. IN
awaken gallantry in men, and in ladies the desire for a healthy
competition. Let the fairy tale come true, and boredom and blues for a hundred years
lose your address. Don't get sick and don't get old!

Sincere congratulations on your birthday

Birthday greetings to a woman sincere

Let the sun please with a smile
Let spring sing in your soul.
And let women's happiness be
Accompany you all year round.

May wishes come true
And problems will be forgotten
Good luck in your endeavors
Good change to you.

We wish you eternal beauty
Love to you and patience.
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Happy birthday!

Original heartfelt congratulations on your birthday

The old legend says:
When a person is born
A star in the sky will light up
To shine on him forever.

So let it shine on you
At least a hundred years
And happiness guards your house,
And joy will always be in him.

Let everything be fine in life
Without grief and adversity
Let everything be light and clear
For many, many years to come!

Happy birthday in spiritual verses

I wish you on your birthday
To surround joyful faces,
So that there is both fun and peace,
So that the husband is a king, the lover is a prince!

And money, well, quite a bit -
To a jeep, and an apartment in the center,
So that the chest only becomes larger,
A sip of love, but happiness - a centner!
Happy Birthday!

Short heartfelt birthday wishes

Life is like a dream come true
Everything is in you - both mind and beauty!
And I wish you calm and bright

The road has led you to happiness
For fate to give good luck
So that eternal spring reigns in the soul!

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a man

And brutality and hardening,
And posture, and savvy,
Strength, courage and honor -
You have everything, of course.

Wish you left
Minor smallness.

In personal life - understanding
And support - in undertakings,
In good friendship - respect,
And career advancement.

Be happy and contented
Expensive, but still free.
With money and in the mood.
Happy Birthday!

The best sincere verse-congratulations on your birthday

He is special - birthday,
A day of excitement and fun
When you can without hesitation
Express words of love

Gratitude, recognition
For care and attention
Just… for the charm
Human soul!

Congratulation-rhyme sincere birthday

Years go by, sadly
We will never get them back.
And sadness visits us
And the time seems to be sad.

But the light of life has not gone out,
And tomorrow will be another day.
We wish you many years
And let the shadow disappear from the brow.

Sincere congratulations to the birthday man

On your birthday
I want to wish
Good luck, approval
And drown in happiness!

Let friends be faithful
Health is like granite.
Love is incredible
And sorrows are the limit.

Heartfelt congratulations to a friend on her birthday

Expensive! Congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you with all my heart
In the heart of passion and fire!

Let men respect
Love, appreciate, cherish,
And escorted home
And meet in the morning!

Stay sweet and gentle
You for many years!
Be the same as before
And always be happy!

Heartfelt congratulations on your birthday

The years go by quickly, without looking back,
Fly, melt, like smoke.
We wish on any ten
Stay forever young.

We wish you happiness and health,
And to have enough strength for everything,
So that every day you love
It only brought joy to life.

Sincere congratulations on your birthday in verse

We hasten to wish you generously
On your wonderful holiday, birthday,
Warmth, comfort - for the soul,
In work - strength and inspiration.

Patience, peace and kindness,
Prosperity, liveliness and laughter!
So that life is a full bowl:
Love, luck and success!

Funny heartfelt birthday greetings from a friend

Congratulations, friend!
So you suddenly became older,
Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you long happiness.

So that success comes to your house,
Everyone loved you in it
And everything in life surprised
But nothing upset.

So that everything always works out
And fortune did not end
So that the salary is on time
And you yourself were a hammer.

Heartfelt congratulations in prose for your birthday

Happy birthday greetings in prose to a male colleague
Please accept our warmest congratulations on your birthday!
Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights!!!
May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, everything will be preserved
the good that is in your life and the moments of joy will multiply,
love and optimism.
We wish Luck, Success and Inspiration to be
faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and
well-being in daily life.
Persistence and patience in solving everyday problems!!!

Happy birthday to you!
Be cheerful, always happy.
And with all my heart I wish
To never know trouble

So that happiness, like the sun shines,
So that you bloom under it like spring,
So that you always go cheerful,
May you always be young.


The clearest sunny days
Kindness, beauty, charm!
Nearby - only loved ones!
Tender words, warmth and attention!

In life, let only good things await
Brings joy to every moment
Let it bring a lot of happiness
And make your birthday dreams come true!


