We select men's clothing based on your body type. How to choose a hairstyle for a man: recommendations Square-shaped face

Men's fashion is not as diverse and rich as women's. Men cannot alternate trousers with dresses, or shorts with skirts. And since the number of wardrobe items for men is initially smaller, they should approach the choice of clothing with special care. Many men have long ago found their own style and know well what they need, but some need a female helping hand. Correctly selected clothing style is one of the important components of the image. We studied men's fashion trends and prepared 20 tips on how to help a man choose a clothing style

Go shopping together

A man may need your advice and outside perspective. Think over the list of what you need in advance and don’t waste time on random purchases - purposefully go to the men’s departments.

Business style and choice of suit

There are many styles of men's clothing, and your partner may prefer any of them, but every man should have at least one business suit in his wardrobe. As a rule, office workers, employees of banks, legal and consulting companies adhere to business style in clothing. This style involves following the strict requirements of business etiquette. Such a wardrobe should include such elements as a suit, shirts, tie, appropriate shoes and accessories. Strict style regulates the rules for wearing clothes, but leaves the right to choose styles, materials and colors. Returning to the choice of a suit: a basic business suit should be well made from quality material - this is one of those things on which it is better not to skimp.

Clothes by size

Women are better at choosing clothes to fit their figure, hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages. Men often don’t even really know their size. Jackets and shirts should not have unnecessary folds, and sleeves should not extend beyond the line of the beginning of the palm and protrude 1–2 cm from under the jacket.

Shirt selection

To choose the right size shirt, you need to measure around your neck, leaving about the thickness of your finger.

Classic style and choice of jacket

A man who dresses in a classic style chooses time-tested styles and wardrobe elements. Classic is not only an office suit, but also clothes that are appropriate to wear to an important meeting, to the theater or conservatory. As a rule, for classic items of clothing they go to stores “with history.” Their main characteristic advantages are expensive fabrics, precise cut and successful, non-flashy models. A properly chosen jacket hides figure flaws and makes a man more elegant. It is important that the model exactly matches the width of the shoulders, and that no folds form on the back. It is convenient to have a jacket in your wardrobe that can be worn not only with trousers and a shirt, but also with jeans and a T-shirt.

Tie of the required length

Classic business style suggests that the tie extends to the waistline of the trousers.

Stylish sunglasses

Beautiful sunglasses have long ceased to be just protection from the sun and have become a fashion accessory.

Swimming shorts

For relaxation, it is best to buy long swimming shorts. As a rule, they have a pocket where you can put a hotel key and other small items.

Open T-shirts

Open T-shirts can only be worn on vacation or in the gym.

Shoes with comfortable soles and military style

If we choose women's shoes based on the comfort of the lasts, in men's shoes we should pay attention to the sole. Shoes with thin soles are suitable for the office; boots with thick soles are suitable for country trips. If a man prefers a military style in clothing, there will be special requirements for the choice of shoes. Military style involves the use of camouflage colors: dark green, marsh, beige, brown. Things of this style are sewn from coarse, dense fabrics, and the decoration uses buttons, double stitching, patch pockets and wide belts. In this case, shoes should be high, massive and, of course, comfortable.

Casual style and sports shoes: trends

It is generally accepted that sneakers are only suitable for sports in combination with appropriate clothing. Of course, you shouldn’t wear them with classic trousers, but the trends of recent years dictate their own rules. Gradually, sneakers and sneakers migrated to the casual style, where they are considered absolutely appropriate. Comfortable, stylish, practical, but not entirely utilitarian, usually plain and discreet things go well with sports shoes of certain styles.

Comfortable underwear

Men's underwear should above all be comfortable. Give preference to natural materials and classic cut.

Minimum decorations

If a man is not a rock musician or a fashion model or a football player, he should not wear too much jewelry. For office work, a watch and a wedding ring are enough.

Perfect hairstyle

Baldness as a reason to change your image

Baldness is one of the main problems for men. But don’t despair and try to disguise it; it’s better to follow the example of famous brutal men and change your image by shaving your head.

