Why ng a family holiday. Family traditions for celebrating the new year. We all come from childhood: New Year with the family

The old year ends
Good good year.
We won't be sad
After all, the New one is coming to us ...
Accept wishes,
It's impossible without them
Be healthy and happy!
S, friends!
Congratulations to everyone
Greetings to all,
Long live the jokes
Fun and laughter! (with these words, a firecracker shoots)

Holidays are supposed to be fun.
Let the faces bloom with a smile
The songs are upbeat.
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored.

Warm up before the competition

(small prizes are awarded for correct answers, for example, sweets, Christmas decorations)

  1. Where do Siberian cats come from? (From South Asia)
  2. It starts with a bird, ends with a beast, what is the name of the city? (Raven hedgehog)
  3. Who has the longest tongue? (At the anteater)
  4. Santa's snitch. (Staff)
  5. An object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus? (Window)
  6. Nickname of Santa Claus? (Frost-Red Nose)
  7. Supposed historical name of Santa Claus? (Nikolai)

Competition "Take a Prize!"

A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the contestants. The host reads the poem "One, two, three!". Those who do not try to grab the prize in a timely manner are eliminated from the competition.

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish counted
And not one, but TWO.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, and better FIVE!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Competition "Theatrical"

Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like:

  1. a woman with heavy bags;
  2. a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
  3. sentry guarding the food warehouse;
  4. an infant who has just learned to walk;
  5. Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

"Jolly Nonsense"

The host has two sets of strips of paper. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The host goes around the tables, playing alternately "blindly" pull out either the question (read aloud) or the answer. It turns out to be a funny joke.

Sample questions:

  1. Do you read other people's letters?
  2. Are you sleeping well?
  3. Do you listen to other people's conversations?
  4. Do you break dishes out of anger?
  5. Can you put a pig on a buddy?
  6. Do you write anonymously?
  7. Do you spread gossip?
  8. Do you have a habit of promising more than you can?
  9. Would you like to get married?
  10. Are you intrusive and rude in your actions?

Sample answers:

  1. This is my favorite activity;
  2. Occasionally, for fun;
  3. Only on summer nights;
  4. When the wallet is empty;
  5. Only without witnesses;
  6. Only if it is not related to material costs;
  7. Especially in a strange house;
  8. This is my old dream;
  9. No, I am a very shy person;
  10. I never turn down an opportunity like this.

Christmas tree jokes

All participants take off "their" pieces of paper (painted in certain colors) from the Christmas tree. Jokes can be taken as a prediction or as a joke.

  1. Dear parents! Do you want grandchildren?
  2. "To the mother-in-law closer - the stomach is fuller, further from the mother-in-law - love for her is stronger ..."
  3. There can only be 2 opinions in a family: one is the wife, the other is wrong!
  4. It is best to give useful gifts. Wife to her husband - handkerchiefs, and he gave her a mink coat.
  5. A compliment doubles a woman's performance.
  6. I will take on not an easy task -
    I will spend the family budget economically.
  7. There are no secrets from me in cooking, I will cook both dinner and lunch!
  8. Between worries, between chores.
    I will try my best to lie on the couch.
  9. We all, sometimes, go somewhere,
    We go, we swim, we fly like birds,
    Where there is an unfamiliar shore ...
    The road to the border awaits you.
  10. And this month you will devote to art -
    Go to the theatre, ballet and opera!
  11. To be a beauty for you tomorrow morning, an asterisk, a berry, a kitty, a fish, but as soon as you give beer, you will become a wife again.

"Candy" on a string

A thread with "sweets" hanging on it is stretched across the whole room. Each blindfolded participant cuts off five candies for himself. If the gifts got "to the wrong address", then it is possible, with the consent of both participants, to exchange.

