How to remove sweat stains on white. How to remove sweat stains from armpits: for colored, black, white clothes, proven methods. Vinegar or citric acid

To prevent unpleasant odor and excessive sweating, it is common to use antiperspirants. But even high-quality ones do not protect against stains on clothes that appear as a result of the interaction of salts, fats and other substances that make up the secretion of apocrine glands with textile fibers. Let's figure out how to remove sweat stains under the arms on white and colored things.

Before we find out how to remove sweat stains from under the arms, let’s find out what means you shouldn’t resort to so as not to spoil the item. Basic recommendations:

  1. Do not use chlorine bleach on either colored or white fabrics. Due to the reaction of chlorine with proteins present in sweat, the fibers of the fabric may darken, and the stain will become even more noticeable.
  2. High temperatures are undesirable. This applies to both washing and drying things. Hot water can help fix contaminants, and heated air can increase the unpleasant odor. It is advisable to wash traces of sweat at a temperature not exceeding 30 ºC. It is better to air dry things in the shade, rather than on a radiator.
  3. Silk products cannot be treated with acetic acid and acetone, synthetics cannot be treated with gasoline and substances based on it, cotton fabrics cannot be treated with acids or alkaline solutions.
  4. Acetone is not recommended for use on colored clothing as it may discolor the fabric.

Tip: When washing clothes, do not rub them too hard or wrinkle them in contaminated areas. Otherwise, the structure and tone of the fabric may be damaged.

Cleaning whites

Most often, housewives are faced with the task of how to remove yellow stains from sweat from white things on which such marks appear in the armpit area. Here are a few methods suitable for fresh stains:

Regardless of whether it is white or colored clothing, the important point in how to remove yellow sweat stains is to start the procedure as soon as possible
  1. Wet the item in cool water, rub the stains with laundry soap or Antipyatin for 15-30 minutes, wash by hand or in a machine.
  2. Add 50 ml of water to 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Using a toothbrush, apply the paste to problem areas. Wash after 60-90 minutes.
  3. Dissolve 1 large spoon of salt in 200 ml of heated water. Pour onto the stain. Wash after waiting 2 hours.
  4. Combine 1 large spoon of salt and soda. Add a little liquid soap to them. Apply to stains for 30 minutes.

The described recipes will help remove yellow marks on different types of fabrics, including delicate ones. However, it is better to limit the time of their exposure to silk to 15 minutes.

When thinking about how to remove yellow sweat stains from white clothes, you should pay attention to substances such as hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, laundry soap and others.


Hydrogen peroxide has pronounced bleaching properties. To cleanse things from sweat, its 3% solution can be used in different ways:

  1. Pour a small amount of peroxide onto the stains and wash after 15 minutes.
  2. Dissolve the drug in water - 1 large spoon per 1 liter. After soaking the item for 30 minutes, wash it.
  3. Combine dishwashing liquid, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in a ratio of 1:4:2. Apply the mixture to the stains using a soft brush. Wash the item after 2 hours.


In search of a solution to how to remove sweat stains on white, you can resort to the help of ammonia - a solution of ammonium hydroxide in water. Effective ways to use it:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in purified gasoline and wipe the stain. Apply ammonia on top.
  2. Combine a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of salt. Pour onto dirt. Clean them with a brush after 30 minutes.
  3. Mix denatured alcohol and ammonia in equal parts. Apply to yellow marks for 30 minutes.

After the exposure time has ended, clothing should be rinsed thoroughly to remove chemical residues and odors. Then it should be washed with powder by hand or in the machine.

Note: Ammonia removes dirt well, but has a pungent odor. When using it, it is advisable to open the windows.

Laundry soap

When figuring out how to remove sweat stains from white clothes, one cannot help but mention boiling with the addition of laundry soap. It is applicable only for items made of pure cotton without elements made from other materials.

Digestion stages:

  1. Grate the soap. You will need 0.5 cups of chips.
  2. Boil water in a 5 liter enamel container.
  3. Pour the shavings into it and mix.
  4. Dip things into liquid.
  5. Boil for 2-4 hours, stirring occasionally. The fire should be minimal.
  6. Pull things out and put them in cold water. Rinse.

How else to remove sweat stains under the arms using laundry soap? You can strengthen it with oxalic acid. Procedure:

  1. Rub marks on dry fabric with laundry soap using a damp brush. Wash after 30 minutes.
  2. Dissolve 1 small spoon of oxalic acid in a glass of water. Pour onto dirt.
  3. After 10 minutes, rinse and wash.

other methods

How to remove yellow stains from sweat under the arms if the described methods were ineffective? Here are some more methods:

  1. Pour vinegar onto the stain for 2 minutes and wash. For delicate fabrics, it is better to use a solution of 1 glass of water and 1 small spoon of product.
  2. Moisten the stains with vodka or alcohol diluted with water (50/50). Leave for 5 minutes, wash.
  3. Dilute 1 small spoon of citric acid in 1 glass of water. Pour onto stains. Wash after 2 hours.
  4. Mix 1 egg yolk with 10 ml of denatured alcohol. After waiting 15 minutes, wash in slightly warm water.

