Recommendations for healthy lifestyle for older people. Recommendations for older people on how to improve their health in the fall. What are the health indicators for older people?

12 tips for staying healthy as you age

A healthy lifestyle is one of the most important factors that help maintain normal mental and physical health in older adults.

What you need to stay healthy

  1. Physical activity - The first factor is physical activity, which is so lacking in modern society. To increase activity, specially selected exercises are used that can provide the necessary payload to all muscle groups. This helps counteract the signs of the aging process. Exercises are selected individually, depending on the age and condition of the body;
  2. Proper nutrition - varied, which allows you to receive the necessary substances for the normal functioning of the body, and also not to overload it with harmful foods that lead to the formation of excess weight;
  3. Stop smoking - Many older people believe that they may no longer care about their health if they previously smoked, since the damage to the body has already been done. In fact, at any age, there will still be noticeable improvements in the body’s condition;
  4. Do not drink coffee and alcohol - Limit or completely eliminate the consumption of coffee and alcohol, as all this affects the cardiovascular system and is harmful at any age;
  5. No stressful situations - You should also try to control your emotions, protect yourself from negative events, listening to bad news that has nothing to do with the person personally, and so on;
  6. Active brain activity - We recommend reading and discussing information more, learning something new. Even doing crossword puzzles helps keep your mind sharp;
  7. Proper sleep - Rest and sound sleep should become a constant part of the regime, since without these elements the body will go to exhaustion, and as a result, degradation of health. After exercise, it is recommended to rest well and get enough sleep every day;
  8. Social and sexual activity - Regular implementation of your desires, as well as emerging ideas, helps maintain psychological and physical health;
  9. Pouring and rubbing - Various types of hardening help improve health and resistance to emerging negative factors;
  10. Communication - Maintaining good relationships with loved ones and family, being more surrounded by people with common interests; *There are weekends where older people can spend a weekend surrounded by people of the same age.
  11. Sanitation - Safety guidelines for the elderly must also be maintained. This includes living in a dry and warm environment, walking in fresh air and maintaining a good sanitary environment;
  12. Hygiene - Follow all rules of personal hygiene


The main rule here is that the person has personal motivation, so that he wants to stay healthy and make the necessary efforts to do so. For most people, this means changing their daily routine and introducing certain routines.

From this article you will learn:

    What are the characteristics of older people?

    What are the health indicators for older people?

    What can affect the mental health of older people?

    What is the social and physiological health of older people?

    Is it possible to restore the health of older people?

As people age, they increasingly realize that the most important thing in life is health. When illnesses creep closer and closer, people begin to think about health more and more often. How to feel your best despite your advancing years? How to stabilize your psychological state and not lose heart? Follow a certain algorithm and you will feel much better.

Features of the health of older people

Exists many criteria that affect the health of older people. Firstly, hereditary predisposition to certain diseases or, on the contrary, their immunity. Secondly, a person is significantly influenced by the Lifestyle, which he led during his life, in what conditions he lived.

The reserves of the human body are much greater than the average mortality threshold. And at the same time, a reasonable attitude towards old age, psychological comfort and careful care for the elderly truly work wonders, reviving them to life.

Due to the slowdown in recovery and metabolism processes in old age, the following occurs:

    the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, organs of vision, hearing, etc. suffer;

    immune status drops sharply;

    the person becomes forgetful, thought processes slow down, relatives note changes in character.

If an elderly person falls ill, you need to be extremely careful, because there is a high probability of rapid complications. And this will entail a long recovery period.

What are the health indicators for older people?

From a socio-psychological point of view, there are 5 types of human adaptation:

    Structural installation. The most favorable adaptation option for an elderly person is when he calmly perceives his situation and is friendly towards his neighbors. He understands his position as a given, as a certain stage of his life, summing up, death does not scare him, and the person maintains enthusiasm and an optimistic attitude. Feels a sense of trust in loved ones.

    Installing dependency. Such people are comfortable only in the usual family circle, they take a passive side, are dependent on others, do not finish what they start, and cause self-pity.

    Protective installation. Excessive external activity is a characteristic feature of people of this type. It serves as a kind of protection for them against internal doubts and fears, including the fear of death. Such people know their worth and are completely immersed in their professional activities.

    Installation of hostility. Older people of this type are characterized by increased grouchiness. It is very difficult to please them; such old people are constantly dissatisfied with something. They have a short temper, with a hint of rage and anger. They perceive the world in a “black light” and are negative towards themselves and their weaknesses. Envy of their lost youth haunts them at every step, they are afraid of death.

    An attitude of hostility, but directed towards oneself. This category easily falls into deep depression, and the reason may simply be a lack of sympathy from loved ones. They do not resist their old age and face the trials of fate inactively, arousing pity for themselves. With death, in their opinion, relief will come, and suffering will remain in the past.

Only the life position of the person himself can influence the general condition of the body and its worldview.

What can affect the mental health of older people?

Mental health in older people depends on:

    social status;

    psychological state;

    biological features.

The psyche of elderly people is significantly influenced by their limited ability to move freely, constant pain, and dependence on outsiders caring for them.

Additional blows include the death of loved ones and a sharp change in socio-economic status during the transition to retirement or disability. All this is accompanied by a feeling of loneliness, a feeling of dependence on the immediate environment, isolation from the outside world.

Mental and physical health are closely interconnected and influence each other. Older people suffering from somatic diseases are more susceptible to depression. At the same time, if you do not remove a person from this state, the disease will begin to progress sharply.

Inappropriate addresses to the older generation of people are quite common today. And this seriously undermines their psychosomatic state. It can even lead to consequences such as depression and dementia.

Therefore, try to pay attention to your elderly as often as possible. Your caring attitude can instill in them a spirit of confidence in the future as well as a positive outlook for the future.

Dementia- a syndrome accompanied by severe depression of the central nervous system. Mental functions weaken, memory decreases, a person’s behavior changes, he is no longer able to fulfill his daily needs. Basically, this pathology occurs in older people.

According to statistical studies around the world 47.5 million people suffer from dementia. In the near future, experts estimate that the total number of people with dementia will rise to 75.6 million by 2030 and 135.5 million by 2050. Geographically, residents in low- and middle-income countries are more susceptible to dementia.