  1. Should be happy in abundance
    From the lottery you now -
    Three wonderful postcards
    Prolottery for you.
  2. To always be beautiful, hurry up to get the cream.
  3. You listen to the advice: fruits are the best diet.
  4. And here is an elegant, fragrant, delicious, chocolate cheese.
  5. If suddenly the child cries, you must (you must) appease him. With a rattle you will jump and make you shut up.
  6. To always be neat toothpaste, hurry up to get it.
  7. Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby nipple.
  8. If you suddenly ask what year has now come, we will not answer you a word and give you a rooster.
  9. You got the main prize, get and share (chocolate).
  10. Every day you look younger, so you look in the mirror more often.
  11. Never be discouraged with such a companion, and wipe any place with a washcloth in a hot bath.
  12. On the ticket, by chance, you got this tea.
  13. To keep your face and your sock clean, a piece of fragrant soap got on the ticket.
  14. Get a balloon, fly into space to the stars.
  15. You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and as a reward, your prize did not fall in vain - a comb.
  16. Dishwasher. (mesh for washing dishes)
  17. Mercedes car. (Children's car)
  18. The garbage collector is cotton. (Handkerchief)
  19. Your win is quite rare, you got a spruce branch; she will make you, no doubt, participate in gardening.
  20. Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook: write poetry.

Guess the proverb

The facilitator reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and offers to name it herself.

  1. They don’t discuss a gift, they accept what they give ... (They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.)
  2. You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
  3. If you have started something, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it! (I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty!)
  4. Trouble, misfortune usually happen where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, it breaks there.)
  5. How you treat others is how you will be treated. (As it comes around, it will respond.)
  6. Don't take on things you don't know. (Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.)

What's this?

The same but with animals.

  1. "Repetition is the mother of learning!" - a parrot
  2. "Hold your pocket wider!" - kangaroo
  3. "Tears of sorrow will not help!" - crocodile
  4. "There is safety in numbers!" - locust
  5. "Go toe to toe" - caterpillar

"Field of Dreams"

The facilitator reads the question and names the number of letters in the word. For each word guessed, players receive a prize (a small answer symbol).

  1. Name and surname of an elderly man. Ladies' man, dressed in Winter 2005 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
  2. A dairy product that maintains the temperature in winter, but is more often consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
  3. A tree whose absence of leaves speaks of its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: tree.
  4. Fashion model with a blond braid, always participating in the winter holidays. Appears always accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
  5. The location of the long-awaited joy for people who survived until winter. It has always been a symbol under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.
  6. A liquid that is taken internally with great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.

And finally...

A poster is posted with phrases that must be continued. Everyone participates.

  1. Santa Claus would not have a price if ... (he came every day)
  2. That snowdrift is bad, which does not dream of becoming ... (ice cream)
  3. A real tree about an artificial one ... ("Solid silicone, and nothing more.")
  4. If Santa Claus is on fire at work, then ... (it means the Snow Maiden is on maternity leave.)
  5. Do not close your mouth to those who ... (do not deserve this.)
  6. In terms of the amount of paper per capita, we occupy one of the last places in the world and the first ... (in terms of the number of brilliant literary works.)

Evgenia Trussenkova

Family traditions of New Year's Eve

Pochaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2", Konakovo

The second tradition cooking sweets for the new year with the children. A rare child does not like to work with the test. And although children's cooking is far from perfect, it is put on the festive table. In my parental family, it was customary to cook dumplings and put a lot of pepper in one of them. It was a "happy" dumpling.

I kept the idea, but instead of dumplings, now we are preparing cookies, inside of which pieces of paper with wishes-predictions are inserted. Of course, only I know about the contents of these notes. The papers are folded and sealed in a piece of foil. Then, while drinking tea, everyone recklessly chooses their “lot”, reads “predictions”.
Here are the wishes-predictions used this year:
Good luck awaits you!
You will have a lot of pleasant troubles.
Business is time, fun is an hour.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
If you want to eat kalachi, don't lie on the stove.
During the holidays, driving with caution is a must.
New Year holidays will be full of fun and new acquaintances.
The parents are up to something good.
By the summer you will grow by 7 centimeters.
Laugh carelessly so that happiness lasts forever.
Seven times measure cut once!
Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.
Focus on family and harmony with the world around you.
Well done is better than well said.
Those who do not expect gratitude will never be disappointed.
Everything that is done is for the best.
Do not look for external enemies: to understand what hinders your development, look inside yourself.
Be attentive to the clues of fate.
Be persistent in the battle with your own selfishness.

When I choose expressions, I think about who it suits. We can say that I even hope that the prediction will become prophetic and the person will change for the better. (“Masking” is rarely possible, but that is why everyone is satisfied, except for me).

