Homemade face mask. The best folk and homemade cleansing masks for facial skin. Purifying face mask for dry skin

Every day our skin is exposed to negative environmental influences. These are exhaust gases, dust, excessive work of the sebaceous glands. All this leads to clogged pores, inflammation and acne on the face, and the complexion becomes gray and unhealthy.

In order for the dermis to be healthy, radiant and young for a long time, it is necessary to regularly carry out procedures to cleanse the epidermis. In this case, masks for deep cleansing of the skin would be an ideal option.

Why do you need cleansing masks?

When using a scrub, the product is in contact with the dermis for only a few minutes while the scrubbing procedure takes place. When using a cleansing mask, the product remains on the skin for a long time. Thanks to this, the active components of the cosmetic product have time to penetrate deep into the epidermis, cleanse the pores of impurities and blackheads.

Read about the benefits of a raspberry mask.

Natural face masks contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

The cleansing mask performs the following functions:

  • exfoliates the dead layer of cells;
  • dissolves the contents of pores and gets rid of sebaceous plugs and blackheads;
  • cleanses pores of dust, dirt, sweat, cosmetic residues;
  • after the cleansing procedure, the skin looks clean, radiant, and the complexion improves;
  • improves blood circulation and microcirculation;
  • reduces inflammation, rashes, helps in the fight against acne.

Proper use of a cleanser gives an effect almost immediately, so you must follow certain rules for applying and preparing masks.


In the field of cosmetology, several types of cleansing masks are used. You can use any option that suits you and your skin for personal purposes. You can make your own skin care product at home or purchase a ready-made product in a store. Let's consider what types of cosmetic products exist.

Read the features of the rejuvenating face mask with elk milk “Agafia’s Bathhouse”.

Cleansing paste

This product is something between a peeling and a mask. It has approximately the same effect on the dermis as the clay mass. Using the paste, you can get rid of oily shine, dead cells, cleanse pores and remove. The product may contain various plant extracts and extracts. Regular use of this product helps improve the condition of the epidermis, relief, remove impurities and make the complexion radiant and healthy.


This option is suitable for girls who have enlarged pores. The mask can be used before scrubbing or light peeling. The consistency of the product is a thick mass, which is applied to the face in an even layer, after which, after some time, a slight warmth and sauna effect is felt. The product is suitable for girls with any type of dermis, including sensitive ones.

You will find mango mask recipes.

Warming masks help tighten pores.

Patch mask

It is a real mask, which is impregnated with a special composition of nutrients and microelements. It is quite convenient to use such a product, since you just need to apply it to your face and leave it for a while. This usually takes 15-20 minutes, after which it can be removed just as easily. The basic rule when using a cosmetic product is that it does not require rinsing with water; the beneficial components must be completely absorbed into the epidermis.

Film mask

This option is perfect for those with oily or problematic skin, as it can easily remove blackheads and sebaceous plugs. At first it looks like a regular transparent gel, which is applied to a clean face in a thick layer. This is done to make it easier to remove the mask later. After applying the product to the face, it dries and forms a film, which then simply needs to be removed. This way you can deeply cleanse pores, remove impurities and oily shine.

Clay mask

This type is the most popular, as the result is noticeable immediately after application. Clay is selected depending on the type of dermis and depending on the problem that needs to be solved. There are several types of clays, each of which performs its own specific functions. Green and received the best reviews, as they are great for problem skin.

The benefits of cleansing masks

Homemade face masks are no less effective than store-bought ones. The result and benefits of the cosmetic product depend on what ingredients were used to prepare the mass. The choice of components should be approached carefully, since dry dermis requires hydration, and oily skin needs to solve the problem of excessive sebum production.

You will learn about a mask made from colorless henna.

Clay is more suitable for oily and combination skin.

A natural remedy for cleansing the epidermis can remove the dead layer of cells, improve blood circulation, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, smooth out facial wrinkles, launch the processes of natural collagen production, give the skin an even color and make it smooth and velvety.

Features and result of application

The ingredients for making a homemade cosmetic mask can be found in almost any refrigerator, so such a product will be cost-effective. The homemade cleanser does not contain preservatives or chemical ingredients, so this product is stored for a short time.

The mass for application must be prepared immediately before use.

To achieve maximum effect from the procedure, you must adhere to some features and rules of application:

  1. Oily and combination dermis need cleansing the most. Indications for use of the mask include blackheads, enlarged pores, sebaceous plugs, oily sheen, acne, etc.
  2. Such products should be used for dry dermis with caution and the cosmetic product must be selected with special care.
  3. Before using a new product, be sure to do an allergy test.
  4. It is best to apply the mass to a pre-steamed face. To do this, you can take a hot shower, sit in the bathtub, or breathe over a bowl of hot water.
  5. When applying the composition to the face, you should massage the dermis a little, as if using a scrub.
  6. It is necessary to keep the composition on the face for 10-30 minutes, depending on the mask.
  7. Film masks must be removed before they break into a rough crust. It is better to remove such masks with wet hands, jerking from bottom to top.
  8. You need to carry out procedures with masks to cleanse pores no more than 1-2 times a week.
  9. The mask is best used as a course for 1-2 months.

It should be remembered that the effect of the cleansing procedure may not be immediate. Some girls took more than a month to notice a visible effect. Also, using mask products, you can slow down the aging process of the skin, smooth out wrinkles and improve the condition of the epidermis.

Read about the features of a chocolate face mask.

Honey masks are useful at any age.

