Cool handmade gifts for a friend. The best DIY birthday gift ideas. Video tutorials on paper gifts

A do-it-yourself gift for a birthday - you can quickly and easily make it, having a detailed master class before your eyes. The instruction will tell you how to create a grandiose present from simple things for any occasion - mom's birthday, grandmother's anniversary, a friend's party or a children's holiday. Making such a birthday gift with your own hands is easy to make.

Everyone can make a beautiful birthday gift with their own hands. Some presentations are quite simply made without additional illustrative examples.

Even a schoolboy can make such a candlestick if he can work with electricity. A simple jar is wrapped with paper sketches, glued tightly and that's it - you can entrust the installation of a candle to your parents or place it yourself there.

An interesting idea for those who do not want to mess around with crafts for a long time. It’s just that unusual stems with “flowers” ​​in the form of small bottles were installed in a glass.

If your present is too simple, and you want to present it beautifully, create a simple do-it-yourself package (see). Even an ordinary cake will look amazing.

Even though this is not a big gift, but just a banal home decor, but very unusual. It will take a little time to create fabric or paper fillers, and a beautiful frame will add charm to the overall look of the composition.

It doesn't matter what you put inside the balloon. Beautiful packaging can open up to become the design of a marriage proposal ring (see), wedding invitations or something to your taste.

Remember balloons with air from a film? Many people like to burst them - it calms and addictive. Instructions for such use are not needed, you understand.

Interesting birthday gifts

How can you make a birthday present with your own hands, if from the available materials there are only household trifles and several types of decorative threads? Without even professional equipment and many elements, you can create wonderful presents no worse than purchased surprises.

If you ever dreamed of making your own gum machine, now you can make it come true. With the help of an old coffee machine, you can make a model, and then fill it with chewing gum or candy. True, everything will have to be repainted and decorated.

Buy waffle cups at a pastry shop and fill them with wildflowers. The plant can be rearranged in a vase, and a glass can be eaten with something tasty.

A cute gift for the birthday of a child or teenager is simply enough to make from pompoms from hats. Even if you don't have that many hats, parts can be purchased separately.

Maybe someone really likes canned food and food like FastFood? Then take note of how to make an easy birthday present with your own hands - wrap jars from the eatery and disposable cutlery in gift paper, decorate using the scrapbooking technique.

The child will be pleased to receive such a cute present from relatives. Surely, you have seen such blankets-bedspreads. Exactly the same can be knitted from threads or sewn from fabric, if you do not want to suffer with knitting needles and hooks. Decorate the crown with an animal muzzle or appliqué.

A banal bath towel can be beautifully presented by wrapping it with your own hands in a lovely bear, or rather, in the shape of a toy. Such a homemade partly present will appeal to both children and adults.

Quick surprises for the celebration

Preparing a simple birthday present with your own hands is not so easy, but with the help of a few ideas you can make any idea a reality.

If you still didn’t know what to give for your birthday with your own hands, then now the question has definitely disappeared by itself. But we won’t stop there either - there are many more ideas, master classes and tips that will help you create an unusual gift for the people closest to you.

Making a light gift for the holiday

Let's continue the photo list and move on to detailed descriptions of how to make an easy and quick present. Each of them may require a different amount of time, but it's worth it.

cup decoration

Even the most ordinary mug can be beautifully decorated, and it is not necessary to go to workshops to place a picture or an inscription there. You can also make a present on your own no worse than a custom one, and the video in this article will show how diverse the range of ideas in such variations is.

Prepare sponges, coffee beans and glue. The cup should be processed - degrease its surface so that the coffee beans stick more easily.

Coat the cup with glue and place the sponge on it.

Thus, glue the entire cup with sponges. It should be something in the form of a soft case.

Tie the whole cup in a chaotic manner with a rope. This will help secure the sponges and also create a decorative elegance.

Paint the cup in your favorite color and let it dry.

Prepare coffee beans and glue.

To decorate the handle, smear it liberally with glue and wait a couple of minutes for the glue to absorb. Then lay out the grains one by one.

Take a ribbon and a piece of lace.

Make a bow by tying the fabric with a ribbon.

Decorate a cup with it and put a decorative bouquet of flowers in it.

Tip: You can make such a do-it-yourself birthday present in 40 minutes, excluding drying. It is also an original method to give flowers or a bouquet of artificial roses.

Homemade bottle craft

Instead of an ordinary bottle of alcohol, you can make an unusual gift with your own hands using glass containers and wooden waste.

Prepare materials for work. Check in advance that everything is in place.

You can clean the bottle of paper with water and soda or vinegar. Peel off the paper and moisten the place of glue with soda. So you can easily remove the residue. Next, degrease the removal site.

Measure the bottle so you know what the appliqué will look like inside and if it will fit in there.

You can make a ladder out of wood - the easiest item to assemble and install.