Blooming like a spring garden
And bright as heaven!

Smile more often to loved ones
Give the warmth of the soul loving!
Cheerful, stay bright!


Happy birthday to you
And we wish women's happiness.
Health, joy, success,
More humor and laughter!

What else do you need to be happy?
Love, warmth and chocolate.
And your feminine beauty
Let anyone admire.

And finally, good luck to you
Good luck, long years,
In all your satisfaction -
And this is the whole secret of happiness.


May your lips always smile
Let your eyes shine with kind light
May peace and silence be reflected in them
And never shed a tear!

May your life not know the cold!
Like a summer day, like a garden in bloom,
May the heart be forever young
Facing kindness with kindness.

And let sadness part with you
Will go to the dense forests,
And your beauty will get
For those who believe in miracles.

We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and love,
And we wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy
Let your waves splash
On the smooth shore running.

We want a storm, we don't need calm
Let flocks of seagulls circle over you
And collecting evil crazy dust,
It is washed away far beyond the sea.


May this festive day
Filled with light!
Flowers are woven into a wreath
And the house smells like summer!

Let the holiday beautify the sun
And the warm breeze blows
A bouquet of flowers is fragrant
Melody round dance is spinning!

Let happiness be in the air
And gives beauty and tenderness!
May they never leave
Health, strength, charm and freshness!


Happy birthday to you
And we wish you great health
Prosperity and prosperity to you
And, of course, love for order!

May your dreams come true together
And adversity does not come to you!
Let only success surround
Know the way you are for all of us!

Let the children please with smiles
They are dearer to you than in the world
And children's laughter sounds everywhere,
You have created fun for everyone!

We congratulate you on your birthday
And we wish you luck in life
We gathered, of course, not in vain,
Let's raise our glasses friends!


May your life be wonderful
Blooming like a spring garden
Magical, easy, interesting
And bright as heaven!

Smile more often to loved ones
Give the warmth of the soul loving!
Cheerful, stay bright!
All the colors of happiness are for you!


You always look like spring.
Nature wants you today
Plunge into the blue sky!

We wish you unearthly beauty,


What do you wish for today?
Perhaps many long years?
Perhaps health and happiness?
So that life lasts a whole century?

No, I wish today
To always be close
With you next to the soul
Didn't worry about trouble.

So that there is no grief, sadness,
So as not to shed tears and not sadness,
So that all the unknown gave
And get around, and conquer.

So that there is more light in life.
To be true friends:
So that for you - into fire and into water,
So that together, to the end!

Chic birthday greetings to a woman, see

Beautiful congratulations in verse to a woman happy birthday

Beautiful day and the sun is shining
Everyone congratulates from the bottom of my heart,
And you are the happiest person in the world
Where is the birthday, there are dreams,

And I congratulate you now
I wish you great joy
And I'll add a couple more lines,
To decorate your holiday

I want a colorful smile
And the cake is higher than the ceiling,
To make all the cards shine
So that everything was like never before!


You are our sun, beautiful, smart!
And age is not a hindrance to you!
Let the date in the passport is not very small,
It's just fun for you!

You are so young - anyone will be surprised
Who knows the secret of age
Slender, charming, believe in love,
And extremely charming!

We want you to stay like this
Health is only stronger
Home comfort and peace of mind
We will always provide you!


Beautiful world, mysterious and new,
He is born and melts before our eyes,
It will appear, then it flies away again,
Rich, generous, but stern.

And maybe cruel, but maybe
Loving, sweet and fragrant,
Exploding or dying down
To hate able to love.

After all, these women have similar features
With one remark - a woman is more tender,
More capricious, more insidious, but ... a fairy,
The sorceress of mind and beauty.

No, we will not throw the apple of discord,
Let's not waste words
We ask the hostess of the ball to the stage,
Today is her day, and praise her!


Happy birthday our sun - you always shine!
We all know that you are a shining light in our network,
We will all say - you are beautiful, and also sweet.
The abyss of taste, the sea of ​​​​charm, the head is bright,

However, the sun, you know everything about yourself -
There are words, and they are not few, but the format of the letter
Alas, I am unable to convey the warmth that I
I wanted to convey to you, my dear ...

Let everything turn out well, let your laughter sound,
Just be always, dear, you are the happiest of all!


Happy Birthday! You are wonderful
Both today and always.
Stay pretty
Be clean and young.

