How to care for a pregnant mother. Taking care of ourselves during pregnancy. Hair care

Pregnancy is a time when a woman should treat her own health with particular care and responsibility. But this does not mean that the expectant mother will have to forget about taking care of herself for 9 whole months. Even if you are pregnant, you should not give up cosmetic procedures and care products. The main thing is to know what will be safe for the baby’s health, and what it is better to refrain from. Our specialists will tell you about this.

Facial care during pregnancy

Pregnancy affects the condition of a woman’s entire body, including the skin. This occurs due to changes in hormonal levels - the predominance of estrogen and progesterone, which is sometimes even called the main hormone of pregnancy. Thanks to its action, the skin of expectant mothers, as a rule, becomes less oily and fewer comedones are formed. Girls and women who previously suffered from acne and oily sheen on the face can forget about such problems during this period. This means that there is no need for serious cleansing procedures. , because sensitivity to pain increases at this time. To cleanse and exfoliate the skin, it is better to choose gentle, soft cosmetic scrubs with particles of wax and marine collagen. You should avoid products with hard, traumatic particles, for example, sea salt or nut shells.

Unfortunately, the effect of the “pregnancy hormone” can have more than just a positive effect. While it helps those with oily and problematic skin, those with dry skin may begin to suffer from tightness and flaking. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply moisturizers several times a day. But do not forget that while you are expecting a baby, your skin becomes especially irritable and susceptible to various types of allergens. So it is not recommended to try any new products during pregnancy; it is better to give preference to products and brands that suited your skin before.


Before you start using the cream, carefully study the list of its ingredients, because the product may contain retinoids, that is, synthetic analogues of vitamin A. They are especially often included in creams intended for problem skin and the fight against age-related changes. It is better for expectant mothers to avoid these medications, because the results of some studies show that large doses of vitamin A can harm the baby.

During pregnancy, all injection cosmetology methods are strictly prohibited - mesotherapy, administration of botulinum toxin preparations and gels for contouring. Firstly, no clinical studies on these methods have been conducted in pregnant women. And secondly, these are extremely painful procedures, and the sensitivity of expectant mothers greatly increases.

Pigmentation: wait-and-see tactics

Often during pregnancy, women experience skin hyperpigmentation. Age spots can appear on the face, for example on the cheekbones and cheekbones. The nipples, midline of the abdomen, and skin in the natural folds of the body darken. There is no need to worry or strive to get rid of this during pregnancy. Firstly, because they will go away on their own 3-4 months after birth, and secondly, the use of all kinds of peelings, scrubs, lightening lotions while expecting a baby can cause skin irritation.

Body care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to take special care of the skin of the body, make sure that your back, legs and shoulders do not get tired, and that the mental balance of the expectant mother is not disturbed. Therefore, special spa programs are provided for pregnant women, aimed primarily at increasing body skin turgor and preventing the formation of stretch marks. But, since hot wraps are contraindicated for pregnant women, in such spa treatments they are usually replaced with cold ones.

In both cases, the same technology is used, only the components themselves differ. Cold wraps use ingredients that do not require heat to work. It can be healing mud, seaweed, honey. The main thing is that these components do not cause you allergies. In this case, wraps are applied only to the legs.

In addition to thermal procedures (hot wraps, visits to the sauna and swimming pool with heated water), anti-cellulite, vacuum and ultrasound massages are contraindicated for pregnant women. In any case, before going to the spa, it is better to consult with your doctor and get permission from him to carry out a particular procedure.

Skin care during pregnancy: preventing stretch marks

Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are one of the unpleasant consequences of pregnancy that almost every woman has to deal with. Most often they appear on the stomach, thighs and chest, that is, in those areas where the skin stretches the most. Preventing the occurrence of stretch marks is much easier than dealing with those that have already appeared. To prevent stretch marks, special products should be applied to areas where they are likely to appear - creams, oils, gels. They contain components that stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. You can also use a proven folk remedy during pregnancy - apply natural olive oil to your skin.

A contrast shower is also useful in caring for the abdomen during pregnancy, and the diet should contain as many protein foods as possible. If stretch marks do appear, mesotherapy, ozone acid therapy and peelings will help get rid of them. But these procedures should be carried out after childbirth.

Legs: relieve fatigue

During pregnancy, almost all women suffer from problems with their legs: they quickly get tired, hurt, swell, and in the worst case, varicose veins occur. This is especially noticeable in the third trimester. Because the body weight increases greatly, and with it the load on the lower limbs also increases. Moreover, excess fluid accumulates in the body of a pregnant woman, which causes swelling. Therefore, a relaxing foot massage is recommended at this time. It will help ensure the outflow of fluid from the legs and relieve fatigue. The only limitation here concerns the choice of massage cream. It should be hypoallergenic and have a light, non-irritating aroma, because pregnant women are especially sensitive to strong odors.

Manicure and pedicure during pregnancy: be careful

Services such as classic trimmed manicure and pedicure are not the best choice for a pregnant beauty salon visitor. After all, cutting instruments and possible injuries from them not only cause negative emotions, but can also become a source of infection. An excellent alternative to these procedures can be a European unedged manicure and pedicure. After all, the effect after hardware maintenance lasts much longer than after classic trimming. In addition, this treatment can be combined with spa services.