To shave or not to shave?

For some, two-day stubble adds charm and charm, but for others it makes them look sloppy and unkempt. If your beard grows unevenly, it is best to shave regularly using Gillette shaving foam or gel.

Subtle aroma

A well-chosen perfume greatly adorns men. And, of course, we can’t forget about deodorant. In the Old Spice line of effective deodorants, you can choose one of the forms (roller, gel or stick) with any of the presented scents.

Clean skin

Men, unlike women, cannot hide minor skin imperfections with decorative cosmetics. Therefore, they should take special care of their skin and use cleansing lotions and creams.

Replacement for heels

To make a woman appear taller and slimmer, it is enough to wear high-heeled shoes. Men can resort to another trick: wear dark-colored clothes and don't slouch.

Change of image

Just like women, men need to change their style sometimes, try new clothing styles and change their hairstyle.

That's all. And don’t forget that attention and sensitive care will turn your man into the most beautiful prince!

How do you take care of your man's style? Share your secrets in the comments!

A classic men's suit is the main component of a man's basic wardrobe and an integral part of his individual style. An item of clothing that should be in your closet, regardless of your everyday lifestyle, field of activity and age. A stylish, high-quality men's suit is a marker of success, prosperity and confidence in the future.

For office workers, lawyers, businessmen, politicians and representatives of other professions where the business dress code is casual, choosing the right suit is the basis of men's style. Even the absence of events on the horizon at which a suit may be needed is not a reason to postpone the purchase of this most important clothing attribute.

Today in the fashion industry there are many options for men's suits for different purposes. For example, for particularly important official events, for business negotiations, for special events, for wearing every day, and so on. In each case, the suit may differ in color, style, fabric quality and other characteristics.

We will start from the needs of newcomers in the field of fashion, who do not yet have dozens of options for suits for all occasions, but strive to improve their image and diversify their wardrobe. To do this, we will answer the question of how to choose the right universal classic men's suit and what to pay attention to first.

A real man wears a suit, not jeans , but this suit looks like someone slept in it. (Susan Vega)


First you need to decide on the type of suit. There are two-piece (jacket and trousers) and three-piece (jacket, trousers, vest) men's suits with single-breasted and double-breasted jackets. The classic and most common option is single breasted two piece suit. Double-breasted suits are considered old school and are rarely used today.

As a rule, a classic men's single-breasted suit has no more than 2-3 buttons, and the bottom button of the jacket is usually not fastened. It is recommended to buy a shirt and tie at the same time as a suit. Of course, the most common shirt color is white.


The right combination of colors in men's clothing is a sure sign of good taste. In order to choose the color of a men's suit, let's turn to the advice of experts who recommend, first of all, basic universal colors: dark grey, dark blue and black.

These classic colors are ideal for special occasions - weddings, funerals, official meetings, and for everyday life, if the man's profession requires a conservative style. Relevant for any time of year. Traditional costumes add elegance, and the period of use can last for more than one year. The most common is considered dark blue color.

Another basic color of a classic men's suit is dark brown. The times when this color was unacceptable in a business environment remain in the distant 80s of the last century, and today the brown suit is very widely used. In the future, you can diversify your wardrobe with suits of other colors.

All four of the above colors of men's suits go well with various options for additions - shirts, ties, shoes. There are plenty of options to experiment with. When choosing a color, take into account individual characteristics (eye color, hair, facial tone) and outdoor lighting, both at the time of purchase and depending on the places where the particular suit will be used.


A man in a suit should feel comfortable and be a “king.” This is achieved with the help of a perfectly selected suit size. Since not everyone can afford the services of a tailor, and official size tables often do not correspond to the physique of an individual man, we will highlight the basic rules.


    Shoulder seams should never extend beyond a man's actual shoulders. Stretch your arms forward and to the sides; if you feel discomfort, stiffness, tension in the fabric, or excess folds appear, ask for a different size.

    The jacket buttons should fasten easily, but not too loosely. Pass the hand inside the buttoned jacket between the buttons; if your hand fits in too easily, then the size is too big.

