Pride or shame: a Dagestani woman with the face of Barbie has become one of the country's most successful models. A model from Dagestan is condemned online for her choice of profession Filming in a video

Many girls dream of being noticed by a famous musician and invited to play the main role in the filming of his video. But such luck falls only to selected beauties. Mariam Pashayeva was able to conquer the Internet and become a screen star. And it seems that one of the main secrets that this dazzling girl uses is plastic surgery.

The beginning of the path to glory

Usually Mariam prefers to keep the details of her biography secret and does not publicly display the details of her personal life. It is known that a girl with beautiful blue eyes was born in the city of Makhachkala, which is located in the very center of Dagestan in 1997. She grew up and was brought up in a Muslim family in strictness and strict discipline.

After finishing school, young Mariam went to the capital of Russia and began her journey of ascent to fame, glory and a beautiful life.

Filming in the video

Luck was favorable to the oriental beauty with a bright appearance - she was invited to the main role in Yegor Creed's new video. Mariam coped with the task brilliantly and perfectly got used to the role of the clumsy waitress with whom the main character fell head over heels in love. The video clip attracted thousands of new fans to the girl’s Instagram page.

In a short time, the video crossed the three million views mark. Everyone became interested in his main character; her bright beauty charmed the usually independent Creed. But Miriam’s fame brought criticism from her fellow countrymen: they scolded the girl for frivolity and frivolous behavior, which does not suit a Dagestani woman. Mariam did not give in to provocations and decided to continue working in the world of show business.

She lives a colorful life: she often takes selfies in luxury cars, works in the modeling business, and even continued her successful collaboration with Creed, starring in his new video.

Rumors about numerous plastic surgeries

Journalists often call Mariam Pashayeva a Barbie doll or the sister of Angelina Jolie herself. After all, the model’s appearance is too specific and not typical of her nationality.

Platinum hair color, narrow nose, light eyes and plump lips drive her huge army of fans crazy. The girl’s facial features are doll-like perfect and suggest plastic surgery. And family photos are very different from photos on Instagram.

Many fans believe that Mariam used hyaluronic acid injections and rhinoplasty in her struggle for an ideal appearance.

The girl herself refuses to comment on these rumors and applies careful makeup to her face whenever she appears in public.

A native of Dagestan, who became famous as a model, is not happy in her homeland. A girl who ran away from home for a career is condemned by her fellow countrymen. The website writes about this.

22-year-old Marian Pashayeva is known online as the “Dagestan Barbie”: the girl is now called one of the most successful models in Russia. However, such success only causes a negative reaction among her fellow countrymen.

The girl was born in Makhachkala into a strict Muslim family. From childhood, those around her noted the girl’s extraordinary beauty, but she never even dreamed of a modeling career: traditions did not suggest such a thing. But with age, Marian began to understand that a home lifestyle was not for her, and, contrary to her parents’ prohibitions, she fled from her native republic: first to North Ossetia, and then to Moscow.

Pashayeva first became famous on Instagram: at the age of 16, she could already boast of a large number of subscribers. She was noticed on social networks by the producers of the popular singer Yegor Creed, and the girl starred in several of his videos. In both videos, Marian played the role of the artist’s lover, which further fueled rumors about their romance. However, the model answers journalists’ questions about no changes: she says that there is nothing between them.

Filming in music videos brought Pashayeva even more popularity. Her doll-like appearance was noticed by model agents: the girl immediately received many invitations to various filming and photo sessions. However, Marian’s fellow countrymen are not happy for the girl and regularly express their dissatisfaction with the model’s lifestyle.

As the girl told, the most common question that Dagestanis ask her is: “Where is your family? Your brothers?

“It’s good that you won’t return to Dagestan anymore, we don’t need such fidgety people,” these kinds of comments are periodically found on the model’s Instagram.

However, Marie (as she prefers to be called) treats negativity towards her as an inevitable phenomenon due to her chosen profession. Despite this unpleasant fact, the girl has many more fans. On Instagram, Pashayeva is called the “porcelain queen” and “Russian Barbie”, and her resemblance to Hollywood stars is also noted.

Beautiful girls living in societies with patriarchal traditions have a hard time: for the sake of a career, they often have to leave their native lands and endure the condemnation of their compatriots.

Thus, 26-year-old Instagram model Kamila Senina also decided to leave Dagestan for Moscow. In the spring of this year, her name began to appear in the media due to an attack on her: Kamila met a certain Nikolai on the Internet and agreed to go on a date with him, but when they met, the man dragged her into the entrance and began to choke her, took Senina’s purse with money and gold earrings. Investigators suggested that the attack may be related to Kamila’s origins and activities.

Another native of Dagestan, working as a model, on the contrary, is being harassed by xenophobes. 29-year-old fashion model Aminat Mirzakhanova, originally from Makhachkala, in her youth found herself with her mother and brother in Austria, where the family remained to live. In 2012, the girl was persuaded to take part in a beauty contest, and her first attempt was crowned with success: 17-year-old Aminat became Miss Austria.

However, her victory led to a major scandal: there were many dissatisfied people who shouted from the audience not the most pleasant, nationalistic comments about her “oriental appearance.”

The Austrians were outraged that a native of the North Caucasus would represent their country at the Miss Universe pageant.

However, after the competition, Aminat’s life began to only get better: not to mention the fact that the girl immediately received dozens of offers of cooperation from well-known modeling agencies, and the son of ex-President of France Nicolas Sarkozy began to court the aspiring model.