As part of government support for people with this pathology, it is necessary to remember those who care for older people with dementia. Since this is serious work that requires a special approach, emotional endurance and resistance to stressful situations.

Economic problems arise from financial investments in the provision of medical care, social and actual.

Depression is a severe manifestation of psychological disorders in older people. Unipolar depression affects 7% of all elderly people, of which 5.7% of total disability among people over 60 years of age. Unfortunately, depression is not always diagnosed on time, and currently it receives insufficient attention from medicine due to the fact that it is usually accompanied by other pathological conditions of the body.

What affects the social health of older people

With age the elderly person’s social circle is significantly narrowed, and his social activity drops sharply. This happens due to:

Firstly, older people, finishing their professional activities, sharply narrow their circle of contacts. Only a small proportion of older people maintain contact with their work colleagues. And these are those self-sufficient people who know their worth and want to maintain as much independence in life as possible.

Secondly, over time, friends, colleagues and associates of older people pass away. There is also a process of old people moving in with relatives, and communication at the proper level is no longer possible. Elderly people increasingly isolated from society as a whole. Elderly people begin to urgently need to communicate with their relatives. The most interesting thing is that many older people do not want to remember old age, and therefore avoid contact with peers. Especially with those who like to complain about their illnesses and infirmities. This category of old people chooses a circle of the younger generation for communication. Along the way, they often discover a disrespectful attitude towards the elderly, their uselessness and lack of demand by society.

Happening emotional shifts in elderly people amid isolation from society. They are often haunted by a decline in vitality, a negative attitude, and uncertainty about the future. Elderly people are haunted by the thought of death, and the passing of their friends and acquaintances only once again serves as a vivid reminder of this. It is not possible to make up for the loss of a relationship with this person. In Asian cultures, such as China or Japan, older people hold the title of patriarchs, elders, and thanks to this they participate longer in society.

Third, an elderly man gives preference for solitude rather than active communication. Since he is tired of stupid conversations, they seem empty to him, he independently protects himself from such conversations. Therefore, the circle of communication of an elderly person becomes very narrow. It can only include the closest relatives, acquaintances and a few friends.

Fourth, old age cannot but worry the elderly. The social circle of older people is influenced by many factors. Typically people over 60 years of age start complaining about their health and age, while still looking quite strong. One of the key points is marital relations. After all, the death of the closest and dearest person inexorably leaves deep wounds in the psyche of an elderly person. And it often happens that this person gives up housekeeping. He becomes dependent on his family and friends, his character and emotional background changes.

What is the physical health of older people?

The aging process occurs throughout life. Each person is in the hands of his own health. The physical condition of his body in old age depends on how healthy a person led a lifestyle in his youth. All bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, poor and unbalanced nutrition, physical inactivity, lead to premature aging of the body, and in extreme cases, to death.

A person develops many chronic diseases against such a detrimental background. Diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic upper respiratory diseases and mental health conditions account for approximately 77% of all conditions and 86% of deaths in the European Region. The situation in socially disadvantaged sections of society is aggravated.

We must remember that It's never too late to think about a healthy lifestyle and eliminate the most bad habits. This will significantly reduce the possibility of premature death (up to 50%) and improve the overall quality of life. According to research, older people who regularly engage in feasible physical exercise suffer much less from somatic diseases. Such pathological conditions most often lead to early mortality: coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer.

People who take an active lifestyle and pay attention to their physical body have an optimal level of cardiorespiratory and muscular conditions, correct weight and body structure. And the structure of biomarkers becomes favorable for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and strengthening of bone tissue.

Generally, a healthy lifestyle can eliminate or, at least, delay the development of type 2 diabetes.

Health problems faced by older people every second person

Balance disorders

Most older people have movement coordination disorders and problems associated with dizziness ( vertigo). At the first symptoms of these pathological conditions, you should immediately seek help from professionals. Injuries due to a fall can be a complication of incoordination. According to statistics, every year more than a third of older people over the age of 65 lose their balance and fall.

Memory problems

The causes of this condition in older people may be a lack of water in the body, poor nutrition, sleep problems, as well as other diseases, for example, Alzheimer's disease. However, such a process in an elderly body is not a normal option. Therefore, it is important to seek medical help in time.


Necessarily into the diet elderly person should include the optimal amount of fiber contained in raw vegetables, fruits, and grains. This helps prevent congestion in the intestines, improving peristalsis. Also, an elderly person should drink enough fluid, since salivation decreases with age. To maintain normal life functions, an elderly person must follow the principles of proper, nutritious and balanced nutrition.

Lack of exercise

Exercise is essential elderly people. They are a means of preventing many age-related health problems. Physical education also has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychology; he or she develops a life-affirming outlook on the world and a cheerful state of mind, has a positive effect on brain function, and increases the body’s endurance.

Sleep problems

In older people sleep patterns are disrupted for several reasons. There may be frequent urination at night, which interrupts a person's sleep.

This phenomenon greatly undermines proper sleep. Due to this experts recommend the following:

    sleep in a well-ventilated, dark, quiet environment;

    adhere to a certain sleep and wakefulness schedule; if you are tired, you should rest a little, listen to yourself;

    do not watch television programs at least an hour before bedtime;

    If an elderly person is overexcited, you should calm him down, help him take a bath, or play a soothing melody.

All this contributes to the absent-mindedness of an elderly person, which can be aggravated by decreased vision. That's why Get checked regularly by an ophthalmologist. This especially needs to be done if symptoms such as blurring of nearby objects appear. Visit your eye doctor at least once every six months. In order not to complicate the life of your elderly, it is advisable not to rearrange the furniture in the room where the elderly person spends most of his time. Also make sure it is well lit. In this case, the elderly person will easily move around in a familiar environment.

Hearing impairment

Elderly people have a hard time suffering from diseases of the hearing aid. They become hot-tempered and irritable because they feel helpless. A hearing aid is of great help in this matter. Buy it for your elderly relative and do not forget to check it in good condition in a timely manner. When communicating with such a person, always speak clearly, slowly and in low tones. Give the elderly person the opportunity to visually observe your face, as they often read information from the lips and facial expressions of the speaker.

Loss of smell

To replenish your olfactory functions, use enough spices while cooking. For safety purposes, install smoke detectors and a stove with an interlock system in your home. This will shut off the gas supply to the burner. After all, an elderly person with a weak sense of smell may not smell gas.