Preparing for the carnival- another New Year's tradition.
Now it is customary to arrange at school not just a Christmas tree, but a carnival, therefore, a costume is needed. You can buy a costume in a store, or you can sew it yourself, which is much more interesting and useful in every way. The process of preparing the costume includes the child and members of his family, which is very uniting. The child comes up with an image, looks for the necessary accessories, chooses a style, tries on different outfits, enters the role, looks forward to the holiday, which is very good. Preschool children are happy to join this process. And although they have few offers of their own, they are happy to dress up and play a role.

Children up to a certain age believe in the real Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, and we do our best not to destroy their faith in miracles and create surprise moments. This year I recorded a video in which the beautiful Snegurochka (the teacher of our garden) congratulated her grandchildren on the New Year and wished them to grow up to be kind and obedient children. This video message was shown during a children's party. Somewhat later, when the grandchildren were addicted to the game, the doorbell rang. It turned out that they brought a parcel from "Santa Claus" with a real wax seal and postage stamps. The gift made an impression not only on the children, but also on their parents.
The next tradition is meeting guests in the form of an animal, symbolizing the coming year. So last year I met my grandchildren in a Goat wig, and this year my grandfather put on a Monkey mask and scared someone, whom he made laugh with his antics.
Photographing, of course, is a long-standing family tradition, thanks to which children remember the events of their lives well, and we, adults, fondly remember them when they were small.
Preparation of gifts and souvenirs for all family members is another tradition. Grandchildren prepare gifts for great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, for grandparents with their own hands under the guidance of their parents. For this, various creative sets are used, the choice of which is unusually wide. The idea is put into the minds of children that a gift made with their own hands will please their relatives much more than one bought with parental money. All other family members exchange traditional gifts. And we prefer to give children impressions, namely: tickets to the theater, to the Christmas tree, a trip to Moscow, a trip, etc.
We exchange gifts after the game program to keep the intrigue and keep the children's attention.
By the way, this year I immediately announced that the gifts from under the Christmas tree had disappeared, but there is a chance to find them if you fulfill all the requirements of the evil trolls. The grandchildren did not find out where the trolls came from in the city apartment, but immediately began to search. (By the way, not only gifts were lost, but also some of my notes - assignments and even one prediction from cookies, which is still impossible to explain logically, as if the trolls are to blame!)
I don’t want to make a festive feast the main event of a family holiday, although I love to cook, and my guests love to feast. Since we, Russians, are distinguished by hospitality and hospitality, I believe that our grandchildren will easily accept these traditions, and I would like to instill in the rest of them.

Family New Year: games for children and adults, contests, script, free printables.

family new year

For our family, the New Year is not only a feast under the Christmas tree, but also pleasant moments of communication with each other. And without interesting contests, riddles and various unexpected magical surprises and notions, the New Year holidays lose their charm. And in creativity, the family unites and inspiration and new ideas are born!

We usually prepare the holiday very quickly - literally in a few hours on the last New Year's Eve days. We cook along the way, discussing it on the way to the store or in transport, as well as at night, so that no one hears anything from our surprises. And costumes are born from various improvised things. Baba Yaga appears from an ordinary dressing gown, a scarf on her head and a broom or mop in her hands. Snowman - from a sheet stretched over a gymnastic hoop, on which snowflakes are sewn. Koschey - from a tracksuit, a swimming cap on his head and a couple of lines of makeup on his face. Such characters do not scare and are very funny, amuse everyone.

This is not a fictional script, this is a sincere humorous family holiday in the home circle or with guests. It is performed without rehearsals and is based on improvisation.

Scenario family new year number 1.

We played out this scenario in the upcoming 2015 New Year. But you can use it not only on New Year's Eve, but also on any day when guests with children come to your house.

Let's start like this.

Action 1. New Year's letter from Koshchei.

When the New Year comes and it's time to find gifts under the tree, guests find a very beautiful festive envelope under the tree. Joyful, they open the envelope and read the message. And there!!! No, it's not New Year's greetings! In the envelope, instead of congratulations, there is a letter from Koshchei the Deathless!

It's like, "Happy New Year! Hahaha! Do you want gifts? Ha! You will not have a happy new year! I stole Santa Claus and hid New Year's happiness in a hot country. Soon Santa Claus will melt! You won't find anything! Koschei. (You can download this letter by clicking on the link and print it on a printer on a sheet of A4 paper) -

Action 2. New Year's trip around the countries.

