Dads are different. Project "We need different dads!". Project Implementation Plan

"Kindergarten No. 7" Cherry "

Project on:

"We need different dads"

Done by: Educators

2 junior group №5

Kataeva M.S., Mamaeva T.E.

Solikamsk 2016


Project relevance

Recently, children, as well as adults, are so passionate about television and computer games that they forget about joint games and hobbies, about the necessary communication with each other. Children's games in kindergarten, their conversations with each other helped to see a big problem: all children's issues are most often solved by the mother, the mother satisfies both the cognitive interests of the children and the lack of emotional communication. Today's men have become fashionable to scold. They were brought up in an atmosphere of loss of paternal authority, their infantilism leads to the fact that children grow up practically without a father. The non-participation of the father in upbringing is a great misfortune of our time, because the father's role is beyond the strength of mothers. For a child, the feeling of being close to a father (or another close man) is a feeling of strength, which, while protecting, gives a feeling of invulnerability. If the mother is the source of life, then the father is the source of strength, the first elder friend. For a long time children cannot distinguish between physical and mental strength, but they perfectly feel the latter and are drawn to it. It is necessary to develop in children love and respect for both parents, to promote the development of harmony in the relationship between children and parents.

Objective of the project

Project objectives

Project type: cognitive - creative

By subject area

"Artistic and aesthetic development" "Cognitive development" "Speech development" "Physical development"

Composition- group

By duration

Project participants- Pupils of primary preschool age, teachers of the institution, parents.




Form of the final event

Stages of project implementation




Choice of project topic Awareness of the problem situation. Development of the project, planning of educational and educational activities. Selection of material (visual - didactic, fiction)

Project theme. Goals, tasks. Consultation for parents "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child" Perspective - thematic plan.


Project implementation.


Final event.

Project Implementation Plan.

Stage 1 Preparatory

Stage 2 Main

Speech development

cognitive development

Questions session.

"We need different dads"

Poetry reading: "Like a dad,"

Physical development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Stage 3 Final


Application No. 1.

Reminder for parents


Dear dads, remember!

The boy wants to be good, but does not like being punished directly, he is annoyed by words! Educate by deed and personal example!

If the father is always dissatisfied, impatient and irritable towards his son, the boy will feel insecure and awkward not only in his company, but also among men and boys.

The boy needs the experience of success. He can buy it with your help. Create, invent situations for your son, where he will undoubtedly succeed. Notice the success of your son, praise him.

If you want to achieve something from your son, you need to instill it in him, which means that it is best to “infect” with your work. You can only achieve what you do yourself.

Boys, no less than girls, need parental affection and bodily contact with them. A father can pat a teenager on the shoulder, push him around, fight. Children who regularly see displays of love and affection from their parents have a more developed sense of inner security. Father and son must have their own male secrets. Joint walks, hobbies, fishing, etc. make the son feel that he is "my boyfriend".

Appendix 2

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"The project "We need different dads!""

Department of Education of the Administration of the city of Solikamsk

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 7" Cherry "

Project on:

"We need different dads"

Done by: Educators

2 junior group №5

Kataeva M.S., Mamaeva T.E.

Solikamsk 2016


Project relevance

Recently, children, as well as adults, are so passionate about television and computer games that they forget about joint games and hobbies, about the necessary communication with each other. Children's games in kindergarten, their conversations with each other helped to see a big problem: all children's issues are most often solved by the mother, the mother satisfies both the cognitive interests of the children and the lack of emotional communication. Today's men have become fashionable to scold. They were brought up in an atmosphere of loss of paternal authority, their infantilism leads to the fact that children grow up practically without a father. The father's non-participation in upbringing is a great misfortune of our time, because mothers cannot afford the father's role. For a child, the feeling of being close to a father (or another close man) is a feeling of strength, which, while protecting, gives a feeling of invulnerability. If the mother is the source of life, then the father is the source of strength, the first elder friend. For a long time, children cannot distinguish between physical and mental strength, but they perfectly feel the latter and are drawn to it. It is necessary to develop in children love and respect for both parents, to promote the development of harmony in the relationship between children and parents.

