French style in clothing for women: simplicity and elegance of the image. Fashionable French style - comfort and elegance French style outfit

French clothing style is a special mood. You just put on an airy dress in pink and pastel tones, threw a gray jacket over your shoulders, and immediately a picture appeared in your head of how you are sitting in a small cozy coffee shop, sipping a caramel latte and reading a book, and then He appears at the door! He sits down next to you at the table, gallantly moves his chair a little closer, leisurely leans over your ear (in which a sophisticated miniature earring with pearls flaunts) and gently whispers: “formidable.”

The attractiveness of French women is a clear example of the fact that you don’t have to wear an ultra-short top and shorts that look more like underwear to attract attention on the street.

Well, how could it be otherwise? - you ask. There is an alternative to excessive frankness and mega-supersexuality - the elegance and chic of French style, which has its own secrets. Want something artsy? Look for it in .

Modern French style of clothing: secrets

Secret No. 1: minus one detail

The well-known (in the fashion world for sure) Coco Chanel once revealed one of her style secrets, which says: “before leaving the house, look in the mirror and take off one of the items of clothing or some accessory.” Just like the little black dress saying, she was right.

It just so happens that girls are divided into two types: some don’t wear accessories at all, others, on the contrary, are hung with them as if they were going to a children’s “Christmas tree” as this very Christmas tree. And now we’re not just talking about costume jewelry and jewelry, we’re talking about all the accessories that complement your look: various scarves, glasses, handkerchiefs, handbags.

If you want to change your current style in favor of French, remember: excesses in detail are inappropriate here.

Secret No. 2: just one accent

With the onset of the new season, all kinds of designers (of which, it seems, there are already more than plumbers) throw a wagonload of various fashion trends into the consumption carousel. But you and I know that you should not blindly follow everything that is offered to you.

One catchy detail on which all attention will be focused is quite enough - this is what the French style of clothing adheres to. Women in France know that a chic and extremely fashionable dress must be combined with a simple handbag and modest shoes. This technique not only emphasizes the beauty of the dress, but also allows you to look sophisticated and natural.

Secret No. 3: skirt + blouse + sweater = win-win combo!

The French style has one distinctive feature - adherence to a uniform. In any French apartment, in any French closet of a real French fashionista, you will definitely find a snow-white blouse, a black pencil skirt and a jumper with a V-neck. These three things act as the building blocks of any look. By combining each of these wardrobe items with other items, you can create many great options. If you want, put it all on at once.

Secret No. 4: your boyfriend

There is a saying: boys like girls who look like boys. This proverb is also reflected in French-style clothing. No, we do not encourage you to buy clothes in the men's department. When we say “like a boy,” we mean simple black trousers, oxford shirts, fitted jackets, scarves and hats.

Secret #5: Just Add a Scarf

When we imagine the image of a Parisian woman, we almost always see a stylishly dressed, fragile girl with a scarf tied around her neck. But that’s how it is! The scarf is an important element of the style of Parisian fashionistas. It is worn with any outfit and at any time of the year: pinned with a brooch, combined with two scarves at once and tied in fancy knots.

Secret #6: Silhouette

What else do we associate with French style? Dresses, of course! And of course those dresses that create a clear, beautiful silhouette. Shape, fabric and cut - all these things are designed to highlight the figure, leaving no doubt: it is flawless. Moreover, this is not necessarily a tight outfit.

Secret #7: Correct Length

There are no extremes in the French style! Neither ultra-mini nor super-maxi. French women prefer medium-length dresses and skirts, knee-length. And this is not just like that, the fact is that this length is suitable for any girl and for every occasion. Here's the formula: straight formal skirt to the knee + cute blouson + shoes with heels + clutch and simple cardigan– this is truly gorgeous!

French clothing style for women

French women love elegant dresses that emphasize their figure, all kinds of trench coats, cardigans and light silk or chiffon blouses. You can also see a serious lady in black trousers, a cotton shirt and a classic jacket. Refined scarves, stylish accessories, small handbags and low-heeled shoes are included.

A Harris Interactive study found that men are more likely to be with French women in their sexual fantasies than with girls of other nationalities. French women are elegant, young and full of life even in adulthood; they can sit in a cafe for hours, eat croissants, without worrying about their figure. At the same time, they look so calm and relaxed that we can only enviously ask: what is the secret of French women, what do these women do differently from us?