Let luck inspire
Let the world be at your feet
Let your loved one inspire
And God saves everywhere.

Let luck be easy
And heavy - a wallet,
To this birthday
Hundreds could repeat.

So that dreams always come true
Life's complex castles
Opened before you
Like flowers before a butterfly.


Like a rose in dewdrops
May happiness be gentle
Like a turquoise sky
Boundless and boundless!

And life will be full of warmth
Smiles, admiration,
lovely, joyful, bright
Always like a birthday!


We wish you succeed
Implement plans into reality
So that everything you want comes true
It was interesting to live!

Treasured dreams, clear goals,
Love, care and warmth,
Don't forget that life is beautiful
Health, happiness and kindness!


We wish you joyful moments in life - the sea!
Beautiful compliments - more than twice!
May you continue to be free from grief!
So that all our wishes come true - soon!

And we want to wish you more - happiness!
To pass your life to misfortune!
So that joy and health coexist in the house!
May your life be filled with love!


Everyone knows you sweet, gentle,
Although you can flare up.
I want to wish you
Only joy in fate.

So that not one dozen years
She brought warmth and light to others.
You take life easier.
Dream, work, have fun.


happy birthday congratulations
We wish you all the best
Be loved and love
And live up to a hundred years.

Do not lose beauty and shape
Being young all the time
Charming and fit
Be cheerful, mischievous.

Happy birthday to a woman beautiful sincere poems

It can be stated with certainty
That there is no more beautiful woman in the world,
It's time to congratulate you again
On your birthday - the best on the planet!

May all wishes come true, all dreams
Be loved and happy every day
Let the flowers grow only for you
So that the fabulous life was beautiful!


Happy birthday and wish you with all my heart
And health, and luck, and love to you big.
Let the admiration of men accompany you,
And for joyful smiles, let there be a hundred reasons.

Be beautiful and successful. And always be happy!
Let confidence and wisdom give days, carry years.
May flowers bloom on all your paths,
Hopes, and whims, and dreams come true!


There is no more pleasant activity today,
How can we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you the most passionate hugs,
And take the attention of men!

You are the woman that captivates so much
You always look like spring.
Nature wants you today
Plunge into the blue sky!

We wish you unearthly beauty,
And radiant love for life.
Revel in the soul of eternal May,
And fly like a swallow up!


Be beautiful like a goddess
Proud like a princess
Be slim like a figurine
And desirable, like candy.

Be luxurious. In personal life
Be loved endlessly.
Under men's gasps
Get around the tricks of fate.

Let with a reliable companion
Everything in life will be possible.
And from friendly applause
Let your eyes sparkle.


May happiness shine in your eyes
May spring always sing in the soul,
Let from her husband - only love and affection,
After all, there is only one like it in the world.

To walk hand in hand with luck
To be respected and praised
So that you don't forget your friends
You are the only one in the world for them.

You are smart, beautiful, without a doubt,
I always wish you to be like this.
Happy birthday to you
Be the way everyone knows you.


Birthday girl sweet, beautiful
I wish on this clear day,
To grief, trouble you did not know.
Let all sorrows pass you by.

Let life be strewn with roses,
To light, springy step
You walked along the earthly road cheerfully,
Only with major, good songs!

May all wishes come true
So that with a smile of charm
You blossomed, you illuminated us all!
Be always the happiest!


On your holiday bright and beautiful
I wish you bright days
And new, bright achievements,
Great victories, good luck, achievements.

So that you smile more often
So that all your dreams come true
Good, you have a lot of health,
So that your path goes to the goal.

So that your beauty sparkles
So that you do not know problems and troubles,
In the works I wish you inspiration,
Love and happiness, happy birthday!


What is female happiness? In bouquets of flowers?
In hot kisses?
In the trembling of the lips or in the magic of words?
In dreams consisting of several dreams?

In the rays of the rising sun?
What is called happiness for women?
What to wish? This time the question
Smiles happiness - it's not new

Everyone congratulates so now
And we want not so, but in a different way.
May life be full of miracles
And the road is full of flowers

Let the stars fall from the sky
Only to your doorstep
And on this day we sincerely wish
All earthly blessings in the world and goodness

Happy birthday hearty congratulations
We wish you happiness, joy, health and warmth!


Like a princess - you are beautiful!
You make us happy every day!
We wish you a lot of happiness
Love, fun and kindness.

