How to make a voluminous bun on hair of different lengths and structures? DIY hairstyles for long hair at home. Step-by-step instructions, photos Simple DIY hairstyles for long hair at home

If you ask representatives of both sexes what associations the word “bun” evokes in them, men will name radishes and green onions, and women – hairstyle.

And not because lovely ladies love aromatic fresh vegetables less than their gentlemen, it’s just that the “bun” hairstyle is in the arsenal of almost every lady with long or medium-length hair and always helps her out in any circumstances.

This is what experts admit: a bun is very versatile, never goes out of style, looks stylish in any era.

If necessary, the strands can be laid very quickly - and go to work, on a visit, or to an exhibition.

You can, of course, spend a little more time and create a true masterpiece that will suit a bride or socialite. Well, how can we not remember athletes and housewives, for whom a bun is the most comfortable of all possible hairstyles.

Oddly enough, the bunch least suitable for older women, especially if their hair is gray. This hairstyle simply turns them... into grandmothers.

Therefore, for those who have no desire to prematurely become “Avdotya Nikitichna” or “Veronica Mavrikievna,” experts recommend getting a short, fashionable haircut, even if in their younger years they chose long locks and a bun.

For other representatives of the fair sex, including very young ones, this hairstyle is ideal. The main thing is to choose the right beam option:

ADVICE: Those with a very thin neck should avoid backcombing, as a voluminous bun will make the head look disproportionately large.

How to style a bun

It’s easy to make a beautiful bun for long hair with your own hands. The easiest way is to gather the curls neatly combed with a brush into a ponytail, insert it into an elastic band, and then roll them up with a roller.

There are options in which the strands are twisted into a rope or braided, and after that they are twisted into something like a snail. In any case, to achieve success, you need to keep in mind a few tricks:

  1. a bunch of freshly washed hair (especially if it is not long enough) quickly crumbles, but if you washed your hair the day before, it will be much easier to deal with curls;
  2. the rubber band should not be used as a “pharmaceutical” one (it damages the hair), but one intended specifically for hairdressing purposes, and also one that matches the color;
  3. You can add a stylish touch to your look using original hairpins, a scarf, or a ribbon.

This hairstyle option, like no other, allows you to achieve diametrically opposed goals. You can, for example, create the image of an aristocrat if you use special styling products, or you can “sculpt” a naughty girl if you build two funny buns in the form of horns on a charming woman’s head.

Types of beams

Experts warn: buns on long hair can visually add a few extra years to their owner or seem unstylish if the technique for making them is poorly chosen. For example, if the hair is thin and not very thick, then the bun will turn out to be very small and will aggravate the problem.

Fortunately, this does not mean that you will have to abandon the very idea of ​​such a hairstyle - there are so many options that almost every woman and girl can choose the one that suits her.


It is also called classic and smooth. To complete this you will need an elastic band and hairpins. First, the strands are carefully combed and ironed. Then they are collected into a ponytail, while simultaneously choosing a point on the head that will become the center of the bun.

The hair is held together with an elastic band, and if it is not very manageable, it is treated with gel. The tail is twisted into a rope and placed in a spiral around the elastic band. To prevent the structure from falling apart, it is secured with pins and varnish.

ADVICE: for an evening option, instead of traditional hairpins, you can use decorative ones.

Bunch of strands

Unlike the traditional method, the tail is divided in half and each part is twisted into a rope, wrapping (in turn) around an elastic band. Secure with bobby pins and bobby pins.

Another interesting option is using mousse for volume. It is applied to the strands, after which, fluffing the hair with your fingers and letting it dry, make a central parting. Take strands from each side, roll them into a rope, directing them to the back of the head and attaching them with hairpins.

After this, all the hair is collected in a ponytail and a bun is formed from it, trying to make it airier and more careless than in the traditional version.

Volumetric beam

For this hairstyle, it is very important that the hair is not “first freshness”, but “second freshness”. If you put freshly washed and dried strands into a bun, it is advisable to treat them with texturizing paste or similar products that will make the curls more manageable.

Invisibobbles are used instead of traditional elastic bands.(something like a piece of telephone cord) - it will hold the strands together, but will not pull them too tightly, otherwise a voluminous bun for long hair will not work.

The hair is divided into parts and intertwined.

If the curls are weak and not too thick, you can first slightly increase their mass by backcombing.

Having laid the bundle, secure it with hairpins. It is important that it is soft, and therefore voluminous. If the result is not entirely satisfactory, stretch the bundle with careful movements to make it more voluminous.

Messy bun

It is only called careless and gives the impression of having been done hastily, but in fact every detail of it is thought out and makes sense - the asymmetry of the arrangement, the stray strands.

As a rule, this type of bun is low, not secured with an elastic band, and not twisted tightly so that a feeling of naturalness remains. Hair should be flawless - clean, shiny. They are twisted into bundles counterclockwise, the tip is secured with an invisible one.