Objective of the project

Creation of conditions and a system of work to maintain the traditions of a respectful attitude towards the father, to consolidate traditional family foundations.

Project objectives

    Formation of a positive emotional attitude of children towards their father;

    To increase the activity and interest of parents in organizing games and communicating with children of different ages and genders.

    Raising love and respect for your family members.

    Contribute to the formation of partnership and cooperation between father and child in the family.

    Arouse in children the desire to protect their family and their homeland.

    To expand the knowledge of children about the defenders of the fatherland.

Project type: cognitive - creative

By subject area

"Social and communicative development"

"Artistic and aesthetic development"
"Cognitive Development"
"Speech Development"
"Physical development"

Composition– group

By duration fleeting (15.02.16-26.02.16)

Project participants- Pupils of primary preschool age, teachers of the institution, parents.

Estimated result of the project


1. Increasing interest in joint games and hobbies of children and their parents.

2. Formation of ideas about the types of troops of the Russian army, about those who guard and defend our Motherland.


1. Active and interested participants in the project are focused on developing the child's need for knowledge, communication with adults, through joint games.


Raising the professional level.

Form of the final event

Sports festival "Future Defenders"

Intended product of the project Exhibition of creative works of children (portraits of dads, stories about their dads “My dad is the most, most ...”); greeting cards for dads, portfolio page.

Stages of project implementation




Choice of project topic Awareness of the problem situation. Development of the project, planning of educational and educational activities. Selection of material (visual - didactic, fiction)

Project theme. Goals, tasks. Consultation for parents "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child" Prospectively - thematic plan.


Project implementation.

Implementation of planned activities.


Presentation of the joint activity product

Final event.

Project Implementation Plan.

Stage 1 Preparatory

Social and communicative development

Speech development

cognitive development

Development of an entertainment script for children. Planning activities with children: cognitive - speech; artistic - creative; game; joint activities of parents with children. A selection of material for productive activities.

Pick up materials, toys, attributes, for gaming activities, didactic games.

Folder-slider "The role of the father in the upbringing of the child"

Purpose: To draw attention to the importance of the role of the father in the upbringing of the child.

Stage 2 Main

Social and communicative development

Speech development

cognitive development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Questions session.

"We need different dads"

Riddles. Exercises for

activation of the dictionary and the development of coherent speech: “Name it affectionately”, “Daddy's things”, “Which dad?”, “Daddy's interests”. Didactic games: “All works are good”, “Who needs what for work?”

Who is superfluous”, “What does a soldier, sailor, pilot need”,

Poetry reading: "Like a dad,"

Dad's Tale", "Dads are different."

Reading: "My family", V. Dragunsky "Cunning way", V. Davydov "Army of the world", S. Marshak "February".

Examination of illustrations "Defenders of the Fatherland", depicting military branches and various military equipment. Role-playing games: “Building a Rocket”, “Helping Dad”, “Repair Shop”, “Family”, “Plant”, “Garage”, “Construction”, “Office”. Labor observation of adults (snowplow driver)

Illustrated material on the topic "Defenders of the peaceful sky" A set of pictures "Type of troops" Various types of military equipment

Album Family album "My dad"

Memo for parents "How to raise a defender ..."

Physical development

Outdoor games: "Minefield", "Snipers", "Helicopters" Finger games: "What will we ride?", "Our friendly family."

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing "Portrait of the Pope". Handmade "Greeting Card"

Hearing: "Dad can." Music game: "Airplanes"

Listening to the sounds of military equipment, march.

Stage 3 Final

OUTPUT: A set of actions organized by teachers to implement the project (raising the status of the father in the family, expanding children's knowledge about the defenders of the fatherland) has a positive result. Children have formed a system of knowledge about the family, family values, about those who guard and defend our Motherland, about ways to express their feelings to others. The interaction of parents and children contributed to emotional rapprochement, getting parents and children the experience of partnerships through joint activities.

Application No. 1.

Reminder for parents


Dear dads, remember!

 The boy wants to be good, but does not like being punished directly, he is annoyed by words! Educate by deed and personal example!