By the way, during pregnancy, most of the vitamins and nutrients in the mother’s body are used for the development of the fetus. As a result of this, splitting of nails, dryness and flaking of the skin become frequent companions of expectant mothers. Regular spa care, as well as the use of strengthening nail coatings and manicure oils will help maintain the beauty of your hands. But when signing up for such a spa treatment, you should pay attention to the composition of the drugs. After all, individual intolerance to certain components in the products can cause allergic reactions. Also during pregnancy you should pay special attention to nail covering. When choosing such a drug, it is better to give preference only to professional products marked with the 3Free symbol, which means that they do not contain harmful components. After all, toluene, formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate, often found in low-quality nail polishes, can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

As for modern materials for nail extensions, they are absolutely safe for children. The composition of many of them, such as CND, is absolutely identical to the keratin of natural nails and, as a result, is completely harmless.

However, during pregnancy you should still refrain from nail extensions: their natural appearance is important for diagnosing the condition of a woman’s body. What is allowed and prohibited during pregnancy.

Hair care during pregnancy

Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and for several months after giving birth, women may experience significant hair loss. Don’t worry: with the restoration of hormonal levels, new hair will grow in place of the lost hair. The main thing is not to let the hair follicles “fall asleep”. To do this, you just need to regularly massage your scalp. But the use of various lotions and shampoos against hair loss during this period is unlikely to have an effect. To reduce the amount of hair falling out to a minimum, you must use a balm and comb your hair carefully and carefully. You also need to dry it in a special way, directing a stream of air from the roots to the ends. More tips on hair care during pregnancy and more.

Often pregnant women are afraid to cut their hair and dye their hair. And if fears about cutting hair are just superstitions, then you really need to be very careful with coloring. The scalp absorbs everything that comes into contact with it, including paint components. So, if you decide to dye your hair, you need to do it very carefully - apply the composition only to the hair and avoid getting it on the scalp. You should also be careful with styling products during pregnancy. If you have often used hairspray before, it is better to replace it with mousse or wax.

By the way, while waiting for a baby, not only hair, but also teeth are destroyed. Therefore, pay attention to special dental care during pregnancy.

Hair removal during pregnancy: wax instead of laser

Waxing is not contraindicated for expectant mothers throughout pregnancy until childbirth, but not all waxes are suitable for it. To make the procedure painless and safe, it is better to choose natural preparations, for example, Lycon. They consist of absolutely harmless components of natural origin, and their use does not require heating. Thanks to a special application technique, hair removal is quick and painless. But it is better not to carry out laser, photo and electrolysis during pregnancy.

Use the right care products during pregnancy, love yourself, and most importantly, smile more! After all, during this period all women are more beautiful than ever.

Olga Karaseva
Photo: Juicy/Fotolink. Alexander Zelentsov

We would like to thank Irina Zhukova, Ph.D., dermatologist, cosmetologist, Kirill Kulikov, stylist and editor of the online hairdressing magazine, pedicure teacher at the OleHouse training center, Victoria Tregubova, wax salon master for their help in preparing the material. hair removal Wax & Go Oksana Privalova

During pregnancy, in a healthy body, all organs function normally, but with increased load. If the rules of nutrition, hygiene, or overwork are not followed, the body’s functions are disrupted and various complications arise. Therefore, pregnant women must carefully follow all hygiene rules aimed at preserving and strengthening the woman’s health, the proper development of the fetus, the normal course of childbirth and the postpartum period, and preparing the woman’s body for breastfeeding.

All this information is explained to pregnant women during classes on psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth. Their main goal is to eliminate fear and unpleasant emotions during pregnancy and childbirth, to prepare the body for childbirth and breastfeeding. Usually these are 5-6-8 classes, which consistently cover the regime, diet, hygiene of the pregnant woman, the physiology of pregnancy, possible complications, the course of labor and methods of pain relief, the course of the postpartum period and child care.

Prenatal care.

Body care is a necessary condition for the functioning of the whole organism. During pregnancy, the skin works under increased load - it performs an excretory function in conjunction with the kidneys. Showers, rubbing, washing, gymnastics, and air baths are of great importance.

Pregnant women are recommended to take a shower at least once a week and wipe their body daily with water at room temperature. When showering daily, use pH-neutral soap. Toilet of the oral cavity and teeth, sanitation of carious teeth is very important. Mandatory hygiene procedures include shaving the hair in the armpits and washing them daily with warm water. Thrush fungi can grow there.

Toilet the external genitalia 1-2 times a day with warm water and pH-neutral soap. Vaginal douching is not recommended.

Air baths should be carried out from 5-10 minutes to 15-20 minutes. at T 22-24 deg. Undosed sunbathing is contraindicated; it is better to use ultraviolet radiation as prescribed by a doctor, especially for residents of the North. Swimming in the sea and river is allowed, but limited in the last 2 months of pregnancy - there is a danger of ascending infection.

Sleep at least 8-9 hours at night and rest for 2 hours during the day, walks in the air before bed are required. Air flights and long-distance travel are not recommended.

Therapeutic exercises and 15-minute morning exercises are required. During pregnancy, exercises such as “bicycle”, “scissors”, bending forward, squats, and standing for a long time with your arms raised up are prohibited. Limit exercises to strengthen the abdominals; the main load should be on the shoulder girdle, chest, hips and perineum. “Movement is life!” Move every 2 hours to prevent congestion in the lower extremities.

Preparing the mammary glands for lactation, see above.