Assemble the ladder and attach it to the bottle to visually check the length and width.

Punch the sidewalls with a hammer so that they hold better.

Boil the tree for 15 minutes to fold it. So you can thread the soft material inside the bottle.

Check the folds on the stairs. If too hard, continue boiling.

Bend the ladder diagonally and pass it through the neck.

Pour the liquid inside and straighten the ladder with tweezers.

Put the cork back in place, and leave the bottle until it shrinks completely.

Here is such an interesting gift you can present to friends and colleagues. They will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Tip: If you can't fit a ladder into the bottle, make something else. You can also buy ready-made small crafts in the store, but watch the size. As a rule, they can no longer be boiled, since the wood is varnished. Therefore, measure the neck in advance.

Simple vases from improvised materials

Here is the very best DIY birthday present that will delight both a loved one and a friend. We will present the variations in the table - it will be clearer what is at stake.

Vases with ropes

Prepare a hot gun and apply glue to a vase with it - a flask, a glass, etc. Any container will do.

Wrap the entire glass around the serpentine with a rope.

Glue the tail of the rope by cutting it diagonally so that nothing sticks out.

You can also cut it off with a construction cutter.

This vase is easy to decorate.

Place flowers inside or whatever you like.
Clothespin vase

A waste tin can will be a great place for planting flowers.

Decorate it with clothespins, if necessary, glue them to the surface.

Plant a plant inside and decorate the vase with paper hearts.
glass vase

Prepare unnecessary glass jars and ribbons of paper.

Cut many ribbons of the same size.

Attach the first layer of tapes, glue it.

Repeat this several layers, alternating the color of the tape.

One vase is ready. You can also make another, but using a different color.

Different height vases can be decorated according to the flowers of the bouquet that will fit.

Decorate them with fresh flowers and put them on the table.
Vase with twigs

Collect sticks of the same length.

Tie them with a rope crosswise.

Tie a "fence" with which to decorate a vase.

Cover the future vase with a fabric backing.

Wrap it with wooden sticks and place flowers.
Vase with sparkles

Glitter can also be a beautiful decoration for any container, which will turn a simple glass into an original vase.

Wrap the container with sequins and tie with a ribbon of fabric or paper.
Bottle vases

Get some champagne bottles ready.

Mix semolina with sugar or salt.

Cover the bottle with paint and let it dry.

Cover the bottle with a second layer, then sprinkle with cereal.

Inside the bottles, you can place artificial twigs to match the color of the bottle or sprinkles. Also, this present is perfect for giving for the new year.
Plastic vase made of tubules

Connect the tubes together, fasten them with wire or mesh.

Place sprigs of lilac or sakura inside.

Tip: Do not try to make incredibly beautiful decorative coasters out of a vase. It is better to make usable vases out of unnecessary cups than to spoil something that already serves its intended purpose.

Here is such a quick do-it-yourself gift for a birthday or another holiday can be made in a matter of minutes from improvised materials. The price of each presentation is limited only by the purchase of decorative trifles.

An equally interesting selection of surprises that both women and men can make. True, here you have to try, because the process will take a lot of time.

It would seem that a funny, but useful present can really come in handy in the house. Such gifts can perfectly serve as an addition to the main gift, as well as replace it in full. It does not matter how much the vase costs or the material from which it is made.

The main thing is how it was presented and to whom. And there you can already beat the scenario of presenting a presentation, depending on the occasion and the reason for the celebration.

Enjoy the cooking process, decorate and give gifts to everyone and always. This will cheer you up and the hero of the day, even the smallest or pickiest at a venerable age.


Carefully selected creative, unusual birthday gifts will not only create a good mood, will remain in your memory for a long time, but will also turn out to be necessary and useful. Having considered a few original ideas proposed below, you can easily pick up a present that is ideal for a birthday person.

Top 5 unusual and original birthday gifts

In order for the birthday person to like the present, it is important to take into account his gender, age, character traits, hobbies, interests, etc.

With all this information, you can easily come up with ideas for original birthday gifts. Please note that you do not have to buy them, you can do it yourself.

Gifts in the "hand made" style will cause the recipient a storm of emotions - delight, joy, surprise, happiness. If you do not know how to do something unusual with your own hands, choose one of the options below for unusual gifts.

smart gadgets

  1. Keychain tracker - a small device made of plastic with a hole and a button on the body. It comes in a range of bright, beautiful colors so you can choose a device to suit every taste. The keychain can be presented as a birthday present for both a woman and a man. The accessory is needed to search for "lost" - keys, bags, phone, pets, etc. To do this, you need to put the device on a dog (cat) collar, a key ring, put it in the pocket of a bag, a small child, and, if necessary, activate it using a special application installed on another gadget. When you press the "Alert" button, the key fob starts ringing loudly and does not stop until you find it.
  2. Selfie remote - allows you to control the camera and arrange photo sessions while being at a distance from the phone. Very easy to use, original, unusual birthday present. Even a small child can handle it. Such a gift can be ordered in the online gift shop.
  3. Personalized external battery "Energy reserve" should be presented to those who are often on the road. The device will help charge your phone, tablet, camera, always stay in touch, go online. The battery is equipped with a metal case, on which an engraving is applied - the surname, name, patronymic of the birthday man.
  4. Smart scales should be presented to birthday people who monitor their weight. In addition to body weight, the gadget shows several more parameters - the volume of muscle, fat, bone tissue, etc.