Changes in tactile sensations and loss of fine motor skills

Nice hugs are able to give an elderly person a feeling of need, love and your care for him. To make him feel more confident, purchase dishes with comfortable handles. After all, in old age it is more difficult to do some delicate work, and they can injure themselves inadvertently.

Health promotion for older people. Recipes for longevity

For the full functioning of an elderly person, there are a number of health promotion measures. This includes morning contrast shower, And daily walks outside, preferably in park areas, and regular exercise.

Always remember that your body requires a complete, balanced and varied diet. If necessary, you can include dietary supplements based on herbs in your diet.

Here are some examples of natural healing recipes:

    Infusion of rye stalks and chickweed herb will give your body a charge of vivacity and give strength. Pour two tablespoons of herbal mixture into one liter of boiling water. Infuse the herbs for forty minutes and then strain. It is enough to drink half a liter of this infusion per day to obtain the desired effect.

    Decoction of sunflower roots. Take one glass of roots, having previously crushed them, and fill it with three liters of water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil, and then strain. This decoction is drunk for two days. The used roots can be reused to prepare this decoction by boiling for 5 minutes. The third and last time you need to boil for 15 minutes.

    You should drink this decoction for no more than two months, and the break is six months. For better results from consuming the decoction, it is recommended to avoid spicy, sour and fatty foods.

    Bran play a very important role in the diet of an elderly person. It is enough to take one tablespoon of bran and pour it with water (500 ml). Boil for 35 minutes, stirring the mixture regularly. Add a few tablespoons of honey to the prepared product. Use ready-made bran four times a day, 50 grams.

    Oat drink- a wonderful remedy with general strengthening properties. Rinse the oats in cool water and add five glasses of water. Next, you need to put the mixture on low heat and boil until half the original volume of liquid has evaporated. Strain the oat broth. You can add a little milk and boil again.

    Sea kale- a very healthy product, rich in trace elements, minerals and iodine. In addition to its qualities that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, seaweed has excellent cleansing properties. It will help get rid of waste and toxins in your body. Some time after consumption, you can already feel a surge of vitality, positive emotions and energy in your body. It is served to the table both dry and canned.

    Horsetail is also a powerful detoxifier. It is consumed mainly as a tea drink. It is brewed according to the traditional method, like simple tea, after cutting and drying horsetail. Add honey to the finished drink to taste and enjoy the tea ceremony.

    Birch buds Since ancient times, young leaves and sap of this tree have been used as a strong cleansing agent for the body, which removes toxins from the body and has a general strengthening property.

    Tincture based on May nettle(300 g of raw material per 0.5 liter of vodka) tones all body systems. First, keep the tincture for one day on the window, then for eight days in a dark place. The dishes must be sealed. Next, the tincture is filtered and squeezed. Take it as a medicine, one teaspoon in the morning or at night.

    mistletoe normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Preparation: pour one tablespoon of dry mistletoe with boiling water (0.5 liters) and leave in a water bath for twenty minutes.

    Hawthorn fruit decoction(0.5 kg) and chokeberry(0.3 kg) is able to strengthen the myocardium. To prepare the decoction, the fruits are ground, and a small amount of water must be added to the resulting mass. Place on low heat and heat to 40° C. Next, squeeze out the juice from the mixture, in which one tablespoon of golden mustache is stirred. It is recommended to use one tablespoon three times a day for medicinal purposes.

Keep your mind young

Therefore, by learning something new, reading educational literature, receiving up-to-date information, painting wonderful pictures, thinking about interesting topics, you not only improve your intellectual abilities, but also keep your body strong and healthy.

Think positively

Conscious behavior and thoughts can work wonders. Do not focus your attention on negative phenomena in your life, but on the contrary, think positively. This way you attract more happy moments into your life. A positive attitude in life will help you cope with the ailments of old age and feel in harmony with the world around you.

Contact your doctor promptly

At the first signs of diseases characteristic of old age, immediately contact a medical facility. And they will help you cope with the disease in the early stages of development.

Control your illnesses

If you keep the entire process of treatment under control, success will certainly come from them. The main thing is, do not make your own adjustments, do not cancel what you think are unnecessary medications. Take them exactly on schedule. Always keep your blood pressure levels under control. The outcome of the disease depends only on your trust in the doctor, the prescribed course of treatment and constant monitoring on your part.

Keep a daily routine

In a dream, a person restores his physical and mental strength. Therefore, the rest regime should not be violated under any circumstances.

Take your vitamins

Currently, the market has a wide range of dietary supplements based on herbs, as well as vitamin complexes created specifically for older people, which allow them to replenish missing microelements and vitamins.

With age, many people begin to either be careless about their health, or, conversely, pay excessive attention to it. If your elderly parents are one of them, then we offer you simple tips on how to help them lead a healthy lifestyle and take medications in moderation.

Neglecting your health

Why do many older people begin to neglect their health, deny illnesses and avoid doctors? There may be several reasons:

  • reluctance to acknowledge your age and the limitations it imposes;
  • the habit of not paying attention to the signals of your body;
  • subconscious fear of finding out your diagnosis and facing the need to go to the hospital;
  • mistrust of doctors;
  • the desire to consider oneself young and healthy for as long as possible;
  • subconscious desire for illness (for example, it is “convenient” to have high blood pressure if it can be used to manipulate household members).

If your elderly relatives, for one reason or another, avoid the clinic, sit in front of the TV all day and eat unhealthy food, you need to take urgent action. Explain to your mom or dad why it is so important to you that she or he feels good and remains healthy and vigorous for many years to come. Find a doctor or clinic that the older person can trust. Convince him that old age is not a death sentence, and that a balanced diet, physical activity and supervision by a competent doctor will allow him to remain active for many years.

Where does the love for drugs come from?

Many retirees take the exact opposite approach. They line up to see doctors early in the morning, take handfuls of pills and never miss the opportunity to complain about a bunch of illnesses. And there are reasons for this behavior too:

  • the desire to attract attention to oneself, to arouse pity;
  • boredom and lack of communication (conversations in line and dialogues with the doctor become an outlet);
  • fear of the future and the desire to undergo treatment “with reserve.”

In medicine, there is even a name for this behavior - hypochondria, that is, suspiciousness, searching for non-existent diagnoses, heightened perception of ordinary symptoms.