We admire French style and want to know: what is it really like, this relaxed, harmonious life à la française? Find out about the eating habits of French women, personal care, clothing style and the secrets of good manners.

59-year-old French model, style icon Inès de la Fressange, author of the book “French Chic”

Nutrition secrets of French women

1. A glass of water before breakfast. French women start a new day with a glass of drinking water, which they drink half an hour before. Thus, they not only benefit the stomach, but also moisturize the skin from the inside.

2. Eat small portions. French women pay attention to the quality of their food and eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and soups. Since only healthy food is served at the table, there is no reason for bad thoughts and feelings of guilt. Therefore, relaxed French women can indulge in several dishes, including dessert, without gaining weight. Balance and small portions are key when enjoying food. If you know that a delicious dessert awaits you, then it will not be difficult for you to put the piece of bread aside. There is no need to control calories, as is common among Americans. Instead, always place half a portion on your plate.

3. Limit sugar and flour.“I’ve stopped eating carbohydrates since April,” this is something you’ll never hear from a French woman. If their jeans start to feel tight, French women react immediately before they actually start to lose their shape. Hint: sweets and starchy foods add weight the fastest. Limit these figure-damaging foods to prevent the problem before it becomes a big deal. The word “diet” is not known in the land of croissants.

Emmanuelle Alt (49 years old), editor-in-chief of French Vogue and a typical French woman

Secrets of beauty and self-care

4. Don't look young - be beautiful at any age. While American women strive to look as young as possible and resort to facelifts to achieve this, French women consider themselves attractive and far beyond... How do they do it? They accept aging and understand that they can please and seduce at any age.

The main thing is posture and style, French women believe. At 50, it is impossible to look like a twenty-year-old. And if, despite this, you constantly strive to look younger, you will end up with nothing but torment. It’s better to find what you consider beautiful in yourself and emphasize it, rather than imitate your daughter’s style.

5. Invest in self-care - but wisely! Many women are willing to spend large sums on beauty. And often to the wrong things. Instead of using outrageously expensive face creams, it is better to visit the dentist more often and whiten your teeth. Because with a radiant smile you can forget about everything else. The truth is that affordable cosmetics from a good manufacturer are no worse than expensive ones! For example, argan oil after washing can work wonders.

Léa Seydoux, French actress and model

6. Botox? In no case! In the US, visiting a beauty doctor has long been considered good form. In France, they prefer other means of combating aging. Many French women use moisturizing masks and move a lot. Daily walking, good sleep and proper nutrition are much better than injections.

7. Wear light makeup. A little blush, natural eye shadow, mascara and beautiful lip gloss will add sophistication and completeness to your look.

8. Try to always be perfect. Heading to the nearest store? Make an effort to look chic. You may meet the man of your life when you least expect it.

9. Think about yourself. More often than not, women have to make a lot of sacrifices in order to better care for their family. But in France it is believed that only a woman who is in harmony with herself can be a good mother. Of course, women here also love their children, but they do not feel guilty when they combine motherhood with other activities, such as love affairs or cosmetic procedures.

French women's style secrets

10. Dress smartly. French women do not like excesses. If you wear short skirts, choose discreet styles. Wear a sheer blouse and pair it with skinny black trousers. Experiment with sex appeal, but don't be too explicit.

11. Use accessories. But moderation is important - do not hang yourself with trinkets from head to toe. Include only one statement accent to your look - for example, a cute silk scarf or a beautiful brooch.

12. Buy timeless classics. You may be tempted to buy an extravagant item. A true Parisian will only buy what matches the rest of her wardrobe. Without a doubt, you should be aware of fashion trends. But that doesn't mean you have to spend a fortune on them. For example, a style from (little black dress or suit) will suit any occasion. And since such things will last you a long time, you can buy something more expensive.

Gabrielle Chanel, an orphan girl who gave the world the little black dress and jackets of a special elegant cut, and also defended the right of women to wear trousers

13. Mix styles! If an image is too perfect, it may seem boring. The Parisian always breaks the usual standards: she wears sandals instead of sneakers with regular jeans, and sneakers pair with a tuxedo. She never follows the rules of typical girls and does not repeat looks from the catwalks. Anyone who knows how to combine high fashion with cheap clothes from a sale creates their own style.

14. Don't become hostage to fashion. When a French woman looks at women in uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, she imagines how much pain these shoes bring. She has no desire to wear them. As well as uncomfortable trousers, a miniskirt that needs to be constantly adjusted. The motto of French women is: only those clothes look good in which you feel comfortable.