Clothing – comfortable and loose, preferably not made of synthetics, avoid elastic knitted fabrics, center of gravity on the shoulders, avoid tightness of the stomach and chest. The bandage prevents overstretching of the abdominal wall and skin and supports the fetus in the correct position in the womb. Comfortable shoes with wide heels no more than 5 cm high.

For varicose veins:

Avoid staying in one position for a long time;

· during sleep and prolonged stay in one position, the legs should be at a higher level than the body;

· Wear elastic stockings or wrap your legs with an elastic bandage, but they should be removed during sleep;

Avoid wearing knitwear with elastic bands;

· avoid heat sources near the feet, sunbathing, hair removal with hot wax;

With an increase in vaginal leucorrhoea:

· do a test to detect a vaginal or fungal infection;

· in case of detection of bacterial vaginosis or infection, carry out pathogenetic treatment.

For cramps in the calf muscles perform muscle massage; recommend magnesium and calcium preparations during pregnancy and lactation (Magne B 6, Additiva calcium, Upsavit calcium, Calcium-B 3 Nycomed); Remember that the bioavailability of calcium gluconate is very low.

Sexual life at risk of miscarriage is limited, individually - abstinence or a condom in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy - the danger of ascending infection.

Do not take medications without the advice of your doctor or midwife. Avoid diagnostic or therapeutic x-ray exposure. Avoid contact with infectious patients with rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes infections, chickenpox


Nutrition should be rational and, to a certain extent, individualized in accordance with family and living conditions and the characteristics of the woman’s body. In the first half, 4 meals a day are recommended: 1 breakfast - 25-30% of the diet, 2 breakfast - 10-15%, lunch - 40-50%, dinner - 15-20%. In the second half of pregnancy, 5-6 meals a day, serving size – 200g. Nutrition in the first half of pregnancy under the motto: “Eat whatever you want, and remember the adverse effects of alcohol, smoking, drugs, medications.” A varied and deliciously prepared diet rich in protein and vitamins is recommended.

ü from the moment of a positive hCG test:

Iodine - 200 mcg;

ü 8 weeks after the last menstrual period:

Iron - 50 mg;

Calcium - 1000 mg.

Proteins should make up an average of 20-25% of the total calorie intake (in the 2nd half - 30-35%), fats - 25-30%, carbohydrates - 40-45%. Daily requirements for normal weight:

· calories - 1800-2500 kcal;

· proteins - 60-90 g;

· carbohydrates - 325-450 g;

Limit fat to 50-70 g.

In the 2nd half of pregnancy, you should follow a predominantly dairy-vegetable diet, alternating meat, fish and vegetable days. Raw fruits, berries and vegetables are very useful. Meat - 2-3 times a week, fish more often. Supplement the amount of animal proteins with cottage cheese, eggs, cheeses, and dairy products. Liquid - up to 1200 ml per day. Natural juices without preservatives, still mineral water, tea with milk, and whey are recommended. Spicy, salty foods and marinades, alcohol, spices, and coffee are prohibited.

In the North-West region it is recommended food pyramid: first floor– grains. They contain a lot of vitamin B. Coarse bread with bran, porridge - oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, it is better to cook them from whole grains due to the high iron content, pasta. Fibromed and flake (germ grains) are also useful, which contain all the microelements, vitamins and iron. Second floor– vegetables and fruits, walnuts. Green ones contain a lot of vitamin C, red ones have a lot of vitamin A. Strawberries and citrus fruits in moderation due to the possibility of allergies. Third floor- meat, fish and seafood, and milk and dairy products. Lamb and pork are difficult to digest and are difficult foods for pregnant women. Eggs no more than 3 times a week. Fourth floor– sweets and baked goods. There are very few of them.

Fasting days are useful for pregnant women: it is easiest to abstain from food from 18.00 one day to 18.00 the next. On this day, eat only one type of fruit - most often it is apples in the amount of 1-1.5 kg or drink one type of natural juice. After a fasting day, it is advisable to eat only light food - porridge with water, boiled vegetables.

On average, a woman gains 9-12 kg during pregnancy. Average weekly weight gain is 300-350 grams.

If you are prone to constipation:

· dairy products

Avoid a sedentary lifestyle

· overnight yogurt or kefir, dried fruits, 100-150 gr. prunes, apples, raw carrots, give preference in the diet to green vegetables, bran supplements and fruits;

· after waking up, drink a glass of still water;

Avoid eating foods containing starch, with the exception of rice;

· you can use laxatives (duphalac, mucofalk, forlax);

· use with caution during pregnancy and lactation senosides A+B (regulax, bekunis, tisasen), bisacodyl, guttalax;

· It is not recommended to use oils as laxatives: they promote the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

For heartburn:

  • recommend eating small meals more frequently;
  • try not to take carbonated drinks, coffee, hot sauces;
  • prevent sudden bends;
  • do not take antacids containing sodium bicarbonate (causes constipation);
  • does not cause constipation when taking antacid medications containing aluminum hydroxide in combination with magnesium (Gastal, Alumag, Coalgel 60): they have a protective effect for the gastrointestinal mucosa; do not cause constipation;
  • It is advisable to use drugs only with aluminum hydroxide (phosphalugel, tisacid, alumag).

For hemorrhoids: prevent constipation, regulate stool; prescribe topically aurobin ointments and/or rectal suppositories (procto-glivenol, proctosedyl).

For hypersalivation carry out oral hygiene; try to swallow or spit out saliva; stop smoking; if necessary, to reduce salivation, use metacin 0.002 g 2-3 times a day.