We need to go save Santa Claus and we go on a trip to look for a hot country, Santa Claus and New Year's happiness. Along the way, we find ourselves in different countries and in games we learn a lot of interesting and funny things about them.

The first game. Let's all play together first. "Guess it." Questions are asked about how the new year is celebrated in different countries. In the game you need to guess if it's true or not. If it's a lie, then you need to correct it to the truth. Similar questions can be asked about Christmas.

Examples of tasks for the game:

- In Italy, there is a tradition at the very last minute before the New Year to throw broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture out of the window. Is it true or not?

— In Germany, Santa Claus comes to the children on an elephant. Is it true or not? If not on an elephant, then on what? Guess :-).

Tasks for this game on a holiday (questions and correct answers to them) You can free download

With young children, in the course of this game, you can depict how we either fly on an airplane, or ride a train, or sail on a ship from one country to another. And adults will guess. So we will occupy both children and adults in this game.

Second game. Rubbish. In the game you have to guess the meaning of the words. As a linguodidact by profession (i.e. a person involved in language teaching methods), I could not help but include humorous language puzzles for adults in the script. Almost all adult guests asked to give them tasks from this game in order to play later with their guests :). Therefore, be prepared - and print out several copies of the tasks for the game in advance.

Examples of tasks for this game. Guess what it is?

- What is "toadstool" in Czech: a) poisonous mushroom, b) buckwheat, c) an unpleasant incident?

- What is "bun" in translation from Bulgarian: a) homemade cakes, b) fat woman, c) bride, d) cake?

Want to know the answers? Then download the questions and answers from the links below:

You can play this game not only during the New Year holidays, but also at any family holiday.

While we are guessing these 12 questions, we are moving through the fairy forest to the fairy hut. The travel map helps us with this. The correct answer to one question of the game of nonsense is our one step forward to the hut. We move the chip across the field.

Action number 3. Tasks of Baba - Yaga.

We find ourselves in the hut of Baba Yaga. Yes, it was she who was drawn on our travel map. We remember how to get into the hut and all together we ask the hut to turn "back to the forest, and front to me."

Baba-Yaga meets us very politely and in a fabulous way: “You are my killer whales, where did you come from? On what business did the boyars and merchants pass by my hut?

She agrees to help us in search of Santa Claus and New Year's happiness, but only if we complete her tasks.

Baba Yaga gives a separate task to adults and children.

The task for children is riddles - tricks. They are constructed in such a way that some of the riddles require an answer in rhyme, and some - not in rhyme. You need to be careful and not make a mistake! Not only children, but also their mothers and even fathers are happy to guess tricks. And adults make mistakes just as often as children!

You can give chips for correct answers in this game (if even 7 people answered correctly at the same time, we give each of them a chip). At the end of the game, we count the chips and give out small surprises to everyone who has at least one chip.

Riddles - rhyming tricks alternate with regular riddles to confuse players. It is possible in snags to specifically pronounce the first syllable of the wrong word aloud.


"Night. Winter. There are stars in the sky.
The kids are sleeping, it's too late
The moon in the sky is a horn,
A little white fell out ... (snow)

Well, dresses - all needles -
They wear it all the time ... (Christmas trees)

many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is the Day ... (this is the New Year holiday)

prickly needles
At the elegant ... (Christmas trees)

With grandpa down the street
Rushing in a sleigh ... (Snow Maiden)

Who is he, with a white beard,
Himself ruddy and gray-haired,
He is the best and kindest of all!
Guessed? - ... Barma ... (ley ?!) (No. Santa Claus)

Who came from afar

Lightly covered in snow?

Who brought us gifts?

All the guys like

Green beauty.

Balls, needles

January starts
We need a new ... (calendar)

Come join us for a ball!
So that no one recognizes you
Let your mothers sew for you
Carnival… Pi — …? jamy? (no, costumes!)

We looked out the window
Well, I can't believe my eyes!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ... (blizzard)

Bright glitter of silver
Glittered ... (tinsel)

Forget the whims
Sweets for everyone, surprises for everyone!
Don't cry on New Year's Eve
There, under the tree, ... an old bast shoe?!!! (no, gifts!)

Comes to visit us
Leads round dances,
Meet the New Year
Grandpa helps.
thin figurine -
Granddaughter - (Snow Maiden).

To brighten up the night
We need to help Grandpa.
All the children say on holiday
In chorus: “Christmas tree, ... turn off?” (no, Christmas tree, burn!)