Original gifts for home and life

  1. Wall florarium - a garden in a glass container. This unusual present serves as an interior decoration. You can make it yourself, using vases, plants for every taste, creating unusual exotic compositions.
  2. Aero sofa - an inflatable lounger that can be used at home, in the country, on the street, on the road, in nature, etc. The product is “not afraid” of either low or high temperatures, it is inflated without a pump, using the “air scooping” technology. It is made of waterproof material, and when folded is placed in a small backpack.
  3. An air dryer for shoes, clothes is an indispensable device for the home. Works on the principle of a hair dryer or fan, providing uniform ventilation of products.
  4. A smart floor cleaner that frees the owner from the daily cleaning of the house. As soon as debris gets on the floor, the device turns on and sucks it up without human intervention.


  1. An interactive T-shirt is a very unusual birthday present that will be delighted by both a birthday man and a woman who cannot imagine life without music. This is an ordinary battery-powered T-shirt, to which an interactive panel with a mini-processor is attached using Velcro. The T-shirt can be played like a real instrument, if necessary, all electronic parts are detached, and the thing is washed in the usual way.
  2. A 3D pen can be presented on the birthday of not only an adult, but also a child. An unusual device creates original three-dimensional drawings in the air. The pen, depending on the printing method, is of two types - cold and hot. For the first work, resins are used that harden under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The second is drawn with molten polymeric materials that solidify in a natural way.
  3. Toys that make sounds, play music or sing songs. It is better to give such a present to a child, it contributes to the development of hearing, touch, and vision in a baby.
  4. A certificate for SPA procedures will please the birthday woman. A practical present that will give the recipient a lot of positive emotions and pleasure.

Sets for hobbies and hobbies

  1. The aqua farm is an unusual gift, which is a closed ecosystem - an 11-liter aquarium with fish and plants that are grown in a special tray and can later be eaten. The set includes:
    • aquarium;
    • gravel;
    • air conditioner for water treatment;
    • pump;
    • fish food;
    • pallet, pots and planting material for plants.
  2. Minigolf is a small copy of the well-known game for an exciting pastime with friends. The rules of the game are the same as in the regular version, only the length of the playing fields is shorter.
  3. Sensors for plants - worth giving to women involved in the cultivation of indoor flowers. Devices determine the level of moisture, air temperature, soil, the amount of nutrients in the soil. The collected information is sent to the smartphone through a special application.
  4. Kits for carving, soap making, embroidery with beads, etc. Such original surprises will delight women who are fond of needlework.

Unusual souvenirs and trinkets

  1. A desktop biofireplace is an unusual portable heater that is easy to place in any corner of the room. The fire is formed with the help of organic biofuels, therefore it does not create burning, soot, smoke. Biofireplaces are produced in different models, thanks to which it is possible to choose a product for any design solution, interior. You can buy a souvenir on the manufacturer's website by ordering delivery by mail, and give it as a gift already assembled.
  2. Glass in the form of an old smoking pipe. Such an original souvenir should be presented to connoisseurs of elite alcoholic drinks, gourmets who enjoy drinking them, enjoying the taste.
  3. Umbrella-reversible - folds in the opposite direction, so the hands, shoes, clothes of the owner and the floor of the room will always be dry.
  4. Electronic piggy bank. By giving such a souvenir for a birthday, you will free the birthday boy from the accumulated coins, since the device will do it instead of him.

What a creative gift to choose for family and friends

It is very important to choose original and inexpensive birthday gifts depending on the gender, age, status of the birthday person, etc. What to give to loved ones and good friends:

To whom is the gift given?

List of possible gifts


  • a set of elite varieties of coffee or tea, complemented by sweets;
  • unusual dishes;
  • night lamp with original design;
  • unusual pillows in the form of cakes;
  • photo on canvas

Beloved girl or wife

  • luminous soft pillow;
  • holders - car for a phone, for a handbag, jewelry;
  • a set of expensive beautiful bed linen;
  • romantic pastime, such as a rooftop dinner or a weekend in an expensive hotel;
  • battery-operated electronic candle;
  • thematic photo session

Unusual gifts for children

  • headphones with original plugs;
  • lamp - a projector of the starry sky;
  • quadrocopter;
  • set for home experiments, creativity;
  • sneakers with LEDs;
  • quest participation certificate

Colleagues at work and boss

  • coffee machine for car
  • a set of whiskey glasses;
  • nominal purse;
  • ancient souvenirs, figurines;
  • smart pen
  • magic ball with predictions;
  • coloring with small details to relieve stress;
  • reflective umbrella;
  • alarm clock Target with laser sight;
  • camera with printer;
  • certificate for seasonal activities (paintball, water park, snowboard, etc.)