The best cleansing masks

Most well-known cosmetics brands offer ready-made masks for deep cleansing of the dermis. Consider:

  • Himalaya herbalsCleansing mud. The product is suitable for oily and combination skin. The product contains mineral clay, walnut and vetiver particles. Using a mask, you can deeply cleanse pores, remove excess sebum, and get rid of blackheads. After using this product, the skin becomes elastic and the complexion improves. The mask is suitable for girls of any age, starting from 18 years. The product costs 150-180 rubles.
  • Avon Planet SPA“Excellent cleansing” with Dead Sea minerals. The product contains Dead Sea minerals, which can help improve the condition of the dermis, cleanse pores, smooth out fine wrinkles and remove impurities. The product is suitable for girls of all ages with any skin type. Costs about 300 rubles.
  • Clean Line “Black Spruce and Charcoal”. The main active ingredients of this product are black spruce bark extract and charcoal. Thanks to these components, it perfectly cleanses the skin, regulates the sebaceous glands and improves complexion. Oak bark extract moisturizes the epidermis, refreshes it and gives a charge of freshness and energy. Suitable for girls aged 20 years. The product costs 140-150 rubles.
  • AHAVA Purifying Mud Mask. Girls with oily or combination skin types can use this product. If the product is used for dry dermis, then after use it is recommended to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Tones, evens out complexion, improves the condition of the epidermis and whitens age spots. Suitable for representatives of the fair sex over the age of 25 years. The product costs approximately 2300 rubles.
  • LOreal“Magic of Clay” cleansing and mattifying with eucalyptus, for all skin types. The action of the mask is aimed at deep cleansing the epidermis, narrowing pores and mattifying. The composition contains three types of clays that perfectly cope with the task. There are no age restrictions for use, so girls aged 14+ can use the product. The price of the product is about 550 rubles.

Price: 550 rubles.

  • Agafya's bathhouse Tar cleansing. The natural components included in the composition deeply cleanse the dermis, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieve inflammation, open and cleanse pores, giving the skin a radiant, healthy look. Sage extract and honey make the skin more elastic. The product has no age restrictions and can be used by girls over 14 years old. The mask costs 80 rubles.
  • Belita-Vitex thermal line – peeling mask with thermal water. Suitable for use for all skin types, including sensitive ones. The thermal water included in the composition perfectly moisturizes the epidermis, saturates it with useful minerals, and increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin. The presence of tiny particles of red coral algae gives a peeling effect, due to which the dermis is cleansed of impurities and toxins, its elasticity and smoothness increases. The product is suitable for girls aged 20+. Price – 110 rubles.
  • OriflameSwedishSPAsalon. The components are white clay, malachite and a calming complex. Thanks to them, the dermis becomes refreshed and clean. Malachite removes toxins, has regenerating properties, and also improves complexion and skin texture. Suitable for use by ages 25+. Product price 600-650 rubles.
  • blue cleansing with cornflower blue water. The product is intended for oily and problem skin of any age. The product contains blue clay, which perfectly cleanses the epidermis, tightens pores, eliminates oily shine and restores the natural moisture balance of the skin. The mask also has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces redness and rashes. The product costs 95 rubles.
  • Dermal deep cleansing with charcoal. Due to the fact that the composition contains charcoal, known for its absorbent properties, the product does a good job of cleansing the skin and eliminating oily sheen. The use of this product helps improve the condition of the epidermis, removes toxins, and gives the skin matte and radiant appearance. Suitable for any skin type and any age. The product costs 80-100 rubles.

Price: 80-100 rubles.

  • APIEU Pore Deep Clear Black Charcoaldeep cleansing with charcoal. This is a fabric mask that is impregnated with a special composition that contains minerals and trace elements necessary for the proper functioning of the sebaceous glands. The charcoal in the composition cleanses pores well, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has an antibacterial effect and helps maintain the natural water balance in the deep layers of the epidermis. Suitable for use by girls aged 14+ who need to solve the problem of blackheads. The price of one mask is 85 rubles.
  • Belita-Vitex “Healing Bath” Deep cleansing with green clay and tea tree oil. Suitable for oily, problematic or inflamed dermis. Green clay deeply cleanses the skin, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates oily shine, relieves inflammation and reduces rashes. The composition also contains phosphorus, magnesium, copper and other useful elements that additionally moisturize, nourish and tone the epidermis. Tea tree oil has an anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used by girls aged 20+. The price of the product is 80 rubles.
  • Film mask for facial skinNIVEACLEANSINGaqua effect. The mask is designed for girls with combination dermis of any age. The active components included in the composition exfoliate dead cells, refresh and tone the dermis. Thanks to the cooling effect, the skin receives a charge of vigor and freshness. Costs 100 rubles.
  • OriflameBurdock. Recommended for use for oily skin, as it contains burdock extract, which is rich in beneficial elements and vitamins. After using the clay mask, the dermis is deeply cleansed and not overdried. Suitable for girls aged 14+. Costs 110 rubles.
  • APieupeat extract and charcoalFresh Mate Peat Mask Pore Clearing. This mask has a rich composition that solves most skin problems. White clay starts the process of collagen production, making the skin firm and elastic, relieves inflammation and reduces rashes, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves swelling and removes toxins. Chestnut extract has an antibacterial effect, dries out acne, relieves inflammation, and tightens pores. Charcoal is excellent at fighting acne. The mask can be used by girls aged 14+. The product costs 300-350 rubles.

Price: 300-350 rubles.

  • Scrub and cleansing mask for facial skinOriflame“Code of Purity” (PureSkin) .A special series for problem skin, which helps solve the problem of enlarged pores, blackheads and oily shine. Consists of a soft scrub and a cleansing mask. The active components of the series are salicylic acid, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and pomegranate extract, which deeply cleanses pores and removes blackheads. Can be used at any age. Approximate price: 95 rubles.
  • BIOAQUA Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask. , which, when applied, begins to bubble, due to which it penetrates deeply into the epidermis, removes toxins and impurities, cleanses pores and gives the skin firmness and elasticity. After use, the complexion becomes more even and the skin texture is evened out. Suitable for use by ages 20+. The price of the product is approximately 350 rubles.
  • VilentaclaySkin Perfector. The product is based on white clay and zinc oxide, which are known for their absorbent and anti-inflammatory effects. The mask perfectly mattifies the skin, evens out its texture, removes toxins and deeply cleanses the epidermis. Age range of the product is 25+. Product price 140 rubles.
  • Beauty Formulas Gloriousmud. A clay-based cosmetic product removes excess sebum, dead epidermal cells, and cleanses pores of sebaceous plugs and impurities. Suitable for girls of any skin type over the age of 18. The price of the product is 150-160 rubles.

Price: 150-160 rubles.