You should not collect all your hair in this hairstyle; be sure to leave a couple of curls that fall from the temples to the face and can be slightly curly.

From wavy hair

This hairstyle is from. To make it more convenient to work with curls, apply foam or gel to them, dry them and form curls. A light backcombing at the front of the hair will also help, as it will give your hair extra volume.

The tail is divided into several curls, each of them, turn by turn, is wound around an elastic band and secured with hairpins. As a final “chord”, two thin strands are carefully pulled out of the finished hairstyle to frame the face.

Bun with bagel

The donut (round foam pad) should be matched to the hair color- they are produced for blondes, and for brunettes, and for red-haired young ladies. The head is tilted to make it easier to collect the hair in a high ponytail, and secure it with an elastic band.

Then they pull the tail into the hole of the donut and place the curls on top of it to carefully cover it completely. Then another elastic band is put on the tail, thus holding the hair on the surface of the donut. The ends are hidden under foam rubber and held in place with hairpins. It is advisable to varnish the entire structure for reliability.

Bun with a roller

This hairstyle is done in almost the same way as the previous one, only a roller is used together with the donut - a device that is also made of foam rubber of different colors, and the design is a little more complicated - “equipped” with a fastener in the form of a button.

After the strands of the tail are wound around the roller, the button is fastened, and the clasp is masked with hair and secured with hairpins.

With fleece

This option is usually used by women with thin hair. The bun is made as in the classic version, but the hair is first combed and smoothed with a brush before being pulled into a ponytail.

You can get an interesting look if you don’t put a couple of side strands in your ponytail, but leave them to frame your face.

CAREFULLY: This hairstyle must be done very carefully so that the backcombing is not noticeable, otherwise the woman will look untidy and, most importantly, out of date, since naturalness is especially valued in fashionable looks today (unlike the 1960s).

Low bun

When thinking about how to make a beautiful bun for long hair, women often turn to the images of recognized beauties of all times and peoples. So, the owner of a low bun was the goddess Aphrodite. Why not an example to follow?

This hairstyle differs from the classic version in that the hair is secured with an elastic band at the bottom of the back of the head. According to experts, in order for the result to please a woman, the minimum length of her hair should reach the line of her shoulder blades.

A low bun can be both festive and everyday. You can create it in different ways, for example

More complex DIY styling

When a woman masters bun technology, she can allow herself experiments that will make her image especially expressive and emphasize her individuality. Several options can be offered as a “hint”.

A combination of braiding and a bun can look festive; it’s not that difficult to do:

Instead of a classic bun, try putting a bow or even two bows on your head, as in the photo:

The secret of the hair bow is that the tail, fastened with an elastic band, is not pulled out completely into its hole, but is left folded in the form of a loop. From it, dividing it in half, a bow is formed, and the remaining ends are masked, hidden under an elastic band and secured with invisible hairpins, as well as varnish.

This video shows in detail how easy it is to make a spectacular bow with your own hands:

Another interesting look can be created by gathering only a small part of the hair into a bun (it will turn out small and neat), and laying the remaining strands over the shoulders, slightly twisting them and achieving a beautiful wave, or, conversely, straightening them with an iron.

You can place the bun where it will look best - on the back of the head or on the top of the head. Thick straight bangs will complement the “picture”.

Those who are used to being surprised may like the cosmic accent seen in George Lucas’s famous “Star Wars”: there the heroine had a cylindrical bun.

You can make this at home using several “terry” elastic bands.

The tail is threaded through them and (due to the number of elastic bands) the required height is achieved.

Then the “terry” rings are wrapped with hair.

You can create many different hairstyles based on long hair. However, recently, due to the constant lack of free time, every woman is increasingly looking for hairstyle options that not only look fashionable, relevant, elegant and stylish, but also do not require much time to create. The leader in this case can safely be called a bundle. Bundles have gained popularity due to their simplicity of execution, versatility and relevance. Buns are suitable for almost all women. In addition, by choosing the most suitable version, with this hairstyle you will look appropriate in any situation. So, what options are there for this simple but incredibly popular hairstyle?

It will take very little time to put together a simple bun in a classic style. Having filled your hand, creating this hairstyle will take no more than 4-7 minutes.

Option 1.

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1-2. Gather your hair into a ponytail using an elastic band.

Step 3-4. We hold the hair by the ends and wrap it around the elastic band. We secure the finished bundle with hairpins around the entire circumference.

Step 5-6. There is no need to tuck the protruding ends under the bun and smooth it. On the contrary, the hairstyle will come out much more natural if the ends are straightened a little.

Step 7-8. Let out a couple of strands at your temples so that they beautifully frame your face. If the final hairstyle is too smooth, then using a pencil you can slightly lift it at the base. Fix the result with a reliable varnish.

Option 2.