Bach! Papers like from a cannon
They fly out of ... (crackers)

I love to skate on ice.
Hooray! Winter is getting closer!
I'm going to the skating rink with my friends
And there I will put on ... skis? (no, skates)

Flew, circled

Went down on the path

And sparkles like ice

Flying up with a roar
Multicolored ... (fireworks)

We can do it without error
Name all the months of winter.
Let's call first.
Of course, this is the month… May? (no, December)

New Year! There is no better day
For Bengal ... (fire)

The snowman has a funny nose
It is long, bright vegetable!
Now we need to think together
Which vegetable should we choose?
Who guessed - well done!
Of course it's... a cucumber? (no, carrot)

Near the Christmas tree in the New Year
Children lead ... (round dance)

Get into a round dance

Santa Claus is coming soon!

He walks down a quiet street

With granddaughter ... (Snow Maiden)

Are you my friend or not?
Get in a circle!
Hand in hand, kids
Friendly drive...? bear by the nose? (no, they dance)

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him
The nose was attached and in an instant
It turned out ... (Snowman)

We will arrange a “war” in the winter,
Let's build a snow fort!
How are we going to "fight"?
Every "warrior" should know!
Guess soon, my friend
Round ball - ... (snowball)

Santa Claus came to us
I brought my young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is… Mermaid?! (no, this is the Snow Maiden).

Who is Santa's Helper?
Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin? (No, Snowman)

Look through the crack in the door
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
From pedestal to crown
They hang on the branches ... (Toys.)

Here she is, beauty
Everything is overflowing!
They brought her from the cold,
This tree is... Birch? (no, tree)

Houses and parks are covered

Everything became white,

Outside the window it's snowing

The river hid under ... (ice)

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These red horses
And their name is ... (skiing)

We eat this fruit on New Year's Eve,

A magical smell in the house comes with it.

Eats with appetite Santa Claus

Orange and round... apricot? (mandarin)

Bouquets of roses on the window
We draw...
(Father Frost)

gray beard
Good old …
(Father Frost)

Paint the nose red
To all the guys...
(Father Frost)

Pulled the girls to tears
For pigtails...
(not Santa Claus, but a bully)

The shawl is silver on the branches of birches,
This outfit gave...
(Father Frost)

Who brought us gifts?
Well, of course, …
(Father Frost)

Electric locomotive on New Year's Eve
Gave me...
(Father Frost)

He grew up in hot Africa
(not Santa Claus, but a black man)

Punch us all seriously
Winter morning…
(Father Frost)

In the cold, the fierce did not freeze,
The cold is only happy ...
(Father Frost)

In the school of "twos" a whole cart
(not Santa Claus, but ...)

Bouquet of mimosas on women's day
Giving mom...
(not Santa Claus, but dad or son) "

The task for adults is a question-and-answer game. You need to tell the whole truth about yourself in this game.

You will need:

- printed tickets with questions and answers for the game (download them from the link below, print them out on a printer and cut them so that there is only one question or one answer on one narrow strip),

- two opaque gift bags. Put the questions in one bag and the answers in the other.

How to play:

The first player pulls out one strip with a question from the bag with questions and reads it aloud to the player sitting to his left. The second player pulls out his answer to this question from the answer bag.

Very funny combinations often turn out. We have this game going through several circles, because everyone really likes it.

In this game, children can help adults by pulling strips from bags. Many kids do it with great pleasure.

Action 4. Baba-Yaga's riddle.

For completing tasks, we receive help from Baba Yaga. Like this one:

In our case, we hid the letter under the largest flower in the house (the rose). Under the flower - a cart - a wheelchair. There was a note under the gurney. So we came up with this riddle:

“Find the biggest tree in the whole area (meaning in the apartment). Under the tree is a magical item. It contains 4 skewers, 2 sticks and 1 bed. Today he is here, tomorrow he is there. Under this item you will find a helper.

And you can come up with your own riddle. Here riddle form, in which you yourself can fill the frame -

Action 5. We get an assistant and a hint in our hands.

In our agreed place of the apartment (under our cart with a large rose) we find an assistant - a hint. It contains another mystery. And in it is a clue about where Santa Claus is hidden by Koshchei and our happiness in the coming year.