  • AvonPore ​​cleansing. The mask is created on the basis of clay in addition to beneficial microelements that absorb sebum, cleanse pores, remove toxins, relieve inflammation, and get rid of blackheads. Can be used by girls aged 20+. The price of the product is 200 rubles.
  • Vichy Masque peel double eclat. The mask is designed for dull skin that needs to be brightened with gentle exfoliation. Fruit acids have a chemical peeling effect, and particles of volcanic origin provide a mechanical cleaning effect. As a result of using the product, the skin texture instantly improves, the skin texture is evened out, and the dermis becomes firm and elastic. Recommended for use from the age of 25 years. A jar costs 1200 rubles.
  • Faberlic EXPERT for deep skin cleansing. The green clay in the composition helps to narrow enlarged pores, has a cleansing and disinfecting effect, while preventing premature aging of the dermis, making it more elastic. Liquorice extract has an anti-inflammatory effect, soothing and brightening the dermis. The product is designed for girls aged 30+, but can be used from the age of 20. The product costs 320 rubles.
  • Planeta Organica Secrets of Arcticaon arctic peat And kaolin. The peat included in the composition, like a sponge, pulls out all the impurities from the pores, improves the condition of the epidermis and complexion. Kaolin gets rid of blackheads, eliminates oily shine and controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Icelandic moss has an anti-inflammatory effect. Suitable for oily skin of any age. The product costs 195 rubles.
  • GREEN MAMA“Plantain juice and horsetail”. The mask deeply cleanses pores, controls excessive sebaceous glands, refreshes the face and has an anti-inflammatory effect. As a result of use, the dermis looks fresh, clean and radiant. Can be used from age 20+. The product costs 250-300 rubles.
  • MaskfilmElizavecca Milky Piggy Hell Pore Clean Up Mask. The product perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities, dust, cosmetic residues, removes the keratinized layer of cells and blackheads. In addition, the mask has a rejuvenating effect due to the fact that it contains swallow's nest extract. This series also contains. Can be used at the age of 18+. The price of the product is 1400 rubles.

Price: 1400 rubles.

  • Shiseido The Skin care Purifying Mask. A product based on sea mineral clay, which perfectly cleanses the dermis, refreshes, tones and rejuvenates it. Suitable for girls of any skin type and at any age. The price of the mask is 3500 rubles.
  • Cleansing mask For facesClearing super mud treatment. Clay-based cleanser with additional plant extracts. Thanks to its good composition, the mask cleanses the skin, relieves inflammation and reduces redness, evens out the skin texture, making it radiant and healthy. Can be used by ages 25+. The price of the mask is 4900 rubles.


Like any other cosmetic product, cleansing face masks have a number of contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before use.

The formation of acne and other types of formations on the face is a consequence of many reasons, the most common of which is improper skin care. Using the right methods, you can cleanse your skin, thereby preventing the formation of blemishes. But choosing the right methods is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The most common option is face masks.

There are recipes that are most popular among modern patients. They get the best reviews and, as practice shows, they really help rid the skin of pollution. But you must take into account that a lot depends on the type of skin and the specific characteristics of the body. Masks that work great for one patient may be completely useless for another. Only a consultation with a highly qualified specialist will help you choose the right product the first time.

Many recipes involve the use of a variety of chemicals in preparation. Moreover, cosmetology companies offer ready-made preparations that need to be diluted with water or immediately applied to the skin of the face in pure form. But practice shows that the best results can be achieved with drugs that contain natural substances.

The best recipes for cleansing facial skin from acne

Recently, products that allow not only cleansing the face, but also removing existing formations from the skin are gaining popularity. The preparation principle is no more complicated than in conventional cleansing masks, but the result of their use is much better.

1. Cucumber and protein cleansing mask

Both ingredients are quite often used in cosmetology. Cucumbers help remove harmful substances from the sebaceous canals and narrow them. The second effect is enhanced by protein. To prepare, peel one large cucumber and grate it on a fine grater. Add the white of one chicken egg and mix the resulting mass thoroughly.

Apply the mask to your face and lie down so that all the particles remain in the right places. After 10-15 minutes, when you feel a pleasant tightening, rinse off the product with plain warm water. To avoid drying out your skin, you can moisturize it with cream after completing the procedure. Regular use of the drug will allow you to achieve the desired result.

2. Cleansing mask of oatmeal and lemon juice for oily and normal skin

If you are looking for how to clear your face of pimples and immediately prevent their recurrence, this option is for you. Oatmeal is a versatile substance that is often used even in professional dermatological preparations. Experts recommend using this particular product at home to easily get the desired result.

Take a tablespoon of regular Hercules, brew it with boiling water and mix thoroughly until it becomes thick sour cream. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and apply all over your face. After 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water. Oatmeal cleanses pores and stabilizes the sebaceous glands. Lemon juice allows you to dry the skin to the optimal level.

3.Oatmeal cleansing mask for dry skin

Combination or dry dermis is known to be much more sensitive than oily dermis. Therefore, care requires additional attention from the patient. Oatmeal can also be used in this case, but the principle of preparing the drug is somewhat different. A tablespoon of Hercules must be brewed not in water, but in boiling water. It is clear that if you are thinking about how to cleanse your face of acne with dry dermis, you do not need to use lemon juice in the preparation. The mask is also washed off after 10-15 minutes. You can use warm water.

Milk allows oatmeal to penetrate the sebaceous canals to remove harmful substances, but at the same time maintains a normal level of moisture, which is lacking in dry dermis.

4. Cleansing mask made of flour and tomato juice for all skin types

A drug that has gained popularity due to its versatility. Flour and tomatoes are a mixture that does not in any way affect the moisture level of the cover, but at the same time actively cleanses it. Pour a tablespoon of flour with the freshly squeezed juice of one or two tomatoes (depending on the size of the vegetables). Mix thoroughly until smooth and apply over the entire face. Rinse off with cool water after 20-30 minutes.

Despite the versatility of the mask, people with dry skin types still need to be careful. Experts recommend adding a tablespoon of milk to the mixture to make the effect as mild and non-aggressive as possible.

5. Dry herbal cleansing mask

A great way to clear blackheads and pimples as quickly and comfortably as possible. Herbs can not only cleanse, but also improve the overall condition of the skin. The right choice depends on your specific goals. A number of options even help to quickly eliminate serious inflammation on the face. It is also worth starting from your specific skin type. Despite the identical consistency, each substance has its own effect on the condition of the dermis.

Suitable for treating and cleansing oily skin:

  • calendula,
  • chamomile,
  • sage,
  • yarrow,
  • coltsfoot.

More suitable for dry skin:

  • chamomile,
  • mint,
  • rose petals
  • rose hip petals,
  • Linden blossom.