The next version of a quick and simple bun can be done as follows. Tie your hair into a ponytail using a thin elastic band, leaving one strand at the bottom untouched. After this, the tail needs to be rolled into a bun and pinned with hairpins. Wrap the remaining strand around the bun and secure its ends again with hairpins. Using a thin pencil or knitting needle, lift a couple of strands from the bun.

Bundles with braids for long hair

A very interesting hairstyle with a braid and a bun for long hair. It is quite simple to do, looks impressive and original.

Option 1.

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Tilt your head and comb your hair forward.

Step 2. Braid the spikelet from the neck to the crown area.

Step 3. Secure the spikelet to the crown with an elastic band.

Step 4. Pull the rest of your hair into a high ponytail at the top of your head.

Step 5. To make the final hairstyle more voluminous, the hair in the ponytail can be backcombed a little.

Step 6. Place your combed ponytail into a simple bun by simply wrapping your hair around an elastic band. Secure the ends of the ponytail with bobby pins or bobby pins.

Option 2.

The next option is a bun with a graceful French braid, which is perfect for women of any age. Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Create a side part.

Step 2. On the right side of the head, separate the strand from the top of the head to the very middle of the neck.

Step 3. Gather the remaining hair into a low ponytail.

Step 4a-4b. Based on the selected hair, braid a French braid: separate a strand, divide it into 3 parts and braid the braid, each time capturing new strands of hair with the strands.

Step 5: Braid the ends of the French braid into a simple braid.

Step 6a-6b. Wrap the end of the braid around the elastic band that secures the ponytail. Secure everything with pins.

Step 7. Take another elastic band and use it to tighten the bottom of the ponytail, without pulling the hair at the end all the way.

Step 8a-8b. Curl the tail into a ring as shown in the picture. Tuck the “ring” to the very back of your head. Secure the resulting bundle with bobby pins.

Step 9-10. Decorate the bun with a decorative flower and secure it with a hairpin.

Option 3.

Using braids, you can create a fairly simple, but at the same time very romantic bun. In this case, you will need small elastic bands to match your hair color, hairpins or small hair clips.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Braid five braids (2 at the temples and 3 at the back) using elastic bands that match the color.

2. Starting from the back braid, start making a bun. To do this, simply twist one braid around your base. The ends of the braid can be hidden in the center of the bun. The result must be secured with pins.

3-4. Take adjacent braids and wrap them around the existing bun (one at a time). Pin it with pins.

5. Now it’s time for the side braids. We do the same with them, that is, we wrap them around the bundle.

The end result looks like this:

Option 4.

This version of the romantic bun is based on two thick braids:

Volume bun for long hair

Option 1.

In order to make a beautiful and fashionable voluminous bun, you need to prepare a small elastic band, a pair of bobby pins (2-3 pieces), a comb and hairspray. Next, you should follow the following step-by-step recommendations:

Step 1: Comb your hair thoroughly. Separate one fairly large strand at the top of your head. Spray it with varnish and lightly comb it.

Step 2. Create a high ponytail based on all the hair and secure it tightly with an elastic band. After this, slightly pull the elastic band away from the surface of your head.

Step 3-4-5-6. Insert your fingers into the free space created under the elastic and carefully pull the tip of the tail through it. Secure the ends of the tail with bobby pins. Before doing this, for a more stylish and neat look, wrap it around an elastic band. Straighten the bun. Fix your hair with a suitable hairspray.

Here is the final result! If you want the bun to be more voluminous, you can comb the tail (each strand separately) and only then proceed to step No. 3.

Option 2.

The next type of bun is best created on slightly combed or curled hair, because in this case the hairstyle will be as natural and voluminous as possible.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Curl hair that is not voluminous enough using a curling iron.

2. Tilt your head forward and gather all your hair into a simple ponytail.

3-4-5-6. When tying your ponytail with an elastic band, try to make sure that the tip of the ponytail is at the front of your head, and a kind of loop is formed from the hair. Straighten the loop as shown in photo 3. Wrap the end of the tail around the elastic.

7-8-9. Secure the tip with hairpins and fix the bun with varnish.

Messy bun for long hair

There is another type of bun that “vanilla” girls often prefer to wear. That is why such bundles are often called “vanilla”. Such hairstyles are characterized by slight carelessness, soft and free lines, which will come in handy for dreamy, romantic and creative people.

Option 1.

In order to create such a careless bun, you need to stock up on a comb, hairpins and hair ties.

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Comb your hair. If your hair is not of a “gentle disposition,” then moisten it a little with water.

Step 2: Pull your hair into a high ponytail. The hair in the ponytail needs to be combed again.

Step 3-4-5-6. We twist the tail around its axis. If the hair is excessively thick and thick, then the tail can be divided into two equal parts and intertwined with each other. We wrap the tail around its base, covering the elastic. You don't want to make this too tight, as we want the bun to be as loose as possible.