Note: In addition to folk remedies, bleaches that contain oxygen can be used to remove yellowness from white things.

Caring for colored items

When determining how to remove underarm sweat stains from colored shirts, T-shirts and other items, it is important to understand that you need to be careful when using substances with bleaching properties: hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, citric acid and oxalic acid. Of the recipes described above, those that contain salt, ammonia, vinegar, and laundry soap are suitable.

In addition, there are several more effective and safe ways to get rid of traces of sweat:

  1. Grind 2 aspirin pills and add 100 ml of warm water. Apply to stains, leave for 2-3 hours, wash. If the stains are old, you can add less water to the powdered tablets to make a thick paste.
  2. Pour 1 teaspoon of cutlery liquid into 200 ml of water. Soak a cloth in the solution. Wash after 2 hours.
  3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sodium hyposulfite in 1 glass of water. Pour onto the stain and wash. Silk items can be processed.
  4. Combine white spirit with ammonia in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to stains. Wash after 1.5 hours. Suitable for natural delicate fabrics (viscose, wool).

Stubborn dirt

If you have a problem, how to get rid of sweat stains under the arms, which are highly resistant, you should resort to one of the combinations of potent products.

Recipe No. 1:

  1. Dissolve shavings of laundry soap in hot water.
  2. When it cools down to 30 ºC, put your clothes in it.
  3. Make a paste of 2 aspirin capsules and 1 large spoon of water.
  4. Apply it to the stains. Wash after 3 hours.
  5. Pour a solution of 1 small spoon of hydrogen peroxide and 200 ml of water onto the tissue in the armpit area.
  6. Wash after 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 2:

  1. Make a vinegar solution from 2 tablespoons of the substance and 5 liters of water.
  2. Soak the item in it for 30 minutes.
  3. Mix 100 ml of water and 1 large spoon of ammonia. Pour the liquid onto the stains. Rinse.
  4. Add 2 small spoons of lemon juice to 100 ml of water. Moisten sweat marks.
  5. Wash the product after 2 hours.

General rules

When removing old or recently appeared sweat stains on colored and white things, using any of the described methods, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Protect your hands from aggressive compounds with rubber gloves.
  2. Before applying the substance to the stain, test the fabric's reaction to it in an inconspicuous area.
  3. Remove traces of sweat from the reverse side of items.
  4. Wet the material around the contamination with water to prevent streaks from forming.
  5. After using hydrogen peroxide and acids, rinse things vigorously. If their particles remain in the fibers, they will turn yellow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Traces of sweat under the arms do not look very aesthetically pleasing and deprive even a clean item of the feeling of freshness. But don't throw away your favorite blouse or shirt. You can remove stains on clothes using available products - laundry soap, alcohol, peroxide, vinegar, soda, and so on. You can prevent the appearance of impurities by using antiperspirant correctly. It is important that it is completely dry before putting it on.


Removing sweat stains from clothes is not always easy, especially in the armpit area. Fortunately, there are many simple options on how to remove unpleasant odors and stains from your favorite items at home without resorting to dry cleaning.

Causes of stains on clothes under the arms

Sweating is an integral part of the normal functioning of our body, and is not always comfortable in everyday life. Stress, excess body weight, changes in hormonal levels, increased thyroid function, banal heat outside - all this can cause increased moisture secretion in the armpits.

In fact, the sweat of a healthy person is colorless and does not have a pronounced odor. Stains on fabric are mostly caused by dried stains. Yellow stains on white clothes, and white stains on dark ones, are the result of mixing antiperspirant/deodorant with secretions from the sweat glands. There is another reason, but not so harmless - chromohidrosis, a malfunction of the sweat glands, as a result of which the sweat acquires an unusual color, and therefore noticeably stains clothes.

Sweat plays a very important role in the body: it prevents overheating, removes toxins, cleanses pores and destroys viruses and bacteria in our body.

Why is sweat stains difficult to remove?

Sweating occurs continuously. The secretions of the sebaceous glands along with particles of the epidermis in a warm environment contribute to the proliferation of bacteria. And if the armpits are not treated in time, the secretions eat into the tissue. Growing over time, sweat stains turn clothes a poisonous yellow color. Moreover, this color indicates a strong degree of penetration into the fabric fibers. Old stains are very difficult to remove even with the most powerful products

If we can deal with the characteristic smell of sweat on clothes only by washing, then removing yellow stains from light-colored clothes is problematic.