If your parents sometimes act like hypochondriacs, find out the reason and take action. If the culprit is boredom and a narrow social circle, find interest groups for them, involve them in household chores and raising grandchildren, send them on vacation more often, or even invite them to get a pet. Spend more time with them, have heart-to-heart conversations, even if you don’t really want to listen to a retelling of the next melodrama or advice on caring for violets. Take your parents with you to nature, to the cinema, to the theater - let them feel in the thick of life for as long as possible. And then the desire to entertain yourself by going to the doctor and taking medications will naturally disappear.

Motivation for a healthy lifestyle

Well-being at any age depends on three factors:

  • objective health status (presence of chronic diseases, characteristics);
  • nutrition;
  • presence of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • physical activity.

Unfortunately, not all older people acquired healthy habits at a young age and therefore continue, by inertia, to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. However, it is never too late to change your regime and menu, give up cigarettes and glasses, if there is sufficient motivation for this.

Unfortunately, for older people such motivation is not always found. “I don’t have enough left”, “It’s too late to change something” - this is what you can hear in response to a proposal to start a healthy lifestyle.

However, age is just a number, and this is confirmed by hundreds of elderly athletes, scientists, businessmen, volunteers, teachers who change our world for the better every day. Many people only in retirement find their dream job, meet a life partner, find harmony and the meaning of existence. But even if your mom and dad aren't planning great things in retirement, you can still convince them that staying healthy and active is important. Healthy pensioner:

  • can help his children and grandchildren;
  • can continue to work while maintaining income and making savings;
  • will not become a burden for loved ones, because neglect of health sooner or later leads to illness;
  • will remain active longer, will be able to do everything that interests him;
  • will extend years of life.

So, the first thing you need to do is make sure that your elderly relative really understands the need to take care of their health and takes an active position in this matter. Otherwise, the sports equipment you bought will remain gathering dust in the corner, and your fitness subscription will lie unopened.

Old habits and ways to break them

When both you and your parents are ready to commit, you can begin making gradual lifestyle changes. First, find out what needs to be changed, and our simple tips will help you with this.

  1. Assess your level of physical activity. Do your mom and dad exercise? How many steps do they walk a day? Do they attend physical education classes for pensioners, which are probably available at the nearest physical dispensary? Do they have exercise equipment at home: a treadmill, an exercise bike? A fitness bracelet will help you evaluate and further track your results. Buy this inexpensive gadget and sync it with your smartphone. This way you can find out how many steps your mom and dad have walked every day.
  2. Rate the menu. Many older people are accustomed to saving on everything and do not allow themselves to buy products that they consider expensive. In addition, many healthy fruits and vegetables - Chinese cabbage, avocado, mango, pomelo - are unfamiliar to them, so they don’t buy them either. At the same time, pensioners willingly buy and eat the same sausage or “cheese product”, which, by the way, are not cheap, as usual!
  3. Assess your health status and the amount of medications you are taking. Many people have been convinced for years that they suffer from a certain disease because some therapist once suggested this diagnosis. Conversely, some serious conditions go undetected. At this stage, find a good clinic and conduct a full examination of your dad or mom’s body. At the same time, find out what medications they are taking. Often, pensioners continue to take pills “just in case” after recovery has occurred. And this can drag on for years! Another common practice is to start taking medication on the advice of a neighbor or a random interlocutor in line to see a doctor. Manufacturers of dietary supplements are also making good money from pensioners, who persistently offer their products by phone or going door to door. Most likely, most of the pills that older people take out of habit can be stopped. Instead, you can start taking really healthy nutritional supplements prescribed by a competent doctor.

  1. Buy fruits and vegetables, especially those that your parents haven't tried before. Teach them how to clean and cook them. Buy a supply of vegetables and fruits regularly. It is convenient to do this with the help of a delivery service - they now operate in all major cities. Give them a good food processor and vegetable peeler.
  2. Buy fitness gadgets. These can be the already mentioned bracelets, as well as smart watches, pedometers, electronic scales, and home exercise equipment. Show parents how to use them.
  3. If you have a problem with smoking or alcohol, solve it urgently. Allen Carr’s book “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking” and the groups that work according to his program will help you with this. To treat alcoholism, it is better to consult a specialist.
  4. Go through your first aid kit, throw out expired medications, as well as anything unnecessary, so that you are not tempted to take a pill or two from scratch. Instead, purchase healthy nutritional supplements that your doctor recommends.
  5. Involve parents in running, cycling or Nordic walking. It is better if you do this with the whole family: this will create additional motivation.
  6. Sign up your parents for fitness and help them overcome embarrassment, if any. It is better if at least for the first time you train together. Choose moderate exercise: swimming, aerobics, simple yoga, as well as “Healthy Back” classes, which are offered in many fitness clubs. It would be even better to hire a personal trainer to work with your parents according to an individual program. Or you can become such a coach yourself.
  7. Encourage parents to be as active as possible. Traveling, walking, volunteering at a local dog shelter, community service, creativity - all this will help you maintain motivation, improve your quality of life and leave no free time for TV, tea with sweets, sitting on a bench and other unhelpful things.

There is nothing more important and valuable than the life and health of mom and dad. However, when it comes down to it, it can sometimes be very difficult to break long-term habits of junk food and a sedentary lifestyle. Start small, be persistent, spend more time together, and you will see your elderly parents feel better. Believe me, they will surprise you with deeds and actions that not all young people can do!

A survey was recently conducted among people over 60 years of age on the topic: “What advice would you give to today’s young people?” It seemed like a completely simple question, but some of the answers were quite unexpected.

1. People always say: “A good job is one that you enjoy every day.” This is an FALSE STATEMENT. A good job is one that you can tolerate most workdays and still pays all your expenses. Almost no one has a job that they can adore every second of.

2. Years pass in the blink of an eye. Don't marry young. Live life to the fullest. TRAVEL. Take action. It doesn't matter whether you have money or not. Pack your bag and go where you can afford. Until you have children, don't spend money on things. For any things. See the world. Point to a point on the map. And go ahead!

3. Don't take things too seriously. Even if at some moments life seems hopeless and hopeless, try to laugh at all this ass and at how you got into this.

4. A friend is someone who will come to the rescue, even if you call him at two in the morning. The rest are just acquaintances.