The cooking recipe for all types of herbs is identical. The auxiliary components may differ if you have combination dermis. Carefully study the properties of each substance and follow specific preparation instructions if you want to figure out how to cleanse your face of acne.

The selected herb (or mixture of herbs) must first be thoroughly chopped. You can use a regular knife for this, but ultimately you need the components in powder form, so using a coffee grinder will be more effective. For preparation you will need two tablespoons of herbs. After grinding, pour the herbs into a small but deep bowl and pour half a glass of clean boiling water. Cover with a lid and let the product sit for 15 minutes.

During this time, the powder will absorb the required amount of liquid and settle to the bottom. You don't need the water itself, so just drain it or strain the resulting substance through the finest sieve. The powder should turn into a creamy mixture. Apply it over the entire face and leave for 20-30 minutes. This time is enough for the skin to absorb all the beneficial substances.

After this, you can wash your face with regular cool water. If you want to save time on using this mask, you can apply it through gauze. Make slits for the eyes, nose and mouth and place it on your face. Place the resulting herbal paste on top. The principle of action is not very different from applying directly to the skin. The bandage can be removed and your face can simply be rinsed.

6. Cleansing mask made from egg, lemon juice and vegetable oil

An excellent choice if you are looking for how to clear acne from your face, but don’t know what exactly caused it. The mask acts directly on the sebaceous glands and channels, so it will help perfectly in any case. This is facilitated by the correct selection of components, each of which is active in this case.

First, thoroughly beat a regular chicken egg. You can use a fork or whisk, but you need to beat until smooth, so if possible, it is better to save time by using a blender. Lemon juice in this case is an additional ingredient, so you won’t need much of it. Ten drops are enough to get the desired effect. Add a teaspoon of sunflower or olive oil to the product.

Mix the resulting mixture and immediately apply to your face. This drug does not need to be infused. Wash off the mask after 15-20 minutes with warm water.

This drug is more suitable for patients with oily skin types. But if you have dry dermis, you can also use this mask, only a little less often (once a week). After the procedure, treat your face with moisturizer.

7. Mask for deep skin cleansing

There are homemade remedies that are used for more serious purposes. For example, deep facial cleansing. The procedure is quite aggressive, so you need to be more careful when preparing the drug. Watch the video below for details:

By using suitable face masks regularly, you can get permanent relief from all types of skin rashes.

Young girls dream of smooth and velvety skin. Mature women try to preserve such coverings. But aggressive environmental influences negatively affect the condition of the dermis. The face loses its freshness and healthy color, irritation and rashes appear. To restore your natural glow, it is recommended to use cleansing face masks at home.

Human skin is capable of attracting various pollutants from the atmosphere. They get stuck in the pores, causing acne and blackheads to appear. This process is aggravated by residual sebum and dead cells. The dermis becomes dull and gray. Cosmetologists recommend starting facial care with cleansing. After all, without such a procedure, not a single cosmetic product is capable of exerting its effect on the epidermis.

What do cleansing face masks provide?

Scrubs can be used to deeply cleanse the epidermis. But these products are associated with high trauma to the face. Therefore, experts advise using masks to cleanse your face at home.

Practicing Ukrainian cosmetologist with medical education Olga Fem talks about this in her blog. She explains that scrubs contain abrasive components: crushed raspberry, apricot, and grape seeds. Excessive addiction to mechanical friction of the face with such substances can “ruin” any type of dermis. A topical replacement for scrubs is a mask, which has a softer effect and does not injure, but polishes the skin.

Cleansing masks perform several positive functions at once:

  • dissolve sebum;
  • pull out dirt from the pores and deep layers of the dermis;
  • reduce inflammation and irritation on the face;
  • dry out the oily dermis and tighten the pores;
  • activate tissue restoration;
  • eliminate acne, comedones;
  • disinfect the face, get rid of germs and infections;
  • protect from negative environmental influences;
  • saturate the dermis with useful substances.

Cleansing is good for any skin. After removing the dead layer, the dermis comes out of hibernation. Regenerative processes are activated in it. Deep tissue regeneration allows the face not only to acquire a fresh, radiant appearance, but also to rejuvenate.

In order for face masks to be successfully used for deep cleansing of the skin, it is necessary to select the correct components and follow simple rules. Cosmetologists give four simple recommendations.

  1. Preparing the face. Masks can be applied to prepared areas. It is necessary to wash off cosmetics with foam or tonic. Then you need to steam your face with a warm compress or over a steam bath. But experts do not recommend scrubbing the dermis before applying a cleansing mask. The skin should not be subjected to double aggressive action.
  2. Allergy testing. A day before using a mask on the face, especially if it contains lemon or honey, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. To do this, a pea of ​​the prepared product is applied to the wrist. If after 12 hours there is no negative reaction, then the product can be safely used on the face.
  3. Removal of the stratum corneum. After applying the mask to your face, you need to massage your skin a little for one to two minutes. Then the cosmetic product is left on the dermis for 20 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. After such a procedure, cosmetologists recommend using a nourishing mask or moisturizing the dermis with a rich cream.
  4. Frequency of cleansing. If cleansing the dermis is carried out for prevention, then one mask every seven days is enough to get good results. If the dermis is highly oily, and the question of cleansing clogged pores often arises, then masks can be used twice or thrice a week.

Cosmetic combination table

A mask for cleaning your face at home can contain a wide variety of components. Clay, yeast, honey, flour, lemon, and egg have good cleansing abilities. To choose the right mask recipe, it is important not only to know the list of products that can eliminate the dead layer, but also to take into account your skin type. The table below shows the most successful combinations for various covers.

Cleansing Mask IngredientOily skinNormal skinCombination skinDry skin
Clay- White;
- green;
- blue;
- yellow;
- black
- Red;
- black;
- pink
- Pink;
- blue;
- green;
- red
- Red;
- pink;
- green
Herbs- Series;
- sage;
- calendula;
- lingonberry leaf;
- Oak bark;
- strawberry leaves;
- celandine
- Linden blossom;
- calendula;
- birch leaves;
- rosemary;
- chamomile;
- aloe
- Raspberries;
- chamomile;
- sage;
- aloe;
- mint;
- plantain;
- St. John's wort
- Parsley;
- Linden;
- pink petals;
- peony;
- dandelion;
- mint
Flour- Wheat;
- rice;
- potato (starch)
- Buckwheat;
- rice;
- wheat;
- oatmeal
- Corn;
- wheat;
- starch
- Oatmeal;
- buckwheat;
- rice
Egg- Protein- White with yolk- Protein;
- white with yolk
- Yolk

10 options for how to cleanse your skin with natural remedies

Properly selected masks for cleansing the face will bring smoothness, evenness to the skin, and provide it with freshness. But these remedies are not suitable for all women. In case of rosacea, open ulcers, large wounds or tumors of any nature, it is recommended to refrain from such procedures. In general, the following masks are considered effective and efficient.