    The length of the jacket sleeve should be 1-2 cm shorter than the shirt cuff, that is, it should approximately end at the base of the thumb on the wrist.


Slightly tapered trousers of a classic suit should sit neatly on the top of the shoe, without touching the floor at the back, and leaving a small fold at the front. We don’t recommend buying the recently fashionable baggy style of trousers - it’s not suitable for every man. But tastes are different. Avoid waist discomfort, which can be tested by doing squats. For frequent use, it is better to purchase several identical trousers, this will allow the suit to last longer.


The price and durability of a men's suit largely depend on the quality of the material. It is preferable to choose fabric made from 100% wool without any impurities. Sometimes mixing with mohair and cashmere is allowed. Different manufacturers of branded men's suits use thousands of fabric options, based on the client's taste, nature of use, seasonality and many other factors. Quality wool fabric is produced in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. The best companies supplying fabrics for men's suits are located in Belgium and Italy.


Buying a good classic men's suit requires significant financial investment. Let's discard the elite English studios with exorbitant prices, accessible to the powerful few of this world, and denote TOP 5 famous world brands of men's suits relatively reasonable cost.

    Ermenegildo Zegna(Italy) - from 1 thousand dollars.

    Hugo Boss(Germany) - from 530 dollars.

    Tom Ford(USA)—from 2 thousand dollars.

    Canali(Italy) - from 1.2 thousand dollars.

    Brioni(Italy) - from 3.5 thousand dollars.

    Hang your suit on a wide wooden hanger (no chair backs), the shape will last longer.

    Don't dry clean your suit too often, as this can be harmful to the natural fibers. Use a special brush with a soft coating.

    For seasonal storage of a suit, use special ventilated covers, which will prevent the formation of mustiness or mold.

    Don't wear the same suit every day; let the fabric breathe for 1-2 days.

An unloved suit never wears out.

Quite an objective statement. Don't save where you don't need to. Investing in quality and comfortable clothing allows a man to dress correctly. Choose good men's suits, wear them with pleasure, enjoy life and achieve success. Don't forget about such important style elements as men's watches, shoes and perfume, which, along with a suit, perfectly complement the image.

You will need:

Firstly, you must choose clothes that not only fit you perfectly, but also fit the required sizes, and also have a match and similarity in color.

For example, let’s take the most basic combination: the top is light, and the bottom is classic dark shades.

Avoid sail shirts and, of course, untucked shirts. After all, a beautifully tucked shirt harmoniously “cuts” your body in half. In this case, a certain line of trousers appears that emphasizes your sexy torso, the slimness of your legs and your figure in general.

As a rule, it is very simple to determine it - you measure 10-15 cm from your navel and, accordingly, at this place, your trousers or jeans should fit you well.

  • You should feel comfortable and confident in these clothes. This doesn't mean it shouldn't be a size or two larger and fill you up accordingly.
  • Try to choose convenient and comfortable things in which you can easily make new acquaintances at work or just in a cafe or on the street. Then your business style will definitely be appreciated.
  • If you use accessories, then make sure that the watch is expensive and stylish.

Cost of things

This is a difficult question, both for amateur buyers and professional designers and stylists. The problem is that today, high-quality and modern clothes can be bought for literally pennies.

All you need to do is know good and trusted places.

As a rule, people do not want to buy ordinary and uninteresting clothes, but want things that correspond to their status, or, more often, they set the bar much higher.

If you take into account a suit or shoes, then these should be natural materials, and at the same time made with high quality.

Nowadays, technology has made such progress that factories do not have to spend large sums on the production of their products. For example, you can buy a classic shirt for 3,000 rubles. At the same time, you will not have to hem it, and it will clearly emphasize your figure. Well-fitting trousers can be bought for 2,000 – 3,000 rubles. Simple jeans can be purchased for 3,000 rubles. If you take into account ultra-fashionable designer jeans, their prices will sometimes reach 15,000, or even 20,000 rubles.

Again, if you are wearing a cheap shirt on top and luxury jeans on the bottom at the same time, you will get some kind of imbalance.