5. The most important person in your life is the person who agrees to share his life with you. Think of it this way.

6. You won't notice how your children grow up. So spend as much time with them as possible.

7. No one has ever died with the regret of not working enough in their life. Be hardworking, but don't put work before family, friends and, ultimately, yourself!

8. You can live a long life, or maybe a short one - no one knows. But be that as it may, you need to take care of your health when you are young.

9. If you are tired of your life, just stop, think about the present moment, enjoy everything that is beautiful and truly important. Take a deep breath, relax. And understand that everything is relative.

10. Eat and exercise like you're a diabetic with a heart condition - you'll never become one.

11. We only have one life. Don't wake up one day and realize that you're already 60 and haven't achieved anything you've dreamed of your whole life.

12. This may not be as deep advice as others, but still: brush your teeth regularly, dental problems are terrible.

13. Do not follow all advice as biblical commandments. You can ask someone you respect for advice, then re-evaluate your situation and make your OWN decision.

14. Things are just things. Don't hold on to material objects, hold on to time and events.

15. The damage you received today will make itself felt in old age. Even if you think you have completely healed them. BELIEVE IT!

16. Appreciate every moment and every little thing. When you're young, you always want everything at once. But why not appreciate every little moment? We are not on this planet forever, and the greatest pleasure we can afford is to enjoy every moment. Instead of typing messages, pick up the phone and talk to someone in person. Visit your mom, for absolutely no reason, just like that. Soak up every moment.

17. Pay all your bills and stay out of debt.

18. Jealousy destroys relationships. Trust your soulmate. If not her, then who can you trust?

19. If you have an impossible dream, you should still at least try to get closer to achieving it. Because with age it will become even more impossible.

20. When you meet someone for the first time, realize that you KNOW NOTHING about that person. You see his nationality, gender, age, clothes. Forget all this. You don't know anything. Those stereotypes that are shoved into your head because our brain loves to categorize everything limit your life.

From this article you will learn:

    What age is considered elderly?

    What lifestyle do retirees lead?

    How to enrich your life in old age

    What to do so that your health in old age does not let you down

    What role does family play in the life of an elderly person?

    Are the problems of older people being solved at the state level?

With age, a person begins to experience various deviations in his health and attitude. With retirement, loss of loved ones and illness, the lives of older people change, causing frequent stress, illness and depression. Therefore, it is so important to ensure that our loved ones do not feel emotional decline.

What features does the life of older people have?

A person becomes elderly when youth ends and life enters the season of autumn. At this moment, changes occur in everyone's body. As it turns out, gray hair, wrinkles or general malaise are not always a sign of aging. So how old does a person have to be to be called elderly?

Once upon a time, 20 years old was already a decent age, and those who were lucky enough to pass this milestone were already considered respectable people. History shows us numerous examples of early marriages, when from the age of 12-13 young people got engaged and started a family. There were also times when a 20-year-old girl was considered an old woman, but today everything is different.

According to members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the classification of human biological age has undergone changes. Statistics on the dynamics of people's lives, health and general condition of the body are monitored by the World Health Organization - WHO. According to her research, human age is divided into the following stages:

    22-44 years old - youth;

    44-60 years - average age;

    60-75 years old - old age;

    75-90 years old - old age.

All those who were able to overcome the upper bar are considered long-livers. As a rule, reaching 90, and even more so 100 years old, is not so easy. And there are many reasons for this - illness, ecology and other living conditions of older people.

According to sociological surveys conducted in many countries around the world, people do not want to grow old and are ready to admit that they are already approaching the end of their years, only after reaching 60-65 years. This, in all likelihood, gives rise to the introduction of bills to increase the retirement age.

Elderly people should take better care of their health. Moreover, at the age of 60+ it is not always easy to quickly adapt to a new situation due to a decrease in the speed of information perception. This mainly concerns scientific and technological progress, because it becomes difficult for most people to adapt to modern computer technologies. But we don’t even think that this can cause severe psychological trauma to many. They may feel incapable and unnecessary, which will complicate the overall situation as they overestimate their age.

How is quality of life measured in older people?

There are four criteria for quality of life:

    Material security implies the necessary wealth, which is a means of satisfying human needs, as well as access to existing savings for use at an older age. This point plays an important role in the lives of older people.

    Health status. Aging usually means a deterioration in well-being, which is a sign of problems in the body. Therefore, improving the quality of life of older people is primarily based on maintaining human biological functions.

    Education and employment. This criterion consists of opportunities for social activities and leisure.

    Good conditions. According to the UN data from 2013, the older population wants to have freedom of choice, to be independent and self-reliant. Therefore, improving the quality of life of older people is so important and relevant today.

The last point corresponds to the provisions of the Madrid Plan of Action on Aging (2002), according to which the elderly part of society needs:

    Physical activity;

    Health monitoring;

    Improving the lives of older people.

What place does family occupy in the life of an elderly person?

Undoubtedly, family plays one of the main roles in the lives of middle-aged people. As a person ages, he loses mobility, and with retirement, all activities revolve around the farm and home. Poor health often limits interests, after which older people begin to seek support from relatives.

The deterioration of health and illness of the elderly affect the general mental state, which leads to their dependence on other family members. The need for attention and help arises more often when people are sick. After all, in the circle of loved ones it seems safer and more reliable for them to go through all the difficulties.

Very often, housework becomes a distraction and contributes to humility and adaptation to one’s new situation, while caring for children and housekeeping completely distracts from gloomy thoughts. Indeed, in such a situation, people feel needed and useful, which allows them not to become depressed and to cope mentally with the awareness of their old age.

According to statistics, there are fewer older men than women of the same age. Consequently, the mortality of the former is earlier than that of the opposite sex. Such a disproportion was achieved in Russia thanks to the war, when the strength of the strong half was reduced in combat losses.

As a result, in our country the number of single women exceeds the number of men. However, after being widowed, representatives of the stronger sex are more likely to remarry. And, as a rule, they take a lady younger than themselves as a life partner. In this situation, it becomes increasingly difficult for women who have lost their spouse to find a second husband.

An important factor in late marriage is the moral side, because many people in old age want to have a faithful friend. Therefore, there is a need to develop public understanding regarding the formation of alliances between older people.