How to remove sweat stains

People use stain removers and bleaches to remove stains.

Professional products

Stain removers are available for white, black and colored fabrics. It is important to purchase a product suitable for a specific color of clothing, otherwise, instead of removing the stain, you may end up with another problem - locally faded fabric.
Gentle stain removers are best for colored items

Products with chlorine and optical bleaching components are suitable only for whites, with active oxygen - for colors, with enzymes - for all types of fabrics. Most Popular:

The stores offer a large line of bleaches, ranging from cheap ones to popular brands. But, as practice shows, not all even expensive stain removers cope with old “year-old” sweat stains.

Folk remedies

In addition to professional remedies, there are many more folk recipes, but you should be careful with them. The most popular options:

  • Salt. Two tbsp. l. dilute with water to a paste and apply to the desired area of ​​clothing. The solution is kept for two hours, then the item is sent for washing. Salt completely eats away sweat stains and is also universal for all fabrics, including delicate ones.
  • Vinegar. Use with caution for colored and delicate fabrics. A clean napkin is generously moistened in a solution of vinegar and a small amount of water. Soak the area of ​​clothing to be treated and leave for a short period of time so that the vinegar removes sweat stains. Then they wash the item.
  • Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate. Make a thick solution of four heaped tablespoons of baking soda and half a glass of water. Apply the mixture to the stains and rub into the fibers. Leave for two hours until the stains are completely removed and wash in hot water.
  • Aspirin. Who would have thought that a regular medicine for fever could have other benefits! Aspirin is good at removing stains and yellow stains from sweat. The medicine contains acid, and this explains its versatility. Grind three or four tablets to a powder, mix with a tablespoon of water and apply the paste to the desired area. Let the fabric dry and put it in the washing machine.

    Stains and odor from sweat can be regularly removed from unwashable jackets with Aspirin paste.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This product is only suitable for removing yellow sweat stains from white and light-colored items. Dilute a small amount of peroxide with water in equal proportions and moisten the stains generously. For best results, the solution should be kept on the fabric for a while and only then thoroughly washed.
    Peroxide will not harm even silk fibers, but may slightly discolor the fabric.
  • Laundry soap. It is necessary to soap the contaminated areas and leave for about one hour. After this, the item goes into the washing machine. Fresh stains can be removed 100% using this method.

Laundry soap contains alkali and removes old sweat stains in one hour

How to remove yellow marks from sweat under the arms

Almost any stain removers and bleaches are suitable for white items. Light-colored natural fabrics are considered the most easily soiled, but they are easier to process, because you can use even strong chemical chlorine agents.

Bleach works in a completely different way than stain removers. The laundry is first washed, then soaked in a bleach solution and only then rinsed several times.

Depending on the type of fabric, we can choose a cleaning agent:

  • Any compositions are applicable to white cotton: both oxygen and chlorine-based.
  • Oxygen and enzyme agents are suitable for synthetics.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will help white silk and thin fabrics.
  • Oxygen and enzyme stain removers are suitable for colored natural fabrics and dark-colored clothing.. Baking soda, salt and laundry soap will be effective for removing fresh stains. We dilute each of these products in water and apply it to stains on the armpits, shirt cuffs and collars.

It is best to wash woolen blouses and delicate fabrics by hand using laundry soap. You can rub the dirtiest places with soap soaked in it and let it sit like that for at least an hour. During this time, the soap will eat away the stains, and we will only have to wash the items in the delicate wash mode.

Synthetic fabrics can be both unpretentious and capricious. To remove yellowness from “delicate” synthetics:

  1. Mix a solution of 10 ml of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, shavings of half the laundry soap and 5 liters of water.
  2. We immerse the laundry in it for one hour.
  3. We send the soaked item for a full wash in the washing machine.

Precautionary measures

To combat products effectively and safely, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Always pay attention to the care rules and recommendations, which must be sewn to the tag on the inside of the item.
  • Also follow the instructions for stain removers and bleaches.
  • If you cannot determine the type of tissue, it is better not to take risks and use only a universal oxygen agent. Otherwise, removing the stain may lead to its final fixation on the fabric or removal of paint in the armpit area.
  • It is prohibited to use chlorine-containing bleaches for any synthetics, too thin items made from natural fabrics, as well as natural silk.
  • If the product is strongly rubbed during cleaning, the fabric may become thinner or the weave structure may be disrupted, which will lead to tears and holes.
  • By constantly using chlorine-containing bleaches, we risk reducing the wear life of the product. After all, chlorine, penetrating deeply into the fibers, not only quickly bleaches them, but also quickly thins them.

Preventing stains and odors

You can protect dresses, shirts and sweaters from stains by using special replaceable armpit pads. This is very convenient; you don’t have to wash dirty places every time. It is enough to change the pad for a new one, and we will solve the problem of sweating for the whole day.