Beloved boyfriend or husband

  • fitness tracker;
  • virtual reality helmet;
  • sports watch;
  • automotive portable devices (parking sensors, navigator)


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A gift to a loved one has always been appreciated, especially if it is made by hand. The creator of the craft puts his energy of love, warmth and tenderness into it. After all, creating it, he does not stop thinking about the person for whom it is intended.

birthday gift ideas

The idea of ​​a gift with your own hands depends on the degree of your preparedness. If you have already had experience in creating such things, you can choose something more complex and original. If such an experience will be for you for the first time - do not despair, in any case, you will bring positive emotions and joy to your loved one.

Before you start choosing a gift, think about what your loved one might like the most. Perhaps it will be a simple postcard, or perhaps a handmade one will be useful. kitchen potholder:

DIY postcard:

The choice of accessory must be approached responsibly, as it should be a neatly designed thing that will decorate the appearance of a person.

How to make a DIY birthday present tips

  • in order to make an interesting gift for a birthday or any other holiday with your own hands, you will need tools. Depending on the complexity of the work performed, you can use both improvised and special devices;
  • before starting something to make the product itself, try to practice on cheaper materials;
  • do not rush and do not get upset, if something did not work out, you can always try to do it again;
  • well understand the sequence of actions. Make sure that the necessary materials and tools are in front of you;
  • after finishing work, do not forget to wash everything thoroughly and put it back in place. Don't leave your workplace dirty.

Video ideas:

What to give mom?

The most useful thing that a beloved son or daughter can do with his own hands is taking care of his mother. Don't make her nervous again. If you are a daughter, help keep the house clean, and if you are a son, make sure that there are no broken things in the house. It will be the most pleasant and most memorable for her.

So, DIY gift ideas:

paper flowers:

felt toys:

fabric flowers:

paper flowers:


do-it-yourself vase:

What a gift can a son make with his own hands to his mother

  • if your mom loves flowers and you have a lot of them and variety - try decorate with your own hands a couple of flower pots. PVA glue can be applied to them and wrapped with colored threads. Instead of threads, try sticking buttons of different sizes and colors.

  • coffee tree gift with your own hands. To do this, cut out two paper hearts from cardboard, prepare two pieces of wire and wrap them in paper with glue. Bend the wires in half and glue to one cardboard heart. Stick a few cotton swabs on it, evenly distributing it over the entire surface and glue a second heart on top. Paste the resulting voluminous heart with cotton pads and wrap it with a thread. Paint over the heart with brown paint and glue the coffee beans. Wrap the remaining free ends of the wire with a thick thread. Take a small iron can and glue wooden popsicle sticks around. Insert a sponge inside and stick the free ends from the heart into it. Decorate with cotton;

  • Try to find antique-styled paper in the stationery store. Take a pen that will write thinly and diligently write a birthday greeting or dedicate a verse;

DIY birthday gifts for mom from daughter

  • try baking some delicious sweet cake or mom's favorite cookies;

  • sew and decorate a potholder for hot dishes (use material only from natural fabrics);

  • you can sew and embroider a pillow with beautiful patterns. (if you are a beginner, find a simple cross-stitch pattern);

How to make a gift with your own hands quickly and easily in 5 minutes?

  • origami is an ancient and original product of Japanese masters. You can find various types of paper products for every taste on the Internet;

  • fruit crafts will become unusual. For example, take a lemon; cut out funny eyes from thick cardboard and draw pupils with a black marker; prepare a paste from natural materials such as starch or flour. Glue the eyes on the lemon with a paste, and cut out the paws from colored paper. With a marker that is easily washed off with water, draw a smiling mouth and nose.

Original gift for dad

A do-it-yourself birthday gift for dad from a daughter of 10 and 12 years old can be an applique or a drawing, a paper craft without scissors or from shells. You can make a voluminous rose from a ribbon. A craft made of cones, acorns, made by hand, will look very beautiful and original.

What to give grandma?

The best birthday present for a grandmother from her granddaughter would be a baked cake, an embroidered pillow or a towel. A lace-decorated tablecloth or lamp made with thread, glue, and a balloon.

What to get grandpa for his birthday?

One of the nice do-it-yourself birthday gifts for grandfather from granddaughter will be the so-called “family tree”. Cut out neat oblong circles from paper, stick photos and place them on paper in the form of a tree, sign them.