Step 7-8. We hide the ends of the tail under an elastic band. We fix the bundle with hairpins. If during the process of creating a hairstyle, the hair becomes a little disheveled, then this is only for the better. If the hairstyle turns out to be too neat, then the situation can be corrected by simply pulling out a couple of strands in a chaotic manner.

Option 2.

1. Wash and dry your hair, and then comb it thoroughly with a massage brush. Apply a small amount of foam to your curls to make your hair more manageable.

2. It's time to tie the ponytail. At the first turns, thread the curls all the way through, but not at the last. Our goal is to get something like a loop out of the hair. There is no need to hide the ends of the tail.

3-4. Now we have to work with the “loop”, which needs to be given the most careless look. To do this, you can lightly comb it or simply tousle it with your hands. It is also necessary to comb the ends of the tail sticking out from under the elastic band. If the hair does not hold its shape for too long, then the hairstyle can be sprayed with hairspray.

5-6. Enjoy the final version!

You can create a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle using a regular knitted sock. In order to get a similar “donut”, you have to remove the part of the sock that is intended for the fingers. After this, fold the sock so that it looks like an elastic band.

Option 1.

In this case, you need to understand that the volume of the bun will greatly depend on the diameter of the sock and on your own hair length. If you want a noticeable and large bun, then choose a larger and tighter sock.

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Using a simple elastic band, gather your hair into a ponytail.

2. Thread the tail into the sock, as if through a regular elastic band.

3. Move the sock towards the ends of your hair, creating a palm tree-like ponytail.

4. Distribute the ends of the ponytail evenly over the entire surface of the sock and begin to twist your hair into a homemade donut.

5. Place an elastic band of a matching color over the sock, thereby securing the bun securely. Hide any protruding ends using pins or bobby pins.

Option 2.

In this case, the sock should be placed at the place where the tail is attached, all the curls should be evenly distributed around its circumference and once again secured with an elastic band. The protruding ends should be collected into one large curl and wrapped around the resulting bun. The hairstyle will be supported by hairspray and bobby pins. Simple, elegant and fast!

Long hair bun in the form of a bow

You rarely see a bun in the form of a bow, as many girls naively believe that doing it is time-consuming and problematic. However, this is absolutely not true!

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Prepare your hair by applying styling products.

2. Gather your hair into a high ponytail.

3. Using an elastic band, you need to curl the tail in half. As a result, the tail should turn into a loop, and its tips should end up on the top of the head in front.

4. Separate the loop into two equal parts.

5. Bring the ends back through the middle of the loop. Secure them with bobby pins.

6. Secure the bow with varnish.

7. The hairstyle is ready!

Here is another step-by-step instruction in photographs:

In order to create a side bun, you need to prepare an elastic band, a thin comb and hairpins. This is the result you should get:

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Using a thin comb at the top of the head, separate a wide strand of hair.

2. Comb the separated strand.

3. Gather all your hair on the side. This must be done so that the bouffant does not fall off. Tie the ponytail at about the level of your earlobe.

4. Twist the resulting ponytail into a rope (away from you).

5. Roll the tourniquet into a bun.

6. Tuck the ends into a bun.

7. Secure the bun with hairpins.

Low bun for long hair

The bun can be located in any part of the head. To achieve a low bun, you can use the following step-by-step instructions.

Option 1:

Option 2:

How to decorate a bun

The bun is a pretty universal hairstyle. By decorating an everyday bun with decorative hairpins, flowers, tiaras, elastic bands or bows, you can quickly turn it into a festive evening hairstyle.

There are a lot of hairstyles you can do for long hair. Any woman can do these simple hairstyles for long hair with her own hands.
All you need is a styling product, some bobby pins, a curling iron, and hairspray.

Elegant bun - stylish, easy and comfortable. This is a beautiful hairstyle for long hair. You can assemble a bun of hair with your own hands in a few minutes. If the hair is the same length, then there should be no difficulties. If you have a haircut for medium hair with layers, then you need to spray your hair with styling spray or mousse.

A beautiful ponytail - both for work and for a festive evening. The perfect DIY hairstyle for long hair. The tail is a lifesaver; you can assemble it in a few minutes, but at the same time you can make it very beautiful and stylish.

This is how you can beautifully remove long hair from your face.

First hairstyle
This is a combination of babette and braids. The hair from the temples is collected on the top of the head, backcombed, and the hair is pinned up with hairpins. Divided into two parts and braided into braids, the braids are attached around the head.

easy hairstyles for long hair at home

stylish women's hairstyles for long hair

Second hairstyle
On the sides of the face, at the level of the temple, strands are taken and twisted into strands. The resulting strands, along with the rest of the hair, are gathered into a ponytail and tied with an elastic band. To hide the elastic from the ponytail, take one strand and wrap it around the elastic, pinning the end of the strand with a hairpin.