 If the father is always dissatisfied, impatient and irritable towards his son, the boy will experience insecurity and awkwardness not only in his company, but also among men and boys.

 The boy needs the experience of success. He can buy it with your help. Create, invent situations for your son, where he will undoubtedly succeed. Notice the success of your son, praise him.

 If you want to achieve something from your son, you need to instill it in him, which means that it is best to “infect” with your work. You can only achieve what you do yourself.

 Boys, no less than girls, need parental affection and bodily contact with them. A father can pat a teenager on the shoulder, push him around, fight. Children who regularly see displays of love and affection from their parents have a more developed sense of inner security. Father and son must have their own male secrets. Joint walks, hobbies, fishing, etc. make the son feel that he is "my boyfriend".

Appendix 2

Creative work of children "Portrait of dad"

It is very important for every child to have the upbringing of both parents. And the role of dad is no less important in the family theater of life.

Dads are different. Their behavior depends on the temperament embedded by nature. Having determined the temperament, you can characterize each of them. So, you need to imagine the situation that a child and cereal are handed over to dad, and there is a pan on the stove. So, the behavior of the father ...

Dad is a choleric. Chaos in the kitchen. The porridge flows out, dad tries to make sure that the child does not get dirty, but in the end, everything and everything is in the porridge.

Dad is sanguine. Dad plays with a laughing child, talks on the phone at the same time, a good mood reigns throughout the apartment. But the smell of burnt porridge still reigns.

Phlegmatic person. A child chews on shoes in the hallway. The porridge boils away. Dad sits at the computer and says: "Now, now I'll cook."

Dad is melancholic. Dad says that he knew how to cook, but for some reason he doubted. And the kid misses his mother already. And he is calm somehow - did he get sick.

So, in what situation is dad most recognized, this type of temperament is worth considering in more detail.

Dad is phlegmatic. The nervous system is in perfect order. It can be called balanced. However, it is endowed with a certain slowness. Actions and thoughts are slow. On the face of such a dad, you will never determine emotions - joy or sadness in his soul. He moves slowly, regally. Always walks with a stroller the same route. Talks a little. In a conversation with a baby, he is unlikely to find a topic quickly and will worry about it. It may seem lazy from the outside, but in fact it does not consider it necessary to spend energy on non-essential activities. Such a man switches from one thing to another for a long time. He needs some time for this. But such dads do things perfectly. He does not welcome new theories in raising his child, but prefers to use grandmother's methods. He loves order and regime, to which he tries to accustom the baby from childhood.

Dad is a choleric. The nervous system can be described as unbalanced. Such a dad acts quickly, sharply, changeable and quick-witted. His conversation is accompanied by gestural movements. After emotional outbursts, he is very worried if he offended someone and swears that he will try to keep emotions in himself. Of course, until next time. Criticism is not accepted. And sincerely believes that he is the best dad.

Dad is sanguine.
This one prides himself on his poise. Cheerful and most often in a good mood. He does everything at the same time. Easily picks up new views in education and tries to implement them. But he lacks organization and perseverance. Such a father is very sociable. Walking, he will get acquainted with everyone he meets. Can't stand monotonous tasks. And he tries to approach everything creatively.

Melancholy dad.
Such a dad is vulnerable and impressionable. His movements are constrained, and facial expressions are poor. The voice is quiet with occasional stutters. This is because he always doubts. When going for a walk with a child, he will spend at least an hour getting ready. Such a dad will never miss a single spot on the baby's body. After studying all the books and diagnosing manifestations. He seems to know more than the pediatrician. He is a very devoted family man. He will not succeed as a leader, but he is a perfect performer. To cope with any case, he needs clear instructions.

Summing up, we can say that for any child, both mom and dad are equally important - there is no degree of more or less importance. Therefore, dear women, be wise and flexible. Based on these rough descriptions, know what to expect from your husbands and adapt to them. This does not mean that you need to bend and suffer, it means that you need to be able to flow from one state to another, like a river, and at the same time preserve family life. This is possible and will be easy if love and respect reign in your family, and this is initially the work of a woman!