If you have the opportunity to find wooden blanks in the form of ovals for sale, or ask someone to make them for you, be sure to take advantage of this and do not spare the money. Also stick photos on them, make a stylized tree out of wire and place it on it. Remember that at the very top of the tree should be the oldest member of your family.

Try to buy a blank wooden frame and decorate it with shells, coffee beans, buttons. It will also be original to wrap it with colored threads, or white, and then dye it.

What to give your sister and brother for their birthday?

An interesting handmade birthday present for a sister or brother will be:

  • a bouquet of sweets, you can easily find a wide variety of options on the Internet;

  • basket with sweets and butterflies;

  • an original gift for a brother can be a photo frame made of disks or as a base for a watch;

Gift for boyfriend, husband and best friend tips

Tips on how to make an unusual gift with your own hands at home:

  • try to sew a beautiful purse for cosmetics for your friend and embroider it with beads;

  • an original gift would be a bracelet of large and small beads on the hand or a small original tatting necklace (French lace);

  • make an original declaration of love to your beloved man or woman. For example, buy a box of chocolates, in which each candy will be individually wrapped in a paper wrapper, cut out pieces of paper according to the size of the candy and write why you love it. Attach to each candy. Close the box and wrap it with ribbon. Or recognition with matchboxes.

And remember that the most important surprise that you can please is your attention and good mood!

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The anticipation of a holiday is often more gratifying than the holiday itself. Especially if you approach this matter responsibly and start preparing gifts in advance. And it is not necessary to go shopping, buying up all the little things that caught your eye. It is much better, cheaper and more pleasant to prepare cute presents with your own hands.

Panel of threads and carnations

A stylish picture of threads and carnations is a creative gift for all occasions. You can present it to both relatives and friends. Gorgeous handmade panel will not leave anyone indifferent.

For work you will need:

  • a piece of board or plywood of a suitable size;
  • paper template of the desired image;
  • thick threads (mulina or yarn);
  • thin carnations;
  • masking tape;
  • hammer.
First, prepare the basis for work. Wood or plywood, if necessary, needs to be sanded with sandpaper, they can be painted or varnished.

Prepare a drawing template on paper in advance. Fix it to the base with masking tape and drive nails along the contour at the same interval. Their height should be the same - do not forget to control this.

Remove the paper pattern. Now the most creative stage of work has come - wrapping the nails with threads.

Tie the end of the thread to one of the studs and cut off the tail. Start randomly wrapping the studs with threads, sharp corners should be obtained between them - constantly change direction and try to capture each nail at least once.

At the end of the work, tie a thread to one of the nails and cut off the tail.

A few ideas for inspiration:

If you still have questions, watch the step-by-step video tutorial for creating a thread panel. You will see that there is nothing complicated about this, and you can make it quite quickly and at minimal cost.

Edible bouquets

Edible bouquets of fruits, vegetables, sweets and snacks are a new fashion trend for unusual gifts. They are gaining more and more popularity for a lot of reasons:
  • it's unusual and cool;
  • such a bouquet can be eaten with pleasure, it will not be thrown out withered, unlike the traditional flower arrangement;
  • to create them, it is enough to arm yourself with fantasies and patience, having previously visited the nearest supermarket.

Bouquet of vegetables and fruits

It is difficult to surprise anyone with a basket of vegetables or fruits, but the original composition assembled from them will be a great gift. Stock up on fresh gifts of nature, toothpicks and patience. Additionally, corrugated paper, ribbons, lettuce, foil and other decor elements will help to decorate the bouquet.

Tree of tangerines

Unusual tangerine topiary is a wonderful winter gift idea. Such an interesting tree will create a festive atmosphere and fill the whole house with its aroma. Armed with imagination, try to create decorative trees from small oranges or lemons, decorate them with needles and shiny ribbons and New Year's tinsel. Most importantly, don't be afraid to experiment.

Men's bouquet of fish, beer and nuts

Even such banal products as beer and nuts can be presented beautifully and tastefully, making out of them a soulful bouquet for a male company. Even a novice do-it-yourself craftsman can make it at home.

Bouquet of sweets

Flowers and sweets are the perfect gift for all occasions. Do you want to surprise everyone with a non-standard approach? Feel free to visit with a unique one. It will be a wonderful surprise not only for those with a sweet tooth and will be remembered by everyone present for a long time. How to create an original present, see the detailed video tutorial.

And here you can see how to make a “Sweet Pepsi and Candy Tank” for boys:

Sock tank - an original gift for a man

Socks for her husband on February 23 are the subject of many anecdotes. But they can also be presented in such a way that the beloved, with delight, cannot even utter a word, not to mention jokes.

To make a gift you will need:

  • 5 pairs of plain socks in dark and gray:
  • a bottle of your favorite drink with a capacity of 0.3 liters, preferably with a high neck;
  • colored paper;
  • wine cork;
  • toothpick;
  • 2 rubber bands for money;
  • leg-split;
  • glue;
  • ribbon.
Wrap the bottle with black paper and wrap its hanger with twine so that the neck remains unwound. Sort the socks by color, placing them with the heel in the middle.