With the end of work and going on a long-awaited vacation, a large number of people at the same time begin to feel isolated from society, which leads to depression and loneliness. Many pensioners, dissatisfied with their age, often quickly become physically decrepit, and mental disorders that arise against this background only worsen their situation. The environment surrounding them may also be different. Lonely elderly people find themselves in worse living conditions than those who live with family.

Unfortunately, suicides often occur against this background. Both men and women are predisposed to make this choice in the event of the death of a loved one, be it a spouse, child or close friend. According to statistics, 25% of suicides occur due to the loss of relatives.

At the age of 55-65 years a person becomes a pensioner or receives a demotion; long-term depression is also possible. All this affects the psychological state of the elderly person; a demobilization reaction occurs, when the future is presented only in a gloomy light, and the past, on the contrary, is idealized and presented as a better time.

At such moments, older people sometimes begin to voice passive expressions of a suicidal nature. Their loved ones should think about it, because this means that the relative urgently needs help. It is necessary to monitor them during this period and try to help them mentally cope with the difficulties that they have to endure. Therefore, it is so important to create favorable living conditions for older people, show them that they are still needed, and keep them busy with some chores around the house.

Between 65 and 75 years of age There are suicidal depressions. Being in confrontation with himself and with his family, trying to defend his rights, a person can write complaints or go to authorities, but unwillingness to help or inattention to his whims becomes the reason for voluntary death.

Age group over 75 years - the most difficult period in terms of psychological state. After all, these include old men or women, most of whom stop taking care of themselves and do not want to eat. Moreover, they constantly think about death and how to quietly leave for good, without becoming an unbearable burden to anyone.

Drawing a conclusion, we see that family is primarily important for the lives of older people. After all, it is its members that become a kind of barrier to suicide. Family relationships should be built in such a way that everyone feels responsible for each other, including for the oldest person, his health and well-being. Care and assistance are the main aspects in improving the quality of life of older people. In such situations, it is impossible to do without consulting social workers.

The environment and place of residence (village or city) also play an important role in the attitude of pensioners.

Not so long ago, in rural areas there was a custom when relatives were kept a place in the house until the end of their days, because the common household fed more than one generation. Living with family ensured that the elderly and elderly were cared for and provided them with everything they needed to improve their quality of life.

But the situation has changed, and many children now, having started their own families, do not want to live with their parents. But for good and close relationships between relatives, a mutual desire to support and help is important.

And the most necessary factor - children. Most pensioners already have grown-up descendants. Family ties are maintained, as a rule, first in a straight line, and only then, if there are no children, then with other relatives. Living together or separately, but subject to constant contact with loved ones, plays a very important role in the lives of older people and determines how their relationships will develop. Moreover, in addition to material assistance, old people want and need moral support and close emotional contact with children. After all, it is important for them to know that the connection with the child is not lost, and there is still love and mutual understanding between them. Assistance and support from children is an integral proof for them that their loved ones still need them. Good living conditions for older people consist of warm relationships between relatives, moral satisfaction and a healthy mental state of all family members.

Financial assistance is the most common from children. Parents also try not to remain in debt and run the household or look after their grandchildren, thereby helping the family. Some people choose to spend their pension on general needs, thereby supporting their loved ones.

If you look at the numbers, then, as a rule, people aged 65-69 help their children more than they receive support from them. But time passes, and from the age of 75 the situation may be reversed, because health is no longer the same, and the elderly so need to rely on loved ones. If we compare families who live with their parents or not far from them with those who live at a distance from their elders, then the difference in mutual support for the latter is several times smaller. According to statistics, 65% of older people who have a separate apartment believe that they receive no help from their children at all. However, among those who live with their descendants, only 10% of the rural population and 20% of the urban population express the same opinion.

If you look at the participation in the fate of the elderly on the part of medical workers and other healthcare workers, then it is several times less than what children take from their parents. If we look at the country, then only 1% of such people in Russia require home care from health care workers, while in Denmark, for example, 3% of men and 12% of women, and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, respectively, 4% and 5%.

These data show that in the world, custody of parents was relevant both before and now.

If we consider leisure time, then, perhaps, there is nothing more pleasant than spending time with your beloved grandchildren. They do not let their grandparents get bored and force them to do more work around the house, thereby wasting their time on pleasant pleasures. However, grandchildren do not always provide the opportunity to do something else useful. Thus, among middle-aged working men who live only with their wives, the number involved in public affairs is four times greater than those who also live with their grandchildren. Thus, those unburdened with descendants spend their leisure time doing physical exercise, sports, or walking in the fresh air. But, of course, children need contact with older people, because their relationships develop completely differently than with their parents. Grandparents look at life differently, and therefore the upbringing of young people takes place through the prism of experience and wisdom.

Spending time with younger family members and caring for them makes older people understand and realize that they are still useful and needed in this world. It’s not for nothing that many old people say that their grandchildren give them a second wind, a new purpose in life, a different meaning and interest.

Elderly people and their lifestyle

The aging of the body tells us that a person is phylogenetically constantly in motion, and not at rest. This happened naturally when people had to work or lead a physically active lifestyle to survive. After all, it depended on how fast and hardy a particular individual turned out to be, whether he would be well-fed, whether he would catch prey, whether he would be able to protect himself from an enemy or a wild animal, etc. And according to natural selection, the strongest survived, and the weaker died from starvation or themselves became prey to predators.

If you look at old people, then, as a rule, they can be divided into two main groups - those who are active, cheerful, optimistic and relatively young in appearance until old age, and those who, with age, become increasingly older externally and internally, all the time dissatisfied, gloomy and inactive. But scientists have come to the conclusion that every person had all these signs before, but as they get older they become more pronounced, which is why the lives of older people are so different.

Of course, as a person ages, he loses activity and develops a tendency toward passive behavior, as well as psychogenic stress. Of course, everything depends on the personal character and temperament of each person. Someone finds strength in themselves and overcomes these ailments, seeks new values ​​in life, sets new goals, and strives to implement plans. Others, on the contrary, withdraw into themselves; all these features of old age only put pressure on them. As a result, people become passive and indifferent to many things, refuse to use their strength to the fullest and acquire senile tendencies already in advance. This leads to the fact that the body simply gets used to living like this and gradually reduces its reserves and abilities. People begin to walk in a vicious circle when restrictions in physical activity first lead to mental passivity, which in turn interferes with the use of the body's adaptive capabilities. After this, the question arises: is this behavior a consequence of old age or is it still due to the lifestyle of older people?