These replacement inserts are very easy to use. You need to remove the protective film from the back and stick it to the clothes with the adhesive side. The pads perfectly absorb both sweat and odor. And they are completely invisible from the outside of clothing.
The inserts adhere well to clothing thanks to the adhesive base

Personal hygiene has not been canceled either. The more often you wash and treat your armpits, the less sweat will remain on your clothes. The person himself is more comfortable when he feels the freshness of his body.

If you sweat a lot, use an antiperspirant. The latter is fundamentally different from deodorant. If a deodorant simply removes the smell of sweat, leaving the moisture itself on the body, then an antiperspirant dries out the skin, and the salts in the product partially block sweating. Traces of antiperspirant will be dissolved by the same oxygen stain remover or crushed Aspirin. Deodorant and antiperspirant differ in their functions

Wear loose clothing. Fabric that is tight in the armpit is most likely causing sweating and also causing blemishes. Loose clothing will keep you cooler and reduce the chance of stains on your clothes.

Any, even the most complex contamination, can be removed by means available in every home. What are these means and methods? Tested and passed down from generation to generation! Yes, our grandmothers did not have deodorants. But they also did not have the opportunity to buy aggressive or gentle oxygen-based chemicals, since they were not yet produced. But people always sweat. Therefore, our ancestors, like no one else, know how to remove yellow stains from sweat quickly, effectively and using available means and methods. Here are the most effective ones.

Method 1. Hydrogen peroxide

Remark: Do not use for colored clothing! Peroxide destroys colors, brightening matter!

Peroxide is used as a solution in which it is one of the active ingredients. To prepare it, mix detergent, soda and peroxide in a ratio of 1:2:4. A teaspoon is used as a measuring quantity. If you need to wash or process more than one thing, you need to make several times more solution. Important! The procedure can only be carried out with rubber gloves.

Use hydrogen peroxide only on white clothes

The prepared solution is generously moistened onto problem areas, and to increase efficiency, treated with a medium-hard brush. Afterwards, the item is set aside for an hour or two so that the solution penetrates deep into the fibers, acting on the stain from the inside. After the specified time, rinse and wash in the usual way. After this treatment there should be no stains left. It should be recalled that this method can only be used on light or white clothes; for colored clothes it is better to look for more gentle methods.

Method 2. Aspirin

When asking questions about how to wash and how to remove sweat stains under the arms, you may be surprised at the simplicity of solving the problem. Regular aspirin will help with this. This medicine has many beneficial properties, including effectiveness in removing stains and eliminating unpleasant odors.

How to remove sweat stains on clothes with aspirin:

1. Several tablets are ground into a fine powder in the most convenient way, for example, with two spoons, a knife or a rolling pin, first put the pills in a bag or wrapped in paper. It is important that the powder is fine, otherwise the mixture will not be uniform. The finer the powder, the easier it will be to apply the mixture to the fabric.

2. In a pre-prepared container, mix the powder with water to a paste-like consistency, similar to rich village sour cream.

3. The product is applied to the areas of contamination and left for 1-2 hours.

4. After exposure to the drug, clothes are rinsed and washed.

Aspirin is effective in removing stains and eliminating unpleasant odors.

This method can be used for clothes of any color. Now you will learn how to remove sweat stains under the arms with aspirin.

Method 3. Laundry soap

Many dirty problems can be easily solved with ordinary laundry soap. In our case, this is an equally effective, fast and simple way to remove yellowness. Moreover, the product is quite cheap, and is sold in every hardware store or supermarket department. The only problem is that this method is not suitable for old and stubborn stains. Success will be 100% only with fresh marks and immediate removal of the resulting stain. They saw it, applied it, rubbed it, washed it and the problem was solved.

Method 4. Salt + soda

Remark: To obtain a good result, the stained areas are rubbed with a sponge or brush, having previously been treated with a mixture of the two indicated components.

Oda salt paste is an inexpensive and effective way to say goodbye to most dirty marks on any fabric, including wool.

Baking soda paste is an inexpensive and effective way to say goodbye to sweat stains

1. Mix 1-2 tablespoons of each ingredient in a container.

2. Add liquid soap and bring the consistency of the product to a thick paste.

3. The composition is distributed over problem areas in a thick layer and set aside for 30 minutes (maximum hour), then washed.

Soda is one of the most popular means at hand, used by housewives in the fight against stains and dirt of various types. It is in every home, and it costs a penny.

It is also used in its pure form, diluted with water.

1. Add 50 ml to 3-4 tablespoons of soda. water.

2. Apply the solution to the dirty areas and rub with a brush or hard sponge.

3. Leave for 2 hours, then wash.

Care must be taken when choosing the salt to be used in the bleaching agent. It is better to opt for fine salt, which is more convenient to use and will not cause snags or pilling on fabrics.