Twist gray socks into tight rollers and fix with rubber bands.

Connect them together by putting loops of twisted elastic on them. You should get one garland of 6 rollers.

Wrap the resulting design with 2 dark socks. Tuck the toe of one into the elastic of the other.

Put the sock on the bottle, pulling it up to the twine. Roll the rest up and tuck under the elastic.

With the second toe, wrap the bottle across, placing it with the heel inward. To make it clearer - look at the photo. Hide its ends under the twist of the first sock.

It should look like this design. For strength, it can be fixed in the corners with sock staples or small paper clips.

Wrap the wine cork in black paper. Install the tank turret on the tracks. Straighten out any imperfections. Make a flag out of a rectangle of colored paper and a toothpick. Insert it under the twine and fix the entire structure with tape.

A cool gift for your favorite tanker is ready.

Candles of the original form

Unusual multifaceted candle will be a wonderful and useful souvenir. Despite the apparent complexity of the form, it can be done easily and fairly quickly.

For work you will need:

  • candle template printed on glossy photo paper;
  • paraffin;
  • wax crayons of the desired color;
  • wicks;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • PVA glue.
First of all, you need to download and print the candle template of the desired shape in the desired size. You can take ordinary cardboard, but using glossy paper will make the surface of the finished product more even and smooth.

Carefully cut out the template along the outline.

Using a ruler, bend all the edges.

Glue the edges of the template: they are numbered so that it is clear in what order to connect them.

Press the edges firmly, achieving a good bonding of the parts.

The glued blank can be covered with a layer of acrylic paint to prevent possible leakage of paraffin.

Melt the paraffin in a water bath, add crushed wax crayon of the desired color and aromatic oil (optional) to it.

Place a wick in the center of the mold so that it reaches the bottom of the mold and carefully fill in the paraffin.

When it has completely hardened, remove the paper mold from the candle. Your creation is ready.

Want more fantasy flight ideas? See another step-by-step master class for creating colorful scented candles.

Unusual candlesticks

Still wondering what kind of gift you can make with your own hands? Make a beautiful candle holder. It will fill the house with comfort and will be a great present for your family and friends.

For work you need:

  • small glass jar;
  • black matte paint;
  • masking tape;
  • simple pencil;
  • sharp knife or blade;
  • twine, braid or ribbons for decoration.
For a candlestick, it is better to choose a small jar of an interesting shape. Glue a wide strip of masking tape in its middle. Draw on it a heart of the desired shape and size.

Cut it out along the outline with a sharp knife. Carefully remove excess tape, leaving the heart glued.

Paint the entire outside of the jar with black paint. To do this, it is convenient to use paint in a spray can.

Let the blank dry completely and decorate it as you wish. You can tie the top of the candlestick with a ribbon or twine, draw a dotted line around the heart with white paint - use your ideas about beauty.

It remains to place a small candle inside the jar and light it - the house will immediately be filled with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.

A picture of what was

Do you want to please loved ones at a housewarming party with a picture in your performance, but you don’t know how to draw at all? No problem. From improvised materials, you can easily create a spectacular panel, while you do not even have to pick up a brush.

For work you will need:

  • a large wooden or plastic frame with a base;
  • white drawing paper;
  • two sheets of black or other contrasting color;
  • glue gun;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • scrapbooking paper;
  • braid, ribbons, rhinestones, beads and other decorative elements.
On a piece of paper, draw a rectangle with dimensions equal to the internal dimensions of your frame. Cut it out and paste it into the frame. Mark the places for the rectangular elements of the panel. Cut out frames of the desired width and size from black cardboard, stick them on whatman paper.

Glue scrap paper of any color with random patterns into each small frame. The elements of the picture can both harmonize with each other and contrast.

Decorate each blank of a large panel as you wish: glue a lush satin ribbon bow, interesting buttons, voluminous corrugated paper flowers, decorative stones or large beads. The design of the picture and the flight of fantasy at this stage is limited only by the materials at hand that are available. You can supplement the work with inscriptions or photographs.

The main features of such a picture are that it is unique in its kind, exists in a single copy and is made with love for loved ones.

Mirror with a frame of branches

Mirrors with spectacular and unusual frames can completely transform even a dull room. The cost of such decor in stores is quite high. But why pay for something that you can do yourself almost for free?

For work you will need:

  • wall mirror with a simple frame;
  • willow rods of the same thickness or wooden skewers;
  • glue gun;
  • masking tape;
  • spray paint of the desired color.
Tape the mirror surface with paper using masking tape. On the reverse side of the mirror, make markings so that the rods are spaced at the same interval. Glue the longest branches first.