No matter how paradoxical it may be, activity has practically no effect on the rate of aging, but the physical condition and capabilities of those who lead a sedentary lifestyle are several times less compared to those who are energetic and move a lot. This is due to the fact that active people begin to age at the age of 25-30, so in terms of endurance, for example, at 60 years old, they are in better physical shape than those who are passive, and, accordingly, look 10-20 years younger .

If we consider the mechanism of the effect of muscle activity on the human body, it is quite complex. With intense movement, a person’s physical capabilities are maximized, which subsequently reduces the load on various systems when working within acceptable levels. Therefore, we can say that activity contributes to the appearance of changes in the body that are opposite to those that occur during the aging process.

Thanks to movement, maximum ventilation of the lungs increases, breathing improves and becomes more correct, shortness of breath disappears and blood volume increases, which leads to improved cardiac activity. The heart muscle no longer requires a lot of oxygen, and the increase in blood pressure is insignificant after minor physical exertion. The functions of the endocrine glands change, the body's endurance increases, muscles grow, which are able to more efficiently use oxygen during metabolism.

Therefore, we can conclude that improving the quality of life of older people directly depends on physical activity, because it is the most effective method in the fight against old age. Movement at an advanced age will delay the decline in working capacity, and will also prolong the capabilities of a person as a whole.

After all, in fact, old age approaches us in two ways - weakening the body and exhausting our psyche, reducing interest in life, etc.

In addition, scientists have discovered a psychophysical connection, proving that both of these factors are interconnected. Many gerontopsychologists believe that such passivity entails physical inertia, and, conversely, an emotionally stable state and good spirits support and prolong happy years, pushing back the autumn of life. We can say that each person chooses and develops his own way of aging. But for some it can be cheerful and prosperous, while for others it can be gloomy and pessimistic.

One of the main tasks of medical staff is not only the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also improving the quality of life of older people and providing support for psychological disorders. It is important to explain how to avoid helplessness, take care of your shape, and improve or reconsider family relationships. This is an increase in the quality of life of older people, when the combination of all factors plays a major role in their well-being.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle for older people

While we are young, our health is also relatively good. However, as you age, your physical condition and well-being will not always be ideal. Various ailments become commonplace. How can older people stay alert without overdoing it?

Disease prevention is one of the main directions in modern medicine. It is based on a healthy lifestyle. First of all, it means giving up bad habits, a daily routine with the necessary rest, proper food, exercise and a positive mood.

If we consider nutrition, then it is necessary to follow some rules. You need to eat small portions three to five times a day. After all, if you want to live a long life, you should make sure that you are not overweight. You need to perfectly balance your diet so as not to overload your body and at the same time fully provide it with useful substances. It is also advisable to select the diet and menu according to the age and characteristics of the person. After 40 years, the consumption of beta-carotene is extremely necessary. It is found in full in fresh orange fruits and vegetables, as well as parsley. After 50 years, the skeletal system becomes fragile, which is why it is important to eat enough calcium. Products rich in this element include dairy products, especially cottage cheese and cheese, fish, and sesame seeds. Seafood helps prevent atherosclerosis and strengthens our heart. Foods containing selenium improve mood and help cope with stress. In general, to improve the standard of living of older people, a balanced diet consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and herbs is essential. The use of additional vitamin preparations will also be a good addition to the diet.

Why is movement so important, especially in old age? In fact, it not only improves the physical condition of the body, but also stimulates the release of necessary hormones that are lacking in an elderly person. Physical activity helps improve blood circulation, restore skeletal mass, preventing its loss and sometimes ensure its growth. Walking, for example, is an excellent prevention of posture-related diseases, and it also increases bone density in the spine and hips. It has been scientifically proven that proper physical activity, daily health exercises (at least half an hour a day), including breathing exercises, walking, water procedures and a positive attitude prolong life, improving health and preventing premature aging.

With age, the need for good sleep increases, and in a cool room. A night's rest in a room at 17-18 degrees will prolong life and make you look fresher and younger, because age-related changes and metabolism also depend on the ambient temperature.

Of course, the standard of living of older people is influenced by both intellectual and creative activity. Constant thought processes prevent mental abilities from degrading, and also stimulate blood circulation and metabolism. If a person is a creative person, then life will be filled with pleasant moments. That’s why it’s so important to find something you love to do every day. This could be a hobby or just an interesting activity. To improve the standard of living of older people, it is also necessary to choose a job they like, because this will have a positive effect on their emotions and mental state in general. The main thing is not to sit still, but to move and develop further, because new information and hobbies will not only be interesting, but also useful for the functioning of the brain.

What is the active life of older people?

Most people associate the end of their working life with helplessness, illness, and a boring and monotonous life. It is not easy for an elderly person to come to terms with the fact that he will have to sit at home and his active work and social status will change to retirement. As a rule, the majority, if not experiencing depression, then at least feel changes and begin to worry about it. Nervousness in this situation will not lead to anything good, because it is the basis and root cause of all diseases. The life of older people begins to go in a vicious circle, when they do not want to accept a new form of existence, they are nervous because of this, thereby exacerbating their ill health and depressed psychological state, pushing old age. This may seem sad. But you don’t have to sit idly by, you need to start moving and developing further.

So, let's look at what activities any elderly person can do to entertain themselves.


This can be either walks with grandchildren or a spouse, or trips that are not stressful or tiring, for example, out of town or to the park. After all, it’s finally time to take a break from work, the endless bustle and worries and enjoy your well-deserved vacation. Like that old joke when a person is tired of serving and dreams of retiring, doing nothing, sitting in a rocking chair and enjoying himself. "And then what?" - they ask him. “And then I’ll start swinging!” he replies. The main thing in this matter is not to delay the second phase, but to rest a little and continue to live to the fullest.


If they wish, older people can continue to work when it makes them happy. Especially if a person is one of those who are used to being in the center of the team all the time or simply working tirelessly. You shouldn’t suddenly quit your business if you can’t imagine life without daily worries of this kind. You can stay at your current job or choose a slightly different one, a little calmer, which will not be a burden and at the same time will be convenient and enjoyable. Someone will probably want to do something more active. Why not? After all, retirement will provide a chance to think about what you like and what you want to do. You don’t need to assume that you won’t fit into a new team or won’t be able to find another occupation because of your age. Your professional experience will do everything on its own, because you have spent so many years doing what you love, gaining new knowledge year after year. Believe me, another employer will definitely appreciate it. Don't look for a place for retirees, choose what you like, and everything will work out for you.