Have fun going through life
Always love and be gentle.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones
And forget about sorrows and hardships.

We all congratulate you today
And we give this little rhyme!
He's small but so funny
And this couple of lines gives joy!


Happy birthday, dear, bright,
The ideal of beauty, kindness,
All of you are warmed by sunlight,
Everyone misses your warmth!

We only wish you well
Near faithful, reliable people,
Be the same always cheerful,
Be in harmony with your life!


Happy birthday to you, beauty
May all wishes come true
May luck smile on you
And let fate admire you.

May your path be paved with roses
Life will be filled with sweet dreams
Good people meet in life
And dreams are slowly coming true.

Let the soul bloom with smiles
And actions will not become mistakes,
Let the heart shrink from happiness,
Happy birthday to you, beauty!

Beautiful congratulations to a woman on her birthday in verse, see

I give you a birthday
Poems are for the soul!
Let there be pleasure in life
And a lot of fabulous love!

Let luck accompany
Anywhere, anytime, on the go!
I wish you good health!
Be happier every day!

And smile more often too
Don't forget about optimism
Then all life will be sweeter,
And it will turn into a paradise!

It's good that we know each other
Happy birthday is so nice!
And I want about this
Good luck wish incredible!
Let any dream come true easily
Bathe in love and admiration!
Such people are rare, I know for sure!
You are the sun, always stay!

You are the best person
who met me,
I want to wish from my heart
All the best to you:

Love magical and good,
Good luck on your way
Open bright and full
Go to the calling with all your heart.

On your birthday, let
That dream will come true
which you dream in your sleep,
What thought fascinated.

Let everything work out, you believe
Hope, act and move on
Let the lucky star
It will lead to the cherished goal.

May all your accomplishments and hopes
Reached unprecedented heights
May there be peace in the family, well-being in the house,
And may unrealizable dreams come true!

Bouquets, congratulations,
Champagne sparkles!
We wish you a birthday
Have fun until the night!
We wish you strong friendship
Love big and bright!
Everything you need in life
What is in a cherished dream!

Beautiful soulful verses for birthday greetings for birthday people

Visit you on your birthday
Let love come soon
Peace, calm with yourself
And let it bring good luck.

We know the best is waiting for you
Of this we have no doubt
Enough for a year ahead
Money, strength and mood!

On the best holiday, birthday,
Let the fun break in
Let friends give gifts
Let it be hot in your heart!

Let love fly like a bird
Happiness comes to life
Impressions, inspiration
And dreams come true!
Interest, strength and kindness,
Life is wonderful, always successful!

Let joy rage today
Let happiness shine in the morning -
I will hug you, kiss you
And joyfully shout "Hurrah"!

I heartily congratulate you
My dear friend!
In our vain age, fleeting
Let life caress you!

Bouquets of large fragrant
In the hands of good-natured guests,
Real gallant men
Happy and good news!

Save everything that is priceless
Drink the cup of life to the fullest.
Let everything come true without fail
And happiness will cover the wave!

On this best birthday
Your friends have gathered
To lift everyone's spirits
I came among them!
I want to congratulate you
I want to hug you!
Dilute vodka with beer
Dance until dawn!
All guests will be welcome here
Everyone came with gifts!
Let's have fun until we drop
In the middle of the native land!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
You accept my congratulations
I sincerely wish
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!

Life brings you joy and happiness
Let them not pass without a trace
May your beauty, your tenderness
Years will never change!

A year has passed away
And you're a little older again
The circle of your worries is getting wider,
And more and more thorny road.
But do not be sad about the years -
There is taste and sweetness in every age.
If only you had
Love, health, family and joy.

Happy birthday to you today
And I wish you joy, happiness every hour,
Let success in life lead you by the hand,
And true luck awaits you on the way,
May dreams come true and call ahead
And let the ardent love live in the heart!

I wish you a birthday
Understand that you just need to live
Loving nature and yourself
Appreciate every moment of life!
Do not drink in the company of bad people,
Don't give up without love!
Do not eat at night for two
Don't betray your dreams!

Today I want to congratulate you
And wish with all my heart -
Let love reign in your life
And let there be someone to help!
Birthday is a great holiday
Let the birds sing in your soul
Let him settle with an eternal residence permit
Forever comfort in your home.

It's not just that in this world there is
Such wonderful people!
Oh, how many kind words! Don't count them!
And more, more of them, of course, will be!