Glue the remaining rods tightly to each other, alternating their length. Let the glue dry.

Paint the rods and frame of the mirror with the desired color and leave to dry completely.

Attach a loop to the back of the mirror so you can hang it on the wall.

Looking into such a mirror is a real pleasure. Don't believe? See for yourself.

We give money in an original way

Tired of looking for the right present? Give something that is always needed and invariably causes sincere delight - money.

You can present them to the hero of the occasion in the most unusual ways.

DIY original gift ideas

Beautiful and cute souvenirs, made with love, cannot be compared with store-bought knick-knacks. They carry love and positive energy. And it’s also a great way to spend leisure time with the whole family, because even a child can be involved in the creation of various crafts.

Birthday- the time when dreams and desires come true, loved ones gather to give gifts and make surprises. What surprises can you make for your beloved friend so that she does not remain indifferent? Original and creative gifts that will always be in place, today in our article.

The main thing in the article

How to choose the perfect birthday present for a friend?

  • An ideal birthday present should be given from the heart and with love.
  • The one that she had been waiting for a long time, but did not dare to purchase herself.
  • A gift that will exceed all expectations.
  • If you give even an ordinary thing, but it will be interesting to present.
  • You need to choose from a list of favorite preferences and hobbies.
  • Sometimes you need to be interested in specific desires.

How to arrange and present a gift to your beloved girlfriend?

The design of a gift depends on the preferences of both the giver and the recipient.

  • Bright, flashy paper colors - for energetic and cheerful people;
  • Pastel and calm shades of packaging- for calm and gentle personalities;
  • Thematic packages - for fans and admirers of a certain direction;
  • Matryoshka packaging - for lovers of mysteries;
  • discreet packaging — for business and serious people;
  • creative design- for creative individuals;
  • Design Ideas- for connoisseurs of certain styles.

You can also give a gift in different ways:

  • With poems or stormy wishes;
  • Just hand over;
  • Quest;
  • Surprise;
  • By courier;
  • On the holiday;
  • Alone;
  • Company.

Ideas for the best and easiest DIY gifts for a friend

  1. Lip balm;
  2. bath bombs;
  3. Photo Frame;
  4. Plaid;
  5. Mittens or;
  6. Designer kitchen board;
  7. Pillow anti-stress;
  8. Mat;
  9. Lamp;

Drawing-portrait of a girlfriend for her birthday

  • Looking at old portraits of beauties, some of us would like to see ourselves depicted on a large canvas. You can give a portrait to your beloved girlfriend even today. You can even try to draw it yourself, this is written in more detail. You can depict not only a personal portrait, but also you together.
  • The drawing technique can be very diverse, for example, pencil, watercolor, acrylic paint or gouache.
  • Styles are selected according to preference. You can choose absolutely any, which in your opinion will be the most suitable. It happens satirical, humorous, pictorial, mythological, pair, caricature, costume, individual, historical, genre.
  • Genre can also be selected based on your preferences: cartoon, fantasy, geometric, photo-portrait, grunge, pop art, pin-up, comics, background, digital art, subject.

DIY jewelry for a friend's birthday

Bijouterie- these are the very trinkets, which are never enough. They are needed always and everywhere, for a holiday, a party, a walk, a photo shoot or just a visit. From jewelry, you can give both individual items and a set:

  1. Bracelets;
  2. Rings;
  3. Earrings;
  4. Clips;
  5. Necklace;
  6. Hairpins;
  7. Body chains;
  8. Beads;
  9. necklaces.

All of the above can be made independently by purchasing the necessary tools and components.

Paper topiary - a beautiful gift for a girlfriend with your own hands

paper topiary- craft in the shape of a tree made of paper. Topiary is a landscape gardening art of figured cutting of trees. And paper is a miniature version of the most ancient craftsmanship.


  • Monetary;
  • From napkins;
  • corrugation;
  • Musical;
  • Origami;
  • In the technique of facing;
  • Crepe paper;
  • In the technique of quilling;
  • without leg;
  • From cotton pads;
  • From paper.

Origami - a gift in 5 minutes for a friend on dr

  • Origami is a Japanese paper folding technique. From paper you can make interesting figures and memorable souvenirs. It is enough to stock up on paper, spend a little time and find instructions for making what you are going to make, which are many on the Internet, including.
  • In the origami technique, you can make figures of animals, people, birds, insects, tanks and other equipment. From paper, you can create a beautiful bouquet of flowers, unusual crafts, or entire collections of stunning figurines.

A gift-poster on a drawing paper for a friend's birthday

gift poster- one of the most interesting ideas, because you can depict anything on whatman paper. The main rule is that there are no rules. Depict what you can think of or wish. Here are some poster options for you:

  • Photo collage;
  • Poster-portrait;
  • Wish poster;
  • "Draw it yourself";
  • travel poster;
  • "Chronicle" of memorable events;
  • Poster of the best and favorite sayings;
  • Sketches of favorite places.