Third hairstyle
To prevent long hair from getting into your face, but at the same time remain loose, take strands of hair from the temples, twist them into plaits and pin them with bobby pins behind the ear.

Fourth hairstyle
A high bun that can be done in 30 minutes.

Fifth hairstyle
Another option.

beautiful hairstyles for very long hair

Sixth hairstyle
An interesting and simple hairstyle that can be done in a couple of minutes. You will need a hair tie, a pair of hairpins and a hairpin.

Seventh hairstyle

Interesting and elegant hairstyle for long hair. This hairstyle can be done for a gala evening or on a date. It's just as easy to do, you can do it yourself.

Eighth hairstyle

If you like to wear your hair down, but don't want your hair to get in the way or get in your face, this hairstyle will suit you.

Ninth hairstyle
Braid hairstyle - fishtail. The braid hairstyle has been fashionable for several seasons now and is easy to do. You just need to divide your hair into two parts and to get a stylish braid, take turns, first from one part of the hair, then from the other, take a small strand and transfer it to the opposite part of the hair.

Tenth hairstyle
A hairstyle with a ponytail, with volume, is an excellent option for weekends, vacations, and at home.

It's easy to do your hair. We make a side parting, separate a wide strand on the top of the head and backcomb it. Next, we pin this strand with bobby pins at the back of the head, lifting it slightly, creating volume. We collect the hair in a low ponytail and tie it with a thin elastic band.

Eleventh hairstyle
An elegant hairstyle, a great option for work and for a walk or a trip to a cafe. You will need a hair tie and a pair of hairpins.

We gather the hair into a ponytail and slightly pull the elastic back so that the ponytail becomes free. Then we separate the hair into two parts up to the elastic band to create a hole. You need to insert the tail into this hole, and then twist it into a bundle. The resulting tourniquet must be twisted around the base of the tail and pinned with hairpins.

Twelfth hairstyle
An interesting hairstyle, it looks like a bun, but at the same time it also contains braids. First you need to tilt your head, comb your hair forward and braid a spikelet to the top of your head. After this, gather your hair into a high ponytail and make a bun from the ponytail.

Braids for long hair
Recently, braids and various hair weaves have gained particular popularity. Women's World offers you several hairstyle options with detailed instructions.

Some more interesting hairstyles

To create this hairstyle, gather hair from the top of your head and away from your ears, and let some hair out on the sides. Twist your hair into a bun and pin it with a hairpin. Then use your fingers to lift it a little and pull out the strands on the top of your head.

This trendy hairstyle can be made from a simple braid, but it needs to be braided on its side. Take 3 strands from the left temple, start braiding and gradually grabbing strands from the top and bottom, braid the braid to the other ear. Secure your hair with a bobby pin.

You can do these simple hairstyles for long hair with your own hands if you twist your hair into a braid on the side and pin it with hairpins. Hair needs to be curled using curling irons.

Such a simple bun can be made by tying your hair into a ponytail with a thin elastic band, leaving one strand at the bottom. Then twist the tail into a bun and pin it with a hairpin. Wrap the remaining strand around the bun and pin it with hairpins. Using a knitting needle or other thin object, lift a few strands from the bun.

These are such beautiful and simple DIY hairstyles for long hair.

47 Best Bun Hairstyles

The bun is one of the most popular hairstyles that never goes out of style. This is an extremely versatile hairstyle and can be jazzed up in several ways. As a rule, a bun looks better on long beautiful hair and we can change it however we want depending on the event, outfit and makeup.

Below are the best bun hairstyles for long hair:

1. Simple Twisted Bun:

Look how you can create a super elegant chic out of an ordinary twisted bun of long hair. This bun for long hair is neat, lightweight and very comfortable.

2. Light and comfortable “ballet bun”:

A ballet bun, just like a regular bun, is light and comfortable. Pull all of your hair back to the top of your head and wrap it into a sleek, tight bun.

3. Low and Flat Twisted Bun:

Here is one of the easiest bun styles for long hair! Give it a smooth shape and fix it with a special tool.

4. Messy Highlighted Corner Bun:

Angled buns can be created by layering hair on top of each other. You can spice up your look with highlights.

5. Messy Low Side Bun with Nice Waves

A low side bun suits almost any style of clothing. Creating textured waves gives your hair a flawless look.

6. Easy High Donut Bun:

Donut buns are not only easy to wear, they also look quite adorable and cute. Try to assemble the same tall donut shown in the picture and you will understand why they love it so much.

7. Super High Bun with Short Bangs:

This is another high bun located on the top of the head and was made by folding the hair several times in different layers. Short front locks add some flair to this high bun.

8. Smooth Combed Side Bun:

Smooth and neatly combed bun.

9. High Twist Bun with Loose and Wavy End:

Mix the elegance of a big high twisted bun with the femininity of loose wavy locks. This will greatly spice up your look. You can also decorate your hairstyle with hair accessories.

