Crafts for the New Year from egg shells. Elegant and practical DIY eggshell crafts. Crafts from broken shells

Interesting DIY eggshell crafts are popular among beginners and experienced needlewomen. At exhibitions you can find many products made from this material. It captivates with its naturalness and accessibility. All lovers of creativity should try working with these raw materials, and the house will acquire a renewed appearance thanks to the resulting decorations.


Decorating the shell is usually associated with the tradition of decorating Easter eggs. And carving (carving) was popular in China in ancient times. There it is generally accepted that the world came from eggs. Therefore, they were given as gifts for any holiday. In the museums of this country you can still find works from the 13th to 15th centuries.

Nowadays, shell carving has a completely different look, it has become more complex and thoughtful. All this is thanks to the tools they work with to create the most detailed drawing. But you can also make simple crafts for children from eggshells.

What can be made from this material

As a first step, you can try decorating eggs with mother of pearl. Add painting or decoupage on the white surface of the material.

Embroidery is gaining popularity. Moreover, they use various additional means: ribbons, beads. Such works look original and do not leave anyone indifferent.

Many needlewomen create small pots for grass from this material. It turns out unusual, simple and practical.

What crafts are suitable for a child?

Making Christmas tree decorations for the New Year with your own hands is much more interesting than just buying them in a store. You can create anything: animals, fish, cartoon characters. The rounded shape will tell your imagination what to create.

For example, making a clown is easy. Glue a cap from a stationery object onto the surface, make a collar out of paper and draw a face. The toy is ready.

And by cutting out the fin, tail and decorating the face with paint, you will get a fish. The pig is created using a paper-cut heel, a tail and drawn eyes.

It is not necessary to use specific images. By adding rhinestones, beads, ribbon or other auxiliary material to the shell, you will get a bright New Year's decoration. It all depends on your imagination. Focus on master classes on crafts made from eggshells, and you will succeed.

Products with mosaics

The shell has gained its popularity among decoupage lovers. When split, it recreates the effect of cracks. To do this, attach the fragments to the surface with PVA glue with a minimum amount of space between them. When dry, cover with primer or acrylic.

After this step, you can stick on your favorite images, pictures, napkins, adding details. Don't forget to apply a protective layer of varnish. This product is durable and can withstand wet cleaning.

Technology for making mosaic crafts from shells

To get a mosaic effect, degrease the surface, apply primer and paint. Draw a sketch with a pencil on the product. Paint the shell with acrylic paints and apply along the contour of the design. PVA glue is also suitable for this. To make the work easier to maintain, coat it with a glossy varnish. The masterpiece is ready!

If you decide to do mosaics with a small child, then choose a simplified method: replace the glue with plasticine. Spread a thin layer of material on a paper or cardboard surface. Using a stick or other pointed object, draw the design and its outline. And attach the fragments to the surface by pressing them into plasticine.

Mosaics decorate many objects: from paintings to interior items, vases, and dishes. To find inspiration, refer to photos of eggshell crafts posted by other craftsmen.

To understand how to properly make a craft with your own hands, you need to know some details:

To prepare the material, you need to pierce holes on different sides of the egg with an awl. Blow out the contents and wash the future product. After drying, it is necessary to strengthen the structure. To do this, acrylic-based varnish or glue is poured inside.


Roll the shell until the inside surface is completely covered. When the egg is dry, it is ready for creativity.

Creativity for all generations

Making eggshell art has many benefits. Children develop fine motor skills, and for middle and old age, an important advantage is the accessibility of the material. This hobby can be done for fun.

And if you have extensive experience in decorating, then your work may well be successful among lovers of handmade work and even bring in money.

Photos of crafts made from eggshells



Easter is approaching, which means there will be a lot of colored eggs in every home. So, it's time to learn a new craft technique: eggshell crafts.

Eggshells are an excellent material for creativity. And we offer you two options for using it:

Materials and tools for crafts made from eggshells

  • eggshell
  • PVA glue and brush
  • thick cardboard or other surface (box, vase, etc.)
  • tweezers
  • a small wooden stick for pressing shells (a manicure stick is great)
  • acrylic paints if the mosaic is made from white shells
  • napkin for decoupage (if necessary)

First you need to prepare the material. To do this, the collected eggshells are washed in warm water (and for better degreasing, you can even put them in boiling water with a soda solution). After this, the shell must be dried, the inner film removed from it and arranged by color.

Professionals use shells from raw eggs, because heat-treated shells lose their hardness and their surface becomes more friable. But for children's crafts, you can use any shell, including those left over from boiled Easter eggs.

Eggshell mosaic

To make a mosaic from eggshells with your own hands, you will need a template for the future design. If you have artistic abilities, then simply draw a template on a piece of paper. If not, you can take any drawing intended for children to color. All the contours are clearly drawn there and usually do not require a large number of colors. Glue the sheet with the pattern onto thick cardboard.

Now we begin to glue the shell. To do this, grease a small fragment of the pattern with PVA glue and place a piece of shell on top. If the shell is too large, then you just need to press on top with a stick, the shell will crack and fall apart into several small pieces. Make sure that there is approximately the same distance between the shells.