Approximate daily diet in the first half of pregnancy:

  • up to 200 g of milk or its derivatives (preferably fermented milk products); eggs -1-2 pcs.;
  • vegetables - 500 g;
  • fruits - 200-500 g;
  • 2 pieces of meat, cutlets, replaced during the week with sea fish, liver (120-150 g);
  • bread and its products - 200 g;
  • cereals or pasta - 50 g;
  • limiting strong coffee and tea;

Approximate daily diet in the second half of pregnancy:

· up to one liter of milk or its derivatives (preferably fermented milk products);

· eggs - 1-2 pcs.;

· vegetables - 500 g;

· fruits - 200-500 g;

· 2 pieces of meat, cutlets, replaced during the week with sea fish, liver (200 g);

· bread and its products - 200 g;

· cereals or pasta - 50 g;

Limiting strong coffee and tea;

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is sensitive to any influences: poor hygiene, infections, poor nutrition. In order not to create unnecessary complications, to maintain her health and, most importantly, the health of her unborn child, a woman should know how to take care of herself during pregnancy.

How to take care of yourself during early pregnancy

The first three months, or first trimester, of pregnancy are the most important and dangerous. At this time, the child's organs are formed. Any negative factor, be it smoking or infection, can affect this delicate process. In the future, this threatens malfunctions in the functioning of some system of the future organism, its illness or even disability. Having learned about her interesting situation, a woman should become extremely careful in everything. You need to familiarize yourself with useful tips for pregnant women and stick to them.

On the other hand, her body is also undergoing significant restructuring. This is reflected in the deterioration of the expectant mother’s well-being: there may be pain in the lower abdomen, tingling in the chest, disruptions in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, nausea, and dizziness. The woman becomes emotionally unstable.

The early period of pregnancy is dangerous with the possibility of miscarriage. Its causes may not depend on the woman, for example, if she has a genetic disease. But more often, correct behavior of the pregnant woman herself will help avoid interruption. She must give up bad habits, if any. By the way, experts advise abandoning them even earlier - three months before the expected conception, and this advice applies to both spouses. Do not lift weights, and to avoid falls, walk without forgetting for a second about your precious “cargo.”

During the first important period of fetal formation, taking many medications, especially antibacterial and antibiotics, is prohibited. Beware of any infection, avoid contact with sick people. The inflammatory process during this period, especially with high fever, can cause miscarriage. These precautions also apply to the treatment of colds; it is advisable to use folk remedies.

Any changes in condition and sensations should not be ignored. They should be discussed with your doctor to avoid any complications in the future course of pregnancy. If pain in the lower abdomen intensifies, even minor bleeding, or heaviness in the lower back, immediately seek medical help, because these are preconditions for a miscarriage.

Self-care during pregnancy: tips

Advice for pregnant women on how to care for themselves is necessary if this is the first time a woman has been in this position. They relate to personal hygiene, nutrition, exercise and stress. Both medical and folk advice, which have evolved from centuries of experience, are useful:

  • Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin, maintain its healthy microflora, which is passed on to the child. A daily warm shower or whole body rubdown is helpful. Pay special attention to caring for the mammary glands, because they need to be prepared for feeding the baby. After showering, rub your chest with a hard towel. You can put pieces of canvas in your bra to strengthen your nipples. If your nipples are inverted, do a special massage.
  • Clothes for a growing belly should be loose, and under no circumstances should you tighten your waist. From the fifth month, wear a bandage that supports the abdomen. This will also help avoid stretch marks.
  • Nutrition during pregnancy is often original due to changing preferences. A woman will have to consume an average of 300 kcal more per day during this period. But keep a balance: a quarter of the diet should be fish or lean meat, a quarter should be dairy products and eggs, the rest should be vegetables and fruits. Limit the consumption of sweets, smoked meats, and spices. This also applies to strong tea and coffee. But it is better to avoid fast food, soda, chocolate and pistachios altogether, so as not to cause allergies in the child.
  • Physical activity should be moderate; short walking or swimming is sufficient. Special physical exercises will contribute to an easy course of labor and rapid recovery after it. But do them only on the recommendation of a doctor and preferably under supervision.

During pregnancy, it is mandatory to see your doctor. It is better to register in the first days when this condition is discovered. Complications are possible in the 1st trimester, so contact and advice from a specialist is important. After the 12th week, genetic counseling may be needed if the woman is over 35 years old. At midterm, an ultrasound is usually done to determine if there are any defects in the fetus. From the 28th week, you need to monitor the baby’s position, which can be corrected.

Pregnancy is not a disease and not a reason to give up your usual lifestyle. But with certain amendments:

  • If the family travels often, pregnancy during a normal course is not a hindrance. But only from 18 to 32 weeks. It is better to get the necessary vaccinations in advance, before pregnancy.
  • Limit contact with animals due to the risk of contracting toxoplasmosis. However, you can sit and relax with a healthy pet at home.
  • It is acceptable to spend time on the computer, but no more than twenty hours a week.

Advice for pregnant women from mothers and grandmothers may be useful:

  • There is an opinion that expectant mothers should not cut or dye their hair. Why not cut my hair is not entirely clear. But it’s really better to wait with coloring, because the paint may contain harmful chemicals or an allergen.
  • If you are scared, you should not grab your stomach or other parts of the body: this can cause birthmarks on the child’s body. It has not been scientifically proven, but it is not worth experimenting with.
  • If it is true that with each child a mother loses one tooth, then it is better to listen to popular advice on how to strengthen teeth during pregnancy.