The riddle is complicated: “There are blue flowers on an iron flowerbed - they help to cook any food.” If the players do not guess, then below there is a riddle - a hint, from which it is immediately clear that the hot country is ... in our kitchen! Next to the stove or in the stove! Let's go there!

(My husband and I thought for a long time where to hide the gifts - and decided that the hot country is clearly only a stove, or rather, an oven. We came up with the riddle ourselves).

Action 6. We save Santa Claus and find New Year's happiness.

We come to the kitchen and find there another sheet with tasks. It turns out that Santa Claus is guarded by security. And we need to speak her teeth to save them. We play tongue twisters - “we speak the teeth of the guard”, at the same time we find out and discuss what this expression of the Russian language means (to distract the interlocutor with extraneous conversations). You can take any tongue twisters for this game. We had these this year.

After passing through the security, we find ourselves at the stove. And we find in it a bag with a toy Santa Claus and gifts, as well as another bag called "New Year's Happiness".

What is this bag of happiness - I'll tell you more. It contains New Year's wishes. Each wish is printed on a piece of paper. A sheet of paper is wrapped several times (as a result, a dense lump of 2-3 cm is obtained) and packed in corrugated colored paper (like in a bag). The pouch is tied with a gold narrow ribbon. Everyone pulls out their bag, unties it and reads out what they have for a wish for the new year.

Wishes can be different - you can find them on the Internet and change them a little - rhyme for your family.

For instance:

Wish 1. “Many incidents await you
And interesting trips -
On courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where will fate decide!

Wish 2. “You have to, my friend, and henceforth
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!”

Wish 3. “Your hairstyle, appearance
We will all be pleasantly surprised.
Since then you will continue
Everything is prettier and younger!”

Scenario of the family new year number 2.

If you are going to visit, it will be difficult to fully implement the first scenario without prior preparation. But that doesn't mean games are cancelled. You can play different games right at the table.

What can be done at a home holiday away:

- play in question and answer game(see description and download file above).

- And also to play the games described above: "Bullshit", "Guess: a journey through the countries" and in "Riddles - snags". For the correct answer in each of these games, we give chips to each player who said the correct answer. If five people answered unanimously correctly, then we give an encouraging chip to each of the five. At the end of the game, we count the chips. Whoever scored the most chips - he gets the right to be the first to take a bag of happiness and read out a wish from it aloud so that it comes true.

- play a game Activity (ready desktop - print game).

- play in games "Convolution", "Changeling", "Win-win lottery". We played these games last New Year, so we didn’t repeat ourselves. And you can read about these and other fun games with guests at a family holiday in the article

I wish you all a happy New Year and Christmas holidays! And let the games on family New Year's Eve bring joy, creative ideas to your home, unite your family and strengthen it!

You will find a complete collection of games for a family holiday, medals, certificates, chips for game winners, masks for staging in the book

You will find more games for the family New Year in the site article


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I like the tradition of celebrating the New Year with my family. After all, with whom you celebrate the holiday, you will spend the year with it. I firmly believe in this sign, so I try to gather family members at the table. I think it strengthens relationships. Unfortunately, the children have already grown up, they have their own affairs, we do not often spend time together. Although we all live in the same apartment, we rarely sit down at the table with the whole family. Therefore, I want to bring everyone together at least on New Year's Eve. The son and daughter, however, sometimes try to resist - they want to celebrate the New Year somewhere in the company, hang out with friends. But my husband and I insist that everyone be at home that night. This gives a feeling of a strong rear. Raising a festive glass of champagne in the circle of your closest people, you understand that you have a home, that there are people who will not leave you in any situation. And you can celebrate with friends the next day - the holidays are long, there is enough time to visit. But on New Year's Eve you need to be at home. With those who are truly close. After all, whatever one may say, this is the most important holiday of the year, and it is necessary to congratulate relatives, and not friends and buddies.