What is. Medicinal herbs have plant extracts that are beneficial for the dermis. By acting on the skin, they activate metabolism. A homemade herbal cleansing face mask can restore your pristine natural beauty. You can use one plant or combine several at once. But it is important to consider your skin type when choosing medicinal herbs.


  • Dry herb (or a mixture of herbs) - two heaped tablespoons.
  • Water - half a liter.

How to do

  1. The herb is ground in a coffee grinder to obtain flour. You will need two tablespoons of herbal flour.
  2. The powder is poured with boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The infusion is filtered through gauze folded in three or four layers.
  4. The pulp remaining in the gauze is applied to the skin.
  5. The herbal infusion can then be used as a lotion to moisturize and nourish the face morning and evening.


What is. According to cosmetologists, the best cleansing face masks are made from clay. They exfoliate the dead layer well, pull out impurities from the pores, and reduce the severity of inflammatory reactions.


  • Clay chosen taking into account the dermis - two tablespoons.
  • Water (kefir, milk, yogurt, herbal decoction) - two tablespoons.
  • Lavender essential oil (chamomile, geranium, ylang-ylang) - five drops.

How to do

  1. Clay powder is diluted with warm liquid.
  2. The mixture is carefully kneaded so that there are no lumps left in it.
  3. The selected essential oil is added to the mask.

Against blackheads

What is. Comedones always look unaesthetic and spoil not only the appearance, but also the mood. To rid the skin of blackheads and draw out as much dirt as possible from the pores, a lemon-oatmeal remedy with added salt is recommended. This recipe is suitable for mixed or oily surfaces. It can be used on normal dermis and, provided there is no irritation, even on dry skin.


  • Oatmeal - three tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice - three tablespoons.
  • Butter - half a teaspoon.
  • Lavender oil - four drops.
  • An apple is half a fruit.
  • Fine salt - half a tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Oatmeal is ground into flour.
  2. Oatmeal powder is poured with lemon juice.
  3. Melted butter is added to the mixture.
  4. Half an apple, peeled, is crushed into puree.
  5. Applesauce is added to the oatmeal-lemon mask and essential oil is added.
  6. Add salt to the product and mix the composition well.

Gelatin for comedones

What is. Gelatin has the ability to dissolve sebaceous plugs and cleanse pores efficiently. Masks based on it remove blackheads and tighten pores. Toxins, dirt and sebaceous deposits are perfectly absorbed by the gelatin mixture, which over time forms a film on the face. The recipe for this mask can be used not only to cleanse the dermis, but also to tighten the skin.


  • Gelatin - one tablespoon.
  • Water - five tablespoons.
  • Activated carbon - five tablets.

How to do

  1. Gelatin is poured with water. The mixture should swell.
  2. The container with gelatin is placed in a water bath and the product is heated until completely dissolved.
  3. The coal is ground into powder.
  4. The crushed tablets are added to the melted gelatin and the mixture is mixed well.

The gelatin mask quickly turns into a film on the face. Sometimes it is recommended to carefully pry it and pull it off the surface. This procedure is extremely painful, but it effectively eliminates comedones. For those people for whom tearing off the mask is impossible, cosmetologists recommend taking a different route. It is necessary to blot the film with a damp cotton pad. The mask will soften and be easily washed off the face.

Anti acne

What is. Honey-based masks are very useful for cleansing, especially oily skin. This component promotes deep penetration into pores and effectively exfoliates the stratum corneum. Honey provides enhanced nutrition and effectively relieves acne.


  • Aloe - one lower leaf of the plant.
  • Honey - two tablespoons.

How to do

  1. The fleshy aloe leaf is crushed to a paste.
  2. Aloe puree is mixed with honey in equal proportions.
  3. The container with the resulting product is covered with cling film and placed in the refrigerator for three days. The mixture is thoroughly mixed daily.
  4. On the third day, take the mask out of the refrigerator and warm it up a little. The product can only be applied to the face when warm.

From excessive greasiness

What is. Honey masks, as evidenced by reviews, have a rejuvenating effect and tighten the shape of the face. They enrich the dermis with useful substances and smooth out fine wrinkles. Another positive property of honey is its ability to normalize sebum production. Therefore, such masks are often recommended for oily skin.


  • Raw potatoes - one tuber.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.
  • Sea salt - a third of a teaspoon.
  • Protein - one.

How to do

  1. Unpeeled potatoes, along with their peel, are grated on a fine grater. You will need one tablespoon of crushed product.
  2. Sea salt needs to be crushed. The content of large crystals in it is unacceptable. They may damage your skin.
  3. Salt and honey are added to the potato pulp. The mixture is stirred.
  4. The protein is whipped into foam and introduced into the mask.


What is. The recognized leader in removing the dead epithelial layer is an oatmeal face mask, which cleanses pores and effectively draws out toxins from the epidermis. Oatmeal has high cleansing properties and does not cause overdrying of the skin. Therefore, this flour can be used for dry and extremely sensitive dermis.


  • Oatmeal (you can use flour) - two tablespoons.
  • Hot water - half a glass.
  • Yolk - one.
  • Lemon juice (for oily skins) - one teaspoon.

How to do

  1. Oatmeal is steamed with hot water. The mixture is infused for about 20 minutes.
  2. Add the yolk to the slightly cooled mask.
  3. If it is necessary to achieve not only cleansing, but also a reduction in the greasiness of the dermis, then add lemon juice to the mask.
  4. The product is mixed and used warm.


What is. Yeast masks will provide a comprehensive effect. They nourish the dermis, rejuvenate it, even out tone and texture. These products normalize metabolism and sebum synthesis, thereby reducing the oiliness of the epidermis. A mattifying face mask called “Matte Radiance” is very popular and recognized as effective at home.


  • Kefir - two tablespoons.
  • Sour cream (low fat) - one tablespoon.
  • Yeast (it is preferable to choose natural, “live” rather than dry) - one tablespoon.
  • Protein - one.