Therefore, try to buy clothes that will match in price and visually.

Discounts and promotions

Boutiques and shops in any city hold various sales approximately 4-5 times a year, where you can buy many goods at a significantly reduced price - two or even five times cheaper!

As soon as sales and promotions start, go shopping and try to buy yourself something at a discount.

At sales you can buy better quality items.

It is possible to choose original and interesting models, while spending a much smaller amount than the initial budget that you allocated for clothes.

One good tip is to go to a luxury boutique and just try on something expensive to see how it fits and looks on you.

After this, you will at least have a rough idea of ​​what you need and compare the quality of certain things. It's a rewarding experience.

There are also many websites on the Internet that sell things at big discounts. And you don’t have to wait long at all - they are here literally every day. The only problem is that you cannot try on a thing and know how it will look on you. But you always have a way out - you can return it and get your money back.

However, if over time you learn to choose the right suitable clothes via the Internet, then you won’t need any stores!

Sit in your home or office and order any clothes at affordable prices. You will save your time and money!

Many men nowadays try to take care of themselves. But since they did not receive proper education in childhood, since the time was different, they do not know how to choose a man’s hairstyle. If you think that taking care of yourself and taking care of your appearance is a woman's concern, then you are very mistaken. True, it also happens that a man does not want to change his hairstyle throughout his life. Perhaps old habits persist, or perhaps the fear of changing something in oneself plays a role. Often on the streets you can meet a man with a completely bald top, which scares off many girls. There are also those who completely forget about getting a haircut, and then wonder why their life is not going well, both personally and at work.

It is important to remember that no suit, tie or watch can make you a truly attractive person. Agree, no girl will like a guy who has a bald patch on his head. To avoid getting into trouble, watch your hairstyle. In addition, you can experiment; for this, in hairdressing salons and salons there are special programs that make it possible to try out a new hair color or a new style on the screen. After which your fantasies can already be brought to life.

One can only envy a guy with thick wavy hair. In European countries they know that for a man, in Russia this is more difficult. To get a stylist's advice and get a really good result, you need to pay a lot of money.

It may also be the hair itself, because manageable hair can be styled much more beautifully, and it will look much better.

Owners of such hair should never leave their sides shaved (almost cut bald), and it is also advisable to grow more hair on top. For men who have long hair, this hairstyle will also suit them, but at the same time it will look slightly conservative. But the problem is that this haircut will only please you for a short time. After you have grown a little, you will have to go to the hairdresser again.

Of course, it is important to distinguish by face type, hair type and many other parameters. But the most optimal solution for all genders would be a haircut in which the hair on the sides and back is slightly shorter than on top. Most boys wear this hairstyle and do not try to change it until old age.

To finally answer the question about whether a man should turn his attention to the option when the length of the hair throughout the head is the same and is approximately 3-4 cm.

Many men will not give up straight and thin hair, but there is one problem - it is much more difficult to care for. In this case, the question of how to choose a man’s hairstyle becomes much more relevant. The thing is that such hair does not lend itself to various means, which means that a beautiful hairstyle becomes the main problem. Owners of such hair can wear a hairstyle like Matt Damon's in the movie "The Departed."

It is important to remember that it is advisable to choose a haircut with a stylist. Only a professional will be able to see all the subtleties of your appearance, and will also fulfill all your wishes. And then the question of how to choose a man’s hairstyle will no longer bother you.

The older we get, the more we become adept at finding clothes that suit us. At the very beginning of our journey, when we just need to update our wardrobe, we wander aimlessly through hypermarkets and buy just jeans, just a T-shirt or boots. How can a man choose clothes? Few people ask themselves this question. Most often we hear this from wives or girlfriends who pay more attention to their appearance than us men.

One way or another, a man also wears clothes, and in order to create your own style, you need to gain experience and understand what color suits you, what shape fits best. It’s great when, in the times of the global Internet, we have the opportunity to review thousands of photographs with dudes. But even armed with the look you like, you risk either not finding suitable clothes in the store, or the clothes are not tailored to your figure, or the cost of these clothes goes beyond reasonable limits. Has this ever happened to you?