There is an opinion that men remain children for life, only their toys become more expensive. Maybe that's why kids love spending time with dads so much - they just speak the same language. Dad will teach, and tell, and fix, and break it again to see "where did this extra detail come from."

The son imitates his father and wants (or categorically does not want) to be like him. And for the daughter, the father is an example of what a real man should be and what is his role in the family. But dads are different. What type of father is your baby?

1. Dad friend. He communicates with the child on an equal footing, takes part in his games with pleasure, is always ready to listen to him, reasonably explains his prohibitions and is determined to peacefully resolve conflicts.

2. Papa is a judge.Any mistake will be noticed and publicly condemned. Notations, instructions, and sometimes swearing are the main form of communication with a child.

3. Father-breadwinner. His main concern is daily bread. It is very important for him that the house was a “full bowl”. But games with a child, upbringing and household chores, he completely delegates to his wife.

4. Father is a psychotherapist. He always tries to be objective. Differs in endurance, a sober view of the situation and rationality of judgments. The main method of education is talking with the child. Usually gives practical advice to which the child is inclined to listen.

5. Dad-mom.With pleasure to take care of the child: gets up at night, changes diapers, bathes and cooks porridge. His main concern is to make the child happy, so the children of such dads often have problems with discipline.

6. Karabas-Barabas. The only form of education available to such a father is pressure on the child and aggression. Such a dad is usually scared: "If you behave badly, I'll tell my father."

7. Jumper-dragonfly. He misses his former free life very much. The family weighs on him, the children strain him. He married, most likely, "on a flight." He does not want to be responsible for his wife or children. There is no emotional attachment to them.

8. Boyfriend shirt. Another child in the family. Relationships with children are good, as he is always ready to fool around with them, play football and fly a helicopter. He, rather, performs the function of a friend or older brother, rather than a father. Conflicts often arise with the wife on the basis of discipline and lack of responsibility.

9. Die hard. He believes that his opinion is the only correct one. He does not recognize compromises and the last word should always remain with him, on the simple basis that he is a man.

10. Neither fish nor meat. This is a dad who does not decide anything in the family. The wife treats him with no respect, and the same form of communication is instilled in the children from the very beginning. Relations with children usually do not add up, since such a dad is not able to provide them with a basic sense of security either in the family or in society.

Children's literature knows different dads. Dads who can’t refuse anything, and dads who themselves need to be educated. There are harsh and strict dads, soft and good-natured dads ... Dads who understand from the first word, and dads with whom it is not so easy to find a common language, but if you still succeed, they become the very best friends.

If we were to rank the best, most understanding, most loving fathers in children's books, we might never be able to pick a winner. Ready for anything for his daughter, Longren, a caring and loving father, or Mr. Penderwick, who skillfully finds a common language with as many as four daughters?

Viktor Golyavkin's autobiographical story "My Good Dad" is, in fact, about all the "good dads", about filial and fatherly love, and also about growing up. The father in this book is a real example for his son, an example of a kind and sincere person, always open to others. He is a musician, not a practical person, but with an incredibly broad soul. In 1941 he went to war, and since then only rare letters connected him with his son - until they stopped coming. But he seems to be always there. Petya wants dad to be proud of him, this measures his actions, trying to be honest, sympathetic, strong.

Dr. Yanovsky from the trilogy "The Road Goes Away" by Alexandra Brunstein, despite the fact that he is an incredibly busy person, always finds time to pay attention to his daughter. He is an example of a father who treats a child with respect as an adult. Sometimes he is too strict, but this severity is a consequence of care, the desire to grow a good person out of his daughter, honest, kind, sympathetic. And little Sasha, in fact, understands everything: it is not for nothing that she is most frank with her father, it is to him that she trusts her most serious thoughts.

A similar attitude of the daughter to the father is noticeable in the book "Where's Dad?" Yulia Kuznetsova. Only he can trust her feelings, experiences, thoughts. He does not laugh at her, does not torment her with moralizing, but it is from him that you can always hear words of approval or advice in difficult times. And he is the only person in the family who does not try to impose his opinion on her. On an unfair accusation, her father ended up in prison - and although there are many relatives around the main character, she feels incredible loneliness, and finding the strength to somehow live on is incredibly difficult. But there are their meetings, memories, letters with stories sent from prison, and most importantly, expectation, hope that all this will certainly end, and they will again have a happy life together.