How to do

  1. The yeast must be crumbled.
  2. Kefir is heated a little.
  3. Crushed yeast is poured with warm kefir. Allow a few minutes for the product to completely dissolve.
  4. Sour cream is added to the thick kefir-yeast mixture. Mix well.
  5. Beat the egg whites until foam forms in a separate container.
  6. The resulting foam is carefully introduced into the mask and mixed again.


What is. The drug Aspirin, which is used to relieve pain, is in demand in home cosmetology. For cosmetic purposes, it is used for deep cleansing of tissues from comedones and rashes. To increase blood circulation and dry the dermis. To give freshness and elasticity. The mask below can be successfully used to eliminate the dead layer from any type of epidermis.


  • Aspirin - three tablets.
  • Jojoba oil - half a teaspoon.
  • Water - half a teaspoon.
  • Honey - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Add liquid honey to warm water.
  2. Carefully pour jojoba oil into the mixture.
  3. Grind the Aspirin tablets to a powder.
  4. Pour Aspirin powder into the oily liquid and mix the mixture well.

It is not recommended to use an aspirin mask for pregnant women, people prone to allergies and people suffering from bronchial asthma. Cosmetologists advise young ladies with sensitive skin and dilated blood vessels to refrain from using this product.


What is. A bread mask will have a gentle exfoliating effect. It is able to carefully care for dry areas of the dermis and efficiently cleanse pores in oily areas. That is why the product is recommended for combination, extremely problematic skin. For the mask you need black bread, like Borodino bread.


  • Black bread - three pieces, one centimeter thick.
  • Water - half a glass.
  • Lemon juice - one tablespoon.
  • Starch - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. The bread is cut into equal pieces.
  2. The product is poured with boiling water and left until completely soaked.
  3. Unabsorbed water is drained. Knead the bread with a fork until smooth.
  4. Lemon juice is added to the mixture.
  5. The resulting mask is difficult to apply to the face. Therefore, it is recommended to add starch to thicken the product.

Along with modern technologies and innovations in the field of cosmetology, preparing a cleansing face mask at home is still popular. And for good reason. After all, nature has created many useful products that allow you to preserve beauty, health and youth. You just need to learn how to use these unique gifts.

Proven cleansing recipes: women's reviews

I used to only use gelatin in food products, but recently I learned how to use gelatin in beauty recipes. We buy expensive masks and creams, even devices, to get rid of blackheads on the face, and the best way to get rid of blackheads is gelatin. You just need to take 10-15 grams of gelatin and dilute it with warm water one to one. That is, if there is a spoonful of gelatin, then there is also a spoonful of water. The most difficult thing is to dilute gelatin in such a small amount of water, but it’s still possible, you just need to mix well. Apply this mixture to the area where there are blackheads, usually the nose. The mixture should have the consistency of sour cream. We wait 10-15 minutes until it hardens. And carefully remove the frozen gelatin from the nose. Together with gelatin, all the fat will come out of the pores. The main thing is to remove it on time, do not overexpose it until it has completely dried, and do not remove it earlier while it is difficult to remove. The method is effective, I do it all the time, my pores are getting smaller. After removal, you can treat with lemon juice, and it is advisable not to use foundation after that for at least 12 hours.

Juli, //namedne.ru/forum/31-498-1

I can’t imagine my life without using caring masks, of which there are a huge number today. Most of all I prefer clay ones. I use this product twice a week, keeping it for fifteen minutes each time. The effect is amazing. The skin becomes smooth, velvety and clean. Excessive oiliness is removed, pores are narrowed, complexion is evened out, and former rashes disappear.

(Yamama) Olya, //www.imho24.ru/recommendation/71318/

I had skin problems, and I made an oatmeal mask almost every day: oatmeal, honey, kaolin, a little water or chamomile infusion. Sometimes I used it as a wash and washed it off immediately, sometimes I left it on for 15 minutes. I agree, the downside of this mask is that it is a little troublesome. But there are many more advantages. Natural and really helps. At first everything started to come out, and after two weeks the face cleared up. If your skin is dry, you can add a little olive oil.

Gelatin face mask for blackheads: how to achieve the effect of the sensational Black Mask

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Facial cleansing is a necessary procedure for women. It brings excellent results if you follow all the rules of the procedure. You can go to a cosmetologist’s office and go through the stages of this procedure, up to hardware cosmetology. But not all ladies have free time. And not everyone has the opportunity to shell out a considerable amount for such a beauty session. An alternative is to clean your face at home using masks and scrubs you prepare yourself. In order not to harm your skin, study the intricacies and options of this simple procedure.

The facial cleansing process will take about one and a half to two hours. Therefore, try to choose a time so that no one will disturb you. Efficiency is due, first of all, to the correct washing procedure. It takes place in five steps:

  1. Remove your makeup. Wash your face with warm water using a cleanser suitable for your skin.
  2. Pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  3. Wipe your face with toner to restore PH and remove remaining makeup.
  4. Perform a light exfoliation or scrub to remove dead skin particles from the surface of the skin.
  5. Wash your face with warm water. There is no need to wash your face cold, as the next step will be steaming your face.

Facial steaming

Steaming your face is very simple. The process is similar to inhalation at home:

  • put a saucepan of water on the fire;
  • bring it to a boil;
  • covering your head with a towel so that it hangs on the sides of your head, slightly covering the pan, bend over it and steam your face;
  • to improve the effect, you can pour powder of dried chamomile, yarrow, mint or other herbs into the water;
  • stand over the boiling broth for 15 minutes;
  • After this, wipe your face with a towel.

This is the first stage of facial cleansing. Under the influence of elevated temperatures, the pores open and impurities are removed on their own.

Getting rid of blackheads

After steaming your face, wrap your index fingers with a clean bandage and moisten them with hydrogen peroxide or a one percent solution of salicylic acid. Squeeze the comedone (blackhead) on both sides and squeeze out the contents. Blackheads can be carefully pierced with a needle that has been heated or treated with alcohol. After that, squeeze out their contents in the same way. The remaining wounds should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide.

To “nourish” the skin after all procedures, put a nourishing mask or your favorite cream on your face.

Alternative to mechanical facial cleansing

Mechanical facial cleansing is a very effective procedure that gives immediate results. There are several alternative methods that can be done at home, which also give good results. The advantages of such methods:

  • availability;
  • safety;
  • simplicity;
  • effectiveness.