So, let's figure out how to choose the right clothes for a man and highlight the main points that you need to pay attention to in the store.

How to choose clothes for a man

By collecting a wardrobe full of simple, classic and time-tested items, you will not only solve the problem of an empty closet, but will find yourself at the top of style. Why, you ask? The fact is that fashion trends come and go, but the classics are always relevant. By investing in slightly more expensive classics, you are investing in a style that will be “on trend” for years to come.

Let me give you an example. This season (autumn - winter 2014) it is very fashionable to wear a coat with a fur collar and leather inserts. I’m not sure that such a coat will look interesting in 2-3 years. Another thing is a classic coat made of wool, Trench or Chesterfield. They will still be relevant in 10 years.

Sticking to the classics does not mean renouncing fashion completely. You can diversify your style with various accessories: a tie, scarf or pocket square of various colors and shades.

The concept of selecting classic clothing is interesting for two reasons:

  1. When you buy classic clothing, you are investing in quality that will last a long time. Obviously, natural materials, which are often used in sewing classic clothing, are more expensive than synthetics. But, when we talk about a “basic wardrobe,” it makes sense to buy one or two items for several years rather than spend money on new “trend” clothes every year.
  2. You can be calm about your stylish look, since most things will be interchangeable. Even when dressing in the dark, you can't go wrong with your choice of coat or trousers.

There is an excellent aphorism: “I am not rich enough to buy cheap things” - this is what Baron Rothschild used to say in his time. If you are interested in reading who it is, then go here.

10 things that should be in your wardrobe

Taking into account all of the above, it is time to create a list of the first 10 essential items that will allow you to create a universal men's wardrobe, suitable for both everyday use and going to any celebration. This wardrobe is suitable for both winter and summer; in any season you can choose the right clothes for yourself. Of course, I will mention clothing brands that you can pay attention to when going to the store, but this is not a panacea. Some brands are suitable for one man, but not at all for another.

All the basic classic things that we will list will help you create a stylish image for the next 10-15 years of your life. Some elements need to be replaced after 5-7 years due to wear and tear, but the overall set will allow you to make a good investment in your personal image for many years to come.

1. Classic men's suit

I recommend purchasing gray or blue as they are the most versatile. A completely black suit is usually worn only on holidays, a very important business meeting or a funeral. In all other cases, a black suit will be out of place.

A few rules will help you choose the right suit size and understand whether it fits you: when putting on a jacket with a T-shirt (underwear) and a shirt, try to hug yourself. If you couldn’t hug, then the suit is too small for you. Next, try squatting in your trousers. If the suit is cracking at the seams or the trousers are hanging and bulging in all directions, the size is not yours.

As for the fit of the suit, it is better to choose a fitted English suit rather than a straight American one. Don't forget to make sure that the jacket sleeves are 1-1.5 centimeters shorter than the shirt sleeves. Sometimes wide models with short sleeves are sewn, which are suitable only for large men with not very long arms.

Stick to a classic style suit. Single-breasted jacket with 2 or 3 buttons, medium-wide lapels and 2 slits (vents) at the back of the jacket. By the way, take a closer look at the material and what the suit is made of. It should be 100% wool from a thread of medium thickness (100-150 units). This suit can be worn all year round and is durable enough to be worn weekly.

A three-piece suit, which in addition to a jacket and trousers also has a vest, is also suitable for purchase. In the top three, you can confidently attend cultural events, such as the theater, for example. By the way, the jacket and trousers can be worn separately from each other. Pants can be worn with knitwear, and a jacket can be worn with jeans and a shirt. The only thing is, try not to get carried away, as you can wear one thing while practically not wearing another. Over time, takka may change color, especially after dry cleaning.

Bolshevik, T.M.Lewin, Marks & Spencer, He By Mango; ZARA, but in the Russian Federation they supply things of poor quality; in Europe and America the choice is much better.