Having completed one fragment of the picture, we move on to the next.

After filling the entire design, set it aside until the glue dries completely. If you used a white shell, then only after drying can the drawing be painted with acrylic paints.

The finished work must be varnished. The result is a unique version of eggshell appliqué.

Look what wonderful paintings real craftswomen make from eggshells!

If you decide to do decoupage using eggshells, then first select a blank for the future craft. It could be a box, a key holder, a bottle or even a vase.

Master class on decoupage on eggshell wooden box

This box is wooden, so first we sand the entire surface (both internal and external) with sandpaper. If you started decoupaging a bottle with eggshells, then the surface must first be degreased with alcohol.

It depends only on you how large the shell pieces will be and the distance between them.

We fill the entire surface like this.

And once again we cover everything with a layer of PVA glue.

After this, we cover the entire workpiece in several layers with white acrylic paint.

And we move on to gluing the napkin, i.e. directly to the decoupage itself.

Let me remind you that three-layer napkins are usually used for decoupage. We only need the top layer - the one with the drawing on it. Coat the work surface with PVA glue. If the surface is very large, or you are working with round objects (vases, bottles), then it is better to cut the napkin into two or three fragments. We place the napkin element on the surface and immediately apply PVA glue on top. We brush from the center to the edges to expel the air from under the napkin.

In this way we glue the box on all sides.

Set aside for a while to dry completely.

And then there are two options (depending on your imagination). The finished work can simply be varnished. You can also age the box. To do this, you can paint the shells with silver acrylic paint, and apply black pastel to the edges of the box using a foam sponge.

Nadezhda Lichman

Already quite New Years is soon!

This is the most joyful and wonderful holiday for adults and children. The pre-holiday mood, buying a Christmas tree, preparing gifts leaves neither adults nor children indifferent. The process of decorating brings special joy Christmas tree. Today there is a large selection in stores New Year's toys But you can make toys with your own hands. Doing toys, we experience great pleasure, joy, creative impulse. The guys and I decided to do Christmas toys made from eggshells and colored paper The children helped color eggshells, hold the workpieces longer so that they stick.

If you draw on shell brightly painted eyes, glue on the ears and trunk and you get a baby elephant.

And if eggshells paint it with yellow paint, draw scales on it, glue a tail and fins from colored paper - you’ll get a fabulous fish.

I suggest master- manufacturing class eggshell bunnies.

We will need:

Blue universal napkin;

- eggshell;

Cotton pads;

Narrow ribbon;


Paints or felt-tip pens;

Thick needle;

Glue stick.

Poke holes at both ends of the egg with a thick needle and blow its contents into the glass. You will have a whole one left shell.

Cut out ears from cotton pads bunny, also cut out ears from a blue napkin, but smaller than white ones.

Cut a circle out of a blue napkin, this is the tummy bunny.

Cut out a heart from cardboard - these are paws.

We place blue ears on the white ears, fold the lower part in half and glue them together.

Then we glue both ears together.

Make a larger hole in the top of the egg so that both ears, coated with glue, can be inserted into it.

Glue a circle of napkin to the lower end eggshell is the tummy.

Glue a bow to the base of the ears.

Let's draw felt-tip pens or watercolor a muzzle, and glue the egg onto the heart - these are the paws.

Ours is ready bunny.

Publications on the topic:

I bring to your attention an application made from eggshells. The work can be done collectively depending on the size of the drawing. Material for.

At the end of May, children graduated from school. The children left, but some of the crafts made by the children remained. I collected the crafts and arranged them into a composition.

Master class on non-traditional techniques in the visual arts “Gifts of the Forest” (painting made from eggshells). Material: shell from.

1. Break the eggs, pour boiling water over the shells, remove the inner film from the shell. 2. Take paper napkins and pick off the flowers. 3. Cover.

New Year is the most magical holiday! New Year's bustle and excitement, elegant decorations, anticipation of a miracle, as everyone knows. Magic is everywhere. So.

Soon, soon the winter holidays will come - the most amazing, magical holidays of the year. Not a single New Year is complete without Santa Claus.

Goal: Making New Year's toys using available materials to develop children's creative abilities. Objectives: To teach.

Do you like scrambled eggs in the morning or often indulge in homemade baked goods? In this case, you always have the most valuable material at home - eggshells, from which you can create real masterpieces!

Both very young craftsmen and seasoned artists make a variety of crafts from eggshells with their own hands. They are constantly popular at arts and crafts exhibitions. Thanks to the availability and environmental friendliness of the material, this hobby is a must-try for anyone looking for a new activity. Having mastered the intricacies of technology, you will be able to fill your home with new decorative items, and evenings with your children will no longer be boring and monotonous.

Chinese carving and Easter traditions

It is difficult to say how long ago craftsmen and artists began to use eggshells in their work. This is most likely due to the tradition of decorating Easter eggs, which exists among many peoples of the world.

Some sources say that the art of eggshell carving originated in Ancient China. In this country, where they believed that the world came from an egg, it was customary to give fancy eggs for weddings, birthdays and other holidays. Museums in China contain “egg” works dating back to the 13th-15th centuries.