15. Wear nice lingerie. You will immediately feel sexier if you know that your image is completely flawless.

16. Less is always better. This applies to makeup, as well as accessories and perfume - otherwise your friends will have a headache. For women who think they need to hide the signs of aging, be warned: black pencil highlights crow's feet, while glitter accentuates the finest lines. It is better not to wear too much makeup. Our advice: remove all unnecessary cosmetics from your dressing table!

Secrets of French education

17. Respect yourself and others. French women are sweet, welcoming and friendly. They do not conflict in public places; they greet the saleswoman in a store or the cashier in the subway before asking them for a request.

18. Smile. In fact, the French tend to restrain their emotions and smile quite rarely. But there is nothing more beautiful and sexier than a smile on the face of a well-dressed, confident woman.

19. Stay mysterious. Americans have a bad habit of telling their life story even to complete strangers. The French are very reserved - they guard their privacy like a precious pearl! Nothing excites men more than a mystery that they will strive to unravel.

20. Build self-confidence. It is easy to see that this quality is inherent in all Frenchmen, both men and women.

Top photo: Ines de la Fressange

What should be understood by the expression “French style”? The concept of harmony of clothing and body by French women.

The emergence of the French style

Of course, associations come with the 17th century, the beginning of the emergence of exquisite luxury. The founder is considered to be Louis, who was partial to refined beauty.
Further, they consider Madame Chanel Coco to be the legislator and giver of new life and new form.

How can the French style clearly stand out from the variety of other styles?

This is a commitment to the classics and its manifestation in a sophisticated and correct emphasis on stylish accessories that emphasize individuality.
The intelligentsia is praised for its refinement of spirit, with delightful carefreeness, like airy butterflies fluttering smoothly in bright colors.
This style is distinguished by its relaxed femininity and real, genuine joy of life.

Elements of French style from Coco Chanel

How the famous writer Francoise Sagan correctly defined this style - “The ease of bourgeois luxury.”

Convenience, comfort and luxury are intertwined with feminine elegance, filling a woman with youth and forgotten carelessness. This style contains unusualness and a sharp change in stereotypes.

The relevance of the French style.

Inimitable laconicism of the outfit framed by bright accessories, emphasizing the female body, without flashy pretentiousness. Elements from the men's wardrobe and flowing, soft fabrics in neutral colors were boldly added.

Examples of the use of men's details in the cut of French-style women's clothing

Continued the well-known romantic style and added additions Ines de la Fressange.
A lady so famous in aristocratic circles with a family name, a model and trendsetter of a sophisticated trend in fashion. As one of the leading designers, she brought art to life.

Speaking about French style, the names of famous bright and unusual women who are open to the happiness and joys come to mind.

Elegance in women's images of Paris
  • Marion's clothing style.
  • Naturalness Emmanuel Al.
  • Frankness of Carine Roitfel.
  • Knowing how to present herself with the luxury of the 60s, Julia Restoin-Roitfel.
  • Melanie Laura's carelessness.
  • A combination of clothing that would seem incompatible with Charlotte Gainsbout’s inherent sense of smell.
  • Playing with color and texture Garance Dor.
  • Romance Clémence Poet.
  • You can also recall the vivid image of Sofia Coppola and Audrey Tautou.

French style 2016, main trends.

Despite the decade difference, French chic remains relevant. Relatively “young” fashion houses have also appeared in France. Keeping the classics and adding a little fashion trends.
Promod can be distinguished as one of the leading companies in elegant women's clothing, founded in 1975.

Examples of street fashion in French style - 2016

The men's clothing line can be presented by one of the brand Celio .

French style accessories and its characteristics

Elegant shoes made of quality material, high heels, or the simplicity and convenience of ballet flats.
The comfort of knee-high boots and the denial of sportswear in everyday life.
A combination of laconic items with expensive and luxurious scarves, gloves, clutches and other classic attributes.
Elegant high-heeled shoes, straight trousers made of expensive cashmere, luxurious sweaters that are tight-fitting and emphasize the chest, etc.

All this is femininity and sophistication.

Options for women's trousers and jeans are only classic cut and delicate colors.
The ability to use contrasting colors and combine shades, using moderation in ensembles.
There is no age limit for French style.

It exists equally for girls over 18 and for mature women who know how to appreciate and love themselves.