Ivan, 50 years old, driver

On New Year's Eve, you need to be at home with your family. There is nothing to wander the streets. All these folk festivals can be unsafe. In a drunken crowd setting off fireworks, anything can happen. Look, my daughter went to Red Square last year to celebrate the New Year. She really wanted to open champagne to the sound of the Kremlin chimes. So what? The wallet was stolen, she herself caught a cold, she was already at home in the morning, hungry, frozen. Is this a holiday? I am against such gatherings. Better perishing on native couch, with loved ones. And I don't see much reason to visit. You won’t get enough sleep in someone else’s bed, and you won’t get home on New Year’s Eve. Taxi is crazy expensive! Therefore, I believe that the tradition of celebrating the New Year with the family is very correct. First, it's safe. Secondly, the New Year is the longest holiday. It ends in the morning to celebrate. Therefore, in order not to feel embarrassed in a strange house, it is better to celebrate in your own apartment, with those in front of whom it is not a shame to appear even in a negligee. And then some go to visit, they drink there until the morning, sleep for a couple of hours and, in order not to spend money on a taxi and not to shake with a hangover in the subway, they go home by car. Not only did they not get enough sleep, they also did not sober up properly after the holiday! In general, in my opinion, celebrating the New Year at home is the most practical and safest solution.

Elena, 50 years old, hairdresser

All this talk about a "family holiday" annoys me very much. For example, my husband and I have been divorced for a long time. My daughter moved to another city a long time ago, she has her own family, her own worries. The parents are dead. Basically, I don't have a family. I can't say that I feel alone. There are friends, there are girlfriends. But before the New Year I always get depressed. Because the idea is constantly being imposed on me that the New Year must be celebrated with the family, otherwise the holiday is not a holiday, and you are kind of flawed. There is no need to discuss it. Let people celebrate the New Year the way they like: who goes to visit, who goes to Red Square to listen to the chimes, who is at home under the Christmas tree. Any method is correct, as long as the person likes it. There is no need to impose any traditions on anyone. This only spoils the mood and the feeling of the holiday disappears.

Valentina, 24 years old, manager

My parents are elderly people. We haven't lived together for a long time. Maybe I would like to celebrate the New Year somewhere in the company or at a party, but I know that my parents are waiting for me to come to them and be with them that night. I think they deserve it. After all, they don’t have many holidays in their lives, and they want to be surrounded by attention on the “biggest night of the year”. This is the most important gift for them. So I try to please them. Be sure to bring grandchildren to them to make a real holiday. No one should feel lonely on New Year's Eve. I know that my parents miss me much more than all my friends-girlfriends combined. My friends will manage without me. In the end, it is not so important for them when exactly we will meet - December 31 or, for example, January 2. And for my parents, the fact that I come to them for the New Year is an indicator of my love for them. They see that I am ready to sacrifice communication with friends and a noisy company in order to be with them. It pleases them.

Anton, 40 years old, entrepreneur

My wife and I try to celebrate the New Year anywhere, but not at home. The so-called "family holiday" is a real nightmare. The wife has to cook a lot of food. As a result, when you need to sit down at the table, she is already completely exhausted. She does not celebrate, but she wants to sleep. If we stay at home, some relatives will definitely ask to visit us. Parents, mine and hers, will definitely come if we are at home - well, you need to celebrate the New Year in the family. Nothing good comes out of these gatherings. At first, everyone will certainly quarrel, then my folder with the father-in-law gets drunk so that at least take out the saints, and then we all lie down to sleep side by side. In the morning, no one can look at each other anymore, but still, there is nothing to do - you need to continue to celebrate. So, if there is even the slightest opportunity to avoid family gatherings, we will definitely use it. The best thing is to go abroad for all the holidays, so that none of the relatives even think of dropping by to visit us and start a “family holiday”.

Alexey, 21 years old, student

It seems to me that it is not necessary to forcibly gather together the youth and the older generation for the sake of observing some stupid tradition. Well, who will benefit from the fact that I will celebrate the New Year at home? No one! Parents still go to bed immediately after the chiming clock - at their age it is already difficult for them not to sleep at night. And what should I do next? Is it stupid to sit on the couch and quietly watch Blue Light? I can't think of a more boring activity! So it turns out that everyone will suffer. I - pretend that I have a lot of fun sitting at the table with Olivier and herring under a fur coat, and my parents do their best to nod off, but try hard not to fall asleep so that I don’t remain alone at this very table. Nobody needs it. It is much better if everyone congratulates each other on the holiday, and then they will celebrate it as they like. Parents - with a TV and a bowl of Olivier, and I - with friends in a nightclub. This does not mean that my parents and I do not love each other. We just have different interests due to the big difference in age. No one is to blame for this, and we need to treat each other with understanding. Do not force the youth to sit with the older generation and do not torment the older generation with youth entertainment.