Suitsupply, Reiss (must be ordered in England), Richard James, Charles Tyrwhitt (must be ordered in England, France or the USA), Massimo Dutti, Henderson.

Armani, Brioni, Burberry, Canali, Gieves & Hawkes (must be ordered in England, Japan or the USA), Paul Smith (England).

2. Dress shirt

An important element of a man's wardrobe is a classic shirt. For the best look, you should carefully select the cut of the shirt to suit your body type. I recommend taking a closer look at Slim-Fit shirts with a classic mid-width collar. Ideally, the shoulder seams should be level with the width of your shoulders. The collar should not put too much pressure on your neck when you fasten the top button. There should be 2 fingers between the collar and the neck, so before purchasing you should make sure that your fingers fit through without effort. The sleeves should end near your knuckle, where your thumb begins. Remember that the shirt sleeve should peek out slightly from under the jacket sleeve.

The best versatile colors for a dress shirt are white and light blue. As for the length of the shirt, it should be sufficient so as not to come out from under your tucked in trousers. It all depends on your height. I recommend choosing cuffs that allow you to wear cufflinks (there should be a slit next to the buttons - this is the hole for the cufflinks).

What to wear with a dress shirt? It can be worn with a suit or with jeans to work or for a walk in the park. A white shirt is a universal option. The only thing is that after several dozen washes, the shirt may turn yellow and lose its presentable appearance. Use special bleaching agents or laundry detergent.

Uniqlo, T.M. Lewin, Next, Henderson.

Jaeger, Reiss, Suitsupply, Jigsaw (you will have to order in England).

Eton, Kilgour, Hackett, Charvet, Richard James, Turnbull & Asser.

3. Men's T-shirt

Your wardrobe should have at least 2-3 T-shirts of different colors. T-shirts should be plain, neutral colors: gray, beige, dark blue, white, burgundy, dark green, and so on. Pink and blue T-shirts cannot be called universal, so I do not recommend them for purchase in the first place. The T-shirt should be practically tight-fitting, without hanging pieces of fabric and an incomprehensible XXXXXL size, like a seller from Central Asia. Sleeves should be short in summer and long in winter (if you are cold).

The length of the T-shirt should be such that it ends at the waist, in the belt area. The collar should be regular, semi-circular or V-neck, without buttons. T-shirts are ideal with jeans and a sports blazer (this is a jacket with stripes at the elbows). You can't find a better image. .

Uniqlo, ASOS, Gap, MEXX, American Apparel, Next.

Hanro, Zimmerli, Sunspel, Derek Rose, James Perse.

4. Skinny dark jeans

Skinny jeans, we mean not completely tight-fitting, but slightly tapered. This is important, since very tight-fitting ones are suitable only for schoolchildren or teenagers, where it is customary to wear clothes as part of their subculture.

If you want to buy good jeans, then be sure to buy selvedge jeans. Translated from English, “selvedge” means “natural edge”, which is formed along the edges of jeans after processing on a loom. These jeans are not just high quality and durable, they are recognized as benchmarks in the fashion world. At first, these jeans will be a little restrictive for movement, but after a while you will feel like they were made especially for you.

Never buy jeans with any decorations, stripes or holes on the knee! Leave it to fashionistas and informals.

It is better to choose a classic color - light blue with scuffs or dark blue / indigo. Such colors will always be in fashion, and it is much easier to choose a T-shirt or shirt to match such jeans than to match green or burgundy ones.

Wrangler, Uniqlo, ASOS, Cheap Monday, Dr Denim, Carhartt, Tommy Hilfiger.

Nudie Jeans, Levi's, Edwin, Evisu, Lee.

Diesel, A.P.C., Acne, J Brand, Jean Shop, Saint Laurent.

5. V-neck jumper

A jumper is perhaps the best solution for insulating yourself in the cold autumn or winter. It looks great with a shirt, especially if you complement the combination with a tie or bow tie. The jumper looks great with both jeans and trousers.