But Deniska's father, about whom Viktor Dragunsky wrote, seems to be not quite an adult. He is so cheerful that even his mother sometimes reproaches him for his frivolity. He is a master at making up stories and loves all sorts of undertakings and games. Deniska's dad knows how to approach the upbringing of his son - how to say what to do, how to point out a mistake. And all this - not in the abstract words "should" and "should not", but through the prism of their own experience.

The dad in Anna Westley's "Dad, Mom, Grandmother, Eight Kids and a Truck" approaches any problem without fear - and with enthusiasm, and most importantly, with calm humor that allows you to resolve any problems. He is not just a jack of all trades, but also a staunch supporter of compromises and a peaceful solution to all problems, and this is very difficult to achieve when there are not two, not three, but eight children. However, he succeeds.

Alexander Raskin told funny stories about how dad was little. Like any boy, dad used to be naughty too, made mistakes, didn’t want to be treated or shied away from classes, but he studied, changed, discovered something new for himself - and, in the end, became a great dad. After all, that's how it all happens. But his handwriting remained not very good - he was too lazy to write sticks in childhood.

Ruth Gannett also has a book about a young dad, it's called Dad's Dragon. It is about a traveler dad, a real adventurer. He ran away from home on an adventure and went to the Wild Island, not afraid of either rhinos or lions, to find there ... a real dragon.

But even if dads appear on the pages of the book not as the main characters, their image is always important. For example, Pippi Longstocking's father - she only talks about him with delight, because he is a real Negro king! We - at least the matured readers - understand that she is just dreaming. However, her memories and fictional stories about her father-captain, the Storm of the Seas, and their travels around the world are imbued with warmth and sincerity. And then, for sure, it is because of him that she is such an incredible inventor, and thanks to him - strong, independent, resolute.

Astrid Lindgren has created many very interesting images of fathers - emotional, attached and sometimes even pampering their children. Robber Mattis from "Roni the Robber's Daughter" adores his daughter - and allows her anything. He is ready to come to terms even with the fact that Roni is friends with the son of the chieftain of an enemy band of robbers, as well as to accept that she does not like the life of robbers. The father-king from the fairy tale "Mio, my Mio" is the embodied ideal for a boy who considered himself an orphan until the age of nine, before entering a magical land. The most difficult test of their feelings is the battle that Mio goes to, because at some point he is sure that his father left him, that he does not love him. However, the flash of resentment goes away - because love is stronger than both evil knights and temporary difficulties.

In Ulf Stark's Let the Polar Bears Dance, the protagonist, an ordinary teenager named Lasse, finds himself at a crossroads of sorts. After his parents divorced, he stayed with his mother and her new husband. Relations with his stepfather are developing well, but gradually Lasse notices behind him that he is much more like his father, that they have the same temperament. And Lasse makes a choice - he returns to his father, maybe not as successful as his stepfather, a little clumsy, reminiscent of a bear, but on the other hand - a person with whom he really has complete mutual understanding.

Children who want to learn more about their dads should definitely get Grigory Oster's "Papamamalogy" and Oleg Bundur's "How to Raise a Dad" in their scientific library on parenting. Here everything becomes clear - how to deal with screaming adults, accustom them to their own pampering, as well as how to feed them and how to wake them up in the morning ...

The book "I'm educating dad" by Mikhail Baranovsky is a whole "novel of educating" a parent. Dad in this book is shown through the eyes of the boy Marik, inquisitive and active, ready to achieve his goal by any means. And this dad is cheerful, knowledgeable and experienced, but terribly stubborn. You have to try your best to deal with it. But Marik succeeds, so even if dad is not perfect, they are still real friends.

Looking at many children's books, you understand that one of the important duties of any dad is to know the answers to all questions. From "what is good and what is bad" to "why don't zebras roller skate". And dad is a person next to whom it is never scary - which the daughter of the Gruffalo knows well. And the most important thing about dads is that they love you