The main advantage of French women is the ability to present themselves beautifully and correctly.
Proud and slender posture.
Clothing that emphasizes your strengths and skillfully hides your flaws.
Love for yourself and for life, innate grace, is what can transform any woman into a girl.

The style and cut of the French style are the forms of unchanging classics.

Colors characteristic of the French style:
* Classic white.
* Classic Black and shades of black.
* Classic brown.
* Dark blue and light shades of blue.
* Gray color and shades of gray.
* Cream.
* Bordeaux.
* Green color.

French-style clothing is its main features.

What should a real woman have in her wardrobe?

Examples of French style in detail

For the French style it is appropriate:

  1. A black pencil skirt that emphasizes the pleasant curves of the body.
  2. A little black dress is the luxury of any seductive woman.
  3. A beautiful coat or raincoat made of natural trapezoidal fabric that will highlight your figure.
  4. Body-fitting V-neck sweater in pastel colours.
  5. A fitted dress in harmonious colors with a full flared skirt.
  6. A must-have accessory, such as a classic wide-brimmed hat or a small flirty hat.
  7. A luxurious boa, scarf or silk neckerchief that will make a woman different from others.
  8. Gloves made of thin leather or expensive lace.
  9. Weekend small bags and clutches.
  10. T-shirts, vests and other things that make a woman's breasts attractive.

A Parisian woman's wardrobe has been and remains one of the most coveted items for fashionistas. The relaxed yet luxurious aesthetic of French women is something to be admired (and copied). What is included in the list of basic items? Fashion bloggers from France can best tell you about the necessary components of style. The girls named five irreplaceable things and talked a little about why they wear them in everyday life. These tips, based on each fashionista’s personal preferences for certain techniques or brands, will help create the coveted image of a French woman.

What basic items do Parisian fashionistas wear?


A loose blazer is a worthy alternative to a classic jacket

“What I love about a blazer is that it elevates a casual look (like a simple white T-shirt with skinny jeans) and adds masculinity to an ultra-feminine outfit like a luxe evening dress, for example. I love my square-shouldered blazer in a beautiful, expensive fabric.”

“Every French woman has at least one blazer in her wardrobe. This thing never gets old. I have three of these: a black model, a dark blue one and a more extravagant eighties-style red one with voluminous shoulders. I wear blazers under my coat instead of a pullover in winter.”

“A black blazer is the most important thing in my fashion arsenal. It can make any look more sophisticated and helps you create your own style.”

Striped T-shirt

A striped T-shirt (or vest) is one of the things that the whole world associates with the words “French style”

“I have a lot of white striped T-shirts in my wardrobe. This is the only print that I like because it is independent, but at the same time discreet.”

“This is my favorite thing in the French style. I feel younger when I wear a T-shirt like this, I immediately want to act at ease.”

“Stripe T-shirts can be even more versatile than white ones. I've purchased several vests in a variety of color combinations and I never get tired of them. It's a great basic garment."

Trench coat

A trench coat is indispensable not only in early autumn and late spring, but also in cool summer

Tokyobanhbao Blog:

“The trench coat is a classic, it is simply irreplaceable in rainy Parisian weather. I wear a Burberry raincoat when it's a little chilly outside, but I also have a few loose ones for sunny weather. They can be combined with anything.”

“A vintage Jean Paul Gaultier vest or an iconic British Burberry trench will add interest to your look if you adapt them to suit your own style. You can be creative with even the most basic things.”

“This is an off-season item that will come to the rescue in bad weather. I've always wanted a vintage Burberry trench coat, but now I've decided to save up for a Céline trench coat that goes perfectly with everything."

High Waist Jeans

High-waisted jeans are versatile - they can be worn with T-shirts, shirts and sweaters

“This is my favorite thing in my wardrobe. I wear these jeans all the time - they go well with a pair of Converse sneakers during the day, with heels in the evening, or you can create a whole denim look.”

“I like mom jeans. I love pairing them with boyish T-shirts that are too big for me to create a nineties look - I love it.”

“Sometimes it takes some work to find your perfect pair of high-waisted jeans, but once you get them, nothing can separate you. They're cool and scream chic - no matter what you pair them with."

Romantic blouse

A blouse like this will add romance and sensuality to your look.

“I prefer silk blouses in the color of unbleached linen. I like to wear them open with a triangle bra. It’s cool to show off a little bit of what kind of underwear you have under your clothes.”