Method 5. Vinegar

Remark: This is the “last frontier”. The remedy is used only in case of helplessness above those indicated. Used for old stains.

Concentrated vinegar is carefully applied to the problem area and left to act for a couple of minutes. Under no circumstances should vinegar be used to clean delicate fabrics; this will damage them. The most suitable cooperation: vinegar - cotton. Important! Observe color restrictions. The likelihood that vinegar will ruin colored items is very high, therefore, it is recommended to use it only for white fabrics. For a more delicate treatment, vinegar is diluted with water.

Next we will talk about methods and recipes based on vodka, persalt, detergent, citric acid or regular boiling water. These products can be harmful to the skin and require care, caution and the use of rubber gloves.

Various products can be harmful to the skin and therefore require the use of rubber gloves.

1. Vodka. The hot drink is mixed with water (proportion: 1:1). Then they treat the problem area, put the item aside for 30 minutes, and wash it.

2. Persol. Presented by different manufacturers for different types of fabric. A teaspoon of the product is dissolved in a glass and applied to the stains, followed by brushing. The item is left for 2 hours, then washed.

3. Dishwashing liquid. A teaspoon of the product is diluted in a glass of water and the resulting solution is applied to the areas of contamination. After one and a half to two hours you can wash it.

4. Citric acid. As with vinegar, use only for white dense fabrics. The proportion is the same as in the previous method: a teaspoon per glass of water. The stains are poured with the resulting liquid. Leave for an hour and a half, then wash and rinse thoroughly, especially if we are talking about children's things.

5. Boiling. This method is not as effective as the previous one, but it is also quite effective, and, moreover, it has been proven over the years. The stains are washed with laundry soap, then the clothes are transferred to a metal bucket or large bowl filled with water and boiled for 3-4 hours. The procedure can be extended or shortened depending on the degree of contamination.

It’s clear how to remove sweat stains on white clothes, but what happens with dark fabrics on which stains appear over time, even if the manufacturers swear that this will not happen. The means at hand will help in the fight against pollution.

In the fight against deodorant stains, available products will help.

1. Ammonia. Used for hand washing. One teaspoon of ammonia is diluted in a liter of warm water, then the product is washed.

2.Salt. This method works well for thin fabrics like silk. The soiled material is soaked in soapy water for 10 minutes. Then add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and stir. The essence is applied to the stained areas, left for 10 minutes, then washed.

3. Alcohol with salt. Suitable for cotton and linen materials. In a glass of water, dilute a teaspoon of ammonia with salt. Moisten the fabric with the solution, leave for about a quarter of an hour, and wash as usual.

4. Laundry soap. They are used in the same way as in the case of yellow spots: they lather the problem areas and then wash them off. If the result is not visible, it is recommended to leave the clothes in the soap solution for about an hour and a half.

Lather problem areas with laundry soap and then wash

It turns out that there is nothing easier than removing white sweat stains from black clothes!

The first thing to do to remove old marks is to soak the product. For the procedure, both simple soapy water and the addition of powders, bleaches and other detergents are suitable. Important! After this, the item should be rinsed thoroughly and only then use one of the following methods.

Soak the product, then use one of the methods

1. Vinegar and soda. The item is first left in the vinegar solution for half an hour (proportion: 5 liters to 2 tablespoons of vinegar). Then the familiar mixture of soda and water is prepared (proportion: 4 cm l of soda per glass of water). The solution is applied to problem areas and, if necessary, rubbed with a brush. Next is washing. Never use bleach with this method. He will make the situation worse.

2. Ammonia with lemon juice. Just as in the previous paragraph, the item is soaked in a vinegar solution. Water is mixed with alcohol (proportion: 2 tablespoons per glass) and applied to stains. Rinse thoroughly. Using the same procedure, dilute lemon juice, apply the mixture to the stains, leave for a couple of hours, and wash.

3. Aspirin with hydrogen peroxide. To begin with, the item is soaked in soapy water for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, the already familiar aspirin paste with water is prepared. The mixture is distributed over the contaminated area and left for 3 hours, then washed off. Finally, peroxide is diluted with water in a ratio of 10:1, applied to problem areas, set aside for about 10 minutes, and then washed again as usual.

So, the main methods to combat the consequences of using deodorants have already been announced. All that remains is to listen to the advice on how to remove yellow stains under the armpits on clothes, what you can do, and what is strongly not recommended.

1. No chlorine! By reacting with sweat elements, it darkens the color of the fabric in the treated areas.

2. Before this, it was often discussed that it was possible, and sometimes even necessary, to rub the area where the mixture was applied. It is important not to abuse this. Strong friction damages the material and washes out the color of the item where it is processed.

3. It is strictly prohibited to use acetone and acetic acid for processing. Especially regarding materials made from cellulose acetate.