10. Messy High Bun with Bangs:

But a messy bun with long hair is absolutely easy to replicate.

11. Low side and corner loop bun:

Simply fold and tie your hair into a ponytail using an elastic band and your hairstyle is ready with the innovative loop bun. Here it is on one side of the back of the neck and is adorned with stylish hair bows.

12. Elegant Twist Bun with Crystal Clips:

If you've always wondered how to style your casual look with a stunning twisted bun hairstyle, your solution is here. Accessorize it with sparkly crystal pins - the hairstyle is so gorgeous!

13. Top Twisted Low Bun:

Get rid of your fussy, time-consuming hairstyles with this simple twisted bun hairstyle. All you have to do is twist your hair on both sides and secure it at the back of your head with bobby pins.

14. Elegant bun

This hairstyle works great with smooth, textured hair.

15. Messy Side Low Bun:

This graceful side low bun will make your look sexy and striking. Give your hair a messy and textured look.

16. Voluminous Floral Bun with Long Side Bangs:

Add volume to the top of your hair and create a large floral bun. Now tuck your long side locks behind your ears and enjoy the glamorous look.

17. Tight low bun with sleek center parted hair:

Be it a formal event, a party or a casual day, this intricate bun hairstyle is beautiful everywhere. To ensure that the top part of the hair lies smoothly, use a special styling product, then part the hair in the middle and gather it into a tight, low bun.

18. Messy low twisted bun with a little backcomb:

Ever tried the backcomb and rolled up hair combo? Get inspired by this look and style your curls right under a chic little bouffant.

19. Small Semi-High Twisted Bun:

This small semi-high bun looks amazing on pretty silky smooth hair. You can make it even cuter by wrapping it with curled hair and decorating it with a hair brooch.

20. Neat bun with a headband:

This bun is the perfect way to embody elegance without having to put in a lot of effort to pull off this hairstyle.

21. Sleek High Bun with Wrapped Braid:

This is a classic high bun with a thick braid around it. Whether you are a blonde or a brunette, this amazing hairstyle will highlight your personality like never before.

22. Casual Twisted High Bun with Cascading Bangs:

This is an ordinary bun, although it doesn’t look quite like an ordinary one. It’s not at all difficult to do, just curl your hair on the top of your head.

23. Semicircular Low Bun with Volume Crown:

This is another ultra-feminine loop bun at the back of the head.

24. Tight Braided Bun:

Nothing else can add charm and sophistication to your look like this graceful braided bun. Here the top part of the hair is slightly puffed up and several braids are braided all over the head, which are then twisted together into a low, tightly braided bun.

25. Two light pink buns with side bangs:

Double buns or braided buns will make your look super cute anytime, anywhere.

26. Dressy Textured and High Twisted Bun:

Currently, this is another bun that is a little different from the typical bun. Add texture to your hair and pull it up.

27. High Double Bun with Slicked Front Hair:

This hairstyle has a large tight and twisted bun at the top of the head and a smaller bun at the bottom. Style your hair smoothly to achieve this look.

28. Low braided rose bun with messy waves:

Add texture to your hair and give it a tangled look. Then braid your hair into a rose bun at the base of your neck. A very feminine hairstyle.

29. High Loop Bun:

This high loop bun is a stylish, comfortable and charming hairstyle.

30. Massive Twisted and Textured High Bun:

You must add texture to your hair before starting this hairstyle. Now twist your hair and form a giant bun shape.

31. Messy, Floral Side Bun with Bangs and Braided Headband:

If you have naturally wavy hair, this hairstyle will suit you best. Here the droopy side floral bun is adorned with a braided headband.

32. Huge low bun with pronounced wave texture:

The intense texture of the waves is the secret of this royal and gorgeous hairstyle.

33. Double Braided Low Side Bun with Brooch:

This is a stunning double braided bun that requires little time and effort. Simply braid two thick braids on either side of your head and twist them into a low side bun and accessorize with a beautiful hair brooch.

34. Long Bun with Top Hair Pull Back:

A fresh flower adds significant charm and elegance to a hairstyle.

35. Low Side Bun with Cascading Bangs and Flower:

If you have thick long hair, choose this lovely bun hairstyle for a refreshing look. Pull all your hair into a low side bun and add a fresh flower.

36. Giant Half Bun with Smooth Surface:

This giant semi-high bun has two segments - a braided top half and a bottom flat bun. Style your hair smoothly using a special serum and fix with hairspray.

37. Low Textured Side Bun:

This low, round bun looks especially beautiful on messy, textured and slightly bleached hair. Twist the two sections on each side of your head, then secure them into a bun with bobby pins. Gorgeous isn't it?!

38. Single-braided low bun with voluminous crown and loose


This is the perfect bun hairstyle. Would look absolutely stunning at your graduation party.

39. Half Up Bun with Curly Hair and Long Bangs:

You will fall in love with this half up bun once you try it.