All advice to women during pregnancy has one goal - the birth of a healthy baby and maintaining the health of the mother. And the main one is to be joyful and happy from fulfilling your main female function - the birth of a new life.

Very often you can hear that a woman becomes especially beautiful when she is expecting a child. Sweet, soft, feminine, spiritual. She fulfills her most important purpose - she bears a new life. And in order for this little unborn man to feel comfortable under his mother’s heart, it is very important that the expectant mother’s mood is good and peaceful. How can you feel comfortable when your body is undergoing rapid restructuring?

Hormones are boiling in the blood, throwing you into heat and cold, causing either bouts of joy or bitter tears for no reason. The vaunted figure slowly begins to fade, and telltale pimples appear on her always well-groomed, gently pink (to the envy of her friends) face. Willy-nilly you will doubt your attractiveness.

It's no secret that during pregnancy the female body endures a huge load, and this does not always have the best effect on a woman's appearance.

A kind of dual feeling covers a woman in “the situation”: joy from the fact that she will soon have a child, and at the same time worry: whether the condition of her hair, teeth and skin will worsen during pregnancy. She goes through her pre-pregnancy dresses and asks herself, will she be able to wear them after the baby is born? This is the time to calm down, look around you and see mothers of two and three children, whose figures young girls can envy. The most important thing to remember is that basic grooming and exercise will help you maintain your beauty!


This issue is of great concern to pregnant women, since, according to many, pregnancy and breastfeeding worsen the shape of the mammary glands. This is not entirely true. Excellent physical health, good tissue condition and impeccable functioning of the endocrine system help the formation of beautiful female breasts in the postpartum period, even if the woman was breastfeeding. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is difficult to predict what shape the mammary glands will take after the baby stops breastfeeding, so it is necessary to take some measures to preserve the beauty of the breasts.

Wear a good bra. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the mammary glands increase in size and become heavy. To prevent them from drooping, it is not recommended to remove your bra before going to bed. The bra cups should fit the mammary glands well, without squeezing them in any way. It is necessary to change bras as the size of the mammary glands increases.

The mammary glands must be washed daily with soap and water at room temperature and wiped with a hard towel. Never apply wet compresses to the mammary glands!

Several times a day, the mammary glands are given air baths for 10-15 minutes.

Avoid the appearance of stretch marks (striae) on the skin. They may appear due to rupture of elastic tissues. Hormonal or vitamin preparations prepared on the basis of carotene help well. They are taken orally in pill form. Vitamin creams are also widely used to care for the mammary glands. Every evening before going to bed and every morning after hygienically washing the mammary glands and nipples with boiled water, lubricate them with cream. Using gentle massage movements with your fingers, rub the cream into the skin of the mammary glands and nipples.

To prevent the appearance of cracks in the skin and maintain the elasticity and tenderness of the skin of the mammary glands, lubricate the skin with creams prepared on the basis of hormones or vitamins.

During pregnancy, many women experience increased hair loss and worsening of their condition: oily hair becomes even greasy, and dry hair becomes drier.

If your hair is too dry. Beef bone marrow is melted, filtered and mixed with rum (4:1). This composition is regularly rubbed into the scalp.

If your hair is too oily. It is not recommended to comb them with a brush. It is advisable to wash your hair more often than usual with liquid acidic soap or special shampoo. Every evening before going to bed (you can in bed) it is useful to massage the scalp.

The condition of your hair will improve if you get a short haircut.

Often during pregnancy, the shape of the face changes: the face becomes wider and its features coarser. Talk to your hairdresser about a suitable hairstyle.

During pregnancy, teeth become very fragile. So it is very important at this time:

Eating foods containing calcium and vitamin C

Reduce the sugar content in your diet to prevent the development of dental caries,

Don't forget to brush your teeth 2 times a day,

  • systematically consult a doctor for a preventive dental examination.


During pregnancy, rapid hormonal changes occur, and as a result, cosmetic skin defects sometimes occur. Among them is the appearance of age spots, so-called chloasma. In these cases, it is very important to increase your body's intake of vitamin C and use a cream with UV protection when exposed to the sun.

As for various cosmetics, there is no reason to exclude them from everyday life. However, you should use proven cosmetic products purchased in special stores that do not cause an allergic reaction.

How to choose clothes and shoes

How often do women believe that clothing is a secondary issue for a pregnant woman, especially at home. This is not entirely true. A woman who is tastefully dressed has a higher vitality, because with a good mood she, as a rule, endures pregnancy more easily. At the same time, clothing must correspond to the state of the body: it is necessary that the dress is loose, light, appropriate for the season, and does not restrict movement.

Bras need to be selected according to size so that they do not squeeze the chest and shoulders. The preferred underwear is cotton, which can be changed, washed and boiled more often. It is not recommended to wear underwear made of fabrics that impede the respiratory, excretory and thermoregulatory functions of the skin.

If your outerwear is loose and does not press at the waist, it will hide your growing belly and make you look more elegant.

The larger the belly, the more the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are stretched, and due to prolapse of the abdomen, the position of the fetus in the uterus changes. To prevent such complications, it is recommended to wear a special belt - a bandage, which serves as additional support for the abdomen and uterus. In addition, it helps maintain correct posture and slimness. The bandage is put on lying down and laced around the abdomen.

It is not advisable to wear panties with tight elastic bands that squeeze the body. But you can wear wide, comfortable trousers, shorts, and tights.