In 2017, news appeared in the media that Aminat married a former basketball player and businessman from the United Arab Emirates, whom she met at the judo championship in Paris. And last month, it became known from the model’s Instagram that the newlyweds were expecting a child.

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  • Mariam Pashaeva or Russian Barbie, as people called her on social networks, by the age of twenty she had undergone about fifteen plastic surgeries in order to achieve, in her opinion, an ideal appearance. Some compare Mariam with a young Angelina Jolie, although the latter at that age was able to do without so many interventions from plastic surgeons.

    Mariam was born in 1997 in Makhachkala, then moved to North Ossetia, after which she set off to conquer Moscow. She managed this with the help Instagram, in which she has been showing her photographs for several years now. From there, in fact, the footage for this publication was taken.

    At some point, she was noticed by the producers of the Russian singer Yegor Creed. In his video “Alarm Clock,” Mariam got the role of a waitress, with whom, according to the script, the performer subsequently falls in love. The girl claims that in real life she and the singer do not have a love relationship.

    Thanks to the large number of views of the video, the girl gained wide popularity and became recognizable. This was the reason that numerous modeling agencies offered her to sign contracts. I think Mariam would hardly refuse such a gift from fate.

    Now the girl is 22 years old, she has more than about 600 thousand subscribers on Instagram, and she is clearly not going to stop there, including regarding her appearance. After all, such people always think that they are not ideal, it is already difficult to stop after one and a half dozen operations, they need more and more.

    Mariam herself does not comment on absolutely anything, remains silent on questions about plastic surgery and does not pay attention to the reproaches of haters with or without reason. The latter, by the way, is quite correct. You shouldn't waste your time and nerves on such people.

    Below, look at photos of Mariam as a child and teenager and compare with how she looks today. It seems to me that even without all these “improvements” Mariam looked charming. Surely, without all this, modeling agencies would not have noticed her?

    The only depressing fact is that many girls look at Mariam and try to look the same in real life. But beautiful photos are the result of plastic surgery, makeup and processing in a graphics editor. So ordinary girls should not have any illusions and try to imitate the essentially artificial image from the photo.

    With a pretty appearance and the ability to choose the right angles for a selfie, almost any girl can become famous these days. And numerous young ladies from popular social networks tirelessly prove this from their own experience. Thus, the young blonde Marie Pashayeva, whose Instagram now has more than 600 thousand subscribers, announced herself relatively recently, a little over a year ago, and has since become a real celebrity and a teenage idol. Many, by the way, call her another double of the Hollywood movie star Angelina Jolie, and also suspect that the girl has repeatedly resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon, and also abuses Photoshop and other graphic editors, processing all her photographs before posting them online. But let's try to figure out in order who this Instagram star Mari Pashayeva is, what she became so famous for, and how she manages to constantly maintain the interest of others in her person.

    Marie Pashaeva, biography

    Unfortunately, there is not much personal information about this young blonde on the Internet these days. It is known that her full name sounds like Mariam Pashayeva, she was born in the capital of Dagestan, the city of Makhachkala in 1997, so this year the aspiring model and actress is celebrating her 20th anniversary. It is also known that Mariam is from a strict Muslim family, however, the girl herself adheres to more free views. Several years ago, a young beauty came to conquer the Russian capital, and almost immediately luck smiled at her. The girl was lucky enough to star in a video with one of the most popular young performers in Russia, hip-hopper Yegor Creed, the idol of probably all teenagers in the post-Soviet space. It was a video for the song “Alarm Clock,” where Miri played the role of a modest waitress who, wanting to attract the attention of the main character, clumsily spills coffee on him. In the first couple of weeks from the moment this video was published online, over three million people managed to watch it, who, of course, could not help but notice the main character of the video, who ultimately achieves what she wants.

    So a previously unknown young model literally woke up famous after the premiere of the video clip.

    However, it is worth noting that not everyone was happy about the girl’s success, especially her compatriots. The model’s fellow countrymen, let us remember, are Dagestanis, and they angrily condemned Pashayeva for filming in this video, despite the fact that her role was rather modest. Many felt that the main character, who appeared in the image of a loving macho, showed too many signs of attention to Marie, and even kissed the girl at the end. Some on social networks rushed to remind the girl that she is a Muslim, and she should not behave like that, but should be more modest. Others angrily asked where her parents and brothers were looking, and how they even allowed this to happen. However, despite the wave of criticism and negativity addressed to her, the girl is determined to continue building her career in show business and is now quite in demand in the Russian capital as a model and aspiring actress.

    Mari Pashayeva before plastic surgery

    Almost no one doubts that the young model Marie Pashayeva had plastic surgery, although there is no direct evidence of this. As we have already noted, the girl is called another Internet double of the overseas actress Angelina Jolie. One cannot but agree that she still vaguely resembles the actress, but only, perhaps, with her plump lips, although you can’t call her a double based on this feature alone. In fact, it is the model’s lips that raise the most questions and complaints. Many are sure that the girl regularly injects them with fillers and various biogels, and consider her lips to be too plump and unnatural. Marie’s nose also looks as if it has been surgically adjusted to the generally accepted standard of beauty: miniature, narrow, perfectly straight, but, from certain angles, somewhat unnatural - doll-like. Pashayeva also actively uses decorative cosmetics, and then brings her photographs to perfection in photo editors. Let us note once again that we do not have direct evidence that the model resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon, because we do not have pictures of her from the “before” times, and therefore we cannot say anything unequivocally.