Thanks to modern technology, eggshell picking has become more “sophisticated.” Today's tools make it possible to transfer the intended design onto a rounded surface with microscopic precision.

However, along with “high art,” eggshells are used for simple children’s crafts and surface decoration.

What can be made from eggshells

The best way to make eggs from eggshells is... eggs. Of course, not simple ones, but almost golden ones. For Easter, of course, they give real boiled eggs. But if you want to preserve beauty, then you can work hard and create something original. For decoration use mother of pearl and gilding. Or paint on the surface of a white egg.

A new trend in egg art is embroidery. You can embroider or use another technique. The resulting works delight and surprise.

Embroidery ribbons

Egg shells can be used as miniature flower pots for succulents or herbs. It’s nice to receive such an original bouquet not only for Easter.

Craft ideas for children's creativity

Another holiday solution: eggshell crafts for kids. New Year's tree decorations are an interesting alternative to toys from the store. These can be figurines of various animals, birds, fish, cartoon characters. The shape itself, in the form of a three-dimensional elongated ball, suggests a solution.

For example, if you glue a cone-shaped cap onto PVA, rouge the cheeks, draw eyes and glue a corrugated paper collar underneath, you get a clown. On a cord and on a Christmas tree.
If you cut out fins and a bushy tail, draw gills and bulging eyes, decorate with sparkles, rhinestones or gold paint - you will get a magical fish from a fairy tale.

There is a piglet in front, and a tail in a ring behind - a piglet. This can be done using plasticine.

If you use an acrylic outline for hard surfaces and draw a beautiful openwork pattern, glue beads, beads, and a clasp for jewelry, you will get a more sophisticated Christmas tree decoration.

Mosaic and decoupage

Eggshells are very popular among craftsmen. Instead of labor-intensive and unpredictable craquelure varnish, shells split into small pieces are used to imitate cracks. The fragments are glued to the surface of the item being decorated using PVA glue, adjusting the individual parts so that the gaps are as thin as possible.

The dried surface is painted with acrylic or primed. Then napkins and pictures are pasted onto the shell prepared in this way. The necessary details are completed and varnished for protection. This thing is not afraid of wet cleaning.

Another option for using broken shells is. To make panels, the surface of the product is degreased, primed and painted, if necessary. Draw the drawing using a pencil. The prepared shell is painted with gouache or acrylic paints in various colors and, after drying, laid out according to the applied pattern. Use PVA or rubber glue. The finished product is coated with a glossy varnish for beauty and so that it can be washed without the risk of spoiling.

If small children who do not have the skills to work with glue are doing mosaics, then it is better to use plasticine. For example, spread a thin layer of plasticine on the surface of a paper plate. Using a stack or stick, draw the outline of the image. And then glue the shell particles along this contour, pressing them into the plasticine.

This mosaic technique can be used in paintings, decorating vases and dishes, making souvenir plates, photo and painting frames, and updating old furniture.

Preparatory work

In order for something you created with your own hands to please you for a long time, you need to know how to prepare eggshells for crafts and mosaics.

For three-dimensional figures, the whole egg is pierced with a thick needle or awl, two holes on opposite sides. Then the contents are blown out, and the shell is washed in warm water. Having slightly widened the hole, pour PVA glue or acrylic varnish inside for strength.

Varnish or glue is needed in such a volume that it spreads over the inner surface and seals small cracks. In this case, the egg must be turned in different directions. After drying, you can work with the egg.

For mosaics, large pieces of shell are placed between two sheets of paper and rolled with a rolling pin. The film on the inside of the egg is removed from the cracked shell. The resulting small shells are washed in warm water and dried. You can cover it with colored acrylic paints or gouache.

From kindergarten to gray hair

Crafts made from shells are an accessible form of creativity for children from an early age. Fine hand motor skills, imagination and fantasy develop. When working with three-dimensional objects, a little person better masters spatial relationships. Therefore, activities related to such accessible material as eggshells can be recommended to mothers and grandmothers working with children at home.

By the way, older needlewomen also love this material because it is accessible in everyday life, in contrast to highly artistic components. This hobby is leading the way!

Speaking of which, high-quality paintings using shells can be sold in specialized stores and on the Internet, including in our group on Odnoklassniki.

We will make bells for the Christmas tree from eggshells reinforced with a bandage, glued with stripes inside the eggshell using PVA. Details:

I glued the cut bandage overlapping. Thus strengthening our future bell.

When the gauze is dry, use regular scissors to cut out the “petals” of the bell. Then I primed it with white paint, since the dark shell was visible through. We wait until it dries. We make a hole with a sharp object on top for the lace. We glue the shell.

I painted the bells with Easter dyes + watercolors. Watercolor paints can also be used, but it is better to mix them with dyes. Since watercolor itself paints the shell, but weakly. You can bend the petals of the bell. Nothing will happen to them.

The photo is not so great, but you can see how beautifully colored the petals inside the bell are.

I had to cover all my bells with shells, also in reverse. Well, I have a shortage of white shells... But this also holds up well. All work was varnished in three layers.

Thanks to Olga for a wonderful master class!