Wearing high-heeled shoes increases tension in the leg muscles and also increases the load on the joints. As a result, fatigue increases. For greater stability and to reduce stress on the forefoot, shoes with low, wide heels should be worn.

Don't worry that your figure has become deformed during pregnancy. Try to dress fashionably and beautifully, of course, taking into account your condition. Moreover, today it is fashionable to be pregnant: clothes, more than ever, strive to emphasize the special position of a woman. Translucent blouses that emphasize the roundness of the belly, sundresses and tight-fitting (note: not tight, but tight-fitting!) dresses, jeans on the hips. Many stores boast a collection of beautiful and fashionable clothes for pregnant women. So it’s time to go shopping and pamper yourself and your beloved (now doubly) with an elegant and fashionable skirt or a spectacular sweater!



During pregnancy, body growth by more than 10-12 kilograms is not allowed. If you exceed this limit, consult your doctor, who will prescribe an appropriate diet for you.

If you have never exercised before, then pregnancy is not the best time to start exercising. But if you exercise regularly and your body is well-trained, there is no need to stop exercising completely. You should not engage in only those sports that involve significant stress on the body or the risk of falling.

Long bicycle walks, skating and skiing, rowing, horse riding, carrying heavy backpacks, lifting heavy objects and excessively sudden movements are strictly prohibited.

    Get on your knees with your heels slightly wider than your shoulders. Try to sit (after several days of training this will work) on the floor. Yogis say: if a woman performs only this exercise daily for 5 minutes, childbirth will be painless.

    Sit on a mat on the floor, pull your heels towards your perineum, placing your feet together. Spread your knees as far apart as possible, trying to touch the floor with them. Perform for 2-3 minutes daily.

    Lie on the mat on the floor, inhale and slowly lift your legs and pelvis up; With your hands bent at the elbows, support your hips or buttocks, whichever is more convenient. Socks should be at eye level; breathe with your stomach, try to relax as much as possible; There should be a feeling that the perineum is being pulled inward. This exercise is called half birch. Being a favorite exercise of Indian women, it prevents the formation of congestion in the organs and tissues of the lower half of the body. Perform daily, starting from 15-30 seconds to 2-3 minutes - from the first months of pregnancy until it becomes difficult. After these exercises, and if there is time, then in between them, it is highly advisable to relax and rest, lying on the floor.

Exercises from Alice Stockham’s book “Tocology”

    Stand up straight. On a count of 1-4, move your entire body forward and then back as far as possible, without lifting your heels or bending your knees.

    The starting position is the same. Tilt your torso to the left, then to the right. Don't bend your knees, don't move your feet.

    With your hands lightly on your hips (fingers forward), tilt your body slowly forward, then slowly rise and lean back, all the time keeping your head in line with your body.

    Deep breath. Lightly touch your shoulders with your fingertips. Slowly bring your elbows in front of your chest until they meet. Raise them as high as possible. Throw your elbows back and up, continuing to touch your shoulders with your fingers. Bring them to the starting position. Exhalation. This exercise lifts the ribs and expands the lower chest.

    Kneel on a pillow with your knees wide apart, stretch your arms up above your head, slowly tilt your torso back as far as possible, then forward without changing the position of your knees and feet. This is one of the best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis.

    The starting position is the same, hands are connected above the head. On the count of 1-4, slowly bend from side to side.

    The starting position is the same. The arms are extended forward at shoulder level. Fold them back in a straight line as far as possible. This can be done quickly or slowly, as if carrying a weight.

    Lying on your back, bend your knees and swing them from side to side.

    In the same position, bend and straighten your legs alternately.

    Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and swing your legs from right to left.

    In the same position, but with the participation of another person, bend and extend your legs, providing resistance.

    Same situation; leaning on your elbows, swing your shoulders from right to left.

    Same situation; Raise your body gradually, leaning only on your toes and elbows.

Leg exercises(do it barefoot; in summer it’s better on the ground)

    Stand straight, legs parallel to each other. Rise onto your toes and lower yourself. Repeat 5-10 times.

    Stand on your toes and walk along an imaginary line on tiptoes ten steps there and ten steps back.

    Stand up straight, “roll”, moving the weight of the whole body either to the outside of the sole or to the inside. The same thing - from toe to heel. Repeat several times.

    Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out. Pull your toes forward and then upward with tension, while keeping your heels in place. Repeat several times.

    Sit on the floor, bend your knees, do not lift your feet off the floor. Squeeze and tuck your socks under you, move the sole along the floor, resembling a caterpillar, tensing and relaxing your legs, first forward, then backward (backward is a little more difficult).

    Having relaxed your legs, grab your toes with your hand and bend your foot in all directions, as if describing a circle with your foot, then change your arm and leg. Relax, breathe deeply. First turn clockwise, then back.

It is advisable to perform all exercises in a well-ventilated room. Clothing should not restrict movement: in winter it is best to exercise in a training suit, in summer - in a cotton swimsuit. If you have never exercised, don't expect quick and miraculous results. It’s better to do the simplest exercises, little by little, but every day. If you experience discomfort or pain, choose other exercises that you like and can do better. Each organism has its own internal reserves, its own state of the muscular system and its own reaction of the cardiovascular system. Don't chase records: choose your own pace and monitor your well-being. Pregnancy is different for everyone. It's not about the timing of pregnancy, but about the well-being - your own and your child's. You need to overcome laziness, but under no circumstances bring yourself to the point of exhaustion. Remember, dear ladies, that during pregnancy the body does not warm up so quickly, and you need to breathe for two. So it’s better to do less exercise, but constantly, slowly increasing the load.