4. It is better not to use gasoline, benzene and other solvents in cases with synthetics, especially nylon and nylon.

5. Do not remove dirt from cotton materials, wool and silk with acids and alkalis.

6. It is better to first test any new method on a small area of ​​clothing in an inconspicuous place so as not to spoil the item.

8. Stains should be removed from the inside of the item. This way, the possibility of divorce is minimized. An effective way to prevent this problem is to wet the problem area or apply chalk powder along the contours of the invisible border.

9. In methods using hydrogen peroxide, be sure to ensure thorough rinsing, as it has the unpleasant property of turning yellow in the sun.

10. Attention to the composition! The antiperspirant we use should not contain such an active ingredient as Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Gly. It catalyzes the formation of yellow stains on white clothes and white marks on black or dark ones.

Sweat stains are difficult to remove, especially if the sweat is mixed with deodorant.

Sometimes traces of such a mixture on clothes force you to throw away your favorite things.

Shopping is a good thing, but far from economical.

If sweat stains take you by surprise, it’s time to start fighting them!

How to remove sweat stains at home: removing yellow marks

The marks left later on light-colored clothing turn into round yellow spots that make the clothing unattractive. Even modern bleaching agents and automatic washing machines cannot cope with them. In addition, they can severely damage the fabric structure. Most housewives suffer for hours, washing away stains with their hands. However, most often the result is unsuccessful.

There are several available ways to get rid of such stains.. Effective and quick results are provided by:

● hydrogen peroxide;

● aspirin;

● methenamine (can be replaced with formidone).

Hydrogen peroxide. One of the best stain removers available. In order to quickly get rid of yellow circles in the armpits, you need to soak the clothes for 10-15 minutes in warm water, then apply a little peroxide to the problem area. You should wait just a few seconds, then rinse the item and put it in the machine on a normal cycle. If, after applying the peroxide to the fabric, it begins to hiss, do not be alarmed - this is a normal reaction.

Aspirin. The tablets help not only relieve headaches, but also get rid of yellow stains from sweat on clothes. They act much longer than peroxide, but the result is no worse. To remove stains, crush several tablets into crumbs, apply them to a pre-moistened cloth and leave for 3-4 hours. After this time, the item is washed as usual.

Hexamine and formidone. Such products also work well on yellow spots. However, their effect is not immediate. To remove stains, products are added to the washing machine before washing. You can buy them at any pharmacy.

How to remove sweat stains at home and on different fabrics

Removing stains from sweat or deodorant from clothing is possible, but this cannot always be achieved with modern means that are promoted every day on TV. Most often, the products found in every home are much more effective. You just need to know about their properties.

Dishwashing liquid + baking soda + hydrogen peroxide. You can remove stains from light-colored clothes with a simple recipe.

● 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents;

● 2 tsp. baking soda;

● 4 tsp. hydrogen peroxide.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to problem areas of the fabric. To be sure, you can lightly rub it with an old toothbrush. The item is left in this state for two hours, after which it is washed as usual.

This method can also be suitable for removing stains from colored clothing. However, first you need to try it on an inconspicuous piece of fabric or on an unnecessary colored rag. If the fabric does not lighten, then you can safely begin the procedure for removing yellowness.

Ammonia + salt + water. If sweat stains remain on cotton underwear, it will be a little more difficult to remove them. To do this, you need to prepare another solution.

● 1 tsp. ammonia;

● 1 tsp. table salt (but not iodized!);

● a glass of water at room temperature.

All ingredients are mixed and problem areas of clothing are soaked in them. After a few hours you can wash it.

Salt, hyposulfite. Wool and silk fabrics are also prone to stains from sweat. To remove them, you can use table salt or hyposulfite, a substance that is sold in camera stores. To prepare the solution you will need 50 g of any dry substance and a glass of water. The mixture is applied to the fabric, lightly rubbed to make it stick better, then the clothes can be rinsed with water. Using hyposulfite will not only remove sweat and deodorant stains from clothes, but will also give them a second “color” life. Silk fabric becomes more shiny after the product.

Laundry soap. You can get rid of yellow stains on light-colored items using white laundry soap. It is necessary to prepare a solution: a small piece of soap, grated on a fine grater, is stirred in a glass of warm water. Pour a soapy solution over the stain and wash the clothes after a few hours.

Laundry soap + vinegar. These ingredients will help remove yellow stains from light-colored items in the armpit area. First, a few drops of vinegar (9%) are dripped onto the problem area. After 5-7 minutes, the stain is rubbed with soap on top of it. The clothes are left in this state for several hours, or better yet, overnight. In the morning it is washed as usual.