I thank the Universe for
That we met once
I want, no matter what,
We never parted again.

My friend, on such a beautiful, good day
I wish you great happiness
So that the shadow of all sorrows recedes,
So that the wind of change takes away bad weather!

Let love reign in your soul
In the chest with happiness, the heart beats loudly!
Today is the day of gifts, warm words!
Your kindness will respond with a smile!

Festive beautiful soulful poems on your birthday

Happy Birthday
And I wish you to continue
Contrary to the worries of many,
Bloom and be beautiful!
I wish you bright, long days,
Don't count your years
May happiness be in your home.
Settled forever!

happy birthday congratulations
On this day, let there be a lot
No hassle and no worries
It will be an easy road!

May health be strong
And the family will be big
And the income is always plentiful
With peace of mind!

Happy holiday today
We hasten to congratulate you together
May your day be interesting
Let the light never leave your eyes

And wish you a birthday
Health, joy, kindness.
And let the angels protect you
After all, our life is one.

This morning, just waking up,
The whole world came to life, trembled,
Looks like your holiday - birthday -
He felt it in his heart!
All for you: dawn and sun,
Comfort, decoration and space -
He gave with the dawn,
You laugh, he laughs.
I wish this holiday
Forever remembered to you
Laughter, fun, entertainment,
The warmth of relatives, close friends,
Good luck in life
Much happiness and love
And a hundred vivid impressions
Smiles, joy on the way!

At your age you are so beautiful
Fresh breath of spring...
Those who are familiar, it's not in vain
Deeply in love with you.

Mila, full of charm,
Kind, slender, light, smart ...
And a cup full of happiness
May God give you a drink!

What could be better than a birthday?
After all, this holiday is amazingly good!
Good words and congratulations sound,
You will not find a more solemn event.

On this day, forget about all the hardships,
About troubles, pressing matters,
About world cataclysms, bad weather
And spend it only with a bang.

May it be remembered forever
Fun and perky sonorous laughter.
There is no more positive person in the world
For us, you are simply the best!

On your birthday, a special day,
Joy, fun and kindness,
Every day let it be new
And good luck always!

Let life give gifts
Love tender and hot,
Inspiration, strength, skill,
A life of satisfaction
fulfillment of a dream,
Sea of ​​happiness, beauty!

We only wish you a birthday
Grow, laugh and bloom,
So much goodness, warmth and affection,
What can not be carried away in a hundred years.
In study and in work - good luck,
And rest - easy and to your heart's content!
And there will be money, villas, dachas
Yes, over the fate of their power!

Wishing you happiness today
What is enough not for life - for a century,
But happiness only then inspires,
When a loved one is near.

Love, soaring up like a bird in the sky,
Fly, without a doubt, for a dream,
Enjoy every moment
And every conquered height!

birthday poems
Get it now!
I only wish good
Don't be bored for a minute
May the Lord keep you
Protects from evil and troubles.
Will send you love
And comfortable for a hundred years!

Happy Birthday - beautiful wishes in verse

This day is filled with light
'Cause today is your birthday
May all life be colorful summer
Full of happiness, warmth and luck!

Let the sun smile at you
Giving a sea of ​​tender love!
And let the good return a hundredfold,
All your dreams come true!

Happy birthday congratulations
And with all our hearts we wish
Happiness, joy, success.
Do not get sick, do not lose heart

Eat more, sleep better
Don't get angry, don't swear
Never worry.
And then surely
You will live to a hundred years!

Let the dishes beat more often
Spreading the ringing in the kitchen!
Everyone knows that this is fortunately
Unfortunately, only the iPhone beats!

Thick let in a coffee cup
Porsche will remind
For other clues
We don't care about you!

Let the mark from the sky today
The bird will bring money!
Birthday is lucky!
Just big luck!

Happy Birthday! like medals,
Let the years ring pompously!
I want to shine
You are a healthy iron,

And only the heart floated with wax
From explosive love heat,
And luck is a trickster
You so that the age does not change!

Let the healing dew of young green meadows
Calm the shores of the sun-scorched life.
Let the blooming spring with the beauty of its lilac
Embraces the clouds, melting in soft plumage.

May you be lucky in business, and not only on your birthday,
Let nature bring a full cup of inspiration.
All your dreams will open doors for accomplishment,
We will celebrate many of your new birthdays!