Pregnant women are advised to walk as much as possible. But at the same time, overloads that lead to fatigue are unacceptable. Take short walks several times a day. Comfortable shoes made from high-quality materials will prevent fatigue when walking

Swimming is an ideal sport for pregnant women

Among the simple, accessible to every woman, but very effective exercises recommended by various doctors is walking up the stairs. You need to follow a few simple conditions: keep your mouth closed, exhale slowly and stay straight; then the diaphragm works especially actively, the role of which in ensuring the proper development of the fetus is extremely important.

Today the motto: “It is advisable to give birth before the age of 25” is no longer relevant. Times are changing, women are making careers and starting to think about having a child, to put it mildly, later. But medicine does not stand still; the risk of complications during late pregnancy has become lower than twenty years ago. However, the later we decide to take this serious step, the more attentive we need to be to our health and preservation of beauty, because the older a woman is, the more difficult it is for her to recover after childbirth. So, dear ladies, if your situation is called “interesting,” listen to the advice of “Passionate and Beautiful” and start taking timely measures to remain the most charming and attractive after pregnancy.

Despite the fact that pregnancy is a normal condition, it tires a woman’s body. All organs must adapt to the new state. Metabolism accelerates, breathing and blood circulation become more efficient, and the uterus enlarges. During pregnancy, the placenta secretes many enzymes and hormones, which, along with the corpus luteum and the inferior medullary appendage, regulate changes occurring in the body.

Temperature increase

At the beginning of pregnancy, body temperature usually rises slightly, but this does not require treatment.

During pregnancy, you should not take any medications on your own initiative, even the most common flu medications. Some medications harm the fetus. You should always tell your doctor and dentist about your pregnancy so that this can be taken into account during treatment.


Pregnancy affects women differently. Some of them feel better than ever before, while others feel very tired both in the first three months and in the last two to three months of pregnancy. A lot here depends on your body type. A large woman can more easily bear the load than a small woman, for whom carrying 3-4 kilograms in the uterus is quite a lot of work.

Fatigue should be taken seriously. In the middle of the working day, you should try to rest or at least sometimes raise your legs up. If fatigue continues for two weeks, you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms that require a doctor's examination?

  • Constant itching of the skin. This may be a sign of liver dysfunction
  • Vomiting and nausea continuing after the fourth month of pregnancy
  • Unexpected weight gain is a sign of excessive fluid accumulation in the body
  • Swelling of the legs and arms
  • Low hemoglobin, anemia
  • A burning sensation when urinating may be a sign of inflammation of the urethra, which requires medication.
  • Strong headache


  • if there is blood coming from the vagina
  • if amniotic fluid begins to leak
  • if you feel sharp pain in the lower or upper abdomen

in these cases there is a danger of premature birth.


Fatigue may be a sign of anemia. Blood hemoglobin during pregnancy often decreases due to the fact that the amount of blood increases and the blood becomes diluted. If necessary, your doctor or nurse will recommend iron supplements. Walking in fresh air and vitamin C (obtained from fruits and vegetables) promote iron absorption.

Increased urination, sweating

At the beginning of pregnancy and especially before the next menstruation is due, the expectant mother often feels vague pressure in the lower abdomen. This is explained by the expansion of blood vessels and acceleration of blood circulation. The need to urinate increases especially at the end of pregnancy, when the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder. Fetal thrusting may cause involuntary urination. During pregnancy, sweating also increases, as the entire metabolic process accelerates. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene.


During pregnancy, vaginal discharge usually increases. When they cause itching or have a strong odor, it is necessary to get tested, as these leucorrhoea can be a sign of inflammation. Washing is done with clean water without soap and sanitary napkins, which can irritate the mucous membrane. Douching is not recommended, as it increases the risk of premature birth.

Bloody issues

During pregnancy, menstruation does not appear because the mucous membrane of the uterus, which comes out during menstruation, is necessary for the development of pregnancy: the fertilized egg attaches to it. However, in the first two months of pregnancy, small spotting may appear when menstruation should have occurred in the absence of pregnancy. In addition, any bleeding from the vagina is an alarming sign, and if it occurs, you should immediately go to the hospital or see a doctor.

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

About half of pregnant women suffer from a painful feeling of nausea in the first half of pregnancy, especially in the morning when the stomach is empty. This may be accompanied by dizziness and darkening of the eyes when getting out of bed. Nausea usually stops by the fourth month of pregnancy. The feeling of nausea can be alleviated if, before getting out of bed, you eat, for example, wholemeal cookies, crackers, a slice of bread, drink a glass of milk, etc. These “snacks” can be placed by your bed in the evening. You should get out of bed slowly and calmly. It’s good to lie down for a while before getting up.

Nausea may appear unexpectedly during the day if the stomach is empty. Therefore, it is recommended to eat little by little throughout the day.

However, severe, uncontrollable vomiting is not normal, even during pregnancy. You should consult a doctor about this.


From the beginning of pregnancy, the mammary glands enlarge. They may become tender and swollen. Starting in the second month of pregnancy, colostrum may ooze from the nipples. At this stage, the mammary glands are sensitive to cold and therefore need to be kept warm. In winter, while walking, you can, for example, wrap your chest in a large woolen scarf. It is not recommended to swim in cold water.