Girls can choose one or more methods of facial cleansing, it all depends on their skin type.

Home peelings

There is a wide variety of peelings on the market, but in some cases it is worth sticking with homemade DIY remedies. When preparing it yourself, there is virtually no risk of allergies. Production will be made only from natural ingredients.

Recipes for homemade peeling masks

Face cleansing masks can be made from products that are found in almost any home. They will be no less effective than store-bought ones.

Gelatin and activated carbon

A very active mask that literally “pulls out” dirt, dust and excess oil from the pores.

To prepare, take one tablet of activated carbon and crush it into powder. Mix with 0.5 teaspoon of dry gelatin, pour one teaspoon of water. Place the resulting mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds until the gelatin dissolves. Or heat for up to 15 minutes in a water bath.

The product is ready. Cool to an acceptable temperature and apply with a brush or bandage to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Carefully treat the most “contaminated” areas of the skin with blackheads. After the mask has dried (about five minutes), remove it like a film. When removed, all contaminants will be pulled out along with it.

Purified clay masks

This method of cleansing facial skin at home is the most ancient and very effective. Since ancient times, women have cleaned their skin with clay. There is hardly another product that can cleanse and give freshness to your face so quickly.

Cleansing clay mask

Take two large spoons of dry clay and place them in a small container, such as a tea saucer. Pour in water, stirring constantly to achieve a uniform consistency. The mass should look like very thick sour cream.

After cleansing your face with a scrub, apply the mixture in a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. Now lie on your back and keep the product on your face for 15 minutes if you have oily or normal skin. When the skin is dry, 10 minutes is enough. Then wet the clay and rinse.

A clay mask can also be used in the following way. After applying the clay to your face, wait until it dries and begin massaging the skin with your fingertips. From such manipulations, dirt and sebum are absorbed by the clay and removed from the surface of the skin.

Clay mask for oily skin

The mask is prepared from a mixture of 2 tablespoons of white or green clay, 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 5-6 drops of vegetable oil and still mineral water.

Clay cleanses and dries oily skin

Mix all ingredients and add water until it becomes thick sour cream. Then apply the mixture on your face in a thick layer and leave it on for 15 minutes.

This version of the mask can be prepared by adding not water, but a decoction of herbs. Oily skin will respond better to the use of a decoction of horsetail, yarrow, coltsfoot, and St. John's wort.

Clay mask for dry skin

A mask made of white or pink clay with the addition of heavy cream and 5-6 drops of olive or other deodorized vegetable oil can remove peeling and properly cleanse dry skin at home. You can add honey to the composition.

Add heavy cream or milk to the dry clay, bringing it to a thick sour cream. Add the ingredients you have at your disposal.

When the skin is very dry, you can prepare a mask using plant decoctions - rose hips, chamomile, linden and mint. For nutritional value, add egg yolk to the mixture. For more active action and hydration, add a few drops of rose, ylang-ylang, or jojoba oil of your choice.

Apply the mixture in a thin film onto your face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Use the mask for 10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

IMPORTANT: Since clay dries the skin, use clay masks no more than 1-2 times a week.

Cleansing the skin with homemade masks

  1. The simplest homemade mask is soap and soda. To prepare, lather baby or cosmetic soap in a cup. Apply the foam to your cleansed face. Powder a layer of baking soda on top. Baking soda reacts with soap and removes dirt from pores. You will feel a tingling sensation on the surface of the skin. As soon as it passes, rinse off the mass with warm water and apply cream.
  2. A mask made from Hercules flakes is an effective homemade facial peeling product. Use a coffee grinder to make flour from oatmeal. Mix them with water and make a paste that you apply to your face. When applying, constantly rub your face, massaging it. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.
  3. Raw potato mask for oily skin. This mask perfectly cleanses oily skin. Cut half a potato, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Pour 1 teaspoon of lemon juice into the grated mass, stir until it becomes a paste and place on your face in an even layer. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash with warm water. This procedure cleanses the skin and tightens pores.

Potatoes protect against oily skin

Advantages and disadvantages of facial cleansing at home

If you have ever undergone mechanical cleansing of your facial skin in a beauty salon, you probably remember how much pain you have to experience. At home, you won’t torture yourself like that and will carry out the procedure more painlessly.

It is believed that after manual cleaning, all blackheads are completely cleared, which cannot be achieved using peelings and scrubs at home. However, many agree that the more often you cleanse your skin mechanically, the faster new comedones and acne appear.

When cleansing your face at home, follow the precautions and well-known care guidelines. Wash yourself properly, use five-step care - wash, peeling, toner, mask, cream. Use peeling no more than once every 10 days; in addition to factory-made products, use homemade masks. From such attention on your part, the skin will become young, radiant, smooth and elastic.
Proper care makes the skin youthful and radiant

It is no secret that to maintain skin in ideal condition, regular and thorough care is required, which includes such an important step as cleansing the skin. In addition to regular washing, various lotions, gels, foams, tonics for daily use, scrubs and gommages for deeper cleansing, as well as masks that can be purchased in a store or easily prepared at home can be used for this purpose.

Cosmetic clay is considered the main component in the manufacture of cleansing masks. In addition, wax and various synthetic products can be used for this purpose. At home, such skin masks include natural products: fruits and vegetables, dairy products, herbs, eggs, honey, nuts, etc. Before applying masks, the skin should be prepared, for which it is effective to use steam baths or hot compresses, which effectively open the pores of the skin. In addition to cleansing the skin, homemade masks can have additional nourishing, moisturizing and drying effects, depending on the ingredients included in the composition.

The composition for the mask is applied to the skin of the face and left for fifteen to twenty minutes. As it dries, keratinized scales, fat, and dirt are attracted to the applied composition, after which all this is removed from the face along with the mask. After cleansing the skin with masks, blood circulation significantly improves, pores are cleaned and narrowed, and the skin becomes smooth and has a fresh look. After removing such a mask, it is recommended to immediately make a nourishing mask, or apply a thick layer of rich nourishing cream to the skin. When using ready-made masks, you should remember that those with oily skin can use them twice a week, those with combination, normal or dry skin – once a week, and those with sensitive skin – only once every fourteen days. A self-prepared cleansing mask can be used two to three times a week.