You can make a poster using any tools. These can be clippings from old magazines, your photos, paints, felt-tip pens and other items for decoration.

Sweet homemade birthday present: ideas with photos

Most girls love sweets, so not every friend can resist a gift prepared with love, and even sweet. Therefore, here is a list of the most tempting sweets that you can cook with your own hands and proudly present to your beloved friend:

  1. Pie
  2. Donuts
  3. Candy
  4. Cookies
  5. Marmalade
  6. Zephyr
  7. lollipops
  8. Cake
  9. Muffins
  10. cupcakes

  11. Cake

  12. Macarons

And remember, even the simplest sweets can be prepared in a special way, with a soul and a creative approach.

A gift-joke with humor for a cheerful girlfriend on her birthday

A joke gift is suitable for that part of her friends who likes to joke and laugh heartily.

  1. Navel cleaning brush- a person who has everything;
  2. Brick- for the foundation of the future house;
  3. book with sweets- to set the mood;
  4. Origami from banknotes- for a fun pastime;
  5. Homemade Certificates- for the next fun days.

A memorable birthday gift for a friend

A memorable gift leaves pleasant memories. It is not always possible to purchase something truly expensive and memorable for your girlfriend. But to make a surprise that she will remember with warmth all her life is in your power. These are the gift options we will consider below.

Quest for a friend's birthday

Quest is one of the most popular gift ideas in the last few years. Now there are many thematic and other methods of conducting quests. A quest is a chain of tasks connected with each other, upon completion of which you receive the main prize.

Quests can be arranged in different places:

  • Houses;
  • Outside;
  • All over the city;
  • in a certain area;
  • At one place.

Assignments can be thematic, practical, fun and adventurous. After all, the very essence of the quest is an exciting adventure. Give your friend a day of adventure by making a gift in the form of a quest.

Handmade birthday cards for girlfriend

Handmade broke into our lives relatively recently, and literally became the most popular hobby for most admirers of needlework. Postcards in this direction will be not only original, but also one of a kind. And you can read about how to make different postcards in ours.

Musical and creative gifts for girlfriend on dr

Musical gifts will always please a friend when she is sad. We offer you options for the most touching creative and memorable gifts that will not leave indifferent any female person.

Videos birthday gift for girlfriend

A video gift is quite laborious in terms of its creation and editing. But on the other hand, your girlfriend will definitely be satisfied on this memorable day for her. Video can be shot in the style:

  • Congratulations;
  • Stories;
  • Travels;
  • story;
  • jokes;
  • Fun.

Birthday gift song for a friend

  • Surely, many of you like to sing at home, in the shower or in karaoke. Then why not dedicate a song to your beloved friend? You can even write your own. You can also use the services of a specialist.
  • You can record your song in a recording studio, and then give your friend a CD with a dedicated track. There is also the option to put the song on the radio for the whole country to hear. True, this service is not cheap.
  • Or you can do everything yourself by performing the track live with guests and the birthday girl. Your girlfriend will be delighted with such a gift. After all, not every person will decide on such a feat.

Birthday gift for best friend

  • In the time of poets, poems were constantly dedicated to loved ones. They were composed by themselves, ordered or asked in a friendly way from creative personalities. Now few people can boast of poetic inclinations. Although, if you find inspiration, it can turn from a gift into a hobby.
  • You can dedicate one poem or a whole cycle of poems. You can make it into a book. And if you want, you can read it at the celebration or record it on audio media.

Anniversary gift for a friend

Gift-impression- this is a kind of gift that includes any service of one or more areas. In recent years, the trend is gaining momentum and becoming one of the most popular gift ideas. Varieties:

  • Quest;
  • Sport;
  • Extreme;
  • Beauty and Spa;
  • Romance;
  • Hobby.

Also, gifts are divided into: for her, for him, for children, for two, for a birthday, New Year, wedding, March 8, February 23 and February 14.

Surprise your friend with a gift “Open when…”

  • - an amazing surprise, because the main idea is humor. Such a gift will warm you when it's cold, cheer you up when you're sad, and even feed you when you want something tasty.
  • You can create a whole set of gifts with the caption "open when ..." and then write a response, or put an object that characterizes it. These can be nice letters, things, food, praise, words of encouragement, love notes, uplifting quotes, and other forms of nice words.

Symbolic inexpensive birthday gifts for a girlfriend: 29 ideas

  1. Keychain;
  2. Painting;
  3. Ball;
  4. Favorite star's autograph;
  5. Pen Parker;
  6. T-shirt;
  7. Living picture;
  8. Collector's editions of magazines;

    It will not be difficult to make a birthday present for your beloved girlfriend, especially with our advice. And the most important advice - keep heading for the dreams and desires of your girlfriend. After all, great joy comes from their performance.