40. Side High Bun with a Messy Trim:

This is a casual, messy version of the everyday bun. But to do this you need to create it on the side, and not in the center as usual.

41. Messy High Bun with Parted Bangs:

Have you fallen in love with this adorable split bun? Everyone loves it. Create a messy big bun at the top of your head and let those long bangs kiss your eyes romantically. Great, isn't it?!

42. Tall Empty Bun with Super Smooth Surface:

Here's a simple bun for long hair. If done correctly, it looks amazingly beautiful. In order to give your hair a flawless look, you must use a good hair gel and hairspray for a strong hold.

43. High bun with huge curls:

Show off your luscious curls in the most elegant way possible by styling them into a large curly bun at the top of your head. To maintain your hairstyle for a long time, apply hairspray.

44. Volume Low Side Bun with Spiral Side Bangs:

Simplicity is best if we talk about this hairstyle in a nutshell. And the sexy spiral bangs on the sides added a special touch to the hairstyle.

45. Semi-High Textured Spiral Bun:

To add volume to your hair and give it good texture, start your hairstyle by applying mousse. Then, twist them into a semi-high bun. Simple but sophisticated!

46. ​​Spiral Bun and Bottom Braid:

This hairstyle starts with a braid, then twists it into a tall fluffy spiral bun. This hairstyle will definitely attract attention.

47. High Blue Donut Bun with Silky Smooth Finish:

With a silky smooth finish, this high donut bun can be worn anytime and can be created without the help of your stylist.

We hope you enjoyed all of these easy bun hairstyles for long hair!

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Sometimes, to do a hairstyle, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, and the result may not live up to expectations... We offer you a selection of easy hairstyles for every day that you can do with your own hands in just a few minutes!

Thanks to such simple hairstyles, you can surprise your colleagues and friends with new looks every day, choose a hairstyle to match any set of clothes and, even if you don’t have time to get ready, look great!

Step-by-step photo lessons of simple hairstyles for every day

Easy hairstyle with two braids for every day

This hairstyle is perfect for work, school or walking. It is enough to braid two braids and fasten them at the back to create an interesting hairstyle. You can style your hair either with an even parting or with a side parting.

Stylish shell hairstyle

The shell hairstyle is suitable for office style and business meetings. However, if you decorate it with a beautiful hairpin, then in tandem with an evening dress it will create a romantic and elegant look. The shell hairstyle has the right to be a little disheveled, and a few curls near the face will complement the look.

It does not take much time to create; the hair must be twisted to one side and secured with hairpins.

Volumetric styling with a ribbon in the style of Brigitte Bardot

1. Separate part of the hair from above and comb it, using hairspray to fix it.
2. Gather the hair at the back of the head and grab strands at the temples, they will support our bouffant. At the same time, do not pinch the tail with an elastic band; the volume should be preserved.
3. Tie a ribbon and fix your hair with hairspray again - your easy hairstyle for the evening is ready!

Easy hairstyle with braiding and bun

For this hairstyle, we need a special roller to create a voluminous bun; if you don’t have a special bun, then a regular sock will do, you just need to cut off the front part of the sock and twist it. If you liked the hairstyle, also check out " " 🧡
1. Tilt your head down and comb your hair.
2. Start from the bottom hairline with a French braid.
3. Finish the braiding approximately at the top of the head and collect all the hair, secure the base tightly with an elastic band.
4. Take a donut and twist your hair around it to create a full bun.

Another option for a simple hairstyle with a bun and braids

1. Part your hair evenly.
2. Braid two identical braids on each side. To do this, you need to start braiding a French braid, make a few stitches of braids, grabbing the hair, and then finish the braid in the usual classic way.
3. Gather all your hair into a ponytail at the bottom of your head, including the ends of your braids.
4. Now use a roller or sock to twist the volumetric bun.

Bun twisted into a knot

A simple and quick hairstyle, in case you have 5 minutes left to get ready! Just divide your hair into two equal parts and tie it in a knot, then twist the strands into ropes and wrap them around the knot, secure the hairstyle with hairpins and you are ready!

Easy hairstyle for a Great Gatsby themed party

For a hairstyle in the style of the 30s, you will need a special headband, it is better if it is decorated with stones or beads. Divide your hair with a side parting so that 70% of the hair is on one side. Place the headband on your head and begin twisting your hair around the elastic at the back, creating a slightly messy hairstyle. This should be done from one ear towards the other. When you reach the second ear, create a small loose bun and also secure it with an elastic band.

Braid crown - a simple hairstyle based on braided braids

A fairly specific hairstyle that is suitable for a certain occasion or style. Divide your hair into two halves with a straight parting in the middle and braid 2 fishtail or braids. Do not make the weave too tight, it should be loose and voluminous. Now cross each braid to the opposite side along the top of your head and secure it behind your ear with a bobby pin. The braid crown is ready! Do you like braids for long hair? Check out our site, for which the editor was awarded!