Women with dry skin should wash off such masks with warm boiled water (using a cotton swab). To preserve the result, you can add lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to the water at the rate of one teaspoon per glass of water. For oily skin types, it is recommended to wash off the mask with milk, herbal infusion, rosehip decoction, weak tea, cold boiled water with the addition of a small amount of salt.

Cleansing face masks.

For any skin type.
Oatmeal is an excellent ingredient for cleansing the skin. They are ideal for any skin. Brew a tablespoon of flakes in half a glass of boiling water, simmer for five to seven minutes, let cool. While warm, apply the resulting mixture to the skin of the face, after fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water.

Apply sauerkraut to the skin, excluding the areas around the eyes and lips. Leave the mask on for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water. This product perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores, nourishes it and restores elasticity.

Grind a mixture of herbs taken in equal proportions (chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula flowers, rose petals). Then brew two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water, put on low heat and cook for ten minutes. Then remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave for twenty minutes. Then strain the broth, and apply the remaining herbal pulp in an even layer on the skin of the face. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask. For greater convenience, it is recommended to transfer the mixture onto a gauze pad, which is already applied to the skin. It is better to make this mask while lying down.

Pour a tablespoon of rye bran with a tablespoon of warm milk. Apply the mixture onto the skin using massaging circular movements for fifteen minutes, then rinse.

Peel one small cucumber, grate it and add one pre-beaten egg white. Apply the resulting composition to the skin and leave for ten minutes. Rinse off the composition with cool water. In addition to cleansing, the mask has a tonic effect.

Grind three teaspoons of fresh cottage cheese thoroughly with a teaspoon of liquid honey. Apply the resulting mass in an even thick layer on the face, after twenty minutes, wash off the mask using a cotton pad previously soaked in cold milk. This mask is not recommended if you are prone to rosacea.

For combination and normal skin.
Pink clay (a mixture of red and white) is effective for cleansing mixed and normal skin types. For the mask, you need to dilute a small amount of pink clay powder with clean cool water until a homogeneous mass is formed, the consistency of sour cream. Apply the composition to the face and leave for ten minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

For oily and problem skin.
White clay (black, green and blue clay are also suitable) dries out inflammation and pimples well, effectively exfoliates dead cells, cleanses pores, and also normalizes blood circulation. Mix a tablespoon of white clay with the same amount of cucumber juice or parsley juice, adding a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the composition to the skin for ten minutes.

Pour a little white, blue, black or green clay powder with a small amount of cold water until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. Apply the mask to your face and leave for ten minutes.

Add one and a half tablespoons of vodka, half a tablespoon of water and a teaspoon of aloe juice to a tablespoon of white clay powder (kaolin). Apply the composition for ten minutes and rinse with cool water. The product is effective for oily skin with acne.

Combine 20 g of yeast with a teaspoon of lemon or cranberry juice. Apply the composition to the skin of the face for fifteen minutes. After the procedure, redness of the skin may be observed, but you should not be afraid of it, since it is caused by an acceleration of metabolic processes.

Using a fine grater, grate one medium-sized potato. Combine a tablespoon of potato mixture with egg white, add a teaspoon of liquid honey and a pinch of salt. Apply the resulting mass to your face, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water.

Grind a piece of rye bread and pour a small amount of boiling water until a paste forms. Massage the resulting mixture into your facial skin in a circular motion. Rinse off the composition with cool water.

Brew a tablespoon of rolled oats flakes with a small amount of boiling water. Apply a generous layer of the swollen warm mass onto the face and leave for twenty minutes. You can add a teaspoon of lemon juice or beaten egg white to the mask. The composition is ideal for oily and combination skin.

Grind a glass of oatmeal using a coffee grinder, add a teaspoon of fine salt and warm water until you get a sour cream-like mass. Apply the composition to the skin of the face and neck, massage lightly and rinse with cool water.

Beat one egg, add five drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of olive oil (any other vegetable oil can be used). Apply the composition to the skin for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Dilute a tablespoon of wheat flour (or starch, or rice flour) with a small amount of cool water (you can use cucumber juice, kefir, sour milk, yogurt) to a creamy mass, which should be applied to the skin and left for fifteen minutes, then rinsed with cool water . You can also add egg white and a few drops of lemon juice to the mask.

Beat the egg white with a small amount of wheat flour until foam forms. Apply the composition to the skin, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with cool water. This procedure eliminates oily shine and also restores elasticity to the skin.

To cleanse pores.
Crush the pulp of one tomato, add four drops of any vegetable oil and a small amount of starch to it to obtain a mass of medium thickness. Apply the composition for fifteen minutes and rinse with cool boiled water. The effect of the mask is noticeable after ten to twelve procedures.

Chop fresh dill, add egg yolk and a teaspoon of corn oil to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave for twenty-five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To maintain the result, you can use mixtures of essential oils. For example, a mixture of lemon, tangerine, lemon, rosemary and mint oils. After the pore-tightening mask, lubricate the skin with a mixture of oils.

For dry and sensitive skin.
Pour red or black clay powder with a small amount of cool water until you obtain a homogeneous cream-like mass, which you apply to your face and leave for ten minutes.

Brew oatmeal with boiling milk, let stand for a while and apply warm to the skin, after fifteen minutes remove the mask with warm water. To also achieve a nutritional effect, you can add egg yolk, a teaspoon of olive oil, a small amount of butter, cream or sour cream, or melon or banana pulp to the composition. Take proportions at your own discretion. The main thing is that the mass is thick and does not spread when applied.

Soak a glass of beans for several hours, then put on fire and cook until fully cooked. Then rub the finished beans while still hot through a sieve and combine with a tablespoon of olive oil, adding the juice of half a lemon. Apply the warm mass to the skin, and after fifteen minutes, rinse with warm water. In addition to cleansing, the mask has a smoothing and nourishing effect.

For aging and fading skin.
Dilute a tablespoon of yellow clay powder with cool water until the consistency of sour cream. Apply the composition to the skin for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mix three tablespoons of oatmeal with a teaspoon of soda and add warm water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, the thickness of which resembles sour cream. Rub the mixture into the skin with light massaging movements for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Mix a teaspoon of rice flour (grind the rice in a blender) with a teaspoon of liquid honey and the same amount of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to the skin, massage lightly for several minutes and leave for ten minutes, after which rinse the mask with warm water.