It is good to massage the nipples with a basic cream, which is sold at the pharmacy, so that the skin of the nipples becomes rough and can withstand sucking. If your nipples are small or inverted, they should be pulled out daily for several months before birth to make them easier for your baby to latch on to.


In pregnant women, especially those who easily gain weight, the so-called so-called sore throat may appear on the mammary glands, abdomen and thighs. scars. These reddish stripes, reminiscent of tears, fade in many people and become almost invisible after childbirth. In the initial period, they can be lubricated with a base cream.

Darkening of the skin

During pregnancy, the skin usually darkens, especially the nipples and external genitalia. A brown line often appears from the lower abdomen to the navel. Dark spots may appear on the face. They turn pale after childbirth, but there are no special treatments for them.


In the second half of pregnancy, heartburn is usually tormented, and to avoid it, you must abstain from spicy foods and do not drink coffee or strong tea. Also, foods fried in oil cause heartburn.

Consumption of soda and salt increases swelling. At the antenatal clinic you can get information about safe remedies for heartburn. It will disappear on its own after the baby is born.


Minor swelling is common unless it is associated with increased blood pressure or protein leakage into the urine. A sharp excessive increase in weight (for a mother of average height - over 500 g per week) is a sign of a violation of the normal state, so you should immediately contact a antenatal clinic or a doctor.


During pregnancy, varicose veins and cramps intensify and the susceptibility to them increases as the uterus puts pressure on the veins. To reduce painful sensations in the second half of pregnancy, it is recommended to purchase a special belt-bandage and elastic stockings. Stockings should be put on your legs without getting out of bed. It’s good to rest your legs during the day by raising them perpendicularly up, and at night keep a pillow under them. Shoes should not squeeze the foot and should not have very high heels. It's good to change shoes throughout the day.


Those suffering from cramps are advised to stretch their legs by squeezing and stretching their toes, tensing and relaxing their legs from the knees. For cramps, stretch the knee, grab the big toe and lift the leg up. Night socks also help.

Hemorrhoids and constipation

The growing uterus puts pressure on the rectum and thereby increases the tendency for hemorrhoids. Constipation worsens hemorrhoids, so special attention should be paid to your diet. Constipation is reduced by fiber contained, for example, in whole-ground bread and porridge, vegetables, berries and fruits, which should be consumed in large quantities daily. It is necessary to drink enough liquid, you can eat

add wheat bran, wheat kernels and dried fruits, which stimulate intestinal function. Exercise also promotes stomach functions.

Back pain

As the abdomen grows, the back muscles experience greater strain, which is often felt as pain. Good posture, i.e. drawing in the abdomen (before possible during pregnancy) reduces pain. Good bras and jockstraps and loose, low-heeled shoes will ease the strain on your back. It is best to sleep on a mattress that, taking the shape of your back, simultaneously supports it. Tense muscles relax if they are gently massaged and given rest. Strengthen the abdominal muscles and light exercise. Recommendations for proper exercise can be obtained from the antenatal clinic.

Physical training

During pregnancy, it is important for the mother to improve her health by doing as much physical exercise as possible and walking in the fresh air. The good physical condition of the mother contributes to the good health of the child. Physical activity can usually be continued until the end of pregnancy. However, just in case, you should avoid sports and dances that involve jumping, stretching and other sudden movements. Also, due to the risk of inflammation and contractions of the uterus, you should carefully consider whether you should swim in cold water. Experience shows that quiet daily walks are a very beneficial form of exercise.

Light housework also provides the necessary muscle load. Heavy housework such as hand washing carpets increases the risk of miscarriage. Long-distance car trips or motorcycling are also not recommended. Flying in airplanes where the air pressure cannot be adjusted can make it difficult for the fetus to get oxygen.

Safety belt

The mandatory use of seat belts now also applies to those sitting in the rear seats. The current three-point safety belts are also reliable for a baby. However, sometimes towards the end of pregnancy it becomes difficult to use the belt. If using the belt is difficult due to illness, the doctor may issue a certificate exempting you from using the belt.

Sexual intercourse

Sexual intercourse is possible throughout pregnancy, unless the doctor advises otherwise. However, sexual intercourse should be avoided in the first days of the second and third months of pregnancy (when menstruation should begin), since then there is a risk of miscarriage. If the abdomen becomes enlarged during sexual intercourse, you should try different positions. Some women feel tired at the beginning of pregnancy and lose the desire to have sex, but usually sex life during pregnancy is more enjoyable than usual, since there is no need to worry about protection. If one of you has no desire for sexual intercourse, show affection to each other in other ways. Anything that brings pleasure to both is related to love life.


Tobacco smoke often causes nausea in a pregnant woman. Both mother and father should quit smoking for the benefit of their own health and the health of the child. Nicotine and fumes in smoke pass from the mother's blood through the placenta to the fetus and interfere with the functions of the placenta. Children of smoking women tend to be smaller at birth than children of non-smoking women.

During breastfeeding, nicotine is absorbed into the mother's milk, causing anxiety, digestive upset and tearfulness in the child. Tobacco smoke can cause cough and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract in a child during the first year of life. Smoking is therefore harmful to the baby in many ways.

Alcohol consumption

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can harm both the fetus and the mother. Even small doses can be harmful if alcohol is consumed daily. There is no known safe limit for drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Therefore, a pregnant mother is advised to abstain from drinking alcohol throughout her pregnancy.