The best colors for a men's wardrobe are, as usual, classic: black, gray, dark blue, dark brown. By the way, for winter it is better to choose a jumper made from natural merino wool or sheep wool. It would be even better to choose cashmere, but such a jumper will be expensive. During the summer months, a jumper made from cotton or a linen/wool blend will do the trick.

Uniqlo, He By Mango, Selected Homme.

Tommy Hilfiger, Reiss, T.M.Lewin, Suitsupply, Ted Baker.

John Smedley, Johnstons of Elgin, Loro Piana, Paul Smith, Zegna.

6. Navy blazer

A classic men's clothing item that everyone should have in their closet is the navy blazer. You can wear it to both a party and a business meeting. The classic version of the blazer is single-breasted, has 2 copper buttons and, of course, has a deep blue color. The length of the blazer should be such that the bottom edge is level with the tip of your thumb when you put your hand down.

Just like with a suit jacket, the blazer should fit you well and not restrict your movement. The blazer should be fitted. The shoulders of the blazer should exactly match the width of your shoulders, and the length of the sleeves should be at a level slightly further from the beginning of the thumb, approximately 1-1.5 cm. Remember, the shirt should slightly peek out from under the sleeves of the blazer. A blazer, like a jacket, should be worn with the bottom button undone so that your movements are natural and do not restrict your movements.

He By Mango, ASOS, T.M.Lewin.

Tommy Hilfiger, Reiss, Suitsupply, Ted Baker, J. Crew, Massimo Dutti, Tiger of Sweden, Oliver Spencer.

A.P.C., Paul Smith, Gant, Sandro, Richard James, Boglioli, Etro.

7. Chinos

For going to work on Friday or meeting with friends, only chinos are better than jeans. They are especially fun to wear with a blazer and T-shirt. The best, and at the same time, universal colors would be: dark blue, khaki, gray and classic beige. The material from which chinos are made is cotton, so you can’t go wrong in choosing the composition.

If you want to dress interestingly, in addition to formal trousers, wear a shirt with buttons, choose a knitted or thin tie, a jacket and complete the look with classic men's shoes. This image and style will be positively assessed by others, rest assured. You can read more about men's pants/trousers here.

Uniqlo, He By Mango, Gap, Banana Republic, ASOS, Next.

Tommy Hilfiger, Reiss, J. Crew, Massimo Dutti, Dockers, Levi's, Ben Sherman, Ted Baker.

Hugo Boss, Incotex, Ami, Acne, Brioni, Canali, Paul Smith.

8. Classic black shoes

Shoes are one thing you shouldn't skimp on. Many people judge a person's wealth by three things: suit, shoes and watch. So don't skimp on at least one pair of black shoes for your weekend getaway. By the way, the best shoes are English shoes, so if you don’t want to overpay in local stores, order a pair from an online store and arrange delivery from England.

Burberry, Belstaff, Paul Smith, Private White V.C., Lanvin.

10. Underwear

There is probably nothing closer to clothing than underwear, so it must be of good quality and comfortable. It is not so important whether you prefer boxers or regular swimming trunks, but the material from which they are made is important. Choose only the best natural materials, usually cotton. Choose your size accurately. Underwear should not be too tight, otherwise it will chafe. It also shouldn’t hang, otherwise you’ll look like a guy in family clothes.

By the way, underwear tends to wear out quickly due to frequent washing. Therefore, once every six months or a year, try to update your linen set. Rest assured, your girlfriend/wife will be grateful.

Atlantic, Uniqlo, ASOS, American Apparel, Next.

Hanro, Calvin Klein, Oiler & Boiler, Sunspel, Derek Rose, Bjorn Borg, HOM.

Basic men's wardrobe - video

As a conclusion to the first part

Let's summarize the first part of the article, how to choose clothes for a man. I tried to collect the 10 most important and necessary items of men's wardrobe that will be relevant, if not always, then for a very long time. Of course, these items cannot be called essential items, but if you are starting to collect a wardrobe and want only good and solid things to be there, you should pay attention to the list proposed above.

We'll break down the following 10 men's wardrobe essentials that every stylish gentleman should have. See you again in the next article!