Beautiful hairstyle for thick hair

The hairstyle is quite light, but it requires long and thick hair, then it will turn out voluminous and interesting. The hairstyle combines French braiding and bun.

Easy romantic hairstyle with curls with your own hands

This delicate hairstyle is suitable for medium-length hair. Create a low ponytail at the back, leaving two wide strands of hair near your face. We make a bun from the ponytail; it can be done in the usual way by twisting the hair into a rope or using a roller to get a voluminous bun. Then we twist the front strands with hair curlers, secure a few strands around the bun, and also leave a few strands loose near the face.

Loose hair with a French braid

The hairstyle is very light and at the same time looks very stylish. Before creating a hairstyle, you can curl your hair slightly. We part the hair on the side. Start the French braid from the parting along the hairline towards the back of the head. After making several grabs of hair, finish braiding in the usual way. Then separate a small strand from the other side of the parting and connect this strand and the end of the braid at the back of your head. Tuck the loose strand under the pigtail and secure it with a bobby pin, and do the same with the tip of the braid. Fix your hair with hairspray and catch admiring glances.

Voluminous ponytail with braided spikelets - easy styling for every day

1. Part your hair to the side.
2. From the side where most of the hair is, start braiding a spikelet or fishtail braid.
3. Braid the braid to the end and secure the end with an elastic band.
4. At the back of the head we collect the hair and secure it with an elastic band, catching the braid there. Position the braid so that it lies beautifully on the head and goes into the ponytail. You can make a small backcomb on top for volume.
5. Wrap a small section of hair around the base of the ponytail to hide the elastic.
This hairstyle looks very beautiful and elegant, so you can wear it to a celebration or a romantic evening.

A variation of the previous hairstyle with a French braid

The hairstyles are very similar to each other, the only difference is what kind of weaving to do. In this version we do French weaving.

Evening simple hairstyle for long hair

Make a low ponytail and turn it inward as shown in the photo. Comb your hair until it doubles in volume. Now we carefully collect the hair and tuck it into the resulting hole, so that we get a voluminous bun at the bottom. Place a beautiful decoration or hairpin above the bun.

A quick way to make curls

This is perhaps the fastest way to style your hair with curls!

Triple ponytail - an easy hairstyle for every day

The hairstyle is suitable for girls to go to school and kindergarten; it is strong enough and can last all day.
1. Separate the first part of the hair from above and make a ponytail. Using a strand of their tail, we wrap the base to hide the elastic.
2. Separate the second part of the hair a little lower and make a second tail, while also capturing the tip from the first tail. We also wrap the tail with a strand.
3. Do the same with the remaining hair and wrap the ponytail with an elastic band again. The triple tail is ready!

You can also make a ponytail not from 3, but from 5 or more parts. To do this, take small strands of hair and add the previous collected hair to them.

French braid and bun

A beautiful easy hairstyle that is suitable for long hair; in order to create it you only need to know how to braid a French braid; you can see the step-by-step lesson in the photo.

Ethnic motives

This hairstyle can also be called Boho style. This effect is achieved due to the arrangement of the braids, which resemble special ethnic jewelry. Quite an original styling that won’t be difficult to do.

Summer hairstyle with headband

Instead of a headband, you can use a rolled scarf, a wide ribbon, or a straw headband. The style of this hairstyle is relevant in the summer because the headband is a bright accessory that cannot be hidden under a hat.

Delicate look with a high ponytail and loose hair

1. Curl your curls using a curling iron or curling iron.
2. Separate a small strand of hair from temple to temple on top and lightly backcomb it.
3. Gather a ponytail at the top of your head and secure it with a small elastic band.
4. Using a thin strand, wrap the base of the ponytail and secure it with a bobby pin.
5. Spray your hair with hairspray and enjoy the gentle princess look - easy, quick and simple!

Twist braid - an easy ponytail-based hairstyle

1. Comb your hair thoroughly and gather it into a ponytail at the back of your head.
2. Divide your hair into two equal parts and twist them into two strands
3. Then twist them together and secure the end with an elastic band. In this case, you need to twist the strands in one direction and twist the braid in the other, then it will be in the form of a beautiful spiral.

Quick hairstyle for school with inverted ponytails

This hairstyle allows you to open your face and remove strands from your eyes so as not to interfere with your studies or work; it looks especially beautiful on long, thick hair.

Twist the flagella

To create this easy hairstyle you will need no more than 5 minutes, but it looks feminine and gentle, take note!

Adding decorations

The most ordinary hairstyle can be transformed if you decorate it with a beautiful hairpin. Interesting jewelry in itself creates a unique image and adds sophistication to you. Here is one of the hairstyle options with decoration.

Easy hairstyles for every day - step by step photos

Create easy hairstyles and be beautiful every day!