Make your dream come true

The life of older people may not be so boring, because now is the time to do what you love! Another interesting and important point about retirement is that many people often dream about something, but as always, there is not enough time and energy to realize these desires. Therefore, another way to dispel bad thoughts and enjoy life in retirement is to realize your ideas, be it gardening, knitting or renovating your apartment. The main thing is that it is a joy, and you will feel that life is getting better. Retirees need to look at themselves differently, find new friends, remember their passions, realize their dreams, and their days will be filled with light and meaning. A hobby or your favorite pastime can also become a source of income. You just need to think through everything and approach this matter with enthusiasm. Proper organization of leisure time will also improve the living conditions of older people, diversifying them and adding positive emotions.

Engage in your development

When we talk about development, we mean not only the needs of the body, but also the spiritual. Self-care - mental and physical - will help raise the standard of living of older people. You need to try to make new friends or establish closer connections with existing ones. In addition to getting outside, add something else to your life. Abroad, yoga, dancing or sports are very popular among retirees. This has finally come to Russia, and now it is not considered shameful for the middle-aged generation to diversify their lives and combine business with pleasure. After all, by visiting such places, older people not only benefit physically, but also emotionally.

Sometimes pensioners start earning extra money by tutoring teenagers. Thus, by communicating with young people, they gain positivity and at the same time spend their leisure time. The job can be different - from a coach of a football or basketball team to a craftswoman in clubs for schoolchildren.

Take care of your health

Of course, all of the above points should not in any way be detrimental to your health, because the life of older people should, first of all, be rational and balanced. But try not to jump above yourself and not to overdo it. You also need to monitor your ailments. As a rule, pensioners are suddenly bombarded with a number of illnesses, and often they do not want to deal with them. After all, just recently they were healthy, and now they don’t want to realize that various ailments have come flooding back. All this can happen due to the fact that you stopped keeping a strict schedule, started sleeping until lunch, eating as much as you want without a routine, and especially at night. The body suddenly begins to work differently, and as a result, various diseases appear that are easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, it is so important for older people to monitor their diet and ensure that their lives are balanced and full of quality time, and try to maintain some kind of order and lead an active lifestyle. You shouldn't sit in front of the TV all day or lie on the couch reading the newspaper. This, of course, can be part of your regime, but only a small one, and the rest of the time, do something useful. Vary your schedule with running, exercise, yoga or perhaps a swim in the pool, and you will see how good health and a cheerful mood will be the reward for all your efforts.

Be part of the whole

Well, one of the important criteria for the quality of life of older people is still good relationships with loved ones. After all, mutual assistance and goodwill among relatives are the basis of a healthy family. Believe me, when you retire, your children and grandchildren still need your support. You need to remember that you as a person have not gone anywhere, you have not become different, you just now have a lot of time to realize your plans and spend it on family and friends.

6 examples of how an active life for older people makes them happy

Unfortunately, many people think that retirement is the last stage of our existence, happy days are behind us, and only old age lies ahead. But look at it differently, because the life of older people can be varied and interesting, everything is in your hands! An elderly person is also capable of becoming prosperous, cheerful and bright, as a whole project proves to us, called “The Age of Happiness” by the famous photographer Vladimir Yakovlev. A series of images demonstrates how you can diversify the lives of older people. The heroes in the photographs have long been over 70, and some over 90 years old, but they all breathe energy and show us that we need to strive for the best, realizing our ideas and dreams.

Let's take a look at some striking pictures.

Robert Marchand- a cyclist full of energy and desire to win, who is already 102 years old. Does not look like it? But it is so!

Ruth Flowers- one of the oldest DJs, perhaps. But how does she do it! Taking up the hobby at age 68, the 72-year-old woman still enjoys her hobby.

Lloyd Kahn realized that his life should be connected with skateboarding when he was 65 years old. He has not given up his favorite hobby for 13 years!

Annette Larkins- vegetarian and raw foodist. Perhaps someone will say that she should not be in the photographs among these elderly people, because she looks no more than 40 years old. But no, she’s already 70!

A Yvonne Dowlen has a great time on the ice, having mastered figure skating. She is no less than 80 years old!

Paul Fegen- a multimillionaire in the past and a card magician in the present. 78 years old - it's time to do something interesting!

What is the program to improve the quality of life of older people in Russia?

Recently, our government developed a plan to improve the quality of life of older people. It was carried out from 2011 to 2013 and is currently ongoing.

Maintaining activity and health affects the improvement of the lives of older people, which leads to meeting the needs of each person, as well as strengthening the country's potential and the full development of generations.

These arguments and reflections became the basis for the development of a program to improve the situation of pensioners in the regions. A number of measures have been proposed that implement the goals and objectives of improving the quality of life of older people.

The main aspects to improve the condition of the elderly population in the country include:

    Providing social services throughout all regions for elderly people in need. The program must cover at least 90% of retirees who require such services.

    Creating the necessary conditions to improve the quality and life expectancy of older people, especially those living in boarding houses for the elderly.

    An increase of 1.5-3 times in the number of representatives of the older generation in need of services from social services under the “Adoptive Family”, “Patronage Service” and others schemes. This will lead to a reduction in queues at inpatient facilities.

    Increase to 35-50% of pensioners who require technical means for rehabilitation and care (from the total percentage of people of the corresponding age who need these devices).

    Removal and disposal of old equipment and buildings in stationary institutions up to 20% per year.

    Creation across the country (per region) of three to five points of rental or sale of care products for the elderly and increasing the level of satisfaction of older citizens with them.

    As well as other aspects of the socialization of the older generation.

All these points must be carried out strictly under the control of this program and lead to an improvement in the quality of life of older people. As the analysis showed, improving the situation of pensioners cannot be achieved only through the provision of additional payments, benefits and subsidies. In addition, it is necessary to diversify their social activities. These aspects include maintaining and improving health, social leisure, participation in community service, taking care of intellectual abilities and other aspects that are so necessary to maintain and improve the quality of life of older people.