Salt + water + ammonia. Deodorant stains can be removed from cotton or linen clothes with the following composition: 1 tsp. table salt, a glass of warm water, 5 ml of ammonia. The mixture is applied to problem areas and left for half an hour. Then you first need to rinse the item by hand several times, and then put it in the machine and wash it.

Lemon + salt. Lemon is also famous for its whitening properties. It also easily removes sweat stains from clothes. Freshly squeezed juice of one lemon is mixed with 1 tsp. table (non-iodized) salt. The resulting solution is applied to problem areas and left for 4-5 hours. After this, the clothes should be rinsed well in warm water.

How to remove sweat stains at home: removing old stains

Sometimes ingrained traces of sweat and deodorant cannot be removed either with the help of chemicals or with the help of the above methods. There is no need to despair. Giving your favorite blouse or T-shirt a second life is quite possible.

Ammonia + white spirit. You can bring a silk item back to life using ammonia and white spirit. Both components are mixed in equal parts and applied to the laundry. Then rub the problem area well with your hands and wash off with warm water.

Vinegar + soda. First, the clothes are soaked in a vinegar solution. The quantity is taken at the rate of 2 tbsp. vinegar per 5 liters of clean water. After 30 minutes, rub the stains with a soda solution (4 tablespoons per glass of warm water). The clothes are then machine washed. After this procedure for removing old stains, you cannot wash the item using bleach. Not only will it not remove stains, but it will further strengthen them on the fabric.

Aspirin + hydrogen peroxide. Clothes are soaked in soapy water. At this time, aspirin paste is prepared: 2 crushed tablets are mixed with 1 tsp. clean water. The paste is applied to problem areas and left on them for 3 hours. After this, the item is washed as usual in the machine. Then the stains undergo the next stage of treatment - hydrogen peroxide. A solution (1 part peroxide to 10 parts clean water) is applied to dirty areas and left for 15 minutes. After this time, the item is machine washed again.

Gasoline + ammonia. This is a harsher, but no less effective way to remove old sweat stains. The first product is applied first. Then - ammonia. It should be applied only with a sponge, carefully blotting all the contours with it. If you do not treat the sweat stain area well, the stain will appear again after washing. When the work is finished, the item is machine washed as usual.

How to remove sweat stains at home: a note for housewives

Every housewife should know some rules and secrets that will help quickly get rid of such stains:

1. Do not wash things that have sweat stains in hot water. The maximum temperature in this case is 30 degrees. Dry only in fresh air.

2. The use of any methods for removing stains must be carried out from the wrong side of the item.

3. If hydrogen peroxide is used to remove stains, then after using it you need to thoroughly rinse the item several times. Otherwise, the stains will appear again during drying.

4. You cannot remove stains with gasoline on synthetic items.

5. Stains from wool and silk cannot be removed with alkali, and all kinds of acids cannot be used on cotton fabrics.

Measures to prevent the appearance of sweat stains on clothes:

● monitor hygiene - take a shower at least once a day;

● in hot weather, try to avoid spending a long time under the scorching sun (unless you get a tan on the beach);

● refuse clothing made from synthetic materials, giving preference to natural fabrics;

● change clothes more often and try to wash dirty clothes immediately (especially in hot weather);

● use deodorants that will not only get rid of unpleasant odor, but also reduce sweating.

You can remove sweat stains at home, as well as get rid of deodorant stains on clothes, no matter how old they may be. However, housewives should not forget that it is best to deal with stains immediately after they appear. By leaving the solution to this problem for later, you complicate your work and spend more time on washing, but it can be spent in much more interesting ways.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 8 minutes


Every housewife faces the problem of sweat stains. Typically, the appearance of such spots is most noticeable on the back and armpits. Moreover, silk and woolen fabrics “suffer” more than all others. The best way to combat this problem is to wash clothes in a timely manner (preferably with laundry soap). But if stains do appear, they should be removed correctly.

Let's figure it out...
The content of the article:

Removing yellow sweat stains from white and light-colored clothes

  • Baking soda. Mix soda with water (4 tbsp per ¼ cup). We wipe the yellowed areas with the resulting paste using a brush. We leave the clothes in this condition for an hour and a half. Wash as usual and dry at room temperature. If necessary, repeat the same scenario.
  • Persol. This bleach is a chemical bleach. You should mix water with persalt (1 cup per 1 tsp), rub the resulting mixture onto the stain with a brush (carefully), leave it in this form for one and a half to two hours, wash as usual, and dry.
  • Vodka or vinegar. Mix vodka or vinegar (your choice) with water (1:1), spray the desired areas of clothing, and wash as usual.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Soak the entire shirt or individual stains in water to which hydrogen peroxide has been added (1 tbsp per 1 liter), soaking time - 30 minutes. Next, wash according to the usual scheme, dry, if necessary, repeat the procedure.
  • Faeries. Mix the product with water (1 tsp per 1 glass), apply to areas of clothing with stains, and leave for 2 hours. Afterwards we wash it as usual.
  • Aspirin. Mix warm water and aspirin (1/2 cup for 2 pre-crushed tablets). Wet the stains with this solution and leave for 2-3 hours. We wash off the aspirin and wash as usual. If the stains are not removed, dilute aspirin to a thick paste (instead of ½ glass of water - a few drops), apply to the stains, wait another hour, then wash.
  • Salt. Dilute water with salt (1 tbsp per glass), apply to stains, leave for a couple of hours, wash. The method is good for cotton fabrics, linen and silk
  • Acetic essence or citric acid. We dilute the product with water (1 tsp per glass), wipe the stains, leave for one and a half to two hours, and wash as usual.
  • Ammonia + salt. Mix water (a glass) with borax or ammonia (1 tsp), add salt (1 tsp), apply to the stains, rub in with a brush. We wait half an hour, wash according to the usual pattern.
  • Laundry soap + oxalic acid. We soap the brush with laundry soap, rub the stains, leave for half an hour, and wash. Next, wipe the fabric on the stained areas with a solution of oxalic acid (1 tsp per glass), wash off after 10 minutes, and wash.
  • Ammonia and denatured alcohol. Mix in a ratio of 1 to 1 (1 tsp/l), apply to fabric, wait half an hour, wash. You can mix denatured alcohol with the yolk and repeat the procedure in the same sequence.
  • Boiling + laundry soap. The method is suitable for cotton clothes and linen. Grate household soap on a fine grater (1/2 cup), pour into a metal bucket, boil the clothes until completely bleached - after boiling for 3-4 hours over low heat, stirring constantly.”

Removing white sweat stains from dark and black clothes

  • Table salt + ammonia. Suitable for cotton fabrics and linen. Mix salt with warm water (1 tsp per glass) and ammonia (1 tsp), apply to stains, wait 15 minutes, rinse or wash.
  • Salt. Can be used for silk. Mix salt with warm water (1 tsp per glass), pre-soak the clothes for 10 minutes in ordinary soapy water, then apply the solution to the stains, wait 10 minutes and wash.
  • Laundry soap. We use it for woolen fabrics. We foam the laundry soap in hot water, use it to soap the stained areas of the clothing, soak the item for an hour and a half, and wash it.
  • Ammonia. Just add when washing by hand: for 1 liter of warm water – 1 hour/product.

How to remove old sweat stains from things?

First of all, you need to remember that removing old stains from sweat always begins with pre-soaking - in ordinary soapy water, with powder, with bleach or detergent.

After soaking, the item should be rinsed well, and only then use one of the stain removal methods.

Most popular methods:

  • Vinegar + soda. Soak the clothes in a vinegar solution (for 5 liters - 1-2 tbsp of vinegar) for half an hour. Mix soda with warm water (4 tbsp per glass), rub the stains with the solution. We DO NOT use additional bleach to prevent the stains from darkening. We wash according to the usual pattern.
  • Ammonia + lemon juice. Soak the clothes in the vinegar solution (see point 1) for half an hour. Dilute warm water with ammonia (1/2 cup per 1 tbsp) and apply the solution to the stains. Rinse. Mix lemon juice with water (1 tbsp per ½ cup), soak the armpit area for 2 hours, wash.
  • Aspirin + hydrogen peroxide. Soak clothes in soapy water. Make a paste from aspirin (2 tablets per 1 tsp of water), apply to stains, wait 3 hours, wash without bleach. Mix water with hydrogen peroxide (10 to 1), apply to stains, wait 10 minutes, wash.

Note to housewives:

  • Chlorine is not suitable for bleaching. Reacting with the proteins of “sweat” spots, it leads to darkening of the tissue in these areas.
  • Not recommended rub clothes hard when removing stains to avoid damaging paints.
  • Acetone and acetic acid are prohibited for removing stains on silk acetate.
  • Solvents such as gasoline, benzene, etc. – prohibited for synthetics (nylon, nylon, etc.).
  • Removal not recommended stains from cotton fabrics with strong acids (hydrochloric, nitric), and from wool and silk - with alkali.
  • Every new method test on a piece of fabric that, if accidentally damaged, will not ruin the appearance of the clothing.
  • Hot water fixes stains! It is recommended to wash shirts/blouses at 30 degrees and then air dry.
  • Recommended remove stains from the inside of clothes to avoid the appearance of streaks around the stains. To protect clothing from this effect, you can moisten the cloth around the stain when removing it or sprinkle it with chalk.
  • When using hydrogen peroxide You should rinse your clothes several times - under the sun, peroxide leaves a yellow tint on clothes!

Well, one last piece of advice: avoid such antiperspirant deodorants that contain a component that promotes the appearance of stains - Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex Gly.

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